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Continuous and smooth envelopes of topological algebras. Part 2

2017, Journal of Mathematical Sciences

Since the first optical instruments were invented, the idea that the visible image of an object under observation depends on tools of observation became commonly assumed in physics. A way of formalizing this idea in mathematics is the construction that assigns to an arbitrary object A in a category K its envelope Env Ω Φ A in a given class of morphisms (a class of representations) Ω with respect to a given class of morphisms (a class of observation tools) Φ. It turns out that if we take a sufficiently wide category of topological algebras as K, then each choice of the classes Ω and Φ defines a "projection of functional analysis into geometry," and the standard "geometric disciplines," like complex geometry, differential geometry, and topology, become special cases of this construction. This gives a formal scheme of "categorical construction of geometries" with many interesting applications, in particular, "geometric generalizations of the Pontryagin duality" (to the classes of noncommutative groups). In this paper we describe this scheme in topology and in differential geometry.

arXiv:1303.2424v11 [math.FA] 28 Feb 2017 CONTINUOUS AND SMOOTH ENVELOPES OF TOPOLOGICAL ALGEBRAS S.S.Akbarov February 26, 2019 2 §0 Geometries as categorical constructions Observation tools and visible image. The part of mathematics that studies the constructions on the objects called manifolds (or varieties) can be divided into four domains: – algebraic geometry (which can be perceived as a science studying the structure generated on algebraic varieties M by the algebra P(M ) of polynomials), – complex geometry (where the algebras O(M ) of holomorphic functions on complex manifolds M play the same role), – differential geometry (with the algebras E(M ) of smooth functions on smooth manifolds M ), – topology (where the algebras C(M ) of continuous functions on topological spaces M can be considered as structure algebras). The obvious parallels between these disciplines inspire an idea that there must exist a universal scheme inside mathematics that explains these similarities and allows to discuss the differences in formal terms. Such a scheme indeed exists, and the idea leading to it is borrowed from physics and can be expressed in the formula: the visible picture depends on the observation tools. As an example, in astronomy the visible image of an object under study that appears in the observer’s mind when he uses optical telescope differs from what he sees with his own eyes, or when he uses radio telescope, or X-ray telescope, etc. It turns out that with certain understanding of the terms “observation tools” and “visible image” in mathematics one can form a general view at least on the last three disciplines in this list, – complex geometry, differential geometry and topology, – and they will be reflections of one common reality, the pictures that appear as results of the choice of a concrete set of tools. This leads to an intriguing picture, where it becomes possible to compare these “geometries as disciplines”, to find common features, differences, generalizations, new examples, and so on. It is convenient to assume that the common reality which these geometries reflect is some, enough wide, category of topological associative algebras, for instance, the category SteAlg of stereotype algebras1 (possibly, with some supplementary structures, like involution). Then for the formalization of the scheme of observation, which we discuss here, the following two agreement are sufficient: 1) by the observation tools one means morphisms of a given class Φ in this category, 2) the object in study (an algebra) A and its visible image (another algebra) E are connected through a natural morphism A → E (like an original and a photo), and the class Ω of such morphisms, called “class of representations” is given from the very beginning. Under these assumptions the “visible image” E of an object A can be interpreted as its envelope2 EnvΩ Φ A, generated by the class of tools (morphisms) Φ in the given class of representations (morphisms) Ω. Every concrete choice of classes Φ and Ω give birth some “projection” of functional analysis (which is understood here as a theory of topological algebras) into geometry (understood as a theory of functional algebras in “generalized sense”). Historically one of the first examples of an envelope of a topological algebra was the Arens-Michael envelope, introduced by J. L. Taylor in [63]. This construction was studied in detail by A. Yu. Pirkovaskii in his researches on “noncommutative complex geometry” [52]. In the work [3] it was applied by the author to a generalization of Pontryagin duality to a class of (not necessarily commutative) complex Lie groups. Up to the further terminological corrections (see [4]), these investigations can be considered as an application of this scheme of observation with a result as a categorical construction of complex geometry. Later Yu. N. Kuznetsova obtained analogous results in [41], where she constructed a variant of duality theory in topology with homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras as observation tools. Again, up to later correction in [4] and in this paper, the results of [41] can be interpreted as a way for categorical construction of topology. In the present paper we suggest an analogous way for categorical construction of differential geometry. We describe here a construction of smooth envelope of stereotype algebra, we study its properties and build a generalization of Pontryagin duality for some class of real Lie groups. Pictorially the results of this paper and the papers we mentioned here can be presented in the following table: 1 See 2 See definition of stereotype algebra below on page 52. definition of envelope on page 15. § 0. GEOMETRIES AS CATEGORICAL CONSTRUCTIONS 3 Discipline Complex geometry Differential geometry Topology Key example of visible image Algebra O(M ) of holomorphic functions on a complex manifold M Algebra E (M ) of smooth functions on a smooth manifold M Algebra C(M ) of continuous functions on a topological space M Observation tools Φ Homomorphisms into Banach algebras Differential involutive homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras with joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements Involutive homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras Class of representations Ω Dense epimorphisms Dense epimorphisms Dense epimorphisms Visible image of an object A Holomorphic envelope EnvO A Smooth envelope EnvE A Continuous envelope EnvC A Key representation EnvO A = O(M ) for a subalgebra A ⊆ O(M ) EnvE A = E (M ) for a subalgebra A ⊆ E (M ) EnvC A = C(M ) for a subalgebra A ⊆ C(M ) O⋆ (G) Reflexivity diagram ⋆ diagram for commutative groups ✤ ⋆ Oexp (G) / ❴ ⋆  O ❴ O(G) Reflexivity Env O ✤ o ✤ O⋆ (G) ⋆ Oexp (G) Env O F / ❴ ⋆  O ❴ O(G) b O(G) o ✤ F b O⋆ (G) E ⋆ (G) ⋆ EnvE ✤ EnvE E ⋆ (G) / ❴ ⋆  O ❴ E (G) E ⋆ (G) ⋆ ✤ o K∞ (G) EnvE ✤ F b E (G) / ❴ ⋆  O ❴ E (G) o ✤ F b E ⋆ (G) C ⋆ (G) ⋆ EnvC ✤ EnvC C ⋆ (G) / ❴ ⋆  O ❴ C(G) ✤ o ✤ C ⋆ (G) ⋆ K(G) EnvC F / ❴ ⋆  O ❴ C(G) b C(G) o ✤ F b C ⋆ (G) Complex geometry. The second column in this table was chronologically first, so it is logical to start the explanation with it. Complex geometry studies complex manifolds with supplementary structures like Hermitian metrics, or connextions, or curvature, etc. [28]. Usually a complex manifold is defined by its sheaf of holomorphic functions, and for a mathematician with functional-analytic mentality this construction poses a psychological problem. However among complex manifolds there is a subclass, which does not require the notion of sheaf for its description, its objects are called Stein manifold [27],[62]. For our purposes they are good, since, first, they visually illustrate our idea, and, second, the passage from them to the general case (of a manifold defined by sheaf) in the category theory seems to be easy, since a sheaf itself is a simple categorical construction (however, the formal generalization was not constructed yet). A Stein manifold M is defined by its algebra O(M ) of holomorphic functions (and respectively, all the supplementary structures, like metrics on M , also can be defined as constructions on O(M )). As a corollary, it 4 is logical to consider the algebra O(M ) as a key example of visible image in complex geometry. In this science it has been noticed long ago (see [52], [3], [4]) that O(M ) can be restored from a (sufficiently wide) subalgebra A ⊆ O(M ) with the help of the system of Banach quotient algebras A/p for various continuous submultiplicative seminorms p on A – then O(M ) is just a projective limit of A/p: O(M ) = lim A/p. ← − p (0.1) Of course, this holds not for any A ⊆ O(M ): if we want (0.1) to be true, A must be sufficiently close to O(M ). An important example was found by A. Yu. Pirkovskii [52]: if M is an affine algebraic manifold, then O(M ) can be restored in this way by the subalgebra A = P(M ) of polynomials on M . Up to the details insufficient in the first approximation, the equality (0.1) can be understood as the proposition that O(M ) is an envelope of A in the class Ω = DEpi of dense epimorphisms3 of the category SteAlg of stereotpye algebras with respect to the clas Φ = Mor(SteAlg, BanAlg) of homomorphisms into Banach algebras: O(M ) = EnvDEpi Mor(SteAlg,BanAlg) A. (0.2) The projective limit on the right side of (0.1) is called the Arens-Michael envelope, and for the arbitrary stereotype algebras A it doesn’t coincide with the obect on the right side of (0.2), that is why in [4] the author introduced a new term for EnvDEpi Mor(SteAlg,BanAlg) A, the holomorphic envelope. In the table at the page 3 this envelope is denoted by EnvO A. Up to this notation, the equality (0.2) is the proposition in the sixth cell of the second column of the table. We call it key representation having in mind that it describes the mechanism of discerning objects as a key example in this science, the algebra O(M ). The main result in [3] is the diagram in the next to last cell of the column: EnvO ✤ O⋆ (G) ⋆ Oexp (G) / O ❴ ❴  ⋆ O(G) ✤ o (0.3) ⋆ Oexp (G) EnvO Here O(G) is the algebra of holomorphic functions on a complex Lie group G, Oexp (G) the algebra of holomorphic ⋆ functions of exponential type on G, O⋆ (G) and Oexp (G) the dual convolution algebras of analytic functionals, and ⋆ the operation of passing to the dual stereotype space4 . Diagram (0.3) shows that the objects in its corners satisfy some reflexivity conditions. For example, if we denote the composition ⋆ ◦ EnvO by b then O⋆ (G) and Oexp (G) become reflexive with respect to b: bb ∼ A = A. That is why (0.3) is called reflexivity diagram. The stated proposition (that on the fourth step the chain leads to the initial object) is proved so far only for complex Lie groups G with algebraic component of identity, but, obviously, it must be true for wider class of groups (which namely is a subject of further investigations). In the special case when G is commutative the reflexivity diagram has the form F O b O(G) ❴  O⋆ (G) ✤ / ❴ ⋆ O(G) o F ✤ (0.4) ⋆ b O⋆ (G) b is the group of complex characters, i.e. homomorphisms χ : G → C× into the multiplicative group and here G C× of non-zero complex numbers, and F is the Fourier transform. That is the statement of the last cell of the column. Diagrams (0.3) and (0.4) together define a generalization of Pontryagin duality from commutative complex Lie groups to (non necessarily commutative) Lie groups with algebraic component of identity, and the author sees here a justification of the theory built in [3]. 3 Dense 4 See epimorphisms are defined below on page 56. definition at p.??. § 0. GEOMETRIES AS CATEGORICAL CONSTRUCTIONS 5 Topology. After the explanation about the second column the idea of the third and the fourth ones is more or less clear. Following chronology, we then have to explain the fourth column, which presents applications of the described above scheme to topology. The similarity with the second column is that we describe here some already published facts, namely the results of the Yu. N. Kuznetsova paper [41]. But the difference is that we retell here the material of [41] in detail, with formulations and proofs. The aim is to repair some inaccuracies and mistakes of [41]. We put this material into §3 (and partly into §1) (however, the content of §3 and §1 is not exhausted by the results of [41]). Briefly this theme can be presented as follows. The class of objects that general topology studies – topological spaces – is so wide, that for constructing geometries on them one have to pick out subclasses consisting of spaces with given properties of separability, local connectedness, local Euclidean property, etc. Like in complex geometry, the key example of visible image here is a functional algebra, in this case the algebra C(M ) of continuous functions on a topological space M . If we claim that C(M ) totally defines M , then from the very beginning we have to choose spaces M on which the functions from C(M ) separate points. As a corollary, if the scalar field is C (or R), then M must belong to a standard class satisfying the conditions of functional separability, for example the class of Tikhonov spaces. We consider a narrower class, the class of paracompact locally compact spaces, since the functional algebra C(M ) is relatively simple for them [2, 8.1] (it is clear, however, that this class can be extended in different directions). The substantial difference with the case of complex manifold is that, first, the functional algebra C(M ) has natural involution (that allows to restore M ), and, second, if we want C(M ) to be a visible image, we have to use other observation tools, in this case the involutive homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras. We denote the corresponding envelope by EnvC and call it continuous. The key representation is described by Theorem 5.23 below: EnvC A = C(M ) for each unital involutive subalgebra A in C(M ) such that the dual map of spectra Spec(A) ← M is a covering (see definition at p.131). The reflexivity diagram is presented below with the label (5.100), and its commutative analog with the label (5.101). Curiously, so far these diagrams are proved only for a quite narrow class of Moore groups. Differential geometry. This science studies smooth manifolds with supplementary structures like those mentioned in the case of complex manifolds: Riemennian metrics, connectedness, curvature [5]. They all can be understood as constructions on the algebra E(M ) of smooth functions on a manifold M , so the key example of visible image here must be, of course, E(M ). Up to the last time it was unclear, what are the observation tools in this science. It is clear, for example, that these can’t be arbitrary involutive homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras (like in topology), since this assumption immediately leads to the continuous envelope EnvC , which turns E(M ) into C(M ): EnvC E(M ) = C(M ) (this is not good, since the observation tools must not distort the key example of visible image). The contribution of this paper is that we suggest here the observation tools that allow to recognize the algebras of smooth functions E(M ), and thus suitable for differential geometry. As this is declared in the table at p.3, these instruments are involutive differential homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras with joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements (see definitions of §4). We denote the corresponding envelope by EnvE and call it smooth (definition at p.169). The key representation is described in Theorem 6.27: EnvE A = E(M ) for each involutive unital subalgebra A ⊆ E(M ) such that the dual map of spectra Spec(A) ← M is a covering, and in each point t ∈ M the map of tangent spaces Ts [A] ← Ts (M ) is an isomorphism. The reflexivity diagrams for the general case and for the case of commutative group have labels (6.134) and (6.135). The first one is proved only for the class of the groups C × K, where C is an Abelian compactly generated Lie group, and K a compact Lie group. What is “geometry as a discipline”? The famous F. Klein Erlangen program, the B. Riemann field approach, the E. Cartan construction (see [5], [60]), define the term geometry in mathematics as a theory obtained by some given schemes inside each of those four disciplines that we mentioned at the beginning. They don’t explain the meaning of this word in the very names of those big disciplies – “complex geometry”, “differential geometry”... This paper together with the earlier mentioned papers [3], [41], [4], suggests a way to explain this. As we told before, the scheme we describe gives a purely categorical way to construct “geometry as a discipline”: each 6 choice of the class of observation tools Φ and the class of representations Ω in the category of algebras5 generates a category of algebras, which can be naturally interpreted as a geometric discipline, defined by the classes Φ and Ω. This must be interesting as an attempt to look at mathematics “from above”, but this view promises also a practical use. Here are the justifying reasons: 1) As we see in the table at p.3, each geometry has its own duality theory that generalizes the Pontryagin duality for Abelian groups. The classes of groups covered by these new duality theories are not yet exhaustively described, and moreover in the last two examples – in differential geometry and in topology – it is already clear that in this choice of observation tools these classes can’t be that wide as we would like them to be (see discussion at p.161 and p.202). Nevertheless, there are some reasons to think that in comparison with the existing general theories these “geometric duality theories”, though the loss in generality, win in utility, since they describe properties of objects inside these geometric disciplines, without the necessity to go out of their limits. As a comparison we can mention the duality theory constructed by L. I. Vainerman, G. I. Kac, M. Enock and J.-M. Schwartz (see [23]). In this theory the algebras representing a group G are the algebra L∞ (G) of sufficiently bounded functions on G, or the von Neumann algebra L(G) generated by the left regular representation of G (with the supplementary structures – analogues of the comultiplication and the antipode, and also a weight). This is a general theory for all locally compact groups, but if we compare it with the duality in complex geometry presented by the reflexivity diagram (0.3) (where the class of groups is much narrower), ⋆ we can reasonably hope that the algebras used in (0.3) – O(G), O⋆ (G), Oexp (G), Oexp (G) – will be more likely ∞ relevant in complex geometry than the algebras L (G) and L(G), which need supplementary linkage to the theory. 2) Another argument is the following: the described approach binds more tightly functional analysis to algebra and geometry, since the arising objects are “much more categorical”, than the classical ones. An illustration: the group algebras O⋆ (G), E ⋆ (G), C ⋆ (G), mentioned in the next to last line of the table at p.3 are initial objects in the category of holomorphic, smooth and continuous representations of the group G (i.e. they have the properties described by diagrams of the type (3.83) below, see [2, Theorem 10.12]; actually that is why O⋆ (G), E ⋆ (G), C ⋆ (G) have a right to be called group algebras). As a comparison, the algebras L∞ (G) and L(G) have similar properties only for discrete groups G. Another illustration: O⋆ (G), E ⋆ (G), C ⋆ (G) are Hopf algebras. We wrote about this in [3]: among all the non-stereotype generalizations of Pontryagin duality only in the duality for finite groups the representing algebras are Hopf algebras, in all other theories this is not so. 3) An obvious use of this categorical view on geometry is, no more, no less, than the clarification of the subject of noncommutative geometry [17]. Since in each case the visible images are not nesessarily commutative algebras, the constructions we suggest can be considered as formal definitions of “noncommutative geometries” (noncommutative complex geometry, noncommutative differential geometry, noncommutative topology, etc. – see a little survey in A. Yu. Pirkovskii’s paper [52]). Prospects. It is evident to the author that the facts found so far in this field are just some accidentally caught pictures from a superficial layer, and they hide a deep and substantial science which deserves further investigations. As an advertisement we think it will be useful to sketch some subjects that immediately occur to mind. 1. First of all it must be clear that the classes of groups for which the described variants of duality theories are true, can be extended. For instance, it is likely that in the complex geometry the class of groups with algebraic component of identity can be extended to the class of groups with linear component. In differential geometry this class is very likely the class of Lie-Moore groups. 2. The fact that the obtained classes of groups are nevertheless quite narrow, means evidently that the observation tools found by now are too rough. There must be finer tools which allow to construct duality theory for wider classes of groups. In particular, in topology, – for the class of all locally compact groups. One of the possible ways for this is the substitution of C ∗ -algebras by von Neumann algebras. 3. Another interesting direction is the substitution of the scalar fields C and R by some other fields. One can, for example consider the field of p-adic numbers (of course the class of “visible groups” will change very much in this way). Another intriguing alternative is the residue field Z2 = Z/2Z. It can be endowed by a topology in such a way that for an arbitrary topological space M the topological separability in M becomes equivalent to the separability by continuous functions f : M → Z2 . This topology on Z2 is the topology of the connected colon, where the closed sets in Z2 = {0; 1} are exactly ∅, {0} and {0; 1} (and their complements are open sets). Certainly, the substitution of C by Z2 will dramatically change the class of topological spaces on which the geometry can be constructed, but for this one apparently have to build as a fundament a theory analogous to the stereotype one with the field Z2 . 5 We consider stereotype algebras, but nothing prevents to consider other categories of algebras. § 1. ENVELOPES AND REFINEMENTS IN CATEGORIES 7 Acknowledgements. The author thanks M. Bächtold, Y. Choi, A. I. Degtyarev, M. J. Dupré, G. Elencwajg, P. I. Katsylo, Yu. N. Kuznetsova, B. McKay, P. Michor, A. Yu. Pirkovskii, V. L. Popov, C. Remling, A. I. Shtern, E. B. Vinberg and Q. Yuan for useful advices. Terminology. Everywhere in category theory we use the terminology of textbooks [14], [64] and of handbook [8], and as a set-theoretic fundament for the notion of category we choose the Morse-Kelley theory [38]. The notations Mono(K), Epi(K), SMono(K) and SEpi(K) mean the classes of monomorphisms, epimorphisms, strong monomorphisms and strong epimorphisms (the last two are defined at p.??) respectively in the category K. We say that a category K is — injectively (projectively) complete, if each functor K : M → K from a small category M (i.e. a category where the class of morphisms is a set) has an injective (projective) limit, — complete, if it is injectively and projectively complete, — linearly complete, if any functor from a linearly ordered set to K has injective and projective limits. For any morphism ϕ : X → Y in an arbitrary category the symbols Dom ϕ and Ran ϕ mean respectively the domain and the range of ϕ, i.e. Dom ϕ = X and Ran ϕ = Y . If L and M are two classes of objects in K, then Mor(L, M) means the class of morphisms with domains in L and ranges in M: Mor(L, M) = {ϕ ∈ Mor(K) : Dom ϕ ∈ L & Ran ϕ ∈ M}. Let Φ be a class of morphisms and L a class of objects in a category K. We say that — Φ goes from L, if for any object X ∈ L there is a morphism ϕ ∈ Φ, going from X: ∀X ∈ L ∃ϕ ∈ Φ Dom ϕ = X; in the special case, if L consists of only one object X, we say that Φ goes from X, — Φ goes to L, if for any object X ∈ L there is a morphism ϕ ∈ Φ, going to X: ∀X ∈ L ∃ϕ ∈ Φ Ran ϕ = X. in the special case when L consists of only one object X, we say that Φ goes to X. If a topological space Y is imbedded into a topological space X (injectively, but not necessarily in such a way that the topology of Y is inherited from X), and A is a subset in Y , then to distinguish the closure of A Y X in Y from its closure in X, we denote the first one by A , and the second by A . In the theory of topological vector spaces we follow the textbook by H. Schaefer [59]. In particular, we assume that all locally convex spaces (LCS, shortly) are Hausdorff. By morphism of locally convex spaces (LCS) we mean an arbitrary linear continuous map ϕ : X → Y . The category of all locally convex spaces with these morphisms is denoted by LCS. We say that a subset M in a locally convex space X is total (in X), if its linear span Span M is dense in X: Span M §1 X = X. Envelopes and refinements in categories Envelopes and refinements in abstract categories were introduced by the author in [4]. We give here main definitions and formulate some facts from [4] that we will need in this text. (a) Nodal decomposition Standard classes of monomorphisms and epimorphisms. Recall that a morphism ϕ : X → Y is called — a monomorphism, if any equality ϕ ◦ α = ϕ ◦ β implies α = β; — an epimorphism, if any equality α ◦ ϕ = β ◦ ϕ implies α = β; — a bimorphism, if it is a monomorphism and an epimorphism. 8 These notions have several important variations, of which two will be useful for us. The first one of these variations is based on the notion of factorisation. • A factorisation of a morphism ϕ : X → Y is any its representation as acomposition of an epimorphism and a monomorphism, i.e. any diagram X❄ ❄❄ ❄ ε ❄ ϕ M / Y ? ⑧ ⑧⑧µ ⑧ ⑧ (1.1) where ε is an epimorphism, and µ a monomorphism. • A monomorphism µ : X → Y is said to be immediate, if in any its factorization µ = µ′ ◦ ε the epimorphism ε is automatically an isomorphism. Note that for a monomorphism µ in any its factorization µ = µ′ ◦ ε the epimorphism ε is automatically a bimorphism. As a corollary, the condition of being immediate monomorphism for µ is equivalent to the requirement that in any decomposition µ = µ′ ◦ ε, where ε is a bimorphism, and µ′ a monomorphism, the morphism ε must be an isomorphism. It is natural to call a monomorphism µ′ in the factorization µ = µ′ ◦ ε a mediator of the monomorphism µ, then the epithet “immediate” for µ will mean that there are no non-trivial mediators for µ (i.e. mediators, which are not isomorphic to µ in MonoY – see below definition (1.4), here Γ = Mono). • An epimorphism ε : X → Y is said to be immediate, if if ε is an immediate monomorphism in the dual category. In other words, in any factorization ε = µ ◦ ε′ the monomorphism µ must be automatically an isomorphism. Note that for an epimorphism ε in any its factorization ε = µ ◦ ε′ the monomorphism µ is automatically a bimorphism. As a corollary, the condition of being immediate epimorphism for ε is equivalent to the requirement that in any decomposition ε = µ ◦ ε′ , where µ is a bimorphism, and ε′ an epimorphism, the morphism µ must be an isomorphism. It is natural to call an epimorphism ε′ in the factorization ε = µ ◦ ε′ a mediator of the epimorphism ε, then the epithet “immediate” for ε will mean that there are no non-trivial mediators for ε (i.e. mediators, which are not isomorphic to ε in EpiX – see below definition (1.7), here Ω = Epi). The second variation is based on the notion of diagonalization. • A pair of morphisms (µ, ε) is said to be diagonizable [8, 64], if for all morphisms α : Dom ε → Dom µ and β : Ran ε → Ran µ such that µ ◦ α = β ◦ ε there exists a morphism δ : B → C, such that the following diagram is commutative: ε / Ran ε Dom ✤✤ ε ⑧ ✤✤ ✤✤ ⑧ ✤✤ δ ⑧ ✤ ✤✤ β α ✤ ⑧ (1.2) ✤✤ ✤✤ ⑧ ⑧ ✤ ✤  ⑧  / Ran µ Dom µ µ This is denoted as µ ↓ ε. • A monomorphism µ is called a strong monomorphism, if it is diagonalisable from the right by any epimorphism, i.e. for any epimorphism ε and for any morphisms α and β such that β ◦ ε = µ ◦ α there is a (necessarily, unique) morphism δ such that the diagram (1.2) is commutative. The class of all strong monomorphisms µ which come to (i.e. Ran µ = X) is denoted by SMonoX . • Dually, an epimorphism ε is called a strong epimorphism, if it is diagonalizable from the left by any monomorphism, i.e. for any monomorphism µ and for any morphisms α and β such that β ◦ ε = µ ◦ α, there is a (necessarily, unique) morphism δ such that the diagram (1.2) is commutative. The class of all strong epimorphisms which go from X (i.e. Dom ε = X) is denoted by SEpiX . Remark 1.1. Formally the relation µ ↓ ε does not mean automatically that µ ∈ Mono and ε ∈ Epi: in the category of vector spaces over C a pair of morphisms µ = 0 : C → 0 and ε = 0 : 0 → C is diagonalizable: 0 α ε=0 δ ⑧ ⑧ / C ⑧  ⑧  C µ=0 / 0 β § 1. ENVELOPES AND REFINEMENTS IN CATEGORIES 9 Remark 1.2. If µ ∈ Mono (or ε ∈ Epi), then δ is unique: if δ ′ is another morphism with the same property, then µ ◦ δ = β = µ ◦ δ ′ =⇒ δ = δ ′ . Besides this, the commutativity of the upper triangle in (1.2) implies the commutativity of the lower triangle, and vise versa. For example, β◦ ε =µ◦α= µ◦δ◦ ε ∋ =⇒ ∋ α = δ◦ε Epi Epi =⇒ β =µ◦δ (1.3) Obviously these classes of morphisms are connected by the following implications µ is a strong monomorphism ε is a strong epimorphism =⇒ =⇒ µ is an immediate monomorphism ε is an immediate epimorphism =⇒ =⇒ µ is a monomorphism, ε is an epimorphism. Let Γ be a class of monomorphisms in a category K, and all local identities belong to it: {1X ; X ∈ Ob(K)} ⊆ Γ ⊆ Mono(K) (the key examples are the classes Γ = Mono and Γ = SMono). For each object X in K let us denote by ΓX the class of all morphisms in Γ with X as range: ΓX = {σ ∈ Γ : Ran σ = X}. (1.4) κ It is a category, where a morphism ρ −→ σ from an object ρ ∈ ΓX into an object σ ∈ ΓX , i.e. a monomorphism ρ : A → X into a monomorphism σ : B → X, is an arbitrary morphism κ : A → B in K such that the following diagram is commutative: A ❏❏ (1.5) ❏❏ρ ❏❏ % κ X t9 t t  tttσ B κ Actually, this diagram in the initial category K can be considered as a morphism ρ −→ σ in the category ΓX . κ λ A composition of such morphisms ρ −→ σ and σ −→ τ , i.e. of diagrams B ❏❏ ❏❏σ ❏❏ % λ X t9 t t  ttt τ C A ❏❏ ❏❏ρ ❏❏ % κ X t9 t t  tttσ B λ◦κ is a morphism ρ −→ τ , i.e. a diagram A ❏❏ ❏❏ρ ❏❏ % λ◦κ 9X t t  ttttτ C One can conceive it as a result of splicing of the initial diagrams along the common edge σ, adding the arrow of composition κ ◦ λ, and then throwing away the vertex B together with all its incidental edges: A❅ ❅ κ ρ ❅ λ◦κ λ  ⑦ C ⑦ ⑦ ❅ ⑦ B ❴ ❴σ ❴/ ? X τ 10 Of course, local identities in ΓX are diagrams of the form A ❏❏ ❏❏ρ ❏❏ % 1X 9X t t  ttttρ A • A system of subobjects of the class Γ in an object X of a category K is an arbitrary skeleton S of the category ΓX , such that the morphism 1X belongs to S. In other words, a subclass S in ΓX is a system of subobjects in X, if (a) the local identity of X belongs to S: 1X ∈ S, (b) every monomorphism µ ∈ ΓX has an isomorphic monomorphism in the class S: ∀µ ∈ ΓX ∃σ ∈ S µ∼ = σ. (c) in S an isomorphism (in the sense of category ΓX ) is equivalent to the identity:   ∀σ, τ ∈ S σ∼ = τ ⇐⇒ σ = τ In the Morse-Kelley axiomatics of Set Theory such a class S always exists. When it is chosen, its elements are called subobjects of the class Γ of the object X. The class S is endowed with a structure of the full subcategory in ΓX . • We say that a category K is well-powered in the class Γ , if each object X has a system of subobjects S of the class Γ , which is a set (i.e. not a proper class). Example 1.3. The standard categories frequently used as examples, like the category of sets, groups, vector spaces, algebras (over a given field), topological spaces, topological vector spaces, topological algebras, etc., are, obviously, well-powered in the class Mono. Theorem 1.1. [4, Theorem 2.24] In the Morse-Kelley axiomatics of Set Theory if a category K is well-powered in subobjects of a class Γ , then there is a map X 7→ SX which assigns to each object X in K its system of subobjects SX of the class Γ (and SX is a set). Let Ω be a class of epimorphisms in a category K, and all local identities belong to it: {1X ; X ∈ Ob(K)} ⊆ Ω ⊆ Epi(K) (the key examples are the classes Ω = Epi and Ω = SEpi). For each object X in K we denote by Ω X the class of all morphisms in Ω with the domain X: Ω X = {σ ∈ Ω : Dom σ = X}. (1.6) κ This class forms a category where a morphism ρ −→ σ from an object ρ ∈ Ω X into an object σ ∈ Ω X , i.e. from an epimorphism ρ : X → A into an epimorphism σ : X → B, is an arbitrary morphism κ : A → B in K such that the following diagram is commutative (1.7) 9A ρ tt t t tt κ X ❏❏ ❏❏ σ ❏❏%  B κ Actually, this diagram in the initial category K can be considered as a morphism ρ −→ σ in Ω X . A composition κ λ of two such morphisms ρ −→ σ and σ −→ τ , i.e. diagrams t9 A tt t tt κ X ❏❏ ❏❏ σ ❏❏%  B ρ 9B t tt X ❏❏ λ ❏❏ τ ❏❏%  C σ ttt § 1. ENVELOPES AND REFINEMENTS IN CATEGORIES 11 λ◦κ is a morphism ρ −→ τ , i.e. a diagram t9 A tt t tt λ◦κ X ❏❏ ❏❏ ❏ τ ❏%  C ρ One can conceive it as a result of splicing of the initial diagrams along the common edge σ, adding the arrow of composition λ ◦ κ, and then throwing away the vertex B together with all its incidental edges: ρ ⑦ ⑦ X ❴ σ❴ ❴/ B ❅ 1A ⑦ ⑦κ λ◦κ ❅ τ λ ❅ ❅  -C Of course, local identities in Ω X are diagrams of the form 9A tt t t tt 1A X ❏❏ ❏❏ σ ❏❏%  A ρ It is useful to define a preorder → in Ω X : ρ → σ ⇐⇒ ∃ι ∈ Mor(K) σ = ι ◦ ρ. (1.8) The morphism ι, if it exists, is unique, and is an epimorphism (since ρ and σ are epimorphisms). As a corollary, there is an operation, which to each pair of morphisms ρ, σ ∈ Ω X with the property ρ → σ assigns the morphism ι = ισρ in (1.8): σ = ισρ ◦ ρ. (1.9) If π → ρ → σ, then the chain ισπ ◦ π = σ = ισρ ◦ ρ = ισρ ◦ ιρπ ◦ π, implies by epimorphy of π the equality ισπ = ισρ ◦ ιρπ . (1.10) • A system of quotient objects of the class Ω on an object X in a category K is an arbitrary skeleton Q of the category Ω X , such that 1X belongs to Q. In other words, a subclass Q in Ω X is called a system of quotient objects on X, if (a) the local identity of X belongs to Q: 1X ∈ Q, (b) every epimorphism ε ∈ Ω X has an isomorphic epimorphism in Q: ∀ε ∈ Ω X ∃π ∈ Q ε∼ = π, (c) in Q an isomorphism (in the sense of category Ω X ) is equivalent to the identity:   ∀π, ρ ∈ Q π∼ = ρ ⇐⇒ π = ρ In the Morse-Kelley axiomatics of Set Theory such a class Q always exists. When it is chosen, its elements are called quotient objects of the class Ω of the object X. The class Q is endowed with the structure of full subcategory in Ω X . • We say that a category K is co-well-powered in the class Ω, if each object X has a system of quotient objects Q of the class Ω, which is a set (i.e. not a proper class). 12 Example 1.4. Among the standard categories – the category of sets, groups, vector spaces, algebras over a given field, topological spaces, topological vector spaces, topological algebras – some are co-well-powered in the class Epi, but sometimes this is not easy to prove (see [1]). In contrast to this the co-well-poweredness in the class SEpi is verified much easier. Theorem 1.2. [4, Theorem 2.31] In the Morse-Kelley axiomatics of Set Theory if a category K is co-wellpowered in the class Ω, then there exists a map X 7→ QX which assigns to any object X in K a system of its quotient-objects QX of the class Ω (and QX is a set). Nodal decomposition. Suppose a morphism ϕ in a category K is decomposed into a composition ϕ = ι ◦ ρ ◦ γ, (1.11) where (i) γ is a strong epimorphism, (ii) ρ is a bimorphism, (iii) ι is a strong monomorphism. Then the triple (ι, ρ, γ) is called a nodal decomposition of the morphism ϕ. Theorem 1.3. A nodal decomposition, if it exists, is unique: if (ι, ρ, γ) and (ι′ , ρ′ , γ ′ ) are two nodal decompositions of the morphism ϕ, ϕ /Y X❅ ❅❅ ′ ⑦? O ⑦ ′ ❅❅γ ι ⑦⑦ ❅❅ ⑦ ❅ ⑦⑦ ⑦ ′ ρ / Q′ γ ι P′  P /Q ρ then there exist (necessarily, unique) isomorphisms σ : P → P ′ and τ : Q′ → Q such that the following diagram is commutative: ϕ /Y X❅ (1.12) ? O ❅❅ ′ ⑦ ⑦ ❅❅γ ι′ ⑦⑦ ❅❅ ⑦⑦ ❅ ⑦⑦ ′ ρ / Q′ γ ι P′ ❄ ⑦? ❄ ⑦ ❄ ⑦σ τ ❄  ⑦ /Q P ρ • From the uniqueness (up to isomorphism) of the nodal decomposition ϕ = ι′ ◦ ρ′ ◦ γ ′ it follows that one can assign notations to its components. We will further depict a nodal decomposition of a morphism ϕ : X → Y as a diagram ϕ / Y X O coim∞ ϕ  Coim∞ ϕ im∞ ϕ red∞ ϕ (1.13) / Im∞ ϕ (where elements are defined up to isomorphisms). The proof of Theorem 1.4 below and Remark ?? justify these notations, since they show that coim∞ , red∞ and im∞ can be conceived as a sort of “transfinite induction” of the usual operation coim, red and im in preabelian categories: coim∞ = lim |coim ◦ coim {z◦... ◦ coim} n→∞ n multipliers red∞ = lim |red ◦ red{z◦... ◦ red} n→∞ n multipliers § 1. ENVELOPES AND REFINEMENTS IN CATEGORIES 13 im∞ = lim |im ◦ im{z ◦... ◦ im} n→∞ n multipliers We will call — im∞ ϕ a nodal image, — red∞ ϕ a nodal reduced part, — coim∞ ϕ a nodal coimage of the morphism ϕ. • Let us say that in a category K — strong epimorphisms discern monomorphisms, if the reverse is true: from the fact that a morphism µ is not a monomorphism it follows that µ can be represented as a composition µ = µ′ ◦ ε, where ε is a strong epimorphism, which is not an isomorphism, — strong monomorphisms discern epimorphisms, if the reverse is true: from the fact that a morphism ε is not an epimorphism it follows that ε can be represented as a composition ε = µ ◦ ε′ , where µ is a strong monomorphism, which is not an isomorphism. • We say also that K is a category with a nodal decomposition, if every morphism ϕ in K has a nodal decomposition. Theorem 1.4. [4, Theorem 2.36] Let K ba a linearly complete, well-powered in strong monomorphisms and co-well-powered in strong epimorphisms category, where strong epimorphisms discern monomorphisms, and, dually, strong monomorphisms discern epimorphisms. Then K is a category with nodal decomposition. Connection with the base decomposition in pre-Abelian categories. Recall that in pre-Abelian category [14, 8] each morphism ϕ : X → Y has a kernel and a cokernel. This implies that for each ϕ there exists a unique morphism red ϕ such that the following diagram is commutative: ϕ / Y X✤ O✤✤ ✤✤ ✤✤ ✤✤ ✤✤ im ϕ coim ϕ ✤ ✤✤ ✤✤ ✤ ✤  red ϕ Coim ϕ ❴ ❴ ❴/ Im ϕ (1.14) where the morphism coim ϕ = coker(ker ϕ) is called a coimage of ϕ, the morphism im ϕ = ker(coker ϕ) an image of ϕ. The morphism red ϕ is called the reduced part of ϕ. • The decomposition (1.14) will be called the basic decomposition of the morphism ϕ. If a category K is Abelian, then each basic decomposition in it is nodal. But if K is not Abelian, then these composition do not necessarily coincide [4, Example 4.98]. Theorem 1.5. [4, Theorem 2.42]6 If a category K is pre-Abelian, linearly complete, well-powered in the class SMono and co-well-powered in the class SEpi, then K is a category with nodal decomposition. Theorem 1.6. [4, Remark 2.44] In a pre-Abelian category if a morphism ϕ has a nodal decomposition ϕ = im∞ ϕ ◦ red∞ ϕ ◦ coim∞ ϕ, then there exist unique morphisms σ and τ such that the following diagram is commutative: ϕ / (1.15) X ❖❖ q8 YO ❖❖❖ q q q ❖❖❖coim∞ ϕ q im∞ ϕqq ❖❖❖ q ❖❖❖ qqq ❖' qqq / Im∞ ϕ coim ϕ im ϕ Coim ∞ϕ 7 ▲▲ red∞ ϕ ♦ ♦ ▲▲ ♦σ ♦ ♦ τ ▲ ▲ ▲&  ♦ ♦ / Im ϕ Coim ϕ red ϕ where ϕ = im ϕ ◦ red ϕ ◦ coim ϕ is a basic decomposition of ϕ. Remark 1.5. If K is not Abelian, then σ and τ are not necessarily isomorphisms [4, Example 4.98]. 6 In the English text of the paper [4] this theorem has a misprint: the condition of linear completeness is omited there. 14 Recall that the notion of diagonalizability was defined on page 8. Factorization of a category. • For each class of morphisms Λ in K — its epimorphic conjugate class is the class Λ↓ = {ε ∈ Epi(K) : ∀λ ∈ Λ λ ↓ ε}. — its monomorphic conjugate class is the class ↓ Λ = {µ ∈ Mono(K) : ∀λ ∈ Λ µ ↓ λ}. Clearly, for each class of morphisms Λ Iso ⊆ Λ↓ ⊆ Epi, Iso ◦ Λ↓ ⊆ Λ↓ ↓ ↓ Iso ⊆ Λ ⊆ Mono, ↓ Λ ◦ Iso ⊆ Λ (1.16) (1.17) • Let us say that classes of morphisms Γ and Ω define a factorization of the category7 K, if F.1 Ω is the epimorphic conjugate class for Γ : Γ↓ = Ω F.2 Γ is the monomorphic conjugate class for Ω: Γ = ↓ Ω, F.3 the composition of the class Γ and Ω covers the class of all morphisms: Γ ◦ Ω = Mor(K) (this means that each morphism ϕ ∈ Mor(K) can be represented as a composition µ ◦ ε, where µ ∈ Γ , ε ∈ Ω). If these conditions are fulfilled, we write K = Γ ⊚ Ω. (1.18) Example 1.6. In a category K with the nodal decomposition the following classes of morphisms define factorizations: K = Mono ⊚ SEpi = SMono ⊚ Epi . Theorem 1.7. [64, Theorem 8.2] Classes Γ and Ω define a factorization of K K=Γ ⊚Ω if and only if the following conditions hold: (i) Γ ⊆ Mono(K) and Ω ⊆ Epi(K), (ii) Iso(K) ⊆ Ω ∩ Γ , (iii) for each morphism ϕ ∈ Mor(K) there is a decomposition ϕ = µϕ ◦ ε ϕ , µϕ ∈ Γ, εϕ ∈ Ω (iv) for any other decomposition with the same properties ϕ = µ′ ◦ ε ′ , µ′ ∈ Γ, ε′ ∈ Ω there is a morphism θ ∈ Iso(K) such that 7 This µ′ = µϕ ◦ θ, construction is also called a bicategory [8, 64]. ε′ = θ−1 ◦ εϕ . (1.19) § 1. ENVELOPES AND REFINEMENTS IN CATEGORIES 15 • Let us say that a class of morphisms Ω in K is monomorphically complementable, if K = ↓ Ω ⊚ Ω. (1.20) In other words, Ω must be epimorphic conjugate to its monomorphic conjugate class Ω = (↓ Ω)↓ , and the composition of ↓ Ω and Ω must cover the class of all morphisms: ↓ Ω ◦ Ω = Mor(K). In this case the class ↓ Ω will be called the monomorphuc complement to Ω. Remark 1.7. From (1.16) it follows that if a class of morphisms Ω is monomorphically complementable, then Iso ⊆ Ω ⊆ Epi, Iso ◦Ω ⊆ Ω (1.21) • Similarly, we say that the class of morphisms Γ in K is epimorphically complementable, if K = Γ ⊚ Γ ↓. (1.22) In other words, Γ must be the monomorphic conjugate to its epimorphic conjugate class Γ = ↓ (Γ ↓ ), and the composition of the classes Γ and Γ ↓ must cover the class of all morphisms: Γ ◦ Γ ↓ = Mor(K). In this case the class Γ ↓ will be called the epimorphic complement to Γ . Remark 1.8. From (1.17) it follows that if a class Γ is epimorphically complementable, then Iso ⊆ Γ ⊆ Mono, (b) Γ ◦ Iso ⊆ Γ. (1.23) Envelopes and refinements Envelopes. • A morphism σ : X → X ′ in a category K is called an extension of the object X ∈ Ob(K) in the class of morphisms Ω with respect to the class of morphisms Φ, if σ ∈ Ω, and for any morphism ϕ : X → B from the class Φ there exists a unique morphism ϕ′ : X ′ → B in K such that the following diagram is commutative: X ❄ ❄❄∀ϕ∈Φ Ω∋σ ⑧⑧ ⑧ ❄❄ (1.24) ⑧⑧  ′ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴/ B X ∃!ϕ′ • An extension ρ : X → E of an object X ∈ Ob(K) in the class of morphisms Ω with respect to the class of morphisms Φ is called an envelope of X in Ω with respect to Φ, if for any other extension σ : X → X ′ (of X in Ω with respect to Φ) there is a unique morphism υ : X ′ → E in K such that the following diagram is commutative: X❄ ❄❄ρ ∀σ ⑧⑧ ⑧ ❄❄ (1.25) ⑧⑧  ′ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴/ E X ∃!υ For the morphism of envelope ρ : X → E we use the notation ρ = envΩ Φ X. (1.26) The very object E is also called an envelope of X (in Ω with respect to Φ), and we use the following notation for it: E = EnvΩ (1.27) Φ X. 16 • Let us say that in a category K a class of morphisms Φ is generated on the inside by a class of morphisms Ψ , if Ψ ⊆ Φ ⊆ Mor(K) ◦ Ψ. (1.28) Theorem 1.8. [4, Theorem 3.5] Suppose that in a category K a class of morphisms Φ is generated on the inside by a class of morphisms Ψ . Then for any class of epimorphisms Ω (it is not necessary that Ω contains all epimorphisms of K) and for any object X the existence of envelope envΩ Ψ X is equivalent to the existence of envelope envΩ Φ X, and these envelopes coincide: Ω envΩ Ψ X = envΦ X. (1.29) • Let us say that a class of morphisms Φ in a category K differs morphisms on the outside, if for any two different parallel morphisms α 6= β : X → Y there is a morphism ϕ : Y → M from the class Φ such that ϕ ◦ α 6= ϕ ◦ β. Theorem 1.9. [4, Theorem 3.6] If a class of morphisms Φ differs morphisms on the outside, then for any class of morphisms Ω (i) each extension in Ω with respect to Φ is a monomorphism, (ii) an envelope with respect to Φ in Ω exists if and only if there exists an envelope with respect to Φ in the class Ω ∩ Mono; in this case these envelopes coincide: Ω∩Mono envΩ , Φ = envΦ (iii) if the class Ω contains all monomorphisms, Ω ⊇ Mono, then the existence of the envelope with respect to Φ in Mono automatically implies the existence of envelope with respect to Φ in Ω, and the coincidence of these envelopes: Mono envΩ . Φ = envΦ • Let us remind that a class of morphisms Φ in a category K is called a right ideal, if Φ ◦ Mor(K) ⊆ Φ (i.e. for any ϕ ∈ Φ and for any morphism µ in K the composition ϕ ◦ µ belongs to Φ). Theorem 1.10. [4, Theorem 3.7] If a class of morphisms Φ differs morphisms on the outside and is a right ideal in the category K, then for any class of morphisms Ω (i) each extension in Ω with respect to Φ is a bimorphism, (ii) an envelope with respect to Φ in Ω exists if an only if there exists an envelope with respect to Φ in the class Ω ∩ Bim of bimorphisms belonging to Ω; in this case these envelopes coincide: Ω∩Bim envΩ . Φ = envΦ (iii) if the class Ω contains all bimorphisms, Ω ⊇ Bim, then an envelope with respect to Φ in Ω exists if an only if there exists an envelope with respect to Φ in Bim, and these envelopes coincide: Bim envΩ Φ = envΦ . A special case of envelope is the construction, where Ω and/or Φ are classes of all morphisms into the objects from some given subclasses in Ob(K). The accurate formulation for the case, when both classes Ω and Φ are defined in such a way is the following. Suppose we have a category K and two subclasses L and M in the class Ob(K) of objects in K. § 1. ENVELOPES AND REFINEMENTS IN CATEGORIES 17 • A morphism σ : X → X ′ is called an extension of the object X ∈ K in the class L with respect to the class M, if X ′ ∈ L and for any object B ∈ M and any morphism ϕ : X → B there exists a unique morphism ϕ′ : X ′ → B such that the following diagram is commutative: X ❄ ❄❄∀ϕ ⑧⑧ ⑧ ❄❄ ⑧ ⑧  X ′ ❴ ❴ ❴ ′ ❴ ❴/ B ∃!ϕ L ∋ ∋ σ M • An extension ρ : X → E of an object X ∈ K in the class L with respect to the class M is called an envelope of the object X ∈ K in the class L with respect to the class M, and we denote this by formula ρ = envLM X, (1.30) if for any other extension σ : X → X ′ (of the object X in the class L with respect to the class M) there exists a unique morphism υ : X ′ → E such that the following diagram is commutative: X❄ ❄❄ρ ⑧⑧ ⑧ ❄❄ ⑧⑧  ❴ ❴ ❴/ E X ′ ❴ ❴ ∃!υ ∋ ∋ ∀σ L L (1.31) The object E is also called an envelope of the object X (in the class of objects L with respect to the class of objects M), and we will use the following notation for it: E = EnvLM X. (1.32) • Let us say that a class of objects M in a category K differs morphisms on the outside, if the class of morphisms with ranges in M possesses this property (in the sense of definition on page 16), i.e. for any two different parallel morphisms α 6= β : X → Y there is a morphism ϕ : Y → M ∈ M such that ϕ ◦ α 6= ϕ ◦ β. From Theorem 1.10 we have Theorem 1.11. If a class of objects M differs morphisms on the outside, then for any class of objects L (i) each envelope in L with respect to M is a bimorphism, (ii) an envelope in L with respect to M exists if and only if there exists an anvelope in the class of bimorphisms with the values in L with respect to M; in this case these envelopes coincide: Bim(K,L) envLM = envM . Example 1.9. In the category Tikh of Tikhonov spaces the Stone-Čech compactification β : X → βX is an envelope of the space X in the class Com of compact spaces with respect to the same class Com: βX = EnvCom X. Example 1.10. Completion X H of a locally convex space X is an envelope of X in the category LCS of all locally convex spaces with respect to the class Ban of Banach spaces: X H = EnvLCS Ban X. Refinements. • A morphism σ : X ′ → X in the category K is called an enrichment of the object X ∈ K in the class of morphisms Γ by means of the class of morphisms Φ, if σ ∈ Γ , and for any morphism ϕ : B → X, ϕ ∈ Φ, there exists a unique morphism ϕ′ : B → X ′ in the category K, such that the following diagram is commutative: ? X _❄❄ σ∈Γ ∀ϕ∈Φ ⑧⑧ ❄❄ ⑧ (1.33) ❄ ⑧⑧ ′ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ / B X ∃!ϕ′ 18 • An enrichment ρ : E → X of the object X ∈ Ob(K) in the class of morphisms Γ by means of the class of morphisms Φ is called a refinement of X in the class Γ by means of Φ, if for any other enrichment σ : X ′ → X (of X in Γ by means of Φ) there exists a unique morphism υ : E → X ′ in K, such that the following diagram is commutative: ? X _❄❄ ρ ⑧⑧ ❄❄∀σ ⑧ (1.34) ❄ ⑧⑧ ′ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ / E X ∃!υ For the morphism of refinement ρ : E → X we use the notation ρ = ref ΓΦ X. (1.35) The very object E is also called a refinement of X in Γ by means of Φ, and is denoted by E = Ref ΓΦ X. (1.36) • Let us say that in a category K a class of morphisms Φ is generated on the outside by a class of morphisms Ψ , if Ψ ⊆ Φ ⊆ Ψ ◦ Mor(K). The following fact is dual to Theorem 1.8: Theorem 1.12. Suppose in a category K a class of morphisms Φ is generated on the outside by a class of morphisms Ψ . Then for any class of monomorphisms Γ (it is not necessary that Γ contains all monomorphisms of the category K) and for any object X the existence of refinement ref ΓΨ X is equivalent to the existence of the refinement ref ΓΦ X, and these refinements coincide: ref ΓΨ X = ref ΓΦ X. (1.37) • Let us say that a class of morphisms Φ in a category K differs morphisms on the inside, if for any two different parallel morphisms α 6= β : X → Y there is a morphism ϕ : M → X from the class Φ such that α ◦ ϕ 6= β ◦ ϕ. The following result is dual to Theorem 1.9: Theorem 1.13. If the class of morphisms Φ differs morphisms on the inside, then for any class of morphisms Γ (i) every enrichment in Γ by means of Φ is an epimorphism, (ii) the refinement in Γ by means of Φ exists if and only if there exists a refinement in Γ ∩ Mono by means of Φ; in that case these refinements coincide: Γ ∩Epi ref ΓΦ = ref Φ , (iii) if the class Γ contains all epimorphisms, Γ ⊇ Epi, then the existence of a refinement in Epi by means of Φ automatically implies the existence of a refinement in Γ by means of Φ, and the coincidence of these refinements: ref ΓΦ = ref Epi Φ . • Let us remind that a class of morphisms Φ in a category K is called a left ideal, if Mor(K) ◦ Φ ⊆ Φ (i.e. for any ϕ ∈ Φ and for any morphism µ in K the composition µ ◦ ϕ belongs to Φ). The following is dual to Theorem 1.10 Theorem 1.14. If a class of morphisms Φ differs morphisms on the inside and is a left ideal in the category K, then for any class of morphisms Γ § 1. ENVELOPES AND REFINEMENTS IN CATEGORIES 19 (i) every enrichment in Γ by means of Φ is a bimorphism, (ii) a refinement in Γ by means of Φ exists if and only if there exists a refinement in Γ ∩ Bim by means of Φ; in that case these refinements coincide: Γ ∩Bim . ref ΓΦ = ref Φ (iii) if Γ contains all bimorphisms, Γ ⊇ Bim, then a refinement in Γ by means of Φ exists if and only if there exists a refinement in Bim by means of Φ, and these refinements coincide: ref ΓΦ = ref Bim Φ . A special case of refinement is the situation when Γ and/or Φ are classes of all morphisms from some given subclass of objects in Ob(K). An exact formulation for the case when both classes Γ and Φ are defined in this way is the following: suppose we have a category K and two subclasses L and M in the class Ob(K) of objects of K. • A morphism σ : X ′ → X is called an enrichment of the object X ∈ Ob(K) in the class of objects L by means of the class of objects M, if for any object B ∈ M and for any morphism ϕ : B → X there is a unique morphism ϕ′ : B → X ′ such that the following diagram is commutative: X _❄ ❄❄σ ⑧? ⑧ ❄❄ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ B ❴ ❴ ❴ ′ ❴ ❴/ X ′ ∃!ϕ ∋ ∋ ∀ϕ M L • An enrichment ρ : E → X of the object X ∈ Ob(K) in the class of objects L by means of the class of objects M is called a refinement of the object X ∈ Ob(K) in the class of objects L by means of the class of objects M, and we write in this case ρ = ref LM X, (1.38) if for any other enrichment σ : X ′ → X (of the object X ∈ Ob(K) in the class of objects L by means of the class of objects M) there is a unique morphism υ : E → X ′ such that the following diagram is commutative: X _❄ ❄❄∀σ ⑧? ⑧ ❄❄ ⑧ ⑧⑧ ❴ ❴ ❴/ X ′ E ❴ ❴ ∃!υ ∋ ∋ ρ L L (1.39) The very object E is also called a refinement of the object X ∈ Ob(K) in the class of objects L by means of the class of objects M, and we use the following notation for it: E = Ref LM X. (1.40) • Let us say that a class of objects M in the category K differs morphisms on the inside, if the class of all morphisms going from objects of M has this property (in the sense of definition on page 18), i.e. for any two different parallel morphisms α 6= β : X → Y there is a morphism ϕ : M → X such that α ◦ ϕ 6= β ◦ ϕ. Theorem 1.14 implies Theorem 1.15. [4, Theorem 3.19] If a class of objects M differs morphisms on the inside, then for any class of objects L (i) each domain of convergence in the class L by means of the class M is a bimorphism, (ii) a refinement in the class L by means of the class M exists if and only if there exists a refinement in the class of bimorphisms going from L by means of the class M; in that case these refinements coincide: Bim(L,K) ref LM = ref M . 20 Example 1.11. Simply connected covering used in the theory of Lie groups is from the categorial point of view a refinement in the class of pointed simply connected coverings by means of empty class of morphisms in the category of connected locally connected and semilocally simply connected pointed topological spaces (see definitions in [54]). Example 1.12. Bornologification (see definition in [40]) Xborn of a locally convex space X is a refinement of X in the category LCS of locally convex spaces by means of the subcategory Norm of normed spaces: Xborn = Ref LCS Norm X Example 1.13. Saturation X N of a pseudocomplete locally convex space X is a refinement in the category LCS of locally convex spaces in its object X by means of the subcategory Smi of the Smith spaces (see definitions in [2]): X N = Ref LCS Smi X Connection with nodal decomposition. Envelopes and refinements are connected to nodal decomposition through a series results. We mention the two shortest of them. Theorem 1.16. [4, pp.64, 65] Let K be a category with nodal decomposition. Then (i) if K is a category with products, and is co-well-powered in the class Epi, then in K each object X has an envelope in the class Epi with respect to an arbitrary class of morphisms Φ, going from X, (ii) if K is a category with coproducts, and is well-powered in the class Mono, then in K each object X has a refinement in the class Mono by means of the class of morphisms Φ, going to X. Let us say that in a category K — epimorphisms discern monomorphisms, if from the fact that a morphism µ is not a monomorphism it follows that µ can be represented as a composition µ = µ′ ◦ ε, where ε is an epimorphism, which is not an isomorphism, — monomorphisms discern epimorphisms, if from the fact that a morphism ε is not an epimorphism it follows that ε can be represented as a composition ε = µ ◦ ε′ , where µ is a monomorphism, which is not an isomorphism. Theorem 1.17. [4, Theorem 3.31] Suppose that in a category K (a) epimorphisms discern monomorphisms, and, dually, monomorphisms discern epimorphisms, (b) every immediate monomorphism is a strong monomorphism, and, dually, every immediate epimorphism is a strong epimorphism, (c) every object X has an envelope in the class Epi of all epimorphisms with respect to any morphism, starting from X, and, dually, in every object X there is a refinement in the class Mono of all monomorphisms with respect to any morphism coming to X. Then K is a category with nodal decomposition. (c) Functoriality • Let us say that the envelope EnvΩ Φ can be defined as a functor, if there exist E.1 a map X 7→ (E(X), eX ), that to each object X in K assigns a morphism eX : X → E(X) in K, which is an envelope in Ω with respect to Φ: E(X) = EnvΩ Φ X, eX = envΩ Φ X E.2 a map α 7→ E(α), that each morphism α : X → Y in K turns into a morphism E(α) : E(X) → E(Y ) in K in such a way that the following diagram is commutative X eX α  Y eY / E(X) ✤ ✤ E(α) ✤ / E(Y ) (1.41) § 1. ENVELOPES AND REFINEMENTS IN CATEGORIES 21 and the following identities hold E(β ◦ α) = E(β) ◦ E(α) E(1X ) = 1E(X) , (1.42) Clearly, in this case the map (X, α) 7→ (E(X), E(α)) is a covariant functor from K into K, and the map X 7→ eX is a natural transformation of the identity functor (X, α) 7→ (X, α) into the functor (X, α) 7→ (E(X), E(α)). • Let us say that the envelope EnvΩ Φ can be defined as an idempotent functor, if in addition to E.1 and E.2 one can ensure the condition E.3 for each object X ∈ Ob(K) the morphism eE(X) : E(X) → E(E(X)) is the local identity: E(E(X)) = E(X), eE(X) = 1E(X) X ∈ Ob(K). (1.43) Remark 1.14. If Ω ⊆ Epi, then (1.43) implies E(eX ) = 1E(X) X ∈ Ob(K). (1.44) Indeed, if we put α = eX into (1.41), we obtain X eX / E(X) eX  E(X) E(eX ) eE(X) =1E(X)  / E(E(X)) = E(X) i.e. E(eX ) ◦ eX = 1E(X) ◦ eX , and, since eX ∈ Ω ⊆ Epi, we can cancel it: E(eX ) = 1E(X) . Nets of epimorphisms. • Suppose that to each object X ∈ Ob(K) in a category K it is assigned a subset N X in the class EpiX of all epimorphisms of the category K, going from X, and the following three requirements are fulfilled: (a) for each object X the set N X is non-empty and is directed to the left with respect to the pre-order (1.8) inherited from EpiX : ∀σ, σ ′ ∈ N X ∃ρ ∈ N X ρ → σ & ρ → σ′ , (b) for each object X the covariant system of morphisms generated by N X Bind(N X ) := {ισρ ; ρ, σ ∈ N X , ρ → σ} (1.45) (the morphisms ισρ were defined in (1.9); by (1.10) this system is a covariant functor from the set N X considered as a full subcategory in EpiX into K) has a projective limit in K; (c) for each morphism α : X → Y and for each element τ ∈ N Y there are an element σ ∈ N X and a morphism ατσ : Ran σ → Ran τ such that the following diagram is commutative α /Y X✤ ✤ τ σ ✤   Ran σ ❴ ❴ ❴τ ❴ ❴/ Ran τ (1.46) ασ (a remark: for given α, σ and τ the morphism ατσ , if exists, must be unique, since σ is an epimorphism). Then — we call the family of set N = {N X ; X ∈ Ob(K)} a net of epimorphisms in the category K, and the elements of the sets N X elements of the net N , 22 — for each object X the system of morphisms Bind(N X ) defined by equalities (1.45) will be called the system of binding morphisms of the net N over the vertex X, its projective limit (which exists by condition (b)) is a projective cone, whose vertex will be denoted by XN , and the morphisms going from it by σN = lim ισρ : XN → Ran σ: ←−X ρ∈N (ρ → σ); XN ⑤ ❈❈❈ ⑤ ❈❈ σN ρN ⑤⑤ ❈❈ ⑤ ❈❈ ⑤⑤ ⑤ ❈! ⑤ }⑤ ισ ρ / Ran σ Ran ρ (1.47) in addition, by (1.9), the system of epimorphisms N X is also a projective cone of the system Bind(N X ): (ρ → σ), X ⑥ ❆❆❆ ⑥ ❆❆ σ ρ ⑥⑥ ❆❆ ⑥ ⑥ ❆❆ ⑥ ⑥ ❆ ~⑥ ισ ρ / Ran σ Ran ρ (1.48) so there must exist a natural morphism from X into the vertex XN of the projective limit of the system Bind(N X ). We denote this morphism by lim N X and call it the local limit of the net N of ←− epimorphisms at the object X: lim N X − ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴/ XN X ❆❴ ❴ ❴ ← ❆❆ ④④ ❆❆ ④④ ❆❆ ④ σ ❆❆ ④④ σN }④④ Ran σ (σ ∈ N X ). (1.49) — the element σ of the net in diagram (1.46) will be called a counterfort of the element τ of the net. Theorem 1.18. [4, Theorem 3.38] Let N be a net of epimorphisms in a category K, that generates a class of morphisms Φ on the inside: N ⊆ Φ ⊆ Mor(K) ◦ N . Then for each monomorphically complementable8 class of epimorphisms Ω, ↓ Ω ⊚ Ω = K, the following holds: (a) for each object X in K the morphism εlim N X in the factrization (1.19) defined by the classes ↓ Ω and Ω, ← − is an envelope envΩ Φ X in Ω with respect to Φ: εlim N X = envΩ Φ X, ← − (1.50) Ω (b) for each morphism α : X → Y in K and for any choice of envelopes envΩ Φ X and envΦ Y there exists a Ω Ω Ω unique morphism EnvΦ α : EnvΦ X → EnvΦ Y in K such that the following diagram is commutative: X envΩ Φ X α  Y envΩ Φ Y / EnvΩ X Φ ✤ ✤ Ω ✤ EnvΦ α  / EnvΩ Φ Y (1.51) (c) if in addition K is co-well-powered in the class Ω, then the envelope EnvΩ Φ can be defined as a functor. 8 See definition on p.15. § 1. ENVELOPES AND REFINEMENTS IN CATEGORIES 23 Example 1.15. Let X be a locally convex space. To each closed convex balanced neighbourhood of zero U in T X let us assign the closed subspace Ker U = ε>0 ε · U in X and the quotient space X/ Ker U , which we endow with (not the quotient topology, but) the topology of normed space with the unit ball U + Ker U . Then the completion (X/ Ker U )H is a Banach space. We denote it by X/U and call it the Banach quotient space of the space X by the neighbourhood of zero U . The natural map from X into X/U ρU X τU ) / (X/ Ker U )H = X/U / X/ Ker U HX/ Ker U (where τU is the quotient map, and HX/ Ker U the completion map) will be called the Banach quotient map of the space X by the neighbourhood of zero U . We denote by B the clas of all Banach quotient maps {ρU : X → X/U }, where X runs over the class of locally convex spaces, and U the class of all closed convex balanced neighbourhoods of zero in X. The class B of Banach quotient maps is a net of epimorphisms in the category LCS of locally convex spaces, and the pre-order9 → in B is equivalent to the embedding of the corresponding neighbourhoods of zero, up to a positive scalar multiplier: ρV → ρU ⇐⇒ ∃ε > 0 ε · V ⊆ U. (1.52) Certainly, the class B generates on the inside the class Mor(LCS, Ban) of all morphisms into Banach spaces. This implies that the completion map X 7→ X N , mentioned in the Example 1.10 as an envelope in LCS with respect to the class Ban of Banach spaces, coincides with the envelope with respect to the class B of Banach quotient maps: LCS X H = EnvLCS Ban X = EnvB X. Regular envelopes. • Let us say that a class of morphisms Ω pushes a class of morphisms Φ, if ∀ψ ∈ Mor(K) ∀σ ∈ Ω ψ◦σ ∈Φ The following result complements Theorem 1.18. =⇒  ψ∈Φ . (1.53) Theorem 1.19. [4, Theorems 3.42, 3.48] Suppose a category K and classes of morphisms Ω and Φ in it satisfy the following conditions: RE.1: K is projectively complete, RE.2: Ω is monomorphically complementable: ↓ Ω ⊚ Ω = K, RE.3: K is co-well-powered in the class Ω, RE.4: Φ goes from10 Ob(K) and is a right ideal in K: Ob(K) = {Dom ϕ; ϕ ∈ Φ}, Φ ◦ Mor(K) ⊆ Φ. RE.5: the class Ω pushes the class Φ. Then (a) there is a net of epimorphisms N in K such that for each object X in K the morphism εlim N X in the ← − factorization (1.19) is an envelope envΩ Φ X in Ω with respect to Φ: εlim N X = envΩ Φ X, ← − (1.54) Ω (b) for each morphism α : X → Y in K and for any choice of envelopes envΩ Φ X and envΦ Y there exists a Ω Ω Ω unique morphism EnvΦ α : EnvΦ X → EnvΦ Y in K, such that the following diagram is commutative: X envΩ Φ X α  Y pre-order → in the class EpiX was defined on page 11. the sense of definition on p.7. 