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MGPS Cofferdam is an equipment to be attached at the submerge part of the ship’s hull, to create an watertight environment for the safety cutting, welding, or another underwater activities. The activity here for the MGPS Cofferdam is the... more
طراحی شناور تندرو اروند و سیستم هوشمند آن
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
Im 20. Jahrhundert wurden historische Schiffsmodelle nicht als eigenständige Quelle anerkannt. In Betrachtungen wurden auch zeitgenössische Erwartungen, die mit den Modellen nichts gemeinsam haben, transportiert.
APDL stands for ANSYS Parametric Design Language
A scripting language that you can use to automate common task or even build your model in terms of parameter (variables).
The dugout canoes discovered in the neolithic site of La Marmotta (in the waters of Lake Bracciano) are among the oldest in Europe. This article discusses the second dugout – named La Marmotta 2 – recovered in 1998. After analysis of the... more
Proses pembangunan kapal merupakan suatu aktivitas yang dilakukan mulai dari perencanaan kapal (desain) sampai dengan penyerahan produk kapal kepada pemilik kapal. Pembangunan kapal ini dilakukan melalui suatu tahapan proses yang salah... more
Una rivisitazione della situazione degli Apparati Motore a vapore della Regia Marina Italiana, in relazione alle deficienze ed alle cause, nel contesto dell' industria e della cantieristica italiana degli anni 30 del secolo scorso. La... more
After many years of analyzing only the architectural defenses so called alla moderna of the venetian military power, this paper look at the sea power of the Serenissima and at her naval bases (with the Arsenale at first) as the main... more
PT Global Ofshor Indonesia is assigned by PT Buana Listya Tama (BLT) to perform lifting analysis,
to move the 20 ft container size Generator Set, from the main deck of Flolift 200 Crane Barge, to
the 2nd deck of Petroleum 115 Tanker.
Usually, the concept of sufficient stability of a floating structure is connected with the capacity to keep a small heel angle despite the moment of heeling. The variable responsible for these characteristics is the initial metacentric... more
En el S. XVI mares y océanos se habían convertido en ajetreadas zonas de paso, confrontación, exploración, etc. por las que pululaban armadas, corsarios, piratas, comerciantes y aventureros tanto de coronas europeas como de reinos... more
Usually, the concept of sufficient stability of a floating structure is connected with the capacity to keep a small heel angle despite the moment of heeling. The variable responsible for these characteristics is the initial metacentric... more
SUMMARY This technical note presents an analysis of the underlying factors of human factors in ship design based on questionnaires distributed on two offshore supply vessels operating in the Norwegian Sea. The concept of human factors in... more
Los numerosos rasgos sorprendentes de los templos griegos antiguos se entienden como algo natural si suponemos que los templos proceden de barcos de guerra reales, no metafóricos, volteados y varados sobre soportes (hay suficientes... more
A study about defensive architecture of moles and sea forts. Nautical defensive buildings located in Puerto Real (Spain) which are compared with similar contemporary buildings located in Hispanic territories. Boths building are linked... more
I. Έστω επίπεδες επιφάνειες με σχήμα α) τριγώνου, β) ορθογωνίου και γ) κύκλου βυθισμένες σε ρευστό ειδικού βάρους g , σε κάποιο βάθος, με γωνία κλίσης q σε σχέση με την ελεύθερη επιφάνεια. Για κάθε μια από αυτές να κατασκευαστεί συνάρτηση... more
Να κατασκευασθούν συναρτήσεις (functions) στη γλώσσα προγραμματισμού του πακέτου λογισμικού MATLAB οι οποίες να υπολογίζουν την πυκνότητα, το ειδικό βάρος, το δυναμικό ιξώδες, το κινηματικό ιξώδες και την τάση ατμών του γλυκού και του... more
Hambatan merupakan salah satu faktor utama yang mempengaruhi proses perancangan sebuah kapal. Kapal dengan bentuk lambung yang baik akan menghasilkan efisien hambatan sehingga operasional kapal dan pergerakan kapal lebih baik. Pada ini... more
The paper deals with the discovery of an unpublished project by means of a surface assault boat in the Archive of the Historical Office of the Italian Navy. Made in January 1915, the project predates Italy’s entry into the First World War... more
Pada penelitian ini material komposit sandwich yang diuji diperuntukkan sebagai bahan lambung kapal fiberglass. Komposit sandwich dengan core yang dikuatkan dibuat, diuji tekan dan bending untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi ukuran penguat... more
Work developed at ANASTE/ULg, in the master's course in shipbuilding
SUMMARY A survey of human factors on two state-of-the-art offshore supply vessels (OSVs) operating in the Norwegian Sea was performed by means of questionnaires. The purpose of the study was to examine whether human factors had been... more
This work examines key technological trends in the transitions from sail to steam and from coal to petroleum fuels in the era of President Theodore Roosevelt. By examining key technological trends and tactical innovations into the First... more
Macam gerakan osilasi pada kapal, memiliki enam derajat kebebasan yaitu surging, swaying, heaving, rolling, pitching, yawing. Enam derajat kebebasan dapat dibedakan menjadi dua macam olah gerak, yaitu translasional dan rotasional sebagai... more
"For the reconstruction of the military Mycenaean world scarcely we possess the information extracted from diverse slats written in Linear B, as well as the remains of some pictorial representations and scanty archaeological remains... more