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Based on Slovenian folklore from the second half of the 19th century, the paper addresses the unexplored topic of the intermixing of folklore with Catholicism and the role of this folklore in the process of Slovenian nation-building.... more
Опредељујући се за интерпретацију песме „Са заклопљеним очима“, која је уврштена у четврти циклус Утопљених душа, репрезентативне модернистичке и више од столећа „живе“ и интригантне песничке збирке, у исти мах настојимо да укажемо на... more
В статье рассматривается деятельность ссыльных А. А. Андриевского и Н. А. Добротворского по собиранию и публикации вятского фольклора. 1880-е годы стали своеобразным «пиком» интереса к народным традициям, обрядам, фольклору русских и... more
TITLE: Tree-breaking weddings: road tradition of Russia, mythological representations, and the features of the Russian traditional wedding movement in the 19th and 20th centuries. В статье исследуются мифологические представления о... more
The paper analyses the structure and significance of the vučari ritual procession as an element of the intangible cultural heritage of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Traditionally, the custom involves a procession of people carrying a... more
This work is designed to change the current situation in researching the history of Turkic languages. The article Chuvash-German language correspondences pursue a similar goal. Both works are based on the presence of ancient Turks in... more
Sono passati esattamente vent'anni da quando, in una miscellanea incentrata sul binomio Poesia dotta e poesia popolare in età ellenistica, pubblicai il mio primo lavoro dedicato alla cultura popolare degli antichi, con comparazioni... more
Recenzja tekstu: Rumunski sposob na Europe. Antropologiczne studium spoleczności lokalnej z Săpânţa (2018). Agnieszka Chwieduk. Poznan: Poznanskie Studia Etnologiczne nr 22, Instytut im. Oskara Kolberga
Orkideler renk, boyut, çiçeklenme şekilleri ve aynı zamanda koku özellikleri bakımından oldukça çeşitlilik gösteren bitkilerdir. Yayılış alanları tropikal bölgelerden yüksek dağlara kadar değişmektedir. Orkideler öncelikle süs bitkisi... more
Summary: The paper examines the interpretative possibilities of the short story "Kraljević Marko for the second time among the Serbsˮ by Radoje Domanović in teaching process. Since the mentioned work is not included in the contents... more
Праиндоевропска основа може се посматрати као корен митологија које су се касније развиле код различитих индоевропских народа, а која је нашла своје место и у усменој књижевности. Она се коначно на папиру петрификовала, иако је у усменом... more
The paper presents an overview of romanistic research on the occasion of Romanica Wratislaviensia’s fiftieth anniversary. In as much as the revue has undergone several transformations over the years, the Wratislavian romanists... more
This paper analyses three variants of the poem about Sun’s sister and a pasha/emperor, and on the basis of that analyses, points out that Serbian folk poetry contains clear indication of a female deity of “cold” (studena)/living (živa)... more
The paper is based on the poems recorded in the Krstić Folk Song Index under C 1, 2, 1; C 1, 2, 5; and C 1, 2, 6, in which the motif of bloody precipitations occurs (bloody rain, bloody dew, bloody snow and bloody hail). Based on this... more
Испољавајући фасцинантну амбиваленцију према симболу воде у свим потенцијалним значењима – како оним старијим и увреженим, тако и оним новостеченим путем филозофије, психоанализе и антрополошког проучавања митова – модернизам креира свој... more
Il contributo propone una chiave di lettura pirandelliana del personaggio letterario del ragionier Ugo Fantozzi, nato dalla penna di Paolo Villaggio. Il lavoro analizza lo stile del Villaggio scrittore, evidenzia le caratteristiche... more
O świecie rzeczy w bajkach ludowych i baśniach literackich - dwa ujęcia, dwie wizje świata, dwa porządki
STUDIES IN LATIN FUNERARY POETRY AS REFLECTED IN THE EPITAPHS OF MOESIA The core part of this dissertation consists of chapters focusing on six epitaphs from Roman Moesia, chosen here as representative of the categorial, textual and/or... more
In Russian and Komi-Permyak folklore legends about the treasures, there are rare motives where the rooster appears. The article is devoted to two motives with difficult task for a person who wants to take a hoard (to harness 12 roosters;... more
Previous studies reveal the presence of Roman and early Medieval material at prehistoric and later monuments; and at natural features, such as hills, caves, and water sources. Comparison of a range of evidence suggests that later artefact... more