9 The 10 In envΩ Φ Y / EnvΩ X Φ ✤ ✤ Ω ✤ EnvΦ α  / EnvΩ Φ Y (1.55) 24 (c) the envelope EnvΩ Φ can be defined as an idempotent functor. • If the conditions RE.1-RE.5 hold, then we say that the classes of morphisms Ω and Φ define a regular envelope in the category K, or that the envelope EnvΩ Φ is regular. Envelopes coherent with tensor product. and the unit object I. Let K be a minoidal category [44] with the tensor product ⊗ • We say that the envelope EnvΩ Φ is coherent with the tensor product ⊗ in K, if the following conditions are fulfilled: T.1 The tensor product ρ ⊗ σ : X ⊗ Y → X ′ ⊗ Y ′ of any two extensions ρ : X → X ′ and σ : Y → Y ′ (in Ω with respect to Φ) is an extension (in Ω with respect to Φ). T.2 The local identity 1I : I → I of the unit object I is the envelope (in Ω with respect to Φ): envΩ Φ I = 1I (1.56) • An object A in a category K is said to be complete in the class of morphisms Ω ⊆ Epi with respect to the class of morphisms Φ, if there exists an envelope of A in Ω with respect to Φ, which is an isomorphism: envΩ Φ A ∈ Iso. Ω Let EnvΩ Φ be a regular envelope, coherent with the tensor product in K, E = EnvΦ the idempotent functor built in Theorem 1.19, and L the (full) subcategory of complete objects in K. For any objects A, B ∈ L and for any morphisms ϕ, ψ ∈ L we put E A ⊗ B := E(A ⊗ B), E ϕ ⊗ ψ := E(ϕ ⊗ ψ). (1.57) The following identity holds: E E(X) ⊗ E(Y ) = E(E(X) ⊗ E(Y )), X, Y ∈ Ob(K). (1.58) Theorem 1.20. [4, Theorem 3.63] Suppose EnvΩ Φ is a regular envelope, coherent with the tensor product in K. E Then the formulas (1.57) define a structure of monoidal category on L (with ⊗ as tensor product and I as unit object), and the functor of envelope E : K → L defined in Theorem 1.19, is monoidal. Corollary 1.21. [4, Corollary 3.65] Suppose EnvΩ Φ is a regular envelope coherent with the tensor product in K. The operation EnvΩ turns each algebra (respectively, coalgebra, bialgebra, Hopf algebra) A in K into an algebra Φ (respectively, coalgebra, bialgebra, Hopf algebra) EnvΩ Φ A in L. §2 Stereotype spaces The theory of stereotype spaces was developed in the series of author’s works, of which the main papers are [2], [3] and [4]. We give here some definitions and facts of the theory. We mostly refer the reader to the proofs in [2] and [4], but some propositions are new, in particular, the results on stereotype spaces with involution, and we prove them in this text. We also prove the properties of tensor products in Theorem 2.50 which were mentioned in [2] and [4] without proofs. (a) Pseudocompletion and pseudosaturation Pseudocompleteness and pseudocompletion. A set S in a locally convex space X is said to be totally bounded (or precompact) [59], if for each neighbourhood of zero U in X there is a finite set A such that the shifts of U by the elements of A cover S: S ⊆ U + A. This is equivalent to the total boundedness of S in the sense of the uniform structure induced from X [22] (i.e. A can be chosen as a subset in S). • A locally convex space X is said to be pseudocomplete, if every totally bounded Cauchy net in X converges. This is equivalent to the claim that every closed totally bounded set in X is compact. § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 25 This is connected with the usual completeness and quasicompleteness11 by the implications X is complete =⇒ X is quasicomplete =⇒ X is pseudocomplete (2.1) In the metrizable case these properties are equivalent. Like in the case of completeness, each locally convex space X has pseudocompletion, i.e. the “outsidenearest” pseudocomplete space. Formally this construction is described in the following Theorem 2.1. There exists a map X 7→ ▽X that assigns to each locally convex space X a linear continuous map ▽X : X → X ▽ into a pseudocomplete locally convex space X ▽ in such a way that the following conditions are fulfilled: (i) X is pseudocomplete if an only if ▽X : X → X ▽ is an isomorphism; (ii) for any linear continuous map ϕ : X → Y of locally convex spaces there is a unique linear continuous map ϕ▽ : X ▽ → Y ▽ such that the following diagram is commutative: ▽X X ϕ  Y ▽Y / X▽ ✤ ✤ ✤ ϕ▽. ✤  / Y▽ (2.2) From (i), (ii) it follows that for any linear continuous map ϕ : X → Y into a pseudocomplete space Y there exists a unique linear continuous map X ▽ → Y such that the following diagram is commutative: ▽X X ❄ ❄❄ ❄ ϕ ❄❄ Y ⑧ ⑧ / X▽ ⑧ . (2.3) This means by the way that, the morphism ▽X : X → X ▽ is an extension of X in Ob(LCS) with respect to the object C. Since C differs morphisms on the outside in LCS, by Theorem 1.11, ▽X : X → X ▽ is a bimorphism. This implies in its turn that the morphism ▽X : X → X ▽ is unique up to an isomorphism in EpiX . • The space X ▽ is called the pseudocompletion, and the map ▽X : X → X ▽ the pseudocompletion map of the locally convex space X. From (ii), it follows also, that the map ϕ 7→ ϕ▽ is a covariant functor of the category LCS into itself: (ψ ◦ ϕ)▽ = ψ ▽ ◦ ϕ▽ . We call it the pseudocompletion functor. • A linear continuous map ϕ : X → Y of locally convex spaces will be called – an embedding (respectively, a weak embedding, a relative embedding), if it is injective and open (respectively, weakly open, relatively open), – a dense embeddding (respectively, a dense weak embedding, a dense relative embedding), if in addition the set of values ϕ(X) is dense in Y . Theorem 2.2. For any locally convex space X the pseudocompletion map ▽X : X → X ▽ is a dense embedding. Like usual completion, the operation of pseudocompletion X 7→ X ▽ adds new elements to X, but does not change the topology of X. Pseudosaturateness and pseudosaturation. A set D in a locally convex space X is called capacious, if for any totally bounded set S ⊆ X there is a finite set A ⊆ X such that the shifts of D by the elements of A cover S: S ⊆ D + A. Note that if D is convex, then A can be chosen as a subset in S (and this gives an equivalent condition on D). • A locally convex space X is said to be pseudosaturated, if for every closed convex balanced capacious set D in X is a neighbourhood of zero in X. 11 A locally convex space X is said to be quasicomplete, if every bounded Cauchy net in X converges. 26 In the theory of topological vector spaces this property is connected with the metrizability and barreledness: X is metrizable =⇒ X is barreled =⇒ X is pseudosaturated. (2.4) Theorem 2.3 (criterion of being pseudosaturated). For a locally convex space X the following conditions are equivalent: (i) X is pseudosaturated, (ii) if a set of linear continuous functionals F ⊆ X ′ is equicontinuous on each totally bounded set S ⊆ X, then F is equicontinuous on X. (iii) if Y is a locally convex space and Φ is a set of linear continuous maps ϕ : X → Y , equicontinuous on each totally bounded set S ⊆ X, then Φ is equicontinuous on X. Remarkably, there exists a construction, dual to the construction of pseudocompletion, that assigns to each locally convex space X an “inside-nearest” pseudosaturated locally convex space X △ : Theorem 2.4. There exists a map X 7→△X , that assigns to each locally convex space X a linear continuous map △X : X △ → X from a pseudosaturated locally convex space X △ in such a way that the following conditions are fulfilled: (i) X is pseudosaturated if and only if △X : X △ → X is an isomorphism; (ii) for any linear continuous map ϕ : Y → X of locally convex spaces there is a unique linear continuous map ϕ△ : Y △ → X △ such that the following diagram is commutative: XO o △X ϕ Y o △Y XO✤ △ ✤ ✤ ϕ△. ✤ (2.5) Y△ From (i), (ii) it follows that for any linear continuous map ϕ : Y → X from a pseudosaturated locally convex space Y there is a unique linear continuous map Y → X △ such that the following diagram is commutative: △X △ X _❄o ?X ❄❄ ⑧ ❄ ⑧ . ϕ ❄❄ ⑧ Y (2.6) This means by the way that the morphism △X : X △ → X is an enrichment of X in the class Ob(LCS) by means of the object C. Since C differs morphisms on the inside in LCS, by Theorem 1.15, △X : X △ → X is a bimorphism. This implies in its turn that the morphism △X : X △ → X is unique up to an isomorphism in MonoX . • The space X △ is called the pseudosaturation, and the map △X : X △ → X the pseudosaturation map of the space X. From (ii) it follows that the map ϕ 7→ ϕ△ is a covariant functor of the category LCS into itself: (ψ ◦ ϕ)△ = ψ △ ◦ ϕ△ . We call it pseudosaturation functor. • A linear continuous map ϕ : X → Y of locally convex spaces will be called – a covering (respectively, a weak covering, a relative covering), if it is surjective and closed (respectively, weakly closed, relatively closed), – an exact covering (respectively, an exact weak covering, an exact relative covering), if in addition it is injective. Remark 2.1. If a space X is pseudocomplete and ϕ : X → Y is an exact covering, then for each totally bounded set S ⊆ X the restriction ϕ|S : S → ϕ(S) is a homeomorphism of topological spaces. Theorem 2.5. For any locally convex space X the pseudosaturation map △X : X △ → X is an exact covering. The pseudosaturation X △ can be imagined as a new, stronger topologization of the space X, which preserves the system of totally bounded sets and the topology on each totally bounded set in X. § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 27 Independence and consistency. The following examples show that pseudocompleteness and pseudosaturateness are independent conditions. Example 2.2. Let X be an infinite-dimensional Banach space, and Y = Xσ′ its dual space with the X-weak topology. The space Y is pseudocomplete, but not pseudosaturated. Example 2.3. An arbitrary non-complete metrizable locally convex space is pseudosaturated, but not pseudocomplete space. However, the operations X 7→ X ▽ and X 7→ X △ are consistent in the following sense: Theorem 2.6. For a locally convex space X — if X is pseudocomplete, then its pseudosaturation X △ is also pseudocomplete, — if X is pseudosaturated, then its pseudocompletion X ▽ is also pseudosaturated. Remark 2.4. It remains open, if these operations commute: ? (X ▽ )△ = (X △ )▽ . Duality between pseudocompleteness and pseudosaturateness. Let X be a locally convex space over the field of complex numbers C. Denote by X ⋆ the set of lineat continuous functionals f : X → C endowed by the topology of uniform convergence on totally bounded sets in X. We call X ⋆ the dual space for the space X. If B ⊆ X and F ⊆ X ⋆ are arbitrary sets, then by B ◦ and ◦ F we denote their (direct and reverse) polars (in ⋆ X and in X): B ◦ = {f ∈ X ⋆ : |f |B := sup |f (x)| 6 1}, ◦ F = {x ∈ X : |x|F := sup |f (x)| 6 1} f ∈F x∈B Similarly, annihilators of B and F are the sets B ⊥ = {f ∈ X ⋆ : ∀x ∈ B f (x) = 0}, ⊥ F = {x ∈ X : ∀f ∈ F f (x) = 0}. Lemma 2.7. For each locally convex space X (a) if B ⊆ X is totally bounded, then B ◦ ⊆ X ⋆ is capacious; (b) if B ⊆ X is capacious, then B ◦ ⊆ X ⋆ is totally bounded; (c) if F ⊆ X ⋆ is totally bounded, then ◦ F ⊆ X is capacious; (d) if F ⊆ X ⋆ is capacious, then ◦ F ⊆ X is totally bounded. Theorem 2.8. For an arbitrary LCS X — if X is pseudocomplete, then X ⋆ is pseudosaturated, — if X is pseudosaturated, then X ⋆ is pseudocomplete. • For a linear continuous map ϕ : X → Y of locally convex spaces the symbol ϕ⋆ : Y ⋆ → X ⋆ means its dual map ϕ⋆ (f ) = f ◦ ϕ, f ∈ Y ⋆. (2.7) Obviously, it is also a linear continuous map, and we call it the dual map for the map ϕ. Theorem 2.9. [2, Theorems 3.2, 3.1] For a morphism of locally convex spaces ϕ : X → Y – if X is pseudosaturated, and ϕ : X → Y is a dense embedding, then ϕ⋆ : Y ⋆ → X ⋆ is an exact covering, – if X is pseudocomplete, and ϕ : X → Y is an exact covering, then ϕ⋆ : Y ⋆ → X ⋆ is a dense embedding. 28 Theorem 2.10. [2, Theorem 3.14] For any pseudocomplete locally convex spaces X there exists a unique morphism of locally convex spaces αX (2.8) (X △ )⋆ /o /o /o /o /o /o /o /o / (X ⋆ )▽ such that the following diagram is commutative: αX (X △ )⋆ /o /o /o /o /o /o /o / (X ⋆ )▽ . _❄❄ ? ❄❄ ⑧⑧ ⑧ ❄❄ ⑧⑧ (△X )⋆ ❄❄❄ ⑧⑧ ▽X ⋆ ⑧ ⑧ X⋆ (2.9) This morphism αX is an isomorphism of locally convex spaces, and the map X 7→ αX is an isomorphism of functors: for each morphism of locally convex spaces ϕ : X → Y the following diagram is commutative: αX (X △ )⋆ /o /o o/ /o /o /o o/ / (X ⋆ )▽ O O (ϕ△ )⋆ (2.10) (ϕ⋆ )▽ αY (Y △ )⋆ /o /o o/ /o /o /o /o / (Y ⋆ )▽ Theorem 2.11. [2, Theorem 3.15] For any pseudosaturated locally convex space X there exists a unique morphism of locally convex spaces βX (X ▽ )⋆ /o /o /o o/ /o /o /o o/ / (X ⋆ )△ (2.11) such that the following diagram is commutative: βX (X ▽ )⋆ /o /o /o /o o/ /o /o /o /o / (X ⋆ )△ ; ●● ●● ✇✇ ● ✇✇ ✇ ⋆ ●● ✇ (▽X ) ●# {✇✇ △X ⋆ X⋆ (2.12) This morphism βX is an isomorphism of locally convex spaces, and the map X 7→ βX is an isomorphism of cunctors: for any morphism of locally convex spaces ϕ : X → Y the following diagram is commutative: βX (X ▽ )⋆ /o /o o/ /o /o /o o/ / (X ⋆ )△ O O (ϕ▽ )⋆ . (2.13) (ϕ⋆ )△ βY (Y ▽ )⋆ /o /o o/ /o /o /o o/ / (Y ⋆ )△ (b) Stereotype spaces The map iX : X → X ⋆⋆ . first dual space: The second dual space X ⋆⋆ of a locally convex space X is the dual space to the X ⋆⋆ = (X ⋆ )⋆ (each star ⋆ means the topology of uniform convergence on totally bounded sets). The formula iX (x)(f ) = f (x), x ∈ X, (2.14) defines a natural map iX : X → X ⋆⋆ . • Let us say that a linear map of locally convex spaces ϕ : X → Y is open12 , if the image ϕ(U ) of any neighborhood of zero U ⊆ X is a neighborhood of zero in the subspace ϕ(X) of Y (with the topology inherited from Y ): ∀U ∈ U(X) ∃V ∈ U(Y ) ϕ(U ) ⊇ ϕ(X) ∩ V. Certainly, it is sufficient here to assume that U is open and absolutely convex. By the obvious formula   ϕ(X) ∩ V = ϕ ϕ−1 (V ) , V ⊆ Y, (2.15) 12 We use the notion of open map in the sense different from the one used in General topology [22]. § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 29 (valid for any map of sets ϕ : X → Y and for any subset V ⊆ Y ), this condition can be rewritten as follows:   ∀U ∈ U(X) ∃V ∈ U(Y ) ϕ(U ) ⊇ ϕ ϕ−1 (V ) . Theorem 2.12. [2, Theorem 2.8] For each LCS X the map iX : X → X ⋆⋆ is injective, open and has dense set of values in X ⋆⋆ . Theorem 2.13. [2, Theorem 2.12] For an arbitrary LCS X the following conditions are equivalent: (i) the space X is pseudocomplete; (ii) the map iX : X → X ⋆⋆ is surjective (and hence, bijective). Corollary 2.14. If a locally convex space X is pseudocomplete, then a (continuous and bijective) map i−1 X : X ⋆⋆ → X is defined, and it is an exact covering. Theorem 2.15. [2, Theorem 2.14] For an arbitrary LCS X the following conditions are equivalent: (i) the space X is pseudosaturated; (ii) the map iX : X → X ⋆⋆ is continuous. Corollary 2.16. If a locally convex space X is pseudosaturated, then the map iX : X → X ⋆⋆ is a dense embedding. Definition of stereotype space and examples. • A locally convex space X over C (one can consider also R) is said to be stereotype, if its natural map into the second dual space iX : X → X ⋆⋆ is an isomorphism of locally convex spaces. • The class of all stereotype spaces is denoted by Ste, it forms a category with linear continuous maps as morphisms. Certainly, if X is a stereotype space then its dual space X ⋆ is also stereotype. From Theorems 2.13 and 2.15 we have the following criterion: Theorem 2.17. A locally convex space X is stereotype if and only if it is pseudocomplete and pseudosaturated. This mean in particular, that there are non-stereotype locally convex spaces (since there are non-pesudocomplet and non-pseudosaturated spaces, see Examples 2.2 and 2.3). Nevertheless, the class of stereotype spaces Ste turns out to be amazingly wide. This is seen from the following series of examples, generalizing each other. Example 2.5. All Banach spaces are stereotype. Example 2.6. All Fréchet spaces are stereotype. Example 2.7. All quasicomplete barreled spaces are stereotype. As a corollary, the place of stereotype spaces among other frequently used classes of spaces can be illustrated by the following diagram: ✬ ✬ STEREOTYPE SPACES ✩ ✩ quasicomplete barreled spaces ✬ ✗ Fréchet spaces ✖ ✫ Banach spaces ✫ ✫ ✩ ✬ ✔ ✩ ✫ ✪ ✪ ✕ reflexive spaces ✪ ✪ (2.16) 30 This picture is supplemented by the examples of spaces, dual to the already mentioned, and having quite unwonted13 properties: Example 2.8. A locally convex space X is called a Smith space14 , if it is a complete k-space15 and has a universal compact set, i.e. a compact set K ⊂ X that absorbs any other compact set T ⊂ X: T ⊆ λK for some λ ∈ C. It is known that a locally convex space X is a Smith space if and only if it is stereotype and its dual space X ⋆ is a Banach space. Example 2.9. A locally convex space X is called a Brauner space16 , if it is a complete k-space17 and has a countable fundamental system of compact sets, i.e. a sequence of compact sets Kn ⊆ X such that every compact set T ⊆ X is contained in some Kn . A locally convex space X is a Brauner space if and only if it is stereotype and its dual space X ⋆ is a Fréchet space. The connections between the spaces of Fréchet, Brauner, Banach, and Smith are illustrated in the following diagram (where the 180 degree rotation corresponds to the passage to the dual class): ✬ ✬ ✩ Fréchet spaces ✬ finite-dimensional spaces Banach spaces ✫ ✫ ✩ Smith spaces ✪ ✪ Brauner spaces ✪ Completeness. Theorem 2.18. [2, Theorem 4.21] The category Ste is complete: each functor from a smal category into Ste has injective and projective limit. In th case of direct sums and direct products these constructions coincide with those in the category LCS of locally convex spaces, while in the general case the difference is that the injective limits in LCS must be pseudocompleted, and the projective limits must be pseudosaturated: Ste LCS M M Xi = Xi i∈I Ste lim Xi = −→ i→∞ (c) i∈I LCS lim Xi −→ i→∞ !▽ Ste LCS Y Y Xi = Xi i∈I Ste , i∈I lim Xi = ←− i→∞ LCS lim Xi ←− i→∞ (2.17) !△ . (2.18) Nodal decomposition, envelopes and refinements in Ste Subspaces and the envelope of a set of vectors. • Let Y be a subset in a stereotype space X endowed with the structure of stereotype space in such a way that the set-theoretic enclosure Y ⊆ X becomes a morphism of stereotype spaces (i.e. a linear continuous map). Then the stereotype space Y is called a subspace of the stereotype space X, and the set-theoretic enclosure σ : Y ⊆ X its representing monomorphism. The record Y ⊂→ X or 13 Because X →⊂Y of the non-standard notion of dual space. M.F.Smith [?]. 15 A topological space X is called k-space or Kelley space, if every set M ⊆ X having closed trace M ∩ K on each compact set K ⊆ X is closed in X. 16 After K.Brauner [?]. 17 See footnote 15. 14 After § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 31 will mean that Y is a subspace of the stereotype space X. If in addition we write Y =X then this means that the stereotype spaces Y and X coincide not only as sets but also with their algebraic and topological structure. Proposition 2.19. [4, Proposition 4.65] For a morphism µ : Z → X in the category Ste of stereotype spaces the following conditions are equivalent: (i) µ is a monomorphism, (ii) there exists a subspace Y in X with the representing monomorphism σ : Y ⊂→ X and an isomorphism θ : Z → Y of stereotype spaces such that the following diagram is commutative: Z ▼▼ ▼▼µ▼ O ▼▼& O θ O O q8 X q O q qσ Y Corollary 2.20. The category Ste is well-powered in the class Mono. • Suppose we have a sequence of two subspaces Z ⊂→ Y ⊂→ X, and the enclosure Z ⊂→ Y is a bimorphism of stereotype spaces, i.e. apart from the other requirements, Z is dense in Y (with respect to the topology of Y ): Z Y = Y. Then we will say that the subspace Y is a mediator for the subspace Z in the space X. • We call a subspace Z of a stereotype space X an immediate subspace in X, if it has no non-isomorphic mediators, i.e. for any mediator Y in X the corresponding enclosure Z ⊂→ Y is an isomorphism. In this case we use the record Z ⊂→◦ X:    Y ◦ Z ⊂→ X ⇐⇒ ∀Y Z ⊂→ Y ⊂→ X & Z = Y =⇒ Z = Y . Remark 2.10. In the category of locally convex spaces LCS the same construction gives a widely used object: immediate subspaces in a locally convex space X are exactly closed subspaces in X with the topology inherited from X. Below in Examples 2.11 and 2.12 we will see that in the category Ste of stereotype spaces the situation becomes sufficiently more complicated. Proposition 2.21. [4, Proposition 4.68] For a morphism µ : Z → X in the category Ste the following conditions are equivalent: (i) µ is an immediate monomorphism18 , (ii) there exists an immediate subspace Y of X with a representing monomorphism σ : Y ⊂→ X and an isomorphism θ : Z → Y such that the following diagram is commutative Z ▼▼ ▼▼µ▼ O ▼▼& O θ O O q8 X q O q qσ Y The subspaces Y and the morphism θ here are uniquely defined by Z and µ. 18 Immediate monomorphisms were defined on page 8. (2.19) 32 Properties of immediate subspaces:19 1◦ . If Z ⊆ Y ⊂→◦ X and Z ⊂→ X, then Z ⊂→ Y . 2◦ . If Z ⊆ Y ⊂→◦ X and Z ⊂→◦ X, then Z ⊂→◦ Y . 3◦ . If Y ⊂→◦ X and Y 4◦ . If Y ⊂→◦ X and Y X X = Y , then the topology of Y is the pseudosaturation of the topology induced from X. = X, then Y = X. 5◦ . If Y ⊂→◦ X and T ⊆ Y is a compact subset in X, then T is compact in Y . Example 2.11. [4, Example 4.70] There exists a stereotype space P with a closed immediate subspace Q, which topology is not inherited from P , and, moreover, some continuous functionals g ∈ Q⋆ cannot be continuously extended on P . Example 2.12. [4, Example 4.71] There exists a stereotype space X with an immediate subspace Z, such that Z is not closed as a set in X. • The envelope of a set M ⊆ X in a stereotype space X is the minimal immediate subspace in X, that contains M . It is denoted by EnvX M , or by Env M : M ⊆ EnvX M ⊂→◦ X ∀Y ⊂→◦ X & (M ⊆ Y =⇒ EnvX M ⊆ Y ) (2.20) Properties of EnvX M :20 1◦ . The envelope EnvX M always exists. 2◦ . If M ⊆ Y ⊂→◦ X, then EnvX M = EnvY M ⊂→◦ Y . 3◦ . The envelope EnvX M of each set M ⊆ X is an immediate subspace in X, that contains M as a total subset: EnvX M Span M = EnvX M. (2.21) M ⊆ EnvX M ⊂→◦ X, 4◦ . Each subspace Y in a stereotype space X is a subspace in its envelope EnvX Y Y ⊂→ X =⇒ Y ⊂→◦ X ⇐⇒ Y ⊂→ EnvX Y, (2.22) Y = EnvX Y. (2.23) and Y is an immediate subspace in X if and only if it coincides (with the topology) with its envelope: 5◦ . If ϕ : Y → X is a morphism of stereotype spaces, that maps a set N ⊆ Y into a set M ⊆ X, ϕ(N ) ⊆ M, then ϕ continuously maps EnvY N into EnvX M : ϕ YO /X O EnvY N ❴ ❴ ❴/ EnvX M ⊆ ⊆ =⇒ ⊆    Y ⊂→ X  ⊆ In the special cases: =⇒   N ⊆M    Y ⊂→◦ X   X N ⊆M  EnvY N ⊂→ EnvX M, (2.24) EnvY N ⊂→◦ EnvX M, (2.25) 6◦ . If Span M = M , then the envelope EnvX M is a pseudosaturation of the space M with respect to the topology induced from X. 7◦ . If Span M 19 See 20 See X = X, then EnvX M = X. proofs in [4, Section 4.5] proofs in [4, Section 4.5] § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 33 Quotient spaces and refinements of sets of functionals. • Let X be a stereotype space, and 1) in X as in a locally convex space we take a closed subspace E, 2) on the quotient space X/E we consider an arbitrary locally convex topology τ , which is majorated by the natural quotient topology of X/E, 3) in the completion (X/E)H of the locally convex space X/E with the topology τ we take a subspace Y , which contains X/E and is a stereotype space with respect to the topology inherited from (X/E)H . Then we call the stereotype space Y a quotient space of the stereotype space X, and the composition υ = σ ◦ π of the quotient map π : X → X/E and the natural enclosure σ : X/E → Y is called the representing epimorphism of the quotient space Y . The record Y ←X \ or the record X ←Y \ will mean that Y is a quotient space of the stereotype space X. Proposition 2.22. For a morphism ε : Z ← X in the category Ste the following conditions are equivalent: (i) ε is an epimorphism, (ii) there is a quotient space Y of X with the representing epimorphism υ : Y ← X, and an isomorphism θ : Z ← Y such that the following diagram is commutative: \ (2.26) ZO f▼▼ ▼▼ε▼ O ▼▼ O θ O X O qq O q xq υ Y Corollary 2.23. The category Ste is co-well-powered in the class Epi. The formalization of the idea of quotient object we have presented here has a qualitative shortcoming in comparison with the notion of subspace which we considered above: the problem is that the relation ← does not establish a partial order in the system Quot(P ) of quotient spaces of a stereotype space P . By the set-theoretic reasons no one of axioms of partial order (reflexivity, antisymmetry and transitivity) holds for ← . In particular, the first two axioms do not hold since the situation when Y ← X and at the same time Y = X is impossible. To explain this, let us agree for simplicity that we do not take into account the necessity to pass to a subspace in the completion which was stated in the step 3 of our definition – then Y ← X (and Y 6= ∅) implies by the axiom of regularity [38, Appendix, Axiom VII] that there exists an element y ∈ Y such that y ∩ Y = ∅. But if in addition Y = X, then the element y, being a coset of X, i.e. a non-empty subset in X, must have non-empty intersection y ∩ Y = y ∩ X = y 6= ∅ with X = Y . As to the transitivity, in the situation when Z ← Y and Y ← X the elements of Z are non-empty sets of elements of Y , and each such element is a non-empty set of elements of X. From the point of view of set theory this is not the same as if elements of Z were sets of elements of X, so in this situation the relation Z ← X is also impossible. This forces us to introduce a new binary relation. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • Suppose Y ← X and Z ← X. We will say that the quotient space Y subordinates the quotient space Z, and we write in this situation Z 6 Y , if there exists a morphism κ : Y → Z such that the following diagram is commutative: (2.27) Y e❏❏ ❏❏υY ❏❏ κ X tt t  ytttυZ Z \ \ (here υY and υZ are representing epimorphisms for Y and Z). The morphism κ, if exists, must be, first, unique, and, second, an epimorphism. 34 • Let Y and Z be two quotient spaces of X such that Z 6 Y, and the epimorphism κ : Z ← Y in diagram (2.27) is a monomorphism (and hence, a bimorphism) of stereotype spaces. Then we will say that the quotient space Y is a mediator for the quotient space Z of the space X. • We call a quotient space Z of a stereotype space X an immediate quotient space in X, if it has no nonisomorphic mediators, i.e. for any its mediator Y in X the corresponding epimorphism Z ← Y is an isomorphism. We write in this case Z ←◦ X:    ⇐⇒ ∀Y =⇒ Z = Y . Y ← X & Z 6 Y & κ ∈ Mono Z ←◦ X \ \ \ \ Remark 2.13. In the category of locally convex spaces LCS the immediate quotient spaces of a locally convex space X are exactly quotient space of X by closed subspaces with the usual quotient topologies. Like in the case of subspaces, in the category Ste of stereotype spaces the situation becomes more complicated (see below Examples 2.14 and 2.15). The following statement is dual to Proposition 2.21, and can be proved by the dual reasoning: Proposition 2.24. For a morphism ε : Z ← X in the category Ste the following conditions are equivalent: (i) ε is an immediate epimorphism21 , (ii) there exists an immediate quotient space Y of the stereotype space X with the representing morphism υ : Y ← X and an isomorphism θ : Z ← Y such that the following diagram is commutative: \ ZO f▼▼ ▼▼ε▼ O ▼▼ O θ O O qX q O xq q υ Y (2.28) The quotient space Y and the morphism θ are uniquely defined by Z and ε. Properties of immediate quotient spaces:22 1◦ . If Y ←◦ X, Z ← X and Z 6 Y , then there exists Z ′ such that Z ∼ = Z′ ← Y . \ \ \ 2◦ . If Y ←◦ X, Z ←◦ X and Z 6 Y , then there exists Z ′ such that Z ∼ = Z ′ ←◦ Y . \ \ \ 3◦ . If the representing morphism of an immediate quotient space υ : Y ← ◦ X is an open map, then the topology of Y is a pseudocompletion of the quotient space X/ Ker υ (with the usual quotient topology): \ Y ∼ = (X/ Ker υ)▽ . 4◦ . If the representing morphism of an immediate quotient space υ : Y ← ◦ X is a monomorphism, then Y = X. \ 5◦ . The representing morphism of an immediate quotient space υ : Y ←◦ X is always relatively open, i.e. for each neoighbourhood of zero U in X the condition \ (a) each functional f ∈ X ⋆ , bounded on U , sup |f (x)| < ∞, x∈U can be extended along the map υ : X → Y to some functional g ∈ Y ⋆ : 21 Immediate 22 See epimorphisms were defined on page 8. proofs in [4, Section 4.6]. f = g ◦ υ, § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 35 implies the condition (b) there exists a neighbourhood of zero V in Y such that υ(U ) ⊇ V ∩ υ(X). The following example is dual to Example 2.11: Example 2.14. There exists a stereotype space P with an immediate quotient space of the form Y = (P/E)▽ , which cannot be represented in the form Y = P/F for a subspace F ⊆ P . Example 2.12 implies Example 2.15. There exists a stereotype space P with an immediate quotient space Y , which cannot be represented in the form Y = (P/E)▽ for some subspace E ⊆ P . • The refinement of a set of functionals F ⊆ X ⋆ on a stereotype space X is the minimal (in the sense of the pre-order defined in Diagram (2.27)) immediate quotient space of X, to which all functionals f ∈ F can be linearly and continuously extended. It is denoted by Ref X F , or by Ref F : (ρ : Ref X F ←◦ X \ F ⊆ (Ref X F )⋆ ◦ ρ) & & ∀υ : Y ←◦ X \ (F ⊆ Y ⋆ ◦ υ =⇒ Ref X F 6 Y ) (2.29) Properties of Ref X F :23 1◦ . The refinement Ref X F always exist. 2◦ . If F ⊆ Y ⋆ and υ : Y ← ◦ X, then the refinement of a set of functionals F on Y is isomorphic to the refinement of the set of functionals F ◦ υ on X: \ X Ref Y F ∼ = Ref (F ◦ υ) ←◦ X \ 3◦ . The refinement Ref X F of each set F ⊆ X ⋆ is an immediate quotient space of the space X, such that the dual space (Ref X F )⋆ contains F as a total subset: Ref X F ←◦ X, Span F \ (Ref X F )⋆ = (Ref X F )⋆ . (2.30) 4◦ . Each quotient space Y of a stereotype space X is subordinated to the refinement Ref X (Y ⋆ ◦ υ) of the system of functionals Y ⋆ ◦ υ = {g ◦ υ; g ∈ Y ⋆ } on the space X, where υ : Y ← X is the representing epimorphism of the space Y : (2.31) υ : Y ← X =⇒ Y 6 Ref X (Y ⋆ ◦ υ), \ \ and Y is an immediate quotient space of X if and only if it coincides (with the topology) with this refinement: (2.32) υ : Y ←◦ X ⇐⇒ Y = Ref X (Y ⋆ ◦ υ). \ 5◦ . If ϕ : Y ← X is a morphism of stereotype spaces, such that the dual morphism ϕ⋆ : Y ⋆ → X ⋆ maps the set of functionals G ⊆ Y ⋆ into the set of functionals F ⊆ X ⋆ , ϕ⋆ (G) = G ◦ ϕ ⊆ F, then there exists a unique morphism ϕ′ such that the following diagram is commutative: Y o ϕ X   ϕ′ Ref Y G o❴ ❴ ❴ Ref X F In the special cases: 23 See proof in [4, Section 4.6].   ϕ:Y ←X =⇒ ϕ′ is an epimorphism G◦ϕ ⊆F   ϕ : Y ←◦ X =⇒ ϕ′ is an immediate epimorphism, G◦ϕ⊆F \ (2.33) \ (2.34) 36 6◦ . If F is closed in X ⋆ (equivalently: F coincides with its second annihilator, F = (⊥ F )⊥ ), then the refinement Ref X F is a pseudocompletion of the locally convex quotient space of X by the annihilator T ⊥ F = f ∈F Ker f : Ref X F = (X/(⊥ F ))▽ . 7◦ . If ⊥ F = T f ∈F Ker f = 0, then Ref X F = X. The following result follows immediately from the definitions of EnvX M and Ref X F . Theorem 2.25. For each stereotype space X we have ⋆ (EnvX M )⋆ = Ref X M, ⋆ (Ref X F )⋆ = EnvX F, M ⊆ X, (2.35) F ⊆ X ⋆. (2.36) Nodal decomposition in Ste. Theorem 2.26. [4, Theorem 4.100] In the category Ste of stereotype spaces each morphism ϕ : X → Y has nodal decomposition (1.13). The operation ϕ 7→ ϕ⋆ of taking the dual map establishes the following identities: (im∞ ϕ)⋆ = coim∞ ϕ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ (Im∞ ϕ) = Coim∞ ϕ (coim∞ ϕ)⋆ = im∞ ϕ⋆ (2.37) (Coim∞ ϕ)⋆ = Im∞ ϕ⋆ (2.38) Theorem 2.27. [4, Theorem 4.102] For any morphism of stereotype spaces ϕ : X → Y — its nodal image Im∞ ϕ coincides with the envelope in Y of its set of values ϕ(X): Im∞ ϕ = EnvY ϕ(X) (2.39) — its nodal coimage Coim∞ ϕ coincides with the refinement on X of a set of functionals ϕ⋆ (Y ⋆ ): Coim∞ ϕ = Ref X ϕ⋆ (Y ⋆ ) (2.40) Theorem 2.28 (characterization of strong monomorphisms). [4, Theorem 4.104] In the category Ste for a morphism µ : Z → X the following conditions are equivalent: (i) µ is an immediate monomorphism, (i)′ in diagram (2.19) the space Y is an immediate subspace in X, (ii) µ is a strong monomorphism, (ii)′ in diagram (2.19) the morphism σ is a strong monomorphism, (iii) µ ∼ = im∞ µ, (iv) coim∞ µ and red∞ µ are isomorphisms. Theorem 2.29 (characterization of strong epimorphisms). [4, Theorem 4.105] In the category Ste for a morphism ε : Z → X the following conditions are equivalent: (i) ε is an immediate epimorphism, (i)′ in diagram (2.26) the space Y is an immediate quotient space for X, (ii) ε is a strong epimorphism, (ii)′ in diagram (2.26) the morphism π is a strong epimorphism, (iii) ε ∼ = coim∞ ε, (iv) im∞ µ and red∞ µ are isomorphisms. § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 37 ϕ * Ste as a pre-abelian category and basic decomposition. Since any two parallel morphisms X 4Y ψ in the category Ste of stereotype spaces can be added and subtracted one from another, it is clear that Ste is an additive category. In [2] it was noticed that this category is pre-abelian: Theorem 2.30. [2, Theorem 4.17] In the category Ste of stereotype spaces for each morphism ϕ : X → Y the formulas  △ ▽ △   ▽  Ker ϕ = ϕ−1 (0) , Coker ϕ = Y /ϕ(X) , Coim ϕ = X/ϕ−1 (0) , (2.41) Im ϕ = ϕ(X) define respectively kernel, cokernel, coimage and image. The operation ϕ 7→ ϕ⋆ of taking dual map establishes the following connections between these objects: (ker ϕ)⋆ = coker ϕ⋆ ⊥△ (Ker ϕ) (coker ϕ)⋆ = ker ϕ⋆ ⊥△ ⋆ = Im ϕ (Im ϕ) ⋆ = Ker ϕ (im ϕ)⋆ = coim ϕ⋆ (coim ϕ)⋆ = im ϕ⋆ ⋆ ⊥△ ⋆ ⊥△ Ker ϕ = (Im ϕ ) Im ϕ = (Ker ϕ ) (2.42) (2.43) The pre-abelian property of Ste implies Theorem 2.31. Each morphism ϕ : X → Y in Ste has basic decomposition (1.14). The operation ϕ 7→ ϕ⋆ of taking dual map establishes the following identities: (im ϕ)⋆ = coim ϕ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ (Im ϕ) = Coim ϕ (coim ϕ)⋆ = im ϕ⋆ (2.44) ⋆ (2.45) ⋆ (Coim ϕ) = Im ϕ Formulas (2.41) imply Theorem 2.32. For any morphism of stereotype spaces ϕ : X → Y — its kernel Ker ϕ and image Im ϕ are closed immediate subspaces (in X and Y respectively), — its coimage Coim ϕ and cokernel Coker ϕ are open immediate quotient spaces (of X and Y respectively). By Theorem 1.6, each morphism ϕ : X → Y in the category Ste is decomposed into the diagram (1.15), X ❖❖ ❖❖❖ ❖❖❖coim∞ ϕ ❖❖❖ ❖❖❖ ❖' coim ϕ Coim ∞ϕ ♦7 ♦ ♦σ ♦ ♦  ♦ ♦ Coim ϕ ϕ red∞ ϕ red ϕ / q8 YO q q q im∞ ϕqqq q q q q qqq / Im∞ ϕ im ϕ ▲▲ ▲▲ τ ▲ ▲ ▲& / Im ϕ (2.46) where the morphisms σ and τ are defined uniquely (by ϕ). At the same time, in the category Ste the morphisms σ and τ are not necessarily isomorphisms [4, Example 4.101]. Envelopes and refinements in Ste. Since Ste has nodal decomposition, is complete, well-powered and co-well-powered, it has some envelopes and refinements. Theorem 2.33. [4, Theorem 4.106] In the category Ste of stereotype spaces (a) each space X has envelopes in the classes Epi of all epimorphisms and SEpi of all strong epimorphisms with respect to arbitrary class of morphisms Φ, among which there is at least one going from X; in addition, (i) if Φ differs morphisms on the outside in Ste, then the envelope in Epi is also an envelope in the class Bim of all bimorphisms: Bim envEpi Φ X = envΦ X, (ii) if Φ differs morphisms on the outside and is an ideal in Ste, then the envelope in Epi is also an envelope in the class Bim of all bimorphisms, and in any other class Ω which contains Bim (for example, in the class Mor of all morphisms): Bim Ω envEpi Φ X = envΦ X = envΦ X = envΦ X, Ω ⊇ Bim . 38 (b) each space X has refinements in the classes Mono of all monomorphisms and SMono of all strong monomorphisms by means of arbitrary class of morphisms Φ, among which there is at least one coming to X; in addition, (i) if Φ differs morphisms on the inside in Ste, then the refinement in Mono is also a refinement in the class Bim of all bimorphisms: ref Mono X = ref Bim Φ Φ X. (ii) if Φ differs morphisms on the inside and is a left ideal in Ste, then the refinement in Mono is a refinement in the class Bim of all bimorphisms, and of any other class Ω which contains Bim (for example, in the class Mor of all morphisms): Ω X = ref Bim ref Mono Φ X = ref Φ X = ref Φ X, Φ Ω ⊇ Bim . Theorem 2.34. [4, Theorem 4.107] The envelope EnvX M of a set M in a stereotype space X coincides with the envelope of the space24 CM P in the class Epi of all epimorphisms of the category Ste with respect to the morphism ϕ : CM → X, ϕ(α) = x∈M αx · x, EnvX M = EnvEpi ϕ CM . Theorem 2.35. [4, Theorem 4.108] The refinement Ref X F of a set F of functionals on a stereotype space X coinsides with the refinement of the space25 CF in the class Mono of all monomorphisms in the category Ste by means of the morphism ϕ : X → CF , ϕ(x)f = f (x), f ∈ F Ref X F = Ref Mono CF . ϕ (d) Space of operators and tensor products Space of operators and bilinear forms. • Let X and Y be stereotype spaces. — For any sets A ⊆ X, B ⊆ Y we denote by B : A the system of morphisms ϕ : X → Y which map A into B: ϕ ∈ B : A ⇐⇒ ϕ : X → Y & ϕ(A) ⊆ B. (2.47) The following identities are justification of this notation: (λ · B) : A = λ · (B : A), B : (λ · A) = 1 · (B : A), λ λ ∈ C. (2.48) — By Y : X we denote the space of linear continuous maps ϕ : X → Y endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets in X. — By Y ⊘ X we denote the pseudosaturation of the space Y : X, Y ⊘ X = (Y : X)△ (2.49) The space Y ⊘ X is stereotype and is called the inner space of operators from X into Y . Recall the the dual map ϕ⋆ was defined in (2.7). Theorem 2.36. [2, Theorem 6.2] For any two stereotype spaces X and Y the map ϕ ∈ Y ⊘ X 7→ ϕ⋆ ∈ X ⋆ ⊘ Y ⋆ is an isomorphism of stereotype spaces Y ⊘X ∼ (2.50) = X⋆ ⊘ Y ⋆ Theorem 2.37. The map ϕ 7→ ϕ⋆ is a contravariant functor from Ste into Ste: 1⋆X = 1X ⋆ , ϕ⋆ ◦ ψ ⋆ = (ψ ◦ ϕ)⋆ . Example 2.16. If X is a Smith space, and Y a Banach space, then Y ⊘ X = Y : X is a Banach space. Example 2.17. If X is a Banach space, and Y a Smith space, then Y ⊘ X = Y : X is a Smith space. 24 We 25 The use here the notations of [3, p.478]. notations of [3, p.477] are used here. (2.51) § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 39 Example 2.18. If X is a Brauner space, and Y a Fréchet space, then Y ⊘ X = Y : X is a Fréchet space. Example 2.19. If X is a Fréchet space, and Y a Brauner space, then Y ⊘ X = Y : X is a Brauner space. • Let X, Y, Z be stereotype spaces. Then — we say that a bilinear map β : X × Y → Z is continuous26 , if (1) for each compact set K in X and for each neighbourhood of zero W in Z there is a neighbourhood of zero V in Y such that β(K, V ) ⊆ W, (2) for each compact set L in Y and for each neighbourhood of zero W in Z there is a neighbourhood of zero U in X such that β(U, L) ⊆ W, — we denote by Z : (X, Y ) the space of continuous bilinear maps β : X × Y → Z endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets in X × Y , — we denote by Z ⊘ (X, Y ) the pseudosaturation of the space Z : (X, Y ), Z ⊘ (X, Y ) = (Z : (X, Y ))△ (2.52) The space Z ⊘ (X, Y ) is stereotype, and we call it the inner space of bilinear maps from X × Y into Z. Like Z : (X, Y ), it consists of continuous bilinear maps β : X × Y → Z, but the topologies of Z : (X, Y ) and Z ⊘ (X, Y ) may be different.27 Example 2.20. If X and Y are Smith spaces, and Z a Banach space, then Z ⊘ (X, Y ) = Z : (X, Y ) is a Banach space. Example 2.21. If X and Y are Banach spaces, and Z is a Smith space, then Z ⊘ (X, Y ) = Z : (X, Y ) is a Smith space. Example 2.22. If X and Y are Brauner spaces, and Z a Fréchet space, then Z ⊘ (X, Y ) = Z : (X, Y ) is a Fréchet space. Example 2.23. If X and Y are Fréchet spaces, and Z a Brauner space, then Z ⊘ (X, Y ) = Z : (X, Y ) is a Brauner space. Theorem 2.38. If X, Y, Z are stereotype spaces, then the formula β(x, y) = ϕ(y)(x) (2.53) Z ⊘ (X, Y ) = (Z ⊘ X) ⊘ Y (2.54) C ⊘ (X, Y ) = X ⋆ ⊘ Y (2.55) defines an isomorphism of stereotype spaces Remark 2.24. In the special case when Z = C we have ⋆ Y ⊘ X = C ⊘ (Y , X) (2.56) Theorem 2.39. For all stereotype spaces X, Y, Z the composition map (β, α) ∈ (Z ⊘ Y ) × (Y ⊘ X) 7→ β ◦ α ∈ (Z ⊘ X) is a continuous bilinear form. • Let α : X ← X ′ and β : Y → Y ′ be linear continuous maps of stereotype spaces. Denote by β ⊘ α the map (β ⊘ α) : (Y ⊘ X) → (Y ′ ⊘ X ′ ) acting by formula (β ⊘ α)(ϕ) = β ◦ ϕ ◦ α, ϕ ∈ Y ⊘ X. (2.57) Theorem 2.40. For all stereotype spaces X, Y, X ′, Y ′ the bilinear map (β, α) ∈ (Y ′ ⊘ Y ) × (X ⊘ X ′ ) 7→ β ⊘ α ∈ (Y ′ ⊘ X ′ ) ⊘ (Y ⊘ X) (2.58) is continuous. Theorem 2.41. The map (α, β) 7→ β ⊙ α is a covariant functor from Ste × Steop into Ste: 26 This 1Y ⊘ 1X = 1Y ⊘X , β ′ ⊘ α′ ◦ β ⊘ α = (β ′ ◦ β) ⊘ (α ◦ α′ ). (2.59) type of continuity is called sometimes (K(X), K(Y ))-hypocontinuity (cf.[59]), where K(X) and K(Y ) are systems of compact sets in X and Y respectively. 27 Cf. footnote ??, the situation with Z : (X, Y ) and Z ⊘ (X, Y ) is the same. 40 Tensor products. by the equality A projective (stereotype) tensor product X ⊛ Y of stereotype spaces X and Y is defined X ⊛ Y = (X ⋆ ⊘ Y )⋆ (2.60) X ⊛ Y = (C ⊘ (X, Y ))⋆ (2.61) or, equivalently, due to (2.55), For x ∈ X and y ∈ Y the elementary tensor x ⊛ y ∈ X ⊛ Y is defined by the equality (x ⊛ y)(ϕ) = ϕ(y)(x) (2.62) (where ϕ ∈ X ⋆ ⊘ Y , and x ⊛ y is considered as the element of (X ⋆ ⊘ Y )⋆ ), or, equivalently, (x ⊛ y)(β) = β(x, y) (2.63) (where β ∈ C ⊘ (X, Y ), and x ⊛ y is considered as an element of C ⊘ (X, Y )⋆ ). Proposition 2.42. The map ι : (x, y) ∈ X × Y 7→ x ⊛ y ∈ X ⊛ Y is a continuous bilinear form. Proposition 2.43. The algebraic tensor product X ⊗ Y is injectively and denseley embedded into the projective tensor productX ⊛ Y by the formula x ⊗ y 7→ x ⊛ y Theorem 2.44 (universality of projective tensor product). For any stereotype spaces X, Y, Z and for any continuous bilinear form β : X × Y → Z there is a unique linear continuous map of stereotype spaces βe : X ⊛ Y → Z such that the following diagram is commutative: ι X ×Y ❄❄ ❄❄ ❄❄ β ❄❄  Z / X ⊛Y ⑧⑧ ⑧⑧ , ⑧ ⑧  ⑧ βe ⑧ where ι is defined in Proposition 2.42. Moreover, the maps β 7→ βe is an isomorphism of stereotype spaces Z ⊘ (X, Y ) = Z ⊘ (X ⊛ Y ) (2.64) For any morphisms α : X → X ′ and β : Y → Y ′ their projective stereotype tensor product α ⊛ β : X ⊛ Y → X ′ ⊛ Y ′ is defined by the equality α ⊛ β = (α⋆ ⊘ β)⋆ (2.65) (where α⋆ and α ⊘ β are defined in (2.7) and (2.65)). Theorem 2.45. The mapping (α, β) 7→ α ⊛ β is a covariant functor from Ste × Ste into Ste: α′ ⊛ β ′ ◦ α ⊛ β = (α′ ◦ α) ⊛ (β ′ ◦ β). 1X ⊛ 1Y = 1X⊛Y , (2.66) An injective (stereotype) tensor product X ⊙ Y of stereotype spaces X and Y is defined by the formula X ⊙ Y = Y ⊘ X⋆ (2.67) X ⊙ Y = C ⊘ (X ⋆ , Y ⋆ ) (2.68) or, equivalently, due to (2.56), by the formula For x ∈ X and y ∈ Y the elementary operator x ⊙ y ∈ X ⊙ Y is defined by (x ⊙ y)(f ) = f (x)y, f ∈ X⋆ (2.69) (if x ⊙ y is considered as an element of Y ⊘ X ⋆ ), or by (x ⊙ y)(f, g) = f (x)g(y), f ∈ X ⋆, g ∈ Y ⋆ (if x ⊙ y is considered as an element of C ⊘ (X ⋆ , Y ⋆ )). Proposition 2.46. The map ι : (x, y) ∈ X × Y 7→ x ⊙ y ∈ X ⊙ Y is a continuous bilinear form. (2.70) § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 41 Proposition 2.47. The algebraic tensor product X ⊗ Y is injectively (but not necessarily dense) embedded into the injective tensor product X ⊙ Y by the formula x ⊗ y 7→ x ⊙ y Example 2.25. If X and Y are Banach spaces, then X ⊛ Y are X ⊙ Y Banach spaces. Example 2.26. If X and Y are Smith spaces, then X ⊛ Y and X ⊙ Y are Smith spaces. Example 2.27. If X and Y are Fréchet spaces, then X ⊛ Y are X ⊙ Y Fréchet spaces. Example 2.28. If X and Y are Brauner spaces, then X ⊛ Y and X ⊙ Y are Brauner spaces. For any morphisms α : X → X ′ and β : Y → Y ′ their injective tensor product α ⊙ β : X ⊙ Y → X ′ ⊙ Y ′ is defined by the equality α ⊙ β = β ⊘ α⋆ (2.71) (where α⋆ and α ⊘ β are defined in (2.7) and (2.65)). Theorem 2.48. The mapping (α, β) 7→ α ⊙ β is a covariant functor from Ste × Ste into Ste: α′ ⊙ β ′ ◦ α ⊙ β = (α′ ◦ α) ⊙ (β ′ ◦ β). 1X ⊛ 1Y = 1X⊛Y , (2.72) Theorem 2.49. [2, Theorem 7.8] The identity @X,Y (x ⊛ y) = x ⊙ y, x ∈ X, y∈Y (2.73) defines a natural trnsformation @X,Y : X ⊛ Y → X ⊙ Y of the bifunctor ⊛ into the bifunctor ⊙: for each morphisms α : X → X ′ and β : Y → Y ′ the diagram X ⊛Y @X,Y / X ⊙Y α⊙β α⊛β  X′ ⊛ Y ′ (2.74) @X ′ ,Y ′  / X ′ ⊙ Y ′. is commutative. • The mapping @X,Y : X ⊛ Y → X ⊙ Y defined in (2.73) is called the Grothendieck transformation for the spaces X and Y . Theorem 2.50. The tensor products ⊛, ⊙, the fraction ⊘ and the star ⋆ are connected with each other in the category Ste throght the following asomorphisms of functors: (i) the connection between ⊛, ⊙ and ⊘: (X ⊛ Y )⋆ ∼ = Y ⋆ ⊙ X⋆ Z ⊘ (X ⊛ Y ) ∼ = (Z ⊘ X) ⊘ Y (ii) symmetry and monoidal property of both ⊛ and ⊙: C⊛X ∼ =X∼ =X ⊛C ∼ X ⊛Y =Y ⊛X (X ⊛ Y ) ⊛ Z ∼ = X ⊛ (Y ⊛ Z) (iii) connection with the direct sums (  M ⋆ Y Xi⋆ Xi ∼ = i∈I Y ⊘ M M i∈I i∈I Xi i∈I !  ⊛ M j∈J  Yj  ∼ = (2.75) C⊙X ∼ =X∼ =X ⊙C ∼ X ⊙Y =Y ⊙X (2.77) (X ⊙ Y ) ⊙ Z ∼ = X ⊙ (Y ⊙ Z) L Q ) and direct products ( ):  Y ⋆ M Xi⋆ Xi ∼ = i∈I   Y Y ⊘ Xi , Xi ∼ = i∈I (X ⊙ Y )⋆ ∼ = Y ⋆ ⊛ X⋆ (X ⊙ Y ) ⊘ Z ∼ = X ⊙ (Y ⊘ Z) M i∈I,j∈J Y j∈J (Xi ⊛ Yj ) Y i∈I (2.76) (2.78) (2.79) (2.80) i∈I   Y Yj ⊘ X , Yj ⊘ X ∼ = Xi !  ⊙ j∈J Y j∈J  Yj  ∼ = Y i∈I,j∈J (2.81) (Xi ⊙ Yj ) (2.82) 42 (iv) connection with the projective (lim∞←i ) and injective (limi→∞ ) limits: ⋆ ⋆   lim Xi ∼ lim Xi ∼ = lim Xi⋆ = lim Xi⋆ i→∞ ∞←i ∞←i i→∞         ∼ lim Yj ⊘ X ∼ Y ⊘ lim Xi = lim Y ⊘ Xi , = lim Yj ⊘ X , ∞←j ∞←j ∞←i i→∞             ∼ lim Xi ⊛ lim Yj = lim Xi ⊛ Yj , lim Xi ⊙ lim Yj ∼ = lim Xi ⊙ Yj , i→∞ j→∞ i,j→∞ j→∞ i→∞ i,j→∞ (2.83) (2.84) (2.85) (⊛ commutes with injective limits, and ⊙ commutes with projective limits). Proof. 1. The essential part of these identities are proved in [2]. In particular, (2.75) is noticed in [2, (7.16)]. In the identities (2.76) the left one follows from [2, Theorem 7.3] and [2, Theorem 6.12], and the right one is its corollary: (X ⊙ Y ) ⊘ Z = (2.50) = Z ⋆ ⊘ (X ⊙ Y )⋆ = (2.75) = Z ⋆ ⊘ (Y ⋆ ⊛ X ⋆ ) = = (left identity in (2.76)) = (Z ⋆ ⊘ Y ⋆ ) ⊘ X ⋆ = (2.50) = (Y ⊘ Z) ⊘ X ⋆ = (2.67) = X ⊙ (Y ⊘ Z). The identities (2.77), (2.78) and (2.79) are proved in [2] as (7.18), (7.19) and (7.20). It remains to prove the identities in (iii) and in (iv). And (iii) are special cases of (iv), so it is sufficient to prove (iv). 2. In (iv) the identities (2.83) are evident, since they follow immediately from the definitions of injective and projective limits, and from the autoduality of the category Ste. In the rest the key identity is the right one πj in (2.84), and we prove it first. Let Yi ←i Yj be morphisms of the projective system {Yi }. Then the morphisms π j ⊘idX Yi ⊘ X i ← Yj ⊘ X turn the family Yi ⊘ X into a projective system. We have to prove that the space  lim∞←i Yi ⊘ X is the projective limit of the system {Yi ⊘ X; πij ⊘ idX }. Put Y = lim Yi , ∞←i and let ρj Yj ← Y be natural projections of the projective limit Y into the system {Yi ; πij }. I.e., first, {Y ; ρj } is a cone for {Yi ; πij }, ρj ⑧ ⑧⑧ ⑧⑧ Yj o Y ❄ ❄❄ρk ❄❄  j<k (2.86) Yk πjk and, second, if {Z; σj } is another cone, σj ⑧ ⑧⑧ ⑧⑧ Yj o Z ❄ ❄❄σk ❄❄  Yk k j<k πj τ then there exists a unique morphism Y ← Z such that τ Y ❄o❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ Z ❄❄ ⑧ ❄ ⑧⑧ ρi ❄ ⑧⑧ σi Yi i∈I a. Let us show that the space Y ⊘ X is a cone for the system {Yi ⊘ X; πij ⊘ idX } with respect to the family of morphisms ρj ⊘idX Yj ⊘ X ←− Y ⊘ X, i.e. for any j < k the following diagram is commutative: Y ⊘X ❏❏ tt ❏❏ρk ⊘idX t t ❏❏ t ❏$ ztt o Yj ⊘ X Yk ⊘ X k ρj ⊘idX πj ⊘idX § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 43 Indeed, for each ϕ ∈ Y ⊘ X we have   (πjk ⊘ idX ) (ρk ⊘ idX )(ϕ) = (πjk ⊘ idX ) ρk ◦ ϕ = πjk ◦ ρk ◦ ϕ = (2.86) = ρj ◦ ϕ = (ρj ⊘ idX )(ϕ). I.e. (πjk ⊘ idX ) ◦ (ρk ⊘ idX ) = ρj ⊘ idX . b. Let {Z; σj } be another cone for the system {Yi ⊘ X; πij ⊘ idX }: ⑧ ⑧⑧ ⑧⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ Yj ⊘ X o k σj Z ❄ ❄❄ ❄❄σk ❄❄ ❄ Yk ⊘ X j < k. πj ⊘idX For each z ∈ Z we have: (πjk ⊘ idX ) ◦ σk = σj ⇓     πjk σk (z) = (πjk ⊘ idX ) ◦ σk (z) = σj (z) ⇓ σj (z) ⑧ ⑧⑧ ⑧ ⑧ Yj o X ❄ ❄❄σk (z) ❄❄  Yk k j<k πj σj (z) τ (z) Thus, Yj ← X is a cone for the system {Yi ; πij }. Hence, there is a unique morphism Y ← X such that the following diagrams are commutative: τ (z) Y ❄o❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ X ❄❄ ⑧ ❄ ⑧⑧ (2.87) ρi ❄ ⑧⑧ σi (z) Yi Since τ (z) ∈ Y ⊘ X, we have a map τ Y ⊘ X ←− Z. We have to show that this is the very same unique morphism for which the following diagram is commutative: τ Y ⊘ X o❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ Z ❏❏ tt ❏❏ tt ❏❏ t t ❏$ ρi ⊘idX ztt σi Yi ⊘ X c. First, we have to verify that τ is a linear map. Take z1 , z2 ∈ Z and λ1 , λ2 ∈ C. Then for each i   ρi ◦ λ1 τ (z1 ) + λ2 τ (z2 ) = λ1 ρi ◦ τ (z1 ) + λ2 ρi ◦ τ (z2 ) = (2.87) =   = λ1 σi (z1 ) + λ2 σi (z2 ) = σi λ1 z1 + λ2 z2 So for each i the following diagram is commutative: λ1 τ (z1 )+λ2 τ (z2 ) Y ❄o❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ X ❄❄ ⑧⑧ ❄❄ ⑧⑧ ❄❄ ⑧ ⑧ ρi ❄ ❄❄ ⑧⑧ σi (λ1 z1 +λ2 z2 )  ⑧⑧ Yi But on the other hand, if we put z = λ1 z1 + λ2 z2 into (2.87), we see that for all i the following diagram is commutative: τ (λ1 z1 +λ2 z2 ) Y ❄o❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ X ❄❄ ⑧⑧ ❄❄ ⑧⑧ ❄❄ ⑧ ⑧ ρi ❄ ❄❄ ⑧⑧ σi (λ1 z1 +λ2 z2 ) ⑧⑧  Yi 44 Recall that Y = lim∞←i Yi is a projective limit, hence the morphism Y ← X for which these diagrams are commutative, is unique. We can conclude from this that λ1 τ (z1 ) + λ2 τ (z2 ) = τ (λ1 z1 + λ2 z2 ). Since this is true for any z1 , z2 ∈ Z and λ1 , λ2 ∈ C, the map τ is indeed linear. d. Now let us prove that τ continuously maps Z into28 Y : X τ (Y : X) ←− Z. Let U be a base neighbourhood of zero in Y : X, i.e.29 U= n \ s=1  ρ−1 (V ) : K, s is where K is a compact set in X, and V1 , ..., Vn is a finite system of neighbourhoods of zeroes in the spaces Yi1 , ..., Yin respectively. Note that for each s the set Ws = σi−1 (Vs : K) s σi s Z is continuous. Hence, the set is a neighbourhood of zero in Z, since the map (Yis : X) ←− W = n \ Ws = s=1 n \ σi−1 (Vs : K) s s=1 is also a neighbourhood of zero in Z. Now for any z ∈ Z we have: τ (z) ∈ U = ∀s s=1  ρ−1 (V ) :K s is ⇐⇒ τ (z)(K) ⊆ ρi−1 (Vs ) s τ (z)(K) ⊆ ⇐⇒ ∀s n \ ρi−1 (Vs ) s s=1 ⇐⇒  ρis τ (z)(K) ⊆ Vs | {z } ⇐⇒ ∀s σis (z)(K) ⊆ Vs ⇐⇒ = ⇐⇒ n \ =  ρis ◦ τ (z) (K) (2.87) σis (z)(K) ⇐⇒ ∀s σis (z) ∈ Vs : K ⇐⇒ z ∈ σi−1 (Vs : K) = Ws s ∀s ⇐⇒ z∈ n \ Ws = W s=1 I.e. τ −1 (U ) = W . The pre-image of the base neighbourhood of zero U ⊆ Y : X is a neighbourhood of zero τ W ⊆ Z, thus the map (Y : X) ←− Z is continuous. τ e. The map (Y : X) ←− Z is continuous and the space Z is pseudosaturated, hence the map τ Y ⊘ X = (Y : X)△ ←− Z is also continuous. f. For each i ∈ I and for each z ∈ Z we have (ρi ⊘ idX )(τ (z)) = ρi ◦ τ (z) = (2.87) = σi (z), and this means that all the following diagram are commutative: τ Y ⊘ X o❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ Z ❏❏ tt ❏❏ tt ❏❏ t t ❏$ ρi ⊘idX ztt σi Yi ⊘ X g. It remains to prove that the morphism τ with this property is unique. Suppose that τ ′ is another morphism with the same property, i.e. such that all the diagrams ′ τ Y ⊘ X o❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ Z ❏❏ tt ❏❏ tt ❏❏ t t ❏$ ρi ⊘idX ztt σi Yi ⊘ X 28 We 29 We use the notation Y : X defined on page 38. use the notation B : A from (2.47). § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 45 are commutative. Then for any z ∈ Z we have ρi ◦ τ ′ (z) = (ρi ⊘ idX )(τ ′ (z)) = σi (z), i.e. the diagram ′ τ (z) Y ❄o❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ X ❄❄ ⑧ ❄ ⑧⑧ ρi ❄ ⑧⑧ σi (z) Yi is commutative. And this is true for any i ∈ I. But the morphism Y ← X with this property is unique and must coincide with the morphism τ (z) from diagrams (2.87). Thus, τ ′ (z) = τ (z). This is true for all z ∈ Z, therefore τ ′ = τ . 3. When the right identity in (2.84) is proved, the left one becomes its corollary:  ⋆     Y ⊘ lim Xi ∼ = (2.83) ∼ = lim Xi⋆ ⊘ Y ⋆ . = (2.50) ∼ = lim Xi ⊘ Y ⋆ ∼ ∞←i i→∞ i→∞ Now it becomes possible to prove (2.85):   ⋆   ⋆ ⋆      = = (2.83) = lim Xi⋆ ⊘ lim Yj lim Xi ⊘ lim Yj lim Xi ⊛ lim Yj = (2.60) = j→∞ ∞←i j→∞ i→∞ j→∞ i→∞   ⋆ ⋆  ⋆    ⋆ ⋆ = (2.83) = lim Xi⋆ ⊘ Yj = = (2.84) = lim Xi ⊘ Yj = (2.84) = lim Xi ⊘ lim Yj ∞←i ∞←i,j j→∞ i,j→∞ = (2.60) = lim Xi ⊛ Yj i,j→∞ and     ⋆        lim Xi ⊙ lim Yj = (2.67) = lim Yj ⊘ lim Xi = (2.83) = lim Yj ⊘ lim Xi⋆ = i→∞ ∞←j ∞←i ∞←j ∞←j ∞←i        = (2.84) = lim Yj ⊘ Xi⋆ = (2.67) = lim Xi ⊙ Yj = (2.84) = lim Yj ⊘ lim Xi⋆ ∞←j ∞←i,j i→∞ ∞←i,j Corollary 2.51. The category Ste is a symmetric monoidal category with respect to each of the tensor products ⊛ and ⊙, and moreover, it is a closed monoidal category with respect to ⊛. The following proposition will be useful in Lemma 5.19: Lemma 2.52. Suppose X, Y and Z are stereotype spaces, and Y is a complementable closed subspace in X. Then (2.88) [(X ⊛ Z)/(Y ⊛ Z)]▽ ∼ = [X/Y ]▽ ⊛ Z and [(X ⊙ Z)/(Y ⊙ Z)]▽ ∼ = [X/Y ]▽ ⊙ Z (2.89) [(X ⊛ Z)/(Y ⊛ Z)]▽ ∼ = [(X ⊙ Z)/(Y ⊙ Z)]▽ = [X/Y ] ⊙ Z ∼ = [X/Y ] ⊛ Z ∼ (2.90) In particular, if Y is a closed subspace of finite codimension in X, then Proof. Let P be the complement of Y in X: X = Y ⊕ P. Then X/Y ∼ = P , and the quotient map ϕ : X → P can be represented as a projection to the second component. The tensor product has the form X ⊛ Z = (Y ⊕ P ) ⊛ Z = [4, (2.52)] = (Y ⊛ Z) ⊕ (P ⊛ Z), and ϕ ⊛ idZ : X ⊛ Z → P ⊛ Z also becomes a projection to the second component. We have (2.88): [(X ⊛ Z)/(Y ⊛ Z)]▽ = Coim(ϕ ⊛ idZ ) = P ⊛ Z = [X/Y ]▽ ⊛ Z. Similarly one can prove (2.89). After that (2.90) becomes a corollary of the fact that the tensor products ⊛ and ⊙ coincide when one of the multipliers is finite dimensional: P ⊛Z ∼ = P ⊙ Z, dim P < ∞. 46 (e) Involution on stereotype spaces Involution on a vector space. We denote involution by the symbol • with the aim of not confusing it with the convolution ∗ in a group algebra (defined below in (3.71)). For uniformity we sometimes denote the standard involution on C by the symbol •C : x, y ∈ R. •C (x + yi) = x + yi = x − yi, (2.91) Let X be a vector space over C. An involution in X is an arbitrary mapping x ∈ X 7→ x• ∈ X satisfying the following identities: (x• )• = x, (λ · x)• = λ · x• , (x + y)• = x• + y • , x, y ∈ X, λ ∈ C. (2.92) A vector x ∈ X is said to be real, if it coinsides with its involution: x• = x. (2.93) Each involution x 7→ x• defines real and imaginary part of every vector x ∈ X: x + x• , 2 Re x = Im x = x − x• . 2i (2.94) Properties of Re x and Im x: 1◦ . A vector x ∈ X is real if and only if it coincides with its real part, or, equivalently, its imaginary part vanishes: x• = x ⇐⇒ Re x = x ⇐⇒ Im x = 0. (2.95) 2◦ . For any x ∈ X the vectors Re x and Im x are real, and x = Re x + i · Im x. (2.96) Conversely, if for some real vectors a, b ∈ X we have x = a + i · b, (2.97) x• = Re x − i · Im x, (2.98) then a = Re x and b = Im x. 3◦ . For any x ∈ X Re(i · x) = − Im x Im(i · x) = Re x. (2.99) (2.100) 4◦ . The mappings Re : X → X and Im : X → X are linear over R, satisfy the equalities Re2 = Re, Re ◦ Im = Im, Im ◦ Re = 0, Im2 = 0, and have the R-subspace of real vectors in X as image: Re X = Im X = {x ∈ X : x• = x} = {x ∈ X : Re x = x} = {x ∈ X : Im x = x}. (2.101) • The R-subspace (2.101) of real vectors in X is called real part of X. Proof. 1. The first property is proved in two chains of equivalences: x• = x ⇐⇒ x + x• =x 2 ⇐⇒ Re x = x. x − x• = 0 ⇐⇒ Im x = 0. 2i 2. The fact that Re x and Im x are real is verified by computation, and the formula (2.96) follows from definitions. Suppose a and b are real and (2.97) holds. Then x• = x ⇐⇒ x• = a• + i · b• = a − i · b § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 47 Hence Re x = x + x• (a + i · b) + (a − i · b)• = = a, 2 2 Im x = x − x• (a + i · b) − (a − i · b)• = = b. 2i 2i 3. The formula (2.98) follows from the fact that Re x and Im x are real: x• = (Re x + i · Im x)• = (Re x)• + i · (Im x)• = Re x − i · Im x, and (2.99) and (2.100) from 2◦ : Re(i · x) = Re(i · Re x + i2 · Im x) = − Im x, Im(i · x) = Im(i · Re x + i2 · Im x) = Re x. 4. Let us prove the identity Re X = Im X. First, x ∈ Re X ⇐⇒ ∃y ∈ X : x = Re y ⇐⇒ Re x = Re(Re y) = Re y = x ⇐⇒ x• = x. ⇐⇒ ∃y ∈ X : x = Im y ⇐⇒ Re x = Re(Im y) = Im y = x ⇐⇒ x• = x. And, second, x ∈ Im X Involution on a stereotype space. Involution in a stereotype space X is an arbitrary involution x 7→ x• in X as a vector space, which is in addition a continuous mapping. If X and Y are stereotype spaces with involutions •X and •Y , then each operator ϕ : X → Y satisfying the identity ϕ ◦ •X = •Y ◦ ϕ. is said to be involutive. The formulas (??) and (2.59) above have sense when α and β are antilinear mappings, since in this case the composition β ◦ ϕ ◦ α is still linear over C. This is used in the definition of involutions on the spaces of operators and in tensor products. Lemma 2.53. For any operator ϕ : X → Y •C ⊘(•C ⊘ ϕ) = iY ◦ ϕ ◦ i−1 X X O⋆⋆ C ⊘ (C ⊘ X) •C ⊘(•C ⊘ϕ) (2.102) / C ⊘ (C ⊘ Y ) iX Y ⋆⋆ O iY ϕ X /Y Proof. For any x ∈ X and f ∈ Y ⋆ we have: (•C ⊘ (•C ⊘ ϕ))(iX (x))(f ) = (•C ◦ iX (x) ◦ (•C ⊘ ϕ))(f ) = (•C ◦ iX (x))((•C ◦ f ◦ ϕ)) = = •C (iX (x)((•C ◦ f ◦ ϕ))) = •C (•C (f (ϕ(x)))) = f (ϕ(x) = iY (ϕ(x))(f ) Theorem 2.54. Let • be an involution on a stereotype space X. Then the formula (•C ⊘ •)(f ) = •C ◦ f ◦ • or, equivalently, formula f • (x) = f (x• ), (2.103) f ∈ X ⋆. (2.104) define an involution •C ⊘ • in the dual space X ⋆ . The operators P (f ) = f |Re X , Q(g)(x) = g(Re x) + i · g(Im x), f ∈ Re(XC⋆ ) g ∈ (Re X)⋆R , (2.105) are mutually inverse isomorphisms between the real part of X ⋆ and the dual space over the field R to the real part of X: Re(XC⋆ ) ∼ (2.106) = (Re X)⋆R 48 Proof. 1. The formula (2.103) defines an involution on X ⋆ , since (•C ⊘ •) ◦ (•C ⊘ •) = (2.59) = (•C ◦ •C ) ⊘ (• ◦ •) = 1C ⊘ 1X = 1C⊘X . 2. Let us verify that for any g ∈ Re(XC⋆ ) the mapping Q(g) : X → C is a linear functional over C. It is additive since g, Re and Im are additive mappings: Q(g)(x + y) = Q(g)(x) + Q(g)(y), x, y ∈ XC⋆ . (2.107) By the same reasons it is linear over R: Q(g)(λ · x) = λ · Q(g)(x), x ∈ XC⋆ , λ ∈ R. (2.108) Note also that Q(g)(i · x) = g(Re(i · x)) + i · g(Im(i · x)) = (2.99), (2.100) =  = g(− Im x) + i · g(Re x) = i · i · g(Im x) + g(Re x) = i · Q(g)(x) Together with (2.107) and (2.108) this gives linearity of Q(g) over C: Q(g)(λ · x) = Q(g)(Re λ · x + i · Im λ · x) = Q(g)(Re λ · x) + Q(g)(i · Im λ · x) = = Q(g)(Re λ · x) + i · Q(g)(Im λ · x) = Re λ · Q(g)(x) + i · Im λ · Q(g)(x) = = (Re λ + i · Im λ) · Q(g)(x) = λ · Q(g)(x). 3. Let us show that for any g ∈ (Re X)⋆R the mapping Q(g) : X → C is a real vector in XC⋆ : Q(g)• (x) = Q(g)(x• ) = g(Re x• ) + i · g(Im x• ) = g(Re x) + i · g(− Im x) = = g(Re x) − i · g(Im x) = g(Re x) + i · g(Im x) = Q(g)(x). 4. We see that Q maps (Re X)⋆R into Re(XC⋆ ). Let us show now that this map is linear over R. For any g, h ∈ (Re X)⋆R   Q(g +h)(x) = (g +h)(Re x)+i·(g +h)(Im x) = g(Re x)+i·g(Im x) + h(Re x)+i·h(Im x) = Q(g)(x)+Q(h)(x). and for any λ ∈ R  Q(λ · g)(x) = (λ · g)(Re x) + i · (λ · g)(Im x) = λ · g(Re x) + i · g(Im x) = λ · Q(g)(x). 5. Thus, Q is a linear (over R) operator from (Re X)⋆R into Re(XC⋆ ). As to P , it is obviously a linear operator from Re(XC⋆ ) into (Re X)⋆R . The continuity of these operators follow from the continuity of operations •, Re and Im. We now have to verify that they are mutually inverse. First, for each f ∈ Re(XC⋆ ) and x ∈ X we have Q(P (f ))(x) = P (f )(Re x) + i · P (f )(Im x) = f (Re x) + i · f (Im x) = f (Re x + i · Im x) = f (x). And, second, for each g ∈ (Re X)⋆R and x ∈ Re X P (Q(g))(x) = Q(g)(x) = g(Re x) + i · g(Im x) = g(x) + i · g(0) = g(x). Theorem 2.55. Let X and Y be stereotype spaces with involutions •X and •Y . Then (i) the formula (•Y ⊘ •X )(ϕ) = •Y ◦ ϕ ◦ •X , ϕ ∈ Y ⊘ X, (2.109) defines an involution on the space of operators Y ⊘ X; (ii) the formula (•X ⊙ •Y )(ϕ) = •X ⊘ (•C ⊘ •Y ) (2.110) defines an involution on the injective tensor product X ⊙ Y = X ⊘ Y ⋆ = X ⊘ (C ⊘ Y ), and (•X ⊙ •Y )(x ⊙ y) = •X (x) ⊙ •Y (y), x ∈ X, y ∈ Y (2.111) § 2. STEREOTYPE SPACES 49 (iii) the formula (•X ⊛ •Y )(α) = •C ⊘ ((•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y ) (2.112) defines an involution on the projective tensor product X ⊛ Y = (X ⊘ Y ) = C ⊘ ((C ⊘ X) ⊘ Y ), and ⋆ (•X ⊛ •Y )(x ⊛ y) = •X (x) ⊛ •Y (y), ⋆ x ∈ X, y ∈ Y (2.113) (iv) the involutions (2.110) and (2.112) turn onto each other under the passing to the dual space (2.103): •C ⊘(•X ⊛ •Y ) ∼ = (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊙ (•C ⊘ •Y ) (2.114) •C ⊘(•X ⊙ •Y ) ∼ = (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊛ (•C ⊘ •Y ) (2.115) Proof. The first proposition is proved in the following chain: (•Y ⊘ •X ) ◦ (•Y ⊘ •X ) = (2.59) = (•Y ◦ •Y ) ⊘ (•X ◦ •X ) = 1Y ⊘ 1X = 1Y ⊘X . The second one:   (•X ⊙ •Y ) ◦ (•X ⊙ •Y ) = •X ⊘(•C ⊘ •Y ) ◦ •X ⊘(•C ⊘ •Y ) = (2.59) =   = (•X ◦ •X ) ⊘ (•C ⊘ •Y ) ◦ (•C ⊘ •Y ) = 1X ⊘ (•C ◦ •C ) ⊘ (•Y ◦ •Y ) = = 1X ⊘ (1C ⊘ 1Y ) = 1X ⊘ 1C⊘Y = 1X⊘(C⊘Y ) = 1X⊙Y The identity (2.111):   (•X ⊙ •Y )(x ⊙ y)(f ) = •X ⊘(•C ⊘ •Y ) (x ⊙ y)(f ) = •X ◦(x ⊙ y) ◦ (•C ⊘ •Y ) (f ) =     = •X (x ⊙ y) (•C ⊘ •Y )(f ) = •X (x ⊙ y)(•C ◦ f ◦ •Y ) = •X (•C ◦ f ◦ •Y )(y) · x =  = •X f (•Y (y)) · x = f (•Y (y)) · •X (x) = f (•Y (y)) · •X (x) = (•X (x) ⊙ •Y (y))(f ). The third one:     (•X ⊛ •Y ) ◦ (•X ⊛ •Y ) = •C ⊘((•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y ) ◦ •C ⊘((•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y ) = (2.59) =     = (•C ◦ •C ) ⊘ ((•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y ) ◦ ((•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y ) = 1C ⊘ (•C ⊘ •X ) ◦ (•C ⊘ •X )) ⊘ (•Y ◦ •Y ) =      = 1C ⊘ (•C ◦ •C ) ⊘ (•X ◦ •X ) ⊘ 1Y = 1C ⊘ (1C ⊘ 1X ) ⊘ 1Y = = 1C ⊘ (1C⊘X ⊘ 1Y ) = 1C ⊘ 1(C⊘X)⊘Y = 1C⊘((C⊘X)⊘Y ) = 1X⊛Y The identity (2.113):     (•X ⊛ •Y )(x ⊛ y)(ϕ) = •C ⊘((•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y ) (x ⊛ y)(ϕ) = •C ◦(x ⊛ y) ◦ ((•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y ) (ϕ) =        = (x ⊛ y) (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y (ϕ) = (x ⊛ y) (•C ⊘ •X ) ◦ ϕ ◦ •Y = (•C ⊘ •X ) ◦ ϕ ◦ •Y (y)(x) = = (•C ⊘ •X )(ϕ(•Y (y)))(x) = (•C ◦ ϕ(•Y (y)) ◦ •X )(x) = ϕ(•Y (y))(•X (x)) = = ϕ(•Y (y))(•X (x)) = (•X (x) ⊛ •Y (y))(ϕ) The identity (2.114):   •C ⊘(•X ⊛ •Y ) = •C ⊘ •C ⊘ (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y ∼ = (2.102) ∼ = = (2.102) ∼ = (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y ∼   ∼ = (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •C ⊘(•C ⊘ •Y ) = (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊙ (•C ⊘ •Y ). And the identity (2.115): n o    •C ⊘(•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ (•C ⊘ •Y ) = •C ⊘(•X ⊙ •Y ) = •C ⊘ •X ⊘(•C ⊘ •Y ) ∼ = •C ⊘ = (2.102) ∼ = (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊛ (•C ⊘ •Y ) 50 Spin. Let • be an involution on a stereotype space X over C. Let us call a linear continuous mapping σ : X → X a spin for the involution •, if • ◦ σ ◦ • ◦ σ = idX (2.116) or, equivalently, σ ◦ • ◦ σ ◦ • = idX (2.117) Proposition 2.56. Let σ be a spin for • in X. Then (i) the operator σ is invertible, and σ −1 = • ◦ σ ◦ •, (2.118) (ii) the following equalities and identities hold: • ◦ σ = σ −1 ◦ •, σ ◦ • = • ◦ σ −1 , • ◦ σ n ◦ • ◦ σ n = idX = σ n ◦ • ◦ σ n ◦ •, k σ ◦•◦ σ k+l l ◦ • ◦ σ = idX , (2.119) (2.120) (2.121) (iii) for any k ∈ Z the operator σ k is also a spin for •, (iv) • ◦ σ is an involution on X, and σ is a spin for it, (v) 1C ⊘ σ is a spin for the involution •C ⊘ • in X ⋆ . Example 2.29. In the field of complex numbers C the spins for the standard involution x + iy 7→ x − iy are exactly multiplications by a number θ ∈ C which module is equal to 1: σ(λ) = θ · λ, |θ| = 1. Indeed, since a spin is a linear operator over C, it must be a multiplication by some number θ. And the condition (2.116) means that |θ| = 1. In the theory of Hopf algebras the passage to the dual involution is usually complemented by a spin – in this case the dual involution becomes an involution of Hopf algebras. Theorem 2.57. Let σ be a spin for an involution • in a stereotype space X. Then the formula  •C ⊘(• ◦ σ) (f ) = •C ◦ f ◦ • ◦ σ, f ∈ X⋆ or, equivalently, the formula f • (x) = f (σ(x)• ), x ∈ X, f ∈ X ⋆ (2.122) (2.123) defines an involution •C ⊘ (• ◦ σ) in the dual space X ⋆ , and the dual mapping σ ⋆ is a spin for this involution:   (2.124) σ ⋆ ◦ •C ⊘(• ◦ σ) ◦ σ ⋆ ◦ •C ⊘(• ◦ σ) = idX ⋆ Theorem 2.58. Let X and Y be stereotype spaces with involutions •X and •Y and spins σX and σY respectively. Then (i) the operator σY ⊘ σX is a spin for the involution •Y ⊘ •X in the space of operators Y ⊘ X, (ii) the operator σX ⊙ σY = σX ⊘ σY⋆ is a spin for the involution •X ⊙ •Y = •X ⊘ (•C ⊘ •Y ), and this involution is not changed if the passage to the fractions ⊘ is complemented by the spin:  (2.125) •X ⊙•Y = •X ⊘ [•C ⊘ •Y ] = •X ⊘ [•C ⊘ (•Y ◦ σY )] ◦ σY⋆  ⋆ (iii) the operator σX ⊛ σY = (σX ⊘ σY )⋆ is a spin for the involution •X ⊛ •Y = •C ⊘ [•C ⊘ •X ] ⊘ •Y , and this involution is not changed if the passage to the fractions ⊘ is complemented by the spin: n o   ⋆ •X ⊛•Y = •C ⊘ [•C ⊘ •X ] ⊘ •Y = •C ⊘ (•C ⊘ (•X ◦ σX )) ⊘ (•Y ◦ σX ) ◦ (σX ⊘ σY ) (2.126) (iv) the equalities (2.114) and (2.115) hold if the passage to the fractions is complemented by the spin:      •C ⊘ (•X ⊛ •Y ) ◦ (σX ⊛ σY ) ∼ (2.127) = •C ⊘(•X ◦ σX ) ⊙ •C ⊘(•Y ◦ σY )      •C ⊘ (•X ⊙ •Y ) ◦ (σX ⊙ σY ) ∼ (2.128) = •C ⊘(•X ◦ σX ) ⊛ •C ⊘(•Y ◦ σY ) § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 51 Proof. The proposition (i) is proved in the following chain: (•Y ⊘ •X ) ◦ (σY ⊘ σX ) ◦ (•Y ⊘ •X ) ◦ (σY ⊘ σX ) = (•Y ◦ σY ◦ •Y ◦ σY ) ⊘ (•X ◦ σX ◦ •X ◦ σX ) = 1Y ⊘ 1X = 1Y ⊘X . Then (i) implies that σX ⊙ σY = σX ⊘ σY⋆ is a spin for •X ⊙ •Y = •X ⊘ (•C ⊘ •Y ), and (2.125) is proved by the chain     •X ⊘ (•C ⊘ (•Y ◦ σY )) ◦ σY⋆ = •X ⊘ (•C ⊘ (•Y ◦ σY )) ◦ (1C ⊘ σY ) = (2.59) =   = •X ⊘ (•C ◦ 1C ) ⊘ (σY ◦ •Y ◦ σY )) = (2.116) = •X ⊘ (•C ◦ •Y )  ⋆ Similarly, (ii) implies that σX ⊛ σY = (σX ⊘ σY )⋆ is a spin for •X ⊛ •Y = •C ⊘ [•C ⊘ •X ] ⊘ •Y , and (2.126) is proved as follows: •C ⊘ n o n o   ⋆ (•C ⊘ (•X ◦ σX )) ⊘ (•Y ◦ σY ) ◦ (σX ⊘ σY ) = •C ⊘ (•C ⊘ (•X ◦ σX )) ⊘ (•Y ◦ σY ) ◦ ((1C ⊘ σX ) ⊘ σY ) = o n  = (2.59) = •C ⊘ (•C ⊘ (•X ◦ σX )) ◦ (1C ⊘ σX ) ⊘ (σY ◦ •Y ◦ σY ) = (2.59), (2.116) = o n   = •C ⊘ (•C ◦ 1C ) ⊘ (σX ◦ •X ◦ σX ) ⊘ •Y = •C ⊘ (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y Then (2.127): n  o   = (2.59) = •C ⊘ (•X ⊛ •Y ) ◦ (σX ⊛ σY ) = •C ⊘ •C ⊘ (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y ◦ idC ⊘ (idC ⊘σX ) ⊘ σY o n    = (2.59) = = •C ⊘ (•C ◦ idC ) ⊘ (idC ⊘σX ) ⊘ σY ◦ (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ •Y n   o = •C ⊘ •C ⊘ (idC ⊘σX ) ◦ (•C ⊘ •X ) ⊘ (•Y ◦ σY ) = (2.59) = n n   o   o = •C ⊘ •C ⊘ (idC ◦•C ) ⊘ (•X ◦ σX ) ⊘ (•Y ◦ σY ) = •C ⊘ •C ⊘ •C ⊘(•X ◦ σX ) ⊘ (•Y ◦ σY ) ∼ =       ∼ = (2.102) ∼ = •C ⊘(•X ◦ σX ) ⊘ (•Y ◦ σY ) ∼ = (2.102) ∼ = •C ⊘(•X ◦ σX ) ⊘ •C ⊘(•C ⊘ (•Y ◦ σY )) =     = •C ⊘(•X ◦ σX ) ⊙ •C ⊘(•Y ◦ σY ) And (2.128): n    o •C ⊘ (•X ⊙ •Y ) ◦ (σX ⊙ σY ) = •C ⊘ •X ⊘(•C ⊘ •Y ) ◦ σX ⊘ (idC ⊘σY ) = (2.59) = n n  o  o = •C ⊘ (•X ◦ σX ) ⊘ (idC ⊘σY ) ◦ (•C ⊘ •Y ) = (2.59) = •C ⊘ (•X ◦ σX ) ⊘ (idC ◦•C ) ⊘ (•Y ◦ σY ) = n nh o  o  i  = •C ⊘ (•X ◦ σX ) ⊘ •C ⊘(•Y ◦ σY ) ∼ •C ⊘ •C ⊘(•X ◦ σX ) ⊘ •C ⊘(•Y ◦ σY ) = = (2.102) ∼ = •C ⊘     = •C ⊘(•X ◦ σX ) ⊛ •C ⊘(•Y ◦ σY ) §3 (a) Stereotype algebras Stereotype algebras and stereotype modules Recall [44], that algebra, or monoid in a symmetric mnoidal category (K, ⊗) is a triple (A, µ, ι), where A is an object in K, and µ : A ⊗ A → A (multiplication) and ι : I → A (unit) are morphisms such that the following diagrams (axioms od associalitive and of unit) are commutative (A ⊗ A) ⊗ A ✤ ✤✤ ✤ µ⊗1 ✤ ✤✤  µ A⊗A aA,A,A / A o / A ⊗ (A ⊗ A) ✤ ✤✤ ✤✤ 1⊗µ ✤✤  µ A⊗A lA / A o rA A ⊗ I I ⊗A O✤✤ ❄❄ ⑧⑧ ❄❄ ✤✤ ⑧⑧ ❄❄ ✤ ⑧ µ , ❄ ✤ ⑧⑧ 1⊗ι ι⊗1 ❄❄ ✤ ❄ ✤ ⑧⑧⑧ A⊗A (3.1) where I is the unit object in K, a the associativity isomorphism, and l and r are isomorphisms of multiplication by the unit. Since by Theorem 2.50(ii), Ste is a symmetric monoidal category with respect to both stereotype tensor products, ⊛ and ⊙, there are two natural ways to define stereotype algebra. 