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Second Edition
Charles J. Moon
Michael K.G. Whateley
Anthony M. Evans
Metamorphic processes, leading to mineralogical and structural changes of the rocks in response to physical (pressure, temperature) and chemical conditions, can be associated with the development of sin-metamorphic or post-metamorphic... more
The Vathi porphyry Cu-Au ± Mo mineralization is located in the Serbo-Macedonian metallogenic province of the Western Tethyan Metallogenic Belt. It is mainly hosted by a latite and is genetically associated with a quartz monzonite... more
Nanjizal is one of the few locations in the southern segment of the Land’s End Granite (Early Permian) where magmatic-hydrothermal tin mineralization has been worked. Three principal mineralization episodes are recognized. The first... more
The minerals exploration sector is under strain. Junior explorers have struggled to raise funds, whilst explorers within larger companies have found budgets cut, or their roles eliminated entirely. Greenfields exploration, which is... more
El muestreo de sedimentos es uno de los métodos más ampliamente utilizados en los levantamientos geológicos regionales y las búsquedas orientativas. Sin embargo, no existe un criterio unificado sobre cómo preparar las muestras para los... more
For a mineral resource to become a mine, not only must a geological discovery be made, the deposit must also prove economically viable, and environmentally and sociopolitically accessible. Explorers should therefore aim to find... more
The Bida Basin is a NW-SE trending inland basin, stretching from Shegwa (NW) to Dekina (SE). It is approximately 350 km long and varies in width from 75 to 150 km. It is roughly elliptical in ground plan and runs perpendicularly to the... more
THE TRUE HISTORY OF INVISIBLE (EPITHERMAL) GOLD IN SOUTHERN TUSCANY (AND LAZIO) After having had contact with an Italian-Canadian geologist (Giacarlo Facca), author of an article on Carlin-type epithermal gold published in “Le... more
The aim of this research is to design and build a resistivitimeter that can perform resistivity electrical prospecting studies, which allows to calculate the resistivity of the subsoil (ρ) through the measurements of potential difference... more
Le gisement de barytine-fluorine d’Oukhit se situe à Jbel El-Hamda, au cœur de la boutonnière de l’Ougnat (Anti-Atlas oriental, Maroc), plus précisément au nord-est du village d’Oukhit. Ce dernier qui se localise à environ 38 Km à l’est... more
Yeraltı jeolojisi, uygulamalı jeolojinin ana faaliyet alanıdır. Bu bilim dalında gerek sığ yeraltı koşullarının mühendislik özelliklerinin saptanması ve sınıflandırılması amacıyla, gerekse doğal yeraltı kaynaklarının belirlenmesi ve... more
ce document édifie sur les opérations de base de l'exploration pétrolière surtout dans le domaine du "drilling"
In mining operations carried out below the water table, mine area could potentially affect the surrounding. With further deepening of the mine and quarry, the drawdown can impact on water supply wells and base flow. The variation in... more
Copper Creek is 80 km northeast of Tucson, at the intersection of NW-SE and WSW-ENE porphyry Cu belts. Exploration since the 1960s has partially defined a porphyry deposit at 350 to >1500 m depths, with near-surface higher grade... more
The study were to assess on the impacts of mining activities on land degradation, land stability, atmosphere, water resource, biodiversity and on local residents as well on local uses of mineral resources in Kape area.Data's employed were... more
Experiencia en Gestión de Recursos Naturales, Caracterización Geológico-Geotécnica de Terrenos y Macizos Rocosos, Estabilidad de Taludes, Aprovechamiento y Gestión de Materiales para su puesta en Obra, Gestión de Canteras, Escombreras,... more
Gemstones have always been at the centre of poverty alleviation in rural areas of Mzimba, Rumphi, Chitipa, Ntcheu, Neno, Mangochi, Zomba, Mulanje, Chikwawa and Nsanje. Most of the information we have on these stones came from small... more
Issue 46 - March 2021 covers the following:
• Wireline Logging Cable
• Depth Alarm – Do We Need One (continued)?
• Gamma Logs and Clay Minerals
Field relationship, petrographical studies and geochemical analysis were combined in investigating the depositional environment and industrial viability of limestone beds in Purechem’s quarry at Onigbedu. Field observation indicates a... more
The Sandstone Greenstone Belt is an exploration-immature, regolith-covered, approximately 1,000 sq. km belt, in the Southern Cross Domain of the Yilgarn Craton. In order to estimate potential endowment, historical gold production and... more
The election of Donald Trump and the Brexit referendum herald a shift towards a tighter definition of economic value, at the expense of the broader value concept of sustainable development; as well as a rise of protectionism, reversing a... more
Culture, leadership and other 'soft skills' in minerals exploration: The emperor or the emperor's new clothes?
Marble reserves are the most valuable asset of every marble company. That is why it is very important evaluation of the reserves to be undertaken in such a manner that will gave as full and precise picture of them. The Geological... more
This research focused on the mode of magnesite mineralisation within the host rocks in Folovhodwe deposit. Two hostrocks and the hanging wall were sampled from Folovhodwe Mine. The investigation was undertaken to establish the... more
Condensed review of density logging, gamma ray log, resistivity, thermal neutron porosity and sonics transit time logs.

Structure log analysis.

An introduction to Computer Assisted Picking in WellCAD software.
Cameroon has a strong geological potential for a number of mineral resources that, if well managed, could support economic growth. The country contains potentially large deposits of iron ore, gold, bauxite, diamond, limestone, nickel, and... more
Monazite [(Ce, La, Th, Nd, Y) PO4] occurs far more widely within the magmatic hydrothermal lode systems of Cornwall than has been previously recognised. In situ and mine dump specimens analysed by binocular and transmitted light... more
Course Content
1. Source rock quality, maturity, and potential
2. Maturation and degradation
3. Correlation: oil-to-oil, oil-to-source rock
4. Temperature, time and quantitative modeling
of maturity.