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The purpose of this report is to update projects carried out previously in the area for the Spatial Development Initiative (SDI) programme by Mintek. Although the project deals with spatial development initiatives that go beyond the... more
Berikut adalah salah satu diktat Mata Kuliah Pengelolaan Peratalan Tambang, yaitu "Manajemen Peralatan Tambang"
Following a review of Life of Asset work at MMG’s Rosebery mine in which a proposal to increase production from 0.8 Mtpa to 1.2 Mtpa was mooted, questions were raised as to the seemingly arbitrary reasoning for the production increase.... more
Transformational growth amongst the various critical metals' markets would reduce supply concerns for industrial consumers and governments, whilst also providing commercial opportunities for the upstream industry. However, despite rapid... more
A 'critical metal' is one that has important economic uses, but which also faces supply risks for geopolitical or environmental and sustainability reasons. The constrained nature of critical metals supply means proposed solutions to the... more
Publicly released operating costs from Australian and New Zealand gold mines suggest that additional geological (and other) factors, beyond the commonly anticipated strong influence of higher gold grades driving costs lower as grade... more
'Country risk', including the threat of 'resource nationalism', market-related 'commodity price risk' and corporate-level 'going concern risk' are identified as amongst the principal non-technical risk types having the greatest impact on... more
The practical application of Lane's theory on optimum cutoff grade policy has to date proved difficult for selective stoping in large-scale underground mining. The key to determining an optimum cutoff grade is the ability to rapidly... more
Staged on 31 January 2009 for a Salon discussion in, with the participation of Brian Holmes, Claire Pentecost, Jan Engelmann, Dominique Malaquais and "Tantalum Memorial" co-author Graham Harwood.
It is rare for a US president to address an issue as grubby and abstract as a minor metals market, but Barack Obama did just that. In March 2012 he announced that the USA would be joining a WTO complaint about China's apparent abuse... more
Pembangunan industri berbasis sumber daya alam seperti pertambangan memerlukan keterkaitan yang jelas dari sisi hulu maupun hilir. Hal ini penting dilakukan bagi keberlanjutan ekonomi maupun sosial bagi masyarakat sekitarnya. Kabupaten... more
Increasing demand for nonfuel mineral commodities has increased concerns regarding the reliability of their supplies. “Criticality” assessments over the past decade have attempted to capture this concern through a set of indicators, the... more
The low crude oil prices in 2019 add momentum to Nigeria’s need for economic diversification as its foreign earnings come primarily from crude oil sales. As a result, Nigeria is seeking to explore other economic potentials, such as... more
El cobre ha desempeñado un rol clave en el crecimiento y desarrollo chileno a través del triple impacto macroeconómico en la Balanza de Pagos, los ingresos fiscales y el ritmo de crecimiento. Previamente ello era suficiente, pero ahora no... more
El desarrollo de un sector de proveedores competitivo e innovador es una de las principales preocupaciones de los países mineros. ¿Cómo avanzar en esta dirección? ¿Cuán rápido es factible desarrollar un sector de proveedores de clase... more
Ten states have created natural-resource-based Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) to allow a fraction of the wealth derived from the extraction of non-renewable resources to be available for future use. Minnesota does not have a SWF, even... more
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of the global primary aluminum industry. Efficiency is here taken to be evaluated relative to some benchmark, i.e., the smelter or smelters identified as the most efficient in the... more
Understanding the interdependency of commodity market pricing system is very important for running a successful mining business. Much of the iron ore price is derived from the prices of other commodities. This study investigates the... more
This research analysed the fiscal regimes that apply to gold mining in contrasting jurisdictions across ten African and South American countries to determine relative attractiveness for development.
Due to the long life, most mining projects face the risk of the parameters such as mineral price, grade, and cost. Uncertainty can lead to unfavorable results of the decisions made by managers and mining investors. Therefore, this paper... more
The study analysed the waste statistics of European Union (EU) countries with particular emphasis on waste from extractive industries. Assessment of the data available at EU level (Eurostat) and presented by individual countries showed... more
Mongolia has suffered a four-year period of falling strength in foreign exchange: 2012-2016. Oddly though, the dramatic plunge in the power of Mongolia's foreign exchange coincides with the first four years' production of minerals through... more
A brief report outlining a preliminary sampling program to convert the indicated iron ore resource in the Horakagodakanda mountain at Kukurampola into a measured resource.
Mining and the permitting process for mineral projects in Sweden has been criticised as inadequately safeguarding the rights of Indigenous reindeer herding Sámi, who hold usufruct rights to more than half the country’s territory. There... more