52 • A projective stereotype algebra, or just a stereotype algebra is a monoid in a symmetric monoidal category (Ste, ⊛), i.e. a triple (A, µ, ι), where A is a stereotype space, and µ : A ⊛ A → A (multip0lication) and ι : C → A (unit) are morphisms satisfying (3.1) (where ⊗ and I are replaced by ⊛ and C). • An injective stereotype algebra is a monoid in the symmetric monoidal category (Ste, ⊙), i.e. a triple (A, µ, ι), where A is a stereotype space, and µ : A ⊙ A → A (multiplication) and ι : C → A (unit) are morphisms satisfying (3.1) (where ⊗ and I are replaced by ⊙ and C). The projective algebras form a very wide class, in contrast to injective algebras, that is why the projective algebras deserve primary interest. Projective stereotype algebras. This class of algebras can be defined in more customary terms, without categorical constructions. • A stereotype space A over C is called a stereotype algebra, if A is endowed with a structure of unital associative algebra over C, and the multiplication is a continuous bilinear form in the sense of the definition on p.39: for any compact set K in A and for any neighborhood of zero U in A there exists a neighborhood of zero V in A such that K · V ⊆ U & V · K ⊆ U. Certainly, each stereotype algebra A is a topological algebra with the separately continuous multiplication (but not vise versa). The class of all stereotype algebras is denoted by SteAlg. It forms a category with unital multiplicative linear continuous maps ϕ : A → B as morphisms. Below in the text we give various examples of stereotype algebras. The following three are the first general facts. Example 3.1. The Fréchet algebras and the Banach algebras. For a Fréchet space A the property of being stereotype algebra is equivalent to the joint continuity of the multilication operation. As a corollary, each inutal Fréchet algebra is a stereotype algebra. In particular, each Banach algebra is stereotype. Example 3.2. The algebra of operators L(X). Theorem 2.39 implies that for each stereotype space X the corresponding space L(X) = X ⊘ X of linear continuous operators ϕ : X → X is a stereotype algebra with respect to the composition ϕ ◦ ψ. Example 3.3. Each unital associative algebra A over C turns into a stereotype algebra, being endowed with the strongest locally convex topology. Proof. One can define this topology as the locally convex topology on A, where each seminorm p : A → R+ is continuous. With this topology A becomes isomorphic to a locally convex direct sum of some cardinal number of copies of the space C, A = Cm , that is why A will be a stereotype space. We have to verify only that the multiplication will be continuous in the described above sense. Suppose K ⊂ A is compact with respect to this topology (this means automatically that K is finite dimensional), and let xi be a net tending to zero in A in this topology: xi → 0. This means that for any seminorm p : A → R+ we have p(xi ) → 0. We have to verify that sup p(xi · a) → 0, sup p(a · xi ) → 0. a∈K a∈K The set K is finite-dimensional, i.e. it is contained in a convex hull of a finite set a1 , ..., an ∈ A. Each vector a ∈ K can be represented as a finite combination of ai , hence     X X X λi  · max p(x · ai ) = max p(x · ai ). λi · p (x · ai ) =  λi · ai  6 p(x · a) = p x · i=1,...,n i=1,...,n | We can deduce that for any x ∈ A i=1,...,n {z k 1 i=1,...,n } q(x) = sup p(x · a) 6 max p(x · ai ) < ∞, i=1,...,n a∈K therefore q is a semonorm on A. As a corollary, it tends to zero on the net xi → 0: q(xi ) = sup p(xi · a) → 0. a∈K Similarly we have supa∈K p(a · xi ) → 0. i=1,...,n § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 53 Of course, the category SteAlg of stereotype algebras is quite unsimilar to the category Ste of stereotype spaces, for instance, SteAlg is not additive. But this is a category with nodal decomposition: Theorem 3.1. [4, Theorem 5.30] In the category SteAlg of stereotype algebras each morphism ϕ : A → B has nodal decomposition (1.13). Tensor product of stereotype algebras. Theorem 3.2. [2, Theorem 10.15] The projective stereotype tensor product A ⊛ B of (projective) stereotype algebras A and B has a unique structure of (projective) stereotype algebra such that the multiplication satisfies the following identity: (a1 ⊛ b1 ) · (a2 ⊛ b2 ) = (a1 · a2 ) ⊛ (b1 · b2 ), a1 , a2 ∈ A, b1 , b2 ∈ B. Lemma 3.3. Let α : A → C and β : B → C be morphisms of stereotype algebras with commuting images: α(a) · β(b) = β(b) · α(a), a ∈ A, b ∈ B. (3.2) Then the map ϕ : A ⊛ B → C, defined by the identity ϕ(a ⊛ b) = α(a) · β(b), a ∈ A, b ∈ B, (3.3) is a morphism of stereotype algebras. Conversely, each morphism of stereotype algebras ϕ : A ⊛ B → C can be uniquely represented in the form (3.3), where α : A → C and β : B → C are morphisms of stereotype algebras satisfying (3.2). If A, B, C are involutive algebras and ϕ an involutive morphism, then α and β are also involutive. Proof. Here only the second part of the proposition is not quite evident. Suppose ϕ : A ⊛ B → C is a morphism of algebras. Put α(a) = ϕ(a ⊛ 1B ), β(b) = ϕ(1A ⊛ b), a ∈ A, b ∈ B. Then, first, and, second,   ϕ(a ⊛ b) = ϕ (a ⊛ 1B ) · (1A ⊛ b) = ϕ(a ⊛ 1B ) · ϕ(1A ⊛ b) = α(a) · β(b),   α(a) · β(b) = ϕ(a ⊛ b) = ϕ (1A ⊛ b) · (a ⊛ 1B ) = ϕ(1A ⊛ b) · ϕ(a ⊛ 1B ) = β(b) · α(a). Stereotype modules. A stereotype space X over C with a given structure of left (or right) A-module is called a stereotype A-module, if the multiplication by elements of A is a continuous bilinear form in the sense of definition on page 39. Theorem 2.44 implies that X is a stereotype (left) module over A if and only if the multiplication µ by elements of A can be continuously factored through the projective stereotype tensor product A×X ❄❄ ❄❄ ❄ µ ❄❄❄  X ⑧ / A⊛X ⑧ ⑧ . ⑧ Example 3.4. Each stereotype space X is a stereotype left module over the stereotype algebra L(X) (from Example 3.2). Theorem 3.4 (on representation). [2, Theorem 11.2] Let A be a stereotype algebra. A stereotype space X with the structure of left (right) A-module is a stereotype A-module if and only if the operation of multiplication by elements of A defines a continuous homomorphism (respectively, antihomomorphism) of A into L(X). The classes A Ste and SteA of left and right stereotype modules over a stereotype algebra A form categories with continuous A-linear maps as morphisms. Properties of the categories 30 Theorems 11.11, 11.17, 12.3 in [2]. A Ste and SteA of stereotype modules:30 54 1◦ . A Ste 2◦ . A Ste 3◦ . A Ste and SteA are pre-Abelian categories. and SteA are complete: each covariant (and each contravariant) system has an injective and a projective limit. and SteA are enriched categories over the monoidal category Ste. We will need the following notation. Let X be a left stereotype module over a stereotype algebra A. If M is a subspace in A and N a subspace in X, then we put ) ( k X mi · ni ; mi ∈ M, ni ∈ N, k ∈ N (3.4) M ·N = i=1 Obviously, for any L, M, N ⊆ A (L · M ) · N = L · (M · N ) (3.5) M ·N = M ·N = M ·N = M ·N (3.6) and Lemma 3.5. Let ϕ : A → B be a morphism of stereotype algebras. Then (i) for any subsets M, N ⊆ A we have ϕ(M · N ) ⊆ ϕ(M ) · ϕ(N ) (ii) for any left (right) ideal I in A the set ϕ(I) is a left (right) ideal in ϕ(A). Proof. The part (i) was noticed in [2, Lemma 13.10], so it remains to prove (ii). Take b ∈ ϕ(A) and y ∈ ϕ(I), then b ←− ϕ(ai ), y ←− ϕ(xj ), ∞←i ∞←j for some nets ai ∈ A and xj ∈ I. Hence b · y ←− ϕ(ai ) · y ←− ϕ(ai ) · ϕ(xj ) = ϕ(ai · xj ). ∞←i ∞←j and therefore b · y ∈ ϕ(I). (b) Involutive algebras Involutions on stereotype algebras and coalgebras. Let us denote by br the braiding morphism br : a ⊗ b 7→ b ⊗ a (3.7) in an arbitrary braided category, in praticular in categories (Ste, ⊛) and (Ste, ⊙). Note that in (Ste, ⊛) and in (Ste, ⊙) the operation dual to braiding is also a braiding: br⋆ = br (3.8) (in (Ste, ⊛) the braiding is defined by the formula (3.7), and in (Ste, ⊙) it is defined exactly as the operator dual to the braiding in (Ste, ⊛)). Each stereotype algebra A in the sense of definition on page 52 is a monoid (A, µ, ι)) in the category (Ste, ⊛) (to emphasize this we will say that A is an algebra over ⊛). Let us call — an antipode in A an arbitrary morphism σ : A → A such that σ ◦ µ = µ ◦ σ ⊛ σ ◦ br; (3.9) in usual terms this means that σ is an antiautomorphism of A: σ(x · y) = σ(y) · σ(x), x, y ∈ A. — an involution in A an arbitrary involution • : A → A in A as a stereotype space such that • ◦ µ = µ ◦ • ⊛ • ◦ br; this means that (x · y)• = y • · x• , x, y ∈ A. (3.10) (3.11) § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 55 By analogy we define the antipode and the involution on a stereotype algebra over ⊙, i.e. in a monoid (A, µ, ι) in the category (Ste, ⊙). Remark 3.5. If • is an involution on a stereotype algebra (A, µ, ι) (no matter, in (Ste, ⊛) or in (Ste, ⊙)), then or, in usual notations, • ◦ ι ◦ •C = ι (3.12) 1• = 1. (3.13) Indeed, independently on tensor product – ⊛ or ⊙ – we have: 1• = 1• · 1 = (1• · 1•• )• = (1• · 1)• = (1• )• = 1. Let K be a stereotype coalgebra over ⊛, i.e. a comonoid (K, κ, ε) in the category (Ste, ⊛). Let us call — an antipode in K an arbitrary morphism σ : K → K such that κ ◦ σ = br ◦ σ ⊛ σ ◦ κ, (3.14) — an involution in K an arbitrary involution • : K → K in K as a stereotype space, such that κ ◦ • = • ⊛ • ◦ κ, (3.15) (without braiding br). By analogy we define antipode and involution on a stereotype coalgebra over ⊙, i.e. in a comonoid (K, κ, ε) in the category (Ste, ⊙). Remark 3.6. If • is an involution on a stereotype coalgebra (K, κ, ε) (no matter, in (Ste, ⊛) or (Ste, ⊙)), then •C ◦ ε ◦ • = ε (3.16) This becomes clear after the passage to the dual algebra (K ⋆ , κ ⋆ , ε⋆ ): then ε⋆ turns into the unit, and (3.12) will be equivalent to (3.16). Let us say that an antipode σ and an involution • are interconsistent in an algebra (or in a coalgebra) A, if σ is a spin for • (i.e. if (2.116) and (2.117) hold). In contrast to Proposition 2.56(iv), however, the composition • ◦ σ is not necessary an involution on the algebra (or coalgebra) A, since the equality (3.10) (respectively, (3.15)) may be not true. Properties of antipodes and involutions: 1◦ . If σ : A → A is an antipode in the algebra (A, µ, ι) in the category (Ste, ⊛) (or in (Ste, ⊙)), then the dual mapping σ ⋆ : A⋆ → A⋆ is an antipode in the coalgebra (A⋆ , µ⋆ , ι⋆ ). 2◦ . If σ : K → K is an antipode in the coalgebra (K, κ, ε) in the category (Ste, ⊛) (or in (Ste, ⊙)), then the dual mapping σ ⋆ : K ⋆ → K ⋆ is an antipode in the algebra (K ⋆ , κ ⋆ , ε⋆ ). 3◦ . Let σ and • be interconsistent antipode and involution on the algebra (A, µ, ι) in (Ste, ⊛) (or in (Ste, ⊙)). Then the formula (2.123) defines an involution on the dual coalgebra (A⋆ , µ⋆ , ι⋆ ), and it will be interconsistent with the dual antipode σ ⋆ . 4◦ . Let σ and • be interconsistent antipode and involution on a coalgebra (K, κ, ε) in (Ste, ⊛) (or in (Ste, ⊙)). Then the formula (2.123) defines an involution on the dual algebra (K ⋆ , κ ⋆ , ε⋆ ), and it will be interconsistent with the dual antipode σ ⋆ . Proof. The properties 1◦ and 2◦ are evident. Let us prove 3◦ . Suppose σ and • are interconsistent antipode and involution on the algebra (A, µ, ι) in (Ste, ⊛) (the case of (Ste, ⊙) is considered by analogy). By Theorem 2.54, the formula (2.123) defines an involution •⋆ = •C ⊘ (• ◦ σ) in the dual space A⋆ . We have: n  o   o •C ⊘(• ◦ σ) ⊙ •C ⊘(• ◦ σ) ◦ (idC ◦µ) = (2.114) = •C ⊘ (• ⊛ •) ◦ (σ ◦ σ) ◦ (idC ◦µ) =       = (•C ◦ idC ) ⊘ µ ◦ (• ⊛ •) ◦ (σ ◦ σ) = •C ⊘ µ ◦ (• ⊛ •) ◦ (σ ◦ σ) = (3.10) = •C ⊘ • ◦µ ◦ br ◦(σ ◦ σ) =     = •C ⊘ • ◦µ ◦ (σ ◦ σ) ◦ br = (3.9) = •C ⊘ (• ◦ σ ◦ µ) = (idC ⊘µ) ◦ •C ⊘(• ◦ σ) = µ⋆ ◦ •⋆ . (•⋆ ⊙ •⋆ ) ◦ µ⋆ = n 56 Let us prove 4◦ . Suppose σ and • are interconsistent antipode and involution on a coalgebra (K, κ, ε) in (Ste, ⊛). Again, the formula (2.123) defines an involution •⋆ = •C ⊘ (• ◦ σ) in the dual space K ⋆ . We have: n   o κ ⋆ ◦ •⋆ ⊙ •⋆ ◦ br = (3.8) = (idC ⊘κ) ◦ •C ⊘(• ◦ σ) ⊙ •C ⊘(• ◦ σ) ◦ (idC ⊘ br) = (2.114) = n    o = (idC ⊘κ) ◦ •C ⊘ (• ⊛ •) ◦ (σ ◦ σ) ◦ (idC ⊘ br) = (idC ◦ •C ◦ idC ) ⊘ br ◦(• ⊛ •) ◦ (σ ◦ σ) ◦ κ =       = •C ⊘ (• ⊛ •) ◦ br ◦(σ ◦ σ) ◦ κ = (3.14) = •C ⊘ (• ⊛ •) ◦ κ ◦ σ = (3.15) = •C ⊘ κ ◦ • ◦ σ =   = •C ⊘(• ◦ σ) ◦ (idC ⊘κ) = •⋆ ◦ κ ⋆ . Theorem 3.6. Suppose A and B are two stereotype algebras with involutions •A and •B . Then the formula •A ⊛•B = •C ⊘ ((•C ⊘ •A ) ⊘ •B ) (3.17) defines an involution on the stereotype algebra A ⊛ B. Proof. By Theorem 2.55(iii) this formula defines involution on A ⊛ B as a stereotype space. The identity (3.11) can be verified on elementary tensors a ⊛ b, a′ ⊛ b′ ∈ A ⊛ B:   (•A ⊛ •B ) (a ⊛ b) · (a′ ⊛ b′ ) = (•A ⊛ •B ) (a · a′ ) ⊛ (b · b′ ) = (2.113) = •A (a · a′ ) ⊛ •B (b · b′ ) = = •A (a′ ) · •A (a) ⊛ •B (b′ ) · •B (b) = (•A (a′ ) ⊛ •B (b′ )) · (•A (a) ⊛ •B (b)) = (2.113) = = (•A ⊛ •B )(a′ ⊛ b′ ) · (•A ⊛ •B )(a ⊛ b) Involutive projective stereotype algebras. • A projective stereotype algebra A with a given involution • (on A as a stereotype space and such that (3.11) holds) is called involutive projective stereotype algebra. • The class of all involutive (projective) stereotype algebras is denoted by InvSteAlg. It forms a category where morphisms are morphisms of stereotype algebras ϕ : A → B which preserve involution: ϕ(x• ) = ϕ(x)• , x ∈ A. (3.18) Example 3.7. C ∗ -algebras are obvious examples of involutive stereotype algebras. In the category InvSteAlg we are interested in the envelopes in the class of the so-called dense epimorphisms. • A homomorphism of stereotype algebras ϕ : A → B is called a dense epimorphism, if ϕ(A) is dense in B (not any epimorphism in SteAlg is dense). The class of all dense epimorphisms will be denoted by DEpi. Certainly, dense morphisms are epimorphisms, that is why we call them also dense epimorphisms. The class of all dense epimorphisms in the category InvSteAlg will be denoted by DEpi. It is connected with the classes Epi of all epimorphisms and SEpi of strong epimorphisms through the following embeddings: SEpi ⊂ DEpi ⊂ Epi . (3.19) Theorem 3.7. The class DEpi of dense epimorphisms is monomorphically complementable in the category InvSteAlg. Proof. The monomorphic complement for DEpi is the class SMonoSte of all monomorphisms in InvSteAlg, which are strong monomorphisms in Ste: SMonoSte ⊚ DEpi = InvSteAlg (3.20) Theorem 3.8. [4, Theorem 5.37] In the category Ste⊛ every algebra A has an envelope in the class DEpi of dense epimorphisms with respect to the arbitrary class of morphisms Φ going from A. If in addition Φ differs morphisms on the outside31 in Ste⊛ , then the envelope in DEpi is also an envelope in the class DBim of all dense bimorphisms: envDEpi A = envDBim A. Φ Φ 31 See definition on page 16 § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 57 Theorem 3.9. [4, Theorem 5.38] Let Φ be a class of morphisms in InvSteAlg, that goes from32 SteAlg, is a right ideal, Φ ◦ Mor(SteAlg) ⊆ Φ, and such that DEpi pushes33 Φ. Then the classes of morphisms DEpi and Φ define a regular envelope EnvDEpi Φ in InvSteAlg. Involutive injective stereotype algebras. • Injective stereotype algebra A with a given involution • (on A as a stereotype space) such that (3.10) holds (with ⊙ instead of ⊛) is called involutive injective stereotype algebra34 . In contrast to Example 3.7, not all C ∗ -algebras A are injective stereotype algebras. We shall describe here the class of such C ∗ -algebras, since it will be useful below in the building of the continuous duality theory. ˇ the injective tensor product of locally convex spaces (X ⊗ ˜ ε X in the notations of [53] and [35]). Denote by X ⊗Y • A Banach algebra A is said to be strict, if its multiplication can be extended to an operator on the injective ˇ → A. tensor product µ : A⊗A Theorem 3.10 ([6], [7]). For a C ∗ -algebra A the following conditions are equivalent: (i) A is a strict algebra, (ii) all unitary irreducible representations of A are finite dimensional and their dimensions are bounded, (iii) the minimal tensor product of A with any C ∗ -algebra B coincides with their injective tensor product: ˇ A ⊗ B = A⊗B. min Example 3.8. The algebra C(K) of continuous functions on a compact set K is a strict C ∗ -algebra. Theorem 3.10 implies that any strict C ∗ -algebra A is a CCR-algebra, hence a GCR-algebra, and therefore it is nuclear (as a C ∗ -algebra). This means in its turn that A has the approximation property [18] (as a locally convex space). As a corollary (see [2, Theorem 7.21]) we have Theorem 3.11. For a C ∗ -algebra A the conditions (i)-(iii) of Theorem 3.10 are equivalent to the condition (iii)′ the minimal tensor product of A with any C ∗ -algebra B coincides with their maximal tensor product (as C ∗ -algebras), with their injective locally convex tensor product, and with thir injective stereotype tensor product: ˇ = A ⊙ B. A ⊗ B = A ⊗ B = A⊗B (3.21) min max Corollary 3.12. Each strict C ∗ -algebra A is an injective stereotype algebra. ˇ → A, Proof. By definition of strict algebra, the multiplication on A can be extended to an operator µ : A⊗A ˇ since hence, by Theorem 3.11, to an operator µ : A ⊙ A → A. The diagrams (3.1) are true for tensor product ⊗, the algebraic tensor product ⊗ is dense in it. As a corollary, they are true for ⊙, since A has the approximation ˇ = A ⊙ A and A⊗A ˇ ⊗A ˇ = A ⊙ A ⊙ A. The equality (3.10) (with property, and thus by [2, Theorem 7.21], A⊗A ˇ ⊙ instead of ⊛) is true because of the density of A ⊗ A in A⊗A = A ⊙ A. Involution on stereotype Hopf algebras. Let us remind (see e.g. [3]), that the notion of Hopf algebra can be defined in any symmetric monoidal category. Proposition 3.13. If (H, µ, ι, κ, ε, σ) is a Hopf algebra in a symmetric monoidal category K with tensor product ⊗, then the multiplication and the comultiplication are connected with the antipode trough the identities (3.9) and (3.14): σ ◦ µ = µ ◦ σ ⊗ σ ◦ br, κ ◦ σ = br ◦ σ ⊗ σ ◦ κ (3.22) Proof. This is proved for example in [45, Figure 9.14]. 32 See definition on page 7. definition on page 23. 34 It is impossible replace here (3.10) by (3.11), since for the tensor product ⊙ these condition are apparently not equivelent. 33 See 58 An involution on a stereotype Hopf algebra (H, µ, ι, κ, ε, σ) (over the tensor product ⊛) is an arbitrary mapping a ∈ H 7→ a• ∈ H, which is an involution on H as a stereotype space and satisfies the identities (3.10) and (3.15) (and, as a corollary, the identities (3.12) and (3.16)). By analogy we an define involution on a stereotype Hopf algebra over ⊙. Proposition 3.14. Let • be an involution on a stereotype Hopf algebra H over ⊛ (respectively, ⊙). Then (i) the involution on H is interconsistent with the antipode (i.e. (2.116) holds) if and only if the antipode σ is invertible in H ⊘ H, (ii) the formula (2.123) defines an involution on the dual Hopf algebra H ⋆ over ⊙ (respectively, over ⊛). Proof. If σ is invertible, then we can notice that • ◦ σ −1 ◦ • is also an antipode in H, and since the antipode in a Hopf algebra is unique, (2.118) must hold. This proves (i), and (ii) follows from 3◦ and 4◦ on page 50. (c) Spectrum and tangent space Spectrum. • The complex spectrum C Spec(A) of a stereotype algebra A over C is a set of its complex characters, i.e. (continuous and unital) homomorphisms s : A → C. We endow this set with the topology of uniform convergence on totally bounded sets in A. • Similarly, the real spectrum R Spec(A) of a stereotype algebra A over R is the set of its real characters, i.e. (continuous and unital) homomorphisms s : A → R. We endow this set with the topology of uniform convergence on totally bounded sets in A. Theorem 3.15. Let • be an involution on a stereotype algebra A over C, and suppose on the dual space A⋆ the involution is defined by formula (2.103). Then formulas (2.105) define isomorphism of spectra: Re(C Spec[A]) ∼ = R Spec[Re A]. (3.23) • The space in (3.23) is called the involutive spectrum of the involutive stereotype algebra A over C, and is denoted by Spec(A): Spec(A) = Re(C Spec[A]) ∼ (3.24) = R Spec[Re A]. It consists of involutive characters, i.e. (continuous, unital and) involutive35 homomorphisms s : A → C, and is endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on totally bounded sets in A. Proof. Suppose t ∈ Re(C Spec[A]) and Then by Theorem 2.54, s ∈ u · v ∈ Re A, and therefore (Re A)⋆R , s = P (t) = t|Re A . i.e. s : Re A → R. Moreover, s ∈ R Spec[Re A], since u, v ∈ Re A imply s(u · v) = t(u · v) = t(u) · t(v) = s(u) · s(v). Conversely, if s ∈ R Spec[Re A] and t(x) = Q(s)(x) = s(Re x) + i · s(Im x), then by Theorem 2.54, t ∈ Re(A⋆C ). Moreover, t ∈ Re(C Spec[A]), since for any x, y ∈ A t(x · y) = s(Re(x · y)) + i · s(Im(x · y)) = s(Re x · Re y − Im x · Im y) + i · s(Im x · Re y + Re x · Im y) = = s(Re x · Re y) − s(Im x · Im y) + i · s(Im x · Re y) + i · s(Re x · Im y) = = s(Re x) · s(Re y) − s(Im x) · s(Im y) + i · s(Im x) · s(Re y) + i · s(Re x) · s(Im y) =     = s(Re x) + i · s(Im x) · s(Re y) + i · s(Im y) = t(x) · t(y). Lemma 3.16. Let ϕ : A → B be an involutive dense36 epimorphism of an involutive commutative stereotype algebra A into a C ∗ -algebra B. Then 35 Involutive 36 I.e. operators were defines on page 47. ϕ(A) is dense in B. § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 59 (i) for any point t ∈ Spec(B)  ϕ Ker(t ◦ ϕ) = Ker t  (ii) for any point s ∈ Spec(A) \ Spec(B) ◦ ϕ (3.25) ϕ(Ker s) = B (3.26) Proof. 1. Take t ∈ Spec(B). First of all, a ∈ Ker(t ◦ ϕ) =⇒ t(ϕ(a)) = (t ◦ ϕ)(a) = 0 =⇒ ϕ(a) ∈ Ker t.   Hence ϕ Ker(t ◦ ϕ) ⊆ Ker t, and therefore ϕ Ker(t ◦ ϕ) ⊆ Ker t. Conversely, suppose b ∈ Ker t. Since ϕ(A) is dense in B, for each ε > 0 one can find aε ∈ A such that kb − ϕ(aε )k < ε. Put Then, first,  a′ε = aε − t ϕ(aε ) · 1A .     t ϕ(a′ε ) = t ϕ(aε ) − t ϕ(aε ) · t ϕ(1A ) = 0, i.e. a′ε ∈ Ker(t ◦ ϕ). And, second, =    kϕ(aε ) − ϕ(a′ε )k = ϕ(aε ) − ϕ(aε ) + t ϕ(aε ) · ϕ(1A ) = t ϕ(aε ) = t(b) −t ϕ(aε ) 6 ktk · kb − ϕ(aε )k < ε. |{z} 0 Thus kb − ϕ(a′ε )k 6 kb − ϕ(aε )k + kϕ(aε ) − ϕ(a′ε )k < 2ε. We see that for each b ∈ Ker t and ε > 0 there is an element a′ε ∈ Ker(t ◦ ϕ) such that kb − ϕ(a′ε )k < 2ε. This  proves the inclusion ϕ Ker(t ◦ ϕ) ⊇ Ker  t. 2. Take s ∈ Spec(A) \ Spec(B) ◦ ϕ . For any point t ∈ Spec(B) there is an element xt ∈ A that separates s from t ◦ ϕ: s(xt ) 6= t(ϕ(xt )). As a corollary the element at = xt − s(xt ) · 1A must possess the following properties: s(at ) = s(xt ) − s(xt ) · s(1A ) = s(xt ) − s(xt ) = 0 (3.27) t(ϕ(at )) = t(ϕ(xt )) − s(xt ) · t(ϕ(1A )) = t(ϕ(xt )) − s(xt ) 6= 0. (3.28) and From (3.28) we see that the sets Ut = {r ∈ Spec(A) : r(at ) 6= 0} cover the compact set Spec(B) ◦ ϕ. Hence, they have finite subcovering Ut1 , ..., Utn : n [ Uti ⊇ Spec(B) ◦ ϕ. i=1 Put a= n X i=1 ati · a•ti . This element vanishes in the point s, since due to (3.27) all ati vanish in s: s(a) = n X i=1 Therefore, a ∈ Ker s, and s(ati ) · s(ati ) = 0. ϕ(a) ∈ ϕ(Ker s). 60 On the other hand, the element ϕ(a) in non-zero everywhere on Spec(B), since in each point t ∈ Spec(B) some element ϕ(ati ) is non-zero: t(ϕ(a)) = n X i=1 t(ϕ(ati )) · t(ϕ(ati )) = n X i=1 2 |t(ϕ(ati ))| > 0. In other words, ϕ(a) is non-zero everywhere on the spectrum Spec(B) of the commutative C ∗ -algebra B ∼ = C(Spec(B)). As a corollary, it is invertible in B: b · ϕ(a) = 1B for some b ∈ B. Since ϕ(a) belongs to a left ideal ϕ(Ker s) of the algebra B = ϕ(A) (by Lemma 3.5(ii)), we conclude that 1B also belongs to ϕ(Ker s). Thus, ϕ(Ker s) ⊇ B · ϕ(Ker s) ⊇ B · 1B = B. Corollary 3.17. Let ϕ : A → B be an involutive homomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras, where A is   commutative, and B is a C ∗ -algebra. Then for each point s ∈ Spec(A) \ Spec ϕ(A) ◦ ϕ ϕ(Ker s) · B = B (3.29) Proof. By Lemma 3.16(ii), the set ϕ(Ker s) contains the unit of the algebra ϕ(A), which coincides with the unit of B: ϕ(Ker s) ∋ 1B . Hence, ϕ(Ker s) · B ⊇ ϕ(Ker s) · B ⊇ 1B · B = B. Tangent and cotangent spaces. • A complex (respectively, a real) tangent vector to a stereotype algebra A over C (respectively, over R) in a point s ∈ C Spec(A) (respectively, s ∈ R Spec(A)) is a linear continuous functional τ : A → C (τ : A → R), satisfying the identity: τ (a · b) = s(a) · τ (b) + τ (a) · s(b), a, b ∈ A (3.30) The set of all complex (respectively, real) tangent vectors to A in the point s is called the complex (real) tangent space to A in the point s ∈ C Spec(A) and is denoted by CTs [A] (respectively, RTs [A]). It is endowed with the topology, which is the pseudosaturation of the topology of uniform convergence on totally bounded sets in A. As a corollary, CTs [A] (respectively, RTs [A]) is a stereotype space and an immediate subspace in A⋆ . Remark 3.9. Let us note that each tangent vector vanishes on the identity τ (1A ) = 0, τ ∈ Ts [A], (3.31) since = = τ (1A ) = τ (1A · 1A ) = s(1A ) ·τ (1A ) + τ (1A ) · s(1A ) = 2τ (1A ). | {z } | {z } 1 1 Remark 3.10. If A is a stereotype algebra with an involution •, and τ is its complex tangent vector in a point s ∈ C Spec[A], then the formula a ∈ A. (3.32) τ • (a) = τ (a• ), defines a tangent vector to A in the point s• . In the special case when s is an involutive character, i.e. s• = s, then τ • ∈ CTs [A], i.e. (3.32) defines an involution (in the sense of (2.92)) on the complex tangent space CTs [A]. Theorem 3.18. Let • be an involution on a stereotype algebra A over C, and let the dual space A⋆ is endowed with the involution (2.103). Then for any point s ∈ Spec(A) formulas (2.105) define an isomorphism of tangent spaces: Re(CTs [A]) ∼ (3.33) = RTs [Re A]. § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 61 • The space in (3.33) will be called the involutive tangent space of an involutive stereotype algebra A in the point s ∈ Spec[A], and is denoted by Ts (A): Ts [A] = Re(CTs [A]) ∼ = RTs [Re A]. (3.34) Certainly, it consists of involutive tangent vectors, i.e. functionals τ : A → C, satifsying (apart from (3.30)) the condition a ∈ A. (3.35) τ (a• ) = τ (a), The space Ts [A] is endowed with the topology, which is the pseudosaturation of the topology of uniform convergence on totally bounded sets in A. Proof. Take τ ∈ Re(CTs [A]) and (Re A)⋆R , By Theorem 2.54, σ ∈ u · v ∈ Re A, and therefore σ = P (τ ) = τ |Re A . i.e. σ : Re A → R. Moreover, σ ∈ RTs [Re A], since u, v ∈ Re A implies σ(u · v) = τ (u · v) = u(s) · τ (v) + τ (u) · v(s) = u(s) · σ(v) + σ(u) · v(s). Conversely, if σ ∈ RTs [Re A] and τ (x) = Q(σ)(x) = σ(Re x) + i · σ(Im x) then by Theorem 2.54, τ ∈ Re(A⋆C ). Moreover, τ ∈ Re(CTs [A]), since for each x, y ∈ A τ (x · y) = σ(Re(x · y)) + i · σ(Im(x · y)) = σ(Re x · Re y − Im x · Im y) + i · σ(Im x · Re y + Re x · Im y) = = σ(Re x · Re y) − σ(Im x · Im y) + i · σ(Im x · Re y) + i · σ(Re x · Im y) = = Re x(s) · σ(Re y) + σ(Re x) · Re y(s) − Im x(s) · σ(Im y) − σ(Im x) · Im y(s)+ + i · Im x(s) · σ(Re y) + i · σ(Re x) · Im y(s) + i · Re x(s) · σ(Im y) + i · σ(Re x) · Im y(s) = = Re x(s) · σ(Re y) − Im x(s) · σ(Im y) + i · Im x(s) · σ(Re y) + i · Re x(s) · σ(Im y)+ + σ(Re x) · Re y(s) − σ(Im x) · Im y(s) + i · σ(Re x) · Im y(s) + i · σ(Re x) · Im y(s) =         = Re x(s) + i · Im x(s) · σ(Re y) + i · σ(Im y) + σ(Re x) + i · σ(Im x) · Re y(s) + i · Im y(s) = = x(s) · τ (y) + τ (x) · y(s). • A complex cotangent space of an involutive stereotype algebra A at a point s ∈ Spec(A) is the stereotype quotient space of the ideal Is [A] by the subideal Is2 [A]: ▽  . (3.36) CTs⋆ [A] := Is [A] Is2 [A] . The elements of this space are called complex cotangent vectors (of the algebra A at the point s ∈ Spec(A)). • Since both ideals Is [A] and Is2 [A] are closed under the involution, the formula a ∈ Is [A] (a + Is2 [A])• = a• + Is2 [A],  ▽ defines an involution on the quotient space CTs⋆ [A] = Is [A]/Is2 [A] (as a stereotype A-bimodule). Of course, this definition is chosen so that it guarantees that the quotient map π : Is → (Is /Is2 )▽ turns the involution on Is induced from A into the involution on (Is /Is2 )▽ : π(a• ) = π(a)• . • A cotangent vector (or real cotangent vector) of an involutive stereotype algebra A at a point s ∈ Spec(A) is an arbitrary real vector (in the sense of definition (2.93)) in the space CTs⋆ [A], i.e. an arbitrary complex cotangent vector ξ ∈ CTs⋆ [A], which is stable under the involution • in CTs⋆ [A]: ξ • = ξ. (3.37) The set of all cotangent vectors of the algebra A at a point s ∈ Spec(A) is called the cotangent space (of the algebra A at the point s ∈ Spec(A)) and is denoted by Ts⋆ [A]. Certainly, Ts⋆ [A] is the real part of CTs⋆ [A]: Ts⋆ [A] = Re CTs⋆ [A]. 62 Theorem 3.19. The formula τ (a) = (f ◦ π)(a − s(a) · 1A ), a ∈ A, (3.38) establishes — a bijection between the complex tangent vectors τ ∈ Ts [A] to the algebra A at the point s and the C-linear continuous functionals f : CTs⋆ [A] → C on the complex cotangent space CTs⋆ [A], and this bijection is an isomorphism of stereotype spaces CTs [A] ∼ (3.39) = CTs⋆ [A]⋆C , — a bijection between the tangent vectors τ ∈ Ts [A] to the algebra A at the point s and the R-linear continuous functionals f : Ts⋆ [A] → R, and this bijection is an isomorphism of stereotype spaces Ts [A] ∼ = Ts⋆ [A]⋆R . (3.40) Proof. For us the second part of this proposition is important, so we concentrate on it. 1. Let us first show that for each functional f ∈ Ts⋆ [A]⋆R the formula (3.38) defines a tangent vector τ ∈ Ts [A]. This functional τ is obviously linear, continuous and real, and we only have to check (3.30). Indeed, for any a, b ∈ A we have: ∋ ∋ τ (a·b)−s(a)·τ (b)−τ (a)·s(b) = (f ◦π)(a·b−s(a·b)·1A)−s(a)·(f ◦π)(b−s(b)·1A)−(f ◦π)(a−s(a)·1A)·s(b) =   = (f ◦ π)(a · b − s(a) · b − a · s(b) + s(a) · s(b) · 1A ) = (f ◦ π) (a − s(a) · 1A ) · (b − s(b) · 1A ) = 0 | {z } | {z } Is Is (since π I 2 = 0). s 2. On the contrary, if τ ∈ Ts [A], then for any a, b ∈ Is we have hence τ Is2 = 0, and thus τ Is = = τ (a · b) = s(a) ·τ (b) + τ (a) · s(b) = 0, |{z} |{z} 0 0 factors through the quotient map π : Is → (Is /Is2 )▽ : τ for each f ∈ (Is /Is2 )▽ ⋆ C Is =f ◦π . That is, x ∈ Is . τ (x) = f (π(x)), At that same time, since τ and π preserve involution, and π has dense image in the domain of f , the functional f must also preserve involution, so ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ f ∈ Re (Is /Is2 )▽ C = Re CTs⋆ [A] C = (2.106) = Re CTs⋆ [A] R = Ts⋆ [A]⋆R . Finally, for each a ∈ A = ∋   τ (a) = τ (a) − s(a) · τ (1A ) = τ (a − s(a) · 1A ) = f π a − s(a) · 1A . | {z } {z } | 0 Is 3. Now we have to verify that the mapping τ 7→ f is a homeomorphism. Let us start with the space CTs [A] of complex tangent vectors. The topology of CTs [A] is the pseudosaturation of the topology of uniform convergence on totally bounded sets in A, i.e. of the topology generated by seminorms |τ |K = sup |τ (a)| a∈K where K runs through the system of all totally bounded sets in A. For any such K ⊆ A we can consider the set TK = {a − s(a) · 1A ; a ∈ K}, § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 63 which, in contrast to K, lies in the ideal Is . But, similarly to K, the set TK is totally bounded in A, hence in Is as well (if we endow Is with the topology of an immediate stereotype space in A). We have: |τ |TK = sup |τ (x)| = sup |τ (a − s(a) · 1A )| = sup |τ (a)| = |τ |K a∈K x∈TK a∈K We can conclude that the topology of CTs [A] coincides with the pseudosaturation of the topology of uniform convergence on totally bounded sets in Is (and not just in A). In addition, each functional τ ∈ CTs [A] is uniquely defined by its restriction on the ideal Is . Hence we can think that CTs [A] is an immediate subspace in the stereotype space Is⋆ , dual to Is : CTs [A] ⊆ Is⋆ . Then CTs [A] annihilates the subspace Is2 , and thus the subspace Is2 , hence CTs [A] is an immediate subspace in  ⊥ of the space Is2 with the topology of the immediate subspace in Is⋆ : the annihilator Is2  ⊥△ CTs [A] ⊆ Is2 . By [2, (4.5)], the space in the right side is isomorphic to the dual space to the stereotype quotient space Is /Is2  ⊥△  ▽ ⋆ ∼ = CTs⋆ [A]⋆C . CTs [A] ⊆ Is2 = Is /Is2 ▽ : (3.41) ▽ We obtain an injection CTs [A] → Is /Is2 which is exactly the mapping τ 7→ f , defined by (3.38). Since as we already understood, this formula defines a bijection, we see that the injection in the chain (3.41) must be an  ⊥△ ): equality, moreover, an equality of stereotype spaces (since CTs [A] is an immediate subspace in Is2  ⊥△  ▽ ⋆ ∼ CTs [A] = Is2 = CTs⋆ [A]⋆C . = Is /Is2 Now we pass to the real part, and we obtain   ⋆   ⋆ Ts [A] = Re CTs [A] = Re CTs⋆ [A]⋆C = (2.106) = Re CTs⋆ [A] = Ts⋆ [A] . R R Proposition 3.20. For each homomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras ϕ : A → B and for any point t ∈ Spec(B) the formula ϕ⋆t (τ )(a) = τ (ϕ(a)), τ ∈ Tt (B) (3.42) defines a linear continuous map of tangent spaces ϕ⋆t : Tt◦ϕ [A] ← Tt [B]. Remark 3.11. If ϕ : A → B is a dense epimorphism, then ϕ⋆t : Tt◦ϕ [A] ← Tt [B] is a monomorphism: (τ ∈ Tt [B], τ 6= 0) =⇒ =⇒ ∃ai ∈ A ∃b ∈ B B τ (b) 6= 0 ϕ(ai ) −→ b i→∞ =⇒ & τ (b) 6= 0 =⇒ ∃ai ∈ A ϕTt (ai ) = τ (ϕ(ai )) 6= 0. If ϕ is a monomorphism, then ϕTt is not necessarily an epimorphism, as the following example shows. Example 3.12. There is a monomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras ϕ : A → B such that the mapping of tangent spaces ϕ⋆t : Tt◦ϕ [A] ← Tt [B] is not an epimorphism for some t ∈ Spec(B). Proof. The natural embedding of the functional algebras E(R) ⊂ C(R) has this property. For each point t ∈ R the corresponding mapping of the tangent spaces ϕ⋆t : Tt [E(R)] ∼ =R←0∼ = Tt [C(R)], cannot be an epimorphism (in this case, a surjection), of course. 64 Suppose A and B are two involutive stereotype algebras, s ∈ Spec(A), t ∈ Spec(B), and σ ∈ Ts [A]. Then the formula σ ⊙ t(a ⊛ b) = σ(a) · t(b), a ∈ A, b ∈ B, (3.43) defines a tangent vector to the algebra A ⊛ B at the point s ⊙ t ∈ Spec(A ⊛ B), sunce    σ ⊙ t (a ⊛ b) · (a′ ⊛ b′ ) = σ ⊙ t (a · a′ ) ⊛ (b · b′ ) = σ(a · a′ ) · t(b · b′ ) = σ(a) · s(a′ ) + s(a) · σ(a′ ) · t(b) · t(b′ ) = = σ(a) · s(a′ ) · t(b) · t(b′ ) + s(a) · σ(a′ ) · t(b) · t(b′ ) = σ ⊙ t(a ⊛ b) · s ⊙ t(a′ ⊛ b′ ) + s ⊙ t(a ⊛ b) · σ ⊙ t(a′ ⊛ b′ ) Similarly, if τ ∈ Tt [B] is a tangent vector to B at t, then the formula s ⊙ τ (a ⊛ b) = s(a) · τ (b), a ∈ A, b ∈ B, (3.44) defines a tangent vector to the algebra A ⊛ B at the point s ⊙ t ∈ Spec(A ⊛ B). Proposition 3.21. The mapping σ ⊕ τ 7→ σ ⊙ t + s ⊙ τ, σ ∈ Ts [A], τ ∈ Tt [B] (3.45) is an isomorphism of stereotype spaces Ts [A] ⊕ Tt [B] ∼ = Ts⊙t [A ⊛ B] (3.46) Proof. The injectivity of this mapping is obvious. Let us prove the surjectivity. For any tangent vector υ ∈ Ts⊙t [A ⊛ B] one can consider the functional σ(a) = υ(a ⊛ 1), a ∈ A, and this is a tangent vector to A at s, since   σ(a · a′ ) = υ (a · a′ ) ⊛ 1 = υ (a ⊛ 1) · (a′ ⊛ 1) = υ(a ⊛ 1) · s ⊙ t(a′ ⊛ 1) + s ⊙ t(a ⊛ 1) · υ(a′ ⊛ 1) = = σ(a) · s(a) + s(a) · σ(a′ ). Similarly, the functional b ∈ B, τ = υ(1 ⊛ b), is a tangent vector to B at t. We have  υ(a ⊛ b) = υ (a ⊛ 1) · (1 ⊛ b) = υ(a ⊛ 1) · s ⊙ t(1 ⊛ b) + s ⊙ t(a ⊛ 1) · υ(1 ⊛ b) = = σ(a) · t(b) + s(a) · τ (b) = (σ ⊙ t + s ⊙ τ )(a ⊛ b). The continuity of this map in both directions is obvious. Functional algebras. The key examples that illustrate the notion of spectrum and (co)tangemt space are the standard functional algebras. Example 3.13. Algebra C(M ) of continuous functions on a (Hausdorff) paracompact locally compact space M , endowed with (the poinwise multiplication and) the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets S ⊆ M , is a stereotype algebra [2, Section 8.1]. The space M is embedded into the involutive spectrum of the algebra C(M ) via delta-functionals s ∈ M 7→ δ s ∈ Spec C(M ), and this mapping is a homeomorphism of topological spaces: Spec C(M ) = M. (3.47) The involutive tangent and cotangent spaces vanish in any point s ∈ M : Ts C(M ) = 0, Ts⋆ C(M ) = 0. (3.48) § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 65 Proof. 1. Let us prove (3.47). First, the delta-functionals ar involutive and multiplicative, f ∈ C(M ), δs (f ) = f (a) = f (a) = δa (f ), therefore they map M into Spec C(M ). Further, the map δ : M → Spec C(M ) is injective, since on a paracompsct space the continuous functions separate points. It is not quite clear, thst it is surjective. Let χ : C(M ) → C be an element of spectrum, i.e. an involutive continuous and unital homomorphism into C. Let us show that there is a point s ∈ M such that Ker χ ⊆ Ker δs . (3.49) Suppose this is not true: ∀s ∈ M ∃fs ∈ Ker χ : fs (s) 6= 0. (3.50) Then the sets Us = {t ∈ M : fs (t) 6= 0} form a covering of M . Hence there is a subordinated partition of unity: X ηs ∈ C(M ) supp ηs ⊆ Us ηs = 1. (3.51) s∈M Consider the function X g= s∈M fs · fs · ηs . The series in the right is locally finite, so it converges in the space C(M ). And its elements belong to the ideal Ker χ, since fs ∈ Ker χ. Therefore, g ∈ Ker χ. Let us show that g > 0 everywhere. Take t ∈ M . From (3.51) we have that there is a point st ∈ M such that ηst (t) > 0. Since supp ηs ⊆ Us = {t ∈ M : fs (t) 6= 0}, we have fst (t) 6= 0, X s∈M fs (t) · fs (t) · ηs (t) = X s∈M 2 2 |fs (t)| · ηs (t) > |fst (t)| · ηst (t) > 0. | {z } | {z } < g(t) = < hence, 0 0 This means that g is an invertible element in the algebra C(M ). At the same time it belongs to the ideal Ker χ. Thus, Ker χ = C(M ). And this contradicts the condition of unitality: χ(1) = 1. So our supposition (3.50) is not true, and, as a corollary, there exists a point s ∈ M such that (3.49) holds. Since Ker χ is the kernel of a linear functional, this is a maximal ideal. This implies in its turn that the embedding (3.49) can be replaced by the equality: Ker χ = Ker δs . We see that the functionals χ and δs have the same kernels and they coincide at the element 1: χ(1) = 1 = δs (1). Thus, they coincide: χ = δs . This proves the surjectivity of the mapping δ : M → Spec C(M ). Its injectivity was noticed, and the continuity in both directions follows from the Ascoli theorem [22, Theorem 8.2.10]. 2. Let us prove (3.48). Take s ∈ M , τ ∈ Ts [C(M )], and show that for each function f ∈ C(M ) we have τ (f ) = 0. It is convenient to consider several cases. p a) Suppose first that f (t) > 0, t ∈ M , and f (s) = 0. Then the function g(t) = f (t) also belongs to C(M ), and we have p τ (f ) = τ (g 2 ) = 2g(s) · τ (g) = 2 f (s) · τ (g) = 0. b) Suppose then that f is a real function (not necessarily non-negative), such that f (s) = 0. Then it can be represented as a difference of two non-negative functions with the same property f = g − h, g > 0, h > 0, g(s) = h(s) = 0. By what we have already proved, τ (f ) = τ (g) − τ (h) = 0. 66 c) Suppose f is an arbitrary (not necessarily real) function, such that f (s) = 0. Then by the previous, τ (f ) = τ (Re f + i · Im f ) = τ (Re f ) + i · τ (Im f ) = 0. d) Suppose f is an arbitrary function (not necessarily vanishing at s). Then τ (f ) = τ (f − f (s) · 1 + f (s) · 1) = τ (f − f (s) · 1) + τ (f (s) · 1) = τ (f − f (s) · 1) +f (s) ·τ (1) = 0. |{z} | {z } k 0, since (f − f (s) · 1)(s) = 0 k 0, by (3.31) We proved the first equality in (3.48). The second one is its corollary. Example 3.14. Algebra E(M ) of smooth fnctions on a smooth manifold M (with the usual pointwise multiplication and the topology of uniform convergence by each partial derivative on compact sets), being a Fréchet algebra, is a stereotype algebra. Like in the previous case, the involutive spectrun of this algebra coincides with M (as a topological space), Spec E(M ) = M, but the tangent and the cotangent spaces in an arbitrary point s ∈ M do not degenerate, and they coincide with the tangent and the cotangent spaces to this manifold M : Ts E(M ) = Ts (M ), Ts⋆ E(M ) = Ts∗ (M ). Example 3.15. Algebra O(M ) of holomorphic functions on a Stein manifold M (with the pointwise multiplication and the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets in M ), being a Fréchet algebra, is a stereotype algebra. H. Rossi in [56] proves the homeomorphism Spec O(M ) = M. The equalities Ts O(M ) = Ts (M ), Ts⋆ O(M ) = Ts∗ (M ) (obvuois for open subsets M in Cn ), apparently are not proved in the general case. Example 3.16. Algebra of polynomials (regular functions) P(M ) on an affine algebraic manifold M . Let us recall [34], [65], that an affine algebraic variety over a field K is the common set M of zeroes of an arbitrary given (not necessarily finite) set of polynomials F on K n : M = {x ∈ Rn : ∀u ∈ F u(x) = 0} If we denote by the symbol P(K n ) the algebra of polynomials on K n , and by I the ideal in it, generated by the set F , then we can perceive the quotient algebra P(K n )/I as an algebra of functions on M . It is called the algebra of polynomials on M , and we denote it by P(M ). For K = R the variety M is said to be real, and for K = C complex. A point a ∈ M of a real affine algebraic manifold M ⊆ Rn is said to be simple [11, 3.3.10], if there is a finite set of polynomials u1 , ..., uk ∈ P(Rn ) with the following properties: (i) the functions u1 , ..., uk are independent in the point a, i.e. their differentials in this point d u1 (a), ..., d uk (a) are linearly independent (as functionals on Rn ), (ii) the functions u1 , ..., uk vanish on M : ui M = 0, i = 1, ..., k, (iii) there is a neighbourhood V (in the Zarisski topology) of the point a in Rn , where the set of common zeroes of the functions u1 , ..., uk coincide with the intersection V ∩ M : {x ∈ V : ∀i = 1, ..., k ui (x) = 0} = V ∩ M. For the case K = R we need the following two propositions: (a) the real spectrum of P(M ), and the involutive spectrum of its complexification CP(M ) coincide with M : Spec[CP(M )] = R Spec[P(M )] = M (3.52) § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 67 (b) in each simple point a ∈ M every real tangent vector τ ∈ Ta [P(M )] to the algebra P(M ), and every involutive tangent vector to its complexification CP(M ), are derivatives along some smooth curve γ : R → M , going from a, γ(0) = a: τ (u) = lim t→0 u(γ(t)) − u(a) , t u ∈ P(M ), (3.53) thus, Ta [CP(M )] = RTa [P(M )] = Ta (M ) (3.54) Proof. 1. Consider first the case when M = Cn . If s : P(Rn ) → R is a (unital) homomorphism of algebras, then it is a linear functional on the space (Rn )⋆R of linear functionals on Rn . I.e. s is an element of the second dual space ((Rn )⋆R )⋆R ∼ = Rn . Hence, there is a point x ∈ Rn such that s(u) = u(x), for any linear functional u : Rn → R. This identity is extended by multiplicativity to the polynomials u ∈ P(Rn ), and we get the second identity in (3.52). The first one follows from (3.24). Further, take a ∈ Rn and τ ∈ RTa [P(Rn )]. Note that each polynomial u ∈ P(M ) = P(Cn ) has an expansion u(z) = u(a) + n X k=1 ∂k u(a) · (zk − ak ) + n X k=1 ∂k vk (z) · wk (z), where vk and wk are polynomials vanishing in a. As a corollary, the action of τ on u is uniquely defined by its action on monomials zk − ak : n X τ (u) = 0 + ∂k u(a) · τ (zk − ak ) + 0. k=1 If we take the vector b ∈ C with coordinates τ (zk − ak ), then the differentiation along the curve n γ(t) = a + t · b, coincides with the action of the functional τ , i.e. (3.53) holds. 2. Now the general case. By definition, the algebra P(M ) is a quotient algebra of the algebra of polynomials P(Cn ) on some Cn : P(M ) ∼ = P(Cn )/I where I is an ideal in P(Cn ). Consider the quotient mapping π : P(Cn ) → P(Cn )/I ∼ = P(M ). The composition τ ◦ π : P(Cn ) → C is a tangent vector to the algebra P(Cn ) in the point a ∈ M ⊆ Cn , and we already proved that it coincides with the differentiation along a smooth curve γ : R → Cn , going from a, γ(0) = a: v(γ(t)) − v(a) , t→0 t (τ ◦ π)(v) = lim v ∈ P(Cn ). On each polynomial v ∈ I this vector vanishes, since π(v) = 0, 0 = τ (π(v)) = (τ ◦ π)(v) = lim t→0 v(γ(t)) − v(a) , t v ∈ I. This implies, first, (3.53), and, second, that if a is a simple point of M , then the ideal I has a finite set of functions v1 , ..., vl such that M is a non-degenerate level set in a neighbourhood of a, and since the vector γ ′ (0) vanishes on v1 , ..., vl , it must be a tangent vector to the manifold M . Hence, one can change γ in such a way that it will belong to M . This proves (3.53). We obtain the second equality in (3.54), and the first one follows from (3.34). The following identities hold [2, Theorems 8.4, 8.10, 8.13, 8.16]: C(M ) ⊙ C(N ) ∼ = C(M × N ), E(M ) ⊛ E(N ) ∼ = E(M ) ⊙ E(N ) ∼ = E(M × N ), O(M ) ⊙ O(N )∼ O(M ) ⊛ O(N ) ∼ = O(M × N ), = P(M ) ⊛ P(N ) ∼ = P(M × N ), = P(M ) ⊙ P(N ) ∼ and they imply (3.55) (3.56) (3.57) (3.58) 68 Theorem 3.22. Functional algebras C(M ), E(M ), O(M ), P(M ) are injective stereotype algebras37 . The following result will be useful in Lemma 6.30. Lemma 3.23. Let A be a dense unital subalgebra in the functional algebra B = C(M ) or in B = E(M ) (in particular, A contains constants). Then for any point t ∈ M the ideal ItA = {a ∈ A : a(t) = 0} ItB = {u ∈ B : u(t) = 0}. is dense in the ideal Proof. Take u ∈ ItB , i.e. u(t) = 0. Since A is dense in C(K), there is a net ai ∈ A such that B ai −→ u. i→∞ Put bi = ai − ai (t). Then bi (t) = 0, hence bi ∈ ItA . On the other hand, B bi = ai − ai (t) −→ u − u(t) = u. i→∞ |{z} k 0 (d) Group algebras C ⋆ (G) and E ⋆ (G) If a maniufold M is endowed with a group structure, so that it becomes a group G in the given geometry (i.e. a locally compact group, or a Lie group, real or complex, or an affine algebraic group), then the spaces C ⋆ (G), E ⋆ (G), O⋆ (G), R⋆ (G), dual to the functional algebras C(M ), E(M ), O(M ), R(M ), become stereotype algebras with trespect to the convolution. We are interested in two of these algebras, C ⋆ (G) and E ⋆ (G), and here we notice some general facts about them. Convolution and involution on C ⋆ (G). Let G be a locally compact group, and C(G) the algebra of continuous functions on G. The dual stereotype space C ⋆ (G) consists of measures with compact support in G. It is an algebra with respect to the convolution ∗. We can define this operation as follows. First, for functions u ∈ C(G) and measures α ∈ C ⋆ (G) we denote by u e and α e their anitpodes u e(t) = u(t−1 ), α e(u) = α(e u) (3.59) (a · u)(t) = u(t · a), (u · a)(t) = u(a · t) (3.60) (a · α)(u) = α(u · a), (α · a)(u) = α(a · u) (3.61) ug · a = a−1 · u e (3.62) and by a · u, u · a and a · α, α · a their shifts: Obviously, ag ·u =u e · a−1 , ag ·α =α e·a −1 , If we denote by δ a the delta-functional αg ·a= a δ a (u) = u(a), then −1 δea = δ a , a · δ b = δ a·b , −1 ·α e δ b · a = δ b·a The convolution of a function with a measure is defined by the formula     α ∗ u(t) = α tg ·u , u ∗ α(t) = α ug ·t (3.63) (3.64) (3.65) (3.66) and the following identities are proved subsequently: δ a ∗ u = u · a−1 , 37 In the sense of definition on page 52. u ∗ δ a = a−1 · u (3.67) § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 69 α] ∗u=u e∗α e, u] ∗α=α e∗u e α(β ∗ u) = β(α ∗ u e), (3.68) α(u ∗ β) = β(e u ∗ α) (3.69) They imply the following chain of identities,     α u ∗ βe = α β] ∗u e =α e (β ∗ u e) = β (e α ∗ u) (3.70) and this chain is called a convolution of measures:     α ∗ β(u) = α u ∗ βe = α β] ∗u e =α e (β ∗ u e) = β (e α ∗ u) (3.71) It is easily verified that (α, β) 7→ α ∗ β is a continuous multiplication on C(G) in the sense of definition at page 52. Besides this, the following identities hold: δ a ∗ β = a · β, β ∗ δ a = β · a, (3.72) δ a ∗ δ b = δ a·b α ∗ β(u) = (α ⊗ β)(w) w(s,t)=u(s·t) = Z Z G G (3.73) α] ∗ β = βe ∗ α e   Z Z u(s · t) d α(s) d β(t) = u(s · t) d β(t) d α(s) G (3.74) (3.75) G The first three of them are verified by direct computation, and the last one is proved for delta-functionals (this is sufficient, since they are total in C(G)):  Z Z Z a b a b a·b u(s · t) · δ (d s) δ b (d t). u(a · t) · δ (d t) = δ ∗ δ (u) = (3.73) = δ (u) = u(a · b) = G G G The involution of a function u ∈ C(G) is pointwise: t ∈ G. u(t) = u(t), (3.76) while for a measure α ∈ C ⋆ (G) it is defined by the formula α• (u) = α(e u). (3.77) In particular, −1 (δ a )• = δ a . This meets the definition of involution on L1 (G), since for the left invariant Haar measure µ on G we have u µ(e u) = µ µ(u) = µ(u), ∆ for finite functions u on G, [31, 15.5 and 15.15], here ∆ is the modular function: µ(x−1 · u) = ∆(x) · µ(u). If for a measure µ > 0 and a function f ∈ L1 (µ) we denote by f · µ the measure Z f · µ(u) = u(s) · f (s) · µ(d s), then for any function f ∈ L1 (µ) we have g (f · µ) (u) = (f · µ)(e u) = µ(f · u e) = µ fe · u • ! i.e. the usual formula for involution on L1 (G) holds: f• =   g e =µ f ·u =µ fe . ∆ fe · u ∆ (3.78) ! = ! fe · µ (u) ∆ 70 The case of compact group. Suppose K is a compact group, and µK is its normed Haar measure: µK (K) = 1. Then one can also define convolution on the space C(K): Z f (t) · g(t−1 · s) · µK (d t), f ∗ g(s) = f, g ∈ C(K). G (3.79) The following identities hold38 f] ∗g =e g ∗ fe, f, g ∈ C(K). (f · µK ) ∗ (g · µK ) = (f ∗ g) · µK , (3.80) f, g ∈ C(K). (3.81) Proof. First, f] ∗ g(s) = (??) = f ∗ g(s−1 ) = (3.80) = = Z K f (t) · g(t −1 ·s −1 ) · µK (d t) = Z K f (t) · g((s · t)−1 ) · µK (d t) = Z s·t= r fe(t−1 ) · ge(s · t) · µK (d t) = t−1 = r−1 · s = fe(r−1 · s) · e g (r) · µK (d r) = (3.80) = (e g ∗ fe)(s). K K dt = dr Z And, second, Z Z  s·t= r u(s · t) · g(t) · µK (d t) · f (s) · µK (d s) = t = s−1 · r = K K dt = dr  Z  Z Z Z −1 −1 = u(r) · g(s · r) · µK (d r) · f (s) · µK (d s) = u(r) · f (s) · g(s · r) · µK (d s) · µK (d r) = K K K K Z = u(r) · (f ∗ g)(r) · µK (d r) = (f ∗ g) · µK (u). (f · µK ) ∗ (g · µK )(u) = (3.75) = K We need the following proposition that belongs to folklore: Theorem 3.24. Each (continuous) automorphism ϕ : K → K of a compact group K preserves the Haar measure on K: µ(ϕ(X)) = µ(X), X ⊆ K. (3.82) Proof. Since ϕ is a homeomorphism, it preserves the Borel sets, so we can consider the measure m(X) = µ(ϕ(X)) on Borel sets X ⊆ K. For each point t ∈ K we have m(t · X) = µ(ϕ(t · X)) = µ(ϕ(t) · ϕ(X)) = µ(ϕ(X)) = m(X). I.e., m is invariant on K, like µ. Hence, these measures differ in a constant multiplier: m(X) = C · µ(X). On the other hand, ϕ(K) = K, therefore m(K) = µ(ϕ(K)) = µ(K), and C = 1. 38 Here f · µK is defined in (3.78). § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 71 Representations of locally compact groups. Let G be a locally compact group and A a stereotype algebra. A mapping π : G → A is called a representation of G in A, if it is continuous and multiplicative: π(x · y) = π(x) · π(y), π(1) = 1. In this case (see [2, Theorem 10.12]) there is a unique homomorphism of stereotype algebras π̇ : C ⋆ (G) → A such that the following diagram is commutative: δ G❄ ❄❄ ❄❄ π ❄❄  A / C ⋆ (G) ⑧⑧ ⑧⑧ ⑧ π̇ ⑧ ⑧ (3.83) (here δ is the embedding as delta-functions). Theorem 3.25. Suppose a locally compact group G acts by unitary operators in a Hilbert space X, i.e. a mapping π : G → L(X) is defined such that π(1G ) = 1X , π(s−1 ) = π(s)• , π(s · t) = π(s) · π(t), s, t ∈ G. (3.84) Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) the mapping π : G → L(X) is continuous with respect to the strong operator topology in L(X), (ii) the mapping (s, x) ∈ G × X 7→ π(s)x ∈ X is continuous, (iii) the mapping π : G → L(X) is continuous with respect to the stereotype topology of the space L(X). (iv) there is a (necessarily unique) involutive continuous homomorphism of stereotype algebras π̇ : C ⋆ (G) → L(X) such that the following diagram is commutative: δ G ❏ ❏❏ ❏ π ❏❏$ L(X) / C ⋆ (G) t tt , ztt π̇ (3.85) • Further by unitary representation of a locally compact group G (in a Hilbert space X) we mean a mapping π : G → L(X) that satisfies (3.84) and the conditions (i)-(iv) of this Theorem. Proof. The equivalence (i)⇔(ii) is a standard fact (see e.g. [9, Chapter 5, §1]), and (iii)⇔(iv) is proved in [2, Theorem 10.12]. Let us prove (ii)⇒(iii). Suppose the mapping (s, x) ∈ G × X 7→ π(s)x ∈ X is continuous. Then for any compact set K ⊆ X π(g)x −→ π(g0 )x g→g0 uniformly by x ∈ K. This means that the mapping π : G → X : X is continuous (here X : X means the space of linear continuous mappings from X into X, endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets). For any compact set T ⊆ G its image π(T ) is compact in X : X, so the topology on π(T ) deos not change under the pseudosaturation of the space X : X (i.e. ubder the passage from X : X to L(X)). This means that the restriction π|T : T → L(X) is continuous. This is true for any compact set T ⊆ G, hence the map π : G → L(X) is continuous as well. We proved that (ii)⇒(iii). The reverse implication (ii) ⇐ (iii) is proved by the reverse reasoning. The algebra E ⋆ (G). If G is a real Lie group, then one can consider also the group algebra E ⋆ (G) of distributions with compact support on G. It is defined by analogy: first we consider the algebra E(G) of smooth functions on G with the usual topology of uniform convergence on compact sets of each partial derivative in each local chart. Then E ⋆ (G) is defined as the stereotype dual of E(G). The same formulas define multiplication and involution on E ⋆ (G), and similarly there is a connection in an analog of diagram (3.83) between the representations of G and of E ⋆ (G): δ G❄ ❄❄ ❄❄ π ❄❄  A / E ⋆ (G) ⑧⑧ ⑧⑧ ⑧ ⑧⑧ π̈ (3.86) but the difference is that in this case π must be a smooth (in the usual sense) mapping [2, Theorem 10.12]. 72 Decomposition by the characters of normal compact subgroup. Let us remind some notions L̇ in the representation theory [39]. Suppose {Xi ; i ∈ I} is a family of Hilbert spaces. Consider the set X = i∈I Xi of families x = {xi ; xi ∈ Xi } such that Ṁ x = {xi ; i ∈ I} ∈ i∈I Xi ⇐⇒ ∀i ∈ I xi ∈ Xi & X i∈I kxi k2Xi < ∞. This is a Hilbert space with the coordinate-wise algebraic operations and the scalar product X hx, yi = hxi , yi ii i∈I (here hxi , yi ii is the scalar product in Xi ). This space is called a Hilbert direct sum of the spaces Xi . If G is a locally compact group and {πi : G → L(Xi )} a family of unitary representations in the spaces Xi , then the mapping ! Ṁ π:G→L π(g){xi ; xi ∈ Xi } = {πi (g)xi ; xi ∈ Xi } Xi i∈I is a unitary representation of G and is called Hilbert direct sum of the representations πi . A linear continuous mapping of Hilbert spaces α : X → Y is called — a morphism of a representation π : G → L(X) into a representation ρ : G → L(Y ), if t ∈ G, x ∈ X; ρ(t)α(x) = α(π(t)x), — a subrepresentation of a representation ρ : G → L(Y ), if α is a morphism, it is injective, and α(X) is closed in Y ; — an isomorphism of representations π : G → L(X) and ρ : G → L(Y ), if α is a morphism of these representations and an isomorphism of Hilbert spaces X and Y . A representation π : G → L(X) is said to be — irreducible, if it has no non-trivial (i.e. different from X and 0) subrepresentations, — semisimple, if it is isomorphic to a Hilbert direct sum of a family of irreducible representations: Ṁ π= σi , (3.87) i∈I — isotypic, if it is semisimple, and in the decomposition (3.87) all the representations σi are isomorphic. b its dual object, i.e. a set of irreducible unitary representations For a locally compact group G we denote by G of G such that b are isomorphic if and only if they coincide: — any two representations ρ, σ ∈ G ρ∼ =σ ⇐⇒ ρ = σ, b — each irreducible unitary representation π : G → L(X) is isomorphic to some σ ∈ G. b exists for all locally compact groups G. The dual object G Suppose K is a compact normal subgroup in a locally compact group G, and µK the normed Haar measure b σ : K → B(Xσ ) let us define a measure νσ ∈ C ⋆ (G) by the formula on K. For each representation σ ∈ K, Z Z νσ (u) = dim Xσ · tr σ(s) · u(s) · µK (d s) = dim Xσ · tr σ(s−1 ) · u(s) · µK (d s), u ∈ C(G). (3.88) K K or, equivalently, by the formula νσ = dim Xσ · Z K tr σ(s) · δs · µK (d s) = dim Xσ · Properties of νσ : Z K tr σ(s−1 ) · δs · µK (d s) (3.89) § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 73 b the measure νσ is central in C ⋆ (G): 1◦ . For each σ ∈ K α ∈ C ⋆ (G), νσ ∗ α = α ∗ νσ , (3.90) 2◦ . The measures νσ for a system of orthogonal projectors in the algebra C ⋆ (G): νσ ∗ νσ = νσ , νσ ∗ νρ = 0, b σ 6= ρ ∈ K. (3.91) Proof. 1. Since delta-functionals are total in C ⋆ (G), (3.90) is equivalent to the identity −1 δ t ∗ νσ ∗ δ t or, by (3.72), to the identity t ∈ G. = νσ , t · νσ · t−1 = νσ , t ∈ G. We use Theorem 3.24 for its proof: since the map x 7→ t · x · t−1 is an automorphism of the group K, it preserves the Haar measure µK . As a corollary, in the following chain the change of variable is valid: t · νσ · t−1 (u) = νσ (t−1 · u · t) = dim Xσ · = dim Xσ · Z tr σ(s −1 )u(t·s·t K −1 Z K tr σ(s−1 )(t−1 · u · t)(s) · µK (d s) = Z t · s · t−1 = r s = t−1 · r · t tr σ(t−1 ·r−1 ·t)u(r)·µK (d r) = = dim Xσ · )·µK (d s) = K µK (d s) = µK (d r) Z = dim Xσ · tr σ(r−1 )u(r) · µK (d r) = νσ (u). K b 2. Denote by χσ the characters of the representations σ ∈ K: χσ (s) = tr σ(s). As is known [32, (27.24)], χσ ∗ χτ = ( 0, 1 dim Xσ σ= 6 τ . · χσ , σ = τ (3.92) On the other hand, obviously, νσ = dim Xσ · χ fσ · µK . Thus, (3.93) νσ ∗ ντ = (dim Xσ · χ fσ · µK ) ∗ (dim Xτ · χ fτ · µK ) = (3.81) = dim Xσ · dim Xτ · (f χσ ∗ χ fτ ) · µK = (3.80) =   0, σ 6= τ = = dim Xσ · dim Xτ · (χ^ ∗ χ ) · µ = (3.92) = τ σ K fσ · µK , σ = τ dim Xσ · dim Xσ · dim1Xσ · χ     0, σ 6= τ 0, σ 6= τ = = (3.93) = . dim Xσ · χ fσ · µK , σ = τ νσ , σ = τ b we put Let π : G → L(X) be a unitary representation. For any σ ∈ K πσ (t) = π̇(νσ ∗ δt ), π̇σ (α) = π̇(νσ ∗ α), t ∈ G, α ∈ C ⋆ (G), Properties of πσ : b σ ∈ K. (3.94) b the mapping πσ : G → L(X) is a representation of G, and π̇σ : C ⋆ (G) → L(X) is its 1◦ . For any σ ∈ K extension to the group algebra: π̇σ = (πσ )· (3.95) b the space 2◦ . For any σ ∈ K Xσ = π̇σ (C ⋆ (G))X is invariant with respect to π (and therefore defines a subrepresentation of π). (3.96) 74 3◦ . The space X can be decomposed into a Hilbert direct sum of the spaces Xσ : Ṁ X= Xσ . (3.97) b σ∈K and the representation π into the Hilbert direct sum of representations πσ : Ṁ π= πσ . (3.98) b σ∈K 4◦ . Being restricted to the subgroup K the decomposition (3.98) turns into the decomposition π|K by isotypic components multiple to σ: Ṁ π|·K = b σ∈K πσ |·K , Ṁ πσ |·K = σi ∼ =σ σi· , i∈Iσ (i ∈ Iσ ). (3.99) Proof. 1. First, πσ (s · t) = π̇(νσ ∗ δs·t ) = π̇(νσ ∗ δs ∗ δt ) = (3.91) = π̇(νσ ∗ νσ ∗ δs ∗ δt ) = = (3.90) = π̇(νσ ∗ δs ∗ νσ ∗ δt ) = π̇(νσ ∗ δs ) · π̇(νσ ∗ δt ) = πσ (s) · πσ (t) 2. Take x ∈ π̇σ (C ⋆ (G))X, i.e. x= n X π̇σ (βi )xi , i=1 βi ∈ C ⋆ (G), xi ∈ X. Then for any α ∈ C(G) π̇(α)x = n X i=1 π̇(α)π̇σ (βi )xi = n X i=1 π̇(α)π̇(νσ ∗ βi )xi = n X i=1 π̇(α ∗ νσ ∗ βi )xi = = (3.90) = n X i=1 Hence π̇(νσ ∗ α ∗ βi )xi = n X i=1 π̇σ (α ∗ βi )xi ∈ π̇σ (G)X.   