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Listening to Noam Chomsky's Unheard Inner Mind: How Noncommutative Phase Resonance Solves the Hard Problem of Consciousness and the J.K. O'Regan Singularity Index perception paradox

2020, EcoEcho

Professor Noam Chomsky recently gave a youtube interview, at age 91, mentioning how, when asked, he does not have the time to meditate. The irony of his life as longevity and his lack of time presented itself as proof of what he called the focus of his career in cognitive studies: the study of the Inner Mind. And so just as Chomsky refers to the Pre-Socratic Heraclitus, then science needs to consider that possibly its logic thus far, based on symmetric commutative logic, has been wrong.

Listening to Noam Chomsky's Unheard Inner Mind: How Noncommutative Phase Resonance Solves the Hard Problem of Consciousness and the J.K. O'Regan Singularity Index perception paradox By Drew Hempel, MA EcoEcho, 2020 Professor Noam Chomsky recently gave a youtube interview, at age 91, mentioning how, when asked, he does not have the time to meditate. The irony of his life as longevity and his lack of time presented itself as proof of what he called the focus of his career in cognitive studies: the study of the Inner Mind. Chomsky:  "It's the same internal system. So if we keep to the internal system, the core of language, turns out it pays NO ATTENTION to things like linear order; only pays attention to the structure of expressions, which has a very funny consequence: It means your children, for example, when they are acquiring language, pay NO ATTENTION to 100% of what they hear, and ONLY pay attention to what they NEVER HEAR. They hear things in linear order but the rules that they use pay attention to structure which they don't hear, they construct it in their minds." So the paradox presents itself – if the learning infant mind, learning language, only pays attention to what it never hears, then the assumption is that possibly this is something the mind sees. But Chomsky does not say this. "Let me ask you a question. When you're typing a letter, not paying a lot of attention; just typing, not paying much attention. Do you ever notice that you make typographical errors, where you type a word that sounds the same way? Like, suppose you're planning to say write but you write, right?...Happens to me too. I think what it means is you're HEARING the things. You're writing but you're actually HEARING. And that writing is a kind of very peripheral activity and HEARING is much DEEPER EMBEDDED. "...So actually when you're doing something like typing you're often just HEARING yourself. That's why you make mistakes like that. Are their differences in the way people do this? As far as I know it hasn't been investigated that much, the kind of deep questions... a certain kind of brain injury, what's that gonna do to your language faculty....hearing of thoughts and so forth.... "A child is genetically programmed to pick up all the noise in the environment and say... it's kind of striking, in fact, an infant doesn't pay attention to 100% of what it hears, linear order. It pays attention to what it NEVER HEARS, the structure that it brains constructs: which is a pretty dramatic finding." So instead of relying on some kind of visual source of written language, humans are rather "hearing" to something much more "deeper embedded" and then converting that into a visual symbolic system for writing. And yet this "inner mind" deep structure is never "heard" despite being listened to!! Chomsky: "At that stage the child is understanding MUCH MORE COMPLEX sentences....You can show that by trying to introduce errors into the more complex sentences: the kid can't understand. In fact there's been studies: THIS IS CALLED TELEGRAPHIC SPEECH: None of the small words. Just nouns and verbs. Give a Kid who is in the "telegraphic speech stage" three conditions: One, normal speech. two: the child's one telegraphic speech. Third: small random words introduced in telegraphic speech. Turns out the Kid can't understand his OWN speech nor the random distributed ones. But it CAN UNDERSTAND NORMAL SPEECH BECAUSE WHAT's going on in the HEAD is much beyond what's coming out of the "Printer".... ................ "Each other goes back to the UNHEARD, "the girls," but why don't you pronounce, "the girls"? Principle of Least Effort. The "Printer" wants to do the least possible. So it eliminates a lot of stuff. It has to pronounce something or you don't know the question is even being asked, so it just pronounces the most prominent thing. That leads to major problems in communication. In fact for people who do automatic parsing, one of the biggest problem is called "filler gap problems.".... the words not there and that ... when you get to more complicated to sentences it'd be a HUGE problem. So because of computational efficiency, the analog of the Law of Least Action, you're getting HUGE communication problems, but the INTERNAL SYSTEM is working with maximal efficiency. It doesn't erase anything: that would be an extra operation. And in fact this is related to the question of what we call, "Talking to yourself" - we're not talking to our self in INTERNAL LANGUAGE. When you think - you're thinking the way it's pronounced - you're NOT thinking the way it's going on