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La niña helada, crónica de una ópera contemporánea Resumen Crónica sobre la génesis, creación y producción de La niña helada, ópera de cámara experimental interdisciplinaria, con libreto de Mariano Saba y música de Patricia Martínez,... more
Symposium: The Staatskapelle Berlin at 450 – A Review “Crisis and Prosperity: The Development of Prussian Court Music from 1713 to 1806“ Venue: Staatsoper im Schiller Theater Date: 7th- 9th October 2016 Call for Papers Deadline:... more
Le dossier propose une relecture des spectacles parisiens sous l’Ancien Régime à travers une réflexion sur le dépassement des périmètres institutionnels et esthétiques des théâtres. Aux cours du XVIIe et du XVIIIe siècle, les différentes... more
Vortrag von Samu Gryllus am Symposium “Geste-Gebärde-Bewegung-Musik” im Rahmen von
MusikAktuell 2015 am 20.3.15. in der Sammlung-Essl, Klosterneuburg
This is a re-reading of Corneille's relationship with music, drawing from the machine play "Andromède" (and scholarship on "Andromède") and comparing its particularities with Corneille's theoretical work from ten years later. The idea is... more
Pavlos Carrer [Paolo Carrer] decided to compose "Despo" in summer 1875 after visiting the then newly-founded Athens Conservatoire. As part of his high mission to establish a national music school with opera as its crowning achievement,... more
Arnold Jacobshagen: Zur Kategorie des verismo in den Opern Puccinis und seiner Zeitgenossen, in: Puccini-Handbuch, hrsg. von Richard Erkens, Stuttgart/Weimar (Metzler-Verlag) 2017 (Druck in Vorbereitung). Mit der Kategorie des verismo... more
Since his debut with the company ‘Il Carrozzone’ (1970), Federico Tiezzi has stood out because of his peculiar dramaturgy which makes of figurative arts its hallmark. In fact his contemporary education as art historian entails a fruitful... more
The book series “Ottomania” researches cultural transfers between the Ottoman Empire and Europe, with the performing arts as its focus. In Ottoman Empire and European Theatre, vol. IV: Seraglios in Theatre, Music and Literature, the... more
Immersive theatre is an exciting and dynamic art form which emerged as a popular new theatre practice in 1980s, stemming from the combination of installation art, physical and visual theatre practices (Machon, 2013: xv). The research... more
À partir des années 1860, les œuvres de Jacques Offenbach connurent un succès important au Brésil, où elles contribuèrent à l’essor du théâtre musical et à l’apparition de nouvelles formes artistiques comme la burleta et la revista do... more
This document brings together three essays that I published on my blog the biting point in 2016, on the subject of music and theatre. The first essay confronts the unstable and dissatisfactory category of 'music theatre', via a book... more
Arnold Jacobshagen / Elisabeth Schmierer (Hrsg.): Sachlexikon des Musiktheaters. Laaber-Verlag 2016 667 Seiten mit 163 Abbildungen. Geb. € 78,– (Subskriptionspreis bis 31.10.2016, danach ca. € 88,–) ISBN 978–3–89007–781–9 Das... more
Thinking of music performance, we usually consider the action happening on the theater or concert stage, in front of spectators. However, performance space surrounding the spectators, its interior and exterior architectural decoration, as... more
En los últimos años, la denominada «revolución digital» ha supuesto una radical transformación de nuestras vidas que ha instaurado nuevos hábitos y modificado rápidamente la forma en que aprendemos, trabajamos y nos relacionamos. La... more
Σειρά 50 ωριαίων ντοκιμαντέρ ιστορικού και εθνογραφικού περιεχομένου για την ιστορία της ελληνικής μουσικής από την αρχαιότητα ως σήμερα. Τα είδη που παρουσιάζονται για πρώτα φορά όλα μαζί είναι: αρχαίο μέλος, βυζαντινό μέλος, δημοτικό... more
Teaching performance theory in an anthropology program requires relating the act and practice of performance to the broad questions posed by the field of anthropology. In the most general sense, these questions lead to a comparative... more
Nicht nur für das Theater geschriebene Musik verfügt über eine theatrale Schicht. Diese nicht als etwas der Musik Hinzugefügtes, sondern als etwas genuin Musikalisches zu begreifen, ist das Hauptanliegen dieses Buches. Der zweite... more
This current research aims at investigating the fundamental characteristics of Gilberto Mendes's music theater. This work is divided into three parts. In the first chapter, we present a broad bibliographical review about the development... more
A new multimedia opera by composer Jason Thorpe Buchanan & librettist Darcie Dennigan SYNOPSIS: Knut Hamsun’s novel Sult is a point of departure for a libretto by award-winning poet Darcie Dennigan, exploring themes of psychological... more
The Star of Tonkin: Alexandra Myrial [David-Neel] Behind the Scenes of the 1895-1896 Opera Season in Hanoi and Haiphong [In French] This article sheds light on the prehistory of the theaters of Hanoi and Haiphong in studying the sequence... more
Corporeity can be shown as an important study element of the relations between individuals, indicating a singular modus for the development of cognitive-affective processes. The aim of this study was to develop a reflection, starting from... more
This paper is a critical overview of the society-shaping importance of the many facets of A(i)da Overton Walker’s life and work as the foremost African American stage performer at the turn of the century. Through her singing, acting,... more
This paper looks into the concept of ‘Design as Theatre’ and how design is used within music theatre, opera and musical theatre to drive and re-enforce the political or story points being portrayed to an audience. Using examples from... more
Premieres of Petar Stojanović’s operettas The girl from the Garrett [Liebchen am Dach, 1917] and The Duke of Reichstadt [Der Herzog von Reichstadt, 1921] were covered extensively in the Viennese press (Neue Freie Presse, Neues Wiener... more
Children’s musical theater, the broad focus of this collection, consists of the children’s musical, family musical, and young adult musical. The children’s musical is an amateur phenomenon primarily occurring in non-commercial venues,... more
In 1791, the new impresario Prospero Franceschetti organized an extraordinary carnival season of three serious operas in the Teatro di Cittadella at Reggio Emilia. Bianchi's La morte di Cesare, Andreozzi's Virginia and Sarti's Giulio... more
Wir befinden uns mitten in der Zeit der 5. Phase der Informationsrevolution, und mit einem Paradigmenwechsel der Wirklichkeitswahrnehmung vielleicht in der größten, die die Menschheit je erlebt hat. Noch ist unbekannt, wie stark sich die... more
Ein kurzer Abriss der Geschichte des Lachlieds.
A short survey of the history of the laughing song.
Nos anos 1860, uma febre de novo tipo parece ganhar o Rio de Janeiro: Offenbach e suas óperas buffa, representadas em francês, traduzidas em português ou parodiadas por autores brasileiros, dominam a cada dia mais os teatros da cidade,... more
This paper delineates a musical phenomenon, which I term the “difficult voice,” and observes its use in three vocal compositions by Jewish composers written in three different post-Holocaust time periods: Chaya Czernowin’s (b.1957, Haifa)... more
There are a range of compositional approaches and techniques to consider when producing work of a sonic nature; from decisions about source material and location, to set-up configurations and sound diffusion. The presented case studies... more