π̇(C ⋆ (G)) π̇σ (C ⋆ (G))X ⊆ π̇σ (C ⋆ (G))X, and   π̇(C ⋆ (G)) π̇σ (C ⋆ (G))X ⊆ π̇σ (C ⋆ (G))X. 3. We prove 3◦ and 4◦ together. Consider the restriction π|K : K → L(X). As is known, it is decomposed into the Hilbert direct sum of irreducible representations: π|K = Ṁ Ṁ σi , b i∈Iσ σ∈K σi ∼ =σ (i ∈ Iσ ). The projection on the isotypic component Φσ : X = Ṁ Ṁ b i∈Iσ σ∈K Xi → Ṁ Xi i∈Iσ and at the same time the intertwinner between the representations π and πσ (where πσ is defined in (3.94)), Φσ ◦ π = πσ ◦ Φσ , is described by the formula [39, Theorem 5.5.1(2)] Z Z tr σ(s) · π(s) · µK (d s) = dim Xσ · tr σ(s−1 ) · π(s) · µK (d s) Φσ = dim Xσ · K K Note that π̇σ (α) = π̇(νσ ∗ α) = π̇(νσ ) · π̇(α) = Φσ · π̇(α), α ∈ C ⋆ (G). (3.100) § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 75 As a corollary, Xσ = π̇σ (C ⋆ (G))X = Φσ π̇(C ⋆ (G))X = Φσ X = Ṁ Xi = i∈Iσ Ṁ Xi . i∈Iσ We have a decomposition into a Hilbert sum X= Ṁ Ṁ Xi = b i∈Iσ σ∈K Ṁ Xσ . b σ∈K This proves (3.99) and (3.98). (e) Norm continuous representations Central groups, SIN-groups and Moore groups. Let us remind that the center Z(G) of a group G is the set of all elements a ∈ G which commute with the all other elements: a · x = x · a, x ∈ G. A locally compact group G is called central, if its quotient group by the center G/Z(G) is compact. Theorem 3.26 (H.Freudenthal [26], see also [49]). A connected locally compact group G is central if and only if it is a direct product of a vector group Rn and a compact group K: G = Rn × K. (3.101) Let us call a locally compact group G a compact buildup of a commutative group, if there are closed subgroups C and K in G such that: 1) C is an commutative group, 2) K is a compact group, 3) C and K commute: ∀a ∈ C, ∀y ∈ K a · y = y · a, 4) the product of C and K is G: ∀x ∈ G ∃a ∈ C ∃y ∈ K x = a · y. Certainly, every such a group is central. Theorem 3.27 (Yu. Kuznetsova [41]). Each central Lie group G is a finite extension of some compact buildup of a commutative group. Proof. By [29, Theorem 4.4], G can be represented in the form G = Rn × G1 , where G1 contains an open compact normal subgroup K. Let C be the center of G. Let us identify K with {0} × K and consider the group H = C · K. Of course, this is a compact buildup of a commutative group. Besides this, H contains an open subgroup Rn × K, hence H is open. Since K is normal in G1 the group K = {0} × K is normal in G, therefore H is normal in G: x · H = x · C · K = C · x · K = C · K · x = H · x. Since G is central, the quotient group G/C is compact. As a corollary, G/H is also compact (since it is a continuous image of a compact group G/C). On the other hand, since H = C · K is open, G/H must be discrete. Hence, G/H is finite. A set U in a group G is said to be normal, if it is invariant with respect to conjugations: a · U · a−1 ⊆ U, a ∈ G. A locally compact group G is called a SIN-group, if normal neighbourhoods of identity in G form a local base. An equivalent condition: the left and the right uniform structures in G are equivalent. In particular, all such groups are unimodular. The class of SIN-groups includes Abelian, compact and discrete groups. The following result belongs to S. Grosser and M. Moskowitz [30, 2.13]: 76 Theorem 3.28. Each SIN-group G is a discrete extension of the group Rn × K, where n ∈ Z+ , and K is a compact group: 1 → Rn × K = N → G → D → 1 (3.102) (D is a discrete group). A locally compact group G is called a Moore group, if all its continuous (in the usual sense, i.e. as it is described in Theorem 3.25) unitary continuous representations are finite-dimensional. Theorem 3.29. Each Moore group is a SIN-group.39 Theorem 3.30. Each Moore group is amenable.40 Theorem 3.31. Each (Hausdorff ) quotient group G/H of a Moore group G is a Moore group.41 Corollary 3.32. If G is a Moore group, then in its representation (3.102) the group D is also a Moore group (and in particular it is amenable). Theorem 3.33. Each discrete Moore group is a finite extension of a commutative group.42 Theorem 3.34 (Yu. N. Kuznetsova [41]). Each Lie-Moore group G is a finite extension of some compact buildup of a commutative group. Proof. By [49, Theorem 12.4.27], G is a finite extension of some central group G1 . By Theorem 3.27, G1 is a finite extension of some compact buildup of a commutative group. Norm continuous representations. Let us return back to the situation when we have a representation π : G → A of a group G in a stereotype algebra A (see diagram (3.83)). Suppose that A is a Banach algebra. Then the continuity of π will be the norm-continuity: xi → x =⇒ kπ(xi ) − π(x)k → 0. Example 3.17. If G is a real Lie group, then every its norm-continuous representation π : G → A in an arbitrary Banach algebra A is a smooth mapping, and, as a corollary, π has a (unique) extension (in the sense of diagram (3.86)) to a continuous homomorphism π̈ : E ⋆ (G) → A of the group algebra E ⋆ (G) of distributions with compact support (described at page 71). Proof. The smoothness of π is proved by analogy with the classical result, when A is a finite-dimensional algebra, see [46, 4.21]. After that the existence of π̈ follows from [2, 10.12]. Let us denote by B(X) the usual Banach space of linear continuous operators in a Hilbert space X (i.e. the same space L(X), but with the topology, generated by the norm of operator). Let ι : B(X) → L(X) be the usual embedding (certainly, it is continuous). The following proposition is obvious. Theorem 3.35. For a representation π : G → L(X) of a locally compact group G in a Hilbert space X the following conditions are equivalent: (i) the mapping π : G → B(X) is continuous, (ii) the morphism of stereotype algebras π̇ : C ⋆ (G) → L(X) from (3.85) has a lifting to a morphism of stereotype algebras ϕ : C ⋆ (G) → B(X): B(X) ϕ tt t ztt C ⋆ (G) ι ❏❏ π̇ ❏❏ . ❏$ / L(X) (3.103) • The representation π : G → L(X) satisfying these conditions is said to be norm-continuous. • In the special case when the operators π(t), t ∈ G, are unitary, the representation π : G → L(X) that satisfies the conditions of this theorem is called a norm-continuous unitary representation. 39 See [49, p.1452]. [49, p.1486]. 41 This proposition is obvious. 42 See [49, Theorem 12.4.26 and p.1397]. 40 See § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 77 Theorem 3.36. [61, Corollary 2] A unitary representation π : K → L(X) of a compact group K is normcontinuous if and only if in its decomposition (3.99) π̇ = Ṁ π̇σ , b σ∈K only finite number of isotypic components π̇σ do not vanish. Theorem 3.37. [41, Theorem 4.8] If K is a normal compact subgroup in G and a unitary representation π : G → L(X) is norm-continuous, then in the decomposition (3.97) Xπ 6= 0 only for finite number of indices b As a corollary, the sum (3.98) is finite in this case. σ ∈ G. Induced representations. Let us remind the construction of induced representation. Suppose N is an open normal subgroup in a locally compact group G, and π : N → L(X) -a unitary representation of N . Let us choose a mapping σ : D → G which is a coretraction for the quotient mapping ϕ : G → G/N = D t ∈ D, ϕ(σ(t)) = t, (3.104) and preserves the unit: σ(1D ) = 1G . (3.105) Then for any g ∈ G the elements g and σ(ϕ(g)) belong to the same coset with respect to N , g ∈ σ(ϕ(g)) · N i.e. g · σ(ϕ(g))−1 ∈ N, g ∈ G. (3.106) Consider the space L2 (D, X) of square-summable mappings ξ : D → X (with respect to the counting measure card on D). Then the induced representation π ′ : G → L(L2 (D, X)) is defined by the formula ξ ∈ L2 (D, X), t ∈ D, g ∈ G. (3.107) ∋ ∋  −1   ξ ϕ(σ(t) · g) , π ′ (g)(ξ)(t) = π σ(t) · g · σ ϕ(σ(t) · g) | {z } {z } | (3.106) D N Theorem 3.38. [41, Lemma 3.6] Let G be a SIN-group, N its open subgroup in the chain (3.102), and π : N → L(X) a norm-continuous unitary representation. Then the induced representation π ′ : G → L(L2 (D, X)) is also norm-continuous. Proof. Take ε > 0. Since π is norm-continuous, there is a neighbourhood of identity U ⊆ N such that kπ(h) − 1X k < ε, h ∈ U. At the same time, N is open in G, therefore U is also a neighbourhood of identity in G. Since G is a SIN-group, there is a neighbourhood of identity V ⊆ U invariant with respect to conjugations: g · V · g −1 ⊆ V for all g ∈ G. Now for any h ∈ V ⊆ U ⊆ N and for any t ∈ D we have ϕ(σ(t) · h) = ϕ(σ(t)) · ϕ(h) = t · 1 = t, and thus, for h ∈ V and ξ ∈ L2 (D, X) = X t∈D X t∈D 2 kπ ′ (h)(ξ)(t) − ξ(t)k =   π σ(t) · h · σ(t)−1 ξ(t) − ξ(t) 2 6 X t∈D X t∈D   −1  ξ ϕ(σ(t) · h) − ξ(t) π σ(t) · h · σ ϕ(σ(t) · h) 2 = X  2 2 2 kπ σ(t) · h · σ(t)−1 −1X k2 ·kξ(t)k < ε2 · kξ(t)k = ε2 ·kξk | {z } ∋ 2 kπ ′ (h)(ξ) − ξk = V t∈D 78 The space Trig(G) of norm-continuous trigonometric polynomials. Let us call a norm-continuous trigonometric polynomial on G an arbitrary linear combination of matrix elements of norm-continuous unitary irreducible representations of G n X λi · hσi (t)xi , yi i, t ∈ G, (3.108) u(t) = i=1 (σi : G → B(Xi ) are norm continuous unitary irreducible representations, xi , yi ∈ Xi , λi ∈ C). Example 3.18. Let G be a locally compact group, U an arbitrary C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero in C ⋆ (G) and v a pure state of the C ∗ -algebra C ⋆ (G)/U . Then the function π δ v U C ⋆ (G)/U −→ C G −→ C ⋆ (G) −→ is a norm-continuous trigonometric polynomial on G. Proof. Consider the GNS-representation σ : C ⋆ (G)/U → B(X), generated by the functional v: v(a) = hσ(a)x, xi, a ∈ C ⋆ (G)/U, (x ∈ X). Since v is a pure state, the representation σ is irreducible [37, 10.2.3]. Since G is totally mapped into the algebra C ⋆ (G) (i.e. the linear combinations of the delta-functions are dense in C ⋆ (G)) and therefore in the quotient algebra C ⋆ (G)/U , we obtain that the composition δ π σ U C ⋆ (G)/U −→ B(X) G −→ C ⋆ (G) −→ is an irreducible representation of the group G. Hence the function u(t) = v(πU (δ(t))) = hσ(πU (δ(t)))x, xi is a norm-continuous trigonometric polynomial. Remark 3.19. If the group G is compact or Abelian, then the space Trig(G) is an algebra with respect to the operation of pointwise multiplication. However, apparently, there exist (non-compact and non-Abelian) groups where this is not so. If we don’t demand that the trigonometric polynomial is continuous with respect to a C ∗ -seminorm on C ⋆ (G), then the counterexample is the group G = H3 (R) of upper triangle matices with real coefficients and units on the diagonal: the space Trig(G) (without the claim of “C ∗ -seminorm-continuity”) is not closed with respect to the pointwise multiplication – this example belongs to Yemon Choi. The algebra k(G) of norm-continuous matrix elements. A norm-continuous matrix element on a group G is a function of the form u(t) = hπ(t)x, yi, t ∈ G, (3.109) where π : G → B(X) is a norm-continuous unitary representation in a Hilbert space X, and x, y ∈ X. The set of all such functions will be denoted by k(G). Theorem 3.39. For each locally compact group G the space k(G) forms an involutive algebra over C with the pointwise algebraic operations. • We endow the algebra k(G) with the strongest locally convex topology over C. This turns k(G) into the involutive stereotype algebra (due to Example 3.3). Proof. The multiplication by a scalar in k(G) is equivalent to the multiplication of the vector x by this scalar in the formula (3.109). Let us take two functions of the form (3.109) u(t) = hπ(t)x, yi, v(t) = hπ ′ (t)x′ , y ′ i, t ∈ G, where π : G → B(X) and π ′ : G → B(X ′ ) are norm continuous unitary representations. If we consider the Hilbert direct sum X ⊕ X ′ , i.e. the space of pairs (ξ, ξ ′ ), ξ ∈ X, ξ ′ ∈ X ′ , with the scalar product h(ξ, ξ ′ ), (υ, υ ′ )i = hξ, υi + hξ ′ , υ ′ i, then the formula (π ⊕ π ′ )(t)(ξ, ξ ′ ) = (π(t)ξ, π ′ (t)ξ ′ ), t ∈ G, § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 79 defines a norm-continuous representation π ⊕ π ′ : G → B(X ⊕ X ′ ) with the sum u + v as a matrix element: h(π ⊕ π ′ )(t)(x, x′ ), (y, y ′ )i = h(π(t)x, π ′ (t)x′ ), (y, y ′ )i = hπ(t)x, yi + hπ ′ (t)x′ , y ′ i = u(t) + v(t). ˙ ′ [36], i.e. the completion of the algebraic On the other hand, if we consider the Hilbert tensor product X ⊗X ′ tensor product X ⊗ X with respect to the scalar product hξ ⊗ ξ ′ , υ ⊗ υ ′ i = hξ, υi · hξ ′ , υ ′ i, then the formula ξ′, υ′ ∈ X ′, ξ, υ ∈ X, (π ⊗ π ′ )(t)ξ ⊗ ξ ′ = π(t)ξ ⊗ π ′ (t)ξ ′ , ′ ′ t ∈ G, ˙ ) with the product u · v as a matrix element: defines a norm-continuous representation π ⊗ π : G → B(X ⊗X h(π ⊗ π ′ )(t)x ⊗ x′ , y ⊗ y ′ i = hπ(t)x ⊗ π ′ (t)x′ , y ⊗ y ′ i = hπ(t)x, yi · hπ ′ (t)x′ , y ′ i = u(t) · v(t). From the existence of the conjugate linear finction on X [32, 27.25,27.26] it follows that k(G) is closed with respect to the pointwise involution. The unit belongs to k(G) since it can be represented as (3.109), if we put π(t) = 1 and take x and y such that hx, yi = 1. Let us say that a function u ∈ C(G) is subordinated to a C ∗ -seminorm, if for some (continuous) C ∗ -seminorm p on C ⋆ (G) we have |α(u)| 6 p(α), α ∈ C ⋆ (G). Certainly, all the functions from k(G) are subordinated to C ∗ -semonorms. Recall also that a function u ∈ C(G) is said to be positive definite [32, §32], if (α• ∗ α)(u) > 0, α ∈ C ⋆ (G). (3.110) Theorem 3.40. For a function u ∈ C(G) the following conditions are equivalent: (i) u can be represented in the form u(t) = hπ(t)x, xi, t ∈ G, (3.111) for some norm-continuous unitary representation π : G → B(X) and some x ∈ X (and, as a corollary, u ∈ k(G)); (ii) u is positive definite and subordinated to some C ∗ -seminorm. Proof. We only have to verify the implication (i)⇐=(ii). Suppose (ii) holds. Since u is subordinated to a C ∗ -seminorm p, this function can be extended as a functional on the C ∗ -quotient algebra C ⋆ (G)/p: u = v ◦ ρ, where ρ : C ⋆ (G) → C ⋆ (G)/p is the quotient mapping, and v : C ⋆ (G)/p → C is some continuous functional on the C ∗ -algebra C ⋆ (G)/p. Therewith, since u is positive definite, and the involution and the multiplication in C ⋆ (G)/p are inherited from C ⋆ (G), v is a positive functional. Consider the GNS-representation σ : C ⋆ (G)/p → B(X), generated by v. Then v(a) = hσ(a)x, xi, a ∈ C ⋆ (G)/p, for some x ∈ X, and if we pout π = σ ◦ ρ, then α(u) = v(ρ(α)) = hσ(ρ(α))x, xi = hπ(α)x, xi, α ∈ C ⋆ (G). Obviously, Trig(G) ⊆ k(G). (3.112) Theorem 3.41. Suppose G is a compact group. Then (a) the embedding (3.112) turns into an equality Trig(G) = k(G), (b) the algebra k(G) coincides with the set of matrix elements (3.109) of various finite-dimensional continuous unitary representations π : G → B(X); 80 (c) the algebra k(G) coincides with the set of functions of the form t ∈ G, u(t) = f (π(t)), (3.113) where π : G → B(X) is an arbitrary norm-continuous unitary representation, and f : B(X) → C an arbitrary linear continuous functional. Proof. It is sufficient here to verify that each function of the form (3.113) belongs to Trig(G). Let π : G → B(X) be a norm continuous unitary representation, and f : B(X) → C a linear continuous functional. 1. Consider the case when the Hilbert space X is finite dimensional. Then the representation π : G → B(X) can be decomposed into the sum of irreducible ones, ! n n M M π= πi : G → B Xi . i=1 i=1 Take in each Xi an orthogonal normed basis eij . Then the functionals A ∈ B(X) 7→ λij kl · hAeij , ekl i ∈ C ∋ ∋ ∋ ∋ form a basis in the space B ⋆ (X). Hence f ∈ B ⋆ (X) is decomposed into the sum X ij X ij X ij u(t) = f (π(t)) = λkl · hπ(t)eij , ekl i = λkl · hπi (t)eij , ekl i = λkl · hπi (t)eij , eil i | {z } |{z} | {z } |{z} i,j,k,l i,j,k,l i,j,l Xi Xk Xi Xi The last sum lies in Trig(G), since each πi is irreducible. 2. If X is infinite-dimensional, then by the A. I. Shtern theorem 3.36 each norm-continuous representation π : G → B(X) is factored through a finite dimensional unitary representation σ (see diagram below, where ϕ is a homomorphism of involutive algebras). Put g = f ◦ ϕ. This is a functional on a finite dimensional algebra B(Y ), that generates the same function u σ / B(Y ) G■ ■■ s ■■ s ✘ ■■ s π ■■■ s ϕ ✓ ys $ ☞ B(X) ☎g u f ④ s  )Cu ♠ and we have already proved that u ∈ Trig(G). Remark 3.20. If the group G is not compact, then (3.112) is not necessarily an equality. For example, we can take G = Z. This was told to the author by A. I. Degtyarev: we can take the regular representation π : Z → L2 (Z), π(k)u(l) = u(l + k), and put ( 0, k 6= 0 χ0 (k) = 1, k = 1 Then we obtain the matrix element f (k) = hπ(k)χ0 , χ0 i = χ0 (k), k ∈ Z, which is not representable as a trigonometric polynomial. Indeed, suppose f is a trigonometric polynomial on Z, i.e. a function of the form N X λn · εkn , f (k) = n=1 where εn ∈ C, |εn | = 1, λn ∈ C. Then for computing the coefficients λk we can consider the system N X n=1 λn · εkn = f (k) = χ0 (k) = 0, k = 1, ..., N which is linearly independent, since its determinant is the Vandermond determinant, and it does not vanish. The column of free terms vanish, hence the coefficients λn also vanish. I.e. f = 0, and this is impossible since f (0) = χ0 (0) = 1. § 3. STEREOTYPE ALGEBRAS 81 Recall that in the theory of algebraic groups (see [16, Chapter VI] of [66, 45.6]) to each compact Lie group G one assign the algebra of functions on it, called representation ring. It consists of various matrix elements of continuous finite dimensional representations of G. This is exactly the set of functions mentioned in proposition (b) of Theorem 3.41. As a corollary, we have Theorem 3.42. If G is a compact Lie group, then the algebra k(G) = Trig(G) coincides with the representation ring of the group G. Let us recall that a polynomial on a general linear group GLn (R) (or GLn (C)) is a function of the form u(g) = f (g) , (det g)k g ∈ GLn (R), (3.114) where f is a polynomial of the coefficients of the matrix g, and k ∈ Z+ . The set of all polynomials on GLn (C) will be denoted by P(GLn (C)). It forms an involutive algebra with respect to the pointwise operatios. The following result is classical (see [16, Cahpter VI] or [66, 45.6]): Theorem 3.43. For each compact real Lie group G – there is an integer n ∈ N and a continuous injective homomorphism (an embedding) of groups σ : G → GLn (C); – for any such an embedding σ : G → GLn (C) the algebra k(G) is isomorphic to the quotient algebra of the algebra P(GLn (C)) by the ideal I of polynomails vanishing on G, k(G) = P(GLn (C))/I, (3.115) and the same isomorphism holds for real parts: Re k(G) = Re P(GLn (C))/ Re I; (3.116) – as a corollary, G has a natural structure of a real algebraic group, for which Re k(G) is the algebra of (real) polynomials, P(G) = k(G) and the set CG of common zeroes of I CG = {g ∈ GLn (C) : ∀u ∈ I u(g) = 0} (3.117) (or, what is the same the complex spectrum C Spec k(G) of k(G)) has a natural structure of a complex algebraic group with k(G) as the algebra of (complex) manifolds: P(CG) = k(G). – in the natural embedding G ⊆ CG the group G is a real form of the group CG, i.e. (a) G has non-empty intersection with each connected component of CG, and (b) the tangent algebra L(G) is the real part of the tangent algebra L(CG): L(G) = Re L(CG) (3.118) Corollary 3.44. Let G be a compact real Lie group. Then (i) each involutive character s ∈ Spec(k(G)) is a value in a point a ∈ G s(u) = u(a), u ∈ k(G), (3.119) hence the spectrum of the algebra k(G) coincides with G: Spec k(G) = R Spec Re k(G) = G (3.120) 82 (ii) each involutive tangent vector τ ∈ Ta [k(G)] to the algebra k(G) in an arbitrary point a ∈ G is a derivation along a one-parameter subgroup x : R → G: τ (u) = lim t→0 u(a · x(t)) − u(a) , t u ∈ k(G), (3.121) and is uniquely extended to a tangent vector of the algebra E(G) in the point a ∈ G; hence the tangent spaces to k(G) and E(G) coincide: Ta [k(G)] = Ta [E(G)] = Ta (G). (3.122) Proof. Both propositions follow from Example 3.16: formula (3.120) follows from (3.52)43 , since G is a real algebraic manifold, and k(G) a complexification of Re k(G). On the other hand, (3.53) imply that in (3.121) one can treat τ as a derivation along a smooth curve in G, and this is equivalent to a derivation along a one-parameter subgroup. §4 Locally convex bundles and constructions of differential geometry We need some facts from the theory of bundles of topological vector spaces. In this exposition we follow the ideology of M. J. Dupré and R. M. Gillette [21]. First, it will be convenient to introduce the following definition. • A vector bundle over the field C is a set of seven (Ξ, M, π, ·, +, {0t ; t ∈ M }, −), where 1) Ξ is a set, called the space of the bundle, 2) M is a set, called the base of the bundle, 3) π : Ξ → M is a surjective mapping, called the projection of the bundle, 4) · : C × Ξ → Ξ is a mapping, called the fiberwise multiplication by scalars, 5) + : Ξ ⊓ Ξ → Ξ is a mapping, called the fiberwise summing44 M 6) {0t ; t ∈ M } is a family of elements of Ξ, called zeroes. 7) − : Ξ → Ξ is a mapping, called the fiberwise minus, and for each point t ∈ M the operation ·, +, − with the element 0t define on the inverse image Ξt := π −1 (t) ⊆ Ξ (called a fiber over the point t) the structure of vector space over C with 0t as zero. • A section of a vector bundle (Ξ, M, π, ·, +, {0t ; t ∈ M }, −) is an arbitrary mapping x : M → Ξ such that π ◦ x = idM . • A subbundle of a vector bundle (Ξ, M, π, ·, +, {0t ; t ∈ M }, −) is a subset Ψ in Ξ whose intersection with each fiber π −1 (t) is a (non-zero) vector subspace in π −1 (t). Certainly, Ψ is a vector bundle over the same base with the same structure elements. (a) Locally convex bundles • Let a vector bundle (Ξ, M, π, ·, +, {0t ; t ∈ M }, −) over C be endowed with the following supplementary structure: 1) the space of the bundle Ξ and the base of the bundle M are endowed with topologies in such a way that the projection π : Ξ → M is (not only surjective, but also) a continuous and an open mapping, 2) a set P of functions p : Ξ → R+ , called seminorms is defined, and the following conditions hold: 43 Formula 44 (3.120) holds for a wider class of all compact groups, not necessarily Lie, see [32, (30.30)]. Here Ξ ⊓ Ξ is the fiber square of Ξ over M , i.e. the subset of the Cartesian square Ξ × Ξ consisting of pairs (ξ, ζ) such that π(ξ) = π(ζ). M § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 83 (a) on each bundle π −1 (t) the restrictions p|π−1 (t) : Ξt → R+ are the system of seminorms that defines a structure of a (Hausdorff) locally convex space on π −1 (t), and the topology of this space coincides with the topology induced from Ξ, (b) the fiberwise multiplication by scalars C × Ξ → Ξ is continuous:   Ξ Ξ C =⇒ λi · ξi −→ λ · ξ. λi −→ λ, ξi −→ ξ i→∞ i→∞ i→∞ (c) the fiberwise summing45 Ξ ⊓ Ξ → Ξ is continuous: M  Ξ ξi −→ ξ, i→∞ Ξ ζi −→ ζ, i→∞  π(ξ) = π(ζ) π(ξi ) = π(ζi ), Ξ ξi + ζi −→ ξ + ζ. =⇒ i→∞ (d) each semonorm p ∈ P is an upper semicontinuous mapping p : Ξ → R+ , i.e. for any ε > 0 the set {ξ ∈ Ξ : p(ξ) < ε} is open; equivalently,   Ξ =⇒ p(ξi ) < ε , ξi −→ ξ, p(ξ) < ε i→∞ | {z } for almost all i (e) for any point t ∈ M and for any neighbourhood V of 0t in Ξ there is a seminorm p ∈ P, a number ε > 0, and an open set U in M , containing t, such that {ξ ∈ π −1 (U ) : p(ξ) < ε} ⊆ V ; in other words an implication holds:  M π(ξi ) −→ t & i→∞ ∀p ∈ P p(ξi ) −→ 0 i→∞  =⇒ Ξ ξi −→ 0t . i→∞ Then the system (Ξ, M, π, ·, +, {0t ; t ∈ M }, −) with the described topologies on M and Ξ and with the system of seminorms P is called a locally convex bundle. Remark 4.1. One can relpace the condition (b) in this list by a formally weaker condition: for any λ ∈ C the multiplication ξ 7→ λ · ξ is continuous from Ξ into Ξ: Ξ ξi −→ ξ =⇒ i→∞ Ξ ∀λ ∈ C λ · ξi −→ λ · ξ. i→∞ Indeed, if this holds, then λi → λ and ξi → ξ imply, on the one hand, ∀p ∈ P R p(λi · ξi − λ · ξi ) 6 |λi − λ| · p(ξi ) −→ 0 i→∞ and, on the other, π(ξi ) → π(ξ) =⇒ M π(λi · ξi − λ · ξi ) = π(ξi ) −→ π(ξ) i→∞ This, due to (e), gives Ξ λi · ξi − λ · ξi −→ 0π(ξ) , i→∞ and this, due to (c), gives Ξ λi · ξi = λi · ξi − λ · ξi + λ · ξi −→ 0π(ξ) + λ · ξ = λ · ξ. | {z } | {z } i→∞ ↓ 0π(ξ) ↓ λ·ξ Remark 4.2. From (b) and (c) it follows that in (c) one can replace the fiberwise summing by the fiberwise subtraction:   Ξ Ξ Ξ (4.1) =⇒ ξi − ζi −→ ξ − ζ. ξi −→ ξ, ζi −→ ζ, π(ξi ) = π(ζi ), π(ξ) = π(ζ) i→∞ 45 See footnote 44. i→∞ i→∞ 84 Proposition 4.1. In a locally convex bundle (Ξ, M, π) the relation Ξ ξi −→ ξ i→∞ is equivalent to the following two conditions: M (i) π(ξi ) −→ π(ξ), i→∞ (ii) for any seminorm p ∈ P and for any ε > 0 there is a net ζi ∈ Ξ and an element ζ ∈ Ξ such that Ξ ζi −→ ζ i→∞ π(ζi ) = π(ξi ), | {z } p(ζ − ξ) < ε, π(ζ) = π(ξ), for almost all i p(ζi − ξi ) < ε . | {z } (4.2) for almost all i Proof. We have to prove sufficiency. Suppose (i) and (ii) hold. Take p ∈ P and ε > 0, and find a net ζi described in (ii). Let V be an arbitrary neighbourhood of the point ξ in Ξ. Since the map π is open, the image π(V ) of M the set V must be a neighbourhood of the point π(ξ) in M . Hence from the relation π(ξi ) −→ π(ξ) we have i→∞ the almost all π(ξi ) belong to π(V ): ∃iV : ∀i > iV π(ξi ) ∈ π(V ). Hence, there are {ζiV ; i > iV } such that ζiV ∈ V, π(ζiV ) = π(ξi ). We get a double net {ζiV ; V ∈ U(ξ), i > iV }, where the upper index V runs through the system U(ξ) of all neighbourhoods of the point ξ in Ξ (ordered by inclusion and directed by narrowing) with the following properties: Ξ π(ξi ) = π(ζiV ), ζiV −→ ξ i→∞ V → {ξ} Ξ Together with the conditions π(ζ) = π(ξ), π(ζi ) = π(ξi ) (for almost all i) and ζi −→ ζ from (4.2) this gives by i→∞ (4.1) the relation ζi − ζiV Ξ −→ i→∞ V → {ξ} ζ −ξ This, together with the inequality p(ζ − ξ) < ε from (4.2), gives due to (d) an inequality p(ζi − ζiV ) < ε (true for almost all i). It implies < ε (4.2) z }| { p(ξi − ζiV ) = p(ξi − ζi + ζi − ζiV ) 6 p(ξi − ζi ) +p(ζi − ζiV ) < ε + ε = 2ε. (also true for almost all i). Now we add an obvious relation π(ξi − ζiV ) = π(ξi ) M −→ i→∞ V → {ξ} π(ξ) and, by (e), we get: ξi − ζiV Ξ −→ i→∞ V → {ξ} 0π(ξ) . Applying (c), we have: ξi = ξi − ζiV + ζiV | {z } |{z} ↓ 0π(ξ) ↓ ξ Ξ −→ i→∞ V → {ξ} 0π(ξ) + ξ = ξ. § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 85 Continuous sections of a locally convex bundle. We consider here continuous sections of locally convex bundles π : Ξ → M , i.e. continuous mappings x : M → Ξ such that π ◦ x = idM . The set of all continuous sections is denoted by Sec(π). It is endowed with a structure of a left C(M )-module and a topology of uniform convergence on compact sets in M . Properties of continuous sections: 1◦ . The space Sec(π) of continuous sections of any locally convex bundle π : Ξ → M over an arbitrary paracompact locally compact space M is a locally convex C(M )-module with respect to the fiberwise multiplication (which is jointly continuous) (a · x)(t) = a(t) · x(t), a ∈ C(M ), x ∈ Sec(π) and seminorms pT (x) = sup p(x(t)), t∈T p ∈ P. where T are compact sets in M . 2◦ . Let M be a paracompact locally compact space, π : Ξ → M a locally convex bundle, and X a C(M )submodule in the C(M )-module of continuous sections of π, X ⊆ Sec(π) Suppose in addition that X is dense in each fiber: {x(t), x ∈ X} = π −1 (t). ∀t ∈ M (4.3) Then X is dense in Sec(π): X = Sec(π). Proof. 1. If x ∈ Sec(π) and a ∈ C(M ), then the fiberwise product a · x is a continuous section due to property (b):   M C Ξ Ξ a(ti ) −→ a(t), x(ti ) −→ x(t) =⇒ a(ti ) · x(ti ) −→ a(t) · x(t). ti −→ t =⇒ i→∞ i→∞ i→∞ i→∞ If T is a compact set in M , then for each continuous section x ∈ Sec(π) the image x(T ) is a compact space in Ξ. As a corollary, for every p ∈ P the image p(x(T )) also must be compact, if we endow R with the topology generated by the base (−∞, ε), ε ∈ R (then the map p : Ξ → R becomes continuous). Thus, each covering of p(x(T )) by the sets of the form (−∞, ε) contains a finite subcovering, and this means that p(x(T )) is bounded in R in the usual sense. In other words, pT (x) = sup p(x(t)) < ∞. t∈T Obviously, this is a seminorm on Sec(π), and from the chain   pT (a · x) = sup p(a(t) · x(t)) 6 sup |a(t)| · p(x(t)) 6 sup |a(t)| · sup p(x(t)) t∈T t∈T t∈T t∈T it follows that these seminorms turn Sec(π) into a locally convex C(M )-module (with a jointly continuous multiplication). 2. Suppose y ∈ Sec(π) and ε > 0. From (4.3) it follows that for each seminorm p ∈ P and for each point t ∈ M there is a continuous section xt ∈ Sec(π) such that p(xt (t) − y(t)) < ε. From the fact that p is upper semicontinuous (and the mappings xt and y are continuous), it follows that the set Ut = {s ∈ M : p(xt (s) − y(s)) < ε} is open, hence it is a neighbourhood of t. We can conclude that the family {Ut ; t ∈ M } is an open covering of M. 86 Let us consider now a compact set T ⊆ M . The covering {Ut ; t ∈ T } contains a finite subcovering {Ut1 , ..., Utn } of T . Let us take a subordinate partition of unity 0 6 ai 6 1, and put x= n X i=1 (since Sec(π) is a C(M )-module, x ∈ Sec(π)). Then pT (x − y) = sup p(x(t) − y(t)) = sup p t∈T t∈T = sup p t∈T n X i=1 n X supp ai ⊆ Uti , n X i=1 i=1 ai · xti ai (t) · xti (t) −  ai (t) · xti (t) − y(t) ! ai (t) = 1 (t ∈ T ) 6 sup n X i=1 n X t∈T i=1 ! ai (t) · y(t) ai (t) · p = n X  ai (t) · ε = ε. xti (t) − y(t) < sup t∈T i=1 Locally convex bundles generated by systems of sections and seminorms. Proposition 4.2. Suppose we have 1) a vector bundle (Ξ, M, π, ·, +, {0t ; t ∈ M }, −) over C, 2) a vector space X of its sections, 3) a system P of functions on Ξ, 4) a topology on the base M , and the following conditions hold: (i) on each fiber the restrictions p|π−1 (t) of functions p ∈ P form a system of seminorms, which turn π −1 (t) into a (Hausdorff ) locally convex space; (ii) the system P is directed in ascending order: for any two functions p, q ∈ P there is a function r ∈ P that majorates p and q: p(υ) 6 r(υ), q(υ) 6 r(υ), υ∈Ξ (4.4) (iii) for any section x ∈ X and for any seminorm p ∈ P the function t ∈ M 7→ p(x(t)) is upper semicontinuous on M , (iv) for any point t ∈ M the set {x(t); x ∈ X} is dense in the locally convex space π −1 (t). Then there us a unique topology on Ξ, such that the system (Ξ, M, π, ·, +, {0t ; t ∈ M }, −) with the given topology on M and the system of seminorms P turns into a locally convex bundle, whose set of continuous section contains X: X ⊆ Sec(π). Moreover, the sets W (x, U, p, ε) = {ξ ∈ Ξ : π(ξ) ∈ U & p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < ε}, (4.5) where x ∈ X, p ∈ P, ε > 0 and U is an open set in M , form a base of this topology in Ξ. Proof. 1. Let us show at the beginning, that the sets (4.5) indeed form a base of some topology in Ξ. First, they cover Ξ, since if ξ ∈ Ξ, then (iii) implies that for any ε > 0 and p ∈ P there is x ∈ X such that p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < ε, and if we choose now an open neighbourhood U of π(ξ), then ξ lies in the set W (x, U, p, ε). Let us check the second axiom of base: consider a point ξ, and arbitrary base neighbourhoods W (x, U, p, ε) and W (y, V, q, δ) of ξ, ξ ∈ W (x, U, p, ε) ∩ W (y, V, q, δ). (4.6) § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 87 We have to show that there is a base neighbourhood W (z, O, r, σ) of ξ such that ξ ∈ W (z, O, r, σ) ⊆ W (x, U, p, ε) ∩ W (y, V, q, δ). (4.7) The inclusion (4.6) means that π(ξ) ∈ U, p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < ε, π(ξ) ∈ V, q(ξ − y(π(ξ))) < δ. (4.8) Consider the fiber π −1 (π(ξ)). The conditions p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < ε, q(ξ − y(π(ξ))) < δ (4.9) can be understood so that the point ξ lies in the intersections of the neighbourhoods of the points x(π(ξ)) and y(π(ξ)), defined by seminorms p and q with the radii ε and δ. Hence (by (ii)) there exists a seminorm r ∈ P and a number σ > 0 such that the r-neighbourhood of ξ of radius 2σ is contained in those p- and q-neighbourhoods:   ∀ζ ∈ π −1 (π(ξ)) r(ζ − ξ) < 2σ =⇒ p(ζ − x(π(ξ))) < ε & q(ζ − y(π(ξ))) < δ . (4.10) Let us reduce σ, if necessary, so that (4.9) can be replaced by p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < ε − 2σ, q(ξ − y(π(ξ))) < δ − 2σ. (4.11) Then let us use (iv) and take z ∈ X such that r(z(π(ξ)) − ξ) < σ. (4.12) We have a chain of implications: r(ζ − z(π(ξ))) < σ =⇒ r(ζ − ξ) 6 r(ζ − z(π(ξ))) + r(z(π(ξ)) − ξ) < σ + σ = 2σ =⇒   (4.10) =⇒ p(ζ − x(π(ξ))) < ε & q(ζ − y(π(ξ))) < δ . In other words, in the fiber π −1 (π(ξ)) the r-neighbourhood of radius σ of the point z(π(ξ)) is also contained in those p- and q-neighbourhoods:   ∀ζ ∈ π −1 (π(ξ)) r(ζ − z(π(ξ))) < σ =⇒ p(ζ − x(π(ξ))) < ε & q(ζ − y(π(ξ))) < δ . (4.13) By (ii), we can think that the seminorm r majorates p and q, i.e. (4.4) holds. Take this and consider the set O = {s ∈ U ∩ V : p(z(s) − x(s)) < ε − σ & q(z(s) − y(s)) < δ − σ} . (4.14) By (iii), it is open in M . At the same time it contains π(ξ), since, first, π(ξ) ∈ U ∩ V by (4.8), second, (4.4) > r(z(π(ξ)) − ξ) > > p(z(π(ξ)) − x(π(ξ))) 6 p(z(π(ξ)) − ξ) + p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < ε − σ, | {z } | {z } (4.11) ε − 2σ (4.12) σ and, third, (4.4) > r(z(π(ξ)) − ξ) > > p(z(π(ξ)) − y(π(ξ))) 6 p(z(π(ξ)) − ξ) + p(ξ − y(π(ξ))) < δ − σ. | {z } | {z } (4.11) δ − 2σ (4.12) σ The inclusion π(ξ) ∈ O together with (4.12) imply ξ ∈ W (z, O, r, σ). (4.15) Further, for any ζ ∈ Ξ we have p(ζ − x(π(ζ))) 6 p(ζ − z(π(ζ))) + p(z(π(ζ)) − x(π(ζ))) < ε | {z } | {z } (4.4) r(ζ − z(π(ζ))) σ > =⇒ > & r(ζ − z(π(ζ))) < σ > π(ζ) ∈ O ε−σ (4.14) 88 hence W (z, O, r, σ) ⊆ W (x, U, p, ε). By analogy, W (z, O, r, σ) ⊆ W (y, V, q, δ). Together with (4.15) this gives (4.7). 2. Thus, we understood that the sets (4.5) form a local base of some topology in Ξ. Note then that with respect to this topology the mapping π : Ξ → M is continuous and open. Suppose Ξ ξi −→ ξ. i→∞ Consider an arbitrary neighbourhood U of the point π(ξ). Take a seminorm p ∈ P, and, using (iv), find a section x ∈ X such that p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < 1. Then the set W (x, U, p, 1) is a neighbouhood of ξ, hence ξ ∈ W (x, U, p, 1) for almost all i, and this implies π(ξi ) ∈ U for almost all i. This proves the relation M π(ξi ) −→ π(ξ), i→∞ i.e. the continuity of π. Now let us take an arbitrary base neighbourhood W (x, U, p, ε). The projection π maps it onto an open set U , so each point t ∈ U has an inverse image x(t) ∈ W (x, U, p, ε). This means that π is an open mapping. 3. Let us show then that with respect to this topology in Ξ each section x ∈ X is a continuous mapping. Suppose M ti −→ t. i→∞ Consider a base neighbourhood W (y, U, p, ε) of x(t). The condition x(t) ∈ W (y, U, p, ε) means that t ∈ U, p(x(t) − y(t)) < ε. (4.16) Put V = {s ∈ U : p(x(s) − y(s)) < ε}. By (iii), this set is open in M . By (4.16) it contains t, and thus it is a neighbourhood of t. Therefore for almost all indices i have ti ∈ V =⇒ p(x(ti ) − y(ti )) < ε x(ti ) ∈ W (y, V, p, ε) ⊆ W (y, U, p, ε). =⇒ This proves the relation Ξ x(ti ) −→ x(t), i→∞ (4.17) i.e. the continuity of x. 4. Now we start to check that with the described topology on Ξ the triple (Ξ, M, π) is a locally convex bundle. Let us first verify the continuity of the fiberwise multiplication by scalars. Suppose C λi −→ λ, i→∞ Ξ ξi −→ ξ. i→∞ Consider first the case of λ 6= 0. Take any neighbourhood W (x, U, p, ε) of the point λ · ξ: π(λ · ξ) ∈ U, p(λ · ξ − x(π(ξ))) < ε. Then   ε 1 . π(ξ) ∈ U, p ξ − · x(π(ξ)) < λ |λ|     ε ε i.e. the set W λ1 · x, U, p, |λ| is a neighbourhood for ξ, and thus ξi ∈ W λ1 · x, U, p, |λ| for almost all i: ∃i0 ∀i > i0 π(ξi ) ∈ U,   ε 1 . p ξi − · x(π(ξi )) < λ |λ| Now for almost all i we have   1 · x(π(ξi )) 6 p(λi · ξi − x(π(λi · ξi ))) = p(λi · ξi − x(π(ξi ))) = |λi | · p ξi − λi (4.18) § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 89 > > 2 |λ| > >     1 1 1 6 |λi | · p ξi − · x(π(ξ)) + |λi | · p · x(π(ξi )) = · x(π(ξ)) − λ λ λi     λi 1 · x(π(ξ)) − x(π(ξi )) = = |λi | · p ξi − · x(π(ξ)) + p λ λ       1 λi = |λi | · p ξi − · x(π(ξ)) + p · x(π(ξ)) − x(π(ξ)) + p x(π(ξ)) − x(π(ξi )) = λ λ        1 λi − 1 ·p x(π(ξ)) + p x(π(ξ)) − x(π(ξi )) < 3ε + ε · p x(π(ξ)) = |λi | · p ξi − · x(π(ξ)) + |{z} λ λ | {z } | {z } | {z } (4.18) ε |λ| (4.17) ε ε If we add the condition π(ξi ) ∈ U from (4.18), we obtain λi · ξi ∈ W (x, U, p, 3ε + ε · p(x(π(ξ)))) for almost all i. Since initially ε was arbitrary, Ξ λi · ξi −→ λ · ξ. (4.19) i→∞ Now consider the case of λ = 0. Take a neighbourhood W (x, U, p, ε) of 0π(ξ) : π(ξ) ∈ U, p(x(π(ξ))) < ε. Find δ > 0 such that p(x(π(ξ))) < ε − δ. Since ξi → ξ, for almost all i we have π(ξi ) ∈ U, p(x(π(ξi ))) < ε − δ. Now if p(ξ) 6= 0, then for almost all i > > > p(λi · ξi − x(π(ξi ))) 6 |λi | · p(ξi ) + p(x(π(ξi ))) < ε. |{z} | {z } | {z } δ 2p(ξ) 2p(ξ) ε−δ If p(ξ) = 0, then ξi → ξ implies p(ξi ) < 1 for almost all i, hence > > > p(λi · ξi − x(π(ξi ))) 6 |λi | · p(ξi ) + p(x(π(ξi ))) < ε. |{z} | {z } | {z } δ 1 ε−δ In any case for almost all i we have π(ξi ) ∈ U, p(λi · ξi − x(π(ξi ))) < ε. i.e. λi · ξi ∈ W (x, U, p, ε). This also means that (4.19). 5. Let us prove the continuity of the fiberwise summing. Suppose Ξ ξi −→ ξ, i→∞ Ξ υi −→ υ, i→∞ π(ξi ) = π(υi ), π(ξ) = π(υ) Take a base neighbourhood W (z, U, p, ε) of ξ + υ: π(ξ + υ) ∈ U, p(ξ + υ − z(π(ξ + υ))) < ε. Find a number σ > 0 such that p(ξ + υ − z(π(ξ + υ))) < ε − 2σ. (4.20) In the fiber π −1 (π(ξ + υ)) = π −1 (π(ξ)) = π −1 (π(υ)) the operation of continuity is continuous, hence there are base neighbourhoods W (x, Vx , q, δ) and W (y, Vy , r, δ) of ξ and υ respectively, such that ∀ξ ′ ∈ W (x, Vx , q, δ) ∩ π −1 (π(ξ)) ∀υ ′ ∈ W (y, Vy , r, δ) ∩ π −1 (π(υ)) ξ ′ + υ ′ ∈ W (z, U, p, ε − 2σ). 90 Thus, ∀ξ ′ , υ ′ ∈ π −1 (π(ξ + υ)) q(ξ ′ − x(π(ξ))) < δ & r(υ ′ − y(π(υ))) < δ =⇒ =⇒ p(ξ ′ + υ ′ − z(π(ξ + υ))) < ε − 2σ. (4.21) At the same time from the inclusions ξ ∈ W (x, Vx , q, δ) and υ ∈ W (y, Vy , r, δ) it follows, first, that q(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < δ & r(υ − y(π(υ))) < δ, (4.22) and, second, that π(ξ) ∈ Vx , π(υ) ∈ Vy , That is Vx and Vy are neighbourhoods for π(ξ) and π(υ) respectively. We can narrow the neighbourhoods Vx and Vy in such a way that they will coincide and lie in U : Vx = Vy = V ⊆ U. At the same time one can obviously choose the seminorms q and r such that they majorate p (everywhere on Ξ) p 6 q, p 6 r, (4.23) and the number δ such that δ< σ . 2 (4.24) Let us now consider the set O = {s ∈ V : p(x(s) + y(s) − z(s)) < ε − σ} . (4.25) (it is open in M by (iii)). The open set W (x, O, q, δ) is a neighbourhood of ξ, since, first, (4.23) r(x(π(υ)) − υ) (4.22) (4.20) ε − 2σ (4.22) δ > > δ > > (4.23) q(x(π(ξ)) − ξ) > k π(ξ + υ) > k π(υ) > p(x(π(ξ)) + y(π(ξ)) − z( π(ξ) ) 6 p(x(π(ξ)) − ξ) + p(y(π(υ)) − υ) + p(ξ + υ − z(π(ξ + υ))) < ε − σ |{z} {z } | {z } | {z } |{z} | (4.24) σ 2 (4.24) σ 2 and therefore, π(ξ) ∈ O. And, second, by (4.22), q(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < δ. Similarly, υ ∈ W (y, O, r, δ). Let us show now that the neighbourhoods W (x, O, q, δ) and W (y, O, r, δ) of ξ and υ satisfy the condition   ∀ξ ′ ∈ W (x, O, q, δ) ∀υ ′ ∈ W (y, O, r, δ) π(ξ ′ ) = π(υ ′ ) =⇒ ξ ′ + υ ′ ∈ W (z, U, p, ε) . (4.26) Indeed, ξ ′ ∈ W (x, O, q, δ), υ ′ ∈ W (y, O, r, δ) and π(ξ ′ ) = π(υ ′ ) imply, first, that π(ξ ′ ) = π(υ ′ ) ∈ O ⊆ V ⊆ U. And, second, that Ξ i→∞ ε−σ > > δ > > δ ξi −→ ξ, (4.23) r(υ ′ − y(π(υ ′ ))) (4.24) σ 2 We now obtain a chain > (4.23) q(ξ ′ − x(π(ξ ′ ))) > > p(ξ ′ + υ ′ − z(π(ξ ′ + υ ′ ))) 6 p(ξ ′ − x(π(ξ ′ ))) + p(υ ′ − y(π(υ ′ ))) + p(x(ξ ′ ) + y(υ ′ ) − z(π(ξ ′ + υ ′ ))) < ε {z } | {z } | {z } | (4.24) σ 2 Ξ υi −→ υ, i→∞ π(ξi ) = π(υi ), π(ξ) = π(υ) ⇓ ξi ∈ W (x, O, q, δ), υi ∈ W (y, O, r, δ) ⇓ (4.26) for almost all i (4.25) § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY ξi + υi ∈ W (z, U, p, ε) 91 for almost all i Here W (z, U, p, ε) was an arbitrary base neighbourhood of the point ξ + υ. Hence Ξ ξi + υi −→ ξ + υ. i→∞ 6. Let p be an arbitrary neighbourhood from P and ε > 0. Let us show that the set W = {ξ ∈ Ξ : p(ξ) < ε} is open in Ξ. Take a point ξ ∈ W . The condition p(ξ) < ε imply that there is a σ > 0 such that p(ξ) < ε − 2σ. By (iv), there is x ∈ X such that p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < σ. Put O = {t ∈ M : p(x(t)) < ε − σ}. Then the base neighboruhood W (x, O, p, σ) contains the point ξ, since, first, > > p(x(π(ξ))) 6 p(x(π(ξ)) − ξ) + p(ξ) < ε − σ | {z } |{z} σ ε − 2σ =⇒ π(ξ) ∈ O, and, second, by the choice of x, we have p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < σ. That is, W (x, O, p, σ) is a neighbourhood of the point ξ. On the other hand, W (x, O, p, σ) is contained in the set W , since if υ ∈ W (x, O, p, σ), then > > p(υ) 6 p(υ − x(π(υ))) + x(π(υ)) < ε. | {z } | {z } σ ε−σ 7. let us show that the condition (e) on page 83 holds: for any point t ∈ M and for any neighbourhood V of the point 0t in Ξ there is a seminorm p ∈ P, a number σ > 0 and an open set O in M , such that t ∈ O, and {ξ ∈ π −1 (O) : p(ξ) < σ} ⊆ V. Since the topology in Ξ is generated by the neighbourhoods (4.5), there is a base neighbourhood W (x, U, p, ε) of 0t , such that W (x, U, p, ε) ⊆ V , and 0t ∈ W (x, U, p, ε) ⊆ V. This means the following two conditions: t∈U p(0t − x(t)) < ε. & Take σ > 0 such that p(0t − x(t)) < ε − σ and put O = {s ∈ U : p(x(s)) < ε − σ}. By (iii), this is an open set in M . It contains t, since > p(x(t)) 6 p(x(t) − 0t ) + p(0t ) < ε − σ | {z } | {z } k 0 ε−σ Note that if ξ ∈ π −1 (O) and p(ξ) < σ, then > > p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) 6 p(ξ) + p(x(π(ξ))) < ε |{z} | {z } σ ε−σ (π(ξ) ∈ O) Now we have the following chain: {ξ ∈ π −1 (O) : p(ξ) < σ} ⊆ W (x, O, p, ε) ⊆ W (x, U, p, ε) ⊆ V. 8. Let us prove the uniqueness of this topology. It follows from the fact that the convergence of a net in it Ξ ξi −→ ξ i→∞ (4.27) is uniquely defined by the behaviour of π, P and X in the points ξi and ξ, namely, by the following two conditions: 92 M (a) π(ξi ) −→ π(ξ), i→∞ (b) for any section x ∈ X, any seminorm p ∈ P and any ε > 0 the condition p(ξi − x(π(ξi ))) < p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) + ε holds for almost all indices i. Indeed, if (4.27) is true, then the condition (a) will follow from the continuity of the mapping π : Ξ → M . And Ξ Ξ the condition (b) is proved as follows: from ξi −→ ξ it follows that x(π(ξi )) −→ x(π(ξ)), and together, due to i→∞ i→∞ the upper semicontinuity of p, this gives a chain of inequalities, which are true for almost all i: > > ε ε p(ξi − x(π(ξi ))) 6p(ξi − ξ)+p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) + p(x(π(ξ)) − x(π(ξi ))) < + p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) + . | {z } {z } 2 | 2 ε 2 ε 2 for almost all i for almost all i On the contrary, suppose (a) and (b) are true. Then by (iii), for each seminorm p ∈ P and for any ε > 0 one can find a section x ∈ X such that p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) < ε. (4.28) After that we have, first, Ξ x(π(ξi )) −→ x(π(ξ)) i→∞ (by the condition (a) and the continuity of the map x). Second, for all i π(x(π(ξ))) = π(ξ), π(x(π(ξi ))) = π(ξi ) (since x is a section of π). And, third, for almost all i > p(ξi − x(π(ξi ))) 6 p(ξ − x(π(ξ))) +ε < 2ε. {z } | (4.28) ε (by (b)). Together this means that the points ζi = x(π(ξi )), ζ = x(π(ξ)) satisfy the condition (4.2) (where ε is replced by 2ε), and since p ∈ P and ε > 0 were arbitrary, by Proposition 4.1 this implies (4.27). Morphisms of bundles. Suppose we have two locally convex bundles π : Ξ → M , ρ : Ω → N , and two continuous maps µ : Ξ → Ω and σ : M → N such that the following diagram is commutative: Ξ µ (4.29) ρ π  M /Ω σ  /N Then for any t ∈ M and any ξ ∈ π −1 (t) we have  ρ µ(ξ) = σ(π(ξ)) = σ(t), and this means that µ maps the fiber π −1 (t) into the fiber ρ−1 (σ(t)):   µ π −1 (t) ⊆ ρ−1 (σ(t)). Let us call a morphism of a locally convex bundle π : Ξ → M into a locally convex bundle ρ : Ω → N each pair of continuous mappings µ : Ξ → Ω and σ : M → N , such that the diagram (4.29) is commutative and which is linear on each fiber, i.e. for each t ∈ M the mappings of fibers µ : π −1 (t) → ρ−1 (σ(t)) is linear (and continuous due to the continuity of µ). § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 93 Dual bundle. To each locally convex bundle π : Ξ → M over C one can assign a vector bundle over C π⋆ : Ξ ⋆ → M Ξ⋆ = G π −1 (t)⋆ , ∀u ∈ π −1 (t)⋆ t∈M π ⋆ (u) = t. We shall call it a dual vector bundle to the bundle π : Ξ → M . For any compact K ⊂ Ξ and any point u ∈ Ξ ⋆ we put pK (u) = sup  |u(ξ)| . ξ∈K∩π −1 π ⋆ (u) Consider the locally convex bundle called trivial with the fiber C: πM : C × M → M λ ∈ C, t ∈ M. πM (λ, t) = t, Denote by πC the projection to the first component: πC : C × M → C πC (λ, t) = λ, λ ∈ C, t ∈ M. −1 The fiber πM (t) of any point t ∈ M in this bundle is the set C × {t}, which the mapping πC idenitfies with the field C. As a corollary, if µ : Ξ → C × M is a morphism of bundles, then on each bundle the following composition is defined: µ πC −1 (t) = C × {t} −→ C, π −1 (t) −→ πM and it is a linear continuous functional on π −1 (t). We can conclude that the formula x(t) = πC ◦ µ π −1 (t) , t ∈ M, (4.30) defines a section x : M → Ξ ⋆ of a dual bundle of vector spaces π ⋆ : Ξ ⋆ → M . Denote by X the set of all such sections. Consider now in each fiber π −1 (t)⋆ the set Xt of functionals u, which can be represented in the form u = πC ◦ µ for some morphism of bundles µ : Ξ → C × M . And let Xt denote the closure of this space in π −1 (t) −1 ⋆ the space π (t) (with respect to the topology, defined by seminorms P = {pK ; K ⊆ Ξ}). Proposition 4.3. If the base M is a Hausdorff space, then on the subbundle G π⋆ : Ξ⋆ = Xt → M t∈M the set of sections X and the set of seminorms P define a topology, that turns Ξ⋆ into a locally convex bundle according to Proposition 4.2. • The bundle π⋆ : Ξ⋆ → M will be called the dual (locally convex) bundle to the (locally convex) bundle π : Ξ → M. Proof. We have to check the conditions (i)-(iv) of Proposition 4.2. 1. The seminorms pK define on each fiber π −1 (t)⋆ a locally convex topology, which is Hausdorff, since for example it is stronger than the topology of pointwise convergence, and which is defined by the seminorms of the form pξ , where ξ runs through the fiber π −1 (t). 2. The system P is directed in ascending order: each two seminorms pK and pL are majorated by a seminorm pK∪L . 3. Let us show that for any section x ∈ X and for any seminorm pK the function t ∈ T 7→ pK (x(t)) is upper semicontinuous. Take ε > 0 and consider the set O = {t ∈ M : pK (x(t)) < ε}. If it is empty then it is open automatically, so we assume that it is non-empty. Take t0 ∈ O, i.e.  pK (x(t0 )) = sup πC µ(ξ) < ε ξ∈K∩π −1 (t0 )  Consider the set U = {ξ ∈ Ξ : πC µ(ξ) < ε}. It is open and contains K ∩ π −1 (t0 ): K ∩ π −1 (t0 ) ⊆ U. (4.31) 94 We need to show that there is a neighbourhood V of t0 such that K ∩ π −1 (V ) ⊆ U. Let us assume that this is not so, then for any neighbourhood V of t0 there is a point ξV ∈ K ∩ π −1 (V ) \ U. Since the net {ξV ; V → {t0 }} lies in the compact set K, it must have a limit point ξ ∈ K [22, Theorem 3.1.23]. The projection π maps {ξV ; V → {t0 }} into a net {π(ξV ); V → {t0 }} with a limit point π(ξ). Therewith {π(ξV ); V → {t0 }} tends to t0 . Since the space M is Hausdorff, the limit point π(ξ) coincides with the limit t0 . We have: ξ ∈ K ∩ π −1 (t0 ) \ U. This contradicts to (4.31). 4. For any point t ∈ M the set {x(t); x ∈ X} is dense in the space Xt by definition of Xt . (b) Value bundles and morphisms of modules Value bundle of a module over a commutative involutive algebra. Let A be a commutative involutive stereotype algebra. For each point t ∈ Spec(A) we denote by It the kernel of t: It = {a ∈ A : t(a) = 0}. Let then X be a left stereotype module over A. Following (3.4), we denote by It · X the submodule in X, which consists of sums of elements of the form a · x, where a ∈ It and x ∈ X: ) ( k X ai · xi ; ai ∈ It , xi ∈ X, k ∈ N It · X = i=1 and It · X is the closure. Put Jet0A X = G t∈M 0 πA,X (x + It · X) = t. (X/It · X)▽ , 0 This is a surjection πA,X : Jet0A X → Spec(A). For each element x ∈ X we denote by jet0 (x) the section of 0 πA,X , acting bu the formula t ∈ M. jet0 (x)(t) = x + It · X, Denote by P(X) the set of continuous seminorms p : X → R+ of the locally convex space X. Each seminorm p ∈ P(X) generates a seminorm p0 on the stereotype quotient space (X/It · X)▽ by the formula p0 (x + It · X) := inf p(x + y) = inf p(x + y), y∈It ·X y∈It ·X x ∈ X. (4.32) We can consider p0 as a function on Jet0A X, whose action on each fiber is defined by the formula (4.32). Denote by σ : A → C(M ) the natural mapping of an algebra A into the algebra of continuous functions on its onvolutive spectrum M = Spec(M ): a ∈ A, t ∈ M σ(a)(t) = t(a), (4.33) and note the following identity: jet0 (a · x) = σ(a) · jet0 (x), a ∈ A, x ∈ X. (4.34) It is proved by sending everything to the left side and substituting the argument t ∈ M : = = = ∋ jet0 (a · x)(t) − (σ(a) · jet0 (x))(t) = a · x + It · X − t(a) · (x + It · X) ⊆ (a − t(a)) ·x + It · X ⊆ It · X {z } |{z} | | {z } | {z } jet0 (a · x)(t) σ(a)(t) jet0 (x)(t) It Now to apply Proposition 4.2 we need the following § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 95 Lemma 4.4. For each element x ∈ X and each continuous seminorm p : X → R+ the mapping t ∈ Spec(A) 7→ p0 (jet0 (x)(t)) ∈ R+ is upper semicontinuous. Proof. Take t ∈ Spec(A) and ε > 0. The condition p0 (jet0 (x)(t)) = p0 (x + It · X) = inf p(x + y) = inf p(x + y) < ε y∈It ·X y∈It ·X means that for some y ∈ It · X we have p(x + y) < ε. This in its turn means that there are m ∈ N, y1 , ..., ym ∈ X and a1 , ..., am ∈ It such that ! m X k p x+ a · yk < ε. (4.35) k=1 For any sequence of numbers λ = (λ1 , ..., λm ), λk ∈ C, we put f (λ) = p x + m X k=1 (ak − λk · 1A ) · yk ! . The function λ 7→ f (λ) in the point λ = 0 coincides with the left side of (4.35), hence it satisfies the inequality f (0) < ε. On the other hand, it is continuous, as a composition of an affine mapping from Cm into the locally convex space X and a continuous function p on X. Hence there is a number δ > 0 such that ∀λ max λk < δ 16k6m =⇒ f (λ) < ε. (4.36) Consider the set U = {s ∈ Spec(A) : ∀k ∈ {1, ..., m} s(ak ) < δ}. It is open and contains the point t (since the inclusions ak ∈ It mean the system of equalities t(ak ) = 0, 1 6 k 6 m). On the other hand, for each point s ∈ U we can consider the sequence λk = s(ak ), and then, first, s(ak − λk · 1A ) = s(ak ) − λk · s(1A ) = s(ak ) − s(ak ) = 0, i.e. ak − λk · 1A ∈ Is and, second, maxk λk = maxk s(ak ) < δ, i.e., due to (4.36),   m X k k p x+ (a − λ · 1A ) ·yk = f (λ) < ε | {z } ∋ k=1 Is This means that for some z ∈ Is · X we have p(x + z) < ε, and thus, p0 (jet0 (x)(s)) = p0 (x + Is · X) = inf p(x + z) = inf p(x + z) < ε z∈Is ·X z∈Is ·X This is true for each point s from the neighbourhood U of t, and this is what we had to prove. Theorem 4.5. For each stereotype module X over a commutative involutive algebra A the direct sum of the stereotype quotient modules G (X/It · X)▽ Jet0A X = t∈Spec(A) has a unique topology such that the projection 0 πA,X : Jet0A X → Spec(A), 0 πA,X (x + It · X) = t, t ∈ Spec(A), x ∈ X becomes a locally convex bundle with the system of seminorms {p0 ; p ∈ P(X)}, and the mapping 0 x ∈ X 7→ jet0 (x) ∈ Sec(πA,X ) jet0 (x)(t) = x + It · X, t ∈ Spec(A), 0 0 maps X into a stereotype A-module Sec(πA,X ) of continuous sections of πA,X . Therewith, 96 (i) the sets o  n  0 0 (ξ) < ε W (x, U, p, ε) = ξ ∈ Jet0A X : πA,X (ξ) ∈ U & p0 ξ − jet0 (x) πA,X (where x ∈ X, p ∈ P(X), ε > 0, U is an open set in Spec(A)) are the base of topology in Jet0A X; (ii) for each x ∈ X and s ∈ M the sets o  n  0 0 (ξ) < ε W (x, U, p, ε) = ξ ∈ Jet0A X : πA,X (ξ) ∈ U & p0 ξ − jet0 (x) πA,X (where p ∈ P(X), ε > 0, U is a neighbourhood of s = π 0 (ζ) in Spec(A)) form a local base of the topology of Jet0A X in the point ζ = jet0 (x)(s) (iii) if in addition the spectrum Spec(A) is a paracompact locally compact space, then the mapping jet0 : X → 0 Sec(πA,X ) is a dense epimorphism. 0 • The locally convex bundle πA : Jet0A X → Spec(A) is called the value bundle of the module X over the algebra A. Proof. (i). Put M = Spec(A). From Lemma 4.4 and Proposition 4.2 it follows that there is a unique topology on Jet0A X such that the projection π 0 : Jet0A X → Spec(A) is a locally convex bundle with the seminorms p0 , 0 and the sections jet0 (x), x ∈ X, are continuous. The continuity of the mapping x ∈ X 7→ jet0 (x) ∈ Sec(πA,X ) is proved by the implication p0 (jet0 (x)(t)) = inf p(x + y) 6 p(x) y∈It ·X =⇒ p0T (jet0 (x)(t)) = sup p0 (jet0 (x)(t)) 6 p(x) t∈T for any compect set T ⊆ M . The property (i) also follows from Proposition 4.2. Let us prove (ii). Take x ∈ X, s ∈ M and ζ = jet0 (x)(s). Consider a base neighbourhood W (y, V, p, δ) of ζ, i.e. s ∈ V and p0 (ζ − jet0 (y)(s)) < δ. Find ε > 0 such that p0 (ζ − jet0 (y)(s)) < δ − ε. By Proposition 4.2 (iii), the set U = {t ∈ V : p0 (jet0 (x)(t) − jet0 (y)(t)) < δ − ε} is a neighbourhood of s in M . We obtain that ζ ∈ W (x, U, p, ε) ⊆ W (y, V, p, δ). Indeed, if ξ ∈ W (x, U, p, ε), then, first, π 0 (ξ) = t ∈ U ⊆ V , and, second, p0 (ξ − jet0 (x)(t)) < ε, hence p0 (ξ − jet0 (y)(t)) 6 p0 (ξ − jet0 (x)(t)) + p0 (jet0 (x)(t) − jet0 (y)(t)) < ε + δ − ε = δ. Let us prove (iii). Note first that the set jet0 (X) = {jet0 (x); x ∈ X} is dense in the C(Spec(A))-module that it generates ) ( k X 0 0 bi · jet (xi ); bi ∈ C(M ), xi ∈ X, k ∈ N . C(M ) · jet (X) = i=1 Take b ∈ C(M ) and x ∈ X for this. Since A is an involutive algebra, the mapping σ : A → C(M ) has a dense image in C(M ). Hence there is a net ai ∈ A such that C(M) σ(ai ) −→ b. i→∞ As a corollary, C(M) jet0 (ai · x) = (4.34) = σ(ai ) · jet0 (x) −→ b · jet0 (x). i→∞ Note the that since the image of X under each projection πt0 is dense in the quotient space (X/It · X)▽ , each set jet0 (X)(Spec(A)) is dense in each fiber of the budnle Jet0A X. Therefore its superset (C(M )·jet0 (X))(Spec(A)) is also dense in each firber of the bundle Jet0A X. Now we can apply property 2◦ on page 85: if M is paracompact 0 and locally compact, then the C(M )-module C(M )·jet0 (X) is dense in Sec(πA,X ) (and, as we already understood, 0 0 jet (X) is dense in C(M ) · jet (X)). § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 97 Theorem 4.6. Suppose X is a left stereotype module over a commutative involutive stereotype algebra A with a paracompact locally compact involutive spectrum Spec(A). Then the formula 0 x ∈ Sec(πA,X ), (a · x)(t) = t(a) · x(t), a ∈ A, t ∈ Spec(A), (4.37) 0 endows the space Sec(πA,X ) of continuous sections of the value bundle with the structure of left stereotype 0 A-module, for which the mapping jet0 : X → Sec(πA,X ) is a morphism of stereotype A-modules. 0 Proof. 1. Let us first show that the formula (4.37) endows Sec(πA,X ) with a structure of stereotype A-module. Suppose A ai −→ 0. i→∞ Then for any compact set T ⊆ Spec(A) we have C t(ai ) 0, ⇒ i→∞,t∈T 0 (uniformly by t ∈ T ), hence for any compact set K ⊆ Sec(πA,X ) (ai · x)(t) = t(ai ) · x(t) X 0. ⇒ i→∞,t∈T,x∈K On the conrary, if xi 0 Sec(πA,X ) −→ i→∞ 0, then for any compact sets K ⊆ A and T ⊆ Spec(A) the set {t(a); t ∈ T, a ∈ K} is compact in C, hence (a · xi )(t) = t(a) · xi (t) X 0. ⇒ i→∞,t∈T,x∈K ∋ 0 2. Now let us verify that the mapping jet0 : X → Sec(πA,X ) is a morphism of A-modules. For a ∈ A and x ∈ X we have:    jet0 (a · x)(t) − a · jet0 (x) (t) = a · x + It · X − t(a) · x + It · X = a · x − t(a) · x + It · X − t(a) · It · X =  = a − t(a) ·x + It · X − t(a) · It · X ⊆ It · X + It · X − t(a) · It · X ⊆ It · X | {z } It therefore  jet0 (a · x)(t) = a · jet0 (x) (t). Morphisms of modules and their connection with the morphisms of value bundles. Theorem 4.7. Every morphism of stereotype modules D : X → Y over a commutative involutive algebra A defines a unique morphism of value bundles jet0 (D) : Jet0A X → Jet0A (Y ), 0 jet (D) / Jet0A Y Jet0A X ❋❋ ❋❋ ①① ❋❋ ①① ① ❋ ① 0 ❋❋ ① 0 πA,X # {①① πA,Y Spec(A) that satisfies the identity jet0 (Dx) = jet0 (D) ◦ jet0 (x), 0 jet (D) x ∈ X. / Jet0A Y Jet0A X c❋❋ ①; ❋❋ ①① ❋❋ ① ① ❋ ①① 0 jet0 (x) ❋❋ ①① jet (Dx) Spec(A) (4.38) 98 Proof. The obvious injection  D It · X ⊆ It · Y (4.39) implies the existence of a natural mapping of quotient spaces: X/ It · X ∋ x + It · X 7→ Dx + It · Y ∈ Y / It · Y It is continuous, since the initial mapping D is continuous, hence, there exists a unique (and also, continuous) mapping of stereotype quotient spaces (i.e. a mapping of pseudocompletions of usual quotient spaces): ▽ ▽   → Y / It · Y jet0 (D) : X/ It · X This is true for any t ∈ Spec(A), so a mapping of direct sums appears: jet0 (D) : G t∈Spec(A)  X/ It · X ▽ → G t∈Spec(A)  Y / It · Y ▽ The identity (4.38) is verified by computation: for any t ∈ Spec(A) and x ∈ X    jet0 (D) ◦ jet0 (x) (t) = jet0 (D) jet0 (x)(t) = jet0 (D) x + It · X = Dx + It · Y = jet0 (Dx)(t). 0 It remains to prove the continuity of the mapping jet0 (D). Take a point ζ = jet0 (x)(t) A X, x ∈ X,  ∈ Jet 0 0 0 0 t ∈ T , and consider a base neighbourhood of its image jet (D)(ζ) = jet (D) jet (x)(t) = jet (Dx)(t) under the mapping jet0 (D): o  n  0 0 (υ) < ε . W (y, V, q, ε) = υ ∈ Jet0A (Y ) : πA,Y (υ) ∈ U & q 0 υ − jet0 (y) πA,Y (here q : Y → R+ is an arbitrary continuous seminorm on Y , V a neighbourhood of t in Spec(A), y ∈ Y , ε > 0). Since jet0 (Dx)(t) ∈ W (y, U, q, ε), we have   q 0 jet0 (Dx)(t) − jet0 (y)(t) < ε. We can conclude that there exist δ > 0 and a neighbourhood U of t, containing in V , such that      0 0 0 0 (υ) − jet0 (y) πA,Y (υ) < ε =⇒ q 0 jet0 (Dx) πA,Y (υ) < δ πA,Y (υ) ∈ U & q 0 υ − jet0 (Dx) πA,Y This means that the neighbourhood n 0 W (Dx, U, q, δ) = υ ∈ Jet0A (Y ) : πA,Y (υ) ∈ U & o   0 (υ) < δ . q 0 υ − jet0 (Dx) πA,Y is contained in the neighbourhood W (y, V, q, ε) of the point jet0 (Dx)(t): W (Dx, U, q, δ) ⊆ W (y, V, q, ε). Further, let us recall that D : X → Y is a continuous linear mapping. As a corollary, there is a continuous seminorm p : X → R+ , satisfying the condition q(Dx) 6 p(x), x ∈ X. Note that this inequality implies an inequality for the seminorms on the value bundles:   q 0 jet0 (D)(ξ) 6 p0 (ξ), t ∈ Spec(A), ξ ∈ Jet0A X. (4.40) (4.41) It is suffitient to prove this for the points ξ = jet0 (x)(t), x ∈ X, since they are dense in each fiber:      (4.39)  q 0 jet0 (D) jet0 (x)(t) = (4.38) = q 0 jet0 (Dx)(t) = q 0 Dx + It · Y = inf q(Dx + v) 6 v∈It ·Y       6 inf q(Dx + Du) = inf q D(x + u) 6 (4.56) 6 inf p(x + u) = p0 x + It · X = p0 jet0 (x)(t) u∈It ·X u∈It ·X u∈It ·X § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 99 Now we can show that the neighbourhood o  n  0 0 (ξ) < δ . W (x, U, p, δ) = ξ ∈ Jet0A X : πA,X (ξ) ∈ U & p0 ξ − jet0 (x) πA,X of the point ζ = jet0 (x)(t) is turned by the mapping jet0 (D) into the neighbourhood W (Dx, U, q, δ) of the point jet0 (D)(ζ) = jet0 (Dx)(t):   jet0 (D) W (x, U, p, δ) ⊆ W (Dx, U, q, δ) (4.42) 0 Indeed, for each point ξ ∈ W (x, U, p, δ) the condition πA,X (ξ) ∈ U is useful at the end of the chain 0 0 πA,Y (jet0 (D)(ξ)) = πA,X (ξ) ∈ U   0 (ξ) < δ at the end of the chain and the condition p0 ξ − jet0 (x) πA,X     0 0 0 0 0 = (4.38) = (jet0 (D)(ξ)) = qπA,X qjet0 (D)(ξ) jet0 (D)(ξ) − jet0 (Dx) πA,Y (ξ) jet (D)(ξ) − jet (Dx) πA,X (ξ)         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 (4.41) 6 = qπA,X = qπA,X (ξ) jet (D) ξ − jet (x) πA,X (ξ) (ξ) jet (D)(ξ) − jet (D) jet (x) πA,X (ξ)   0 (ξ) < δ. 6 p0 ξ − jet0 (x) πA,X Together this means that jet0 (D)(ξ) ∈ W (Dx, U, q, δ), and this is what we had to show. Morphisms with values in a C ∗ -algebra and the Dauns-Hoffman theorem. Let B be an involutive subalgebra in the center of an involutive stereotype algebra F , and the involutive spectrum Spec(B) is a paracompact locally compact space. Then F can be considered as a (formally, left) module over B. Consider 0 the value bundle46 πB : Jet0B F → Spec(B). Each point t ∈ Spec(B) It · F = F · It . This means that the modules It · F are two-sided ideals in F . Hence each fiber  ▽ F/It · F ▽  is a stereotype algebra, and the projection F → F/It · F is a homomorphism of stereotype algebras. We 0 can conclude that the space of continuous sections Sec(πB,F ) is also endowed with the structure of stereotype 0 algebra, and the mapping v : F → Sec(πB,F ) is a homomorphism of stereotype algebras. ▽  0 and the algebra of section Sec(πB,F ) are In the special case when F is a C ∗ -algebra, the fibers F/It · F ∗ C -algebras as well. The following variant of the Dauns-Hofmann theorem [19] was stated in the M. J. Dupré and R. M. Gillette monograph [21, Theorem 2.4] (and for the case of B = Z(F ) in the T. Becker work [10]): Theorem 4.8 (J. Dauns, K. H. Hofmann). Let F be a C ∗ -algebra and B its closed involutive subalgebra, that lies in the center of F : B ⊆ Z(F ). 0 Then the mapping v : F → Sec(πB,F ), that turns F into the algebra of continuous sections of the value bundle 0 0 πB,F : JetB F → Spec(B) over the algebra B, is an isomorphism of C ∗ -algebras: 0 ). F ∼ = Sec(πB,F Proof. The algebra B is a commutative C ∗ -algebra, hence its spectrum must be a compact space. This implies 0 0 by Theorem 4.5 that the mapping v : F → Sec(πB,F ) is not only continuous, but has a dense image in Sec(πB,F ). If now π : F → B(X) is a continuous representation of F , then it maps the center Z(F ) into the scalar multiples of the identity. In other words, π maps Z(F ) (and B) into the subalgebra C · 1B(X) of the algebra B(X). As a corollary there is a character t ∈ Spec(B) such that π(a) = t(a) · 1B(X) , 46 Value bundle was defined on page 96. a ∈ B. 100 This implies in its turn that π vanishes on It · F , since π(a · x) = π(a) · π(x) = t(a) ·1B(X) · π(x) = 0, |{z} = a ∈ It , x ∈ F. 0 Hence, π vanishes on It · F as well: π It ·F = 0. We can conclude that if x is a non-zero vector from F , then (since there is an irreducible representation π : F → B(X), that does not vanish on x), there is a point t ∈ Spec(B) such that x ∈ / It · F . This means that jet0 (x)(t) 6= 0. 0 We see now that the mapping v : F → Sec(πB F ) is injective. On the other hand, as we already noticed, it has a dense image. Since a continuous homomorphism of C ∗ -algebras always has a closed image [47, Theorems 3.1.5 and 3.1.6], the inclusion F → Sec(π) is an isomorphism of C ∗ -algebras. The Dauns-Hofmann theorem 4.8 allows to strengthen Theorem 4.6 in the important special case, when the A-module X is a C ∗ -algebra, and A is mapped into X by a homomorphism. Theorem 4.9. Let ϕ : A → F be a homomorphism of stereotype algebras, and A is commutative, F is a C ∗ -algebra, and ϕ(A) belongs to the center of F : ϕ(A) ⊆ Z(F ). 0 Sec(πA,F ), Then the mapping v : F → that turns F into the algebra of continuous section of the value bundle 0 0 πA,F : JetA F → Spec(A) over the algebra A, is an isomorphism of C ∗ -algebras: 0 F ∼ ) = Sec(πA,F (4.43) Proof. Put B = ϕ(A). By the Dauns-Hofmann theorem 4.8, 0 F ∼ ). = Sec(πB,F So it is sufficient to check the identity 0 0 Sec(πB,F )∼ ). = Sec(πA,F From the condition (i) of Lemma 3.16 it follows that in each point t ∈ Spec(B) the fibers Jet0B F (t) and Jet0A F (t ◦ ϕ) coincide: . . . . 