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This paper is about discussing the spiritual interpretation of a direct Initiatic Visionary Experience as a gift from God as outline esoterically by the scribes that penned the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. The most mystical aspects of the... more
This research-master thesis deals with the social implication of the Mithras cult in Rome’s port-city of Ostia. The high density of sanctuaries to this cult within this architecturally well preserved site provides an excellent dataset to... more
This very article is dedicated to Pagan Armenian temple of Garni, one of the most unique and exceptional surviving masterpieces of ancient Hellenistic architecture that was dedicated to Armenian Sun god Mihr and Hellenistic Sun god... more
Lo que pretendemos con el presente libro es ofrecer una herramienta que permita acceder de forma completa y ordenada al conjunto significativo de fuentes escritas relacionadas con los misterios mitraicos desarrollados en el imperio... more
The Red Apple Tree: the Tree of Life Analysis and interpretation of Greek and Turkish legends relating to the Holy Tree and its Eschatological, Messianic Role and Importance (in Greek) First published on 27th January 2018 here:... more
Zoroaster set up the foundation of dualism of Iranian wisdom. There are goodness and »Ahura« (God) at one end of this extreme and evil and Ahriman (Satan) at the other. Based on hierarchical structure of the galaxy (celestial) and... more
The article summarizes and evaluates Mithraic evidence from Ancient Syria. At the same time, it tries to answer two interrelated questions: 1) whether there is a special “quality” in Mithraic material from Syria which would justify us to... more
The importance of Mithra in Iranian religiosity is well known. The goddess Anahita is related to the path of the goddess-mothers characteristics of the Middle East. The importance of this goddess in this period should be taken into... more
The exhibition “The Mystery of Mithras: Exploring the Heart of a Roman Cult” is being presented at the Musée royal de Mariemont from 20 November 2021 to 17 April 2022, then at the Musée Saint-Raymond de Toulouse from 14 May 2022 to 30... more
As the deity associated with the sun’s glow or sun light, opposed to that of the astral body, Miϑra is the god of the liminal time, viz. the points of contact between day and night (that is, sunrise and sunset) and metonymically between... more
This project examines how the layout and orientation of cult sanctuaries (Mithraea) dedicated to the mysteries of the Roman god Mithras reflect the perceptions of the sky of the participants, in the context of archaeoastronomy.... more
The definition and origins of Roman Mithraism remain highly problematic and controversial among modern scholars. The majority of research on Roman Mithraism focuses on interpreting the physical evidence because no considerable written... more
I argue here that the epic (5 volumes in print) of Samak, which was composed during the Parthian period and finally written down in archaic New Persian sometime in the Seljuqid period, is not only a Mithraic epic story, but also and... more
This article places Roger Beck’s book The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire (Oxford 2006) into a larger context of various trends recognizable in the Mithraic scholarship especially since 1970’s of the 20th century.... more
هژبری، علی 1397، «بررسی بخشی از معماری دستکند غار کرفتو؛ مهرکدۀ غاریِ ایرانی»، در: صراف خزان؛ جشن¬نامه دکتر محمدرحیم صراف، به کوشش شاهین آریامنش، تهران: پژوهشگاه میراث فرهنگی و گردشگری، چاپ اول، صص 354-331.
The irruption of the god Mithras in history is related to the presence of the Indo-Aryan population seated between the Hurrians of Mitanni and their inclusion in a peace treaty between this kingdom and the Hittite empire in the... more
Il progetto che viene presentato all'interno di questa Tesi di Specializzazione costituisce un ulteriore passo in avanti nella ricerca affrontata nel corso della mia carriera universitaria nel campo della comunicazione dei Beni... more
Rubens' Descent from the Cross (1612) contains a number of elements that are derived from an esoteric reading of the gospel of John. This gospel describes a twofold initiation of the 'Disciple whom Jesus loved' and a corresponding double... more
The article presents the development undergone by the conservation profession in the Slovene lands during the second half of the nineteenth century, with an emphasis on the treatment of archaeological heritage. The life of society in that... more
From Origen and John Cassian to the Anti-Christian Rome and the Jesuits (with pictures and legends) ----------- Αιγύπτιοι Μεμφιτιστές, Ιρανοί Μιθραϊστές & Ιησουΐτες: από τον Ιησού στον του Κόσμου Άρχοντα & από τον Ωριγένη στον Ιωάννη... more
Twelve centuries separate the decline of Roman Mithraism from the dawn of Freemasonry. Twelve centuries during which the mysteries of Mithras have remained more secret than ever.
Чередниченко А.Г., Шенцов М.Е. Проблема генезиса "иранского митраизма" [Andrei G. Cherednichenko, Maxim E. Shentsov. Problem of genesis of the "Iranian Mithraism"] // Научные ведомости Белгородского государственного университета. - Вып.... more
This paper proceeds from the assumption that a more nuanced understanding of amicitia can be achieved from the investigation of certain physical environments where social interaction occurred. In particular, it argues that the development... more
Tepe Nush-i Jan is amongst the rare major sites attributed to the Median period. The most important result of the recent excavation at the site by the present author in 2009 was the fact that the Median brick structures unearthed at Tepe... more
Cautes and Cautopates, Saturn-Ariman, the bull as primordial divine light-essence. Ecstatic warrior ideology. Traces of an old and widespread notion of Paradise
Ritual movement is at the core of religious performance and communication in Antiquity (and beyond). This conference aims to give new perspectives and insights on the relation between religion and movement. For registration and for any... more
The Book of Zerubbabel, an apocalypse likely composed in the seventh-century against the political backdrop of the battle over Jerusalem between the Sasanian and Byzantine Empires, represents a distinctive combination of eschatological... more
Pragmatic cognitive science, rooted in Dewey's epistemology and models of distributed cognition, offers new hypotheses for the emergence and decline of the Mithraic rites. These models foreground the responsiveness of the rites to their... more
This dissertation presents a methodological approach for the interrogation of excavated assemblages from archaeological sites, as a means of providing insights into consumer choices and practices in different cultural contexts. The... more
In 2014, during the archaeological investigations carried out by the University of Bologna (Department of History and Cultures-Section of Archaeology), within the Ostia Marina Project, in the suburban neighborhood out of Porta Marina... more
Il​ ​ Mitreo​ ​ campano:​ ​ analisi​,​ ​ esegesi​ ​ religiosa e religione comparata.