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In this study, we have investigated possible role as iron corrosion inhibitor of four benzotriazole derivatives, BTA, BTA-C1, BTA-C4, BTA-C6, using DFT calculations at B3LYP/6-311G** level of theory. For this purpose, we have determined... more
The influence of various all-electron basis sets and effective core potentials employed along with several DFT functionals (B3LYP, B3PW91, BLYP, BP86 and M06) on the magnitude of nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS) values in... more
In the present account the nature of aromaticity/antiaromaticity of fourteen metallic complexes/clusters are reexamined. These species were classified as aromatic by means of different nucleus independent chemical shift- (NICS) based... more
In the present account we investigate a theoretical link between bond length, electron sharing, and bond energy within the context of quantum chemical topology theories. The aromatic stabilization energy, ASE, was estimated from this... more
Quantum chemical calculations using density functional theory and correlated ab initio methods of the 10 p-electron systems (N 6 H 6) 2 + and C 2 N 4 H 6 show that the planar forms are no minima on the potential energy surfaces. The... more
Interatomic magnetizability provides insight into the extent of electronic current density between two adjacent atomic basins. By studying a number of well-known aromatic, nonaromatic, and antiaromatic molecules, it is demonstrated that... more
Developing a comprehensive method to compute bond orders is a problem that has eluded chemists since Lewis's pioneering work on chemical bonding a century ago. Here, a computationally efficient method solving this problem is introduced... more
Bond order quantifies the number of electrons dressed-exchanged between two atoms in a material and is important for understanding many chemical properties. Diatomic molecules are the smallest molecules possessing chemical bonds and play... more
The DDEC6 method is one of the most accurate and broadly applicable atomic population analysis methods. It works for a broad range of periodic and non-periodic materials with no magnetism, collinear magnetism, and non-collinear magnetism... more
Abstract: The inhibition activity of three imine compounds with sulphanilic acid was done using density functional theory (DFT) method at the B3LYP and O3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) basis set level in order to obtain the different inhibition... more
Quantum calculations of the physical properties (electronic and vibrational), based on density functional theory (DFT) method at B3LYP/6-31G** level of theory, were performed, by means of the Gaussian 09 set of programs, to... more
The influence of presence of counter ions and π-complexation with benzene on the bonding and magnetic properties of Al4 2, the most studied all-metal cluster, is studied here. It is shown that complexation by either counter ions or... more
In an attempt to eradicate the challenges of fungi infections confronting Nigeria health sector by identification of novel anti-fungi agents, this study was embarked on to evaluate the antifungal activity of Garcinia kola seed against... more
Net atomic charges (NACs) are widely used in all chemical sciences to concisely summarize key information about the partitioning of electrons among atoms in materials. The objective of this article is to develop an atomic population... more
Polarizabilities and London dispersion forces are important to many chemical processes. Force fields for classical atomistic simulations can be constructed using atom-in-material polarizabilities and C n (n ¼ 6, 8, 9, 10.) dispersion... more
The relationship between the electron delocalization and the total electronic energy of a number of neutral poly-nitrogen clusters are studied at B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ computational level. It is shown that increasing the electron... more
We have quantum chemically analyzed the ring-opening reaction of the model non-symmetrical epoxide 2,2-dimethyloxirane under basic and acidic conditions using density functional theory at OLYP/TZ2P. For the first time, our combined... more
ABSTRACT We present an implementation of the Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM) in combination with the Second-Order Polarization Propagator Approximation (SOPPA) electronic structure method. In analogy with the most common way of... more
We have quantum chemically investigated how solvation influences the competition between the SN2 and E2 pathways of the model F– + C2H5Cl reaction. The system is solvated in a stepwise manner by going from the gas phase, then via... more
A host of important performance properties for metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and other complex materials can be calculated by modeling statistical ensembles. The principle challenge is to develop accurate and computationally efficient... more
A new family of stereo–electronically promoted aluminum and scandium super Lewis acids is introduced based on the state–of–the–art computations. Structures of these molecules are designed to minimize resonance electron donation to central... more
The α-effect is a term used to explain the dramatically enhanced reactivity of α-nucleophiles (R−Y−X:−) compared to their parent normal nucleophile (R−X:−) by deviating from the classical Brønsted-type reactivity-basicity relationship.... more
The molecular structures, conformational mobilities, harmonic vibrational frequencies and thermochemistry of the FC(O)OOO(O)CF, FS(O2)OOO(O2)SF and FC(O)OOO(O2)SF trioxides were studied by ab initio and density functional methods. The... more