0 0 (πA,F )−1 (t◦ϕ) = F Ker(t ◦ ϕ) · F = F ϕ(Ker(t ◦ ϕ)) · F = F ϕ(Ker(t ◦ ϕ)) ·F = F Ker t · F = (πB,F )−1 (t). {z } | ↑ ↑ action of A on F action of F on F k (3.25) Ker t And from the condition (ii) of Lemma 3.16 it follows that in each point s ∈ Spec(A), that lie outside of 0 Spec(B) ◦ ϕ, the fibers of πA,F vanish: . . −1 0 (s) = F/Ker s · F = F ϕ(Ker s) · F = F ϕ(Ker s) ·F = F/F · F = F/F = {0}. πA,F | {z } ↑ ↑ action of A on F action of F on F k F (3.26) 0 This implies, first, that the section x ∈ Sec(πA,F ) is defined by its values on the compact set Spec(B) ◦ ϕ, i.e. by its restriction on Spec(B) ◦ ϕ. And, second, that the norm x coincides with the norm of its restriction on 0 0 Spec(B) ◦ ϕ. We see that Sec(πB,F ) and Sec(πA,F ) have the same variety of elements and the same norm, hence they are isomorphic as Banach spaces. (c) Jet bundles and differential operators If I is a left ideal in an algebra A, then, following notations on page 54, for each n ∈ N we define the power I n as the linear space generated by various products of elements from I of the length n: I n = span{a1 · ... · an ; a1 , ..., an ∈ I}. And the closed power I n is the closure of I n : I n = span{a1 · ... · an ; a1 , ..., an ∈ I}. Certainly, this is a closed ideal in A. § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 101 Jet bundle. For each t ∈ Spec(A) we still denote It = {a ∈ A : t(a) = 0}, the ideal in A consisting of elements, vanishing in the point t. If now X is a left module over A, then for each number n ∈ Z+ we consider the ideal Itn+1 , the corresponding submodule Itn+1 · X in X and the quotient module Jetnt (X) = X/Itn+1 · X ▽ . (4.44) It is called the jet module of the degree n of the module X in the point t. Again, each continuous seminorm p : X → R+ defines a seminorm on the quotient space Jetnt (X) = ▽ X/Itn+1 · X by the formula pnt (x + Itn+1 · X) := x ∈ X. p(x + y), inf y∈Itn+1 ·X (4.45) Consider the direct sum of the sets JetnA X = G G Jetnt (X) = t∈Spec(A) t∈Spec(A)  X/ Itn+1 · X ▽ n and denote by πA,X the natural projection of JetnA X into Spec(A): n πA,X : JetnA X → Spec(A),   n x + Itn+1 · X = t, πA,X t ∈ Spec(A), x ∈ X. Besides this, for any vector x ∈ X we consider the mapping jetnA,X (x) : Spec(A) → JetnA X Of course, for each x ∈ X jetnA,X (x)(t) = x + Itn+1 · X. n πA,X ◦ jetnA (x) = idSpec(A) . Lemma 4.10. For each element x ∈ X and each continuous seminorm p : X → R+ the mapping t ∈ Spec(A) 7→ pnt (jetnA (x)(t)) ∈ R+ is upper semicontinuous. Proof. Take t ∈ Spec(A) and ε > 0. The condition pnt (jetnA (x)(t)) = pnt (x + Itn+1 · X) = means that for some y ∈ Itn+1 · X p(x + y) = inf y∈Itn+1 ·X inf y∈Itn+1 ·X p(x + y) < ε p(x + y) < ε. This implies the existence of a number m ∈ N, a system of vectors y1 , ..., ym ∈ X and a matrix of vectors {aki ; 1 6 i 6 n + 1, 1 6 k 6 m} ⊆ It such that ! ! m n+1 X Y k (4.46) ai · yk < ε. p x+ k=1 i=1 For any number matrix λ = {λki ; 1 6 i 6 n + 1, 1 6 k 6 m}, we put f (λ) = p x + m X k=1 n+1 Y (aki i=1 − λki λki ∈ C ! · 1A ) · yk ! . The function λ 7→ f (λ) in a point λ = 0 coincides with the left side of (4.46), hence, satisfies the inequality f (0) < ε. On the other hand, it is continuous, as a composition of a polynomial of m · (n + 1) complex variables with the values in the locally convex space X, and a continuous function p on X. Thus, there exists a number δ > 0 such that ∀λ max λki < δ =⇒ f (λ) < ε. (4.47) i,k 102 Consider the set s(aki ) < δ}. U = {s ∈ Spec(A) : ∀i, k It is open and it contains the point t (since the inclusion aki ∈ It means the system of equalities t(aki ) = 0, 1 6 i 6 n + 1, 1 6 k 6 m). On the other hand, for each point s ∈ U we can consider the matrix λki = s(aki ), and we obtain, first, s(aki − λki · 1A ) = s(aki ) − λki · s(1A ) = s(aki ) − s(aki ) = 0, i.e. aki − λki · 1A ∈ Is and, second, maxi,k λki = maxi,k s(aki ) < δ, i.e., by (4.47),    m  n+1 X Y k k (a − λ · 1A ) · yk = f (λ) < ε p x+ } | i {zi i=1 ∋ k=1 Is This can be understood as if for some z ∈ Isn+1 · X we had the inequality p(x + z) < ε, which implies pns (jetnA (x)(s)) = pns (x + Isn+1 · X) = inf p(x + z) = z∈Is ·X inf z∈Isn+1 ·X p(x + z) < ε This is true for each point s in the neighbourhood U of t, and this was what wee had to check. Theorem 4.11. For each stereotype module X over the involutive stereotype algebra A the direct sum of the stereotype modules G G (X/Itn+1 · X)▽ Jetnt (X) = JetnA X = t∈Spec(A) t∈Spec(A) has a unique topology, that turns the projection n πA,X : JetnA X → Spec(A), n πA,X (x + Itn+1 · X) = t, t ∈ Spec(A), x ∈ X into a locally convex bundle with the system of seminorms {pn ; p ∈ P(X)}, for which the mapping x ∈ X 7→ jetn (x) ∈ Sec(π n ) jetn (x)(t) = x + Itn+1 · X, t ∈ Spec(A), n continuously maps X into the stereotype A-module Sec(πA,X ) of continuous sections of jetnA X. The sets o  n  W (x, U, p, ε) = ξ ∈ JetnA X : π n (ξ) ∈ U & pnπn (ξ) ξ − jetn (x) π n (ξ) < ε (where x ∈ X, p ∈ P(X), ε > 0, U is an open set in M ) form a base of the topology in JetnA X. n • The locally convex bundle πA,X : JetnA X → Spec(A) is called the jet bundle of the order n of the module X over the algebra A. Proof. From Lemma 4.10 and Proposition 4.2 it follows that there exist a unique topology JetnA X such that the projection jetnA X : JetnA X → Spec(A) is a locally convex bundle with the seminorms pnt , and the sections of the form jetn (x), x ∈ X, are continuous. The continuity of the mapping x ∈ X 7→ jetn (x) ∈ Sec(jetnA X) is proved by the implication pnt (jetn (x)(t)) = inf y∈Itn+1 ·X p(x + y) 6 p(x) =⇒ sup pnt (jetn (x)(t)) 6 p(x) t∈T for any compact set T ⊆ M . The property (i) also follows from the Proposition 4.2. Let us prove (ii). Note first that the set jetn (X) = {jetn (x); x ∈ X} is dense in the C(M )-module ) ( k X n n C(M ) · jet (X) = bi · jet (xi ); bi ∈ C(M ), xi ∈ X . i=1 § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 103 Take b ∈ C(M ) and x ∈ X. Since A is an involutive algebra, the mapping σ : A → C(M ) has a dense image in C(M ). Hence there is a net ai ∈ A such that C(M) σ(ai ) −→ b. i→∞ As a corollary, C(M) jetn (ai · x) = (4.34) = σ(ai ) · jetn (x) −→ b · jetn (x). i→∞ πtn Note further, that since the image of X under each projection is dense in the quotient space (X/It · X)▽ , the n n set jet (X)(Spec(A)) is dense in each fiber of the bundle JetA X. Therefore its superset (C(M )·jetn (X))(Spec(A)) is also dense in each fiber of the bundle JetnA X. Now we can apply the property 2◦ on page 85: if M is paracompact and locally compact, then the C(M )-module C(M ) · jetn (X) is dense in Sec(π n ) (and, as we already understood, jetn (X) is dense in C(M ) · jetn (X)). Differential operators and their relations with morphisms of jet bundles. Let X and Y be two left stereotype modules over a stereotype algebra A. For each linear (over C) mapping D : X → Y and each element a ∈ A the mapping [D, a] : X → Y acting by formula [D, a](x) = D(a · x) − a · D(x), x ∈ X, (4.48) is called a commutator of the mapping D with the element a. If we have two elements a, b ∈ A, then the commutator of D with the pair of elements (a, b) is defined as the commutator [[D, a], b] : X → Y of the mapping [D, a] with the element b. Similarly, by induction the commutator with a sequence of elements (a0 , ..., an ) is defined: [...[D, a0 ], ] A linear (over C) continuous mapping D : X → Y is called a differential operator from X into Y , if there is a number n ∈ Z+ such that for any a0 , ..., an ∈ A we have [...[D, a0 ], ] = 0. (4.49) The least number n ∈ Z+ satisfying (4.49) is called the order of the differential operator D and is denoted by ord D. We denote by Diff n (X, Y ) the set of all differential operators from X into Y of order not higher than n. If we put Diff −1 (X, Y ) = {D ∈ Y ⊘ X : D = 0}, then this sequence of spaces can be defined by the following inductive rule: Diff n+1 (X, Y ) = {D ∈ Y ⊘ X : ∀a ∈ A Obviously, [D, a] ∈ Diff n (X, Y )} [Diff n , A] ⊆ Diff n−1 (4.50) (4.51) Lemma 4.12. If D : X → Y is a differential operator of order n ∈ Z+ , then it maps the submodule I n+1 · X into the submodule I · Y :   D ∈ Diff n (X, Y ) =⇒ D I n+1 · X ⊆ I · Y . (4.52) Proof. Since D is continuous, it is sufficient to prove the inclusion D ∈ Diff n (X, Y ) =⇒ D(I n+1 · X) ⊆ I · Y. This is done by the induction by n ∈ Z+ . For n = 0 the proposition takes the form D ∈ Diff 0 (X, Y ) =⇒ D(I · X) ⊆ I · Y, and this is evident, since a differential operator of order n = 0 is just a homogenious mapping D(a · x) = a · D(x), a ∈ A, x ∈ X. Suppose we have already proved (4.53) for n = k: D ∈ Diff k (X, Y ) =⇒ D(I k+1 · X) ⊆ I · Y. (4.53) 104 = For n = k + 1 we have: if D ∈ Diff k+1 (X, Y ), then for each a ∈ A we have [D, a] ∈ Diff k (X, Y ), and by the assumption of the induction, [D, a](I k+1 · X) ⊆ I · Y . This means that for any vector x ∈ X and for any sequence a0 , ..., ak ∈ I [D, a](a0 · ... · ak · x) ∈ I · Y | {z } D(a · a0 · ... · ak · x) − a · D(a0 · ... · ak · x) and hence ∋ D(a · a0 · ... · ak · x) ∈ I · Y + a · D(a0 · ... · ak · x) ⊆ I · Y | {z } I·Y Since this is true for any a, a0 , ..., ak ∈ I, we obtain what we need: D(I k+2 · X) ⊆ I · Y . Theorem 4.13. Each differential operator D : X → Y of order n defines a morphism of jet bundles jetn [D] : JetnA X → Jet0A (Y ), jetn [D] / Jet0A Y JetnA X ❋❋ ❋❋ ①① ❋❋ ①① ① ❋❋ n ①① 0 πA,X ❋# {①① πA,Y Spec(A) such that jet0 (Dx) = jetn [D] ◦ jetn (x), x ∈ X. (4.54) n jet [D] / Jet0 Y JetnA X A c❋❋ ①; ❋❋ ①① ❋❋ ① ① ❋ ①① 0 jetn (x) ❋❋ ①① jet (Dx) Spec(A) Proof. Inclusion (4.52) being applied to the ideal It , where t ∈ Spec(A)   D Itn+1 · X ⊆ It · Y (4.55) gives the existence of the mapping of quotient spaces: X/ Itn+1 · X ∋ x + Itn+1 · X 7→ Dx + It · Y ∈ Y / It · Y It is continuous, since the initial mapping D is continuous. Hence there is a natural (continuous) mapping of stereotype quotient spaces (i.e. pseudocompletion of usual quotient spaces):  ▽ ▽  jetn [D]t : X/ Itn+1 · X → Y / It · Y This is true for any t ∈ Spec(A), hence a mapping of direct sums appears: ▽ ▽ G  G  Y / It · Y → X/ Itn+1 · X jetn [D] : t∈Spec(A) t∈Spec(A) Identity (4.54) is verified by computation: for any t ∈ Spec(A) and x ∈ X     jetn [D] ◦ jetn (x) (t) = jetn [D] jetn (x)(t) = jetn [D] x + Itn+1 · X = Dx + It · Y = jet0 (Dx)(t). It remains to check the continuity of the mapping jetn [D]. Take a point ζ = jetn(x)(t) ∈ JetnA X, x ∈ X, t ∈ T , and consider a base neighbourhood of its image jetn [D](ζ) = jetn [D] jetn (x)(t) = jet0 (Dx)(t) under the mapping jetn [D]: o  n  W (y, V, q, ε) = υ ∈ JetnA (Y ) : πY (υ) ∈ U & qπnY (υ) υ − jet0 (y) πY (υ) < ε . (here q : Y → R+ is a continuous seminorm on Y , V a neighbourhood of t in Spec(A), y ∈ Y , ε > 0). Since jet0 (Dx)(t) ∈ W (y, U, q, ε), we have   qt0 jet0 (Dx)(t) − jet0 (y)(t) < ε. § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 105 Hence there is a number δ > 0 and a neighbourhood U of t, lying in V , such that      =⇒ qπ0 Y (υ) jet0 (Dx) πY (υ) − jet0 (y) πY (υ) < ε πY (υ) ∈ U & qπnY (υ) υ − jet0 (Dx) πY (υ) < δ Therefore the nieghbourhood o  n  W (Dx, U, q, δ) = υ ∈ JetnA (Y ) : πY (υ) ∈ U & qπ0 Y (υ) υ − jet0 (Dx) πY (υ) < δ . is contained in the neighbourhood W (y, V, q, ε) of jet0 (Dx)(t): W (Dx, U, q, δ) ⊆ W (y, V, q, ε). Further, let us recall that D : X → Y is a continuous linear mapping. As a corollary, there is a continuous seminorm p : X → R+ such that q(Dx) 6 p(x), x ∈ X. (4.56) This implies an inequality for seminorms on the jet bundles:   t ∈ Spec(A), ξ ∈ JetnA X. qt0 jetn [D](ξ) 6 pnt (ξ), (4.57) It is sufficient to prove this for the points ξ = jetn (x)(t), x ∈ X, since they are dense in each fiber: (4.53) ⇓ It · Y ⊇ D(Itn+1 · Y ) ⇓       qt0 jetn [D] jetn (x)(t) = (4.54) = qt0 jet0 (Dx)(t) = qt0 Dx + It · Y = inf q(Dx + v) 6 v∈It ·Y       n+1 n n n · X = p jet (x)(t) 6 inf q(Dx+Du) = inf q D(x+u) 6 (4.56) 6 inf p(x+u) = p x+I t t t n+1 n+1 n+1 u∈It ·X u∈It ·X u∈It ·X Now we can show that the neighbourhood n  o  W (x, U, p, δ) = ξ ∈ JetnA X : πX (ξ) ∈ U & pnπX (ξ) ξ − jetn (x) πX (ξ) < δ . of the point ζ = jetn (x)(t) under the mapping jetn [D] turns into the neighbourhood W (Dx, U, q, δ) of the point jetn [D](ζ) = jet0 (Dx)(t):   jetn [D] W (x, U, p, δ) ⊆ W (Dx, U, q, δ) (4.58) Indeed, for each point ξ ∈ W (x, U, p, δ) the condition πX (ξ) ∈ U is useful at the end of the following chain: πY (jetn [D](ξ)) = πX (ξ) ∈ U   and the condition pnπX (ξ) ξ − jetn (x) πX (ξ) < δ at the end of the chain     0 jetn [D](ξ) − jet0 (Dx) πY (jetn [D](ξ)) = qπ0 X (ξ) jetn [D](ξ) − jet0 (Dx) πX (ξ) = (4.54) = qjet n [D](ξ)         n n 0 0 6 (4.57) 6 = qπX (ξ) jetn [D] ξ − jet (x) πX (ξ) = qπX (ξ) jetn [D](ξ) − jetn [D] jet (x) πX (ξ)   6 pnπX (ξ) ξ − jetn (x) πX (ξ) < δ. Together this means that jetn [D](ξ) ∈ W (Dx, U, q, δ), and this is what wee need. Differential operators on algebras. Each homomorphism of algebras ϕ : A → B defines on B a steructure of left A-module by the formula: a · y = ϕ(a) · y, a ∈ A, y ∈ Y = B. If D : A → B is an arbitrary linear (over C) mapping, then formula (4.48) for its commutator with an element a ∈ A turns into the formula [D, a](x) = D(a · x) − ϕ(a) · D(x), a, x ∈ A, We call this operator the commutator of the operator D : A → B and the element a ∈ A with respect to the homomorphism ϕ : A → B. Besides this for each element b ∈ B we shall consider the linear (over C) mapping b · D : A → B, defined by formula (b · D)(x) = b · D(x), x ∈ A. 106 Proposition 4.14. The following identities hold: a∈A [ϕ, a] = 0, [b · D, a] = b · [D, a] + [b, ϕ(a)] · D, [b · ϕ, a] = [b, ϕ(a)] · ϕ, (4.59) a ∈ A, b ∈ B, D ∈ B ⊘ A, a ∈ A, b ∈ B. (4.60) (4.61) Proof. The first and the second identities are verified by computation: for x ∈ A we have [ϕ, a](x) = ϕ(a · x) − ϕ(a) · ϕ(x) = 0, and [b · D, a](x) = (b · D)(a · x) − ϕ(x) · (b · D)(x) = b · D(a · x) − ϕ(x) · b · D(x) =     = b·D(a·x)−b·ϕ(x)·D(x)+b·ϕ(x)·D(x)−ϕ(x)·b·D(x) = b· D(a·x)−ϕ(x)·D(x) + b·ϕ(x)−ϕ(x)·b ·D(x) =   = b · [D, a](x) + [b, ϕ(x)] · D(x) = b · [D, a] + [b, ϕ(a)] · D (x). And the third one becomes a corollary of the first and the second: = [b · ϕ, a] = (4.60) = b · [ϕ, a0 ] +[b, ϕ(a)] · ϕ | {z } (4.59) 0 A given homomorphism of algebras ϕ : A → B defines a system of differential operators from A into B, which we shall denote by Diff n (ϕ), or just Diff n . It is defined by the following inductive rules: Diff −1 (ϕ) = {D ∈ B ⊘ A : D = 0}, Diff n+1 (4.62) n (ϕ) = {D ∈ B ⊘ A : ∀a ∈ A [D, a] ∈ Diff (ϕ)} (4.63) The spaces Diff n (ϕ) form an expanding sequence: 0 = Diff −1 (ϕ) ⊆ Diff 0 (ϕ) ⊆ Diff 1 (ϕ) ⊆ ... ⊆ Diff n (ϕ) ⊆ Diff n+1 (ϕ) ⊆ ... Besides this we shall need a sequence of spaces in B, denoted by Z n (ϕ), or just Z n , and defined by the following inductive rules: Z 0 (ϕ) = 0 Z n+1 (4.64) n (ϕ) = {b ∈ B : ∀a ∈ A [b, ϕ(a)] ∈ Z (ϕ)} (4.65) The spaces Z n (ϕ) also form an expanding sequence: 0 = Z 0 (ϕ) ⊆ Z 1 (ϕ) ⊆ ... ⊆ Z n (ϕ) ⊆ Z n+1 (ϕ) ⊆ ... (4.66) Proposition 4.15. The following inclusions hold: [Z q · Diff p , A] ⊆ Z q · Diff p−1 +Z q−1 · Diff p , 0 p −1 0 q−1 p q+p−1 Z · Diff ⊆ Diff Z q · Diff ⊆ Diff q Z · Diff ⊆ Diff = 0, p>0 , q>0 , q>0 Zq Diff p ∈ Diff p ∈ ∈ Zq ∈ Proof. 1. For proving (4.67) we take arbitrary b ∈ Z q , D ∈ Diff p and a ∈ A. Then ∋ ∋ [b · D, a] = b · [ D , a] + [ b , ϕ(a)] · D ∈ Z q · Diff p−1 +Z q−1 · Diff p | {z } | {z } Diff p−1 Z q−1 2. Identity (4.68) is obvious (the multiplication by zero always gives zero). (4.67) (4.68) (4.69) (4.70) § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 107 3. Identity (4.69) is proved by induction. For q = 0 it is true, since it is a special case of (4.68) with p = 0: Z 0 · Diff 0 ⊆ Diff −1 = 0. Suppose we proved it for some q = n: Z n · Diff 0 ⊆ Diff n−1 q Diff 0 ∈ [b · D, a] = b · [ D , a] + [b, ϕ(a)] · D | {z } | {z } (4.71) ∈ Diff n−1 ∋ ∀a ∈ A and D ∈ Diff , then Diff 0 =  Zn 0 (4.71) 0 ∈ Then for q = n + 1 we have: if b ∈ Z = Z n+1  =⇒ b · D ∈ Diff n = Diff q−1 4. Formula (4.70) is also proved by induction by p. For p = 0 it turns into (4.69) which is already proved. Suppose we have proved it for some p = n: Z q · Diff n ⊆ Diff q+n−1 , q>0 (4.72) Then for p = n + 1 and a1 , ..., aq ∈ A we have (4.67) q Z Diff n} +Z q−1 · Diff n+1 ⊆ Diff q+n−1 +Z q−1 · Diff n+1 | ·{z ⊇ [Z q · Diff n+1 , a1 ] ⊆ (4.72) Diff q+n−1 ⇓ ⊇ [[Z q · Diff n+1 , a1 ], a2 ] ⊆ [Diff q+n−1 , a2 ] +[Z q−1 · Diff n+1 , a2 ] ⊆ {z } | (4.51) Diff q+n−2 ⊇ ⊆ Diff q+n−2 + |Z q−1{z · Diff n} +Z q−1 · Diff n+1 ⊆ Diff q+n−2 +Z q−2 · Diff n+1 (4.72) Diff q+n−2 ⇓ ··· q [...[[Z · Diff n+1 , a1 ], a2 ], ] ⊆ Diff q+n−q ⇓ +Z q−q · Diff n+1 = Diff n +Z 0 · Diff n+1 = Diff n This is true for any a1 , ..., aq ∈ A, hence Z q · Diff n+1 ⊆ Diff q+n = Diff q+p−1 Proposition 4.16. For each b ∈ B b · ϕ ∈ Diff n (ϕ) ⇐⇒ b ∈ Z n+1 (ϕ) (4.73) Proof. We use here formula (4.61), which we generalize to the identity [...[b · ϕ, a0 ], ] = [...[b, ϕ(a0 )], ...ϕ(an )] · ϕ, a0 , ..., an ∈ A. It is seen here that if b ∈ Z n+1 (ϕ), then the coefficient of ϕ on the right is zero, hence the right side is zero. This is true for any a0 , ..., an ∈ A, therefore b · ϕ ∈ Diff n (ϕ). On the contrary, if b · ϕ ∈ Diff n (ϕ), then the left side is zero, and, in particular, when we substitute unit as an argument we have 0 = [...[b · ϕ, a0 ], ](1A ) = [...[b, ϕ(a0 )], ...ϕ(an )] · ϕ(1A ) = [...[b, ϕ(a0 )], ...ϕ(an )] · 1B = [...[b, ϕ(a0 )], ...ϕ(an )]. Again this is true for any a0 , ..., an ∈ A, hence b ∈ Z n+1 (ϕ). 108 Differential operators with values in C ∗ -algebras. Let A be an involutive closed subalgebra in a C ∗ algebra B. Consider the sequence Z n (A) of subspaces in B, defined by the following inductive rules: Z 0 (A) = 0 Z n+1 (4.74) (A) = {b ∈ B : ∀a ∈ A n [b, a] ∈ Z (A)} (4.75) Theorem 4.17. For any C ∗ -algebra B and any its closed involutive subalgebra A the sequence of subspaces Z n (A) is stabilized starting from the number n = 1: Z n (A) = Z n+1 (A), n > 1. (4.76) The idea of the proof belongs to Yu. N. Kuznetsova and is based on two lemmas. Let us call a projector in a locally convex space X an arbitrary linear continuous operator P : X → X with the idempotency property: P 2 = P. Every such an operator acts as an identity operator on its image [13, p.37]: ∀y ∈ Im P P (y) = y. (4.77) Lemma 4.18. For any locally convex space X, any projector P in X and any linear continuous operator T in X the commutation condition [T, P ] = 0 is equivalent to the fact that the image Im P and the kernel Ker P of P are invariant with respect to T : T (Im P ) ⊆ Im P T (Ker P ) ⊆ Ker P. & (4.78) Proof. 1. Suppose T P = P T . Then for x ∈ Im P , i.e. x = P x, we have T x = T P x = P T x ∈ Im P . On the other hand, if x ∈ Ker P , i.e. P x = 0, then P T x = T P x = 0, and thus, T x ∈ Ker P . 2. On the conrary, suppose (4.78) is true. Then for any vector x ∈ X we can put x⊥ = x − xk , xk = P x, and then ( hence xk ∈ Im P =⇒ T xk ∈ Im P x⊥ ∈ Ker P =⇒ T x⊥ ∈ Ker P , ∋ ∋ ∋   P T x = P T (xk + x⊥ ) = P T xk + T x⊥ = P T xk = (4.77) = T xk = T P x. |{z} |{z} |{z} Im P Ker P Im P Lemma 4.19. For any locally convex space X, any projector P in X and any linear continuous operator T in X the condition [[T, P ], P ] = 0 implies the condition [T, P ] = 0. Proof. From Lemma 4.18 we have that the spaces Im P and Ker P are invariant for the operator [T, P ]: [T, P ](Im P ) ⊆ Im P [T, P ](Ker P ) ⊆ Ker P. & The first of these conditions means that for each x ∈ Im P we have Im P P T x ∈ Ker P =⇒ T x ∈ Im P. 2 |P {zT x} = 0 = = 0 =⇒ =⇒ x And the second that for each x ∈ Ker P we have T |{z} P x −P T x ∈ Ker P T |{z} P x ∈ Im P = =⇒ ∋ TPx − P T x} ∈ Im P | {z =⇒ T x ∈ Ker P. PTx These two chains together mean (4.78), and by Lemma 4.18 this is equivalent to [T, P ] = 0. § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 109 Proof of Theorem 4.17. 1. Suppose first that B is the algebra of bounded operators in a Hilbert space X: B = B(X). Note that if we replace A by its bicommutatn A!! in B(X) the sequence of subspaces Z n (A) doesn’t change: Z n (A!! ) = Z n (A). So we can think from the very beginning that A coincides with its bicommutant, i.e. is a von Neumenn algebra in B(X). Then A is generated by the system of its orthogonal projectors P ∈ A: A = {P }!! . For any such a projector P and for any element T ∈ Z 2 (A) we have the equality [[T, P ], P ] = 0, which by Lemma 4.19 implies [T, P ] = 0. Since the projectors P generate A, this implies the equality a ∈ A. [T, a] = 0, I.e. T ∈ Z 1 (A), and we obtain Z 1 (A) ⊇ Z 2 (A). This is equivalent to the equality Z 1 (A) = Z 2 (A), which in its turn implies (4.76). 2. Consider now the general case when B is an arbitrary C ∗ -algebra. Then B is included into some algebra B(X), and we have the following chain: A ⊆ B ⊆ B(X). n Again, suppose Z n (A) is a sequence of subspaces in B, defined by the equalities (4.75), and ZX (A) is the same n sequence in B(X) (i.e. ZX (A) is defined by (4.75), where B is replaced by B(X)). Let us show that n Z n (A) = B ∩ ZX (A), n ∈ Z+ . (4.79) For n = 0 this is true by definition. Suppose we already proved this for all indices not greater than some n ∈ Z+ . Then for n + 1 we have the following chain: n+1 c ∈ B ∩ ZX (A) ⇔ ( c∈B ∀a ∈ A n [c, a] ∈ ZX (A) ⇔ ⇔   c ∈ B ∀a ∈ A [c, a] = c · a − a · c ∈ B   n ∀a ∈ A [c, a] ∈ ZX (A) n ∀a ∈ A [c, a] ∈ B ∩ ZX (A) = Z n (A) ↑ inductive assumption ⇔ ⇔ c ∈ Z n+1 (A). n For the sequence ZX (A) we already proved that 1 n ZX (A) = ZX (A), n > 1. Together with (4.79) this implies n 1 Z n (A) = B ∩ ZX (A) = B ∩ ZX (A) = Z 1 (A). Theorem 4.17 implies Theorem 4.20. If A is an involutive stereotype algebra, and B a C ∗ -algebra, then for any involutive homomorphism of stereotype algebras ϕ : A → B the sequence of subspaces Z n (ϕ), defined by (4.64) and (4.65), is stabilized starting from 1: Z n (ϕ) = Z n+1 (ϕ), n > 1. (4.80) Proof. The closed image ϕ(A) of the algebra A under the mapping ϕ is an involutive subalgebra in B, and   Z n (ϕ) = Z n ϕ(A) . Hence (4.80) is just a corollary of (4.76). (d) Tangent and cotangent bundles Recall that tangent and cotangent spaces were defined on pages 60 and 61. 110 Cotangent bundle T ⋆ [A]. Let A be an involutive stereotype algebra, and t ∈ Spec(A). Note that each ▽ by the continuous seminorm p : A → R+ defines a seminorm p′t on the quotient space CTt⋆ [A] = It /It2 formula x ∈ X. (4.81) p′t (x + It2 ) := inf p(x + y), y∈It2 Consider the direct sum of the sets CTt⋆ (A) G CT ⋆ (A) = G CTt⋆ (A) = t∈Spec(A) t∈Spec(A) and denote by π the natural projection of CT ⋆ [A] onto Spec(A):   π : CT ⋆ [A] → Spec(A), π x + It2 = t,  ▽ It / It2 t ∈ Spec(A), x ∈ It [A]. Besides this for each vector x ∈ A we consider the mapping T ⋆ (x) : Spec(A) → CT ⋆ (X) Certainly, for any x ∈ A T ⋆ (x)(t) = x − t(x) · 1A + It2 . π ◦ T ⋆ (x) = idSpec(A) , i.e. T ⋆ (x) is a section of the vector bundle π. Lemma 4.21. For any element x ∈ A and for any continuous seminorm p : A → R+ the mapping t ∈ Spec(A) 7→ p′t (T ⋆ (x)(t)) ∈ R+ is upper semicontinuous. Proof. Take t ∈ Spec(A) and ε > 0. The condition p′t (T ⋆ (x)(t)) = inf p(x − t(x) · 1A + y) = inf2 p(x − t(x) · 1A + y) < ε y∈It y∈It2 means that for some y ∈ It2 we have p(x − t(x) · 1A + y) < ε. This means in its turn that there exists a number m ∈ N and vectors a1 , ..., am , b1 , ..., bm ∈ It such that ! m X (4.82) p x − t(x) · 1A + ak · bk < ε. k=1 For any numbers λ ∈ C, α = {αk ; 1 6 k 6 m} ⊆ C, β = {β k ; 1 6 k 6 m} ⊆ C let us put f (λ, α, β) = p x − λ · 1A + m X k=1 ! (ak − αk · 1A ) · (bk − β k · 1A ) . The function (λ, α, β) 7→ f (λ, α, β) in the point (λ, α, β) = (t(x), 0, 0) concides with the left side of (4.82), hence satisfies the inequality f (t(x), 0, 0) < ε. On the other hand it is continuous as a composition of a polynomial of 2m + 1 complex variables with the values in the locally convex space X and a continuous function p on X. Hence, there exists a number δ > 0 such that ∀λ, α, β |λ − t(x)| < δ & max αk < δ k max β k < δ & k =⇒ f (λ, α, β) < ε. (4.83) Consider the set U = {s ∈ Spec(A) : |s(x) − t(x)| < δ & max s(ak ) < δ k & max s(bk ) < δ}. k It is open and contains the point t (since |t(x) − t(x)| = 0 < δ, and the inclusions ak , bk ∈ It imply the system of inequalities t(ak ) = t(bk ) = 0, 1 6 k 6 m). On the other hand, for any point s ∈ U we can consider the numbers λ = s(x), αk = s(ak ), β k = s(bk ), § 4. LOCALLY CONVEX BUNDLES AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 111 and we obtain, first, s(ak − αk · 1A ) = s(ak ) − αk · s(1A ) = s(ak ) − s(ak ) = 0, i.e. ak − αk · 1A ∈ Is second, by the same reasons, bk − β k · 1A ∈ Is and, third, |λ − t(x)| < δ, k max β k = max s(bk ) < δ, k k k k=1 ∋   m X k k k k p x − λ · 1A + (a − α · 1A ) · (b − β · 1A ) = f (λ, α, β) < ε | {z } | {z } ∋ i.e. by (4.83), max αk = max s(ak ) < δ, Is Is This can be understood as follows: for some point z ∈ Is2 we have the inequality p(x − s(x) · 1A + z) < ε, which in its turn imply the inequality ps (T ⋆ (x)(s)) = ps (x − s(x) · 1A + Is2 ) = inf p(x − s(x) · 1A + z) = inf2 p(x − s(x) · 1A + z) < ε z∈Is z∈Is2 This is true for any point s from the neighbourhood U of the point t, and this is what we had to prove. F In the following theorem we describe the topology on the cotangent bundle T ⋆ (A) = t∈Spec(A) Tt⋆ (A), but F exactly in the same way one defines the topology on the complex tangent bundle CT ⋆ (A) = t∈Spec(A) CTt⋆ (A). Theorem 4.22. For any involutive stereotype algebra A the direct sum of the stereotype quotient modules T ⋆ (A) = G t∈Spec(A) Tt⋆ (A) = G t∈Spec(A)  ▽ Re It / It2 has a unique topology that turns the projection π : T ⋆ (A) → Spec(A), π(x + It2 ) = t, t ∈ Spec(A), x ∈ A into a locally convex bundle with the system of seminorms {p′ ; p ∈ P(A)}, for which the mapping x ∈ A 7→ T ⋆ (x) ∈ Sec(π) T ⋆ (x)(t) = x + It2 , t ∈ Spec(A), continuously maps A into the stereotype space Sec(π) of continuous sections of π. Herewith the base of the topology in T ⋆ (A) are the sets o n   W (x, U, p, ε) = ξ ∈ T ⋆ (A) : π(ξ) ∈ U & pπ(ξ) ξ − T ⋆ (x) π(ξ) < ε where x ∈ A, p ∈ P(A), ε > 0, and U is an open set in M . • The locally convex bundle π : T ⋆ (A) → Spec(A) is called the cotangent bundle of the algebra A. Proof. Lemma 4.21 and Proposition 4.2 imply the existence and uniqueness of a topology on T ⋆ (A), for which the projection π : T ⋆ (A) → Spec(A) is a locally convex bundle with seminorms p′ , and the sections of the form T ⋆ (x), x ∈ X, are continuous. The continuity of the mapping x ∈ A 7→ T ⋆ (x) ∈ Sec(π) is proved by the implication p′t (π(x)(t)) = inf2 p(x + y) 6 p(x) =⇒ sup p′t (π n (x)(t)) 6 p(x) y∈It t∈T for each compact set T ⊆ M . The structure of the base of the topology in T ⋆ (A) also follows from Proposition 4.2. 112 Tangent bundle T [A]. Let ϕ : A → B be a homomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras. A C-linear mapping D : A → B is called a derivative from A into B with respect to ϕ, if the following identity holds: D(x• ) = D(x)• , D(x · y) = D(x) · ϕ(y) + ϕ(x) · D(y), x, y ∈ A. (4.84) The set of all derivatives from A into B with respect to ϕ is denoted by Derϕ (A, B). In the special case when A = B and ϕ = idA , we speak about derivatives in A, and we use the notation Der(A) := DeridA (A, A). The spaces Derϕ (A, B) and Der(A) are endowed with the topologies of immediate subspaces in Mor(A, B) and Mor(A, A). Theorem 4.23. If the set of values of a derivative D : A → B is contained in the center of the algebra B, D(A) ⊆ Z(B), (4.85) then D is a differential operator of order 1. As a corollary, in this case D defines a morphism of the jet bundles jet1 [D] : Jet1A (A) → Jet0A (B), that satisfies the identity jet0 (Dx) = jet1 [D] ◦ jet1 (x), x ∈ A. (4.86) Proof. From the identity (4.84) we have [D, a](x) = D(a · x) − a · D(x) = D(a) · x + a · D(x) − a · D(x) = D(a) · x, and this implies [[D, a], b](x) = [D, a](b · x) − b · [D, a](x) = D(a) · b · x − b · D(a) · x = (4.85) = 0. Thus, D is a differential operator of order 1. After that we apply Theorem 4.13. Theorem 4.24. Each derivative D : A → A of the algebra A defines a tangent vector in each point t ∈ Spec(A) by the formula DT (t)(x) = t(D(x)), x ∈ A. Proof. Indeed, DT (t)(a · b) = t(D(a · b)) = t(Da · b + a · Db) = t(Da) · t(b) + t(a) · t(Db) = DT (t)(a) · t(b) + t(a) · DT (t)(b). From Proposition 4.3 we have Theorem 4.25. Suppose an involutive stereotype algebra A has a Hausdorff spectrum Spec(A), and the set Der(A) of derivatives has a dense trace in each tangent space: {Dt ; D ∈ Der(A)} = Tt [A]. Then the direct sum of stereotype spaces T [A] = G Tt [A] t∈Spec(A) has a topology such that the projection TA : T [A] → Spec(A), TA (τ ) = t, τ ∈ Tt [A] is turned into the dual bundle to the cotangent bundle T ⋆ [A]. At the same time the mapping D ∈ Der(A) 7→ DT ∈ Sec(T [A]) DT (s)(a) = s(Da), a ∈ A, s ∈ Spec(A), continuously maps Der(A) into the stereotype space Sec(T [A]) of continuous sections of the bundle T [A]. • The locally convex bundle TA : T [A] → Spec(A) is called the tangent bundle of the involutive stereotype algebra A. § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 113 The Nachbin theorem. Let E(M ) be the algebra of complex valued smooth functions on a smooth manifold M , endowed with the usual topology of uniform convergence on compact sets with respect to each differential operator. The following variant of the Nachbin theorem on the subalgebras in E(M ) ([48], see also the monohraph [42]) plays in differential geometry the same role as the Stone-Weierstrass theorem does in topology. Theorem 4.26. Let A be an involutive stereotype subalgebra in the algebra E(M ) of smooth functions on a smooth manifold M . Then A is dense in E(M ) if and only if the following two conditions hold: (i) A separates the points of M : if the points s, t ∈ M are different, then there is a function a ∈ A that takes different values in them, ∀s 6= t ∈ M ∃a ∈ A a(s) 6= a(t), (ii) A separates the tangent vectors of M : for each point s ∈ M and for each nonzero tangent vector τ ∈ Ts (M ) there is an element a ∈ A that has nonzero value on τ , ∀τ ∈ Ts (M ) \ {0} §5 ∃a ∈ A τ (a) 6= 0, Continuous envelopes and continuous duality As we told in §0, the material of this section sufficiently intersects the J. N. Kuznetsova paper [41]. (a) C ∗ -seminorms and C ∗ -algebras. C ∗ -seminorms. Let A be an involutive stereotype algebra. A seminorm p : A → R+ is called a C ∗ -seminorm, if p(a• · a) = p(a)2 , a ∈ A. (5.1) By the famous Z. Sebestyén theorem [57], every such a seminorm is submultiplicative: p(a · b) 6 p(a) · p(b), a, b ∈ A. The set of all continuous C ∗ -seminorms on A will be denoted by P(A). Theorem 5.1. Each continuous C ∗ -seminorm p on A can be represented as a norm of some unitary (normcontinuous47 ) representation π : A → B(X): p(a) = kπ(a)k , a ∈ A. (5.2) Proof. The space Ker p = {x ∈ A : p(x) = 0} is a closed ideal in A. The seminorm p can be factored through a C ∗ -norm p′ on the quotient algebra A/ Ker p. Let B be a completion of A/ Ker p with respect to p′ . Certainly, B is a C ∗ -algebra, so it can be isometrically embedded into some algebra of the form B(X), where X is a Hilbert space [47, Theorem 3.4.1]. The composition of the maps A → A/ Ker p → B → B(X) is the representation π we look for. Definition of continuous envelope and functoriality. Let us denote by C∗ the class of all C ∗ -algebras. • A continuous envelope envC A : A → EnvC A of an involutive stereotype algebra A is its envelope in the class DEpi of dense epimorphisms in the category InvSteAlg of involutive stereotype algebras with respect to the class of all homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras: EnvC A = EnvDEpi C∗ A In detail, a continuous extension of an involutive stereotype algebra A is a dense epimorphism σ : A → A′ of involutive stereotype algebras such that for each C ∗ -agebra B and for any involutive continuous homomorphism ϕ : A → B there is a (necessarily, unique) involutive continuous homomorphism ϕ′ : A′ → B such that the following diagram is commutative: σ / A′ (5.3) A✼ ✼✼ ✝ ✼✼ ✝ ✝ ′ ϕ ✼✼  ✝ ϕ B 47 See definition on page 76. 114 A continuous envelope of an involutive stereotype algebra A is defined as a continuous extension ρ : A → EnvC A such that for any continuous extension σ : A → A′ there is a (necessarily, unique) homomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras υ : A′ → EnvC A such that the following diagram is commutative: A ✝ ❅❅❅ ✝ ❅❅ρ σ ✝✝ ❅❅ ✝ ✝ ❅ ✝ ′ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴/ A EnvC A υ Theorem 5.2. The continuous envelope EnvC is regular and coherent with the projective tensor product48 ⊛ in InvSteAlg. Proof. 1. First, let us prove the regularity, i.e. the validity of conditions R.1 - R.5 of Theorem 1.19. Denote by Φ = Mor(InvSteAlg, C∗ ) the class of homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras. R.1: The category InvSteAlg of involutive stereotype algebras is complete, in particular, projectively complete (each functor from a small category into InvSteAlg has projective limit). R.2: By Theorem 3.7, the class DEpi of dense epimorphisms (where we construct the envelope) is monomorphically complement in the category InvSteAlg. R.3: The category InvSteAlg is co-well-powered in the class DEpi (since Ste is co-well-powered in the class Epi). R.4: For each involutive stereotype algebra A, there always exists a morphism ϕ : A → B into some C ∗ -algebra B (for example, one can take B = 0 and ϕ = 0). By definition on page 7, this means that the class Φ of morphisms into C ∗ -algebras goes from the category InvSteAlg. Apart from that this class is a right ideal in InvSteAlg (the composition ϕ ◦ ψ of any morphism ϕ : A → B into a C ∗ -algebra B with any morphism ψ : A′ → A is also a morphism into a C ∗ -algebra). R.5: If ψ ◦ σ ∈ Φ and σ ∈ DEpi, then the composition ψ ◦ σ : A → C takes values in a C ∗ -algebra C, hence ψ also takes values in a C ∗ -algebra, therefore, ψ ∈ Φ. This means that the class DEpi pushes the class Φ. 2. Let us verify the coherency with the tensor product ⊛, i.e. the conditions T.1 and T.2 on page 24. T.1: Let ρ : A → A′ and σ : B → B ′ be continuous extensions. Take a homomorphism ϕ : A ⊛ B → C into a C ∗ -algebra C. By Lemma 3.3 it can be represented in the form ϕ(a ⊛ b) = α(a) · β(b), a ∈ A, b ∈ B, where α : A → C and β : B → C are morphisms of stereotype algebras with commuting values: α(a) · β(b) = β(b) · α(a), a ∈ A, b ∈ B. Let us extend α and β to some morphisms α′ and β ′ in such a way that the following diagrams are commutative: ρ σ / A′ / B′ A❄ B❅ ❄❄ ❅❅ ⑥ ⑥ ❄❄ ❅ ⑥ ⑥ ❅❅ ❄ ⑥ ′ ⑥ ′ α ❄❄ β ❅❅  ~⑥ α  ~⑥ β C C Since ρ and σ are dense epimorphisms, the values of α′ and β ′ also commute: α′ (a) · β ′ (b) = β ′ (b) · α′ (a), a ∈ A′ , b ∈ B ′ . Hence we again can use Lemma 3.3 and define a morphism ϕ′ (a ⊛ b) = α′ (a) · β ′ (b), a ∈ A′ , b ∈ B ′ . Obviously, it is an extension of ϕ (and it is unique, since ρ and σ are dense epimorphisms). 48 See definitions on pages 24 and 24. § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 115 T.2: The identity map 1C : C → C is a continuous extension (since, for instance, it is an isomorphism). On the other hand, if ρ : C → A′ is another continuous extension, then, since it is dense, it must be surjective. At the same time, A′ cannot be zero, since otherwise we could build the diagram C❄ ❄❄ ❄❄ ❄ 1C ❄❄  ρ C /0,  what is impossible. We see that ρ : C → A′ must be an isomorphism of algebras, and we obtain the diagram , C ⑦ ❄❄❄ ρ ⑦⑦ 1 ❄ ❄❄C ⑦⑦ ❄❄ ~⑦⑦ ρ−1  ′ /C A which means that the extension ρ is embedded into the extension 1C . Corollary 5.3. The continuous envelope can be defined as an idempotent covariant functor from InvSteAlg into InvSteAlg: there exist 1) a map A 7→ (EnvC A, envC A), which assigns to each involutive stereotype algebra A an involutive stereotype algebra EnvC A and a morphism of stereotype algebras envC A : A → EnvC A, which a continuous envelope of the algebra A, and 2) a map ϕ 7→ EnvC (ϕ), which assigns to each morphism of involutive stereotype algebras ϕ : A → B a morphism of involutive stereotype algebras EnvC (ϕ) : EnvC A → EnvC B, such that the following diagram is commutative envC A / EnvC A A (5.4) ✤ ✤ ϕ ✤ EnvC (ϕ)   envC B / EnvC B B and the following adintities hold: EnvC (1A ) = 1EnvC A , EnvC (β ◦ α) = EnvC (β) ◦ EnvC (α), EnvC (EnvC A) = EnvC A, envC EnvC A = 1EnvC A , EnvC C = C (5.5) (5.6) (5.7) The net of C ∗ -quotient mappings. The construction of continuous envelope can be described more visually in the following way. Let us call a neighbourhood of zero U in an involutive stereotype algebra A a C ∗ neighbourhood of zero, if it is an inverse image of the unit ball under a (continuous) homomorphism D : A → B into a C ∗ -algebra B: U = {x ∈ A : kD(x)k 6 1} Equivalently, U must be the unit ball of some (continuous) C ∗ -seminorm p on A: U = {x ∈ A : p(x) 6 1}. The kernel Ker U = \ λ>0 (5.8) λ·U of any C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero U in A coincides with the kernel of the homomorphism D, hence it is a closed ideal in A. Consider the quotient algebra A/ Ker U and endow it with the norm, for which U + Ker U is the unit ball. This algebra A/ Ker U is a subalgebra in B with the norm induced from B, or, what is the same, with the norm generated by the seminorm p from (5.8). We denote by A/U or by A/p the completion of A/ Ker U with respect to this norm, A/U = A/p = (A/ Ker U )H (5.9) 116 and we call this the quotient algebra of A by the C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero U or by the C ∗ -seminorm p. Certainly, A/U = A/p is a C ∗ -algebra (and we can think that this is a closed subalgebra in B). The corresponding mapping πU = πp : A → A/U = A/p (5.10) is called the quotient mapping of the algebra A by the C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero U , or by the C ∗ -seminorm p, or a C ∗ -quotient mapping of A. Lemma 5.4. For each homomorphism ϕ : A → B into a C ∗ -algebra B there is a C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero U ⊆ A and a homomorphism ϕU : A/U → B such that the following diagram is commutative: ϕ /B A❁ ❁❁ ✂A ❁❁ ✂ ✂ ϕU πU ❁❁  ✂ A/U (5.11) Lemma 5.5. If U and U ′ are two C ∗ -neighbourhoods of zero in A, and U ⊇ U ′ , then there is a unique U′ homomorphism κU : A/U ← A/U ′ such that the following diagram is commutative: A❂ ✂✂ ❂❂❂ πU ′ ✂ ❂❂ ✂✂ ❂ ✂ ✂ A/U o❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ A/U ′ (5.12) πU U κU ′ Lemma 5.6. The intersection U ∩U ′ of any two C ∗ -neighbourhoods of zero U and U ′ in A is a C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero. Proof. Indeed, suppose D : A → B and D′ : A → B ′ are homomorphisms that generate U and U ′ . U = {x ∈ A : kD(x)k 6 1}, U ′ = {x ∈ A : kD′ (x)k 6 1}. Consider the C ∗ -algebra B ⊕ B ′ with the norm kb ⊕ b′ k = max{kbk , kb′ k}, b ∈ B, b′ ∈ B ′ . The mapping D′′ : A → B ⊕ B ′ D′′ (x) = D(x) ⊕ D′ (x), x ∈ A, is a homomorphism, and for each x ∈ A we have x ∈ U ∩ U′ ⇐⇒ kD(x)k 6 1 & kD”(x)k 6 1 ⇐⇒ kD′′ (x)k = max{kD(x)k , kD”(x)k} 6 1. Theorem 5.7. The system πU : A → A/U of C ∗ -quotient mapping is a net of epimorphisms49 in the category InvSteAlg of involutive stereotype algebras, i.e. has the following properties: (a) each algebra A has at least one C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero U , and the set of all C ∗ -neighbourhoods of zero in A is directed by the semi-order U 6 U ′ ⇐⇒ U ⊇ U ′ , ′ U (b) for each algebra A the system of morphisms κU from (5.12) is covariant, i.e. for any three neighbourhoods ′ ′′ of zero U ⊇ U ⊇ U the following diagram is commutative, U κU ′′ A/U o A/U ′′ _❅❅ ⑥ ⑥ ❅❅ ⑥⑥ ❅❅ ⑥ ′′ ′ ⑥ U ❅ κU ~⑥⑥ κUU′ A/U ′ U and this system κU has a projective limit in InvSteAlg; 49 See definition on page 21. § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 117 (c) for any homomorphism α : A ← A′ in InvSteAlg and for any C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero U in A there is ′ ′ ′ a C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero U ′ in A′ and a homomorphism αU U : A/U ← A /U such that the following diagram is commutative: α Ao A✤ ′ (5.13) ✤ ✤ πU ′ πU ✤  A/U o❴ ❴ ❴ ′ ❴ ❴ A′ /U ′ αU U ′ U By the condition (b) of this theorem, there is a projective limit lim A/U ′ of the system κU . As a corollary, ←− ′ 0←U there is a unique arrow π : A → lim A/U ′ in InvSteAlg, such that the following diagram is commutative: ←− ′ 0←U A ✆ ❇❇ ✆ πU ✆✆ ❇ πU ′ ✆ ❇ ✆ ❇ ✆✆ A/U o lim A/U ′ κU ←− ′ (5.14) 0←U The image π(A) of the mapping π is (an involutive subalgebra and) a subspace in the stereotype space lim A/U ′ . ←− 0←U ′ ′ Hence it generates an immediate subspace in lim A/U , or the envelope Env π(A) [4], which is the biggest ←− 0←U ′ ′ stereotype subspace in lim A/U that has π(A) as a dense subspace. Let us denote by ρ : A → Env π(A) the ←− 0←U ′ lifting of the morphism π in Env π(A). Theorem 5.8. The morphism ρ : A → Env π(A) is a continuous envelope of the algebra A: Env π(A) = EnvE A. Proof. The system of C ∗ -quotient mappings πU : A → A/U generates on the inside the class Φ of homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras by Lemma 5.4 (see also [4, Lemma 3.5]): N ⊆ Φ ⊆ Mor(SteAlg) ◦ N . On the other hand, by Theorem 3.7, the class DEpi of all dense epimorphisms is monomorphically complemented in the category InvSteAlg. Thus, by Theorem 1.18, the envelopes of A with respect to the classes Φ and N coincide with the morphism ρ. Remark 5.1. The continuous envelope ρ : A → EnvE A is a composition of the elements red∞ and coim∞ of the nodal decomposition of the morphism π : A → lim A/U ′ in the category Ste of stereotype spaces (not ←− ′ 0←U algebras!): red∞ π ◦ coim∞ π = envC A. (5.15) Visually this can be presented by the diagram π= lim πU ′ A ← − 0←U ′ / lim A/U ′ ←− 0←U ′ O coim∞ π  Coim∞ π (5.16) im∞ π red∞ π / Im∞ π EnvC A And the algebra EnvC A can be represented as an envelope (in the sense of (2.20)) of the set of values of the morphism π in the stereotype space lim0←U ′ A/U ′ : EnvC A = Env π(A). (5.17) 118 (b) Continuous algebras Let us say that involutive stereotype algebra A is continuous, if it coincide with its continuous envelope, i.e. the continuous envelope envC A : A → EnvC A is an isomorphism in the category InvSteAlg of involutive stereotype algebras. The class of all continuous algebras will be denoted by C-Alg. It forms a full subcategory in the category InvSteAlg. Continuous tensor product of involutive stereotype algebras. Let EnvC be the functor of continuous envelope, defined in Corollary 5.3. For any two involutive sereotype algebras A and B let us define their continuous tensor product by the equality C A ⊛ B = EnvC (A ⊛ B) (5.18) To each pair α : A → A′ and β : B → B ′ of morphisms of algebras we associate the morphism C C C α ⊛ β = EnvC (α ⊛ β) : A ⊛ B → A′ ⊛ B ′ . (5.19) Finally, to each pair of elements a ∈ A, b ∈ B one can assign the elementary tensor C a ⊛ b = envC (a ⊛ b) (5.20) C C Lemma 5.9. The elementary tensors a ⊛ b, a ∈ A, b ∈ B, are total50 in A ⊛ B. C Proof. The tensors a ⊛ b are total in A ⊛ B, and the image of envC is dense in A ⊛ B. Identity (5.26) follows from Diagram (5.24). Further we need the following construction. For any two seminorms q ∈ P(A) and r ∈ P(B) let us consider the seminorm q ⊗max r on A ⊛ B defined as the composition of the maps k·k πq ⊛πr τ max / Aq ⊛ Br = Aq ⊗B / Aq ⊗ Br /4 R + b r A⊛B ❱ ❱ ❲ ❳ max ❤ ❤ ❣ ❢ ❳ ❨ ❩ ❞ ❡ ❢ ❩ ❬ ❭ ❭ ❪ ❫ ❫ ❴ ❵ ❵ ❛ ❜ ❜ ❝ ❞ (5.21) q⊗max r where πq : A → Aq and πr : B → Br are C ∗ -quotient maps defined in (5.10), πq ⊛ πr is their projective stereotype tensor product, τ the natural map of tensor products, and k·kmax the maximal tensor product of C ∗ -algebras. Lemma 5.10. Each C ∗ -seminorm p on A ⊛ B is subrodinated to some C ∗ -seminorm q ⊗max r on A ⊛ B: p(x) 6 (q ⊗max r)(x), x∈A⊛B (5.22) Proof. Put C = (A ⊛ B)/p. Then p is the composition A⊛B πp k·kC / ♥7 R+ ❘ ❚ ❧ ❥ ❲ ❨ ❬ ❪ ❴ ❛ ❝ ❡ ❣ / (A ⊛ B)/p = C p where πp is the projection from (5.10), and k·kC the norm on C. Consider the seminorms q(a) = p(a ⊛ 1B ), r(b) = p(1A ⊛ b), a ∈ A, b ∈ B. Let us show that the homomorphism πp : A⊛B → C is extended to some homomorphism πq,r : Aq ⊗max Br → C: π ⊛π q r τ / Aq ⊗max Br / Aq ⊛ Br A ⊛ B▲ ✤ ▲▲▲ ♦ ▲▲▲ ✤ ♦♦ ▲▲▲ ♦ ✤ρ ♦σ πp ▲▲▲ ♦♦ ▲▲▲ ✤ ♦ & w♦ C 50 See definition on page 7. (5.23) § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 119 For this we consider the homomorphisms α:A→C α(a) = πp (a ⊛ 1B ), a ∈ A, β:B→C β(b) = πp (1A ⊛ b), b ∈ B. Since q and r are restrictions of the seminorm p under the maps a 7→ a⊛1B and b 7→ 1A ⊛b, the homomorphisms α and β can be extended to some homomorphisms Aq → C and Br → C: A❄ ❄❄ ❄❄ ❄ α ❄❄  πq C ~⑦ ⑦ ⑦ B❄ ❄❄ ❄❄ ❄ β ❄❄  / Aq ⑦ αq πr C ~⑥ ⑥ ⑥ / Br ⑥ βr On the other hands, by Lemma 3.3, the images of the maps α and β commute, α(a) · β(b) = β(b) · α(a), a ∈ A, b ∈ B, while πq and πr are dense epimorphisms. This implies that the images of αq and βr also commute: αq (a′ ) · βr (b′ ) = βr (b′ ) · αq (a′ ), a′ ∈ Aq , b′ ∈ Br . As a corollary, again by Lemma 3.3, there is a homomorphism ρ such that the left inner triangle in (5.23) commutes. Then, since Aq and Br are C ∗ -algebras, the homomorphism ρ can be extended to a homomorphism σ on Aq ⊗max Br . Finally, after constructing the map σ in (5.23), we see that the seminorm z 7→ kσ(z)kC is subordinated to the seminorm z 7→ kzkmax (since any homomorphism of C ∗ -algebras does not increase the norm, [47, Theorem 2.1.7]): kσ(z)kC 6 kzkmax , z ∈ Aq ⊗max Br . This implies (5.22): p(x) = kπp (x)kC = kσ(τ ((πq ⊛ πr )(x)))kC 6 kτ ((πq ⊛ πr )(x))kmax = (q ⊗max r)(x), z ∈ A ⊛ B. Theorem 5.11. For any two involutive stereotype algebras A and B thete is a unique linear continuous mapping C ηA,B : A ⊛ B → A ⊙ B such that the following diagram is commutative, A ⊛ B◗ ◗◗◗ ◗◗◗ ◗◗◗ ◗◗◗ envC A⊛B ◗( @A,B C A⊛B / A⊙B ♠♠6 ♠ ♠ ♠♠♠ ♠♠η♠A,B ♠ ♠ ♠♠ (5.24) C and the system of mappings ηA,B : A ⊛B → A⊙B is a natural transformation of the functor (A, B) ∈ InvAlg2 7→ C A ⊛ B ∈ C-Alg into the functor (A, B) ∈ InvAlg2 7→ A ⊙ B ∈ Ste. Proof. 1. First, we prove that ηA,B exists. Let us recall [25, Corollary 31.15], that for C ∗ -algebras A and B there is a chain of morphisms A ⊗π B /A ⊗ B max /A ⊗ B min / A ⊗ε B. where ⊗ and ⊗ are maximal and minimal tensor product of C ∗ -algebras, and ⊗π and ⊗ε are their projective max min and injective tensor product as Banach spaces (the first three arrows are continuous homomorphisms of algebras, and the last one is the linear continuous mapping of Banach spaces). If we add the stereotype projective and injective tensor product we obtain the chain A ⊛ B = A ⊗π B /A ⊗ B max /A ⊗ B min / A ⊗ε B / A ⊙ B. 120 Denote by θA,B the composition of morphisms in this chain, that binds A ⊗ B with A ⊙ B: max A ⊛ B = A ⊗π B / A ⊗ε B /A ⊗ B / A ⊙ B. ❥5 ❱ ❳ ❩min ❤ ❢ ❞ ❬ ❪ ❴ ❛ ❝ /A ⊗ B max θA,B When passing to the projective limit and using Lemma 5.10, we obtain the equality lim ←− (A ⊛ B)/p = (Lemma 5.10) = p∈P(A⊛B) lim ←− q∈P(A), r∈P(B) A/q ⊗ B/r, max and after that, the chain of morphisms lim θA/q,B/r ← − lim (A ⊛ B)/p ←− lim A/q ⊗ B/r ←− max q∈P(A), r∈P(B) p∈P(A⊛B) ( lim A/q ⊙ B/r ←− q∈P(A), r∈P(B) lim A/q ⊙ lim B/r ←− ←− q∈P(A) r∈P(B) A⊙B (the last equality follows from the fact that ⊙ commutes with the tensor products, see [4, (2.53)]). This gives the following chain of morphisms lim ← − ρp p∈P(A⊛B) C A⊛B EnvC (A ⊛ B) ' lim (A ⊛ B)/p ←− p∈P(A⊛B) lim θA/q,B/r ← − lim A/q ⊗ B/r ←− max q∈P(A), r∈P(B) / A⊙B Their composition is ηA,B . 2. Now let us prove that the system of maps ηA,B is a morphism of functors. Take two morphisms of algebras, α : A → A′ and β : B → B ′ , and consider the diagram A⊛B❘ ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘ envC A⊛B ❘❘( α⊛β @A,B C A⊛B / A⊙B ❧6 ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧❧❧ ❧❧η❧A,B ❧ ❧ ❧❧❧ (5.25) α⊙β C α⊛β  A′ ⊛ B ′❘ ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘ envC A′ ⊛B ′ ❘(  / A′ ⊙ B ′ 6 ❧❧❧ ❧❧❧ ❧ ❧ ❧❧❧η ′ ′ ❧❧❧ A ,B @A′ ,B ′  C A′ ⊛ B ′ Here the upper and the lower bases are commutative, since they are diagrams (5.24), the remote side is commutative, since this is diagram (2.74) of naturality of the Grothendieck transformation @, and the left near side is commutative, since this is the diagram of functoriality of the envelope (1.55). On the other hand, from Lemma 5.9 it follows that the map envC A ⊛ B is an epimorphism of stereotype spaces. Together this means that the right near side in diagram (5.25) is commutative as well, and this is what we need. C Remark 5.2. Diagram (5.24) implies that ηA,B maps the elementary tensors a ⊛ b into the elementary tensors a ⊙ b: C ηA,B (a ⊛ b) = a ⊙ b. (5.26) Theorems 5.2 and 1.20 imply Theorem 5.12. Formula (5.18) defines a tensor product in C-Alg that turns C-Alg into a monoidal category, and the functor of continuous envelope E is a monoidal functor from the monoidal category (InvSteAlg, ⊛) of C involutive stereotype algebras into the monoidal category (C-Alg, ⊛) of continuous algebras. The corresponding morphisms of bifunctors   E⊛   C (A, B) 7→ EnvC (A) ⊛ EnvC (B) ֌ (A, B) 7→ EnvC (A ⊛ B) § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 121 is defined by the formula C ⊛ EA,B = EnvC (envC A ⊛ envC B)−1 : EnvC (A) ⊛ EnvC (B) = EnvC (EnvC (A) ⊛ EnvC (B)) → EnvC (A ⊛ B), and the morphism E C in C-Alg, that turns the identity object C in the category C-Alg into the image EnvC (C) of the identity object C in the category InvSteAlg, is the local identity: E C = 1C : C → C = EnvC (C). Action of continuous envelope on bialgebras. C Theorem 5.13. If A is a coalgebra in a monoidal category (C-Alg, ⊛) of continuous algebras with the structure morphisms C κ : A → A ⊛ A, ε : A → C, then A is coalgebra in the monoidal category (Ste, ⊙) of stereotype spaces with the structure morphisms λ = ηA,A ◦ κ : A → A ⊙ A, ε : A → C. C Every morphism ϕ : A → B of coalgebras in (C-Alg, ⊛) is a morphism of A into B as coalgebras in (Ste, ⊙). Proof. 1. Consider the associativity diagram for κ ❢❢❢❢ A ❳❳❳❳❳❳❳❳❳ ❳❳❳❳❳ ❢❢❢❢❢ ❢ ❢ ❢ ❢ ❳❳❳❳κ❳ κ❢❢❢❢❢ ❳❳❳❳❳ ❢ ❢ ❢ ❳❳❳❳❳ ❢❢❢ ❢ ❢ ❢ ❢ ❳❳❳❳+ C ❢ ❢ ❢ C ❢ s❢ A ⊛ AP A⊛A PPP ♥♥ ♥ PPP ♥ ♥♥ PPP ♥♥♥ PP' C w♥♥♥ C κ ⊛1A C C C (A ⊛ A) ⊛ A 1A ⊛κ C / A ⊛ (A ⊛ A) αA,A,A and add it to the diagram ❡❡❡❡ A ❨❨❨❨❨❨❨❨❨❨ ❡❡❡❡❡❡ ❨❨❨❨❨❨ κ ❨❨❨❨❨❨ ❨❨❨❨❨❨ ❨❨❨❨❨❨ C , A⊛A ❧ ❧ ❧❧ ❧ ❧ ❧❧ v❧❧❧ C 1A ⊛κ C C / A ⊛ (A ⊛ A) κ❡❡❡❡❡❡❡❡ ❡❡❡❡ ❡❡❡❡❡❡ r❡❡❡❡❡❡ A ⊛ A❘ ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘ ❘( C C κ ⊛1A C C (A ⊛ A) ⊛ A αCA,A,A η η C A,A⊛A C A⊛A,A ηA,A C 1A  (A ⊛ A) ⊙ A  ηA,A C A ⊙ (A ⊛ A) ❞❞ λ ❞❞❞❞❞❞❞ ❞❞❞❞❞ ❞❞❞❞ ❞❞ ❞ ❞ ❞ ❞ ❞  ❞ r❞❞❞❞❞❞ A ⊙ A ❚❚ ηA,A ⊙1A ❚❚❚❚ ❚❚❚❚ λ⊙1A ❚❚)  (A ⊙ A) ⊙ A  A α⊙ A,A,A ❩❩❩❩❩❩❩ λ ❩❩❩❩❩❩❩ ❩❩ ❩❩❩❩ ❩❩❩❩❩❩❩  ❩❩❩❩❩, A ⊙ A 1A ⊙ηA,A ❥❥❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥❥ u❥❥❥❥1A ⊙λ  / A ⊙ (A ⊙ A) Here the upper base of the prism is commutative and we have to prove the commutativity of the lower base. For this it is sufficient to verify the commutativity of the lateral faces. The two remote lateral faces are commutative 122 just since they present the definition of morphism λ. The commutativity of the left nearby lateral face C C C κ ⊛1A A⊛A C / (A ⊛ A) ⊛ A (5.27) η C A⊛A,A  C ηA,A (A ⊛ A) ⊙ A ηA,A ⊙1A  A⊙A  / (A ⊙ A) ⊙ A λ⊙1A can be verified on elementary tensors. Take a, b ∈ A and let us represent κ(a) as a limit of a net of sums of elementary tensors (here is the first time when we use Lemma 5.9): X i∈Is C xsi ⊛ yis −→ κ(a) s→∞ C Then when moving by Diagram (5.27) the elementary tensor a ⊛ b gives the following elements: C C C κ ⊛1A ✤ a⊛ ❴ b / κ(a) ⊛ b s→∞ lim ( ηA,A  ✤ a⊙b P P s→∞ i∈I s λ⊙1A C / ηA,A (κ(a)) ⊙ b ηA,A lim ( P ! C s→∞ i∈I s xsi ⊛ yis ) ⊙b C C C xsi ⊛ yis ) ⊛ b i∈Is ❴ lim ( lim ( η C A⊛A,A  C xsi ⊛ yis ) ⊙ b ❴ ηA,A ⊙1A P s xi ⊙ yis ) ⊙ b s→∞ i∈I s Since tensors a ⊛ b are total in A ⊛ A (here we use Lemma 5.9 second time), this proves the commutativity of (5.27). The same trick proves the commutativity of the right nearby lateral face C C A ⊛ (A ⊛ A) o C C κ ⊛1A A⊛A η C A,A⊛A  C ηA,A A ⊙ (A ⊛ A) 1A ⊙ηA,A  A ⊙ (A ⊙ A) o  A⊙A λ⊙1A For the central nearby lateral face C C (A ⊛ A) ⊛ A αCA,A,A η C C / A ⊛ (A ⊛ A) η C A⊛A,A C A,A⊛A   (A ⊛ A) ⊙ A A ⊙ (A ⊛ A) C ηA,A ⊙1A  (A ⊙ A) ⊙ A C 1A ⊙ηA,A α⊙ A,A,A  / A ⊙ (A ⊙ A) § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 123 we have to consider a triple of elements a, b, c ∈ A. When moving by this diagram they give: C C αCA,A,A ✤ (a ⊛ b) ⊛ c ❴ C C / a ⊛ (b ⊛ c) ❴ η η C A,A⊛A C A⊛A,A   (a ⊛ b) ⊙ c ❴ a ⊙ (b ⊛ c) ❴ C ηA,A ⊙1A C 1A ⊙ηA,A α⊙ A,A,A  (a ⊙ b) ⊙ c ✤  / a ⊙ (b ⊙ c) The diagrams for the counit are verified similarly. C 2. Suppose ϕ : A → B is a morphism of coalgebras in (C-Alg, ⊛), i.e. a morphism of A into B as stereotype spaces, such that the following diagrams are commutative: A κA  C A⊛A ϕ /B  C κB C ϕ⊛ϕ A❄ ❄❄ ❄❄ ❄ εA ❄❄  / B⊛B ϕ C (5.28) /B ⑦ ⑦ ⑦⑦ ⑦⑦ ε ⑦ B ⑦ where κA , κB , εA , εB are structure morphisms. Then the left one of these diagrams can be complemented as follows: ϕ /B A κA   C C A⊛A ϕ⊛ϕ ηA,A κB C / B⊛B ηB,B  A⊙A ϕ⊙ϕ  / B ⊙ B, This diagram is commutative since by Theorem 5.11 the morphisms η are natural transformations of bifunctors. Together with the right diagram in (5.28) this means that ϕ : A → B is a morphism of coalgebras in (Ste, ⊙). Theorem 5.14. Let H be a bialgebra in the category (Ste, ⊛) of stereotype spaces, or, what is the same, a coalgebra on the category Ste⊛ of stereotype algebras, with the comultiplication κ and the counit ε. Then C (i) the continuous envelope EnvC H is a coalgebra in the monoidal category (C-Alg, ⊛) of continuous algebras with the comultiplication and the counit κE = EnvC (envC H ⊛ envC H) ◦ EnvC (κ), εE = EnvC (ε), (5.29) (ii) the continuous envelope EnvC H is a coalgebra in the monoidal category (Ste, ⊙) of stereotype spaces with the comultiplication and the counit κ⊙ = ηEnvC H,EnvC H ◦ EnvC (envC H ⊛ envC H) ◦ EnvC (κ) = ηEnvC H,EnvC H ◦ κE , ε⊙ = EnvC (ε), (5.30) (iii) the morphism envC H ⋆ : H ⋆ ← (EnvC H)⋆ , dual to the morphism of envelope envC H : H → EnvC H, is a morphism of stereotype algebras, if (EnvC H)⋆ is considered as an algebra with the multiplication and the unit, dual to (5.30), and H ⋆ as the algebra with the multiplication and the unit κ ⋆ ◦ @H ⋆ ,H ⋆ , ε⋆ . Proof. An involutive bialgebra in the category (Ste, ⊛) is the same as a coalgebra in the category (InvSteAlg, ⊛) C of involutive stereotype algebras. Hence by theorem 5.12 EnvC H is a coalgebra in (C-Alg, ⊛) with the comultiplication and the counit (5.29). After that we use Theorem 5.13, and we obtain that H is a coalgebra in the 124 category (Ste, ⊙) with the comultiplication and the counit (5.30). It remains to verify (iii). We have to note for this that the following diagram is commutative: κE EnvOC H ❯❯ ❯❯❯❯ ❯❯❯❯ envC H ❯❯ EnvC (κ) ❯❯* H EnvC (H ⊛ H) ❲❲❲❲❲ ✐✐✐4 ❲❲❲❲❲ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ κ ❲❲❲❲❲ ✐ ✐ ✐ ❲❲+ ✐ env H⊛H Env (env H⊛env ✐ C ! C C H) C  ✐✐ EnvC (EnvC H ⊛ EnvC H) H ⊛ H ❯❯ 3 ❯❯❯❯ env H⊛env H C ❢❢❢❢❢ ❯❯❯C❯ ❢❢❢❢❢ ❯❯❯❯ ❢ ❢ ❢ ❢ envC EnvC H⊛EnvC H * ❢❢ EnvC H ⊛ EnvC H @H,H κ⊙  C @EnvC H,EnvC H H ⊙ H ❚❚ EnvC H ⊛ EnvC H ❚❚❚env ❣❣❣❣ ❚❚❚C❚H⊙env C H ❣❣❣❣❣ ❣ ❚❚❚❚ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❚❚*  s❣❣❣❣❣ ηEnvC H,EnvC H Env H ⊙ Env H C C 1 After passing to the dual space we have ⋆ q κE (EnvC H)⋆ k❱ E ❱❱❱❱ ❱❱❱❱ ❱❱❱ envC H ⋆ EnvC (κ)⋆ ❱❱❱  HO ⋆ EnvC (H ⊛ H)⋆ l❳ ❳❳❳❳❳ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❳❳❳❳❳ ❤❤❤ ❤env ❳⋆ ❳❳❳❳ ⋆ ❤ κ⋆ ❤ ❤ C H⊛H ❤ ❳❳ ❤ Env (env H⊛env ❤ C C H) C s❤❤ ⋆ ⋆ H ⊙O H k❱❱ EnvC (EnvC H ⊛ EnvC H)⋆ ❱❱❱❱❱env H ⋆ ⊙env H ⋆ ❢❢❢❢❢ C ❱❱❱C ❱ ❢❢❢❢❢❢ ❱❱❱❱❱ ❢ ❢ ❢ ❢ r❢❢❢ envC EnvC H⊛EnvC H ⋆ ⋆ (EnvC H) ⊙ (EnvC H)⋆ @H ⋆ ,H ⋆ O C ⋆ κ⊙ @(EnvC H)⋆ ,(EnvC H)⋆ (EnvC H ⊛ EnvC H)⋆ H ⋆ ⊛ H ⋆ j❱ ❱❱❱❱ ❢❢3 ❢ ⋆ ⋆ ❢ ❱❱❱env ❢❢❢ ❢ ❱❱C❱❱H ⊛envC H ❢ ❢ ❢ ❱❱❱❱ ❢❢❢ η⋆ ❱ EnvC H,EnvC H ❢❢❢❢❢ ⋆ ⋆ (EnvC H) ⊛ (EnvC H) The fragment in the left lower corner is exactly the diagram of coherence of the multiplications: HO ⋆ o envC H ⋆ (EnvC H)⋆ O κ⋆ H ⋆ ⊙O H ⋆ ⋆ κ⊙ @H ⋆ ,H ⋆ H⋆ ⊛ H⋆ o envC H ⋆ ⊛envC H ⋆ (EnvC H)⋆ ⊛ (EnvC H)⋆ Theorem 5.15. Let H be an involutive Hopf algebra in the category (Ste, ⊛) of stereotype spaces. Then C (i) the continuous envelope EnvC H, as a coalgebra in the monoidal categories (C-Alg, ⊛) and (Ste, ⊙), has interconsistent antipode EnvC (σ) and involution EnvC (•), uniquely defined by diagrams in the category Ste H envC H σ  H envC H / EnvC H ✤ ✤ Env (σ) ✤ C / EnvC H H envC H •  H envC H / EnvC H ✤ ✤ Env (•) ✤ C / EnvC H (5.31) § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 125 (ii) the morphism envC H ⋆ : H ⋆ ← (EnvC H)⋆ , dual to the morphism of envelope envC H : H → EnvC H, is an involutive homomorphism of stereotype algebras over ⊛, if H ⋆ and (EnvC H)⋆ are endowed with the structure of dual involutive algebras to the involutive coalgebras with antipode H and EnvC H by the property 4◦ on page 55. Proof. 1. Denote by H op the algebra H with the opposite multiplication: µop = µ ◦ br . Let opH : H → H op denote the identity mapping of H into itself (we assume that the range here is the algebra with the opposite multiplication). This is an anti-homomorphism of algebras. The continuous envelopes of H and H op are also connected to each other through a natural anti-homomorphism, which we denote by EnvC (op): envC H H opH  H op envC H / EnvC H ✤ ✤ Env (op ) ✤ C H / EnvC (H op ) (5.32) This follows from the fact that for each C ∗ -seminorm p the following diagram is commutative: H πp / H/p ✤ ✤ opH/p ✤ / (H/p)op opH  H op πp As a corollary there is a unique anti-homomorphism between projective limits: lim πp H ← − p opH lim πp H  op ← − p / lim H/p ← − p ✤ ✤ ✤ / lim(H/p)op ←− p Then we pass to the immediate subspaces generated by the images of H and H op , and we obtain the dotted arrow in (5.32). When EnvC (opH ) is already defined for each stereotype algebra H, the mapping EnvC (σ) can be defined by the formula EnvC (σ) = EnvC (opH op ) ◦ EnvC (opH ◦σ) or by the diagram H envC H σ / EnvC H ❁ ✽ ✵  H EnvC (opH ◦σ) ✬ ✤ opH σ  H op envC H op opH op   H envC H EnvC (σ)  / EnvC (H op ) ✗ ✍ EnvC (opH op ) ✝   / EnvC H 2. The existence of EnvC (•) is proved by the same trick as the existence of EnvC (opH ). First for arbitrary C ∗ -seminorm p we notice the diagram πp / H/p H ✤ ✤• • ✤  πp / H/p H 126 And then we pass to the projective limit and to the immediate subspaces generated by the image of H, and we obtain the right diagram in (5.31). 3. For (ii) we have only to verify that envC H ⋆ preserves involution. For a ∈ H and f ∈ (EnvC H)⋆ we have: envC H ⋆ (f • )(a) = f • (envC H(a)) = f (EnvC (σ)(env C H(a))• ) = f ((• ◦ EnvC (σ) ◦ envC H)(a)) = = f ((• ◦ envC H ◦ σ)(a)) = f ((envC H ◦ • ◦ σ)(a)) = f (envC H(σ(a)• )) = envC H ⋆ (f )(σ(a)• ) = envC H ⋆ (f )• (a). Continuous tensor product with C(M ). Let X be a stereotype space, and M a paracompact locally compact topological space. Consider the algebra C(M ) of continuous functions on M and the space C(M, X) of continuous functions mappings M into X. We endow C(M ) and C(M, X) with the standard topology of uniform convergence on compact sets in M C(M,X) ui −→ 0 ⇐⇒ ∀ compact K ⊆ M C(K,X) ui |K −→ 0, u ∈ C(M, X), t ∈ M. and with the pointwise algebraic operations: (λ · u)(t) = λ · u(t) (u + v)(t) = u(t) + v(t), u, v ∈ C(M, X), λ ∈ C, t ∈ M. From [2, Theorem 8.1] we have Proposition 5.16. The space C(M, X) is a stereotype module over C(M ), and C(M, X) ∼ = C(M ) ⊙ X (5.33) Further we shall be interested in the case when X = A is a smooth (hence, stereotype) algebra. Then the space C(M, A) is also endowed with the structure of stereotype algebra with the pointwise multiplication (u · v)(t) = u(t) · v(t), u, v ∈ C(M, A), t ∈ M. From (5.33) it follows that C(M, A) is a stereotype module over A. Theorem 5.17. For each continuous algebra A and each paracompact locally compact space M the natural mapping ι : C(M ) ⊛ A → C(M, A) ι(u ⊛ a)(t) = u(t) · a, u ∈ C(M ), a ∈ A, t ∈ M, (5.34) is a continuous envelope: C C(M ) ⊛ A ∼ = C(M, A). (5.35) Lemma 5.18. The image of the mapping ι : C(M ) ⊛ A → C(M, A) is dense in C(M, A). Proof. Take a mapping f ∈ C(M, A), a compact set K ⊆ M , and a convex neighbourhood of zero U ⊆ A. Since f is uniformly continuous on K, there is an entourage V in K such that |s − t| < V =⇒ f (s) − f (t) ∈ U. Take a finite sequence of points t1 , ..., tn ∈ K such that the neighbourhoods tk + V form a covering of K. Find a partition of unity for them on K, i.e. functions η1 , ..., ηn ∈ C(M ) such that ηk K\(tk +V ) = 0, 0 6 ηk 6 1, n X ηk K = 1. k=1 Put x= n X k=1 Then for s ∈ K we have f (s) − ι(x)(s) = n X k=1 ηk ⊛ f (tk ) ∈ C(M ) ⊛ A. ηk (s) · f (s) − n X k=1 ηk (s) · f (tk ) = n X k=1  ηk (s) · f (s) − f (tk ) ∈ U. § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 127 Lemma 5.19. The modules C(M ) ⊛ A and C(M, A) over the algebra C(M ) have isomorphic value bundles: Jet0C(M) C(M ) ⊛ A ∼ = Jet0C(M) C(M, A), n∈N (5.36) Proof. For each point t ∈ M the ideal It has the codimention 1 in C(M ), hence we can use Lemma 2.52: Jet0C(M) C(M ) ⊛ A = [(C(M ) ⊛ A)/(It ⊛ A)]△ = (2.90) = = [(C(M ) ⊙ A)/(It ⊙ A)]△ = Jet0C(M) C(M ) ⊙ A = (5.33) = Jet0C(M) C(M, A) Lemma 5.20. Let M be a paracompact locally compact space, F a C ∗ -algebra and ϕ : C(M ) → F a homomorphism of stereotype algebras, and let ϕ(C(M )) belong to the center of F : ϕ(C(M )) ⊆ Z(F ). Then for any stereotype space X each morphism of the value bundles µ : Jet0C(M) (C(M, X)) → Jet0C(M) (F ) defines a unique morphism of stereotype C(M )-modules D : C(M, X) → F , satisfying the identities jet0 (ϕ(x)) = µ ◦ jet0 (x), x ∈ C(M, X). (5.37) 0 Proof. By Theorem 4.9, the mapping v : F → Sec(πC(M),F ), that turns F into the algebra of continuous sections 0 0 of the value bundle πC(M),F : JetC(M) F → Spec(C(M )) over the algebra C(M ), is an isomorphism of C ∗ -algebras: 0 ). F ∼ = Sec(πC(M),F 0 Consider the inverse isomorphism v −1 : Sec(πC(M),F ) → F: v −1 (jet0 (b)) = b, b ∈ F. (5.38) Then to each morphism of the value bundles µ : Jet0C(M) (C(M, X)) → Jet0C(M) (F ) one can assign an operator ϕ : C(M, X) → F by the formula   x ∈ C(M, X). (5.39) ϕ(x) = v −1 µ ◦ jet0 (x) , Obviously, it satisfies (5.37). Lemma 5.21. The mapping ι : C(M ) ⊛ A → C(M, A) is a continuous extension. Proof. Suppose ϕ : C(M ) ⊛ A → B is a morphism into a C ∗ -algebra B. By Lemma 3.3, it is representable in the form ϕ(u ⊛ a) = η(u) · α(a) = α(a) · η(u), u ∈ C(M ), a ∈ A, (5.40) where η : C(M ) → B, α : A → B are some morphisms of stereotype algebras. Consider the operator η and denote by C its image in B: C = η(C(M )). Let F be the commutant of C in B: F = C ! = {x ∈ B : ∀c ∈ C x · c = c · x}. Since the algebra C is commutative, it lies in F , and moreover in the center of F : C ⊆ Z(F ). Note that the image of the operator ϕ lies in F : ϕ(C(M ) ⊛ A) ⊆ F, since 128    ϕ(v ⊛ a) · η(u) = ϕ(v ⊛ a) · ϕ(u ⊛ 1) = ϕ (v ⊛ a) · (u ⊛ 1) = ϕ (v · u) ⊛ 1 = ϕ (u · v) ⊛ 1 =  = ϕ (u ⊛ 1) · (v ⊛ a) = ϕ(u ⊛ 1) · ϕ(v ⊛ a) = η(u) · ϕ(v ⊛ a) To verify that ι is a continuous extension, we have to show that there is a (unique) homomorphism ϕ′ : C(M, A) → F that extends ϕ: ι / C(M, A) C(M ) ⊛ A (5.41) ❊❊ ⑤ ❊❊ ⑤ ❊ ϕ ❊❊ ❊" ~⑤ ⑤ ϕ′ F The homomorphism ϕ : C(M ) ⊛ A → F is a C(M )-morphism, hense by Theorem 4.7 there is a morphism of the 0 value bundles jet0 [ϕ] : Jet0C(M) [C(M ) ⊛ A] → Jet0C(M) (F ) = πA F , such that jet0 (ϕ(x)) = jetn [ϕ] ◦ jetn (x), x ∈ C(M ) ⊛ A. By Lemma 5.19, the value bundles of the algebras C(M ) ⊛ A and C(M, A) are isomorphic. Denote this isomorphism by µ : Jet0C(M) [C(M ) ⊛ A] ← Jet0C(M) [C(M, A)]. Consider the composition ν = jet0 [ϕ] ◦ µ : 0 F: JetC(M) [C(M, A)] → Jet0C(M) (F ) = πA Jet0C(M) [C(M ) ⊛ A] o ❖❖❖ ❖❖❖ ❖❖ jet0 [ϕ] ❖❖❖ ' µ x♣ ♣ 0 JetC(M) [F ] Jet0C(M) [C(M, A)] ♣ ♣♣ ♣ ν=jet 0 [ϕ]◦µ By Lemma 5.20, this dotted arrow ν generates a morphism ϕ′ : C(M, A) → F (over the algebra C(M )), such that jet0 (ϕ′ f ) = jet0 [ϕ] ◦ jet0 (f ), f ∈ C(M, A). For each x ∈ C(M ) ⊛ A we have  jet0 ϕ′ (ι(x)) = jet0 [ϕ] ◦ jet0 (ι(x)) = jet0 [ϕ] ◦ jet0 (x) = jet0 (ϕ(x)). (5.42) 0 Note that by Theorem 4.9, the mapping jet0 = v : F → Sec(πE(M) F ) = Sec(Jet0E(M) F ), that turns F into the 0 algebra of continuous sections of the value bundles πE(M) F : Jet0E(M) F → Spec(E(M )) over the algebra E(M ), ∗ is an isomorphism of C -algebras: 0 F ). F ∼ = Sec(πE(M) Hence, we can apply the inverse operator to jet0 to the equality (5.42), and we obtain ϕ′ (ι(x)) = ϕ(x). I.e., ϕ′ extends ϕ in (5.41). By Lemma 5.18, the elements of the form ι(u ⊛ a) are total in C(M, A), that is why this extension ϕ′ is unique. By definition, the operator ϕ′ is a morphism with respect to the algebra C(M ), but this is not sufficient: we have to prove that ϕ′ is a homomorphism of algebras. To verify this let us take u, v ∈ C(M ) and a, b ∈ A. Then ϕ′ (ι(u ⊛ a) · ι(v ⊛ b)) = ϕ′ (ι(u ⊛ a · v ⊛ b)) = ϕ(u ⊛ a · v ⊛ b) = ϕ(u ⊛ a) · ϕ(v ⊛ b) = ϕ′ (ι(u ⊛ a)) · ϕ′ (ι(v ⊛ b)) Again by Lemma 5.18 the elements of the form ι(u ⊛ a) are total in C(M, A). As a corollary we can replace them with arbitrary vectors from C(M, A), hence ϕ′ must be a homomorphism. Lemma 5.22. The mapping ι : C(M ) ⊛ A → C(M, A) is a continuous envelope. Proof. Suppose σ : C(M ) ⊛ A → C is another continuous extension. We have to verify that there is a morphism υ such that the following diagram is commutative: σ /C C(M ) ⊛ A ❏❏ ⑥ ❏❏ ⑥ ❏❏ ⑥υ ι ❏❏❏ $ ~⑥ C(M, A) § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 129 Take a compact set K ⊆ M and a homomorphism η : A → B into a C ∗ -algebra, and put u ∈ C(M ), D(u ⊛ a)(t) = u(t) ⊛ η(a), a ∈ A, t ∈ K. The mapping D is a homomorphism from C(M ) ⊛ A into C(K) ⊛ B. The last algebra is naturally mapped into the tensor product of C ∗ -algebras C(K) ⊗ B, which is isomorphic to C(K) ⊙ B and to C(K, B): max C(K) ⊛ B → C(K) ⊗ B ∼ = (3.21) ∼ = C(K) ⊙ B ∼ = (5.33) ∼ = C(K, B). max This means that we can treat D as a morphism into the C ∗ -algebra C(K, B): D : C(M ) ⊛ A → C(K) ⊛ B → C(K) ⊗ B ∼ = C(K, B) = (5.33) ∼ = C(K) ⊙ B ∼ = (3.21) ∼ max Since σ : C(M ) ⊛ A → C is a continuous extension, the homomorphism D : C(M ) ⊛ A → C(K, B) can be uniquely extended to a homomorphism D′ : C → C(K, B): σ /C C(M ) ⊛ A ❏❏ ⑦ ❏❏ ⑦ ❏❏ ❏❏ ⑦ D′ D ❏$ ~⑦ C(K, B) (5.43) If we now freeze c ∈ C and vary K ⊂ M , then the arising continuous functions D′ (c) on K are coherent in the sense that they coinside on the intersections of their domains. As a corollary there is a continuous function ι′B (c) : M → B such that its restriction on each compact set K coincide with the corresponding function D′ (c): ι′ (c) K = D′ (c), K ⊂ M. In other words there is a mapping ι′B : C → C(M, B) (which by construction is a homomorphism of algebras), such that the following diagram (that specifies (5.43)) is commutative: σ /C C(M ) ⊛ A ❏❏ ④ ❏❏ ④ ❏❏ ④ ❏ ❏ ιB ❏❏ ④ ι′B ❏% }④ C(M, B) (5.44) D′ D ρK ' x  C(K, B) (here ρK is the mapping of restriction to K). Let now U be a C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero51 in A, that corresponds to the homomorphism η : A → B. Since σ is a dense epimorphism, the upper inner triangle in (5.44) can be added to the diagram σ /C C(M ) ⊛ A ▲▲ ① ▲▲▲ ① ① ▲▲▲ ① ▲ ▲▲▲ ϑU ① ϑ′U % |① C(M, A/U ) ιB ι′B ηU ⊘1M ( (5.45) x  C(M, B) where ηU : A/U → B is a morphism from (5.11), and ϑU (u ⊛ a)(t) = u(t) · πU (a), (ηU ⊘ 1M )(h)(t) = ηU (h(t)), 51 C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero were defined on page 115. u ∈ E(M ), a ∈ A, h ∈ E(M, A/U ), t ∈ M, t ∈ M. 130 From the definition of ϑU it follows immediatetly that if U ′ ⊆ U is another C ∗ -neighbourhood of zero, then ′ U ϑU = (κU ⊘ 1M ) · ϑU ′ , U ⊇ U ′, (5.46) ′ U where κU is the morphism from (5.12), and ′ ′ U U ⊘ 1M )(h)(t) = κU (h(t)), (κU h ∈ E(M, A/U ′ ), t ∈ M. The equality (5.46) is the left lower inner triangle in the diagram σ / C(M ) ⊛ A tC ❖❖❖ t t ❖❖❖ t tt ❖❖❖ tt ❖❖❖ t tt ❖❖' ϑU ′ ytt ϑ′U ′ ′ C(M, A/U ) ✤ ✤ ′ ϑ′U ϑU ✤ κUU ⊘1M ✤ ( w C(M, A/U ) At the same time the perimeter and the upper inner triangle here are variants of the upper inner triangle in (5.44), and besides this σ is an isomorphism. As a corollary, the remaining right lower inner triangle must be commutative as well. U′ This means that the morphisms ϑ′U : C → C(M, A/U ) form a projective cone of the system κU ⊘ 1M , and thus there is a morphism ϑ′ into the projective limit: σ / C(M ) ⊛ A sC ❖❖❖ s ❖❖❖ s ❖❖❖ s ❖❖❖ s s′ ❖❖❖ ϑ ❖' ys s ϑ lim C(M, A/U ′ ) ←− ′ 0←U ϑU κU ⊘1M ( ϑ′U  w C(M, A/U ) Let us note now the following chain: lim C(M, A/U ′ ) = lim (C(M ) ⊙ A/U ′ ) = [4, (2.53)] = C(M ) ⊙ lim A/U ′ = C(M, lim A/U ′ ) ←− ←− ′ ←− ′ ←− ′ 0←U ′ 0←U 0←U 0←U And let us put the last space into our diagram: σ / C(M ) ⊛ A sC ❖❖❖ s ❖❖❖ s ❖❖❖ s s ❖❖❖ s ❖❖❖ s ϑ′ ϑ ❖' ys C(M, lim A/U ′ ) ←− ′ 0←U ϑU κU ⊘1M ( ϑ′U w  C(M, A/U ) Recall again that σ is a dense epimorphism. This implies that the arrow ϑ′ can be lifted to an arrow υ with the values in the space C(M, Im π) of functions, which have images in the image of the mapping π : A → lim A/U ′ , ←− 0←U ′ or, what is the same, in the immediate subspace, generated by the set of values of the mapping π. This space coincide with A, since A is a continuous algebra: Im π ∼ = EnvC A ∼ =A § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 131 We obtain the following diagram σ / C(M ) ⊛ A qC PPP q PPP q PPP qq PPP q ι PPP xq q υ ( C(M, A) ϑ im π⊘1M ϑ′ v  ) C(M, lim A/U ′ ) ←− ′ 0←U where π is the morphism from (5.14). (c) C(M) as a continuous envelope of its subalgebras Let us call a continuous mapping of topological spaces ε : X → Y a covering, if each compact set T ⊆ Y is contained in the image of some compact set S ⊆ X. If the space Y is Hausdorff, then this implies automatically that ε is surjective. If in addition ε is injective, then we call it an exact covering. In an exact covering ε : X → Y the space Y can be treated as a new, weaker topologization of X, which does not change the system of compact sets and the topology on each compact set. Theorem 5.23. Let A be an involutive stereotype subalgebra in the algebra C(M ) of continuous functions on a paracompact locally compact space M , i.e. there is a (continuous and unital) monomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras ι : A → C(M ). The continuous envelope of A coincides with C(M ) EnvC A = C(M ) (5.47) (i.e. ι is a continuous envelope of A), if and only if the dual mapping of spectra ιSpec : Spec(A) ← M is an exact covering. Proof. 