in your MIND: That's inaccessible. That can only be understood by EXTERNAL INVESTIGATION. "So almost all of our thinking is INACCESSIBLE. We're only getting a periphery of it: What's around the printer level. what's REALLY going on: you have to study as if its some physical system you have no access to. Because there's no way to INTROSPECT to it. If you could Introspect it'd be real easy: but you can't cuz it's all inaccessible. Now this bears on the Consciousness issue because what were conscious of is little bits and fragments of what's going on inside. But if you get really introspective of what's going on in your mind, it's NOT sentences: It's Bit and Pieces of ... you can make decisions VERY QUICKLY - microseconds - complex decisions about a variety of things - like you walk into a room, and see a guy sitting over there .. but you notice somebody else who will be insulted if you say that so you say something else and so on, this happens instantaneously. But Bits and Pieces of the conservation that you're having DO reach consciousness. But what reaches consciousness is a VERY superficial, partial reflection of the internal computation of what's going on."  So Chomsky here refers to microseconds as the basis for the bits and pieces that our internal thinking then listens to – and reacts to subconsciously – and Chomsky also promotes the consciousness biology model of Hameroff and Penrose, a model that relies on ultrasound (the frequency inverse of microsecond time period). Now we need to consider what Sir Roger Penrose takes seriously – that the foundation of consciousness is actually due to noncommutative phase logic and Penrose admits he is not very good at noncommutative phase math itself, so he has not developed this noncommutative phase connection. His colleague Professor Basil J. Hiley, though, has developed this noncommutative time-frequency consciousness math. So there are different approaches to the math, but a key insight is that the math operation is embedded in the structure of the math itself. So another noncommutative phase logic scientist, Dr. Doug Matzke, has emphasized how nonlocal quantum entanglement as consciousness exists in a higher dimension, so that for our brains to interact with it, via symbolic language, then there has to be an operation on time-frequency, thereby making time-frequency inherently noncommutative phase logic. But just as Chomsky assumes the "inner mind" is based on a visual metaphor (inner versus outer) so too does science need to rely on an external symbolic system to create a supposed consensual reality of standardized reproducible commodities. Chomsky: "If you want to REALLY STUDY consciousness you're going to have to learn about the INTERNAL Processes that are putting forth the bits and pieces that pass forward and reach consciousness - very small and superficial... "the brain that's in our head - we can see little bits and pieces that surface. We're totally unconscious of what's going on and there's no way to become conscious of it and the same is true of the meaning of the simplest words. Take the first case that was studied in the history of science: it was Heraclitus, the Pre-Socratic. He asked a very profound question: Now how can you cross the same river twice? If you think about it it's not a trivial question. The second time you cross it it's totally different but it's the same river. You start playing with this: you realize this, you could make radical changes in the river, it would STILL be the same river. You can make tiny changes: like a phase changes that switches it to a glassy state and then run cars on it: It's not a river, it's a highway. Almost in-detectable change but it's not a river. HUGE changes but it will still be a river. Now EVERY INFANT knows this and its very complex when you look into it. You can't introspect this. You have to do experiments to figure it out. These thoughts ...every word in the language, all the constructions in the language, all the methods for producing the constructions of the thoughts of language - TOTALLY BEYOND the consciousness. It may sound strange but if you think about it for a minute, it's almost obvious. "I work on the Inner Mind all the time...students of language, that's what they're doing; studying visual perception that's what you're doing: anything in the cognitive sciences, that's what you're doing. We're NOT AWARE of our INNER MIND. We're only aware of Bits and Fragments that come out. There's a machine there that spits out a little bit of this and that. That's what we're aware of but it's NOT the INNER mind. "The Inner Mind you can ONLY STUDY From the OUTSIDE. It's the same way you study the gut brain. NO introspection. But sure we can study it. On the other hand why don't you go around constantly talking what's on your mind. We'll there are people who do that: they're called children. They haven't learned to keep it quiet yet. So that's ok...But a two year old would be a pretty awful world of a 40 year old..." So then as Sir Roger Penrose has emphasized and Chomsky agrees, there is an inherent limitation to making a scientific external measurement requiring this dichotomy of time and frequency, making itself pronounced in "hard science" via Fourier Uncertainty and later the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. So