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The word enthusiasm is derived from the Greek ἐνθουσιασμός/enthousiasmos and has a meaning of being possessed by a god (ἔνθεος/entheos) referring to θειασμός/theiasmos, ‘inspiration’. The person who is possessed by a god surpasses their... more
19. yüzyılın sonu itibariyle başlayan Mitra kültü araştırmaları günümüze dek çok farklı yöntemlerle ele alınmıştır. Mithra kültünü araştıran ilk bilim insanı olarak kabul edilen Franz Cumont'un ortaya attığı tezler yaklaşık 50 yıl... more
کتاب بازتاب باورها و اساطیر آیین میترایی در آیین ایزدی
نویسنده: سامان رحمان زاده
The investigations carried out in the last years in the district outside Porta Marina at ancient Ostia begin to clarify not only the development of the coastal landscape, but also the dynamic forms of urbanization that unfold from the 1st... more
The cult of Mithras has been present for three centuries in Herzegovina. Its significance for classical history and civilization is reflected through the fact that it continued to exist in the territory of today's Herzegovina after Roman... more
Présentation d'épigraphes très fragmentaires tracés sur les enduits muraux appartenant à deux états du mithraeum de Martigny, dont le dernier, daté de la seconde moitié du IV e siècle. Si l'un est une acclamation fréquente, les autres... more
A new Mithraic inscription was reported in March 2015 to have been seized by the police at Timişoara in Romania. We propose here to describe briefly the discovery and the main features of the monument before turning to the text of the... more
This paper stands as a natural appendix to Antrum, a miscellany curated for Morcelliana Publishing House in 2017. It examines the structure of the cave as an elective space for the performing of religious rituals. After a brief... more
This study responds to the recent questioning of the long-standing and widely held academic consensus that only men were initiated into the Mysteries of Mithras (Jonathan David, “The Exclusion of Women in the Mithraic Mysteries: Ancient... more
In the introduction of his book "The Pagan Origins of Christianity" Andre Knighton wrote: "…. The Catholic Church did not recognize her pagan roots and origins up to this day…… the time has come to look today at Christianity in the light... more
Researches into the religious background of the Kushans and its co-relation with contemporary religious movements in the Near East and Rome.
An esoteric reading of the tympanum of Vézelay is proposed. This tympanum represents Christianity as a dual endeavor, with esoteric and exoteric branches developing in parallel. The zodiac contains a hidden horoscope referring to the... more
The Roman astral-cults of the Sun (Sol) and Moon (Luna) enjoyed imperial sponsorship for 300 years, as evidenced by their images on Roman coinage from the end of the 1 st century (Salzman 1990, p. 150; Clauss 1997, p. 250; Hijmans 2003,... more
Over the course of the second century CE, worship of the Persianate god Mithras swept across the whole of the Roman Empire. With its distinctive traces preserved in the material record—including cave-like sanctuaries and images of Mithras... more
En el año 1979 se define por primera vez el término enteógeno, refiriéndose a aquellas drogas utilizadas en contextos rituales que favorecía el contacto con los dioses. Ese mismo año se publica Road to Eleusis, el primer trabajo que... more
The article reopens the problem of Mithraic grades. Even though they were usually seen as initiatory, hierarchically structured and at least theoretically mandatory for all Mithraists in the previous scholarship, this consensus has been... more
Textbook about roman history in the age of Dominate (from 284. AD to VII. AD)
The “religion” of Mithra was a Mystery cult and an oriental religion in the Roman Empire, but the god and his cult remain much of an enigma today. The analysis of the worship rite itself – the non-sacrificial ritual meal – and of the... more
MITHRA’S INTERACTION WITH ANATOLIA Mithra which is a divinity associated with sunlight and worshipped by ancient Aryan communities for centuries, appears as the most worshipped and widespread belief among Ancient Pagan Religions.... more
Sažetak: Mitraizam je jedan od misterijskih kultova čija je popularnost u kasnoantičkom Rimu bila velika, posebno među legionarima. Mitra je bio ratničko, solarno božanstvo, a sakralna vizuelna predstava kulta bila je tauroktonija na... more
Franz CUMONT (1869 - 1947) se erige desde sus primeros trabajos científicos como el verdadero pionero y especialista en los estudios mithraicos en la primera mitad del siglo XX, arrancando con los dos monumentales volúmenes de su estudio... more
The sacrifice of the sacred bull/calf deep in the underground cave, underlines the dualistic nature of the Mitraic Cult. The sacred bull was in its true nature a fetishist manifestation - phallus, of a multitude-form creator solar deity,... more
Roman cult of Mithra has its origin from Indo-Iranian religions. This article examines in detail how it arrived in the west and finally flowed into Christianity. Every major religion has its own passionate controversies and opinions... more
If war was justified by Moses,the prophet of the god in the Old Testament,then why the son of the same god, decry war and preach the command of love, in the New Testament? How the warrrior god of of the Jews became the meek sacrificial... more
Although by its title, this book seems to be about a specialized topic, the spread of Mithraic societies and its avatars, in time and geographical expanse, much enhances its relevancy. From Roman legionaries to chivalry orders, from... more
Study on the process of establishing the worship of the god Mithra from its origins in ancient India and Iran, until it reaches the borders of the Roman Empire to set the Mithraic mystery cult.
Body and Soul in the Conceptions of the Religions, ed. by Dietrich, M. and T. Kulmar. FARG 42. Münster: Ugarit Verlag 2008, pp. 1-46.
The papers of the Tienen conference are to be seen in the light of the concern for methodological innovation. The title ‘Small Finds’ was intended as a pragmatic stimulus to this end, and as a deliberate contrast to earlier Mithraic... more
Abstract This thesis studies the relationship between architecture and cosmology based on recent research in the interdisciplinary field of Archaeoastronomy. The main objective of this study is to understand the symbolic morphology of... more
The Baptism of Jesus of Nazareth happened on Sunday, April 1st, 31 AD. John's 'Pleroma' (Jh.1:16) corresponds to the Pleiades in constellation Taurus. With comments on Pisanello's 'Vision of Saint Eustace' and on Mithraic tauroctony.