1. First, we prove necessity. Suppose, (5.47) holds. Take a compact set T ⊆ Spec(A) and consider the mapping ϕT : A → C(T ) ϕT (a)(t) = t(a), t ∈ T, a ∈ A. This is an involutive homomorphism into a C ∗ -algebra, hence it can be extended to the envelope EnvC A = C(M ): ι / C(M ) A❀ ❀❀ ⑥ ❀❀ ⑥ ❀ ⑥π ϕT ❀❀  ~⑥ C(T ) where π is an involutive homomorphism. The dual mapping of spectra π Spec : Spec(C(T )) → Spec(C(M )) turns T = Spec(C(T )) into some compact set S ⊆ Spec(C(M )). After that the mapping of spectra ιSpec : Spec(A) ← Spec(C(M )) turns S exactly to the compact set T . This proves that ιSpec : Spec(A) ← Spec(C(M )) is a covering. Let us show that this mapping is injective. If this was not so, there would be two points s 6= s′ ∈ M that stick together under the mapping ιSpec : s ◦ σ = s′ ◦ σ = t ∈ Spec(A) In other words, the character t : A → C has two different extensions on C(M ): ι / C(M ) A✻ ✻✻ s ✻✻ t ✻✻ s′  z C But ι is a continuous extension, so the character t : A → C, being an involutive homomorphism into the C ∗ -algebra C, must have unique extension. 132 2. Now we prove sufficiency. Suppose ιSpec is an exact covering. Then the algebra A differs the points of M , and, since it contains the unit (and hence, all constants), by the Stone-Weierstrass theorem A must be dense in C(M ). Let us show that ι : A → C(M ) is a continuous extension. Suppose ϕ : A → B is a morphism of A into a C ∗ -algebra B. To construct a dotted arrow ϕ′ for the diagram (5.3), A✻ ✻✻ ✻✻ ϕ ✻✻  ι / C(M ) ϕ′ B it is sufficient to think that B is commutative and that ϕ(A) is dense in B (since we always can replace B by the closure ϕ(A) in B, which is acommutative subalgebra in B). Then from the commutativity of B it follows that B has the form C(T ), and from the density of ϕ(A) in B – that the compact set T is embedded (injectively) into Spec(A). By the premise of the theorem, ιSpec : Spec(A) ← M is a covering, hence T ⊆ Spec(A) is the image of a compact set K ⊆ M , K ∼ = T . Then the mapping ϕ is represented as a composition of the injection ι : A → C(M ) and the mapping πT : C(M ) → C(T ) of the restriction to the compact set T : ι / C(M ) A❀ ❀❀ ⑥ ❀❀ ⑥ ❀ ⑥ πT ϕ ❀❀  ~⑥ C(T ) We obtain that ϕ′ = πT . And the dotted arrow is unique since A is dense in C(M ). Let us check that ι : A → C(M ) is a maximal extension, i.e. if we take another extension σ : A → C, then there appears a morphism υ : C → C(M ), such that the following diagram is commutative: (5.48) A ✟ ❂❂❂ ✟ ❂❂ι σ ✟✟ ❂❂ ✟ ✟  ✟ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ / C C(M ) υ For each compact set T ⊆ M the homomorphism ιT : A → C(T ) ιT (a)(t) = t(a), t ∈ T ⊆ Spec(A) is uniquely extended to a homomorphism ι′T : A′ → C(T ) σ / A′ A❁ ❁❁ ✁ ❁❁ ✁ ✁ ′ ιT ❁❁  ✁ ιT C(T ) If T ⊆ S are two compact sets in M , then this diagram is added to a diagram σ / A′ A❋ ❋❋ ① ① ✘ ❋❋ ① ❋❋ ①′ ιS ❋❋ ① ιS ✔ ❋" {① ✏ C(S) ☛ ι′ ιT ✆ T S πT ⑦ "  ①{ C(T ) where πTS is the restriction to the compact T . The right lower triangle in this diagram means that the morphisms ι′T : A′ → C(T ) form a projective cone in the contravariant system πTS . Hence there is an arrow ι′ , such that § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 133 the right lower triangle is commutative in all diagrams σ / A′ A❋ ❋❋ ✇ ❋❋ ✇ ❋❋ ✇ ✇′ ι ❋❋❋ ✇ ι ❋# {✇ C(M ) ιT ι′T πT #  { C(T ) Since the perimeter and the left lower triangle in any such a diagram are commutative, we have πT ◦ ι′ ◦ σ = ι′T ◦ σ = ιT = πT ◦ ι. This is true for all T , thus we have ι′ ◦ σ = ι. A counterexample. Example 5.3. There is a dense involutive subalgebra A in C(R), such that the dual mapping of spectra ιSpec : Spec(A) ← M is a bijection, but the continuous envelope of A does not coincide with C(R): Spec(A) = M, EnvC A 6= C(R) Proof. This is the algebra A of continuous functions on R, which have the limit in the infinity that coincides with the value in some point, for example in zero: u∈A ⇐⇒ u ∈ C(R) & lim u(t) = u(0). t→∞ The algebra A is involutive, it contains constants and separates the points of R, hence it is dense in C(R). We endow A with the topology of uniform convergence on the whole line R. Obvioulsy, the spectrum of A is the line R with the new topology, where the basis neighbourhoods of the point 0 are the sets of the form (−∞, A) ∪ (a, b) ∪ (B, +∞) where A < a < 0 < b < B are numbers in R (and the basis neighbourhoods of other points don’t change). It is convenient to perceive this topology as the one induced on R by the embedding of R into the figure resembling in its shape the number 8, and that is why we denote it by 8 (in this embedding the ends of the line R incurve and approach to the point 0 ∈ R). Certainly, the spectrum of A is homeomorphic to 8, Spec A ∼ = 8, and the algebra A is isomorphic (as a stereotype algebra) to the algebra C(8) (of continuous functions on the compact space 8). Therefore the continuous envelope of A coincides with A, and is not isomorphic C(R): EnvC A ∼ 6 C(R). =A∼ = C(8) ∼ = The continuous envelope of the algebra Trig(G) = k(G) for a compact group G. By [32, (30.30)], Spec(Trig(G)) = G. Together with the Theorem 5.23 this gives the following result: Theorem 5.24. The continuous envelope of the algebra Trig(G) = k(G) on a compact group G coincides with the algebra C(G) of continuous functions on G: EnvC Trig(G) = C(G). (5.49) 134 (d) Continuous envelopes of group algebras Fourier transform on a commutative locally compact group. Let C be a commutative locally compact group. Recall the algebra C(C) of continuous functions and the algebra C ⋆ (C) of measures with compact support on C, which we were talking about in 68. The formula b value of the function FC (α) ∈ C(C) b in the point χ ∈ C ↓ z }| { FC (α)(χ) = α(χ) | {z } b (χ ∈ C, α ∈ C ⋆ (C)) (5.50) ↑ action of the functional α ∈ C ⋆ (C) b ⊆ C(C) at the function χ ∈ C defines a mapping b FC : C ⋆ (C) → C(C) which is a homomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras, and is called the Fourier transform on the group C. In [41, Theorem 2.11] (see also [4]) the following result is proved: Proposition 5.25. The Fourier transform on a commutative locally compact group C is a continuous envelope of the group algebra C ⋆ (C). As a corollary, b EnvC C ⋆ (C) = C(C). (5.51) The continuous envelope of the group algebra of a compact group. Proposition 5.26. For a compact group K the continuous envelope of its group algebra C ⋆ (K) is the Cartesian b and Xπ is the space of the representation product of the algebras B(Xπ ), where π runs over the dual object K, π: Y EnvC C ⋆ (K) = B(Xπ ). (5.52) b π∈K Q Proof. 1. Let us prove that the mapping P = π∈Kb π : C ⋆ (K) → π∈K b B(Xπ ) is a continuous extension. Note first that P is a dense epimorphism (this follows from the definition of the direct product). Further, suppose ψ : C ⋆ (K) → B is an involutive homomorphism into a C ∗ -algebra B. Consider an inclusion of C ∗ -algebras η : B → B(X). The composition ψ = η ◦ ϕ generates a norm-continuous representation ρ = ψ ◦ δ : K → B(X), which by Theorem 3.36 can be decomposed into a direct sum of unitary continuous representations, of which only finite number are not equivalent to each other. This means, in particular, that there exists a finite set b such that ψ can be represented as a composition ψ ′ ◦ PM , where PM is the natural projection of C ⋆ (K) M ⊆K Q into the direct product π∈M B(Xπ ). This in its turn Qimplies that the homomorphism ϕ vanishes on the kernel of PM : Ker PM ⊆ Ker ϕ. In addition, the algebra π∈M B(Xπ ) is finite dimensional and isomorphic to the quotient algebra C ⋆ (K)/ Ker PM . Hence ϕ is representable as a composition ϕ′ ◦ PM , and we obtain the diagram Q C ⋆ (K) ❆❆ ❆❆ ❆❆ ϕ ❆❆ ❆ PM Q / π∈M B {✇ ✇ ✇ ✇ ϕ′ ✖ ✏ ψ ⑧ η %  x ✈ B(X) ✠ ψ′ It implies the diagram C ⋆ (K) ❉❉ ❉❉ ❉❉ ❉ PM ❉❉❉ ❉ Q" ϕ P π∈M &  w q B Q / ✈ z✈ B(Xπ ) ϕ′ B(Xπ ) ✈ ✈Q ✇ b π∈K ✓ M ✍ ✞ ⑧ ϕ′′ B(Xπ ) § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 135 where QM is the natural projection of the direct Q product into its subproduct. 2. Further we prove that P : C ⋆ (K) → π∈Kb B(Xπ ) is a continuous envelope. Suppose Q : C ⋆ (K) → A b there is a (unique) morphism ασ : A → is another continuous extension. Then for each representation σ ∈ K e generates a morphism B(Xσ ) such that ϕσ = ασ ◦ Q. The family of morphisms {ασ : A → B(Xσ ); σ ∈ K} Q b υ : A → π∈Kb B(Xπ ) such that ασ = ισ ◦ υ for each σ ∈ K. We obtain a diagram C ⋆ (K) ϕσ P  Q B(Xσ ) A c❋❋ ❋❋ ι ☎☎ ☎ ❋❋σ ☎α ❋❋ ☎ σ ☎ ❋❋  ☎☎ Q  / B(Xπ ) A υ b π∈K where the inner little triangles are commutative due to the properties of the mappings P , Q, υ. As a corollary, ισ ◦ υ ◦ Q = ασ ◦ Q = ϕσ = ισ ◦ P, and since this is true for any σ, we have υ ◦ Q = P, i.e. in this diagram the perimeter is also commutative. The uniqueness of the morphism υ follows from the uniqueness of ασ . The continuous envelope of the group algebra of the group C × K. Let C be an Abelian locally compact group, and K a compact group (not necessarily Abelian). Q b Proposition 5.27. the continuous envelope of the group algebra C ⋆ (C × K) is the algebra C(C, b B(Xσ )) σ∈K b into the Cartesian product of the algebras B(Xσ ), of continuous mappings from the Pontryagin dual group C b and Xσ is the space of the representation σ: where σ runs over the dual object K,  Y  Y Y  b b B(Xσ ) = C(C) b ⊙ EnvC C ⋆ (C × K) = C C, B(Xσ ) = C C, B(Xσ ) = EnvC C ⋆ (C) ⊙ EnvC C ⋆ (K). b σ∈K b σ∈K b σ∈K (5.53) Proof. The first equality is proved by the chain     EnvC C ⋆ (C × K) = EnvC C ⋆ (C) ⊛ C ⋆ (K) = [4, (1.129)] = EnvC EnvC C ⋆ (C) ⊛ EnvC C ⋆ (K) = (5.51) =     Y Y C Y b b ⊛ b ⊛ = EnvC C(C) B(Xσ ) B(Xσ ) = (5.18) = C(C) B(Xσ ) = (5.35) = C C, b σ∈K b σ∈K b σ∈K The second one in (5.53) is obvious, the third one follows from [2, Theorem 8.1], and the last one from (5.51) and (5.52). The continuous evelope of the group algebra of a discrete group. For a discrete group D its group algebra is the algebra of functions on D with a finite support: C ⋆ (D) = CD = {α = {αx , x ∈ D} : card{x ∈ D : αx 6= 0} < ∞}. The convolution on CD is defined by its action on delta-functionals (3.73). Note that each C ∗ -seminorm p on CD turn the unit either into zero, or into unit: p(δ e ) = p(δ e ∗ δ e ) = p(δ e ∗ (δ e )• ) = p(δ e )2 =⇒ p(δ e ) = 0 ∨ p(δ e ) = 1. In the first case p turns any element into zero (since p is always submultiplicative). Hence if p 6= 0, then p(δ e ) = 1. Moreover, in this case each delta functional is turned into unit: −1 1 = p(δ e ) = p(δ a ∗ δ a ) = p(δ a ∗ (δ a )• ) = p(δ a )2 =⇒ p(δ a ) = 1. 136 This implies that each C ∗ -seminorm p on CD is subordinated to the ℓ1 -norm: α ∈ CD , p(α) 6 kαk1 , since p(α) = p X x∈D (5.54)  X X |αx | · p(δ x ) 6 αx · δ x 6 |αx | · 1 = kαk1 . x∈D x∈D From (5.54) it follows that for each α ∈ CD there exists the supremum by all C ∗ -seminorms kαk• = sup p∈P(CD ) p(α) 6 kαk1 . (5.55) This is a C ∗ -seminorm on CD , since 2 kα ∗ α• k• = sup kπ(α ∗ α• )k = sup kπ(α) ∗ π(α)• k = sup kπ(α)k = sup kπ(α)k b π∈G b π∈G b π∈G b π∈G 2 2 = kαk• . Moreover, this is a norm on CD , since if α 6= 0, then in the left regular representation π : D → B(L2 (D)) it turns into a nonzero element, which is separated from the zero by the norm in B(L2 (D)), and this norm defines the C ∗ -seminorm on CD . The completion of the algebra CD with respect to this norm coincides with the completion of ℓ1 (D) with respect to this norm, and is called the group C ∗ -algebra of the group G and is denoted by C ∗ (D) [20]. Proposition 5.28. For a discrete group D the continuous envelope of its group algebra C ⋆ (D) = CD is the group C ∗ -algebra C ∗ (D): EnvC CD = C ∗ (D). Proof. Let ρ : CD → C ∗ (D) be the mapping of completion with respect to the norm k·k• . Let us show that it is a continuous extension. Suppose ϕ : CD → B is an involutive homomorphism into a C ∗ -algebra B. To complete the diagram ρ / C ∗ (D) (5.56) CD✾ ✾✾ ⑧ ✾✾ ⑧ ϕ ✾✾ ⑧ ′  ⑧ ϕ B it is sufficient to assume that ϕ has dense image in B. Then one can treat B as the completion of the algebra CD with respect to a C ∗ -seminorm p (after taking the quotient by the kernel of this norm). But p, being a C ∗ -seminorm, must be subordinated to the norm k·k• . Hence Ker k·k• ⊆ Ker p. This implies that ϕ can be represented as a composition CD → CD / Ker k·k• → B. This representation gives (5.56). Now let us prove that ρ : CD → C ∗ (D) is a continuous envelope. Suppose σ : CD → A is another continuous extension. Then, since ρ : CD → C ∗ (D) is a homomorphism into a C ∗ -algebra, it can be factored through σ: σ CD ❆ ❆❆ ❆❆ ❆ ρ ❆❆  C ∗ (D) /A υ The continuous envelope of the group algebra of a SIN-group. Recall that the SIN-groups were defined on page 75. According to Theorem 3.28, each SIN-group G is a SIN-group is a discrete extension of a group Rn × K, where n ∈ Z+ , and K is a compact group: 1 → Rn × K = N → G → D → 1 (D is a discrete group). We denote by P(G) the set of all continuous C ∗ -seminorms on a group algebra C ⋆ (G) of a group G. Certainly, the group algebra C ⋆ (N ) is embedded into the group algebra C ⋆ (G). We denote this embedding by θ : C ⋆ (N ) → C ⋆ (G). Properties of the seminorms extensions:52 52 See Errata on page 207. § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 137 1◦ . Each seminorm p ∈ P(N ) can be extended to a seminorm q ∈ P(G). θ / C ⋆ (G) C ⋆ (N ) ❅❅ ⑦ ❅❅ ⑦ ❅ ❅ ⑦ p ❅ ⑦ q R+ 2◦ . For each seminorm p ∈ P(N ) the supremum of all these extensions pmax (α) = sup q(α) q∈P(G): q|C⋆ (N ) =p (is finite and) is a continuous C ∗ -seminorm on C ⋆ (G); 3◦ . If p ∈ P(N ), q ∈ P(G), and q C ⋆ (N ) 6 p, then q 6 pmax . 4◦ . For each p1 , ..., pn ∈ P(N ) max{pmax , ..., pmax 1 n } 6  max{p1 , ..., pn } max . (5.57) Proof. These propositions belong to Yu. N. Kuznetsova, and we give the proofs from [41]. 1. Suppose p : C ⋆ (N ) → R+ is a continuous C ∗ -seminorm. It is the norm of some norm-continuous representation π : C ⋆ (N ) → L(X), p(α) = kπ̇(α)k . By Theorem 3.38, the induced representation Ṫ : C ⋆ (G) → L(L2 (D, X)) is also norm-continuous. Hence, the norm β ∈ C ⋆ (G), q(β) = Ṫ (β) , is continuous on C ⋆ (G). And it extends p. 2. Put D = G/N . For each coset R ∈ D = G/N we denote by ηR its characteristic function on G ( 1, s ∈ R ηR (s) = , 0, s ∈ /R Since N is open in G, ηR ∈ C(G). Besides this, in the notation of (3.60) we have: ηtN = ηN · t−1 = t−1 · ηN , t ∈ G. Foe each measure α ∈ C ⋆ (G) we denote by αR its “restriction” to R: αR (u) = α(ηR · u), u ∈ C(G). The chain −1 (δ t ∗ αtN )(u) = (t−1 · αtN )(u) = (t−1 · αtN )(u) = αtN (u · t−1 ) = α(ηtN · (u · t−1 )) = = α((ηN · t−1 ) · (u · t−1 )) = α((ηN · u) · t−1 ) = (t−1 · α)(ηN · u) = (t−1 · α)N (u) −1 implies δ t ∗ αtN = (t−1 · α)N , and then −1 supp(δ t ∗ αtN ) ⊆ N Let us assign to each coset R ∈ G/N a representative tR ∈ R. Then tR N = R. Now for a given seminorm p ∈ P(N ) we consider the number  X  −1 p δ tR · αR . Q(α) = R∈G/N The sum in the right side is finite, since α ∈ C ⋆ (G) has compact support, and therefore among the shifts t−1 R ·α by the elements of cosets tR ∈ R ∈ G/N , where N is an open subgroup, only finite number have the support that intersects with N : card{R ∈ G/N : (t−1 R · α)N 6= 0} < ∞ 138 Thus, Q(α) ∈ R+ for each α ∈ C ⋆ (G), and we obtain that Q is a seminorm on C ⋆ (G). On the other hand, for each measure α ∈ C ⋆ (G) with the support in some coset, supp α ⊆ S ∈ G/N, we have X Q(α) = R∈G/N       −1 −1 = p t · α . = p (t · α) p (t−1 · α) N N S S R This implies that the mapping Q is continuous on each coset C ⋆ (R), since it is the composition of a shift ⋆ α 7→ t−1 R · α and a continuous mapping p. On the other hand, C (G), as a locally convex space, is a direct sum of the spaces C ⋆ (R), R ∈ G/N , hence Q : C ⋆ (G) → R+ is a continuous seminorm (not necessarily a C ∗ -seminorm). Note that for a given seminorm q ∈ P(G) and for each unitary element υ ∈ C ⋆ (G) we have q(υ ∗ α) = q(α). −1 In particular, q((δ t ∗ αR )) = q(αR ). If in addition q|C ⋆ (N ) = p, then     X  −1 X  −1 X X p δ t ∗ αR = Q(α) q δ t ∗ αR = q(αR ) = αR  6 q(α) = q  R∈G/N R∈G/N R∈G/N R∈G/N We can conclude that each continuous C ∗ -extension q of the seminorm p from C ⋆ (N ) to C ⋆ (G) is subordinated to Q. This means that the supremum of all such extensions is also subordinated to Q, pmax (α) = sup q(α) 6 Q(α) q∈P(G): q|C⋆ (N ) =p and Q here is a continuous seminorm. Thus pmax is a continuous seminorm on C ⋆ (G). Obviously, it is a C ∗ -seminorm. 3. Put r = max{q, pmax }. Clearly, r ∈ P(G), and r = max{q, pmax} > pmax . On the other hand, r|C ⋆ (N ) = p, and, by the already proven property (ii), r 6 pmax . We obtain that r = max{q, pmax} = pmax , hence q 6 pmax . 4. Take p1 , ..., pn ∈ P(N ), and put p = max{p1 , ..., pn }, q = max{pmax , ..., pmax 1 n }. Then and, by 3◦ , q 6 pmax . q|C ⋆ (N ) = max{pmax , ..., pmax 1 n }|C ⋆ (N ) = max{p1 , ..., pn } = p Consider the natural isomorphism of algebras [2, Theorem 8.4] C ⋆ (Rn ) ⊛ C ⋆ (K) ∼ = C ⋆ (Rn × K). b the formula For each character χ : Rn → C× and for each representation σ ∈ K pχ,σ (α ⊛ β) = |α(χ)| · kσ̇(β)k , α ∈ C ⋆ (Rn ), β ∈ C ⋆ (K) uniquely defines a C ∗ -seminorm pχ,σ : C ⋆ (Rn × K) → R+ . cn ∼ If now T is a compact set of characters on Rn (i.e. a compact set in the Pontryagin dual group R = Rn ), ∗ then a C -seminorm is defined pT,σ (η) = sup pχ,σ (η), χ∈T η ∈ C ⋆ (Rn × K). By the property 2◦ on page 137, it generates a seminorm ⋆ pmax T,σ : C (G) → R+ . And from the property 3◦ we have § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY Lemma 5.29. 53 139 For each SIN-group G the seminorms of the form pT,S = max pmax T,σ , (5.58) σ∈S ∼ Rn , form a cn = b and T over the system compact subsets in R where S runs over the system of finite subsets in K, ∗ ⋆ cofinal system among all C -seminorms on C (G), and the quotient algebras by these seminorms have the form Y C ⋆ (G)/ max pmax C ⋆ (G)/pmax (5.59) T,σ = T,σ . σ∈S σ∈S Proof. The first part if this proposition (the claim that pT,S form a cofinal system among all C ∗ -seminorms on C ⋆ (G)) follows from Property 3◦ (on page 137), so we only need to prove the equality (5.59). Take a seminorm pT,S and consider the quotient map εT,S : C ⋆ (G) → C ⋆ (G)/pT,S . Since C ⋆ (G)/pT,S is a C ∗ -algebra, it can be embedded (as a C ∗ -algebra) into an algebra of the form B(X), where X is a Hilbert space. Let ρ : C ⋆ (G)/pT,S → B(X) be such an embedding. Consider the composition π̇ C ⋆ (G) εT ,S C / ⋆ (G)/pT,S * / B(X) ρ By Property 3◦ on page 74 the space X is decomposed into a Hilbert sum (3.97), X= Ṁ Xσ , b σ∈K and the intertwinner between the representations π̇ and π̇σ (where π̇σ is defined in (3.94)), is the operator Φσ : X → Xσ defined by the formula (3.100): Z tr σ(s−1 ) · π̇(δ s ) · µK (d s) = π̇(νσ ) Φσ = dim Xσ · K (νσ is defined in (3.89)). ⋆ ⋆ Note that since the seminorm pmax T,S coincides with the seminorm pT,S on the subalgebra C (K) ⊆ C (G), these seminorms coincide on the measures νσ ∈ C ⋆ (K): b σ ∈ K. pmax T,S (νσ ) = pT,S (νσ ), This implies that for τ ∈ /S (5.60) pmax T,S (ντ ) = pT,S (ντ ) = 0, hence τ∈ / S. π̇(ντ ) = 0, As a corollary, all the spaces Xτ with the indices τ not lying in S, vanish, τ∈ / S, Xτ = 0 and X= Ṁ Xσ . σ∈S We see that the homomorphism π̇ : C ⋆ (G) → B(X) can be lifted to a homomorphism M π̇ : C ⋆ (G) → B(Xσ ). σ∈S We need to verify that its (closed) image coincides with the direct sum of the (closed) images of the homomorphisms π̇σ :    M  π̇ C ⋆ (G) = π̇σ C ⋆ (G) σ∈S 53 See Errata on page 207. 140 The direct inclusion is obvious   M   π̇ C ⋆ (G) ⊆ π̇σ C ⋆ (G) , σ∈S and we need to prove the reverse one:    M  π̇ C ⋆ (G) ⊇ π̇σ C ⋆ (G) . σ∈S Take the element M b∈ σ∈S and denote by bσ its component in B(Xσ ):   π̇σ C ⋆ (G) . b= X bσ . σ∈S Take ε > 0. Let n = card S be the cardinality of the (finite) set S. For each σ ∈ S there exists a measure ασ ∈ C ⋆ (G) such that ε pT,σ (bσ − π̇σ (ασ )) < . (5.61) n Let us take such a family {ασ ; σ ∈ S} and put X α= νσ ∗ ασ . σ∈S Then X ντ ∗ α = σ∈S and therefore pT,S (b − π̇(α)) = pT,S ( = pT,S ( X σ∈S = pT,S X σ∈S bσ − X bσ − π̇( X σ∈S σ∈S X σ∈S ντ ∗ νσ ∗ ασ = (3.91) = ντ ∗ ατ , νσ ∗ α)) = pT,S ( π̇(νσ ∗ ασ )) = pT,S X σ∈S X σ∈S bσ − bσ − X σ∈S X σ∈S τ ∈ S, (5.62) π̇(νσ ∗ α)) = (5.62) = X   π̇σ (ασ ) = pT,S (bσ − π̇σ (ασ ) = σ∈S   X    X bσ − π̇σ (ασ ) 6 pT,S bσ − π̇σ (ασ ) = pT,σ bσ − π̇σ (ασ ) = σ∈S = X σ∈S σ∈S   Xε = ε. pT,σ b − π̇σ (ασ ) < (5.61) < n σ∈S Proposition 5.30. 54 For each representation (3.102) of a SIN-group G as the discrete extension of some group Rn × K the continuous envelope of the group algebra C ⋆ (G) as a stereotype algebra is a direct product Y EnvC C ⋆ (G) = Cσ⋆ (G), (5.63) b σ∈K where the factors Cσ⋆ (G) = lim C ⋆ (G)/pmax T,σ ←− n c T ⊆R are Fréchet algebras. Proof. Note first that the product in the right side of (5.63) coincides with the Kuznetsova envelope (see [4]), i.e. with the projective product of the system of C ∗ -quotient mappings: lim C ⋆ (G)/p = (Lemma 5.29) = lim lim C ⋆ (G)/pT,S = (5.58) = lim lim C ⋆ (G)/ max pmax T,σ = ←− ←− ←− ←− ←− σ∈S p∈P(G) = (5.59) = lim lim ←− ←− Y n S⊆K b σ∈S c T ⊆R 54 See Errata on page 207. C ⋆ b n S⊆K c T ⊆R (G)/pmax T,σ = lim ←− Y n c b T ⊆R σ∈K C ⋆ (G)/pmax T,σ = Y b n S⊆K c T ⊆R lim C ⋆ (G)/pmax T,σ = ←− n c b T ⊆R σ∈K Y b σ∈K Cσ⋆ (G) (5.64) § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 141 cn has a countable cofinal subsystem Tk , hence each factor Apart from this the system of compact sets T ⊆ R Cσ⋆ (G) = lim C ⋆ (G)/pmax lim C ⋆ (G)/pmax Tk ,σ T,σ = ← ←− − ∞←k n c T ⊆R is in fact a countable projective limit of Banach algebras, and therefore a Fréchet algebra. Note finally that under each projection C ⋆ (G) → Cσ⋆ (G) the (set-theoretic) image of the space C ⋆ (G) is dense Q ⋆ ⋆ in Cσ (G). This implies that the image of C (G) in the product σ∈Kb Cσ⋆ (G). Therefore the continuous Q is dense ⋆ ⋆ envelope of the algebra C (G) coincide with σ∈Kb Cσ (G) (see [4, (3.62)]). Proposition 5.31. 55 For SIN-groups G the envelope of the group algebra C ⋆ (G) coincides with the Kuznetsova envelope, i.e. with the projective limit of its C ∗ -quotient algebras in the category of locally convex spaces (and in the category of topological algebras): EnvC C ⋆ (G) = LCS- lim ←−⋆ p∈P(C (G)) C ⋆ (G)/p (5.65) Proof. The chain (5.64) holds in the category of locally convex spaces, and the factor in the end Cσ⋆ (G) = lim C ⋆ (G)/pmax T,σ , being a projective limit of a sequence of Banach spaces, is a Fréchet space, hence a stereotype ←− n c T ⊆R space. Therefore, nothing is changed after replacing the category LCS with the category Ste. Proposition 5.32. 56 The continuous envelope EnvC (θ) : EnvC (C ⋆ (N )) → EnvC (C ⋆ (G)) of a morphism θ : C ⋆ (N ) → C ⋆ (G) is an open and closed mapping of stereotype spaces (in the sence of [4]). Proof. The openness follows from the property 1◦ on page 137. After that we have to note that this mapping turns each component Cσ⋆ (N ) into the component Cσ⋆ (G), and this is an open mapping of Fréchet spaces. This implies the closedness of this map and the closedness of the whole EnvC (θ). The continuous envelopes of the group algebra of distributions E ⋆ (G). If G is a Lie group, then (apart from the group algebra C ⋆ (G) of measures with compact support) we can consider the group algebra E ⋆ (G) of dictributions with compact support on G (see [2]). If we denote the natural inclusion E(G) ⊆ C(G) by some symbol, say, by λ, we obtain the following diagram: λ⋆ C ⋆ (G) / E ⋆ (G) envC C ⋆ (G) (5.66) envC E ⋆ (G)  EnvC C ⋆ (G) EnvC (λ⋆ )  / EnvC E ⋆ (G) Theorem 5.33. For each real Lie group G the continuous envelopes of group algebras C ⋆ (G) and E ⋆ (G) coincide: EnvC C ⋆ (G) = EnvC E ⋆ (G). (5.67) Proof. Consider the composition λ⋆ C ⋆ (G) / E ⋆ (G) envC E ⋆ (G) / EnvC E ⋆ (G) and let us verify that it is a continuous extension of the algebra C ⋆ (G). Indeed, if ϕ : C ⋆ (G) → B is a morphism into a C ∗ -algebra B, then it generates a (norm) continuous representation π = ϕ ◦ δ : G → B, which due to Example 3.17, is smooth, and therefore can be extended to some homomorphism ϕ′ = π̈ : E ⋆ (G) → B. This homomorphism π̈ extends ϕ, since they coincide on delta-functionals δ x , x ∈ G, which are total in C ⋆ (G) and in E ⋆ (G). The homomorphism ϕ′ can be uniquely extended to a homomorphism ϕ′′ on the algebra EnvC E ⋆ (G) (which is a continuous extension of E ⋆ (G)): λ⋆ C ⋆ (G) ϕ 55 See 56 See Errata on page 207. Errata on page 207. ⋆ / E ⋆ (G) envC E (G)/ EnvC E ⋆ (G) ✤ ✄ ✤ ⑥ ′ ✤ ϕ =π̈ ✈ q ′′ ✤ ❧  ϕ -Bq ❞ ❤ 142 This proves that EnvC E ⋆ (G) is a continuous extension of the algebra C ⋆ (G). Hence, there exists a unique morphism υ from EnvC E ⋆ (G) into the continuous envelope of C ⋆ (G) such that the following diagram is commutative: C ⋆ (G) λ⋆ envC C ⋆ (G)◦λ⋆   υ EnvC C ⋆ (G) o❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ EnvC E ⋆ (G) From the fact that C ⋆ (G) is dense in EnvC C ⋆ (G) and in EnvC E ⋆ (G), it follows that υ is the inverse mrophism for EnvC (λ⋆ ) from (5.66). (e) The algebra K(G) For each locally compact group G its group algebra of measures C ⋆ (G) is an involutive Hopf algebra with respect to the stereotype tensor product ⊛. By Theorems 5.14 and 5.15, its continuous envelope EnvC C ⋆ (G) is a coalgebra with the interconsistent antipode and involution on the categories C-Alg of continuous algebras and in the category (Ste, ⊙) of stereotype spaces. Denote by K(G) the stereotype dual space to the space EnvC C ⋆ (G):  ⋆ (5.68) K(G) := EnvC C ⋆ (G) . This is the dual space to a coalgebra in (Ste, ⊙) with interconsistent antipode and involution, hence by Property 4◦ on page 55, the following theorem is true: Theorem 5.34. For each locally compact group G the space K(G) is an algebra in the category (Ste, ⊛) (i.a. a stereotype algebra) with the interconsistent antipode and involution. By Theorem 5.15(ii) the morphism envC C ⋆ (G) ⋆ : K(G) =  ⋆ EnvC C ⋆ (G) → C ⋆ (G)⋆ = C(G), (5.69) dual to the morphism of envelope, is an involutive homomorphism of algebras: env⋆C 1 = 1, env⋆C u = env⋆C u, env⋆C (u · v) = env⋆C (u) · env⋆C (v), u, v ∈ K(G) (5.70) Let us show that it has trivial kernel. Indeed, the group G is embeded into the algebra EnvC C ⋆ (G) as a composition of the delta-mapping and the envelope δ G −→ C ⋆ (G) envC C ⋆ (G) −→ EnvC C ⋆ (G). The image of G is total57 in C ⋆ (G) (by [2, Lemma 8.2]), and the image of C ⋆ (G) is dense in EnvC C ⋆ (G). Hence  ⋆ the image of G is total in EnvC C ⋆ (G). This implies that each element u ∈ K(G) := EnvC C ⋆ (G) is uniquely defined by the composition u ◦ envC C ⋆ (G) ◦ δ : G → C, which can be treated as the restriction of u on G. In particular, if this composition vanishes in C(G), then u = 0 in K(G). The important for us conclusion is that K(G) can be perceived as an involutive subalgebra in C(G): ⋆ Theorem 5.35. The mapping u 7→ u◦envC C ⋆ (G)◦δ coincides with the mapping envC C ⋆ (G) , dual to envC C ⋆ (G): ⋆ envC C ⋆ (G) (u) = u ◦ envC C ⋆ (G) ◦ δ (5.71) and injectively and homomorphically embeds K(G) into C(G) as an involutive subalgebra (and therefore the operations of summing, multiplication and involution on K(G) are pointwise). Theorem 5.36. The algebra K(G) as a stereotype space can be represented as the nodal coimage (in the category of stereotype spaces) K(G) = Coim∞ ϕ⋆ (5.72) of the mapping ϕ⋆ , dual to the natural morphism of stereotype spaces ϕ : C ⋆ (G) → 57 Definition on page 7. lim ←−⋆ p∈P(C (G)) C ⋆ (G)/p. § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 143 Proof. Consider the diagram (5.16) for A = C ⋆ (G) ϕ= lim ρp ← − p∈P(C ⋆ (G)) ⋆ C (G) lim ←−⋆ / p∈P(C (G)) coim∞ ϕ C ⋆ (G)/p O im∞ ϕ  Coim∞ ϕ EnvC C ⋆ (G) / Im∞ ϕ red∞ ϕ The dual diagram is ϕ⋆ C(G) o O im∞ ϕ⋆ Im∞ ϕ⋆ o  lim ←−⋆ p∈P(C (G)) C ⋆ (G)/p coim∞ ϕ⋆ ⋆ lim −→⋆ p∈P(C (G))  Coim∞ ϕ⋆ red∞ ϕ⋆  C ⋆ (G)/p ⋆ (5.73) K(G) Let us recall spaces Trig(G) and k(G), defined on pages 78 and 78. Theorem 5.37. 58 The following chain of set-theoretic inclusions hold, Trig(G) ⊆ k(G) ⊆ K(G) ⊆ C(G). (5.74) Therewith, (i) always Trig(G) = K(G), (5.75) k(G) = K(G) (5.76) Trig(G) = k(G) = K(G) = C(G). (5.77) Trig(G) = k(G) = K(G) (5.78) (ii) if G is a SIN-group, then and (iii) if G is a compact group, then Proof. 1. In the chain (5.74) the first inclusion is obvious, and the third one we already noticed in Theorem 5.35. Let us prove the second one: k(G) ⊆ K(G). Take u ∈ k(G), i.e. a function satisfying (3.109), where π : G → B(X) is a norm continuous unitary representation. By Theorem 3.35 π generates a (continuous) homomorphism of involutive algebras ψ : C ⋆ (G) → B(X). Here B(X) is a C ∗ -algebra, therefore ψ has an extension ψ ′ : EnvC C ⋆ (G) → B(X). Consider the functional f (β) = hψ ′ (β)x, yi, β ∈ EnvC C ⋆ (G) on K⋆ (G). It generates a function on G, coinciding with u: δ envC C ⋆ (G) / C ⋆ (G) / EnvC C ⋆ (G) G ▼▼ ✤ ▼▼▼ ♠ ✎ ▼▼▼ ♠♠ ✤ ✌ ♠ ▼▼▼ ψ ✤ ✡ ♠ ♠′ π ▼▼▼ ♠ ψ ▼▼▼ ✤ ♠ ✟ &  v♠ ♠ ✆ ✂ B(X) ⑧ ④ u ① f ✈ qs ♦ (  u❦ ♠ C 58 See Errata on page 207. 144 This means that u ∈ K(G). 2. Let us show that Trig(G) is dense in K(G). Each algebra C ⋆ (G)/p can be isometrically embedded into an algebra of the form B(X): C ⋆ (G)/p → B(X). Note that, first, by the Hahn-Banach theorem each functional f ∈ (C ⋆ (G)/p)⋆ can be extended to some functional g ∈ B(X)⋆ , and, second, each functional g ∈ B(X)⋆ can be approximated in B(X)⋆ by linear combinations of pure states, i.e. (Example 3.18) by functions from Trig(G). This means that in the dual mapping (C ⋆ (G)/p)⋆ ← B(X)⋆ the functionals lying in Trig(G), turn into a dense subset in (C ⋆ (G)/p)⋆ . This is true for each seminorm p ∈ P(C ⋆ (G)), hence we obtain, that the functionals from  lim ←−⋆ p∈P(C (G)) C ⋆ (G)/p ⋆ = ⋆ = lim −→ ⋆  ⋆ C ⋆ (G)/p , lim −→ ⋆  ⋆ C ⋆ (G)/p . lim −→⋆  p∈P(C (G)) which generate functions in Trig(G), are dense in  lim ←−⋆ p∈P(C (G)) C ⋆ (G)/p p∈P(C (G)) On the other hand, in Diagram (5.73) it is seen that  lim ←− ⋆ p∈P(C (G)) C ⋆ (G)/p ⋆ = p∈P(C (G)) C ⋆ (G)/p ⋆ is densely mapped into K(G). Together this means that Trig(G) is dense in K(G). 3. Let G be a SIN-group. By Proposition 5.31, the mapping EnvC C ⋆ (G) coincides with the locally convex projective limit of the quotient algebras C ⋆ (G)/p: EnvC C ⋆ (G) = LCS- lim ←−⋆ p∈P(C (G)) C ⋆ (G)/p. This implies that the dual space is a locally convex injective limit of the spaces (C ⋆ (G)/p)⋆ K(G) = EnvC C ⋆ (G)⋆ = LCS- lim −→⋆ (C ⋆ (G)/p)⋆ . p∈P(C (G)) We obtain, that any function u ∈ K(G) is generated by some functional f ∈ (C ⋆ (G)/p)⋆ . But on the other hand, each such a functional is a linear combination of a finite set of states on a C ∗ -algebra [36, 4.3.7], hence u is a sum of positive definite functions. By Theorem 3.40 each positive definite function subordinated to a C ∗ -seminorm, lies in k(G). This proves (5.76). Further, if G is a SIN-group, then the algebra k(G) separates points of G. In addition it contains the unit, and hence, all constants. Thus, by the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, the restriction of k(G) on each compact K ⊆ G is dense in C(K). Therefore, k(G) = K(G) is dense in C(G). 4. Proposition (iii) follows from (ii) and from Theorem 3.41. The mapping K(G) ⊛ K(H) → K(G × H). Let G and H be two locally compact groups. To each pair of functions u ∈ C(G) and v ∈ C(H) we assign a function of the Cartesian product G × H: (u ⊡ v)(s, t) = u(s) · v(t), s ∈ G, t ∈ H. (5.79) As is known [4, Theorem 8.4], there is a unique linear continuous mapping ι : C(G) ⊙ C(H) → C(G × H) that satisfies the identity ι(u ⊙ v) = u ⊡ v, u ∈ C(G), v ∈ C(H). (ι is an isomorphism of stereotype algebras). Put ωG,H = ηK⋆ (G),K⋆ (H) ◦ EnvC (envC C ⋆ (G) ⊛ envC C ⋆ (H)) ◦ EnvC (ι⋆ ). (5.80) § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 145 The action of this mapping is illustrated by the following diagram: envC C ⋆ (G×H) C ⋆ (G × H) / EnvC C ⋆ (G × H) K⋆ (G × H) ✤ ✤ ✤ Env C (ι⋆ ) ι⋆ ✤ ✤  envC C ⋆ (G) ⊛ C ⋆ (H)  C ⋆ (G)⊛C ⋆ (G)  / EnvC C ⋆ (G) ⊛ C ⋆ (H) ✤  ✤ ωG,H ✤ ✤ envC C ⋆ (G)⊛envC C ⋆ (H) EnvC  EnvC C ⋆ (G) ⊛ EnvC C ⋆ (H)  Env C C ⋆ (G)⊛Env C C ⋆ (H) envC envC C ⋆ (G)⊛envC C ⋆ (H) ✤  ✤ ✤  EnvC (EnvC C ⋆ (G) ⊛ EnvC C ⋆ (H)) / ηK⋆ (G),K⋆ (H) ✤ /  K⋆ (G) ⊙ K⋆ (H) > C K⋆ (G) ⊛ K⋆ (H) @K⋆ (G),K⋆ (H) K⋆ (G) ⊛ K⋆ (H) Consider the dual mapping: ⋆ ωG,H K(G × H) o K(G) ⊛ K(H) Theorem 5.38. For each two locally compact groups G and H the following identity holds: ⋆ ωG,H (u ⊛ v) = u ⊡ v, u ∈ K(G), v ∈ K(H). (5.81) Proof. Consider the diagram C(G × H) O ⋆ envC C ⋆ (G×H) o EnvC C ⋆ (G × H) O ⋆ K(G × H) O✤ ✤ C(G) ⊙ C(H) O  o ⋆ ⋆ ✤ EnvC C ⋆ (G) ⊛ C ⋆ (H) EnvC ⋆ o envC EnvC ✤ C ⋆ (G)⊛C ⋆ (G) ⋆ (EnvC C (G)) ⊙ (EnvC C (H)) K(G) ⊙ K(H) envC ⋆ O envC C ⋆ (G)⊛envC C ⋆ (H) ⋆ ✤ EnvC (ι⋆ )⋆ ι C ⋆ (G)⊛Env m C ⋆ C ⋆ (H) envC C ⋆ (G)⊛envC C ⋆ (H) ⋆ ✤ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ωG,H ✤ ✤ ✤ ⋆ EnvC (EnvC C (G) ⊛ EnvC C (H)) ✤ ✤ ⋆ o η⋆ ⋆ K (G),K⋆ (H) ✤ K(G) ⊛ K(H) @K(G),K(H) When moving from the right lower corner to the left upper one, the elementary tensor u ⊛ v, on the one hand, follows the way u⊛v @ / u⊙v (envC C ⋆ (G)⊛envC C ⋆ (H))⋆ / u⊙v ι / u⊡v 146 and on the other, the way ⋆ ωG,H u⊛v / ω ⋆ (u ⊙ v) G,H envC C ⋆ (G×H) ⋆  / envC C ⋆ (G × H) ⋆ (ω ⋆ (u ⊙ v)) G,H Hence, ⋆ ⋆ envC C ⋆ (G × H) (ωG,H (u ⊙ v)) = u ⊡ v,  ⋆ and since by Theorem 5.35, envC C ⋆ (G × H) can be treated as a set-theoretic inclusion, we have ⋆ ωG,H (u ⊙ v) = u ⊡ v. Theorem 5.39. If A is an Abelian locally compact group, and K a compact group, then the mapping ωA,K : K(A) ⊛ K(K) → K(A × K) is an isomorphism: K(A × K) ∼ = K(A) ⊛ K(K) (5.82) Proof. This follows from (5.53): K(A × K) =  ⋆  ⋆ EnvC C ⋆ (A × K) ∼ = EnvC C ⋆ (A) ⊙ EnvC C ⋆ (K) ∼ = (5.53) ∼ =  ⋆  ⋆ ∼ = EnvC C ⋆ (A) ⊛ EnvC C ⋆ (K) ∼ = K(A) ⊛ K(K) The shift in K(G). Theorem 5.40. The shift (either left or right) by an arbitrary element a ∈ G is an isomorphism of the stereotype algebra K(G). Proof. We prove this for the operator of the left shift: take Ma : C ⋆ (G) → C ⋆ (G) Ma (α) = δ a ∗ α, α ∈ C ⋆ (G). Denote by ηa = envC (δ a ), and put Na : EnvC C ⋆ (G) → EnvC C ⋆ (G) Na (ω) = ηa ∗ ω, ω ∈ EnvC C ⋆ (G) (here ∗ is the multiplication in the algebra EnvC C ⋆ (G)). Then envC (Ma (α)) = envC (δ a ∗ α) = envC (δ a ) ∗ envC (α) = Na (envC (α)), i.e. the foolowing diagram is commutative: C ⋆ (G) envC / EnvC C ⋆ (G) envC  / EnvC C ⋆ (G) Ma (5.83) Na  C ⋆ (G) As a corollary, the dual diagram is commutative: C(G) o O env⋆ C Na⋆ Ma⋆ C(G) o K(G) O env⋆ C K(G) It implies, first, that Na⋆ is an operator of the left shift by the element a in the functional algebra K(G), since under the homomorphical injection env⋆C (described in Theorem 5.35) it turns into the operator Ma⋆ of the left shift by the element a ∈ G in the algebra C(G). And, second, Na⋆ is a homomorphism of algebras: § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 147     env⋆C Na⋆ (u · v) = Ma⋆ env⋆C (u · v) = (5.70) = Ma⋆ env⋆C (u) · env⋆C (v) = = Ma⋆ env⋆C (u) · Ma⋆ env⋆C (v) = env⋆C (Na⋆ u) · env⋆C (Na⋆ v) = (5.70) = env⋆C (Na⋆ u · Na⋆ v) and, since by Theorem 5.35, env⋆C is an injective map, Na⋆ (u · v) = Na⋆ u · Na⋆ v. (f) Continuous duality for Moore groups Recall that we defined Moore groups on page 76 as those for which all unitary irreducible representations π : G → L(X) are finite dimensional. By Theorem 3.29, every such a group is a SIN-group, therefore it has the representation (3.102), 1 → Rn × K = N → G → D → 1 where K is compact and D discrete. By Corollary 3.32 D is also a Moore group. ⋆ Density of the mapping ωG.H : K(G) ⊛ K(H) → K(G × H). Theorem 5.41. For each two Moore groups G and H the functions of the form u ⊡ v (definied in (5.79)), where u ∈ K(G) and v ∈ K(H), are dense in K(G × H). Proof. Consider a function w of the form (3.109) on the group G × H. Since G × H is also a Moore group, the irreducible representation π : G × H → B(X) must be finite dimensional. Let e1 , ..., en be an orthonormalized basis in X, and suppose ρ : G → B(X) and σ : H → B(X) are representations acting by formulas ρ(s) = π(s, 1H ), s ∈ G, σ(t) = π(1G , t), t ∈ H. Then D E D   E D  E D  E w(s, t) = π(s, t)x, y = π (s, 1H ) · (1G , t) x, y = π(s, 1H ) · π(1G , t) x, y = ρ(s) · σ(t) x, y = = hσ(t)x, ρ(s)• yi = n X i=1 hσ(t)x, ei i · hei , ρ(s)• yi = n X i=1 hσ(t)x, ei i · hρ(s)ei , yi = n X (ui ⊡ vi )(s, t) i=1 where ui (s) = hρ(s)ei , yi, vi (t) = hσ(t)x, ei i. This implies that the space Trig(G × H) of norm-continuous trigonometric polynomials on G is contained in the linear span of the functions u ⊡ v, where u ∈ K(G) and v ∈ K(H). Hence, span{u ⊡ v; u ∈ K(G), v ∈ K(H)} ⊇ Trig(G × H) = (5.75) = K(G × H). The spectrum and the continuous envelope of the algebra K(G) for Moore groups. The last inclusion in (5.74) K(G) ⊆ C(G) means by the way that the spectra of these algebras are connected by a natural continuous mapping Spec K(G) ← Spec C(G) = G. In the case when G is a Moore group, this mapping is a homeomorphism: Theorem 5.42. isomorphic to G: 59 If G is a Moore group, then the involutive spectrum of the algebra K(G) is topologically Spec K(G) = G (5.84) We premise the proof with 8 lemmas. Lemma 5.43. If G is an amenable discrete group, then the mapping of spectra G → Spec K(G) is a bijection. 59 See Errata on page 207. 148 Proof. We use here the ideas from [41, Theorem 6.3]. By Proposition 5.28, the continuous envelope of the group algebra for G is the C ∗ -algebra of this group: EnvC C ⋆ (G) = C ∗ (G) Its (Banach) dual space is the classical Fourier-Stiltjes algebra B(G), hence K(G) coincides as a set with B(G) [24, 55]: K(G) = EnvC C ⋆ (G)⋆ = C ∗ (G)⋆ = B(G). (this is the equality of vector spaces, but the topology on B(G) is stronger that on K(G)). The algebra B(G) contains the ideal A(G) called the Fourier algebra [24, 55]: K(G) = B(G) ⊇ A(G). From the amenability of G it follows that the annihilator of the algebra A(G) in the space C ∗ (G) vanishes [33], [50, Theorem 4.21]: A(G)⊥ = 0 As a corollary, A(G) is dense in K(G): A(G) = K(G). If χ : K(G) → C is an involutive character, then it is an involutive character on A(G), and by Eymard theorem [24], it acts on functions u ∈ A(G) as the delta-functional in a point a ∈ G: χ(u) = u(a), A(G). Since A(G) is dense in K(G), this is true for all functions u ∈ K(G). Lemma 5.44. If G is a compact group, then the mapping of spectra G → Spec K(G) is a homeomorphism. Proof. Each involutive character χ : K(G) → C is an involutive character on the algebra Trig(G) of trigonnometric polynomials on G, hence [32, 30.5] there exists a point a ∈ G such that χ(u) = u(a), u ∈ Trig(G). By (5.75) the algebra Trig(G) is dense in the algebra K(G). Hence, χ(u) = u(a), u ∈ K(G). We see that the mapping G → Spec K(G) is surjective. On the other hand, each two points s 6= t on a compact group G are separated by a trigonometric polynomial u ∈ Trig(G), and this means that the mapping G → Spec K(G) is injective. Thus, it is bijective and continuous. At the same time G is compact. Therefore this mapping is a homeomorphism. Lemma 5.45. If G is an Abelian locally compact group, then the mapping of spectra G → Spec K(G) is a homeomorphism. b Hence Proof. By Proposition 5.25, EnvC C ⋆ (G) = C(G). b K(G) = C ⋆ (G). b → C in the composition with the mapping δ : G b → C ⋆ (G) b gives a complex character Each character f : C ⋆ (G) × b b f ◦ δ : G → C , and if f is involutive, then f ◦ δ acts into the circle T. I.e., f ◦ δ is a character on the group G, hence b (f ◦ δ)(χ) = f (δ χ ) = χ(a), χ∈G b this identity can be for some point a ∈ G. Since linear combinations of delta-functions δ χ are dense in C ⋆ (G), ⋆ b extended to all elements C (G): b f (u) = u(a), u ∈ K(G) = C ⋆ (G) b is surjective. On the other hand, any two points s 6= t We see that the mapping G → Spec K(G) = Spec C ⋆ (G) b b χ ∈ G, b on G, i.e. two characters on G can be separated by some delta-functional δχ ∈ C ⋆ (G), δ χ (s) = χ(s) 6= χ(t) = δ χ (t) § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 149 b is an injection. Thus, it is bijective and this means that the mapping of spectra G → Spec K(G) = Spec C ⋆ (G) and continuous. It remains to verify that it is open (i.e. continuous in the reverse direction). Suppose fi → f b and ai , a are the corresponding points in G. If K is compact in G, b then the set {δ χ ; χ ∈ K} is in Spec C ⋆ (G), ⋆ b χ χ compact in C (G), hence fi (δ ) tends to f (δ ) uniformly on χ ∈ K: χ(ai ) = fi (δ χ ) ⇒ f (δ χ ) = χ(a). χ∈K i→∞ b hence ai → a in G. This is true for each compact set K ⊆ G, Lemma 5.46. For each compact group K and each n ∈ N the mapping of spectra Rn × K → Spec K(Rn × K) is a homeomorphism. Proof. Let χ : K(Rn × K) → C be an involutive character. Consider the embeddings ρ : K(Rn ) → K(Rn × K), ρ(u) = u ⊡ 1K σ : K(K) → K(Rn × K), ρ(v) = 1Rn ⊡ v. and The composition χ ◦ ρ is an involutive character on the algebra K(Rn ). By Lemma 5.45 Spec K(Rn ) = Rn , hence there is a point a ∈ Rn such that χ(u ⊡ 1K ) = (χ ◦ ρ)(u) = u(a), u ∈ K(Rn ) On the other hand, the composition χ ◦ σ is an involutive character on the algebra K(K), which contains the algebra Trig(G), and by Lemma 5.44 there is a point b ∈ K such that χ(1Rn ⊡ v) = (χ ◦ σ)(v) = v(b), v ∈ K(K). Now for functions of the form u ⊡ v we have χ(u ⊡ v) = χ(u ⊡ 1K · 1Rn ⊡ v) = χ(u ⊡ 1K ) · χ(1Rn ⊡ v) = u(a) · v(b) = (u ⊡ v)(a, b). This identity is extended to the linear combinations of the functions of the form u ⊡ v, and then by Theorem 5.41, to the whole space K(Rn × K). This proves the surjectivity of the mapping Rn × K → Spec K(Rn × K). Let us now prove its injectivity: take (s, a) 6= (t, b) in Rn × K. then either s 6= t, or a 6= b. In the first case one can find the function u ∈ K(Rn ) such that u(s) 6= u(t) (at this momemnt we use the Lemma 5.45), and this means that the function u ⊡ 1 (that belongs to K(Rn × K) by Theorem 5.38) separates the points (s, a) and (t, b): (u ⊡ 1)(s, a) = u(s) · 1 = u(s) 6= u(t) = u(t) · 1 = (u ⊡ 1)(t, b). And in the second case, when a 6= b, we can do the same, and we find (using Lemma 5.44) a function from K(Rn ), that separates these points. We see that the mapping of spectra Rn × K → Spec K(Rn × K) is bijective (and continuous). Let us prove its openness (the continuity in the reverse direction). Suppose (si , ai ) → (s, a) in Spec K(Rn × K). Take a compact set T ⊆ K(Rn ) and consider its image ρ(T ) ⊆ K(Rn × K) which is also compact, therefore we have the uniform convergence by u ∈ T : u(si ) = u(si ) · 1 = (u ⊡ 1)(si , ai ) = ρ(u)(si , ai ) ⇒ ρ(u)(s, a) = (u ⊡ 1)(s, a) = u(s) · 1 = u(s). u∈T i→∞ This is true for any compact set T ⊆ K(Rn ), therefore si → s in Spec K(Rn ). By Lemma 5.45 this means that si → s in Rn . Similarly (using Lemma 5.44) we prove that ai → a in K. Lemma 5.47. Let G be a SIN-group. Then for each coset L ∈ G/N its characteristic function 1L is an element of the space K(G): 1L ∈ K(G) (5.85) 150 Proof. Consider the trivial representation π : N → C, π(t) = 1. Its induced representation π ′ : G → L(L2 (D)) is defined by formula (3.107), which in this case has the form   π ′ (g)(ξ)(t) = ξ ϕ(σ(t) · g) = ξ t · ϕ(g) , ξ ∈ L2 (D), t ∈ D, g ∈ G. Replace ξ by the characteristic function of the unit 1D in D: ( 1, t = 1D ξ(t) = 0, t 6= 1D Then ′ f (g) = hπ (g)(ξ), ξi = X t∈D ′ π (g)(ξ)(t) · ξ(t) = X t∈D  ξ t · ϕ(g) · ξ(t) =     1, ϕ(g) = 1 1, g ∈ N = . 0, ϕ(g) = 6 1 0, g ∈ /N I.e. the characteristic function 1N belongs to K(G). From Theorem 5.40 it follows that all its shifts also belong to K(G). For each L ∈ G/N we put KL (G) = 1L · K(G), KG\L (G) = (1 − 1L ) · K(G) (5.86) (here 1 is the unit of the algebra K(G)). From (5.85) we have Lemma 5.48. Let G be a SIN-group. Then the spaces KL (G) and KG\L (G) complement each other in K(G): KL (G) ⊕ KG\L (G) = K(G) (5.87) (i.e. K(G) is a direct sum in the category of stereotype spaces). Let us consider the embedding of the group algebras θ : C ⋆ (N ) → C ⋆ (G), its envelope EnvC (θ) : EnvC (C ⋆ (N )) → EnvC C ⋆ (G), and its dual mapping ψ = EnvC (θ)⋆ : K(N ) ← K(G). Lemma 5.49. 60 Suppose G is a SIN-group. Then the morphism of stereotype spaces ψ = EnvC (θ)⋆ : K(N ) ← K(G) has the following properties: (i) its kernel is the second component in the decomposition (5.87) (with L = N ): Ker ψ = KG\N (G). (5.88) (ii) the restriction ψ|KN (G) : KN (G) → K(N ) is an isomorphism of stereotype algebras. Proof. 1. To prove (i) let us consider the diagram envC C ⋆ (N ) C ⋆ (N ) / EnvC (C ⋆ (N )) EnvC (θ) θ ⋆  C ⋆ (G) envC C (G)  / EnvC C ⋆ (G) If u ∈ Ker ψ, then we obtain the chain 0 = ψ(u) = u ◦ EnvC (θ) 0 = u ◦ EnvC (θ) ◦ envC C ⋆ (N ) = u ◦ envC C ⋆ (G) ◦ θ =⇒ =⇒ 0 = u ◦ envC C ⋆ (G) ◦ θ ◦ δ N =⇒ 0 = u · 1N =⇒ =⇒ 0=u N =⇒ =⇒ u = u · (1 − 1N ) =⇒ u ∈ KG\N (G). Conversely, if u ∈ KG\N (G), then 0 = ψ(u) = u ◦ EnvC (θ) envC C ⋆ (N )∈Epi ⇐= ⇐= 60 See Errata on page 207. 0 = u ◦ EnvC (θ) ◦ envC C ⋆ (N ) = u ◦ envC C ⋆ (G) ◦ θ 0 = u ◦ envC C ⋆ (G) ◦ θ ◦ δ N ⇐= 0=u N ⇐= span δ N =C ⋆ (N ) ⇐= § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY ⇐= 0 = u · 1N ⇐= ∃v ∈ K(G) 151 u = v · (1 − 1N ) ⇐= u ∈ KG\N (G). 2. Let us prove (ii). First, we have to show that the restriction ψ|KN (G) : KN (G) → K(N ) is a bijection. Its injectivity is obvious, let us prove the surjectivity. Take u ∈ K(N ), then by (5.76) u(t) = hπ(t)x, yi for some norm-continuous unitary representation π : N → B(X), and x, y ∈ X. Consider the induced representation π ′ : N → B(L2 (D, X)) (3.107) and put ( ( y, t = 1D x, t = 1D . (5.89) , υ(t) = ξ(t) = 0, t 6= 1D 0, t 6= 1D Then the function w(g) = hπ ′ (g)ξ, υi coincides with u on N and vanishes on G \ N . Indeed, for g ∈ N we have (here ϕ : G → G/N = D is the quotient map) X w(g) = hπ ′ (g)(ξ), υi = hπ ′ (g)(ξ)(t), υ(t)i = (5.89) = hπ ′ (g)(ξ)(1D ), υ(1D )i = (3.107) = t∈D    −1 −1   = π σ(1D ) ·g · σ ϕ(σ(1D ) ·g) )(ξ(ϕ(g))), yi = ξ ϕ(σ(1D ) ·g) , y = hπ(g · σ ϕ(g) | {z } | {z} | {z } |{z} | {z } k (3.105) 1G k (3.105) 1G k (3.105) 1G k (g ∈ N ) 1D = hπ(g · σ(1D )−1 )(ξ(1D )), yi = hπ(g)(x), yi = u(g). | {z } | {z } (3.105) k 1G And if g ∈ / N , then w(g) = hπ ′ (g)(ξ), υi = k (g ∈ N ) 1D X t∈D k (5.89) x hπ ′ (g)(ξ)(t), υ(t)i = (5.89) = hπ ′ (g)(ξ)(1D ), υ(1D )i = (3.107) =    −1   ξ ϕ(σ(1D ) ·g) , y = = π σ(1D ) ·g · σ ϕ(σ(1D ) ·g) | {z } | {z } | {z } k (3.105) 1G k (3.105) 1G k (3.105) 1G 6= 1D (g ∈ / N)    −1  z}|{   = π g · σ ϕ(g) ξ ϕ(g) , y = hπ(g · σ(ϕ(g))−1 )(0), yi = 0. | {z } k (5.89) 0 3. Thus, we understood that the restriction ψ|KN (G) : KN (G) → K(N ) is a (continuous and) bijective mapping, and it remains to verify that it is open. We should first note that the mapping ψ = EnvC (θ)⋆ : K(N ) ← K(G) is open – this follows from the fact that its predual mapping EnvC (θ) : EnvC (C ⋆ (N )) → EnvC C ⋆ (G) is closed by Proposition 5.32. Suppose then that U is a convex balanced neighbourhood of zero in KN (G). Using (5.87) we can find a neighbourhood of zero V in K(G) such that V ∩ KN (G) = U, V + KG\N (G) = V. (5.90) Since ψ is open, it maps the neighbourhood of zero V into the neighbourhood of zero W = ψ(V ) in K(N ). Let us show that W = ψ(U ). Since V ⊇ U , we have W = ψ(V ) ⊇ ψ(U ). Let us prove the inverse inclusion. Take w ∈ W = ψ(V ), i.e. w = ψ(v) for some v ∈ V . Since, as we have already noticed in 2, the restriction ψ|KN (G) is bijective, there is an element u ∈ KN (G) such that w = ψ(u). then ψ(u − v) = ψ(u) − ψ(v) = w − w = 0, i.e. u − v ∈ ker ψ = (5.88) = KG\N (G) hence and therefore, u ∈ v + KG\N (G) ⊆ V + KG\N (G) = (5.90) = V u ∈ V ∩ KN (G) = (5.90) = U. 152 Thus, the mapping ψ|KN (G) : KN (G) → K(N ) is an isomorphism of stereotype spaces. Hence there is the inverse mapping ψ : K(N ) → KN (G), which is a morphism of stereotype spaces, and moreover, of stereotype algebras. From 5.40 it follows that the shifts define morphisms of stereotype algebras ψL : K(N ) → KL (G) = 1L · K(G) Proof of Theorem 5.42. Suppose G is a Moore group. 1. Let us first show that the mapping of spectra G → Spec K(G) is a surjection. Suppose χ : K(G) → C is an involutive character. The homomorphism G → D from (3.102) generates a homomorphism C ⋆ (G) → C ⋆ (D), which then generates a homomorphism EnvC C ⋆ (G) → EnvC (C ⋆ (D)), and then a homomorphism K(G) ← K(D). We denote the last homomorphism by ϕ : K(D) → K(G). The composition χ ◦ ϕ : K(D) → C is an involutive character on K(D), and D is a Moore group by Corollary 3.32, hence an amenable group by Theorem 3.30. Thus by Lemma 5.43 χ is a delta-functional: (χ ◦ ϕ)(u) = u(L), u ∈ K(D), for some L ∈ G/N . Consider the space KL (G) from (5.86) and denote by ρL its embedding into K(G). On the other hand, denote by σ the embedding K(N ) → KN (G), i.e. the isomorphism defined in Lemma 5.49. Take b ∈ L, i.e. L = N · b, and let τb : K(G) → K(G) be the shift by element b−1 (that acts on K(G) by Theorem 5.40): τb u = b−1 · u, K(G). It turns the space K(N ) into the space KL (G), hence a mapping is defined σL = τb ◦ σ : K(N ) → KL (G). Put now χ L = χ ◦ ρL , χN = χL ◦ σL we obtain a commutative diagram K(N ) σL / KL (G) ρL / K(G) ▼▼▼ q ▼▼▼ qq χL ▼ qqχq q χN ▼▼▼ q ▼▼&  xqqq C Since χN is a character on K(N ), by Lemma 5.46 it must be a delta-functional: χN (u) = u(a), u ∈ K(N ) (5.91) for some a ∈ N . Then −1 −1 −1 (1L ·u))(a) = χ(u) = χ(1L )·χ(u) = χ(1L ·u) = χL (1L ·u) = χN (σL (1L ·u)) = (5.91) = σL (1L ·u)(a) = σ(σL −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 = (σ ◦ σL )(1L · u))(a) = (σ ◦ (τb ◦ σ) )(1L · u))(a) = (σ ◦ σ ◦ τb )(1L · u))(a) = (σ ◦ σ ◦ τb )(1L · u))(a) = ∋ = τb−1 (1L · u))(a) = (b · (1L · u))(a) = (1L · u)(a · b ) = u(a · b) = δ a·b (u). |{z} L 2. Now let us verify that the mapping of spectra G → Spec K(G) is an injection. Take a 6= b ∈ G. If a · b−1 ∈ / N , i.e. a ∈ / b · N , then the characteristic function 1L ∈ K(G) of the class L = b · N from Lemma 5.47 separates a and b: 1L (a) = 0 6= 1 = 1L (b). Another possibility: suppose a ∈ b · N , i.e. a · b−1 ∈ N . Then by Lemma 5.46 we can take a function u ∈ K(N ) such that u(a · b−1 ) 6= u(1) By Lemma 5.49 there is a function v ∈ KN (G) such that u N =v N , hence v(a · b−1 ) 6= v(1) By Theorem 5.40 the shift b−1 · v again belongs to K(G), hence for this function we have (b−1 · v)(a) = v(a · b−1 ) 6= v(1) = v(b · b−1 ) = (b−1 · v)(b). § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 153 3. It remains to verify the openness of the mapping G → Spec K(G). Suppose ai → a in Spec K(G). Theorem 5.40 implies immediately that ai · a−1 → 1 in Spec K(G). For the characteristic function 1N ∈ K(G) of the subgroup N we have 1N (ai · a−1 ) → 1N (1) = 1, hence, starting from some index, all ai · a−1 belong to N . Take a compact set S ⊆ K(N ). By Lemma 5.49 we can find a compact set T ⊆ K(G), which consists of functions whose restrictions to N belong to K, and a bijection between T and S appears. Since ai · a−1 → 1 in Spec K(G), we have v(ai · a−1 ) ⇒ v(1) v∈T i→∞ and this is equivalent to u(ai · a−1 ) ⇒ u(1). u∈S i→∞ This is true for any compact set S ⊆ K(N ), hence ai · a−1 → 1 in Spec K(N ). But we already proved in Lemma 5.46 that Spec K(N ) = N , therefore we obtain that ai · a−1 → 1 in N , and thus, in G. Theorems 5.42 and 5.23 imply Theorem 5.50. C(G): 61 If G is a Moore group, then the continuous envelope of the algebra K(G) is the algebra EnvC K(G) = C(G) (5.92) The structure of Hopf algebras on EnvC C ⋆ (G) an on K(G) in the case of Moore groups. For Moore groups it is possible to prove that the algebras EnvC C ⋆ (G) and K(G) are involutive Hopf algebras. Theorem 5.51. 62 Suppose G is a Moore group. Then (i) the continuous envelope EnvC C ⋆ (G) of its group algebra C ⋆ (G) is an involutive Hopf algebra in the category of stereotype spaces (Ste, ⊙). (ii) the dual algebra K(G) is an involutive Hopf algebra in the category of stereotype spaces (Ste, ⊛) We premise the proof with tree lemmas. Lemma 5.52. Suppose G is a Moore group. Then for each seminorm p ∈ P(C ⋆ (G)) the quotient algebra C ⋆ (G)/p is a strict C ∗ -algebra. Proof. If σ : C ⋆ (G)/p → B(X) is a unitary irreducible representation, then its composition with the quotient mapping πp : C ⋆ (G) → C ⋆ (G)/p is a unitary irreducible representation of the algebra C ⋆ (G). The group G, being embedded into C ⋆ (G) by delta-functionals, is dense in C ⋆ (G). This means that the composition G δ / C ⋆ (G) πp / C ⋆ (G)/p σ / B(X) is a unitary irreducible representation of the Moore group G, and therefore it must be finite dimensional: dim X < ∞. The boundedness of these numbers (with freezed p and varying τ ) are proved in several steps (we use here the ideas of [41, Lemma 5.8]). 1. First we consider the case when G is a compact group. Then by Proposition 5.26 the continuous envelope Q algebra C ⋆ (G)/p is a C ∗ -algebra, of the algebra of mesures C ⋆ (G) is the algebra σ∈Gb B(Xσ ). Since the quotient Q the quotient mapping πp can be extended to the continuous envelope σ∈Gb B(Xσ ): C ⋆ (G) πp envC C ⋆ (G) / Q b σ∈G ① ❦ qπfp * ⋆ r ❢ C (G)/p ✁ ✟ B(Xσ ) Note that π fp is an epimorphism of locally convex spaces (since the composition π fp ◦ envC C ⋆ (G) = πp is an epimorphism Q of locally convex spaces). On the other hand, since all algebras B(Xσ ) are finite dimensional, the algebra σ∈Gb B(Xσ ), as a locally convex space, is a Cartesian power Cm of the field C (where m is a cardinal number). 61 See 62 See Errata on page 207. Errata on page 207. 154 This implies that the mapping π fp has the kernel of finite co-dimension (since it acts to the Banach space b there irs a finite subfamily of algebras C (G)/p). This means in its turn, that in the family {B(Xσ ); σ ∈ G} B(X1 ), ..., B(Xn ), such that π fp is a projection on its product: ⋆ π fp : Y b σ∈G B(Xσ ) → n Y i=1 B(Xi ) ∼ = C ⋆ (G)/p (5.93) Certainly, C ⋆ (G)/p in this situation is a strict C ∗ -algebra. 2. Let then G be a compact buildup of an Abelian group, i.e. G = Z · K, where Z is Abelian, K is compact, and they commute (see definition on page 75). Suppose π : G → B(X) is a norm continuous unitary irreducible representation. Consider its restrictions ρ = π K and σ = π Z and denote by Cπ , Cρ and Cσ respectively the C ∗ -subalgebras in B(X), generated by the images of π, ρ and σ. Since Cρ and Cσ commute, Cπ is a continuous image of the maximal tensor product Cρ ⊗ Cσ . Note that the theorems 3.25 and 3.35 imply that Cρ and Cσ max Qn b is are C ∗ -quotient algebras of C ⋆ (K) and C ⋆ (Z). From (5.93) we have that Cρ = i=1 B(Xπi ), where πi ∈ K a finite sequence of unitary irreducible representations of K. At the same time, Proposition 5.25 imply that b Hence Cσ = C(T ) for some compact T ⊆ Z. Cρ ⊗ Cσ = max n Y i=1 ! B(Xπi ) ⊗ C(T ) = max n  Y i=1  Y n C (T, B(Xπi )) = C B(Xπi ) ⊗ C(T ) = max i=1 n G i=1 ! Ti , B(Xπi ) , where Ti are copies of the compact set T . Now by [20, 10.4.4] each unitary irreducible representation of the last algebra is isomorphic to some Xπi , hence it has the dimension not greater that maxi=1,...,n Xπi . The same is true for the uintary irreducible representations of the algebra Cπ , since being moved to Cρ ⊗ Cσ they also max become unitary irreducible representations. 3. Further, suppose G is a Lie-Moore group. By Theorem 3.34 G is a finite extension of a compact buildup H = Z × K of an Abelian group Z. Suppose m = card G/H is the index of H in G. Take p ∈ P(C ⋆ (G)) and a unitary irreducible representation τ of the C ∗ -algebra C ⋆ (G)/p. By [15, Theorem 1], the restriction of τ to H is decomposed into a sum of no more than m unitary irreducible representations of H, hence of the algebra C ⋆ (H)/p. But above we have already proved that the dimension of unitary irreducible representations of the algebra C ⋆ (H)/p is bounded by some number n ∈ N. Thus the dimension of τ is not greater than m · n. 4. Finally, suppose G is an arbitrary Moore group and p ∈ P(C ⋆ (G)). The homomorphism G → C ⋆ (G)/p is norm-continuous, hence by [61, Theorem 1], it is factored through some quotient mapping G → G/H, where G/H is a Lie group. By Theorem 3.31 G/H is a Moore group. So we reduced the situation to the previous case. Lemma 5.53. 63 Suppose G is a Moore group. Then the diagonal β of the diagram envC C ⋆ (G)⊛envC C ⋆ (G) C ⋆ (G) ⊛ C ⋆ (G) PP P / EnvC C ⋆ (G) ⊛ EnvC C ⋆ (G) PP PP P Pβ PP @ @ PP PP PP P(   envC C ⋆ (G)⊙envC C ⋆ (G) / EnvC C ⋆ (G) ⊙ EnvC C ⋆ (G) C ⋆ (G) ⊙ C ⋆ (G) is a dense epimorphism (i.e. the images of elements from the domain are dense in the range). Proof. Consider the representation (3.102) of the SIN-group G, and let us construct the following chain of 63 See Errata on page 207. § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 155 morphisms: C ⋆ (G) ⊛ C ⋆ (G) Q b σ∈K Cσ⋆ (G) ⊛ πσ ⊛πτ Q b τ ∈K Cτ⋆ (G)  Cσ⋆ (G) ⊛ Cτ⋆ (G) C ⋆ (G)/pmax lim C ⋆ (G)/pmax Tl ,τ Tk ,σ ⊛ lim ←− ←− ∞←k πTk ,σ ⊛πTl ,τ ∞←l  C ⋆ (G)/pmax ⊛ C ⋆ (G)/pmax Tk ,σ Tl ,τ  max ˇ ⋆ C ⋆ (G)/pmax Tk ,σ ⊗ C (G)/pTl ,τ ⋆ max C ⋆ (G)/pmax Tk ,σ ⊙ C (G)/pTl ,τ (we use the notations from Proposition 5.30, and the morphisms πσ and πTk ,σ are natural projections, the last arrow is the natural morphism of tensor products, and the last equality follows from Lemma 5.52 and equalities (3.21)). Each arrow here is a dense epimorphism, hence the composition / C ⋆ (G)/pmax ⊙ C ⋆ (G)/pmax Tk ,σ Tl ,τ C ⋆ (G) ⊛ C ⋆ (G) is also a dense epimorphism. When k and l tend to infinity, they give a natural morphism C ⋆ (G) ⊛ C ⋆ (G) / lim C ⋆ (G)/pmax ⊙ C ⋆ (G)/pmax Tk ,σ Tl ,τ ←− ∞←k,l which is also a dense epimorphism (we use here the fact that a locally convex projective limit of a sequence of Banach spaces is a Fréchet space, and thereofre it coincides with the stereotype projective limit of this system). After that we again use commutativity of the projective limit with the injective tensor product [4, (2.53)], and we see that the morphism C ⋆ (G) ⊛ C ⋆ (G) / lim C ⋆ (G)/pmax ⊙ C ⋆ (G)/pmax = lim C ⋆ (G)/pmax ⊙ lim C ⋆ (G)/pmax = Cσ⋆ (G) ⊙ Cτ⋆ (G) Tl ,τ Tk ,σ Tk ,σ Tl ,τ ←− ←− ←− ∞←l ∞←k ∞←k,l is also a dense epimorphism. b hence the morphism into the direct product This is true for all σ, τ ∈ K, / Q Cσ⋆ (G) ⊙ Cτ⋆ (G) = Q Cσ⋆ (G) ⊙ Q Cτ⋆ (G) = EnvC C ⋆ (G) ⊙ EnvC C ⋆ (G) C ⋆ (G) ⊛ C ⋆ (G) b σ,τ ∈K b σ∈K b τ ∈K is again dense (we use here the fact that the locally convex direct product of stereotype spaces coincides with their stereotype direct product). This is the morphism that we need. Proof of Theorem 5.51. Clearly, propositions (i) and (ii) are equivalent, so it is sifficient to prove (i). 