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Throughout history, floods have played one of the most important roles in soil formation, maintenance and modification of soil fertility. Flooding of rivers left mud full of organic matter in the fields, salts were washed out of the soil,... more
Following severe flooding in 2007, a decision was taken in 2012 to explore nature-based solutions in 250-km2 river catchment in the southern Cotswolds in the United Kingdom. The project involves working with landowners to create in... more
Nature and its ecosystem services are at the center of the hospitality business proposition: from food and beverage offers to guests' enjoyment of natural landscape at a destination. Nature is not only a 'capital' component available to... more
Sixty percent of the Mediterranean population currently lives in urban areas, which has  one of the fastest urbanization rates in the world. According to the Union for the  Mediterranean,  the  urban  population  of  the  region  is ... more
Learning from nature may be the most important step towards improving cities in the context of environmental and climate issues. However, many of the current approaches to make cities greener or more sustainable are still linear and... more
Greening roofs or walls to cool down city areas during summer, to capture storm water, to abate pollution, and to increase human well-being while enhancing biodiversity: nature-based solutions (NBS) refer to the sustainable management and... more
The constant pursuit by cities for implementing sustainable urban development policies in order to address interrelated crises of socio-economic and environmental nature, such as the combined effect of climate change and the urban heat... more
The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the interchangeable link between human and nature.The health and socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 are directly or indirectly linked to the naturalenvironment and to the way that agri-food systems... more
Die Wiederansiedlung des eurasischen Bibers bringt die Auswirkungen der Bautätigkeiten dieses Nagetiers wieder ins Bewusst-sein. Biberdämme können Fallhöhen von über fünf Metern, und Längen von bis zu 850 Meter erreichen. Sie treten mit... more
Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities (acronym: SCORE) Call: H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2019-2020 Topic: LC-CLA-13-2020 European Commission 2021-2025 Costal City Living labs (CCLL) is one of the main... more Según las Naciones Unidas, aproximadamente tres de cada cinco ciudades del mundo con -al menos- 500.000... more
Invited Referee Response for the journal Emerald Open Research, article: Steffen Lehmann (2019) "Reconnecting with nature: Developing urban spaces in the age of climate change", version 1, January 2019, pre-published online 28 January... more
More than half the world’s population now lives in cities. According to a United Nations report, urbanisation combined with overall growth of population could add another 2.5 billion people to urban areas by 2050. As a result of... more
Nature-based solutions are quickly rising to the top of the sustainable urban development agenda as an ecosystem based approach to mitigate and adapt to climate change, while also improving livelihoods and biodiversity. Achieving... more
Source Water Protection (SWP) has always been fundamental to water resources management. Source waters can deliver reliable and high-quality water services for drinking and domestic use, livestock and ranching, irrigation, energy,... more
'Ocean Cities' of the Pacific are where urban landscapes and seascapes meet, where built and natural environments interface, and where human behaviour and urban development have profound impacts on both terrestrial and marine ecosystems.... more
Feeding the future world population sustainably and satisfactorily requires, among others, accessibility to water resources of adequate quantity and quality. Yet, conventional interventions solely based on ‘hard’ engineering solutions and... more
Cities often don't appreciate the benefits of green infrastructure (GI) enough. To recognise the extent to which green infrastructure and nature-based solutions (NbS) are present in the urban policy, we conducted a review of planning,... more
Bonn Challenge is an ambitious global restoration pledge that was launched in 2011, with the nature-based solutions (NbS) strategy of forest landscape restoration (FLR) as its underlying principle. India has one of the largest pledges... more
Beavers lived in the rivers of Eurasia and North America for more than 20 million years. They are termed 'ecosystem engineers', since their dam building activities dramatically change the characteristics of river systems. They shape river... more
Urbanization deletes and degrades natural ecosystems, threatens biodiversity, and alienates people from the experience of nature. Nature-based solutions (NbS) that are inspired and supported by nature have the potential to deliver... more
Climate change impacts, especially on coastal cities, can no longer be ignored and in order to avoid significant losses in the built environment, the economy, and, by consequence, human health and life, it is imperative to address these... more
Climate change and urbanization have resulted in several societal challenges for urban areas. Nature-based solutions (NBS) have been positioned as solutions for enhancing urban resilience in the face of these challenges. However, the body... more
