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A green deal cannot be left to economics and engineering. It requires social innovations and new economic thinking that enable people to make a decent living based on ecological practices.
A need for multi-functional assessment tools evaluating trade-offs and co-benefits for various types of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) has been increasingly identified in recent years. Methodologically, concepts for a tool are presented... more
Developing a general, predictive understanding of ecological systems requires knowing how much structural and functional relationships can cross scales and contexts. Here, we introduce the CROSSLINK project that investigates the role of... more
This chapter presents a brief overview of the policy design and theoretical environmental economic principles that underpin the concept of emissions trading systems (ETS) as a policy approach to address climate change. It discusses basic... more
Diminishing prospects for environmental preservation under climate change are intensifying efforts to boost capture, storage and sequestration (long-term burial) of carbon. However, as Earth's biological carbon sinks also shrink,... more
The UN declaration of the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030 emphasizes the need for effective measures to restore ecosystems and safeguard biodiversity. Large herbivores regulate many ecosystem processes and functions; yet,... more
Cities often don't appreciate the benefits of green infrastructure (GI) enough. To recognise the extent to which green infrastructure and nature-based solutions (NbS) are present in the urban policy, we conducted a review of... more
The objective of this review paper is to survey the state-of-the-art on nature-based solutions (NBS) in the built environment, which can contribute to a circular economy (CE) and counter the negative impacts of urbanization through the... more
Developing a general, predictive understanding of ecological systems requires knowing how much structural and functional relationships can cross scales and contexts. Here, we introduce the CROSSLINK project that investigates the role of... more
The objective of this review paper is to survey the state-of-the-art on nature-based solutions (NBS) in the built environment, which can contribute to a circular economy (CE) and counter the negative impacts of urbanization through the... more
There is growing interest in the application of nature-based solutions to adapt to climate change and promote resilience, yet barriers exist to their implementation. These include a perceived lack of evidence of their functioning in... more
Sustainable management of ecosystems can provide various socio-ecological benefits, including disaster risk reduction. Through their regulating services and by providing natural protection, ecosystems can reduce physical exposure to... more
Farfalle in ToUr is an innovative Citizen Science project that promotes social inclusion through butterfly conservation in Turin urban areas (NW Italy). The project was born in 2014 thanks to the proposal of doctors of Mental Health... more
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) established a partnership with Pacific island developing States to develop an integrated policy approach for ocean focused and climate-responsive urban... more
• Soil and water bioengineering is an ecological engineering solution providing several benefits to both humans and nature. • There is an emphasis on the necessity to reconcile both natural hazard control and ecological restoration. •... more
Breaking away from the common perception that identifies the technosphere with the synthetic, this essay reflects on certain enframings of nature as technology in the contemporary climate change discourse. Demands to de-technologize are... more
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) refer to the sustainable management, protection and use of nature to mitigate risks and to preserve ecosystems, demonstrating environmental, social and economic benefits. The goal of the OPERANDUM project is... more
The paper and its presentation is to discuss a family house Spiraling Slope (sophia) that is co-designed, inhabited, tested and developed prototype by the second and third author of this submission, the clients. The eco-systemically... more
The aim of the article is the mapping and assessment of ES potential in the scale of the city and identifi cation of site-specifi c elements that support or reduce the ES potential at the site scale. For this purpose, a multi-criteria... more
The United Nations have identified climate change as the greatest threat to human life. As current research shows, urban areas are more vulnerable to climate change than rural areas. Numerous people are affected by climate change in their... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Abstract The “Urban Metabolism” concept has in recent years gained popularity in urban sustainability research and still thrives in disciplinary fields as varied as urban ecology, industrial ecology, political ecology and... more
The arrival of the phrase nature-based solutions into the lexicon of academics, planners, managers and policy makers in recent years has sparked a heated debate as to the effectiveness of using nature as a viable solution for mitigating... more
Diminishing prospects for environmental preservation under climate change are intensifying efforts to boost capture, storage and sequestration (long-term burial) of carbon. However, as Earth's biological carbon sinks also shrink,... more
Il verde urbano insieme alla morfologia della città controlla il microclima urbano e la permanenza di alcuni inquinanti in aria. Il progetto Life VEG-GAP (, ha sviluppato una strategia per produrre nuove... more
This chapter presents a brief overview of the policy design and theoretical environmental economic principles that underpin the concept of emissions trading systems (ETS) as a policy approach to address climate change. It discusses basic... more
Cities are living systems. A holistic vision for urban sustainability looks at the city as an integration of energy, environment, mobility, urban design, new technologies, and most importantly “people and nature”. In this article, the aim... more
A green deal cannot be left to economics and engineering. It requires social innovations and new economic thinking that enable people to make a decent living based on ecological practices.
The arrival of the phrase nature-based solutions into the lexicon of academics, planners, managers and policy makers in recent years has sparked a heated debate as to the effectiveness of using nature as a viable solution for mitigating... more
this is the other reflection and testimony of UDYAMA that  needs further catalysation and action
Urban environments consist of a mosaic of natural fragments, planned and unintentional habitats hosting both introduced and spontaneous species. The latter group exploits abandoned and degraded urban niches which, in the case of plants,... more
Developing a general, predictive understanding of ecological systems requires knowing how much structural and functional relationships can cross scales and contexts. Here, we introduce the CROSSLINK project that investigates the role of... more
The linear pattern of production-consumption-disposal of cities around the world will continue to increase the emission of pollutants and stocks of waste, as well as to impact on the irreversible deterioration of non-renewable stocks of... more
Developing a general, predictive understanding of ecological systems requires knowing how much structural and functional relationships can cross scales and contexts. Here, we introduce the CROSSLINK project that investigates the role of... more
Una pubblicazione, a metà tra uno studio ambientale del territorio ed un libro d'artista. Arte, scienza e paesaggio. Una riflessione tra i servizi ecosistemici, le Nature Based Solutions e l'arte pubblica e partecipativa per la periferia... more
'Nature-Based Integration' (NBI) has been proposed as a solution to two prominent issues in contemporary Nordic societies: increasing separation from nature among 'modern' societies; and the need to 'integrate' groups of diverse... more
As part of H2020 OPERANDUM project, a multi-dimensional, open and user-friendly platform is being developed, named OPERANDUM Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP), which enables stakeholders and end-users to improve their... more
Mentioned in an article in Azzure Magazine by Tim Waterman Across the globe, the number of major projects melding built forms with natural elements is growing every year. Besides the ecological benefits, landscape architect Tim Waterman... more
Couvet, D., Ducarme, F. (2018), « Des solutions fondées sur la nature… et sur les citoyens ? », dans Transition écologique et durabilité: Politiques et acteurs, ed. R. Sierra & A. Grisoni, Campus Frankfurt / New York
ISBN: 9783593437095.