1. First, C ⋆ (G) is a stereotype algebra (i.e. an algebra in the category (Ste, ⊛)), and its envelope EnvC C ⋆ (G) is also a stereotype algebra (i.e. an algebra in (Ste, ⊛)). Let us show that the multiplication in EnvC C ⋆ (G) can be extended to an operator on EnvC C ⋆ (G) ⊙ EnvC C ⋆ (G). By Lemma 5.52, C ⋆ (G)/p is a strict C ∗ -algebra. Hence, the multiplication µp is extended to an operator ′ µp : C ⋆ (G)/p ⊙ C ⋆ (G)/p → C ⋆ (G)/p. Consider the diagram C ⋆ (G) ⊛ C ⋆ (G) πp ⊛πp / C ⋆ (G)/p ⊛ C ⋆ (G)/p @ / C ⋆ (G)/p ⊙ C ⋆ (G)/p µ′p µp µ  C ⋆ (G) πp  / C ⋆ (G)/p id  / C ⋆ (G)/p If we remove the middle column and pass to the projective limit in Ste, we obtain:   lim C ⋆ (G)/p ⊙ lim C ⋆ (G)/p C ⋆ (G) ⊛ C ⋆ (G) ❴ ❴ ❴/ lim C ⋆ (G)/p ⊙ C ⋆ (G)/p ←− ←− ←−⋆ p∈P(C ⋆ (G)) p∈P(C ⋆ (G)) p∈P(C (G)) ✤ µ ✤ ✤  ⋆ ⋆ C (G) ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴/ lim C (G)/p ←− ⋆ p∈P(C (G)) EnvC C ⋆ (G) ⊙ EnvC C ⋆ (G) ✤ ✤ ✤ µ′ ✤ EnvC C ⋆ (G) 156 Here the first equality in the upper line is the result of the commutativity of the projective limit with the injective stereotype tensor product [4, (2.53)], and the second equality (together with the equality in the bottom line) is the formula (5.65). The operator µ′ is the extension of the multiplication to the injective tensor square, what we need. 2. Further, C ⋆ (G) is a bialgebra in the category (Ste, ⊛), hence by Theorem 5.14 EnvC C ⋆ (G) is a coalgebra in the category (Ste, ⊙). Thus, EnvC C ⋆ (G) is an algebra and a coalgebra in (Ste, ⊙). Consider the diagram ❣❣3 ❣❣❣❣❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ µ ❣❣❣❣ ❣❣❣❣❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣❣❣❣❣ ❣❣❣❣❣ H⊛H ❖❖❖ ❖❖❖ ❖❖❖κ⊛κ ❖❖❖ ❖❖❖ @ ❖' (H ⊛ H) ⊛ (H ⊛ H)  ❲❲❲❲❲ ❲❲❲❲❲ ❲❲❲❲❲ ❲❲❲κ❲❲ ❲❲❲❲❲ ❲❲❲❲❲ ❲❲❲❲❲ + H⊛H envC H 7 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ µ⊛µ ♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ @ ♦♦♦ θ / (H ⊛ H) ⊛ (H ⊛ H) H @ @ H⊙H  H⊙H   (H ⊙ H) ⊙ (H ⊙ H) (H ⊙ H) ⊙ (H ⊙ H)  envC H⊙envC H EnvC H ❲ 3 ❲❲❲❲❲ ❣ ❣❣❣ ❣ ❲ ❣ ❲ ❣ ❣ ❲ ❲❲❲❲❲ ❣❣❣ ❲❲ ❲ ❣❣❣❣❣ ❲❲❲❲❲ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❲❲❲❲❲κ′ ❣ ❣❣ (envC H⊙envC H)⊙(envC H⊙envC H) ❲❲❲+   ❣❣❣❣❣ EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H ❖❖❖ ♦7 ❖❖❖ ′ ′ (envC H⊙envC H)⊙(env C H⊙envC H) ♦♦♦ ♦ µ′ ⊙µ′ ♦ ❖❖κ❖ ⊙κ ♦♦ ❖❖❖ ♦♦♦ ♦ ❖❖❖ ♦ ♦♦ '     θ′ / EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H  ⊙ EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H  EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H envC H⊙envC H µ′ where H = C ⋆ (G), and the sense of the other notations is obvious. Here the upper base is commutative, since H is a Hopf algebra in (Ste, ⊛), and the commutativity of the lateral faces is verified by the direct computations. In addition, by Lemma 5.53, the very left morphism envC H ⊙ envC H ◦ @ is an epimorphism in Ste. This means that the lower base is also commutative. In the same manner we prove the commutativity of the other diagrams in the definition of the Hopf algebra. For example, the diagram, that binds the comultiplication with the unit, is verified by building the following prism: ❥4 C ⊛ C ❚❚❚❚ι⊛ι ❚❚* ❥❥❥❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥❥ ❥ ❥ H ⊛H ❥ ❥ ❥❥❥4 ❥❥❥❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥❥ ❥❥❥ κ @ C ❚❚❚❚ ι ❥❥❥❥ ❥ ❥ ❚❚❚❚ ❥ ❥ ❥  ❥ ❚❚❚* ❥❥❥ @ H ⊙H H  1C envC H⊙env C H C ⊙ C ❚❚ ι⊛ι −1 4 lC ❚❚❚* ❥❥❥ ❥ ❥  ❥ ❥❥❥ EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥❥4 ❥  ❥❥❥❥❥❥❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ envC H ❥ κ ❥❥❥ C ❚❚❚❚ ι ❚❚❚❚ ❥❥❥❥ ❥ ❥  ❥ * ❥ EnvC H l−1 C Here the upper base is commutative, since H is a Hopf algebra in (Ste, ⊛), and the commutativity of the lateral faces follows from the properties of the functor EnvC . Therefore the lower base is commutative as well. 3. Now let us prove that the involution • in the Hopf algebra C ⋆ (G) generates the involution •′ in the Hopf algebra EnvC C ⋆ (G). For each seminorm p ∈ P(C ⋆ (G)) consider the natural projection πp : EnvC C ⋆ (G) → § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 157 C ⋆ (G)/p. Let •/p be the involution on C ⋆ (G)/p generated by the involution • in C ⋆ (G). Put •p = •/p ◦ πp : EnvC C ⋆ (G) πp / C ⋆ (G)/p •/p  , ⋆ C (G)/p •p For each seminorms p, q ∈ P(C ⋆ (G)), p 6 q, in the category of stereotype spaces over the real field R the following diagram is commutative: •q EnvC C ⋆ (G) C ⋆ (G)/q •p  / C ⋆ (G)/p πpq where πpq is the natural projection. This means that the family of morphisms •p is a projective cone for the system πpq , hence there exists a unique morphism •′ such that the following diagrams are commutative: •′  lim C ⋆ (G)/q ←− EnvC C ⋆ (G) q EnvC C ⋆ (G) •p  / C ⋆ (G)/p πp Let us show that the morphism •′ is the involution on EnvC C ⋆ (G) that we look for. First, it is connected with the initial involution • by the commutative diagram: envC C ⋆ (G) C ⋆ (G) / EnvC C ⋆ (G) •′ • envC C ⋆ (G)  C ⋆ (G)  / EnvC C ⋆ (G) It implies the equality •′ ◦ •′ ◦ envC C ⋆ (G) = envC C ⋆ (G) ◦ • ◦ • = envC C ⋆ (G) = idEnvC C ⋆ (G) ◦ envC C ⋆ (G) which, by the epimorphy of envC C ⋆ (G), gives •′ ◦ •′ = idEnvC C ⋆ (G) . To prove (3.10), consider the diagram (in the category of stereotype spaces over R), similar to the one from 158 the paragraph 2 (here H = C ⋆ (G), and br : x ⊗ y 7→ y ⊗ x is the braiding morphism in the monoidal category): ❣❣❣❣3 H ❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲ ❲❲❲❲❲ • ❣❣❣❣❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❲❲❲❲❲ ❣❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❲❲❲❲❲ ❣❣❣ ❣ ❣ ❲❲❲❲❲ ❣ ❣ ❣ + H ⊛H envC H 7 H ♦ ❖❖❖ ♦ µ ♦♦♦ ❖❖❖br ♦♦ ❖❖❖ ♦ ♦ ♦ ❖❖' ♦ ♦ @ •⊛• / H ⊛H H ⊛H  @ @ H ⊙H envC H   H ⊙H H ⊙H  envC H⊙envC H Env C H ❲❲❲ ❲❲❲❲❲ ❣❣❣′ ❣3 ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❲❲❲ µ ❣❣❣ ❲❲❲❲❲ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❲❲❲❲•❲′ ❣❣❣❣   ❲+ EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H EnvC H ❖❖❖ envC H⊙envC H envC H⊙env C H ♦♦7 ❖❖❖ ♦♦♦ ❖❖❖ ♦ ♦ ♦ ′ ❖❖' br   ♦♦♦ µ •′ ⊙•′ / EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H µ In this prism the upper base is commutative (as (3.10) for H), and the commutativity of the lateral faces is checked by computation. Besides this, by Lemma 5.53 the left edge envC H ⊙ envC H ◦ @ is an epimorphism. This implies that the lower base is also commutative: •′ ◦ µ = µ ◦ •′ ⊙ •′ ◦ br . To prove (3.15) let us consider the diagram (in the category of stereotype spaces over R): ❧5 H ❘❘❘❘ κ ❘❘❘ ❧❧❧ ❧ ❧ ❘❘) ❧❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ • ❧❧ ❧ H ⊛H ❧❧❧ ❧❧5 ❧❧❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧❧ @ ❧❧❧ ❧❧❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ H ⊙H H ❘❘❘ •⊛• ❧❧❧❧ ❘❘κ❘ ❧❧ ❘❘❘ ❧ ❧ ) ❧❧ envC H H ⊛H envC H @ H ⊙H  EnvC H envC H⊙envC H ❘❘❘ κ ′ ❘❘❘ )  Env H ⊙ EnvC H ❧ C ❧ ❧5 ❧❧❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧  ❧❧❧ ❧❧❧ ❧❧❧ •′ ⊙•′ ❧ EnvC H ❧ envC H⊙envC H❧❧ ❧ ❘❘❘ κ ′ ❧❧❧ ❘❘❘ ❧❧❧  ) EnvC H ⊙ EnvC H 5 ❧❧❧ ❧❧❧′ ❧ ❧ ❧❧ • Here the upper base is commutative (as (3.15) for H), as well as the lateral faces, and the left morphism envC H is an epimorphism. This means that the similar equality is true in EnvC H: κ ′ ◦ •′ = •′ ⊙ •′ ◦ κ ′ . Reflexivity with respect to an envelope. Suppose (env, Env) is an envelope in the category InvSteAlg of involutive stereotype algebras (in the sense of general definition [4]). Let us say that an involutive stereotype Hopf algebra H with respect to the tensor product ⊛ is reflexive with respect to the envelope Env, if its envelope Env H has a structure of involutive stereotype Hopf algebra in the category (Ste, ⊙) such that the following two conditions hold: § 5. CONTINUOUS ENVELOPES AND CONTINUOUS DUALITY 159 (i) a morphism of the envelope env H : H → Env H is a homomorphism of Hopf algebras in the sense that the following diagrams are commutative: H 7 ⊙ H ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘env H⊙env H ♥♥♥ ♥ ❘❘❘ ♥ ♥♥ ❘❘❘ ♥ ♥ ❘❘) ♥♥ H ⊛ HP Env 5 H ⊙ Env H PPP ❧❧❧ H PPenv @ ❧❧❧❧ PPH⊛env ❧ PPP ❧❧❧ ❧❧❧ ' µ µE Env H ⊛ Env H (5.94) @  H  / Env H env H H ⊙ H❘ ❘❘❘ ♥♥7 ♥ ❘❘❘env H⊙env H ♥ @ ♥ ❘❘❘ ♥ ♥ ❘❘❘ ♥ ♥ ❘) ♥♥ Env 5 H ⊙O Env H H ⊛O HP PPP ❧❧❧ PPenv H @ ❧❧❧❧ PPH⊛env ❧ ❧ PPP ❧❧ ❧❧❧ ' κE κ Env H ⊛ Env H env H H H `❅ ❅❅ ❅❅ ι ❅❅❅ H env H C / Env H < ①① ①① ① ①① ιE ①① env H σE σ  H / Env H env H  / Env H (5.95) / Env H H❅ ❅❅ ❅❅ ε ❅❅❅ H env H C / Env H ①① ①① ① ①① εE |① ① env H / Env H (5.96) (5.97) •E •  H env H  / Env H – here @ is the Grothendieck transform [2], µ, ι, κ, ε, σ, • – are the structure murphisms (multiplication, unit, comultiplication, counit, antipode, involution) in H, and µE , ιE , κE , εE , σE , •E the corresponding structure morphisms in Env H. (ii) the mapping (env H)⋆ : H ⋆ ← (Env H)⋆ , dual to the morphism of envelope env H : H → Env H, is an envelope in the same sense: (env H)⋆ = env(Env H)⋆ Remark 5.4. Suppose the envelope env : H → Env H and the morphism env H ⊙ env H ◦ @ : H ⊛ H → Env H ⊙ Env H are epimorphisms of stereotype spaces (this means that the sets of values are dense in the ranges). Then the envelope Env H can have at most unique structure of involutive Hopf algebra in (Ste, ⊙) satisfying the conditions (i) and (ii). Proof. The morphism ιE must be the composition of ι and env H, thus its uniqueness is seen immediately. The epimorphy of env H implies the uniqueness of κE , εE , σE , •E . And the epimorphy of env H ⊙ env H ◦ @ the uniqueness of µE . It is convenient to display the conditions (i) and (ii) as a diagram H ⋆ ✤ env / ❴ ⋆  O ❴ H⋆ Env H o env ✤ (Env H)⋆ (5.98) 160 which we call the reflexivity diagram, and which we endow the following sense: 1) in the corners of the square there are involutive Hopf algebras, and H is the Hopf algebra in (Ste, ⊛), then it follows the Hopf algebra Env H in (Ste, ⊙), and after that the categpries (Ste, ⊛) and (Ste, ⊙) alternate, 2) the alternation of the operations env and ⋆ (no matter where we start) on the fourth step returns us back to the initial Hopf algebra (certainly, up to an isomorphism of functors). The sense of the term “reflexivity” here is as follows. Denote the single successive application of the operations env and ⋆ by some symbol, for example, b , b := (Env H)⋆ H b = (Env H)⋆ has a Since Env H has a unique structure of Hopf algebra with respect to ⊙, the dual space H b = (Env H)⋆ is a Hopf algebra, reflexive structure of involutive Hopf algebra with respect to ⊛. Moreover, H with respect to Env, since the application of ⋆ to the diagrams (5.94)-(5.97) gives the same diagrams with the b = (Env H)⋆ (we use here the condition (ii) on page 159). replacement H by H b Let us call H = (Env H)⋆ the dual Hopf algebra to H with respect to the envelope Env. The diagram (5.98) means that H is naturally isomorphic to its second dual Hopf algebra in this sense: bb H∼ =H (5.99) Continuous reflexivity. In the special case when in the definition on page 158 Env means the continuous b = (EnvC H)⋆ the continuously envelope EnvC , we call H a continuously reflexive Hopf algebra, and the algebra H dual Hopf algebra to H. Theorems 5.50 and 5.51 imply the main result of [41]: Theorem 5.54. 64 If G is a Moore group, then the algebras C ⋆ (G) and K(G) are continuously reflexive, and the reflexivity diagram for them is: ✤ C ⋆ (G) ⋆ EnvC EnvC C ⋆ (G) / (5.100) ❴ ⋆  O ❴ C(G) o EnvC ✤ K(G) Example 5.5. Proposition 5.25 implies that for Abelian locally compact groups A the reflexivity diagram has the form ✤ FA / b C(A) (5.101) C ⋆ (A) ⋆ ❴ ⋆  O ❴ C(A) o FAb ✤ b C ⋆ (A) b is the Pontryagin dual group to A, and F the Fourier transform, defined in (5.50)). (where A Example 5.6. Proposition 5.28 implies that for discrete Moore groups D the reflexivity diagram is: CD ⋆ EnvC ✤ C ∗ (D) / ❴ ⋆  O ❴ CD o EnvC ✤ K(D) Here C ∗ (G) is the usual C ∗ -algebra of the group G [20], and the algebra K(D) as a set (and as an algebra) coincides with the Fourier-Stiltjes algebra B(G) of the group G [24], and the difference is that K(D) has weaker topology (we already noticed this in the proof of Lemma 5.43). 64 See Errata on page 207. § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 161 Example 5.7. Proposition 5.26 implies that for compact groups K the reflexivity diagram is: ⋆ EnvC ✤ C ⋆ (K) Q / O ❴ C(K) o EnvC b π∈K ✤ B(Xπ ) ❴ ⋆  Trig(K) Groups, discerned by C ∗ -algebras. Let us say that a locally compact group G is discerned by C ∗ -algebras, if (continuous involutive) homomorphisms of its measure algebra C ⋆ (G) → B into various C ∗ -algebras B separate elements of G (with the injection of G into C ⋆ (G) by delta-functions). Clearly, if the group algebra of measures C ⋆ (G) is continuously reflexive, then the group G is discerned by C ∗ -algebras, so this class of groups is interesing in estimating of how wide one can try to generalize Theorem 5.54. The very Theorem 5.54 implies that all Moore groups are discerned by C ∗ -algebras. In the work by Yu. N. Kuznetsova [41] it is shown that all SIN-groups have this property. On the other hand, by I. M. Singer’s results [58, Corollary 5], in the class of connected Lie groups only groups of the form Rn × K, where n ∈ N, and K is a compact Lie group, are discerned by C ∗ -algebras. Theorem 5.55 (D. Luminet, A. Valette, [43]). If a Lie group G is discerned by C ∗ -algebras, then G is a linear group (i.e. G can be embedded as a closed subgroup into a full linear group GLn (C)). §6 (a) Smooth envelopes and smooth duality Joined self-adjoint elements and the system of partial derivatives Multi-indices. Let d ∈ N – be a natural number65 . Let us call a multi-index of the length d an arbitrary finite sequence of the length d of natural numbers k = (k1 , ..., kd ), ki ∈ N. For each two multi-indices k, l ∈ Nd the inequality l 6 k is defined coordinate-wise: ⇐⇒ l6k ∀i = 1, ..., d li 6 ki . A sum of two multi-indices k, l ∈ Nd is the multi-index k + l = (k1 + l1 , ..., kd + ld ). If l 6 k, then the subtraction is again defined coordinate-wise: k − l = (k1 − l1 , ..., kd − ld ). The order and the factorial of a multi-index k ∈ Nd are defined by the equalities |k| = k1 + ... + kd , k! = k1 ! · ... · kd !. According to the last formula, the binomial coefficient is   k! k = l l! · (k − l)! Algebras of power series with coefficients in a given algebra. Let A be an arbitrary involutive stereotype algebra. Consider the algebra d A[[d]] = AN , consisting of all mappings x : Nd → A, or, what is the same, of families x = {xk ; k ∈ Nd } of elements from A, indexed by multi-indices of the length d. This set A[[d]] is endowed with the topology of coordinate-wise convergence A[[d]] xi −→ x i→∞ 65 Everywhere ⇐⇒ ∀k ∈ Nd A xik −→ xk , i→∞ natural numbers N are non-negative integers: N = {d ∈ Z : d > 0}. 162 and the algebraic operations on A[[d]] – involution, sum, multiplication by scalar and multiplication – are defined by formulas (x• )k = (xk )• , x ∈ A[[d]], k ∈ Nd (x + y)k = xk + yk , (6.1) x, y ∈ A[[d]], k ∈ N d x, y ∈ A[[d]], k ∈ N d λ ∈ C, x ∈ A[[d]], k ∈ N (λ · x)k = λ · xk , X (x · y)k = xk−l · yl , 06l6k The unit in A[[d]] is the family ∋ 1k = A[[d]] ( (6.2) d 1, k = 0 0, k = 6 0 (6.3) (6.4) (6.5) It is convenient to represent the elements of A[[d]] as power series of d variables τ1 , ..., τd : x= X k∈Nd xk · τ k , where τ k means the formal product τ k = τ k1 · ... · τ kd , and the following identities are assumed to hold: (τ k )• = τ k , a · τ k = τ k · a, τ k · τ l = τ k+l , a ∈ A, τ ∈ Nd . Then the sum, the multiplication by a scalar and the multiplication in A[[d]] are defined by formulas for the power series:   X X X X  (λ · xk ) · τ k , x·y = (xk + yk ) · τ k , λ·x= x+y = xk−l · yl  · τ k . (6.6) k∈Nd k∈Nd k∈Nd 06l6k Another way is to represent elements of A[[d]] as the Taylor series of variables τ1 , ..., τd : X x(k) · τ k, k! d x= (6.7) k∈N In this representation the coefficients x(k) of the series are connected with the usual coefficients xk by the formulas x(k) = k! · xk , and the formulas for algebraic operatioosn (6.1)-(6.4) have the form • (k) (x ) (k) • = (x ) (k) (λ · x) (k) = λ·x (k) (x + y) (k) =x +y (k) (k) (x · y) X k  = · x(k−l) · y (l) l (6.8) 06l6k Algebras with the joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements. • Let again A be an involutive stereotype algebra, d ∈ N and m ∈ Nd . Denote by Im the closed ideal in the algebra A[[d]] of power series with coefficients in A, consisting of series whose coefficients with indices k 6 m vanish: Im = {x ∈ A[[d]] : ∀k ∈ Nd k 6 m =⇒ xk = 0}. The quotient algebra A[m] := A[[d]]/Im is called the algebra A with joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements (of order m). § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 163 Denote by symbol N[m] the set of multi-indices not greater than m N[m] = {k ∈ Nd : k 6 m}. Then A[m] can be treated as the space of families x = {xk ; k ∈ N[m]} of elements from A, indexed by multiindices k ∈ N[m]. The involution, the sum, the multiplication by scalar and the multiplication in A[m] are defined by formulas (x• )k = (xk )• , (x + y)k = xk + yk , x ∈ A[m], k ∈ N[m] x, y ∈ A[m], k ∈ N[m] (6.9) (6.10) x, y ∈ A[m], k ∈ N[m] (6.12) λ ∈ C, x ∈ A[m], k ∈ N[m] (λ · x)k = λ · xk , X (x · y)k = xk−l · yl , 06l6k The unit in A[m] is, certainly, the family ( ∋ 1k = A[m] 1, k = 0 0, k = 6 0 (6.11) (6.13) It is convenient to represent the elements of A[m] as polynomials of degree n of d variables τ1 , ..., τd : x= X k∈N[m] xk · τ k = X x(k) · τk, k! (6.14) k∈N[m] where τ k is the formal product τ k = τ k1 · ... · τ kd , and (τi )• = τi , a · τi = τi · a, τi · τj = τj · τi , τimi +1 = 0, a ∈ A, i = 1, ..., d. (6.15) In this representation the variables τ1 , ..., τd can be treated as the joined elements to the algebra A satisfying the conditions (6.15) (and this justifies the name that we gave to the algebra A[m]). Then the sum, the multiplication by scalar and the multiplication in A[m] are defined by the very same formulas (6.6) as for A[[d]]. In particular, in the representation of elements by the Taylor polynomial (the second equality in (6.14)) the formulas for the algebraic operations (6.8) are preserved. Theorem 6.1. Let B be an involutive Banach algebra with an involutive submultiplicative norm k·kB . Then for each multi-index n ∈ Nd the algebra B[n] is an involutive Banach algebra with involutive submultiplicative norm X kxk = kxk kB , x ∈ B[n]. (6.16) k6n Proof. Put M = {(k, l) ⊆ N[n]2 ; l 6 k} and note that the mapping (k, l) ∈ M 7→ (k − l, l) ∈ N[n]2 is injective: (k, l), (k ′ , l′ ) ∈ M & (k − l, l) = (k ′ − l′ , l′ ) =⇒ l = l′ k = k′ . & This implies the third inequality in the chain kx · yk = X k6n = k(x · y)k kB = X (k,l)∈M X X k6n l6k xk−l · yl kxk−l kB · kyl kB 6 XB 6 (m,l)∈N[n]2 XX k6n l6k kxk−l · yl kB 6 kxm kB · kyl kB = X XX k6n l6k m∈N[n] kxk−l kB · kyl kB = kxm kB · X l∈N[n] kyl kB = kxk · kyk . Further we shall be interested almost exclusively in the case when A is a C ∗ -algebra. The following example shows that the property of being a C ∗ -algebra is not inherited when passing from A to A[m]. Example 6.1. For non-vanishing m and d the algebra A[m] can’t be a C ∗ -algebra. 164 Proof. Suppose the topology of A[m] is generated by a C ∗ -norm. Consider a joined element τi , i ∈ {1, ..., n}. Let B be a closed unital subalgebra in A[m], generated by this element τi . Then B is a commutative C ∗ -algebra, hence it is isomorphic to an algebra C(K) of functions on some compact space. On the other hand, the last condition in (6.15) means that τi is a nilpotent element: τimi +1 = 0. This is impossible since the algebras B = C(K) don’t have non-zero nilpotent elements. ′ For any two multi-indices m ∈ Nd and n ∈ Nd (not necessarily d = d′ ) we define their direct sum m ⊕ n as ′ a multi-index of the length d + d′ , i.e. an element of Nd+d , by the formula ( mi , 16i6d (m ⊕ n)i = . (6.17) ni−d , d < i 6 d′ Then automatically N[m] × N[n] = N[m ⊕ n] (6.18) Proposition 6.2. For any two involutive stereotype algebras A and B and any two multi-indices m ∈ Nd and ′ n ∈ Nd the following natural isomorphisms of involutive stereotype algebras hold:   A[m] [n] ∼ (6.19) = A[m ⊕ n] ∼ = A[n ⊕ m] ∼ = A[n] [m]  A[m] ⊛ B ∼ (6.20) = (A ⊛ B)[m] ∼ = A ⊛ B[m] If M is a paracompact locally compact space, then C(M, B)[n] ∼ = C(M, B[n]). (6.21) There exists also a natural homomorphism of stereotype involutive algebras ϕ : A[m] ⊕ B[n] → (A ⊕ B)[m ⊕ n] (6.22) Suppose in addition that A and B are Banach algebras with submultiplicative norms, and each time the norm of the direct sum is defined as maximum kx ⊕ yk = max{kxk , kyk} and in the algebras with the joined self-adjoint elements as the sum of norms of components (by formula (6.16)). Then the norm of ϕ is estimated as follows: 1 6 kϕk 6 2, (6.23) Proof. 1. Formula (6.19) is defined by the chain N[n]  = AN[m]×N[n] = (6.18) = AN[m⊕n] = A[m ⊕ n] A[m] [n] = AN[m] 2. To prove (6.20) let us define a map γ : A[m] ⊛ B → (A ⊛ B)[m] by formula γ(x ⊛ b)k = xk ⊛ b, x ∈ A[m], b ∈ B. (6.24) (to each family x = {xk : k ∈ N[m]} of elements in A and to each element b ∈ B the map γ assigns the family γ(x ⊛ b) = {γ(x ⊛ b)k ; k ∈ N[m]} of elements in A ⊛ B, defined by (6.24)). This map is an isomorphism of stereotype spaces, since the tensor product ⊛ is distributive with the operation of taking direct sum [4, (2.52)]. Let us check that it preserves multiplication: for each families x = {xk : k ∈ N[m]} and x′ = {x′k : k ∈ N[m]} from A and for each elements b, b′ ∈ B we have:    γ (x ⊛ b) · (x′ ⊛ b′ ) = γ (x · x′ ) ⊛ (b · b′ ) k = (6.24) = (x · x′ )k ⊛ (b · b′ ) = (6.12) =  k  X X X X ′ = (xk−l · x′l ) ⊛ (b · b′ ) = (xk−l ⊛ b) · (x′l ⊛ b′ ) = (xk−l ⊛ b) · (x′l ⊛ b′ ) = xk−l · xl ⊛ (b · b′ ) = 06l6k 06l6k 06l6k 06l6k § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY X = (6.24) = 06l6k 165   γ(x ⊛ b)k−l · γ(x′ ⊛ b′ )l = (6.12) = γ(x ⊛ b) · γ(x′ ⊛ b′ ) k This proves the first equality in (6.20). The second one is proved similarly. 3. The identity (6.21) is evident. 4. Suppose σ1 , ..., σd is a sequence of joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements to A in A[m], and τ1 , ..., τd′ the same sequence in B[n]. Consider the sequence of joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements to the algebra A ⊕ B in (A ⊕ B)[m ⊕ n], and let us assign to its elements the notations σi and τj , arranging them in such a way that initially the elements σi appear in the growing order, and after them τj : σ1 , ..., σd , τ1 , ..., τd′ . Put σ k = σ1 k1 · ... · σd kd , τ l = τ1 l1 · ... · τd′ ld′ , k ∈ N[m], l ∈ N[n]. Then the homomorphism ϕ in the formula (6.22) can be defined by the formula ϕ(1A[m] ⊕ 1B[n] ) = 1(A⊕B)[m⊕n] , ϕ(σi ⊕ 0B[n] ) = (1A ⊕ 0B ) · σi , ϕ(0A[m] ⊕ τj ) = (0A ⊕ 1B ) · τj . ∋ A[m] {z | B[n] A B ∋ 06k6m } ∋ 06l6n } ∋ {z ∋ 06k6m | ∋ or, equivalently, by the rule   X X X X (xk ⊕ 0 ) · σ k + ϕ (0 ⊕ yl ) · τ l yl · τ l = xk · σ k ⊕ 06l6n A B This mapping preserves the unit and is multiplicative:      X   X  X X ′ ′ ϕ (x ⊕ y) · (x′ ⊕ y ′ ) = ϕ  xk · σ k ⊕ yl · τ l · x′k′ · σ k ⊕ yl′′ · τ l  =  = ϕ 06k6m  X 06k6m  = ϕ = X = 06k6m X = + 06k6m  = | X X 06k′ 6m 06k6m (xk ⊕ 0) · σ k · X 06k′ 6m (xk ⊕ 0) · σ k · (xk ⊕ 0) · σ k · xk−p · X x′p  06k6m (xk ⊕ 0) · σ k ⊕ 06l6n (x′k′ ⊕ 0) · σ k + } k 0 X X  X   (0 ⊕ yl ) · τ l  ·  06l6n 06l′ 6n yl · τ l · 06q6l 0⊕ 06l′ 6n X 06q6l  yl−q · yq′ · τ l = (0 ⊕ yl ) · τ l · X X ′ (0 ⊕ yl′′ ) · τ l + 06l′ 6n X ′ (x′k′ ⊕ 0) · σ k = 06k′ 6m {z } k 0 X 06k′ 6m ′ (0 ⊕ yl′′ ) · τ l = 06l′ 6n (0 ⊕ yl ) · τ l · 06l6n X   (0 ⊕ yl ) · τ l · X   yl′′ · τ l  = ′ yl−q · yq′ · τ l  = 06l6n | X 06l6n ′ (0 ⊕ yl′′ ) · τ l + 06l6n 06l6n ′ ′  X X  X k ⊕0 ·σ + 06l′ 6n {z ⊕ (x′k′ ⊕ 0) · σ k + 06k′ 6m X  xk−p · x′p · σ k ⊕ 06p6k 06p6k x′k′ · σ k ′  X  X 06k6m 06k6m X xk · σ k · X  X 06k′ 6m 06l6n X ′ (x′k′ ⊕ 0) · σ k ⊕ ′  (0 ⊕ yl′′ ) · τ l  = 06l′ 6n  X   X  X X ′ ′ =ϕ xk · σ k ⊕ yl · τ l · ϕ x′k′ · σ k ⊕ yl′′ · τ l = ϕ(x ⊕ y) · ϕ(x′ ⊕ y ′ ) 06k6m 06k′ 6m 06l6n 06l′ 6n In (6.23) the first inequality is proved by the chain  X  X ϕ xk · σ k ⊕ yl · τ l 06k6m 06l6n = (A⊕B)[m⊕n] X 06k6m (xk ⊕ 0) · σ k ⊕ X (0 ⊕ yl ) · τ l 06l6n = (A⊕B)[m⊕n] 166 = X 06k6m = X 06k6m kxk ⊕ 0kA⊕B + xk · σ k X + A[m] 06l6n X 06l6n k0 ⊕ yl kA⊕B = yl · τ l > max B[n]      X 06k6m X 06k6m X kxk kA + 06l6n xk · σ k X , 06l6n A[m] X = 06k6m kyl kB = xk · σ k ⊕ yl · τ l B[n] X 06l6n yl · τ l      = A[m]⊕B[n] and the second by the chain  X  X ϕ xk · σ k ⊕ yl · τ l 06k6m 06l6n = X 06k6m = X 06k6m = kxk ⊕ 0kA⊕B + xk · σ k + A[m] 06k6m (A⊕B)[m⊕n] X 06l6n X 06l6n X (xk ⊕ 0) · σ k ⊕ k0 ⊕ yl kA⊕B = yl · τ l 6 2 max B[n]      X 06k6m X 06k6m X (0 ⊕ yl ) · τ l 06l6n kxk kA + X , A[m] X =2 06k6m (A⊕B)[m⊕n] 06l6n xk · σ k = kyl kB = X 06l6n xk · σ k ⊕ yl · τ l X 06l6n B[n] yl · τ l      = A[m]⊕B[n] Systems of partial derivatives and morphisms with values in the algebras of power series. Let A be an involutive stereotype algebra, and B a C ∗ -algebra. A system of operators Dk : A → B, k ∈ N[m], is called a system of partial derivatives on the algebra A with coefficients in the algebra B, if it satisfies the following conditions: Dk (a• ) = Dk (a)• , ( 1, k = 0 Dk (1) = , 0, k 6= 0 X k  Dk (a · b) = · Dk−l (a) · Dl (b), l 06l6k k ∈ N[m], (6.25) k ∈ N[m], 1 ∈ A, (6.26) k ∈ N[m], a, b ∈ A. (6.27) In particular this means that the operator D0 : A → B is an involutive homomorphism of algebras, D0 (a• ) = D0 (a)• , D0 (1) = 1, D0 (a · b) = D0 (a) · D0 (b), a, b ∈ A. For |k| = 1 the operators Dk : A → B are derivatives with respect to the homomorphism D0 : Dk (a · b) = Dk (a) · D0 (b) + D0 (a) · Dk (b), a, b ∈ A. Theorem 6.3. For each involutive stereotype algebra A and for each C ∗ -algebra B the formula Dk (a) = D(a)(k) , k ∈ N[m], a ∈ A, (6.28) or, equivalently, the formula D(a) = X Dk (a) · τk, k! k∈N[m] a ∈ A, (6.29) establishes a one-to-one correspondence between homomorphisms of involutive stereotype algebras D : A → B[m] and systems of partial derivatives {Dk ; k ∈ N[m]} on A with coefficients in B. § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 167 Proof. 1. If D : A → B[m] is a homomorphism of injective stereotype algebras, then we can define the mappings {Dk ; k ∈ N[m]} : A → B by formula (6.28), and we get, first, that for each a ∈ A Dk (a• ) = D(a• )(k) = D(a)• second, (k) Dk (1) = D(1) =1 (k) (k) = (6.8) = D(a)(k) • • = Dk (a) , ( 1, k = 0 = 1k = (6.13) = , 0, k = 6 0 and, third, for any a, b ∈ A (k) Dk (a · b) = (6.28) = D(a · b)(k) = D(a) · D(b) = (6.8) = X k  X k  = · D(a)(k−l) · D(b)(l) = (6.28) = · Dk−l (a) · Dl (b). l l 06l6k 06l6k I.e. identities (6.25), (6.26) and (6.27) hold, and this means that the family {Dk ; k ∈ N[m]} is a system of partial derivatives on A with the coefficients in B. 2. Conversely, if {Dk ; k ∈ N[m]} is a system of partial derivatives on A with coefficients in B, then we define the mapping D : A → B[m] by formula (6.29), and we get that, first, for each a ∈ A • D(a• )(k) = Dk (a• ) = (6.25) = Dk (a)• = D(a)(k) , second, (k) D(1) = Dk (1) = (6.26) = ( 1, k = 0 = (6.13) = 1k 0, k = 6 0 =⇒ D(1) = 1, and, third, for each a, b ∈ A (k) D(a · b) X k  = (6.28) = Dk (a · b) = (6.27) = · Dk−l (a) · Dl (b) = (6.28) = l 06l6k X k  (k) = · D(a)(k−l) · D(b)(l) = (6.8) = D(a) · D(b) =⇒ l 06l6k D(a · b) = D(a) · D(b). I.e. D : A → B[m] is an involutive homomorphism. Example 6.2. Let M be a smooth manifold of dimension d ∈ N, ϕ : U → V a chart, where U ⊆ M , V ⊆ Rd and K ⊆ U is a compact set. then the system of operators Dk : E(M ) → C(K) Dk (a) = ∂ |k| (a ◦ ϕ−1 ) ∂tk11 ...∂tkdd ◦ϕ (6.30) is a system of partial derivatives on E(M ). The corresponding homomorphism of algebras D : E(M ) → C(K)[m] is a system of restrictions of partial derivatives to the compact set K: (D(a))k = Dk (a) K Partial derivatives as differential operators. Again, suppose A is an involutive stereotype algebra, B a C ∗ -algebra, and {Dk ; k ∈ N[m]} a system of partial derivatives on A with coefficients in B. Then the homomorphism ϕ = D0 : A → B turns B into a module over A, and thus for each operator P : A → B and for each element a ∈ A a commutator [P, a] : A → B is defined. Proposition 6.4. For each system of partial derivatives {Dk ; k ∈ N[m]} on A with the coefficients in B the commutator of operators Dk with an arbitrary element a ∈ A with respect to the homomorphism D0 : A → B acts by the formula X k [Dk , a] = · Dk−l (a) · Dl (6.31) l 06l<k For k = 0 this formula has the form [D0 , a] = 0. (6.32) 168 Proof. Identity (6.32) holds trivially, since D0 is a homomorphism. And (6.31) is proved by the following chain X k  X k  [Dk , a](x) = Dk (a · x) − ϕ(a) · Dk (x) = · Dk−l (a) · Dl (x) − D0 (a) · Dk (x) = · Dk−l (a) · Dl (x). l l 06l6k 06l<k Theorem 6.5. For each system of partial derivatives {Dk ; k ∈ N[m]} on an involutive stereotype algebras A with the coefficients in a C ∗ -algebra B the following conditions are equivalent: (i) the operators {Dk ; k ∈ N[m]} are differential operators from A into B with respect to the homomorphism D0 : A → B with the orders, not greater than the module of their multi-indices: Dk ∈ Diff |k| (D0 ), (6.33) (ii) for each multi-index k > 0 the values of the operator Dk lie in the space Z |k| (D0 ): Dk (A) ⊆ Z |k| (D0 ), k > 0. (6.34) (iii) for each multi-index k > 0 the values of the operator Dk lie in the space Z 1 (D0 ) = D0 (A)! (in the commutant of the operator D0 ): Dk (A) ⊆ Z 1 (D0 ) = D0 (A)! , k > 0. (6.35) • A system of partial derivatives {Dk ; k ∈ N[m]} on A with the coefficients in B is said to be differential, if it satisfies the equivalent conditions (i)-(iii) of Theorem 6.5. • A homomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras D : A → B[m] is said to be differential, if the system of partial derivatives {Dk ; k ∈ N[m]} defined by (6.28) is differential. The class of all differential homomorphisms will be denoted by DiffMor. Proof. Note first that the equivalence of (ii) and (iii) is a corollary of (4.80). Hence we have to verify the equivalence of (i) and (ii). 1. (i)=⇒(ii). Suppose (i) holds. We shall prove (ii) by induction. 1) Suppose |k| = 1. Then for any a, a1 ∈ A we have: X k  [Dk , a] = (6.31) = · Dk−l (a) · Dl = Dk (a) · D0 l 06l<k ⇓ = 0 = [[Dk , a], a1 ] = (4.60) = Dk (a) ·[D0 , a1 ] +[Dk (a), D0 (a1 )] · D0 | {z } (6.32) 0 ⇓ [Dk (a), D0 (a1 )] = 0 This is true for each a1 , hence Dk (a) ∈ Z 1 (D0 ). This in its turn is true for any a ∈ A, thus Dk (A) ∈ Z 1 (D0 ). 2) Suppose we have already proved (6.34) for all k such that |k| 6 n: Dk (A) ⊆ Z |k| (D0 ), 0 < |k| 6 n. (6.36) Then for |k| = n + 1 we have: for any a ∈ A Z |k−l| ∈ Diff |l| = Diff n 06l<k 0<l<k ⇓ ∈ (4.70) Diff |k−l|+|l|−1 Dk (a) · D0 ∈ Diff n ⇓ ∋ (4.51) Diff |k|−1 (4.73) = ∋ (6.36) (6.33) X k  X k  z }| { z}|{ · Dk−l (a) · Dl = Dk (a) · D0 + · Dk−l (a)· Dl [Dk , a] = (6.31) = l l | {z } | {z } Diff n § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 169 Dk (a) ∈ Z n+1 = Z |k| 2. (i)⇐=(ii). Conversely, suppose (ii) holds. Then (i) is also proved by induction. 0) For k = 0 the proposition (6.33) is always true, since the homomorphism ϕ = D0 is a differential operator of zero order by formula (4.59). 1) Suppose we have already proved (6.33) for all k such that |k| 6 n: Dk ∈ Diff |k| (D0 ), |k| 6 n. (6.37) Then for |k| = n + 1 we have: Z |k−l| ∈ Diff |l| 06l<k ∈ ∋ ∀a ∈ A (6.34) (6.37) X k z }| { z}|{ [Dk , a] = (6.31) = · Dk−l (a)· Dl , l | {z } (4.70) = Diff |k−l|+|l|−1 Diff n ∀a ∈ A ⇓ [Dk , a] ∈ Diff n , ⇓ Dk ∈ Diff n+1 . (b) Smooth envelopes Definition of the smooth envelope and functoriality. • A smooth envelope envE A : A → EnvE A of an involutive stereotype algebra A is its envelope in the class DEpi of dense epimorphisms in the category InvSteAlg of involutive stereotype algebras with respect to the class DiffMor of all differential homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras B[m] with the joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements: EnvE A = EnvDEpi DiffMor A In detail, a smooth extension of an involutive stereotype algebra A is defined as a dense epimorphism σ : A → A′ of involutive stereotype algebras such that for each C ∗ -algebra B, each multi-index m ∈ Nd and each differential involutive homomorphism ϕ : A → B[m] there is a unique homomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras ϕ′ : A′ → B[m], such that the following diagram is commutative: σ / A′ A❁ ❁❁ ✁ ✁ ❁❁ ✁ ′ ϕ ❁❁  ✁ ϕ B[m] And a smooth envelope of the algebra A is a smooth extension ρ : A → EnvE A, such that for each smooth extension σ : A → A′ there is a unique homomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras υ : A′ → EnvE A, such that the following diagram is commutative: A ✝ ❅❅❅ ✝ ❅❅ρ σ ✝✝ ❅❅ ✝ ❅ ✝✝ A′ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴/ EnvE A υ Theorem 6.6. The smooth envelope EnvE is regular and is coherent with the projective tensor product66 ⊛ in InvSteAlg. Proof. We use here the same tricks as in Theorem 5.2, and in the second part of the proposition – the coherence with the tensor product – the proof is exactly the same, while in the first part the differences appear in two last points. 66 Definitions on pages 24 and 24. 170 R.4: For each stereotype algebra A there always exists a differential morphism ϕ : A → B[m] (for instance one can take B = 0, m = 0 and ϕ = 0). This means (see definition on page 7), that the class DiffMor goes from InvSteAlg. let us show that DiffMor is a right ideal in InvSteAlg. Take D ∈ DiffMor, D : B → C[m], and σ ∈ Mor, σ : A → B. Then D ◦ σ : A → C[m]. For any k > 0 we have (D ◦ σ)k (A) = D(σ(A))(k) ⊆ D(B)(k) = Dk (B) B ⊇ σ(A) ⇓ D0 (B) ⊇ D0 (σ(A)) ⇓ (6.35) ⊆ D0 (B)! ⊆ D0 (σ(A))! !   (0) = D(σ(A)) = = (D ◦ σ)(A)(0) ! = (D ◦ σ)0 (A)! Thus, the morphism D ◦ σ : A → C[m] satisfies the condition (iii) in Theorem 6.5, i.e. D ◦ σ is a differential morphism. R.5: It remains to check that the class DEpi pushes the class DiffMor. Take the morphisms D : B → C[m] and σ : A → B such that σ ∈ DEpi and D ◦ σ ∈ DiffMor. Then for each k > 0 we have: !  Dk (σ(A)) = (D ◦ σ)k (A) ⊆ (D ◦ σ)0 (A)! = (D ◦ σ)(A)(0) =   ⇓ σ(A) = B ⇓  ! D0 (σ(A))! = D0 σ(A) = D0 (B)! ! ⇓  D(σ(A))(0) ⊆ D0 (B)! Dk (B) = Dk σ(A) ⊆ Dk (σ(A)) ⊆ D0 (B)! . Thus, the morphism D : B → C[m] satisfies the condition (iii) of Theorem 6.5, i.e. D is a differential morphism. Corollary 6.7. The smooth envelope can be defined as an idempotent covariant functor from InvSteAlg into InvSteAlg: there exist 1) a map A 7→ (EnvE A, envE A), that assigns to each involutive stereotype algebra A an involutive stereotype algebra EnvE A and a morphism of involutive stereotype algebras envE A : A → EnvE A, which is a smooth envelope of A, and 2) a map ϕ 7→ EnvE (ϕ), thatassigns to each morphism of involutive stereotype algebras ϕ : A → B a morphism of involutive stereotype algebras EnvE (ϕ) : EnvE A → EnvE B, such that the following diagram is commutative: envE A / EnvE A A (6.38) ✤ ✤ Env (ϕ) ϕ ✤ E   envE B / EnvE B B and the following identities hold: EnvE (1A ) = 1EnvE A , EnvE (β ◦ α) = EnvE (β) ◦ EnvE (α), EnvE (EnvE A) = EnvE A, envE EnvE A = 1EnvE A , EnvE C = C (6.39) (6.40) (6.41) Theorem 6.8 (connection with the continuous envelope). The smooth envelope is mapped into the ccontinuous envelope: for any involutive stereotype algebra A there exists a unique morphism of involutive stereotype algebras ζA : EnvE A → EnvC A such that the following diagram is commutative A❄ ❄❄ ⑧⑧ ❄❄envC A ⑧ ⑧ ❄❄ ⑧⑧ ❄ ⑧  ⑧ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ / EnvE A EnvC A envE A ζA This morphism ζA is always a dense epimorphism. Proof. This follows from [4, (3.10)]. (6.42) § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 171 A net of differential quotient mappings. The construction of smooth envelope can be described a bit more visual in the following way. A neighbourhood of zero U in an involutive stereotype algebra A will be called differential, if it is a reverse image of the unit ball under some differential homomorphism D : A → B[m] into a C ∗ -algebra B with joined adjoined nilpotent elements: U = {x ∈ A : kD(x)k 6 1} (the norm k·k is defined in (6.16)). For each differential neighbourhood of zero U in A its kernel \ Ker U = λ·U λ>0 coincides with the kernel of the homomorphism D, hence it is a closed ideal in A. Consider the quotient algebra A/ Ker U and endow it with the norm, for which the set of classes U + Ker U is a unit ball. This algebra A/ Ker U can be treated as a subalgebra in B[m] with the norm induced from this space. Its completion A/U = (A/ Ker U )H (6.43) is a Banach algebra (and we can consider it as a closed subalgebra in B[m]). We call A/U a quotient algebra of the algebra A by a differential neighbourhood of zero U , and the mapping πU : A → A/U we call the quotient mapping of the algebra A by the differential neighbourhoods of zero U , or a differential quotient mapping of the algebra A. Lemma 6.9. For each differential homomorphism ϕ : A → B[n] there is a unique homomorphism ϕU : A/U → B[n], such that the following diagram is commutative: ϕ / B[n] A❀ ❀❀ ⑧? ❀❀ ⑧ ⑧ ϕU πU ❀❀❀  ⑧ A/U (6.44) Lemma 6.10. If U and U ′ are two differential neighbourhoods of zero in A, and U ⊇ U ′ , then there is a unique U′ homomorphism κU : A/U ← A/U ′ , such that the following diagram is commutative: A❂ ✂✂ ❂❂❂ πU ′ ✂ ❂❂ ✂✂ ❂ ✂ ✂ A/U o❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ A/U ′ (6.45) πU U κU ′ Lemma 6.11. Any two differential neighbourhoods of zero U and U ′ in A contain a common differential neighbourhood of zero U ′′ : U ∩ U ′ ⊇ U ′′ . Proof. Indeed, let D : A → B[m] and D′ : A → B ′ [m′ ] be differential homomorphisms generating U and U ′ . U = {x ∈ A : kD(x)k 6 1}, Consider the homomorphism described in (6.22). The mapping ϕ : B[m] ⊕ B ′ [m′ ] → (B ⊕ B ′ )[m ⊕ m′ ], D′′ : A → (B ⊕ B ′ )[m ⊕ m′ ] is a homomorphism, and if we put then for each x ∈ U ′′ we have U ′ = {x ∈ A : kD′ (x)k 6 1}. D′′ (x) = ϕ(D(x) ⊕ D′ (x)), x ∈ A, U ′′ = {x ∈ A : kD′′ (x)k 6 1}, 1 > kD′′ (x)k = kϕ(D(x) ⊕ D′ (x))k > (6.23) > kD(x) ⊕ D′ (x)k = max{kD(x)k , kD′ (x)k} i.e. x ∈ U and x ∈ U ′ . 172 Theorem 6.12. The system πU : A → A/U of differential quotient mappings forms a net of epimorphisms67 in the category InvSteAlg of involutive stereotype algebras, i.e. has the following properties: (a) each algebra A has at least one differential neighbourhood of zero U , and the set of all differential neighbourhoods of zero in A is directed by the pre-order U 6 U′ ⇐⇒ U ⊇ U ′, ′ U (b) for each algebra A the system of morphisms κU from (6.45) is covariant, i.e. for each three neighbourhoods ′ ′′ of zero U ⊇ U ⊇ U the following diagram is commutative: U κU ′′ A/U o A/U ′′ _❅❅ ⑥⑥ ❅❅ ⑥⑥ ❅❅ ⑥ ′ ′′ ⑥ U ❅ κU ~⑥⑥ κUU′ A/U ′ U and this system κU has a projective limit in InvSteAlg; (c) for each morphism α : A ← A′ in InvSteAlg and for each differential neighbourhood of zero U in A ′ ′ ′ there is a differential neighbourhood of zero U ′ in A′ and a morphism αU U : A/U ← A /U such that the following diagram is commutative: α (6.46) A✤ ′ Ao ✤ ✤ πU ′ πU ✤  ′ ❴ o ❴ ❴ ❴ ❴ A/U A /U ′ ′ αU U ′ U By condition (b) of this theorem, there exists a projective limit lim A/U ′ of the system κU . As a corollary, ←− ′ 0←U there exists a unique arrow π : A → lim A/U ′ in InvSteAlg, such that the following diagrams are commutative: ←− ′ 0←U A❇ ❇ π ✆✆ ✆ πU ✆ ❇ U′ ✆ ❇ ✆ ❇ ✆✆ A/U o lim A/U ′ κU ←− ′ (6.47) 0←U The set of values π(A) of the mapping π is (an involutive subalgebra and) a subspace in the stereotype space lim A/U ′ . Hence it generates an immediate subspace in lim A/U ′ , or, an envelope Env π(A) [4], i.e. a maximal ←− ′ ←− ′ 0←U 0←U stereotype subspace in lim A/U ′ having π(A) as its dense subspace. Denote by ρ : A → Env π(A) the lifting ←− 0←U ′ of the morphism π to Env π(A). Theorem 6.13. The morphism ρ : A → Env π(A) is a smooth envelope of the algebra A: Env π(A) = EnvE A. Proof. Here we ahve to follow the rpoof of Theorem 3.42 in [4]: a net of epimorphisms N constructed there differs from the system πU : A → A/U of differential quotient map that we constructed here in the detail that elements of N are finite sets of maps πU : A → A/U (this is important in Theorem 3.42 in [4] for N X being directed with respect to the preorder in the class of epimorphisms, but in our case the system of quotient maps πU : A → A/U is alreday directed by Lemma 6.11). Certainly, the local limits of these nets (i.e. the projective limits for each given X) coincide. As a corollary, all the conclusions for N are true for the net πU : A → A/U , in particular, the conclusion that the envelope with respect to these nets coincide with the envelope with respect to the initial class of morphisms Φ = DiffMor. 67 See definition on page 21. § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 173 Remark 6.3. As in the case of the continuous envelope, the smooth envelope ρ : A → EnvE A is the composition of the elements red∞ and coim∞ of the nodal decomposition of the morphism π : A → lim A/U ′ in the category ←− 0←U ′ Ste of stereotype spaces (not algebras!): red∞ π ◦ coim∞ π = envE A, (6.48) Visually this can be illustrated by the diagram π= lim πU ′ ← − 0←U ′ A / lim A/U ′ ←− 0←U ′ O coim∞ π (6.49) im∞ π  Coim∞ π / Im∞ π red∞ π EnvC A The algebra EnvE A can be understood as the envelope (in the sense of (2.20)) of the set of values of π in the stereotype space lim0←U ′ A/U ′ : EnvE A = Env π(A). (6.50) (c) Smooth algebras We call an involutive stereotype algebra A a smooth algebra, if it coincides with its smooth envelope, or, equivalently, if its smooth envelope envE A : A → EnvE A is an isomorphism in the category InvSteAlg of involutive stereotype algebras. The class of all smooth algebras is denoted by E-Alg. It forms a full subcategory in InvSteAlg. Smooth tensor product of involutive stereotype algebras. Let EnvE be the functor of smooth envelope, defined in Corollary ??. For each two involutive stereotype algebras A and B we call its smooth tensor product the algebra E A ⊛ B = EnvE (A ⊛ B) (6.51) Theorem 6.14. For each two involutive stereotype algebras A and B there is a unique linear continuous E ∞ mapping ηA,B : A ⊛ B → A ⊙ B such that the following diagraam is commutative, A ⊛ B◗ ◗◗◗ ◗◗◗ ◗◗◗ ◗◗◗ envE A⊛B ◗( @A,B E A⊛B / A⊙B ♠6 ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠♠♠ ♠η♠∞ ♠ ♠ A,B ♠♠♠ (6.52) E ∞ and the system of mappings ηA,B : A ⊛ B → A⊙ B is a natural transformation of the functor (A, B) ∈ E-Alg2 7→ E A ⊛ B ∈ E-Alg into the functor (A, B) ∈ E-Alg2 7→ A ⊙ B ∈ Ste. Proof. Consider the diagram @A,B / A⊙B A⊛B❘ O ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘ ❘❘❘ ηA,B envE A⊛B ❘❘❘ envC A⊛B ❘❘❘  ❘❘❘ ( C E / A⊛B A⊛B ζA⊛B Here the left lower triangle is Diagram (6.42) for the algebra A ⊛ B, and the right upper triangle is Diagram (5.24). The morphism ∞ ηA,B = ηA,B ◦ αA,B is the one we need. 174 Smooth tensor product of smooth algebras. From Theorem 6.6 and 1.20 it follows Theorem 6.15. Formula (5.18) defines in E-Alg a tensor product, which turns E-Alg into a monoidal category, and the functor EnvE is a monoidal functor from the monoidal category (InvSteAlg, ⊛) of involutive stereotype E algebras into the monoidal category (E-Alg, ⊛) of smooth algebras. The corresponding morphism of bifunctors   E⊛   E (A, B) 7→ EnvE (A) ⊛ EnvE (B) ֌ (A, B) 7→ EnvE (A ⊛ B) is defined by the formula E ⊛ EA,B = EnvE (envE A ⊛ envE B)−1 : EnvE (A) ⊛ EnvE (B) = EnvE (EnvE (A) ⊛ EnvE (B)) → EnvE (A ⊛ B), and the local identity E C = 1C : C → C = EnvE (C). is the morphism in C-Alg, that turns the identity object C in C-Alg into the image EnvE (C) of the identity object C in InvSteAlg. To each pair of elements a ∈ A, b ∈ B one can assign the elementary tensor E a ⊛ b = envE (a ⊛ b) (6.53) E E Lemma 6.16. The elementary tensors a ⊛ b, a ∈ A, b ∈ B, are total in A ⊛ B and the mapping ηA,B turn them into the elementary tensors a ⊙ b: E ηA,B (a ⊛ b) = a ⊙ b. (6.54) E Proof. The tensors a ⊛ b are total in A ⊛ B, and the set of values of envE is dense in A ⊛ B. The identity (6.54) follows from the diagram (6.52). Action of smooth envelope on bialgebras. The following three propositions are analogues of Teorems 5.13, 5.14 and 5.15, and are proved similarly. E Lemma 6.17. If A is a coalgebra in the monoidal category (E-Alg, ⊛) of smooth algebras with the structure morphisms E κ : A → A ⊛ A, ε : A → C, then A is a coalgebra in the moniodal category (Ste, ⊙) of stereotype spaces with the structure morphisms λ = ηA,A ◦ κ : A → A ⊙ A, ε : A → C. Theorem 6.18. Let H be a bialgebra in the category (Ste, ⊛) of stereotype spaces, or, equivalently, a coalgebra in the category Ste⊛ of stereotype algebras with the comultiplication κ and the counit ε. Then E (i) the smooth envelope EnvE H is a coalgebra in the monoidal category (C-Alg, ⊛) of smooth algebras with the comultiplication and the counit κEnvE = EnvE (envE H ⊛ envE H) ◦ EnvE (κ), εEnvE = EnvE (ε), (6.55) (ii) the smooth envelope EnvE H is a coalgebra in the monoidal category (Ste, ⊙) of stereotype spaces with the comultiplication and the counit κ⊙ = ηEnvE H,EnvE H ◦ EnvE (envE H ⊛ envE H) ◦ EnvE (κ) = ηEnvE H,EnvE H ◦ κEnvE , ε⊙ = EnvE (ε), (6.56) (iii) the morphism (envE H)⋆ : H ⋆ ← EnvE H ⋆ , dual to the morphism of the envelope envE H : H → EnvE H, is a morphism of stereotype algebras, if EnvE H ⋆ is considered as an algebra with the multiplication and the unit, dual to (6.56), and H ⋆ the algebra with the multiplication and the unit κ ⋆ ◦ @H ⋆ ,H ⋆ , ε⋆ . Theorem 6.19. Let H be an involutive Hopf algebra in the category (Ste, ⊛) of stereotype spaces. Then § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 175 E (i) the smooth envelope EnvE H, as a coalgebra in the monoidal categories (E-Alg, ⊛) and (Ste, ⊙), has interconsistent antipode EnvE (σ) and involution EnvE (•), defined by the diagrams in the category Ste envE H H σ  H envE H envE H H / EnvE H ✤ ✤ Env (σ) ✤ E / EnvE H •  H (6.57) / EnvE H ✤ ✤ Env (•) ✤ E / EnvE H envE H (ii) the morphism (envE H)⋆ : H ⋆ ← EnvE H ⋆ , dual to the morphism of envelope envE H : H → EnvE H, is an involutive homomorphism of stereotype algebras over ⊛, if H ⋆ and EnvE H ⋆ are endowed with the structure of dual involutive algebras to the involutive coalgebras with the antipode H and EnvE H by Property 4◦ on page 55. Smooth tensor product with E(M ). Let X be a stereotype space, and M a smooth (locally euclidean) manifold. Consider the algebra E(M ) of smooth functions on M and the space E(M, X) of smooth mappings on M with values in X. We endow E(M ) and E(M, X) by the standard topology of uniform convergence on compact sets by any partial derivative E(M,X) ui −→ 0 ⇐⇒ ∀U ⊆ M ∀k ∈ Nd (k) C(U,X) ui |U −→ 0, u ∈ E(M, X), t ∈ M. (where u(k) is the partial derivative with respect to a chart on an open set U ⊆ M ) and the pointwise operations: (λ · u)(t) = λ · u(t) (u + v)(t) = u(t) + v(t), u, v ∈ C(M, X), λ ∈ C, t ∈ M. From [2, Theorem 8.9] we have Proposition 6.20. The following identity holds: E(M, X) ∼ = E(M ) ⊙ X (6.58) Further we shall be interested in the case when A is a smooth (and thus, a stereotype) algebra. We endow the space E(M, A) with the structure of stereotype algebra with the pointwise operations (u · v)(t) = u(t) · v(t), u, v ∈ C(M, A), t ∈ M. From (6.58) we see that E(M, A) is a stereotype A-module. Theorem 6.21. For each smooth algebra A and for each smooth manifold M the natural mapping ι : E(M ) ⊛ A → E(M, A) ι(u ⊛ a)(t) = u(t) · a, u ∈ E(M ), a ∈ A, t ∈ M, (6.59) is a smooth envelope and generates an isomorphism of stereotype algebras: E E(M ) ⊛ A ∼ = E(M, A). (6.60) We split the proof into 5 lemmas. Lemma 6.22. The mapping ι : E(M ) ⊛ A → E(M, A) is a dense epimorphism. Proof. This is proved by analogy with Lemma 5.18. Lemma 6.23. The modules E(M ) ⊛ A and E(M, A) over the algebra E(M ) have isomorphic jet bundles: JetnE(M) E(M ) ⊛ A ∼ = JetnE(M) E(M, A), n∈N (6.61) Proof. In each point t ∈ M the ideal Itn+1 has finite co-dimension in E(M ), hence we can use Lemma 2.52: JetnE(M) E(M ) ⊛ A = [(E(M ) ⊛ A)/(Itn+1 ⊛ A)]△ = (2.90) = = [(E(M ) ⊙ A)/(Itn+1 ⊙ A)]△ = JetnE(M) E(M ) ⊙ A = (6.58) = JetnE(M) E(M, A) 176 Lemma 6.24. Let M be a smooth manifold, F a C ∗ -algebra, and ϕ : E(M ) → F a homomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras, with ϕ(E(M )) lying in the center of F : ϕ(E(M )) ⊆ Z(F ). Then for any stereotype space X each morphism of the jet bundle ν : JetnE(M) (E(M, X)) → Jet0E(M) (F ) defines a unique differential operator of order n between stereotype E(M )-modules D : E(M ) → F , such that Jet0E(M) [E(M, X)] e❑❑❑ n ❑jet ❑❑❑(u) ❑❑❑ jet0 (Du) = ν ◦ jetn (u), u ∈ E(M, X). (6.62) M ss s ss sssn  yss jet (Du) Jet0E(M) [F ] ν In other words, ν is the morphism of the jet bundles, generated by the differential operator D by Theorem 4.13: ν = jetn [D]. 0 Proof. By Theorem 4.9, the mapping v : F → Sec(πE(M),F ), that turns F into the algebra of continuous 0 0 sections of the value bundle πE(M),F : JetE(M) F → Spec(E(M )) over the algebra E(M ), is an isomorphism of C ∗ -algebras: 0 ). F ∼ = Sec(πE(M),F 0 Consider the reverse isomorphism v −1 : Sec(πE(M),F ) → F: v −1 (jet0 (b)) = b, b ∈ F. (6.63) To each morphism of jet bundles ν : JetnE(M) (E(M, X)) → Jet0E(M) (F ) one can assign an operator D : E(M, X) → F by the formula   u ∈ E(M, X). (6.64) Du = v −1 ν ◦ jetn (u) , Evidently, D satisfies the identity (6.62). On the other hand, in the space of smooth functions on M with values in an arbitrary stereotype space X (as well as in the usual space of functions with values in C) the Newton-Leibnitz formula is true, hence for a given chart, the Hadamard lemma [51] and the Taylor expansion with the remainder in Itn+1 · X hold (with some n ∈ N). Since the action of D on element x can be factored through the jet jetn (x), D can be linearly expressed through the coefficients of the Taylor decomposition of the element x in the neighbourhood of given t ∈ M (with the choice of a chart). These Taylor coefficients are differential operators over E(M ). As a corollary, D is also a differential operator over E(M ). Lemma 6.25. The mapping ι : E(M ) ⊛ A → E(M, A) is a smooth extension. Proof. Let D : E(M )⊛A → B[m] be a morphism into a C ∗ -algebra B with joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements. Consider the family of partial derivatives Dk : E(M ) ⊛ A → B, generated by D, and put ηk (u) = Dk (u ⊛ 1), αk (a) = Dk (1 ⊛ a), u ∈ E(M ), a ∈ A. Then η : E(M ) → B[m] and α : A → B[m] are morphisms of involutive stereotype algebras, and by Lemma 3.3, D(u ⊛ a) = η(u) · α(a) = α(a) · η(u), u ∈ E(M ), a ∈ A, (6.65) In particular, D0 (u ⊛ a) = η0 (u) · α0 (a) = α0 (a) · η0 (u), u ∈ E(M ), a ∈ A. Consider the operator η0 and denote by C its image in B: C = η0 (E(M )). Let F be the commutant of C in B: F = C ! = {x ∈ B : ∀c ∈ C x · c = c · x}. (6.66) § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 177 Since C is a commutative algebra, it also lies in F , and moreover, in the center of F : C ⊆ Z(F ). Note also that the images of all operators Dk lie in F : Dk (E(M ) ⊛ A) ⊆ F. (6.67) For k = 0 this can be proved directly:    D0 (v ⊛ a) · η0 (u) = D0 (v ⊛ a) · D0 (u ⊛ 1) = D0 (v ⊛ a) · (u ⊛ 1) = D0 (v · u) ⊛ 1 = D0 (u · v) ⊛ 1 =  = D0 (u ⊛ 1) · (v ⊛ a) = D0 (u ⊛ 1) · D0 (v ⊛ a) = η0 (u) · D0 (v ⊛ a) And for k > 0 we have to apply (6.35): since for k > 0 the values of the operators Dk and D0 commute, we obtain Dk (v ⊛ a) · η0 (u) = Dk (v ⊛ a) · D0 (u ⊛ 1) = D0 (u ⊛ 1) · Dk (v ⊛ a) = η0 (u) · Dk (v ⊛ a). To show that ι is a smooth extension, we have to construct the system of differential partial derivatives {Dk′ ; k ∈ Nd } (over E(M, A)!), which extend the operators Dk from E(M ) ⊛ A to E(M, A) with values in F : E(M ) ⊛ A ❊❊ ❊❊ ❊❊ ❊❊ Dk " ι F ~⑤ ⑤ / E(M, A) ⑤ ⑤ (6.68) ′ Dk Each differential operator Dk : E(M ) ⊛ A → F by Theorem 4.13 generates a morphism of the jet bundles 0 jetn [Dk ] : JetnE(M) [E(M ) ⊛ A] → Jet0E(M) (F ) = πA F , where n = |k|, such that jet0 (Dk x) = jetn [Dk ] ◦ jetn (x), x ∈ E(M ) ⊛ A. By Lemma 6.23, the jet bundles of algebras E(M ) ⊛ A and E(M, A) are isomorphic. Denote this isomorphism by µ : JetnE(M) [E(M ) ⊛ A] ← JetnE(M) [E(M, A)]. Consider the composition ν = jetn [Dk ] ◦ µ : JetE(M) [E(M, A)] → 0 Jet0E(M) (F ) = πA F: µ JetnE(M) [E(M, A)] JetnE(M) [E(M ) ⊛ A] o ❖❖❖ ♣ ❖❖❖ ♣♣ ❖❖❖ ♣ jetn [Dk ] ❖❖' w♣ ♣ ν=jetn [Dk ]◦µ 0 JetE(M) [F ] By Lemma 6.24 this dotted arrow ν generates a differential operator Dk′ : E(M, A) → F (over the algebra E(M )), such that jet0 (Dk′ f ) = jetn [Dk ] ◦ jetn (f ), f ∈ E(M, A). For each x ∈ E(M ) ⊛ A we have  jet0 Dk′ ι(x) = jetn [Dk ] ◦ jetn (ι(x)) = jetn [Dk ] ◦ jetn (x) = jet0 (Dk x). (6.69) 0 Note then that by Theorem 4.9, the mapping jet0 = v : F → Sec(πE(M) F ) = Sec(Jet0E(M) F ), that turns F 0 0 into the algebra of continuous sections of the value bundle πE(M) F : JetE(M) F → Spec(E(M )) over the algebra ∗ E(M ), is an isomorphism of C -algebras: 0 F ). F ∼ = Sec(πE(M) Hence we can apply the operator reverse to jet0 to (6.69), and we get the equality Dk′ ι(x) = Dk x. I.e. Dk′ extends Dk in the diagram (6.68). Besides this, from the fact that ι maps E(M ) ⊛ A densely into E(M, A) it follows that the conditions (6.25)-(6.27) are inherited from Dk to Dk′ . By construction, the operators Dk′ are differential with respect to the algebra E(M ), but this is not enough for us: each Dk′ must be a differential operator of order |k| with respect to the algebra E(M, A), and the operators Dk′ must form a system of partial derivatives on E(M, A). 178 Both propositions follow from the fact that the operators Dk form a differential system of partial derivatives on E(M ) ⊛ A. First, each Dk is a differential operator of order |k| with respect E(M ) ⊛ A, hence for each u0 , u1 , ..., u|k| ∈ E(M ) we have [...[[Dk , u0 ⊛ a0 ], u1 ⊛ a1 ], ...u|k| ⊛ a|k| ] = 0. This implies [...[[Dk′ , ι(u0 ⊛ a0 )], ι(u1 ⊛ a1 )], ...ι(u|k| ⊛ a|k| )] = 0, and, since elements of the form ι(u ⊛ a) are total in E(M, A), this means that they can be replaced by arbitrary vectors from E(M, A), and we obtain that Dk′ is a differential operator of order |k| over E(M, A). Second, formulas (6.25)-(6.27) can be transferred from Dk to Dk′ . For instance, (6.27) for Dk , X k  Dk (x · y) = · Dk−l (x) · Dl (y), l 06l6k x, y ∈ E(M ) ⊛ A, implies Dk′ (ι(x) · ι(y)) = Dk′ (ι(x · y)) = Dk (x · y) = X k  X k  · Dk−l (x) · Dl (y) = · Dk−l (ι(x)) · Dl (ι(y)), l l 06l6k 06l6k This is true for each x, y ∈ E(M ) ⊛ A. Since the image of ι is dense in E(M, A) (Lemma 6.22), we see that ι(x) and ι(y) can be replaced by arbitrary vectors from E(M, A), i.e. (6.27) holds for operators Dk′ as well. Lemma 6.26. The mapping ι : E(M ) ⊛ A → E(M, A) is a smooth envelope. Proof. Suppose σ : E(M ) ⊛ A → C is another smooth extension. We need to verify that there exists a morphism υ, such that the following diagram is commutative: σ /C E(M ) ⊛ A ❏❏ ⑥ ❏❏ ⑥ ❏❏ ⑥υ ι ❏❏❏ $ ~⑥ E(M, A) Take a chart ϕ : U → V , where U ⊆ M , V ⊆ Rd , and let K ⊆ U be a compact set that coincides with the closure of its interior: Int(K) = K. The operators from Example 6.2 Φk (u) = ∂ |k| (u ◦ ϕ−1 ) ∂tk11 ...∂tkdd ◦ ϕ, u ∈ E(M ), k ∈ Nd , form a system of partial derivatives on E(M ) with values in C(K). Let Φ : E(M ) → C(K)[m] be a differential homomorphism, corresponding to the system {Φk }. Take an arbitrary homomorphism η : A → B[n] into a C ∗ -algebra with joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements B[n], and put D(u ⊛ a) = Φ(u) ⊛ η(a), u ∈ E(M ), a ∈ A. The mapping D is a homomorphism from E(M ) ⊛ A into the algebra C(K)[m] ⊛ B[n], which by (6.20), is isomorphic to (C(K) ⊛ B)[m ⊕ n]. The stereotype tensor product C(K) ⊛ B is naturally mapped into the maximal tensor product of C ∗ -algebras C(K) ⊗ B, which in its turn is isomorphic to C(K) ⊙ B and C(K, B): max C(K) ⊛ B → C(K) ⊗ B ∼ = (3.21) ∼ = C(K) ⊙ B ∼ = (5.33) ∼ = C(K, B). max Thus we can treat D as a morphism into a C ∗ -algebra with the joined self-addjoined nilpotent elements C(K, B)[m ⊕ n], D : E(M ) ⊛ A → C(K)[m] ⊛ B[n] ∼ = (6.20), (6.19) ∼ = (C(K) ⊛ B)[m ⊕ n] → (C(K) ⊗ B)[m ⊕ n] ∼ = max ∼ = C(K, B)[m ⊕ n] = (5.33) ∼ = (C(K) ⊙ B)[m ⊕ n] ∼ = (3.21) ∼ § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 179 Since σ : E(M ) ⊛ A → C is a smooth envelope, the homomorphism D : E(M ) ⊛ A → C(K, B)[m ⊕ n] is uniquely extended to a homomorphism D′ : C → C(K, B)[m ⊕ n]: σ /C E(M ) ⊛ A ✉ ◆◆◆ ✉ ◆◆◆ ✉ ◆◆ ✉ ′ D ◆◆◆ z✉ D ' C(K, B)[m ⊕ n] (6.70)  Note that C(K, B)[m ⊕ n] is isomorphic to C K, B[n] [m],  C(K, B)[m ⊕ n] ∼ = (6.19) ∼ = C(K, B)[n][m] ∼ = (6.21) ∼ = C K, B[n] [m], so diagram (6.70) can be changed as follows: σ /C E(M ) ⊛ A ▼▼▼ ✈ ✈ ▼▼▼ ✈ ▼▼ ✈ D′ D ▼▼▼ {✈ & C(K, B[n])[m] (6.71) Now we can return back to the system of partial derivatives Dk , and for each index k ∈ N[m] we have σ /C E(M ) ⊛ A ▲▲▲ ③ ③ ▲▲▲ ③ ▲ ③ ′ Dk ▲▲▲ % |③ Dk C(K, B[n]) Take an arbitrary element c ∈ C. Since σ : E(M ) ⊛ A → C is a dense epimorphism, there is a net of elements xi ∈ E(M ) ⊛ A such that C σ(xi ) −→ c. i→∞ For each index k ∈ N[m] we have C(K) Dk (xi ) = Dk′ (σ(xi )) −→ Dk′ (c). (6.72) i→∞ Now let us take a smooth curve in K, i.e. a smooth mapping γ : [0, 1] → K. For each index k ∈ N[m] of order |k| = 1 and for each t ∈ [0, 1] let γ k (t) denote the k-th component of the derivative γ ′ (t) in the expansion by local coordinates on U . For each function u ∈ E(M ) we have by the Newton-Leibnitz theorem Φ0 (u)(γ(1)) − Φ0 (u)(γ(0)) = X Z |k|=1 1 0 γ k (t) · Φk (u)(γ(t)) d t. If we multiply u by an arbitrary element a ∈ A, we get D0 (u ⊛ a)(γ(1)) − D0 (u ⊛ a)(γ(0)) = Φ0 (u)(γ(1)) ⊛ η(a) − Φ0 (u)(γ(0)) ⊛ η(a) = X Z 1 X Z 1 = γ k (t) · Φk (u)(γ(t)) ⊛ η(a) d t = γ k (t) · Dk (u ⊛ a)(γ(t)) d t. |k|=1 0 |k|=1 0 Since elements of the form u⊛a are total in E(M )⊛A, we can replace them by an arbitrary element x ∈ E(M )⊛A. Together with (6.72) this gives D0′ (c)(γ(1)) − D0′ (c)(γ(0)) ←− D0 (xi )(γ(1)) − D0 (xi )(γ(0)) = ∞←i X Z 1 X Z = γ k (t) · Dk (xi )(γ(t)) d t −→ |k|=1 i→∞ 0 therefore. D0′ (c)(γ(1)) − D0′ (c)(γ(0)) = XZ |k|=1 1 0 |k|=1 0 γ k (t) · Dk′ (c)(γ(t)) d t. 1 γ k (t) · Dk′ (c)(γ(t)) d t, 180 This connection between the function D0′ (c) ∈ C(K, B) and the functions Dk′ (c) ∈ C(K, B), |k| = 1, means that D0′ (c) is continuously differentiable on K, and its partial derivatives (in our local coordinates) are the functions Dk′ (c), |k| = 1. After that we can take one of the derivatives Dk′ (c), |k| = 1, and consider the indices of order 2. Using the same trick, we see that Dk′ (c) is also continuously differentiable. The induction over indices shows that the functions Dk′ (c) are infinitely differentiable, and are related to each other as partial derivatives of the function D0′ (c) (with respect to the chosen local coordinates). This means that diagram (6.71) is commutative: σ /C E(M ) ⊛ A ✈ ▼▼▼ ✈ ▼▼▼ ✈ ▼▼▼ ✈ ιK,B ▼▼ ✈ ι′K,B ▼▼& z✈ E(K, B[n]) D (6.73) D′ ΦB  w ( C(K, B[n])[m] where ιK,B (u ⊛ a) = u(t) · η(a), (ΦB )k (f ) = u ∈ E(M ), ∂ |k| (f ◦ ϕ−1 ) ◦ ϕ, ∂tk11 ...∂tkdd a ∈ A, f ∈ E(M, B[n]), k ∈ Nd , From this diagram it follows that ι′K,B is continuous, since if ci → c, then this condition is preserved under the action of the operator Dk′ , i.e. Dk′ (ci ) → Dk′ (c), and this is exactly the convergence in the space E(K, B[n]). If now we change the compact set K ⊂ U and the open set U ⊆ M , then the arising smooth functions D0′ (c) on K are compatible to each other, since on the intersections of their domains they coincide. Thus a common smooth function is defined ι′B (c) : M → B[n], such that its restriction to each compact set K coincides with the corresponding function D0′ (c): ι′ (c) K = D0′ (c), K ⊂ U ⊆ M. and the partial derivatives under the chosen system of coordinates coincide with the values of the operators Dk′ on c. In other words, a mapping is defined ι′B : C → E(M, B[n]) (by construction this is a homomorphism of algebras), such that the following diagram specifying (6.73) is commutative: σ /C E(M ) ⊛ A ▲▲▲ ① ① ▲▲▲ ① ▲ ① ιB ▲▲▲ ① ι′B ▲▲ % |① E(M, B[n]) ιK,B ρK (6.74) ι′K,B  ( x E(K, B[n]) (here ρK is the mapping of restriction to K). Let now U be a differential neighbourhood of zero in A generated by a homomorphism η : A → B[n]. Since σ is a dense epimorphism, the upper inner triangle in (6.74) can be completed to the diagram σ /C E(M ) ⊛ A ▲▲ ① ▲▲▲ ① ① ▲▲▲ ① ▲ ▲▲▲ ϑU ① ϑ′U |① % E(M, A/U ) ιB ηU ⊘1M (  x E(M, B[n]) ι′B (6.75) § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 181 where ηU : A/U → B[n] is the morphism from (6.44), and ϑU (u ⊛ a)(t) = u(t) · πU (a), u ∈ E(M ), (ηU ⊘ 1M )(h)(t) = ηU (h(t)), ′ a ∈ A, h ∈ E(M, A/U ), t ∈ M, t ∈ M. From the definition of ϑU it follows that of U ⊆ U is another differential neighbourhood of zero, then ′ U ϑU = (κU ⊘ 1M ) · ϑU ′ , U ⊇ U ′, (6.76) ′ U where κU is a morphism from (6.45), and ′ ′ U U (κU ⊘ 1M )(h)(t) = κU (h(t)), h ∈ E(M, A/U ′ ), t ∈ M. The equality (6.76) is the left lower inner triangle in the diagram σ / E(M ) ⊛ A tC ❖❖❖ t t ❖❖❖ t tt ❖❖❖ tt ❖❖❖ t tt ❖❖' ϑU ′ ytt ϑ′U ′ E(M, A/U ′ ) ✤ ✤ ′ ϑ′U ϑU ✤ κUU ⊘1M ✤ ( w E(M, A/U ) Here the perimeter and the upper inner triangle are variants of the upper inner triangle in (6.75), and in addition σ is an epimorphism. As a corollary, the remaining right lower triangle also must be commutative. U′ This means that the morphisms ϑ′U : C → E(M, A/U ) form a projective cone of the system κU ⊘ 1M , and thus there is a morphism ϑ′ into the projective limit: σ / E(M ) ⊛ A rC ❖❖❖ r ❖❖❖ r ❖❖❖ r r ❖❖❖ r ❖❖❖ r ϑ′ ϑ ❖' yr lim E(M, A/U ′ ) ←− ′ 0←U ϑU κU ⊘1M ϑ′U w  ( E(M, A/U ) Now we note the chain lim E(M, A/U ′ ) = lim (E(M ) ⊙ A/U ′ ) = [4, (2.53)] = E(M ) ⊙ lim A/U ′ = E(M, lim A/U ′ ) ←− ←− ′ ←− ′ ←− ′ 0←U ′ 0←U 0←U 0←U and place the last space into our diagram: σ / E(M ) ⊛ A rC ❖❖❖ r ❖❖❖ r ❖❖❖ r r ❖❖❖ r ❖❖❖ r ϑ′ ϑ ❖' yr E(M, lim A/U ′ ) ←− ′ 0←U ϑU κU ⊘1M ϑ′U ( w  E(M, A/U ) Again let us recall that σ is a dense epimorphism. This implies that the arrow ϑ′ can be lifted to an arrow υ with values in the space E(M, Im π) of functions with values in the image of the mapping π : A → lim A/U ′ , ←− ′ 0←U 182 or, what is the same, in the immediate subspace, generated by the set of values of the mapping π, and this space coincides with A, since A is a smooth algebra: Im π ∼ = EnvE A ∼ =A We obtain the diagram σ /C E(M ) ⊛ A ◗◗◗ qq ◗◗◗ q ◗◗◗ qq ◗◗◗ q ◗ ι ◗◗( xq q υ E(M, A) ϑ im π⊘1M ϑ′  v ) E(M, lim A/U ′ ) ←− ′ 0←U where π is the morphism from (6.47). (d) E(M), as a smooth envelope of its subalgebras Again, let M be a smooth (locally euclidean) manifold, and E(M ) the algebra of smooth functions on M . We denote by Ts (M ), Ts⋆ (M ) and Jetns (M ) the usual tangent space, cotangent space and the algebra of jets in a given point s ∈ M . These notations are related with those we introduced before by the equations Ts (M ) = Ts [E(M )], Ts⋆ (M ) = Ts⋆ [E(M )], Jetns (M ) = Jetns [E(M )]. Theorem 6.27. Let A be an involutive stereotype subalgebra in the algebra E(M ) of smooth functions on a smooth (locally euclidean) manifold M , i.e. there is a (continuous and unital) monomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras ι : A → E(M ). The smooth envelope of A coincides with E(M ) EnvE A = E(M ) (6.77) (i.e. ι is a smooth envelope of A), if and only if the following two conditions hold: (i) the dual mapping of spectra 68 Spec(A) ← M is an exact covering ; (ii) for each point s ∈ M the natural mapping of tangent spaces Ts [A] ← Ts (M ) is an isomorphism (of finite dimensional vector spaces). We split the proof into 5 lemmas. Lemma 6.28. Conditions (i) and (ii) are necessary for the enclosure A ⊆ E(M ) to be a smooth extension of A. Proof. Assume that ι is a smooth extension, i.e. an extension in the class DEpi of dense epimorphisms with respect to the class of differential involutive homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras with joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements. Then ι is an extension in DEpi with respect to the class of homomorphisms into C ∗ -algebras, since a C ∗ -algebra B can be considered as a C ∗ -algebra with joined empty set of nilpotent elements: B = B[0]. I.e., ι is a continuous extension. The same reasoning as in Theorem (5.23) proves that the mapping of spectra ιSpec : Spec(A) ← M is an exact covering. So we have to prove the condition (ii). Consider the algebra C1 [[1]] of polynomials of degree 1 of one variable. As a vector space it is isomorphic to the direct sum C ⊕ C, and the morphisms A → C1 [[1]] are the pairs (s, σ), 68 In the sense of definition on page 131. § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 183 where s ∈ Spec(A) is the point of the spectrum, and σ ∈ Ts [A] the tangent vector in this point. For the point t ∈ M in (ii) we have a commutative diagram ι / E(M ) A❂ ❂❂ ③③ ❂❂ ③③ ❂❂ ③ ③ (t◦ι,τ ◦ι) ❂ }③③ (t,τ ) C1 [[1]] Since ι : A → E(M ) is a smooth extension, each arrow A → C1 [[1]] generates a unique arrow E(M ) → C1 [[1]], and this means that the mapping of tangent spaces τ 7→ ι⋆ (τ ) = τ ◦ ι is a bijection, and hence an isomorphism of vector spaces. Lemma 6.29. Let ι : A → B be a homomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras, and for a point t ∈ Spec(B) ⋆ ⋆ the corresponding morphism of cotangent spaces ιCT : CTt◦ι [A] → CTt⋆ [B] is injective: t ⋆ Then Ker ιTt = 0 (6.78)   2 [A] = ι−1 I 2 [B] . It◦ι t (6.79) Proof. The direct inclusion follows from the homomorphy (and continuity) of ι (we use the notations on page 54):   ι It◦ι [A] ⊆ It [B] =⇒         2 =⇒ ι It◦ι [A] = ι It◦ι [A] · It◦ι [A] = ι It◦ι [A] · ι It◦ι [A] ⊆ Is [B] · Is [B] = Is2 [B] ⊆ It2 [B] =⇒     2 2 [A] ⊆ ι−1 I 2 [B] . =⇒ It◦ι =⇒ It◦ι [A] ⊆ ι−1 It2 [B] t This inclusion can be presented in the form   2 [A] ⊆ I 2 [B], ι It◦ι t and we can conclude that the following diagram is commutative: 2 [A] It◦ι ι / I 2 [B] t ι  / It [B] σB σA  It◦ι [A] πA  CTt◦ι [A] . πB 2 [A] It◦ι [A] It◦ι ▽ ⋆ ιT t  . / It [B] It2 [B] ▽ CTt [B] It implies the inverse chain, that is necessary for the proof of (6.79):   a ∈ ι−1 It2 [B] =⇒ ι(a) ∈ It2 [B] ⋆ =⇒ ιTt (πA (a)) = πB (ι(a)) = 0 =⇒ πA (a) ∈ Ker ιTt = (6.78) = 0 ⋆ =⇒ =⇒ a ∈ Ker(πA ) = It◦ι [A]. Lemma 6.30. Under the conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 6.27 the natural morphism of bundles JetnA [E(M )] ←− JetnE(M) [E(M )] is a fiber-wise isomorphism. 184 Proof. By the Nachbin theorem 4.26 the algebra A is dense in the algebra E(M ). Hence by Lemma 3.23, the ideal It (A) = {a ∈ A : a(t) = 0} is dense in the ideal It (E(M )) = {u ∈ E(M ) : u(t) = 0}. Therefore, Itn (A) = Itn (E(M )) = Itn (E(M )), and thus, E(M )/Itn (A) = E(M ))/Itn (E(M )) = E(M )/Itn (E(M )). Lemma 6.31. If M is a smooth manifold and ι : A → E(M ) a monomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras, then (ndependently on (i)) the condition (ii) of Theorem 6.27 is equivalent to each of the conditions (iii) for each point s ∈ M the natural mapping of cotangent spaces Ts⋆ [A] → Ts⋆ (M ) is an isomorphism (of finite-dimensional vector spaces), (iv) for each point s ∈ M and for each number n ∈ N the natural mapping of the spaces of jets Jetns [A] → Jetns (M ) is an isomorphism (of finite-dimensional vector spaces). and implies the condition (v) for each n ∈ N there is a continuous mapping µ : JetnA [A] ← JetnE(M) [E(M )], which together with the mapping of spectra ιSpec : Spec(A) ← M forms a morphism of bundles, JetnA [A] o µ JetnE(M) [E(M )] n πE(M ),E(M ) n πA,A  Spec(A) o ιSpec  M satisfying the identity µ(jetn (a ◦ ιSpec )(t)) = jetn (a)(ιSpec (t)), a ∈ A, t ∈ M. (6.80) If in addition the condition (i) of Theorem 6.27 holds, then the morphism of bundles µ is a bijection. Proof. 1. Let us first show that the conditions (ii)-(iv) are equivalent. The fact that (ii) and (iii) are equivalent follows immediately from Theorem 3.19: if Ts [A] and Ts (M ) are isomorphic as (finite dimensional) vector spaces, then their dual spaces Ts⋆ [A] and Ts⋆ (M ) are isomorphic as well. And vice versa. On the other hand (iv) implies (iii), since the isomorphism Jet1s [A] ∼ = Jet1s (M ) maps the ideal Is [A] ∩ Jet1s [A] into the ideal Is (M ) ∩ Jet1s (M ), and this means the isomorphism ▽ .  . Ts⋆ [A] = Is [A] Is2 [A] = Is [A] Is2 [A] = Is [A] ∩ Jet1s [A] ∼ = Is (M ) ∩ Jet1s (M ) =  . . ▽ = Is (M ) Is2 (M ) = Is (M ) Is2 (M ) = Ts⋆ (M ) Thus, in the equivalences (ii) ⇐⇒ (iii) ⇐⇒ (iv) the only unclear link is the implication (iii) =⇒ (iv). Let us prove it. Suppose (iii) holds. Then first, we have equality (6.78), which in this case can be written as follows: Is2 [A] = A ∩ Is2 (M ) (6.81)  . ▽ . Further, since the space Ts⋆ [A] = Is [A] Is2 [A] is finite dimensional, it coincides with the space Is [A] Is2 [A], which is finite dimensional as well, and therefore we can choose a finite basis there. In other words, there . exists 1 d 1 d 2 2 a sequence of vectors e , ..., e ∈ Is [A] such that the cosets e + Is [A], ..., e + Is [A] form a basis in Is [A] Is2 [A]. § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 185 Take a neighbourhood U of s, where the functions e1 , ..., ed form a local chart of the manifold M . After that for each point t ∈ U and for each multiindex k ∈ Nd we put ekt = (e1 − e1 (t))k1 · ... · (ed − ed (t))kd . (6.82) For any function f ∈ E(M ) and for any number n ∈ N let the symbol Esn [f ] denote the linear combination of functions ek , |k| 6 n, X λk · eks . Esn [f ] = |k|6n which in the point s has the same jet of order n, as the function f : Isn+1 (M) ≡ f Esn [f ] (6.83) (such a function exists and is unique, since e1s , ..., eds form a local chart in a neighbourhood Vs of s, and this chart diffeomorphically maps Vs onto a neighbourhood of zero in Rd , and in this diffeomorphism the functions Esn [f ] turn exactly into the Taylor polynomials of the function f in the point 0). 2. Note that the operation f 7→ Esn [f ] is multiplicative Esn [f · g] = Esn [f ] · Esn [g], satisfies a variant of the idempotency property     Esq Esp [f ] = Esp [f ] = Esp Esq [f ] , and is continuous in A: A ai −→ a i→∞ f, g ∈ E(M ) p 6 q ∈ N, f ∈ E(M ), A Esn [ai ] −→ Esn [a]. =⇒ (6.84) (6.85) (6.86) i→∞ The first two properties follow from the representation of Esn [f ] as Taylor polynomials under the diffeomorphism formed by the local chart e1 , ..., ed , and the third one – from the fact that the algebra of polynomials of a given A E(M) E(M) i→∞ i→∞ i→∞ degree is finite dimensional: if ai −→ a, then ai −→ a, hence Esn [ai ] −→ Esn [a], and since the left and the right side belong to a finite dimensional space P = span{ek ; |k| 6 n}, the convergence in E(M ) can be replaced by the convergence in P , and then by the convergence in A. 3. Now let us prove the formula a Isn+1 [A] ≡ Esn [a], a ∈ Isn [A]. (6.87) This is done by induction. First, this formula is true for n = 0, Is [A] a ≡ Es0 [a], a ∈ A, (6.88) since a − Es0 [a] = a − a(s) · 1 ∈ Is [A]. And for n = 1, Is2 [A] Es1 [a] a ≡ Es1 [a], a ∈ Is [A], Is2 (M ), while = Is2 [A]. (6.89) Es1 [a] since (6.83) implies a − ∈ on the other hand, a − a − Es1 [a] ∈ A ∩ Is2 (M ) = (6.81) Assume then that the formula (6.87) is true for some integer n − 1: Isn [A] ∈ A, and together this means that a ∈ Isn−1 [A]. a ≡ Esn−1 [a], Take a ∈ Isn [A]. This means that there is a net ai ∈ Isn [A], tending to a in A: A ai −→ a. i→∞ Each element ai belongs to Isn [A], and thus, has the form ai = p X j=1 bji · cji , bji ∈ Isn−1 [A], cji ∈ Is [A]. (6.90) 186 From (6.90) and (6.89) we have the following chain: Isn [A] Is2 [A] bji ≡ Esn−1 [bji ], cji ≡ Es1 [cji ], ⇓ bji · cji A a ←− ai = ∞←i p X j=1 Isn+1 [A] ≡ bji · cji Esn−1 [bji ] · Es1 [cji ] = Esn [bji · cji ], ⇓ Isn+1 [A] ≡ p X j=1 (6.86) A Esn [bji · cji ] = Esn [ai ] −→ Esn [a], i→∞ ⇓ a Isn+1 [A] ≡ Esn [a]. When the formula (6.87) is proved, we can replace there a ∈ Isn−1 [A] by a ∈ A: a Isn+1 [A] ≡ Esn [a], a ∈ A. (6.91) Indeed, for n = 0 this is turned into a formula that we already noticed, (6.88). Further, if (6.91) is proved for some n − 1, Isn [A] a ≡ Esn−1 [a], a ∈ A, then we can write it in the form a − Esn−1 [a] ∈ Isn [A], and by (6.87) we have: a − Esn−1 [a] and thus, Isn+1 [A] ≡   Esn a − Esn−1 [a] = (6.85) = Esn [a] − Esn−1 [a], a Isn+1 [A] ≡ Esn [a]. 4. Finally, (6.91) implies that the quotient mapping a 7→ a + Isn+1 [A] can be factored through the mapping a → 7 Esn [a], and therefore the quotient algebra Jetns [A] is isomorphic to the image Esn [A] of the mapping a 7→ Esn [a]: Jetns [A] ∼ = Esn [A]. On the other hand, the algebra of jets Jetns (M ) on the manifold M is also isomorphic to Esn [A]: Jetns (M ) ∼ = Esn [A]. These equalities together mean (iv). 5. Let us prove that the conditions (ii), (iii), (iv) imply (v). We understood below that in the neighbourhood U of the point t ∈ M the bundles JetnA [A] and JetnC ∞ (M) [C ∞ (M )] coincide as sets. Suppose now that ξi ∞ Jetn (M)] C ∞ (M ) [C −→ i→∞ ξ, Put si = π(ξi ), s = π(ξ), and for each i consider the linear combinations X hi = Esi [hi ], λk · eksi : hi = |k|6n and h= X |k|6n λk · eks : hi = Es [h]. The mapping of spectra Spec(A) ← Spec(C ∞ (M )) = M is continuous, hence we have the following chain: M si = π(ξi ) −→ π(ξ) = s ∈ U i→∞ § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 187 ⇓ Spec(A) si = π(ξi ) −→ π(ξ) = s i→∞ ⇓ A eksi = (e1 − e1 (si ))k1 · ... · (ed − ed (si ))kd −→ (e1 − e1 (s))k1 · ... · (ed − ed (s))kd = eks i→∞ hi = X |k|6n ⇓ A λk · eksi −→ h = i→∞ X |k|6n λk · eks ⇓ Jetn [A] A ξi = jetn (hi ) −→ jetn (h) = ξ. i→∞ 6. If the condition (i) of Theorem 6.27 holds, i.e. the mapping of spectra ιSpec : M → Spec(A) is an exact covering, then the morphism of bundles µ is a bijection, since it is a bijection between fibers and a bijection inside each bundle. Lemma 6.32. The conditions (i) and (ii) are sufficient for the morphism ι : A → E(M ) to be a smooth envelope for A. Proof. 1. First, let us check that under (i) and (ii) the morphism ι : A → E(M ) is a smooth extension. From the Nachbin theorem 4.26 it follows that ι : A → E(M ) is a dense epimorphism. Let B be a C ∗ -algebra and ϕ : A → B[m] a differential morphism, i.e. such that the corresponding system of partial derivatives {Dk ; k ∈ N[m]} consists of differential operators Dk : A → B of the orders ord Dk 6 |k|. The existence of the differential homomorphism ϕ′ in the diagram ι / E(M ) A❀ ❀❀ ⑤ ❀❀ ⑤ ❀ ⑤ ′ ϕ ❀❀  ~⑤ ϕ B[m] is equivalent to the existence of the system of differential partial derivatives {Dk′ ; k ∈ N[m]} in diagrams A✻ ✻✻ ✻✻ Dk ✻✻  ι / E(M ) ′ Dk B Put C = D0 (A), F = Z 1 (D0 ) = {b ∈ B : ∀a ∈ A [b, D0 (a)] = 0} = C ! . Since algebra A is commutative, C is also commutative, therefore C ⊆ C ! = F. This means that D0 has values in F . On the other hand, by Theorem 6.5, all operators {Dk ; k ∈ N[m], k > 0} also have values in F . Hence it is sufficient for us to find a system of differential partial derivatives {Dk′ ; k ∈ N[m]}, extending Dk from A to E(M ) and having values in F : A✻ ✻✻ ✻✻ Dk ✻✻  ι / E(M ) (6.92) ′ Dk F 2. First, we prove this for k = 0: A✻ ✻✻ ✻✻ D0 ✻✻  ι / E(M ) D0′ F (6.93) 188 Let us embed the algebra E(M ) into the algebra C(M ). Then ι can be treated as a homomorphism from A into C(M ), and the condition (i) will mean that ι satisfies the premise of Theorem 5.23. Hence D0 can be continuously extended to C(M ). After that we restrict it to E(M ), and we obtain D0′ . 3. When the homomorphism D0′ : E(M ) → F is built, the algebra F becomes a module over E(M ). If we denote by ItA and ItE the ideals in A and E(M ), consisting of functions vanishing in t ∈ M , then ItA ⊆ ItE and by Lemma 3.23 ItA is dense in ItE . Hence ItA · F = ItE · F . Put T = Spec(C). Then we can think that C = C(T ). Consider two cases. — Suppose t ∈ / T . Then the functions from ItE approximate the characteristic function χT of the set T , hence the same is true for the functions from ItA : χT ∈ ItA = ItE ⊆ E(M ). Therefore ItA · F = ItE · F = χT · F = 1 · F = F, t∈ / T. This means that the value bundles of the module F over the algebras A and E(M ) in the points outside of T vanish: F/ItA · F = F/ItE · F = 0, t∈ / T = Spec(C). (6.94) — Suppose t ∈ T . Then, since E(M ) (being restricted to T ) is dense in C = C(T ), again by Lemma 3.23 we obtain, that the ideal ItE is dense in the ideal ItC of functions from C = C(T ), vanishing in t: ItE = ItC . Therefore, ItA · F = ItE · F = ItC · F , t ∈ T, and this means that over each point t ∈ T = Spec(C) the value fibers of the module F over the algebras A, E(M ) and C coincide: F/ItA · F = F/ItE · F = F/ItC · F , t ∈ T = Spec(C). (6.95) Besides this, due to condition (i), the compact set T is continuously (injectively and with the same topology) embedded into Spec(A) and into M . Together this gives a description of the value bundles Jet0A [F ] and Jet0E(M) [F ]: they are trivial outside of the compact set T , while on T they coincide with the value bundle Jet0C [F ]. We can conclude that the natural mapping of the jet bundles G G λ (F/ItA · F )△ ←− Jet0A [F ] = (F/ItE · F )△ = Jet0E(M) [F ] t∈M t∈M is an isomorphism. 4. To build Dk′ for k > 0, recall that by Theorem 4.13 each differential operator Dk generates a morphism 0 of jet bundles jetn [Dk ] : JetnA [A] → Jet0A (F ) = πA F , where n = |k|, satisfying the identity jet0 (Dk a) = jetn [Dk ] ◦ jetn (a), a ∈ A. By condition (v) of Lemma 6.31, the jet bundles of the algebras A and E(M ) are connected to each other by a natural morphism µ : JetnA [A] ← JetnE(M) [E(M )], which in addition is a bijection. We obtain the diagram JetnA [A] o PPP n PPPπA,A PPP PPP ( jetn [Dk ] Spec(A) o ♥♥7 ♥♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ 0  ♥♥♥ πA,F Jet0A [F ] µ JetnE(M) [E(M )] ✤ ♠♠ ✤ ♠♠♠ ♠ ♠ ♠♠ ✤ ♠ ♠ v♠♠♠ ✤ ν=jet [D′ ] M hPP n k ✤ PPP PPP ✤ PPP PPP 0 ✤ πE(M ),F  0 / Jet E(M) [F ] n πE(M ),E(M ) ιSpec λ−1 § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 189 Let us consider the composition (i.e. the dotted arrow) ν = λ−1 ◦ jetn [Dk ] ◦ µ It is a morphism of bundles, hence by Lemma 6.24 it generates a differential operator Dk′ : E(M ) → F (over the algebra E(M )), such that jet0 (Dk′ u) = jetn [Dk ] ◦ jetn (u), u ∈ E(M ). For each a ∈ A we have  jet0 Dk′ ι(a) = jetn [Dk ] ◦ jetn (ι(a)) = jetn [Dk ] ◦ jetn (a) = jet0 (Dk a). (6.96) 0 Note that by Theorem 4.9 the mapping jet0 = v : F → Sec(πA F ) = Sec(Jet0A F ), that turns F into the algebra 0 0 of continuous sections of the jet bundles πA F : JetA F → Spec(A) over A, is an isomorphism of C ∗ -algebras: 0 F ∼ F ). = Sec(πA Hence we can apply to (6.96) the operator, inverse to jet0 , and we obtain the equality Dk′ ι(a) = Dk a. In other words, Dk′ extends Dk in (6.92). Besides this, since ι maps A densely into E(M ), the conditions (6.25)-(6.27) are transferred from Dk to Dk′ . Thus, the family {Dk′ , k ∈ N[m]} is a system of partial derivatives on E(M ). 5. Now let us verify that from (i) and (ii) it follows, that the extension ι : A → E(M ) is a smooth envelope. Let σ : A → C be another smooth extension. Take a local chart ϕ : U → V , where U ⊆ M , V ⊆ Rd , and let K ⊆ U be a compact set that coincides with the closure of its interior: Int(K) = K. Then the operators from the example 6.2 Dk : E(M ) → C(K) Dk (a) = ∂ |k| (a ◦ ϕ−1 ) ∂tk11 ...∂tkdd ◦ ϕ, a ∈ A, k ∈ N[m], form a system of partial derivatives from A into C(K). Suppose D : A → C(K)[m] is a differential homomorphism, generated by {Dk }. Since σ : A → C is a smooth extension, the homomorphism D : A → C(K)[[d]] is uniquely extended to some homomorphism D′ : C → C(K)[[d]]: σ /C A❇ ❇❇ ⑤ ❇❇ ⑤ ❇ ⑤ D′ D ❇❇! }⑤ C(K)[m] (6.97) If we return back to the system of partial derivatives Dk , we obtain for each index k ∈ N[m] a diagram σ /C A❂ ❂❂ ✁ ❂❂ ✁ ✁ D′ Dk ❂❂ k  ✁ C(K) Take an arbitrary element c ∈ C. Since σ : A → C is a dense epimorphism, there is a net of elements ai ∈ A such that C σ(ai ) −→ c. i→∞ For each index k ∈ N[m] we have C(K) Dk (ai ) = Dk′ (σ(ai )) −→ Dk′ (c). i→∞ (6.98) Now consider a smooth curve in K, i.e. a smooth mapping γ : [0, 1] → K. For each index k ∈ N[m] of the order |k| = 1 and for each point t ∈ [0, 1] the symbol γ k (t) denotes the k-th component of the derivative γ ′ (t) in the expansion by local coordinates on U . For each function a ∈ A by the Newton-Leibnitz theorem we have X Z 1 D0 (a)(γ(1)) − D0 (a)(γ(0)) = γ k (t) · Dk (a)(γ(t)) d t. |k|=1 0 190 Together with (6.98) this gives D0′ (c)(γ(1)) − D0′ (c)(γ(0)) ←− D0 (ai )(γ(1)) − D0 (ai )(γ(0)) = ∞←i X Z 1 X Z = γ k (t) · Dk (ai )(γ(t)) d t −→ |k|=1 i→∞ 0 and thus, D0′ (c)(γ(1)) − D0′ (c)(γ(0)) = X Z |k|=1 1 0 |k|=1 0 1 γ k (t) · Dk′ (c)(γ(t)) d t, γ k (t) · Dk′ (c)(γ(t)) d t This connection between the function D0′ (c) ∈ C(K) and the functions Dk′ (c) ∈ C(K), |k| = 1, means that D0′ (c) is continuously differentiable on K, and its partial derivatives in the chosen local coordinates are the functions Dk′ (c), |k| = 1. After that we take arbitrary Dk′ (c), |k| = 1, and consider indices of order 2. The same reasoning shows that Dk′ (c) is also continuously differentiable. The induction over the indices gives that all functions Dk′ (c) are smooth and connected to each other as partial derivatives of the function D0′ (c) (with respect to the chosen local coordinates). If we change the compact set K ⊂ U and the open set U ⊆ M , then the arising smooth functions D0′ (c) on K are compatible to each other, since on the intersections of their domains they coincide. This means that there is a common smooth function ι′ (c) : M → C such that its restriction to each compact set K coincides with the corresponding function D0′ (c): ι′ (c) K = D0′ (c), K ⊂ U ⊆ M. and the partial derivatives with respect to the chosen local coordinates coincide with the values of the operators Dk′ on c. In other words, there is a mapping ι′ : C → E(M ) (by construction this is a homomorphism of algebras), such that the following diagram specifying (6.97) is commutative: σ /C A❇ ❇❇ ⑤ ❇❇ ⑤ ❇ ⑤ ′ ι ❇❇ ! }⑤ ι E(M ) (6.99) D′ D λ $  z C(K)[m] (here the mapping λ is the expansion of the smooth function in the Taylor polynomial on the compact set K ⊂ U ⊆ M with respect to the chosen local coordinates on U ). From this diagram we have that ι′ is continuous, since if ci → c, then this condition is preserved under the action of each operator Dk′ , i.e. Dk′ (ci ) → Dk′ (c), and this is exactly the convergence in the space E(M ). The upper inner triangle in (6.99) is exactly the diagram that we need. Counterexamples. The following example shows that the weakening of the condition (i) in Theorem 6.27 makes this proposition false. Example 6.4. There is a dense involutive subalgebra A in E(R) such that (i) the dual mapping of spectra ιSpec : Spec(A) ← M is a bijection (but not a covering), (ii) for each point s ∈ R the natural mapping of tangent spaces Ts [A] ← Ts (R) is an isomorphism (of finite dimensional vector spaces), (iii) the smooth envelope of A is not isomorphic to E(R): EnvE A ∼ 6 E(R) = Proof. This is a modification of Example 5.3. Consider the circle T = R/Z and the algebra E(T) of smooth functions on it. In the Cartesian square E(T)2 consider the subalgebra E(8), consisting of pairs of functions (u, v) ∈ E(T)2 with the same derivatives in the point 0: (u, v) ∈ E(8) ⇐⇒ u, v ∈ E(T) & ∀k > 0 u(k) (0) = v (k) (0). § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 191 This is a closed subalgebra in E(T)2 , and its spectrum is the space which in Example 5.3 was denoted by the symbol 8, and which can be described as the result of glueing of two copies of the circle T in the point 0: Spec E(8) = 8. (6.100) Each point s ∈ 8 either belongs to the first copy of the circle T, which we denote by T1 , or to the second, T2 (or, if s = 0, then we consider that s belongs to both circles T1 and T2 ). Let us show that in each point s ∈ 8 the tangent space to E(8) is isomorphic to the tangent space to E(T) in this point: ( Ts (E(T1 )), s ∈ T1 , s ∈ 8. (6.101) Ts (E(8)) ∼ = Ts (E(T2 )), s ∈ T2 Take a function ϕ ∈ E(T), which in some neighbourhood U of 0 in R is the inverse mapping for the projection π : R → R/Z = T: ϕ(π(t)) = t, t ∈ U. Let Is (T) be the ideal in E(T), consisting of functions, vanishing in s. Then by the Hadamard lemma [51] each function u ∈ E(T) differs from u(s) + u′ (s)ϕ by the function from Is2 (T): I02 (T) u ≡ u(0) + u′ (0)ϕ. (6.102) Consider two cases. 1) Take a point s ∈ 8 \ {0}. As an element of the space 8, s either belongs to T1 , or to T2 . Let ϕs denote the shift of the function ϕ by s in T: ϕs (t) = ϕ(t − s), t ∈ T, and let ψs be a function with zero germ in 0, and the same germ with ϕs in s: ( 0, mod 0 ψs (t) ≡ . ϕs , mod s From (6.102) we have Is2 (T) (u, v) ≡ ( u(s) + u′ (s) · (ψs , 0), s ∈ T1 , v(s) + v ′ (s) · (0, ψs ), s ∈ T2 As a corollary, the action of the tangent vector τ ∈ Ts (E(8)) at the element (u, v) is described by the formula ( u(s) + u′ (s) · τ (ψs , 0), s ∈ T1 τ (u, v) = v(s) + v ′ (s) · τ (0, ψs ), s ∈ T2 This implies that (for s 6= 0) the tangent space Ts (E(8)) is isomorphic to R and to Ts (T). Ts (E(8)) ∼ =R∼ = Ts (E(T)). 2) Consider the point s = 0. Then from (6.102) we have I02 (T) (u, v) ≡ u(s) · (1, 1) + u′ (s) · (ϕ, ϕ) = v(s) · (1, 1) + v ′ (s) · (ϕ, ϕ), so the action of the tangent vector τ ∈ T0 (E(8)) on this element is described by the formula τ (u, v) = u′ (s) · τ (ϕ, ϕ) = v ′ (s) · τ (ϕ, ϕ). This implies that (for s = 0) the tangent space T0 (E(8)) is isomorphic to R and to T0 (T). T0 (E(8)) ∼ =R∼ = T0 (E(T)). When (6.100) and (6.101) are proved, let us take a smooth bijective mapping ω : R → 8 (such a mapping always exists, and it is not unique). It generates a homomorphism of algebras E(R) ← E(8). If we denote by A the image of this homomorphism (with the algebraic operations and the topology induced from E(8)), we obtain the algebra with the properties (i) and (ii), and therefore with (iii) as well. 192 The following two examples show the mutual independence of the conditions (i) and (ii) in Theorem 6.27. Example 6.5. There exists a closed subalgebra A in the algebra E(R) with the following properties: (i) the spectrum of A does not coincide with R as a set, Spec(A) 6= R, (ii) for each point s ∈ R the natural mapping of tangent spaces Ts [A] ← Ts (R) is an isomorphism (of vector spaces), Proof. The algebra of periodic smooth functions on R with a given period, say, 1, has these properties. Example 6.6. There exists a closed subalgebra A in the algebra E(R) with the following properties: (i) the spectrum of A coincides with R, Spec(A) = R, (ii) in the point s = 0 the tangent space to A is trivial: T0 [A] = 0 To prove this we need the following Lemma 6.33. Suppose a function x in E(R) has zero derivatives of all orders in the point 0, xn (0) = 0. ∀n > 0 Then it can be approximated in E(R) by functions of zero germs in the point 0. Proof. Take n ∈ N, T > 1, ε > 0 and find δ > 0 such that sup x(k) (t) 6 ε. ∀k ∈ {0, ..., n} |t|6δ Take a function η ∈ E(R), 0 6 η(s) 6 1, and put yn (t) = Z 0 Then t η(s) · x(n+1) (s) d s, sup |xn (t) − yn (t)| = sup |t|6T |t|6T 6 sup |t|6T Z Z 0 yn−1 (t) = t 0 x(n+1) (s) d s − t η(s) = Z ( 0, |s| 6 δ2 1, |s| > δ t yn (s) d s, ..., 0 Z 0 y0 (t) = Z t y1 (s) d s. 0 t η(s) · x(n+1) (s) d s 6 (1 − η(s)) · |xn (s)| d s 6 sup |xn (s)| · |s|6T Z 0 t (1 − η(s)) d s 6 sup x(n+1) (s) · δ. |s|6T ⇓ (n−1) sup x |t|6T (t) − yn−1 (t) = sup |t|6T Z 0 t n x (s) d s − Z t yn (s) d s 6 0 6 sup |t|6T ⇓ ... Z 0 t |xn (s) − yn (s)| d s 6 sup x(n+1) (s) · δ · T. |s|6T § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 193 ⇓ sup x(0) (t) − y0 (t) = sup |t|6T |t|6T Z 0 t x1 (s) d s − Z t y1 (s) d s 6 0 6 sup |t|6T Z 0 t x1 (s) − y1 (s) d s 6 sup x(n+1) (s) · δ · T n . |s|6T We see that for given n ∈ N, T > 1, ε > 0 one can choose δ > 0 such that δ< ε Tn · sup|s|6T x(n+1) (s) , and then the function y0 will differ from x less than ε uniformly on all derivatives of order less than n on the interval [−T, T ]: max sup x(k) (t) − y (k) (t) = max sup x(k) (t) − yk (t) 6 T n · sup x(n+1) (s) < ε. 06k6n |t|6T 06k6n |t|6T |s|6T Proof of Example 6.6. This is the algebra of smooth functions which in the point s = 0 have vanishing derivatives of every positive order: A = {x ∈ E(M ) : ∀n > 1 xn (0) = 0}. 1. Let us first show that Spec(A) = R. Take s ∈ Spec(A), i.e. s is an involutive, continuous, linear, multiplicative, preserving unit functional on A: s(x• ) = s(x), s(λ · x + y) = λ · s(x) + s(y), s(x · y) = s(x) · s(y), s(1) = 1. Consider its kernel Ker s = {x ∈ A : s(x) = 0}. Let us show that there is a point t ∈ R such that if we consider it as a functional on A, then its kernel contains Ker(s): Ker s ⊆ Ker t = {x ∈ A : x(t) = 0}. (6.103) Suppose that this is not true, i.e. Consider the family of sets ∀t ∈ R ∃xt ∈ Ker s xt (t) 6= 0. (6.104) Ut = {r ∈ R : xt (r) 6= 0}. They are open in R, and the condition (6.104) means that they form a covering of R. Hence we can refine in it a smooth locally finite partition of unity: X ηt ∈ E(M ), supp ηt ⊆ Ut , ηt > 0, ηt = 1. t∈R We can choose this partition such that the following supplementary conditions hold: ∀n > 1 η0n (0) = 0 & ∀t 6= 0 0 ∈ / supp ηt . P They automatically imply that all functions ηt belong to A, and the series t∈R ηt · xt · x•t converges in A (in the topology induced from E(R)). Denote its sum by y: X y= ηt · xt · x•t , t∈R and note that since all xt belong to the closed ideal Ker s, the element y also lies in it: y ∈ Ker s. < t∈R < On the other hand, the function y nowhere vanishes. Indeed, for each point r ∈ R there is a function ηtr , non vanishing in this point, hence ηtr (r) > 0. Herewith, the condition supp ηtr ⊆ Utr = {q ∈ R : xtr (q) 6= 0} imply the condition |xtr (r)| > 0, and we get X 2 2 y(r) = ηt (r) · |xt (r)| > ηtr (r) · |xtr (r)| > 0. | {z } | {z } 0 0 194 Thus, y is invertible, as an element of the algebra E(R). In addition, by construction, all the derivatives of the function y in the point 0 vanish, therefore its inverse function y1 also has vanishing derivatives in 0. Hence, 1 ∈ A. y I.e. y is invertible as an element of A. Thus, the function y belongs to the ideal Ker s of A, and on the other hand it is invertible in A. Hence, Ker s = A, and this contradicts to the condition s(1) = 1. Thus, our assumption (6.104) turned out to be not true, and for some t ∈ R we have (6.103). We see that there are two non-zero functionals s and t on A, such that, first, Ker s ⊆ Ker t, and, second, s(1) = t(1) = 1. This is possible only if they coincide everywhere on A: s = t. 2. Let us now prove (ii). It is sufficient to show that the kernel I0 [A] = {x ∈ A : x(0) = 0} of the character x 7→ x(0) has the following property: I02 [A] = I0 [A]. (6.105) – then (3.40) will imply T0 [A] = Re I0 [A]/I02 [A] ▽ = 0. Indeed, take x ∈ I0 [A], i.e. x is a function from E(R), that vanishes in 0 with all its derivatives, ∀n > 0 xn (0) = 0. By Lemma 6.33 it can be approximated in E(R) by functions with the zero germ in the point 0. On the other hand, each function y with a zero germ in 0 belongs to the ideal I02 [A] (we can multiply y by another function with a zero germ in 0, but having the value 1 on the support of y). We see, that x can be approximated in E(R) (hence, in A) by functions from I02 [A]. The following example, suggested by M. Bächtold, shows that in Lemma 6.29 the injectivity of the mapping ⋆ ιCT is necessary. t Example 6.7. If for a homomorphism of involutive stereotype algebras ι : A → B in some point t ∈ Spec(B) ⋆ ⋆ the morphism of cotangent spaces ιCT : CTt◦ι [A] → CTt⋆ [B] is not injective, t ⋆ Ker ιTt 6= 0 then formula (6.79) is not necessarily true:   2 [A] 6= ι−1 I 2 [B] . It◦ι t Proof. Consider the algebra E(R) of smooth functions on the line R and a subalgebra A in it, that is generated (as a pure algebra) by functions x2 and x · ex . Thus, A is a linear span in E(R) of the functions x2p+q · eqx , p, q ∈ N = {0, 1, 2, ...} (these functions form an algebraic basis in A). The algebra A separates the points of R s 6= t ∈ R and the tangent vectors of E(R) ∀s ∈ R =⇒ ∀τ ∈ Ts [E(R)] ∃a ∈ A a(s) 6= a(t), ∃a ∈ A τ (a) 6= 0. Hence, by the Nachbin theorem 4.26, A is dense in E(R). If we endow A with the strongest locally convex topology, A becomes a stereotype algebra (by Example 3.3), and the natural embedding into E(R) is an epimorphism of stereotype algebras ι : A → E(R). Consider the ideal I0 [A] of functions in A, vanishing in the point 0 ∈ R. It is a linear span of the functions Its square I02 [A] x2p+q · eqx , p, q ∈ N = {0, 1, 2, ...}, p + q 6= 0. is a linear span of the functions x2p+q · eqx , p, q ∈ N = {0, 1, 2, ...}, p > 0. q > 0. In this list the number of functions is less than in the list for I0 [A]: two functions, x2 and x · ex , are absent. This means that the quotient space CT0⋆ [A] = I0 [A]/I02 [A] has the dimension 2. The same is true for its real part: dimR T0⋆ [A] = 2. ⋆ ⋆ Hence the mapping of the cotangent spaces ιT0 : T0⋆ [A] → cannot be injective. At the same time the  T0 [E(R)]  2 2 −1 2 function x , that lies in A and in I0 [E(R)] (hence, in ι It [B] as well), does not belong to I02 [A]. § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 195 Smooth envelope of the algebra k(G) on a compact Lie group G. elements defined on page 78. Recall the algebra k(G) of matrix Theorem 6.34. The smooth envelope of the algebra k(G) of matrix elements on a compact Lie group G coincides with the algebra E(G) of smooth functions on G: EnvE k(G) = E(G). (6.106) Proof. The algebra k(G) is embedded into E(G), their spectra coincide, and by Corollary 3.44, the tangent spaces also coincide in each point. Then Theorem 6.27 works. (e) Smooth envelopes of group algebras Coincidence of the smooth envelopes of C ⋆ (G) and E ⋆ (G). We have already noticed on page 141 that a real Lie group G has two group algebras: the algebra C ⋆ (G) of measures with compact support and the algebra E ⋆ (G) of distributions with compact support (these constructions are described in detail in [2]). If we denote by λ the natural inclusion E(G) ⊆ C(G), then we obtain the diagram λ⋆ C ⋆ (G) / E ⋆ (G) envE C ⋆ (G)  EnvE C ⋆ (G) (6.107) envE E ⋆ (G) EnvC (λ⋆ )  / EnvE E ⋆ (G) By analogy with Theorem 5.33 one can prove Theorem 6.35. For each real Lie group G the smooth envelopes of group algebras C ⋆ (G) and E ⋆ (G) coincide: EnvE C ⋆ (G) = EnvE E ⋆ (G). (6.108) Fourier transform on a commutative Lie group. Recall the Fourier transform on a commutative locally compact group G, defined by formula (5.50). If G is a compactly generated commutative Lie group, then the b is also a (compactly generated) Lie group. Hence in this case the algebras of smooth function dual group G b b The very same formula (5.50) E(G), E(G) are defined, as well as the algebras of distributions E ⋆ (G), E ⋆ (G). defines a mapping b FG : E ⋆ (G) → C(G). which we also call a Fourier transform on the group G. Lemma 6.36. For a compactly generated commutative Lie group G the Fourier transform continuously maps b of smooth functions the algebra of measures C ⋆ (G) and the algebra of distributions E ⋆ (G) into the algebra E(G) b on G. b b FG : C ⋆ (G) → E(G), FG : E ⋆ (G) → E(G). Proof. Take α ∈ E ⋆ (G). Each real character (a continuous homomorphism) r : G → R defines a one-parametric subgroup (a continuous homomorphism) b h:R→G h(t) = eitr , b has this representation [31, (24.43)]. Hence and vice versa, each one-parametric subgroup h : R → G FG (α)(χ · h(t)) − FG (α)(χ) α(χ · eitr ) − α(χ) = = α t t  χ · eitr − χ t    eitr − 1 = α χ· −→ α(χ · ir) t→0 t and from this relation we see that FG (α) is continuously differentiable along each one-parameter subgroup in b Similarly one can check the continuous differentiability of arbitrary order, and we get FG (α) ∈ E(G), b and G. the partial derivatives are expressed in the formulas ∂hk ...∂h1 FG (α)(χ) = α(χ · (ir1 ) · ... · (irk )). b and for each r1 , ..., rk the set {χ·(ir1 )·...·(irk ); χ ∈ Further, if αν → 0 in C ⋆ (G), then for each compact set K ⊆ G b K} is compact in C(G), hence ∂hk ...∂h1 FG (αν )(χ) = α(χ · (ir1 ) · (irk )) −→ 0 ν→∞ 196 b This is true for any h1 , ..., hk , uniformly by χ ∈ K. This means that ∂hk ...∂h1 FG (αν ) → 0 in the space C(G). b therefore, FG (αν ) → 0 in the space E(G). Similarly we consider the case of α ∈ C ⋆ (G). Theorem 6.37. For a compactly generated commutative Lie group G both Fourier transforms b FG : C ⋆ (G) → E(G), are smooth envelopes of group algebras: b FG : E ⋆ (G) → E(G). b EnvE C ⋆ (G) = EnvE E ⋆ (G) = E(G). (6.109) Proof. By Theorem 6.35 it is sufficient to consider the case of E ⋆ (G). And for it we have just check the conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 6.27. Let δ : G → E ⋆ (G) be the inclusion of the group G into its group algebra E ⋆ (G) as delta-functions: δa (u) = u(a), u ∈ E(G). Then, first, by [2, Theorem 10.12], the formula χ=ϕ◦δ defines a bijection between the characters ϕ : E ⋆ (G) → C on the algebra E ⋆ (G) and the complex characters χ : G → C× on the group G. Herewith the involutive characters ϕ : E ⋆ (G) → C correspond to the usual characters χ : G → T (with values in the circle T). This correspondence ϕ ↔ χ is continuous in both directions, hence it defines an isomorphism b Spec E ⋆ (G) ∼ = G. This is the condition (i) in Theorem 6.27.   Second, let τ : E ⋆ (G) → C be a tangent vector in the point ε ∈ Spec E ⋆ (G) , that corresponds to the unit character 1(a) = 1, a ∈ G. For it the Leibnitz identity (3.30) has the form α, β ∈ E ⋆ (G), τ (α ∗ β) = τ (α) · ε(β) + ε(α) · τ (β), and if we replace α by δa , and β by δb , we obtain τ (δa·b ) = τ (δa ∗ δb ) = τ (δa ) · ε(δb ) + ε(δa ) · τ (δb ) = τ (δa ) + τ (δb ), a, b ∈ G. This means that the mapping a 7→ τ (δa ) is a homomorphism from G into the additive group of C. If we claim in addition that τ is an involutive tangent vector, then the numbers τ (δa ) become real, and therefore the mapping a 7→ τ (δa ) turns into a (continuous) homomorphism   of groups G → R, i.e. a real character. Thie establishes a bijection between the tangent space Tε E ⋆ (G) to the algebra E ⋆ (G) and the group Hom(G, R) of b i.e. to the real characters on G. But Hom(G, R) is isomorphic to the group of one-parameter subgroups in G, b b group Hom(R, G) of (continuous) homomorphisms R → G (see e.g. [31, (24.42)]). As a corollary, Hom(G, R) is b in the point 1 ∈ G, b and we get isomorphic to the tangent space to the group G   b ∼ b Tε E ⋆ (G) ∼ = Hom(G, R) ∼ = Hom(R, G) = T1 (G). b and we come If we omit the intermediate equations, then the point 1 can be replaces by any other point χ ∈ G, to an isomorphism     b . b ∼ Tχ E ⋆ (G) ∼ = Tχ (G) = Tχ E(G) This is the condition (ii) of Theorem 6.27. Smooth envelope of the group algebra of a compact group. Theorem 6.38. For each compact group K the smooth envelope of its group algebra of measures C ⋆ (K) is b and Xπ is the space of the the Cartesian product of the algebras B(Xπ ), where π runs over the dual object K, representation π: Y EnvE C ⋆ (K) = B(Xπ ). (6.110) b π∈K If in addition K is a Lie group, then the same algebra is the smooth envelope of the group algebra of distributions E ⋆ (K): Y EnvE E ⋆ (K) = EnvE C ⋆ (K) = B(Xπ ). (6.111) b π∈K § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 197 We need the following Lemma 6.39. Suppose K is a compsct group and B a C ∗ -algebra. Then in each system of partial derivatives Dk : C ⋆ (G) → B, k ∈ N[m], only the operator D0 can be non-zero: ∀k > 0 Dk = 0. (6.112) Proof. Consider the mapping ϕk = Dk ◦ δ : K → B. We need to verify that ∀k 6= 0 For each a ∈ K we have ϕk = 0 (6.113) −1 ϕ0 (a)−1 = ϕ0 (a−1 ) = D0 (δ a ) = D0 ((δ a )• ) = D0 (δ a )• = ϕ0 (a)• , i.e. ϕ0 (a) is a unitary element in B. Hence, ||ϕ0 (a)|| = 1, a ∈ K. (6.114) Suppose now that k is a multiindex of order 1. Then, first, sup kϕk (x)k = C < ∞ (6.115) x∈K (since ϕk : K → B is a continuous mapping on the compact space K). And, second, ϕ0 (a) · ϕk (b) = ϕk (b) · ϕ0 (a), ϕk (a · b) = ϕ0 (a) · ϕk (b) + ϕk (a) · ϕ0 (b), p p−1 ϕk (a ) = p · ϕ0 (a) ⇓ · ϕk (a), a ∈ K, ⇓ a, b ∈ K (6.116) p ∈ N. 1 · ϕ0 (a−1 )p−1 · ϕk (ap ), a ∈ K, p ∈ N. p ⇓ 1 1 1 p−1 · kϕk (ap )k 6 · 1 · C −→ 0 kϕk (a)k = · ϕ0 (a−1 )p−1 · ϕk (ap ) 6 · ϕ0 (a−1 ) p→∞ p p | p {z } | {z } (6.114) k 1 ⇓ ϕk (a) = 0, (6.115) > ϕk (a) = C a ∈ K. We proved (6.113) for multi-indices k of order 1. If now |k| = 2, then we have ϕk (a · b) = X k  · ϕk−l (a) · ϕl (b) = l 06l6k X k  · ϕk−l (a) · ϕl (b) +ϕ0 (a) · ϕk (b) = ϕk (a) · ϕ0 (b) + ϕ0 (a) · ϕk (b) = ϕk (a) · ϕ0 (b) + l | {z } |l|=1 k 0 I.e. ϕk satisfies the right identity in (6.116) (and therefore, both identities), and by the same reasons ϕk = 0. In general case we have to organize induction by k. Proof of Theorem 6.38. It is sufficient to prove (6.110), since (6.111) will follow from Theorem 6.35. The identity (6.112) imply that, when we compute the smooth envelope of the algebra C ⋆ (G), the class of test morphisms coincides with the class of morphisms into C ∗ -algebras. As a corollary, the smooth envelope of the algebra C ⋆ (G) coincides with its continuous envelope, and thus, by Proposition 5.26, Y EnvE C ⋆ (K) = B(Xπ ). b π∈K 198 Smooth envelope of the group algebra of the group C × K. Theorem 6.40. Suppose C is an Abelian compactly generated Lie group, and K Q a compact group. Then b the smooth envelope of the group algebra of measures C ⋆ (C × K) is the algebra E(C, b B(Xσ )) of smooth σ∈K b to the Cartesian product of the algebras B(Xσ ), where σ runs over mappings from the Pontryagin dual group C b and Xσ is the space of representation σ: the dual object K,  Y  Y Y  b B(Xσ ) = E(C) b ⊙ b B(Xσ ) = EnvE C ⋆ (C) ⊙ EnvE C ⋆ (K). EnvE E ⋆ (C × K) = E C, B(Xσ ) = E C, b σ∈K b σ∈K b σ∈K (6.117) If in addition K is a Lie group, then the same algebra is a smooth envelope of the algebra of distributions E ⋆ (C × K):  Y  b EnvE C ⋆ (C × K) = EnvC E ⋆ (C × K) = E C, B(Xσ ) = = Y b σ∈K b σ∈K Y  b B(Xσ ) = E(C) b ⊙ E C, B(Xσ ) = EnvE E ⋆ (C) ⊙ EnvE E ⋆ (K). (6.118) b σ∈K Proof. Both propositions follow from Theorems 6.37 and 6.38. For example, for E ⋆ (C ×K) the chain of reasoning is as follows:     EnvE E ⋆ (C × K) = EnvE E ⋆ (C) ⊛ E ⋆ (K) = [4, (1.129)] = EnvE EnvE E ⋆ (C) ⊛ EnvE E ⋆ (K) =    Y  Y E Y b ⊛ b ⊛ b B(Xσ ) = (6.51) = E(C) B(Xσ ) = (6.60) = E C, = (6.109), (6.110) = EnvE E(C) B(Xσ ) b σ∈K b σ∈K b σ∈K This proves the second equality in (6.118). Similarly we prove the first equality in (6.117), and together these equalities give the first equality in (6.118):  Y  b EnvE C ⋆ (C × K) = E C, B(Xσ ) = EnvE E ⋆ (C × K). b σ∈K The third equality in (6.118) is obvious. The fourth follows from [2, Theorem 8.9]. Finally, the last equality in (6.118) follows from (6.109) and (6.110). (f) The algebra K∞ (G) For each Lie group G its group algebra of distributions E ⋆ (G) is an involutive Hopf algebra with respect to the projective stereotype tensor product ⊛. Hence, by Theorems 6.18 and 6.19, its smooth envelope EnvE (E ⋆ (G)) is a coalgebra with interconsistent antipode and involution on the categories E-Alg of smooth algebras and (Ste, ⊙) of stereotype spaces. Let us denote by K∞ (G) the stereotype dual space to the space EnvE E ⋆ (G):  ⋆ (6.119) K∞ (G) := EnvE E ⋆ (G) . This is a dual space to a coalgebra in (Ste, ⊙) with interconsistent antipode and involution, hence by property 4◦ on page 55, we have Theorem 6.41. For each Lie group G the space K∞ (G) is an algebra in the category (Ste, ⊛) (i.e. a stereotype algebra) with interconsistent antipode and involution. By Theorem 6.19(ii) the morphism  ⋆ ⋆ envE E ⋆ (G) : K∞ (G) = EnvE E ⋆ (G) → E ⋆ (G)⋆ = E(G), dual to the morphism of envelope, is an involutive homomorphism ⋆ of algebras. The same reasoning as for the algebra K(G) on page 142 show that the morphism envE E ⋆ (G) has zero kernel. As a corollary, the algebra K∞ (G) can be treated as an involutive subalgebra in E(G): ⋆ Theorem 6.42. The mapping u 7→ u ◦ envE E ⋆ (G) ◦ δ coincides with the mapping envE E ⋆ (G) , dual to envE E ⋆ (G): ⋆ envE E ⋆ (G) (u) = u ◦ envE E ⋆ (G) ◦ δ (6.120) and injectively embeds K∞ (G) into E(G) as an involutive subalgebra (hence the operations of summing, multiplication and involution on K∞ (G) are pointwise). § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 199 The following proposition is analogous to Theorem 5.36: Theorem 6.43. The algebra K∞ (G) as a stereotype space is a nodal coimage (in the category of stereotype spaces) K∞ (G) = Coim∞ ϕ⋆ (6.121) of the mapping ϕ⋆ , dual to the natural morphism of stereotype spaces ϕ : E ⋆ (G) → lim E ⋆ (G)/U. ←− U where U runs over the system of differential neighbourhoods of zero in E ⋆ (G). Recall diagram (6.107) and let us complete it to the diagram λ⋆ C ⋆ (G) envE C ⋆ (G) envC C ⋆ (G) / E ⋆ (G) envE E ⋆ (G) EnvC (λ⋆ )  EnvE C ⋆ (G) (6.122)  +3 EnvE E ⋆ (G) ζC⋆ (G) envC E ⋆ (G) ζE ⋆ (G) EnvC (λ⋆ )   EnvC C ⋆ (G)  +3 EnvC E ⋆ (G) Here the perimeter is diagram (5.66), and the triangles on each side are diagrams (6.42). The upper (”continuous”) arrow λ⋆ is a dense injection, the two horizontal (”double”) arrows are isomorphisms by (6.108) and (5.67), and the rest (”dotted”) arrows are dense morphisms by the definitions of envelopes. The dual diagram is C(G) o O K(G) E(G) O λ  ⋆ EnvE C ⋆ (G) ks O  ⋆ EnvE E ⋆ (G) O  ⋆ EnvC C ⋆ (G) ks  ⋆ EnvC E ⋆ (G) (6.123) K∞ (G) and the upper arrow λ is a dense injection, two horizontal (”double”) arrows are isomorphisms, and the rest (”dotted”) arrows are injections. Thus, we can conclude that the following chain of injections hold: K(G) ⊆ K∞ (G) ⊆ E(G) ⊆ C(G). It can be completed by the chain (5.74), and we obtain the following Theorem 6.44. For a real Lie group G the following chain of set-theoretic inclusions hold: Trig(G) ⊆ k(G) ⊆ K(G) ⊆ K∞ (G) ⊆ E(G) ⊆ C(G), (6.124) And (i) always Trig(G) = K(G), E(G) = C(G) (ii) if G = C × K, where C is an abelian compactly generated Lie group, and K a compact Lie group, then K(G) = K∞ (G), (6.125) 200 (iii) if G is a SIN-group, then K(G) = E(G). (6.126) We need the following Lemma 6.45. If G is a SIN-group, which is at the same time a Lie group, then the tangent space to the algebra K(G) at any point a ∈ G coincides with the tangent spec to G at this point: Ta [K(G)] = Ta (G). (6.127) Proof. 1. First let G be an Abeilan group. Since by Theorem 5.40, K(G) is invarint with respect to shifts, we can take a = 0 ∈ G. Then h h  i ⋆ i b ⋆ = = (5.51) = T0 C(G) Ta [K(G)] = T0 EnvC C ⋆ (G) h i bb b = Hom(G, b R) = Hom(R, G) = Hom(R, G) = T0 (G) = Ta (G). = T0 C ⋆ (G) 2. Further, let G be a compact group. Then Ta [K(G)] = (5.76) = Ta [k(G)] = (3.122) = Ta (G). 3. Take G = Rn × K. For any s ∈ Rn and t ∈ K we have h i Ts,t [K(Rn × K)] = (5.82) = Ts,t K(Rn ) ⊛ K(K) = (3.46) = = Ts [K(Rn )] ⊕ Tt [K(K)] = Ts (Rn ) × Tt (K) = Ts,t (Rn × K). 4. Finally, let G be an arbitrary SIN-group (and a Lie group). Let us represent G as a discrete extension (3.102) of some group N = Rn × K. Take a point a ∈ G, and choose a coset L with respect to the subgroup N that contains a, and consider the algebra KL (G) defined in (5.86). If e is the unit of the group G, then Ta [K(G)] = Ta [KL (G)] = (Theorem 5.40) = Te [KN (G)] = (Lemma 5.49) = = Te [K(N )] = (already proven) = Te (N ) = Te (G) = Ta (G) (the equalities mean isomorphisms in the obvious transformations). Proof of Theorem 6.44. 1. The first formula in (i) is already proven in Theorem 5.37, and the second is the standard relation between the space of smooth and continuous functions on a smooth manifold. 2. If G = C × K, then, on the one hand,  Y  b EnvC C ⋆ (G) = EnvC C ⋆ (C × K) = (5.53) = C C, B(Xσ ) b σ∈K and on the other,  Y  b EnvE E ⋆ (G) = EnvE E ⋆ (C × K) = (6.118) = E C, B(Xσ ) b σ∈K and thus the second space is embedded injectively into the first one. This implies that the dual spaces are densely mapped one into another: K(G) = K∞ (G). 3. Suppose G is a SIN-group. Let us represent it as a discrete extension (3.102) of some group N = Rn × K. By Lemma 5.49, the restriction of the space K(G) on N is isomorphic to K(N ), and by Lemma 5.46, the spectrum of the algebra K(N ) coincides with N : Spec K(N ) = N. We can conclude that the algebra K(G) separates the points of N . By Theorem 5.40, the shifts are isomorphisms of K(G), hence K(G) separates the points of each coset L ∈ G/N . Besides this by Lemma 5.47, the characteristic function 1L of each such a class L belongs to K(G). This implies that K(G) separates the points not only inside each coset L, but also in different cosets L, M ∈ G/N . Thus K(G) separates points on the whole group G. On the other hand, (6.127) holds. Together this means that K(G) satisfies the conditions of the Nahbin theorem 4.26, hence the algebra K(G) is dense in E(G). § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 201 The mapping K∞ (G) ⊛ K∞ (H) → K∞ (G × H). Let G and H be Lie groups. By analogy with the mapping ωG,H : K(G)⊛K(H) → K(G×H) (defined on page 144) we define the mapping K∞ (G)⊛K∞ (H) → K∞ (G×H). And by analogy with Theorem 5.39 we prove Theorem 6.46. If C is an Abelian compactly generated locally compact group, and K a compact group, then the mapping K∞ (C) ⊛ K∞ (K) → K∞ (C × K) is an isomorphism: K∞ (C × K) ∼ = K∞ (C) ⊛ K∞ (K) ∼ = K∞ (C) ⊛ K(K) (6.128) Proof. This follows from (6.118): K∞ (C × K) = (g)  ⋆  ⋆ EnvE E ⋆ (C × K) ∼ = (6.118) ∼ = EnvE E ⋆ (C) ⊙ EnvE E ⋆ (K) ∼ =  ⋆  ⋆ ∼ = K∞ (A) ⊛ K∞ (K) = EnvE E ⋆ (C) ⊛ EnvE E ⋆ (K) ∼ Smooth duality for groups C × K Smooth envelope of the algebra K∞ (C × K). Theorem 6.47. Let C be an Abelian Lie group, K a compact Lie group, and G = C × K. Then (i) the spectrum of the algebra K∞ (G) is topologically isomorphic to G: Spec K∞ (G) = G (6.129) (ii) in each point a ∈ G the tangent spaces of K∞ (G) and G are isomorphic: Ta [K∞ (G)] = Ta (G) (6.130) (iii) the smooth envelope of the algebra K∞ (G) coincides with E(G): EnvE K∞ (G) = E(G). (6.131) Proof. 1. From the chain (6.124) let us extract the fragment K(G) ⊆ K∞ (G) ⊆ E(G). (6.132) From (6.125) and (6.126) it follows that this is a chain of (continuous and) dense injections. Thus after passing to spectra we obtain a chain of (continuous) injections G = Spec K(G) ← Spec K∞ (G) ← Spec E(G) = G (here the first equality is proved in Theorem 5.42, and the second one is obvious). Certainly, these are homeomorphisms. 2. Since the injections in (6.132) are dense, the chain of mappings of tangent spaces also consists of injections Ta (G) = Ta [K(G)] ← Ta [K∞ (G)] ← Ta [E(G)] = Ta (G), (here the first equality follows from Corollary 3.44, and the last one is again obvious). And again it is clear that these mappings are isomorphisms (of finite dimensional vector spaces). 3. We proved (i) and (ii), and by Theorem 6.27 this implies (iii). Structure of Hopf algebras on EnvE E ⋆ (G) and K∞ (G) for G = C × K. Theorem 6.48. Suppose C is an Abealin compactly generated Lie group, K a compact Lie group, and G = C × K. Then (i) the smooth envelope EnvE E ⋆ (G) of a group algebra E ⋆ (G) is an involutive Hopf algebra in the category of stereotype spaces (Ste, ⊙). (ii) the dual algebra K∞ (G) is an involutive Hopf algebra in the category of stereotype spaces (Ste, ⊛) 202 Proof. It is sufficient to prove (i). First, b EnvE E ⋆ (C) = (6.109) = E(C), and this is a Hopf algebra in the category (Ste, ⊙), for example, by [2, Example 10.25]. On the other hand, Y EnvE E ⋆ (K) = (6.111) = B(Xπ ) = (5.52) = EnvC C ⋆ (K), b π∈K and this is a Hopf algebra in the category (Ste, ⊙) by Theorem 5.51. Thus the space EnvE E ⋆ (C × K) = (6.118) = EnvE E ⋆ (C) ⊙ EnvE E ⋆ (K). (6.133) is a Hopf algebra in (Ste, ⊙) as a tensor product of Hopf algebras. Smoothly reflexive Hopf algebras. Let H be an involutive stereotype Hopf algebra with respect to the tensor product ⊛. We say that H is smoothly reflexive, if it is reflexive with respect to the smooth envelope EnvE (in the sense of definition on page 158). Theorems 6.47 and 6.48 imply Theorem 6.49. Let C be an Abelian compactly generated Lie group, K a compact Lie group, and G = C × K. Then the algebras E ⋆ (G) and K∞ (G) are smoothly reflexive, and the reflexivity diagram for them is: ✤ E ⋆ (G) ⋆ EnvE EnvE E ⋆ (G) / (6.134) ❴ ⋆  O ❴ E(G) o EnvE ✤ K∞ (G) Example 6.8. Theorem 6.37 implies that for a compactly generated Lie group C the reflexivity diagram is ✤ E ⋆ (C) ⋆ FC b E(C) / (6.135) ❴ ⋆  O ❴ E(C) o FCb b E ⋆ (C) ✤ b is the Pontryagin dual group for C, FC the Fourier transform, defined in (5.50)). (here C Example 6.9. Theorem 6.38 implies that for a compact Lie group K the reflexivity diagram is E ⋆ (K) ⋆ EnvE ✤ Q / O ❴ E(K) o EnvE ✤ b π∈K B(Xπ ) ❴ ⋆  Trig(K) Groups, discerned by C ∗ -algebras with joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements. By analogy with the definitions on page 161, let us say that a locally compact group G is discerned by C ∗ -algebras with joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements, if (continuous involutive) homomorphisms of its measure algebra C ⋆ (G) → B[m] into various algebras of the form B[m], where B is a C ∗ -algebra, and m ∈ N[n], separate elements of G (with the injection of G into C ⋆ (G) by delta-functions). Theorem 6.50. If a Lie group G is discerned by C ∗ -algebras with joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements, then G is discerned by C ∗ -algebras (and therefore is a linear group by Theorem 5.55). § 6. SMOOTH ENVELOPES AND SMOOTH DUALITY 203 To prove this we need Lemma 6.51. For each C ∗ -algebra A the exponential mapping x 7→ ex = is injective on self-adjoint elements: ∞ X xn n! n=0 x 6= y ∈ Re A :A→A ex 6= ey . =⇒ Proof. Let √ Re+ A be the set of positive self-adjoint elements in A. For each z ∈ Re+ A and for each n ∈ N a square n z ∈ Re+ A is uniquely defined (this follows from the spectral theorem [36]). On the other hand, for each x ∈ Re A its exponent ex belongs to Re+ A, since x x x x • ex = e 2 · e 2 = e 2 · e 2 > 0. √ x Hence, the roots n ex = e n are uniquely defined, and we obtain  √  x x = lim n e n − 1 = lim n n ex − 1 , n→∞ n→∞ i.e. x is uniquely defined by ex . Proof of Theorem 6.50. Suppose that G is not discerned by C ∗ -algebras, i.e. all homomorphisms ϕ : G → B into various C ∗ -algebras B have a common non-trivial kernel N , {e} 6= N ⊆ G. Consider a homomorphism D : G → B[m]. For each multiindex k ∈ N[m] of first order, |k| = 1, and for each x, y ∈ N we have: Dk (x · y) = Ck (x) · D0 (y) + D0 (x) ·Dk (y) = Dk (x) + Dk (y). | {z } | {z } k 1 k 1 Hence, Dk : N → B is a logarithm (i.e. it turns multiplication in N into summing in B). Besides this, Dk (x)• = Dk (x• ) = Dk (x−1 ) = −Dk (x), and this means that each element iDk (x), x ∈ N , is self-adjoint: (iDk (x))• = iDk (x). Consider the mapping ϕ(x) = eiDk (x) = ∞ |l| X i l=0 l! · Dk (x)l . It is an involutive homomorphism, i.e. a representation of N in the C ∗ -algebra B. One can consider its induced representation ψ : G → B(Z) in a Hilbert space Z. This is a homomorphism of G into a C ∗ -algebra B(Z), hence on the subgroup N the mapping ψ must be trivial: ψ(x) = 1, x ∈ N. This means that the initial homomorphism ϕ : N → B must be trivial as well: ϕ(x) = eiDk (x) = 1B . Hence each element iDk (x) is self-adjoint. By Lemma 6.51 this means that Dk (x) = 0, x ∈ N. We see that on the subgroup N all partial derivatives of order 1 vanish. If now k has order 2, then for x, y ∈ N we have X k  Dk (x · y) = · Dk−l (x) · Dl (y) = l 06l6k |l|=2 |l|=0 z }| { X k  }| { z · Dk−l (x) · Dl (y) + D0 (x) ·Dk (y) = Dk (x) + Dk (y) = Dk (x) · D0 (y) + l | {z } | {z } | {z } k 1 |l|=1 k 0 I.e. Dk is again a logarithm. By the same reason, Dk = 0 on N . And so on. k 1 Bibliography [1] J. Adámek, J. Rosicky. Locally presentable and accessible categories, Cambridge University Press, 1994. [2] S. S. Akbarov. Pontryagin duality in the theory of topological vector spaces and in topological algebra. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 113(2): 179-349, 2003. [3] S. S. Akbarov. Holomorphic functions of exponential type and duality for Stein groups with algebraic connected component of identity, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 162(4): 459-586, 2009; [4] S. S. Akbarov. Envelopes and refinements in categories, with applications to functional analysis. 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(The group N = A3 consists of three permutations, (1 2 3), (2 3 1) and (3 1 2), and obviously, x ∈ A3 , and y ∈ / A3 .) Let π : N → C be the action of N on C, defined by the rule π(1)λ = λ, π(x)λ = e 2πi 3 · λ, π(x2 )λ = e− 2πi 3 · λ, λ ∈ C. Consider the element of the group algebra C ⋆ (G) α = δ1 + i · δx. The extension π̇ : C ⋆ (N ) → C of the representation π to the group algebra C ⋆ (N ) turns α into the number π̇(α) = 1 + i · e with the absolute value kπ̇(α)k = 1 + i · e 2πi 3 2πi 3 q √ = 2 − 3. Consider the quotient group F = G/N , and the quotient map ϕ : G → G/N = F . Choose an arbitrary retraction σ : F → G and put z = ϕ(y) ∈ F . Then consider the induced representation π ′ : G → B(L2 (F )) and its extension to the group algebra π̇ ′ : C ⋆ (G) → B(L2 (F )). Let ξ ∈ L2 (F ) be a function defined by the rule ( 1, t = z ξ(t) = . 0, t = 1 Then π ′ (x)(ξ)(z) = π(σ(z) · x · σ(z)−1 )(ξ(z)) = π(y · x · y −1 )(1) = π(x2 ) · 1 = e− and kπ̇ ′ (α)k > kπ̇ ′ (α)(ξ)k = |π̇ ′ (α)(ξ)(z)| = 1 + i · e− 2πi 3 = 2πi 3 , q q √ √ 2 + 3 > 2 − 3 = kπ̇(α)k . Property 1◦ on page 137 can be proved in a narrower case when the subgroup N is a direct summand in the group G: Proposition 7.1. Suppose G = N × D, where N is a locally compact group, and D a discrete group. Then each seminorm p ∈ P(N ) can be extended to a seminorm q ∈ P(G). θ / C ⋆ (G) C ⋆ (N ) ❅❅ ⑦ ❅❅ ⑦ ❅ ⑦q p ❅❅ ⑦ R+ Proof. Let p : C ⋆ (N ) → R+ be a continuous C ∗ -seminorm. It is a norm of some norm-continuous representation π̇ : C ⋆ (N ) → L(X), p(α) = kπ̇(α)k . By Theorem 3.38, the induced representation π̇ ′ : C ⋆ (G) → L(L2 (D, X)) is also norm-continuous. Hence, the norm q(β) = kπ̇ ′ (β)k , β ∈ C ⋆ (G), is continuous on C ⋆ (G). Let us look at the construction of the induced representation (3.107). In our case the quotient map ϕ : G → D is just a projection to the second component: ϕ(a, t) = t, a ∈ N, t ∈ D. 208 BIBLIOGRAPHY Let ρ(t) be the component of the element σ(t) ∈ G in the group N : σ(t) = (ρ(t), t), ρ(t) ∈ N, t ∈ D. Then for a ∈ N , t ∈ D we have:   π ′ (a, 1)(ξ)(t) = π(σ(t) · (a, 1) · σ(t · ϕ(a, 1))−1 ) ξ(t · ϕ(a, 1)) = π(σ(t) · (a, 1) · σ(t)−1 )(ξ(t)) = | {z } | {z } k 1 k 1 ∋   = π (ρ(t), t) · (a, 1) · (ρ(t), t)−1 (ξ(t)) = π (ρ(t), t) · (a, 1) · (ρ(t)−1 , t−1 ) (ξ(t)) =   = π (ρ(t) · a · ρ(t)−1 , t · t−1 ) (ξ(t)) = π (ρ(t) · a · ρ(t)−1 , 1) (ξ(t)) = π(ρ(t) · a · ρ(t)−1 )(ξ(t)) = {z } | N ×1   = π(ρ(t)) ◦ π(a) ◦ π(ρ(t))−1 (ξ(t)) From this for α ∈ C ⋆ (N ) we have:   π̇ ′ (α)(ξ)(t) = π(ρ(t)) ◦ π̇(α) ◦ π(ρ(t))−1 (ξ(t)) and, taking into account that π(ρ(t)) is a unitary operator, 2 2 kπ̇ ′ (α)k = sup kπ̇ ′ (α)(ξ)k = sup kξk61 X kξk61 t∈D 2 kπ̇ ′ (α)(ξ)(t)k =  X  π(ρ(t)) ◦ π̇(α) ◦ π(ρ(t))∗ (ξ(t)) = sup kξk61 t∈D 2 = sup X kξk61 t∈D kπ̇(α)(ξ(t))k2 = kπ̇(α)k2 An immediate corollary from these observations is that the most part of the propositions of Section 5 related to the envelopes of group algebras of SIN-groups can be treated as proven statements in this text only for the special case when the group G is a cartesian product of an Euclidean space Rn , a compact group and a discrete group. In detail, 1) Properties 1◦ -4◦ on page 137, Lemma 5.29, Proposition 5.30, Proposition 5.31, Proposition 5.32, Theorem 5.37(ii), Lemma 5.49(ii) – are proved for the case of G = Rn × K × D, where K is a compact group, and D a discrete group, 2) Theorem 5.42, Theorem 5.50, Theorem 5.51, Lemma 5.53, Theorem 5.54 – are proved for the case when the Moore group G can be represented in the form G = Rn × K × D, where K is a compact group, and D a discrete Moore group. Contents §0 §1 §2 §3 Geometries as categorical constructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Observation tools and visible image. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Complex geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Topology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Differential geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What is “geometry as a discipline”? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prospects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terminology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Envelopes and refinements in categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Nodal decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard classes of monomorphisms and epimorphisms. . . . . . . Nodal decomposition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connection with the base decomposition in pre-Abelian categories. Factorization of a category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Envelopes and refinements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Envelopes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refinements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connection with nodal decomposition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) Functoriality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nets of epimorphisms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular envelopes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Envelopes coherent with tensor product. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stereotype spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Pseudocompletion and pseudosaturation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pseudocompleteness and pseudocompletion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pseudosaturateness and pseudosaturation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Independence and consistency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duality between pseudocompleteness and pseudosaturateness. . . . (b) Stereotype spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The map iX : X → X ⋆⋆ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition of stereotype space and examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Completeness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) Nodal decomposition, envelopes and refinements in Ste . . . . . . . . . . Subspaces and the envelope of a set of vectors. . . . . . . . . . . . Quotient spaces and refinements of sets of functionals. . . . . . . . Nodal decomposition in Ste. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ste as a pre-abelian category and basic decomposition. . . . . . . . Envelopes and refinements in Ste. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) Space of operators and tensor products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Space of operators and bilinear forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tensor products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (e) Involution on stereotype spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Involution on a vector space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Involution on a stereotype space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stereotype algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Stereotype algebras and stereotype modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 3 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 12 13 14 15 15 17 20 20 21 23 24 24 24 24 25 27 27 28 28 29 30 30 30 33 36 37 37 38 38 40 46 46 47 50 51 51 210 §4 §5 CONTENTS Projective stereotype algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tensor product of stereotype algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stereotype modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Involutive algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Involutions on stereotype algebras and coalgebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Involutive projective stereotype algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Involutive injective stereotype algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Involution on stereotype Hopf algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) Spectrum and tangent space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spectrum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tangent and cotangent spaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) Group algebras C ⋆ (G) and E ⋆ (G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Convolution and involution on C ⋆ (G). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The case of compact group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Representations of locally compact groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The algebra E ⋆ (G). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decomposition by the characters of normal compact subgroup. . . . . . . . . . . . (e) Norm continuous representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Central groups, SIN-groups and Moore groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norm continuous representations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Induced representations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The space Trig(G) of norm-continuous trigonometric polynomials. . . . . . . . . . . The algebra k(G) of norm-continuous matrix elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Locally convex bundles and constructions of differential geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Locally convex bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuous sections of a locally convex bundle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Locally convex bundles generated by systems of sections and seminorms. . . . . . . Morphisms of bundles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dual bundle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Value bundles and morphisms of modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value bundle of a module over a commutative involutive algebra. . . . . . . . . . . Morphisms of modules and their connection with the morphisms of value bundles. Morphisms with values in a C ∗ -algebra and the Dauns-Hoffman theorem. . . . . . (c) Jet bundles and differential operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jet bundle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Differential operators and their relations with morphisms of jet bundles. . . . . . . Differential operators on algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Differential operators with values in C ∗ -algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) Tangent and cotangent bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cotangent bundle T ⋆ [A]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tangent bundle T [A]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Nachbin theorem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuous envelopes and continuous duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) C ∗ -seminorms and C ∗ -algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C ∗ -seminorms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition of continuous envelope and functoriality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The net of C ∗ -quotient mappings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Continuous algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuous tensor product of involutive stereotype algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Action of continuous envelope on bialgebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuous tensor product with C(M ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) C(M ) as a continuous envelope of its subalgebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A counterexample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The continuous envelope of the algebra Trig(G) = k(G) for a compact group G. . . (d) Continuous envelopes of group algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fourier transform on a commutative locally compact group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The continuous envelope of the group algebra of a compact group. . . . . . . . . . The continuous envelope of the group algebra of the group C × K. . . . . . . . . . 52 53 53 54 54 56 57 57 58 58 60 64 68 68 70 71 71 72 75 75 76 77 78 78 82 82 85 86 92 93 94 94 97 99 100 101 103 105 108 109 110 112 113 113 113 113 113 115 118 118 121 126 131 133 133 134 134 134 135 CONTENTS §6 The continuous evelope of the group algebra of a discrete group. . . . . . . . . . . The continuous envelope of the group algebra of a SIN-group. . . . . . . . . . . . . The continuous envelopes of the group algebra of distributions E ⋆ (G). . . . . . . . (e) The algebra K(G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The mapping K(G) ⊛ K(H) → K(G × H). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The shift in K(G). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (f) Continuous duality for Moore groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ⋆ Density of the mapping ωG.H : K(G) ⊛ K(H) → K(G × H). . . . . . . . . . . . . . The spectrum and the continuous envelope of the algebra K(G) for Moore groups. The structure of Hopf algebras on EnvC C ⋆ (G) an on K(G) in the case of Moore groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reflexivity with respect to an envelope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuous reflexivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Groups, discerned by C ∗ -algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smooth envelopes and smooth duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Joined self-adjoint elements and the system of partial derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multi-indices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algebras of power series with coefficients in a given algebra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algebras with the joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Systems of partial derivatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Partial derivatives as differential operators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Smooth envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition of the smooth envelope and functoriality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A net of differential quotient mappings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) Smooth algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smooth tensor product of involutive stereotype algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smooth tensor product of smooth algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Action of smooth envelope on bialgebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smooth tensor product with E(M ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) E(M ), as a smooth envelope of its subalgebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Counterexamples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smooth envelope of the algebra k(G) on a compact Lie group G. . . . . . . . . . . (e) Smooth envelopes of group algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coincidence of the smooth envelopes of C ⋆ (G) and E ⋆ (G). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fourier transform on a commutative Lie group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smooth envelope of the group algebra of a compact group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smooth envelope of the group algebra of the group C × K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (f) The algebra K∞ (G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The mapping K∞ (G) ⊛ K∞ (H) → K∞ (G × H). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (g) Smooth duality for groups C × K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smooth envelope of the algebra K∞ (C × K). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Structure of Hopf algebras on EnvE E ⋆ (G) and K∞ (G) for G = C × K. . . . . . . . Smoothly reflexive Hopf algebras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Groups, discerned by C ∗ -algebras with joined self-adjoint nilpotent elements. . . . Errata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 135 136 141 142 144 146 147 147 147 153 158 160 161 161 161 161 161 162 166 167 169 169 171 173 173 174 174 175 182 190 195 195 195 195 196 198 198 201 201 201 201 202 202 207