Στόχος η παρουσίαση της μεθοδολογικής προσέγγισης που αναπτύχθηκε στο πλαίσιο του ευρωπαϊκού έργου CONNECTING Nature για την προώθηση της ενσωμάτωσης "λύσεων βασισμένων στη φύση" (Nature based solutions) στην επίλυση των συνηθέστερων... more
This study reviews relevant Bangladeshi national policies from the past three decades to investigate NbS as a potential framework to address climate change and societal challenges in the country. We systematically analyzed twenty policy... more
Multiple anthropogenic challenges threaten nature's contributions to human well-being. Agricultural expansion and conventional intensification are degrading biodiversity and ecosystem functions, thereby undermining the natural foundations... more
Despite substantial increases in the scope and magnitude of biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration, there remains ongoing degradation of natural resources that adversely affects both biodiversity and human well-being.... more
Conventional urban drainage approaches have historically focused on the volume of stormwater to be displaced with the aim of moving it as fast and as far as possible from the city. They have also been negligent regarding water quality and... more
As the linked impacts of climate change and degradation of ecosystems continue to be felt, particularly in developing countries, it is vital that methods for development that concurrently address adaptation to climate change, rapid... more
Recreation-based ecosystem services can bring possibilities for protection and sustainable use of coastal ecosystems. This paper analyzes how recreational services influence coastal ecosystem management by studying the southwest part of... more
La Comisión Europea (2014) definió la Infraestructura Verde (IV) como: ‘’red de áreas naturales planificadas estratégicamente y administradas, como bosques y humedales, y otros espacios abiertos que conservan o mejoran los valores y... more
For the world's richest and most powerful men, the global environmental crisis has finally arrived. But what it means for them is not what it means for most people. Take the examples of Jeff Bezos (Executive Chair of e-commerce giant... more
A revision of the concept of Solutions based on Nature is made as a formula to correct the intensification of impacts of anthropic activity in a territory as sensitive as the Arc of Alboran, exemplifying it in the models of urban green... more
The objective of this review paper is to survey the state of the art on nature-based solutions (NBS) in the built environment, which can contribute to a circular economy (CE) and counter the negative impacts of urbanization This is an... more
A critiquing document was completed by the reclaimWILD consultants and Karolina Peret and submitted to Aalborg University (AAU), Ministry of Building, and the Housing Association, as well as NIRAS Consultants, to review green... more
The arrival of the phrase nature-based solutions into the lexicon of academics, planners, managers and policy makers in recent years has sparked a heated debate as to the effectiveness of using nature as a viable solution for mitigating... more
Framing solutions to climate change as natural strongly influences their acceptability, but what constitutes a ‘natural’ climate solution is selected, not self-evident. We suggest that the current, narrow formulation of natural climate... more
Cities are facing a broad range of social and environmental challenges due to the current pressure of global urbanization. Nature-based solutions aim to utilize green infrastructure to improve people's health and wellbeing. The design of... more
The United Nations have identified climate change as the greatest threat to human life. As current research shows, urban areas are more vulnerable to climate change than rural areas. Numerous people are affected by climate change in their... more
A preocupação pela busca de SBN para superar os desafios das águas não é recente na administração pública. Na verdade, a busca pelo controle dos recursos hídricos sempre foi uma preocupação humana, remonta à Antiguidade, ao surgimento das... more
The objective of this review paper is to survey the state-of-the-art on nature-based solutions (NBS) in the built environment, which can contribute to a circular economy (CE) and counter the negative impacts of urbanization through the... more
Urban living style is associated with various negative impacts on human health, e.g. connected with the environmental problems. Thus, promoting health of urban population is nowadays one of the most challenging issues of the 21 st century... more
The Water Funds Field Guide captures The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and partners recommended best practices process for scoping, designing, creating, and operating Water Funds as of 2018. The purpose of this document is to equip... more
Several constituents discharged with urban storm water runoff have been sampled and analyzed in a residential area in Bucharest, Romania. A total of five rainfall-runoff events were monitored through grab sampling. The monitored... more
A green deal cannot be left to economics and engineering. It requires social innovations and new economic thinking that enable people to make a decent living based on ecological practices.