then noncommutative phase logic, as Alain Connes has modeled, then is able to unify relativity and quantum physics; yet despite the theory predicting, amazingly, the standard model, and more, there has to be a complete redesigning of science. And so just as Chomsky refers to the Pre-Socratic Heraclitus, then science needs to consider that possibly its logic thus far, based on symmetric commutative logic, has been wrong. Despite modern Western science being as precise as technology can measure, there is an inaccurate foundation or "rotten root" that math professor Luigi Borzacchini has called the "deep pre-established disharmony" as the secret sect of science or "evoltive principle" guiding the development of science. Therefore the global ecological and social justice crisis that Professor Noam Chomsky has devoted his life to exposing (a topic I've been fortunate to correspond about with Professor Chomsky, back about 20 years ago), this crisis directly stems from the inherent wrong mathematical models of modern science as developed from the wrong definition of time-frequency measurements. So quantum computer scientist Dr. Doug Matzke has emphasized that in fact if we accept and understand noncommutative phase logic via quantum nonlocal entanglement then indeed we can explain precisely why the claims of paranormal physics are indeed true. One of the proteges of Louis de Broglie, Nobel physicist founder of quantum mechanics, the relativistic quantum physicist Olivier Costa de Beauregard, has emphasized this same truth of paranormal reality due to asymmetric time-frequency energy. Whenever he does mention this paranormal truth, and he does in most of his published papers, then the CIA (US imperial secret government) has classified his mention of the paranormal) for further covert study. In fact at least 50% of physics is for US military research and even more so when we consider the black projects based on misused or stolen funds of over $20 trillion in just the past ten years. So when Chomsky says that the "inner mind" can only be perceived in bits and pieces and it must be studied externally – not based on Introspection (i.e. meditation) just as the same as the "gut mind" – this claim HAS to be literally inverted into a noncommutative phase logic to be properly understood. In other words just as Daoist Yoga or Taoist Neigong is based on noncommutative phase logic, as the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center physicist Eddie Oshins emphasized, so too does introspection on the "gut mind" reveal the secret source of our brain's "inner mind." So it's not that Noam Chomsky is wrong – quite the contrary – we can NEVER SEE the "inner mind" and it does remain UNHEARD – but logically we can still "infer" it as noncommutative phase time-frequency resonance of a higher dimension. To "Know Thyself" as per Heraclitus and the Pre-Socratics means to LISTEN as logical inference – in the "dark." Ph.D. Philosophy teacher Peter Kingsley has revealed this secret of the PreSocratics: Peter Kingsley: "Yes, and it’s also found in Taoist exercises as well as particular strands of Buddhism.... Empedocles tells his student that “if you press my words down underneath your dense-packed diaphragm,” in other words if you breathe them in deeply into your belly, then they will stay with you and they will grow and they will change you. The inner farming birds call and sing not only to quicken the plants: they also call to awaken the human seed that we are. They are actually singing for our sake as well. If we can start to listen to them, really listen, they will draw us into this greater consciousness I have been talking about." So if we know how to listen to Noam Chomsky then we can derive the truth of the "Hard Problem" of consciousness. Another scientist has made a similar claim: J.K. or J. Kevin O'Regan. Reply to Philipona and O'Regan Article in Visual Neuroscience 25(2):221-4 · March 2008 So in a critique of O'Regan's claims it is pointed out: "The particular stability of the light reflected off focal color surfaces under different illuminants, as expressed by their singularity, may explain why the focal red, yellow, green, and blue are chosen as special color prototypes across languages and why these colors act as unique hues in color appearance. In this case, color language and the subjective experience of color would be shaped by the observers' interaction with the visual environment, as suggested by the sensorimotor theory of visual experience (O'Regan, 2011; O'Regan & Noe, 2001a, 2001b; Philipona & O'Regan, 2006)." "In contrast, P&O’s eigenanalysis is carried out directly on the matrices of interest, which will in general not be symmetric. In fact, P&O report real eigenvalues for only 88% of their matrices (p.334), so that 12% of them have complex eigenvalues. But it is a theorem that all the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix are themselves real. More generally, we should expect this lack of symmetry. As P&O themselves note (p.333), there could be more than three relevant illuminant spectra. This would mean that the matrices would not be square, and hence not symmetric" In other words O'Regan, et. al., are relying on noncommutative phase logic! So again it's not that O'Regan's discovery (with his colleagues) is wrong but only