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Die Ausführungen sind ein Versuch zu zeigen, wie sehr gerade ein viel geschmähtes Libretto wie "Il trovatore" den Komponisten Giuseppe Verdi zu einer Oper von grösster Stringenz und Auslotung menschlich archetypischer Komplexe  inspirierte.
Tekst dotyczy teoretycznych dyskusji na temat libretta. Długo nie cieszyło się ono zainteresowaniem badaczy. Stwierdzenia, że jest to niepełny, niewartościowy twór ni to literacki, ni to muzyczny można znaleźć w poważnych opracowaniach... more
The Janitor — what is it? Well, it is not about religion, politics, socio-economics, or the newest world order… it is about the universal concepts of love and the intersection of music, science, poetry/literature. This is a comic opera... more
The article concerns the issue of operas by Puccini in the context of nineteenth-century (romantic and later) concepts and theoretical approaches to the pathos considered as an aesthetic concept. In the first part of the article... more
European Drama and Performance Studies, dossier spécial "Le suicide en scène", dir. Noémie Courtès, n° 7, 2016, p. 157-170.
El 9 de julio de 1845 se cantaron en el Teatro Circo de Madrid los cinco primeros números de la ópera Padilla o el asedio de Medina, con libreto de Gregorio Romero Larrañaga y música de Joaquín Espín y Guillén. Esta fue la primera y única... more
All the plays of Schiller have inspired operatic adaptation. The author examines the extent of Schiller's direct influence on music theatre, focusing on the letters of Verdi and his librettist Cammarano, and what they reveal about... more
Текст диссертации кандидата искусствоведения (1999) публикуется как часть коллективной монографии, посвященной двум классическим русским операм — «Каменному гостю» А. С. Даргомыжского и «Золотому петушку» Н. А. Римского-Корсакова.... more
This is a short paper sketches out very briefly Wagner's transition from traditional operatic texts with rhymes and metre to the unique "Stabreim" poetry he created for the "Ring". The paper originated as a "pop-up talk" I presented at... more
Part One; Verismo in ltalian Opera: A Historical Perspective, provides an overview of Italian operatic activity between the years 1890 and 1930 inclusive and is subdivided into four chapters which follow a roughly chronological sequence.... more
The role of women in twentieth-century Hungarian operettas p. 55 ABSTRACT: This paper aims to develop a gender perspective on twentieth-century Hungarian operettas by focusing on the female protagonists. The prima donna and soubrette... more
Am 1. April 1943 fand an der Staatsoper Berlin trotz wiederholter Bombenangriffe die Uraufführung von Othmar Schoecks Oper Das Schloss Dürande nach der Novelle Joseph von Eichendorffs statt. Noch im gleichen Jahr gab es zwei... more
The article publishes the first "libretto" ever written. That is an unknown manuscript version of "Dafne" by Ottavio Rinuccini, the poet who then wrote "Euridice" (1600) the "opera in musica" staged at the wedding of Maria de' Medici and... more
Novelli Endimioni e falsi Atteoni nella Diana schernita (Roma 1629), in Il mito di Diana nella cultura delle corti. Arte letteratura e musica, a c. di G. BÁRBERI SQUAROTTI, A. COLTURATO, C. GORIA (“Centro Studi delle Residenze Reali... more
Troppo spesso le questioni relative alla censura vengono trattate come cose curiose. E se invece questi attacchi alla forma dell'opera si decidesse di prenderli sul serio e non di liquidarli come esternazioni di burocrati? Che dalle... more
PAOLO DIVIZIA, Orfeo e la potenza dell’arte. La rinascita del teatro e della musica tra Poliziano, Rinuccini e Striggio-Monteverdi, «Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature», 4/2 (2013), pp. 310-34.
Bersagliato da critiche asperrime o esaltato come genio incompreso, il librettista Francesco Maria Piave (1810-1876) è indissolubilmente legato a Giuseppe Verdi, per il quale scrisse i versi di ben dieci opere, tra cui "Ernani", "Macbeth"... more
This article focuses on newly identified librettos of operas set to original German texts and produced at the Kärntnertortheater in the 1740s. The opera Die glückliche Vorbedeutung premiered in the spring of 1741 as part of the grandious... more
Plot for a Mystery Play: Parsifal - Kitezh - Golden Cockerel (Historical Poetics of Opera on the Eve of Modernism). Moscow-StPetersburg, 2018 INHALT 0. Einleitung GESCHICHTE DER OPER meets GEBURT DER KLINIK: Musikwissenschaftler,... more
Nesta pesquisa é abordada a complexidade das reformas propostas no século XVIII sobre o espetáculo operístico, no que tange a um dos seus principais focos de discussão: a presença do balé junto ao melodrama. Nesse contexto polêmico,... more
Il saggio studia in che modo Apostolo Zeno adattò la novella boccaccesca alla struttura dei libretti riformati. Si considerano le diverse fonti e l'influenza di altri libretti coevi. Il saggio si trova all'interno di "In qualunque lingua... more
Eine nationalsozialistisch «kontaminierte» Oper soll aufgrund ihrer musikalischen Reichtümer mit einem erneuerten Libretto wieder auf die Bühne gebracht werden – doch wie, ohne gleichzeitig die Historie zu verleugnen? Ergänzend zu einer... more