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This study concerns the mummy of a Greco-Roman adult male aged 45-55 years from the Fayum region of Egypt. It was acquired by Charles E. Ficke in 1896. The Putnam Museum and Science Center had the mummy CT scanned on August 21, 2007.... more
Šiuo straipsniu autorius apibendrina savo pastarųjų 12 metų įvairių mumijų rinkinių tyrimus. Kadangi mumijų tyrimai plečiasi kaip biologinės antropologijos pagalbinė specialybė, svarbu išryškinti išlikusių palaikų tyrimų reikšmę tiek... more
The mummies of Kha and his wife Merit were found intact in an undisturbed tomb in western Thebes near the ancient workers' village of Deir el-Medina. Previous MDCT (this abbreviation needs spelling out) investigations showed that the... more
Planning for a Baby: Pregnancy with IBD: Motherhood with IBD: Our aim is to provide an understanding of the experience of women with... more
Throughout this workshop, you will learn about the smells that defined the mummification chambers and tombs, and the scents that the ancient Egyptians themselves wished to be surrounded by in their life after death. In the first hour,... more
Autorka prezentuje współczesne techniki badań mumii egipskich oraz ich rozwój, począwszy od badań inwazyjnych, polegających głównie na rozwijaniu mumii, poprzez nieinwazyjne badania radiologiczne, a skończywszy na laboratoryjnych... more
RÉSUMÉ L'étude des restes humains organiques de momies représente un potentiel extraordinaire pour approfondir nos connaissances sur ces populations passées. Grâce à l'évolution des techniques d'imagerie médicales, une étude... more
Ancient human remains like Egyptian mummified bodies cannot be considered on a physical anthropological perspective only. So severe and invasive were the operations on the body, so various were the materials involved in the preservation... more
Highlight • This is the most detailed account to date on the health and disease status of Charlemagne, the Father of Europe. • Based on ancient sources, we suggest that Charlemagne suffered from mild gout and died of an infectious... more
Histoire du marchand de couleurs parisien À la momie (dont une partie des fonds est conservée au Mucem), qui tire son nom à la fois de l'emploi ancien de poudre de momies égyptiennes dans la fabrication de pigments et de la présence... more
Short bibliography on a Buddhist whole-body relic, or the mummy of Zhanggong Liu Quan zushi 章公六全祖師 (ob. ca. 1022-1155).
Microscopic fungi were isolated from different materials including muscles, bones, skin and funeral clothes from the mummified human remains of three members of the Kuffner's family and from the surrounding air environments. Their... more
Mummification was abolished in the seventh century AD. After that date, mummies began to capture the collective imagination, creating a mysterious fascination that still continues today. From the beginning, the radiological study of... more
A broad overview of the EMINA project--looking at Egyptian mummies in 19th Century America
Ausverkauft - aber es gibt noch genügend Kopien im Second Hand Markt: Die Fachpublikation behandelt eines der spannendsten Gebiete der Ägyptologie, die Amarnazeit, der Epoche der religiösen Revolutionäre Pharao Echnaton und seiner schönen... more
This poster presents how innovative scientific and curatorial approaches have figured in attempts to 'rehumanise' two ancient Egyptian individuals for display at Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum, whilst encouraging critical... more
Radiological examination of an ancient mummy said to have been found in royal tombs in Thebes, Upper Egypt, has proved it is the body of a pregnant woman. She came from the elite of Theban community and was carefully mummified, wrapped in... more
Il nome e il cognome registrati all’anagrafe nel 1783 sono quelli di Agostino Bozzi, milanese; però, già da giovane, egli manifesta la propria anglofilia appropriandosi di un’ascendenza parentale inglese che gli permette di raddoppiare il... more
Prof. Sahar N. Saleem (2021) in a discussion with Ejsmond et al., “Pregnant Mummy” (2021), provides several points undermining the interpretation of the feature within the pelvic cavity of the 1st century BCE mummy as a fetus. The... more
The Incas carried out some of the most dramatic ceremonies known to us from ancient times. Groups of people walked hundreds of miles across arid and mountainous terrain to perform them on mountains over 20,000 feet (6,096 m) high. The... more
A consideration of the directorial influences, production, release, and reception of the acknowledged masterpiece of Egyptian cinema.
The Skiles Mummy (SMM), a naturally mummified adult male from the late archaic period of Lower Pecos Canyonlands of South Texas, represents a unique case of care. SMM is an exceptional mummy within this region due to both the retention of... more
The article presents two of the seven bogbodies from the collection of the Drents Museum. Zweeloo woman, discovered in 1951 and dating from the 2nd or 3rd century AD, is the only bog body in the world, of which the skin is still flexible.... more
ماهية الادوات والمواد المستخدمة في عملية التحنيط في مصر القديمة من خلال دراسة تحليلية ، مفهوم التحنيط ودلالاته في معتقدات المصريين القدماء ، مدة وفترة التحنيط ومدى دلالتها
Tattoos have been reported from human remains representing a wide range of cultures and time periods. While the practice of tattooing can be studied using a variety of types of historical evidence, antiquity leaves only naturally and... more
W  artykule opisane zostały funkcje kilku najczęściej występujących na mumiach amuletów i elementów przedstawień o charakterze symbolicznym.
TV spectaculars have led to the impression amongst many observers that modern technology can answer our doubts as to the identity of several 'royal mummies'. Naturally traditional methods of identification - such as inscriptions - are... more
The mummy kit contains the following: (1) Six scent reconstructions representing the olfactory landscape of mummification based on my PhD research on the fragrant materials involved in the process of mummification (2) Two phials to... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
For the first time a 3D-print was produced from a human bog body. The famous Yde-girl from the collection of the Drents Museum in Assen (The Netherlands) was taken as example to investigate the possibilities and limitations of scanning... more