that the singularity being noncommutative requires the "turning back of the light" as it is called in Daoist Neigong training – or in Buddhism, the prajna wisdom of self-reflection. Pre-Socratic philosophy also taught that "being" is this light based on the direction of time (which is malleable). So when O'Regan makes the suggestion or claim in his book: "Consequently, the LMS signal of surfaces with those colors (red, yellow, green, blue, and achromatic colors) might be more reliable across illuminations, and they may act as points of reference, or perceptual anchors, for the identification of colors across illumination changes. This might explain why these colors are associated with a particular subjective experience and why the color categories used in communication organize around these particular color sensations." And then in his youtube talk – suggesting or claiming this solves the "Hard problem" of consciousness – this is true so much as it still depends on the subjective noncommutative time-frequency engagement with reality. Dr. Stephen E. Robbins in his focus on Henri Bergson's philosophy, described to me how this was called "hesitation" by Bergson. So in Western science, starting with logarithms from the wrong music theory of time-frequency, then calculus was developed by assuming that time can be factored out as an external parameter that is limited. So now physicist Lee Smolin is trying to bring time back into science as a real internal operator. Instead of "externalizing" time on Earth as an accelerating destruction of space, the inverse of the accelerating expansion of the Universe through the slowing down of time, now we have to "internalize" time as a malleable source of consciousness itself. So the Hameroff-Penrose ORCH model relying on ultrasound with its inverse microseconds "period" then also acknowledges the truth of such paranormal phenomenon as precognition. Such "in the zone" visions are enabled by a deep resonance process of mind-body unification as achieved through meditation and yoga training based on noncommutative phase logic reality. So as Dr. Doug Matzke emphasizes, modern science developing an AI "actual matrix plan" technological society is actually just a subconscious projection of what we can already do naturally if only we trained to do deep listening. The Pre-Socratic Pythagorean deep listening training required five years of silence in cave meditation, as per similar traditions in West Africa (three months in the forest) or Daoist training (cave meditation for four weeks or seven weeks – with no sleep the whole time!). Clearly our abilities to access "alternative" time-frequency energy phenomenon, similar to snakes seeing infrared or bees and birds seeing ultraviolet, is now acknowledged via the new science of quantum biology, as Dr. Jack Tuszynski has acknowledged. The gut mind is very much parallel or a convergent evolutionary ecology with the plant root mind system or the fungal system – all relying on coherent laser biophoton signals that are nonlocal and noncommutative phase signals. So just as all cultures see and "name" inherent meanings based on noncommutative phase singularities (reducing a three x three matrix to a holographic two dimensional singularity that is noncommutative) so too now does science increasingly accept that beyond the Big Bang is itself a holographic singularity. We live in a 5D black hole, as astrophysics professor Paul S. Wesson realized, one properly explained by Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony, and which properly explains paranormal spiritual phenomenon. Our ancient ancestors called this the "dream time" as our "original" creation or original human culture. By "reentry" as Dr. Bradford Keeney has explained, our original human culture, the San Bushmen, have been able to maintain a culture with no war and based on ecological sustainability, social justice and EVERY male required to do spiritual training. So this N/om or N/um energy has been traced back to at least 70,000 years ago as based on the N/om cave meditation snake statue dating. From before human language developed then our original human culture relied on a direct interface with the "inner mind" via a deep musical listening training as a whole body-mind transformation process. The N/om energy is literally a spacetime transformation of the 5th dimension, enabling a healer to travel in time and space, outside the body, and on the deepest levels, to have physical transformations as well. As Nobel Physicist Gerard 't Hooft published is "light is heavy" article – all matter is made of light with a secret supermomentum of spacetime energy itself as a noncommutative phase singularity. So it's not a question of when we develop AI or actual Matrix plan machines taking over humans and Nature but in fact that Nature is already in control as a cosmic convergence on Earth itself. The "chirality" of life as asymmetric time-frequency resonance has been traced to the chirality of quantum particles of the Universe with a left-handed bias. Science clearly has a right-hand technology and left-brain bias while deep listening as noncommutative phase listening is right-brain dominant with a left-hand bias, as is ecology. What unifies the two is the 5th dimension that can never be seen, as the Unheard Inner Mind.