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Richard Crocombe of Crocombe Spectroscopic Consulting surveys the use of portable spectrometers in pharmaceutical manufacturing, with an emphasis on vibrational spectroscopy. Ideal and typical features of portable spectrometers are... more
PARATHËNIE Në këtë tekst përmblidhen në një vëllim të vetëm të gjitha aspektet e spektroskopisë molekulare, të cilat do t’i duhen një kimisti spektroskopist për studimin e strukturës kimike apo përmbajtjes. Këtu përfshihet hyrja në... more
The vibration-rotation bands nu1 + nu2 and nu2 + nu3 of ozone appearing in the 5.7 mum region have been recorded at a resolution of 0.019 cm-1 with a SISAM spectrometer. The rotational levels of the (110) and (011) vibrational states have... more
This is the sixth session of an undergraduate course on molecular spectroscopy. The course is based mainly on the four chapters of Banwell book entitled "Fundamentals of Molecular & Spectroscopy".
PARATHËNIE Në këtë tekst përmblidhen në një vëllim të vetëm të gjitha aspektet e spektroskopisë molekulare, të cilat do t’i duhen një kimisti spektroskopist për studimin e strukturës kimike apo përmbajtjes. Këtu përfshihet hyrja në... more
This is the forth session of an undergraduate course on molecular spectroscopy. The course is based mainly on the four chapters of Banwell book entitled "Fundamentals of Molecular & Spectroscopy".
Phenylhydrazine (PHZ), a potent chemical causes toxicity on various tissues at various levels. Administration of phenylhydrazine mainly causes haematotoxicity which leads to the haemolytic anemia. In mammals PHZ induced anemia increased... more
This is the eight session of an undergraduate course on molecular spectroscopy. The course is based mainly on the four chapters of Banwell book entitled "Fundamentals of Molecular & Spectroscopy".
UV-Vis technique is a compulsory technique for the optical study of the materials. Optical study helps the researcher for the application s of nanomaterials for different uses. Different devices are fabricated on the basis of optical... more
Cary 300Bio User manual final version 2015: useful easy learning for beginners
This is the first session of an undergraduate course on molecular spectroscopy. The course is based mainly on the four chapters of Banwell book entitled "Fundamentals of Molecular & Spectroscopy".
Continuous wave (cw) distributed feedback (DFB) telecom diode lasers are increasingly being used as light sources in the near-IR regions of the spectrum for cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS). They are compact, operate economically at... more
Tracing measured compositions of comets to their origins continues to be of keen interest to cometary scientists and to dynamical modelers of Solar System formation and evolution. This requires building a taxonomy of comets from both... more
Quantitative determination of carbon isotopes using Laser Ablation Molecular Isotopic Spectrometry (LAMIS) is described. Optical emission of diatomic molecules CN and C2 is used in these measurements. Two quantification approaches are... more