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Proponho, neste artigo, uma leitura do romance a máquina de fazer espanhóis (2010), do consagrado escritor português Valter Hugo Mãe, quer enquanto sátira sociopolítica e religiosa, quer enquanto reflexão sobre os lugares e os... more
Lettura in chiave metaletteraria del personaggio del giudice Holden e dell'intreccio intertestuale che caratterizza Blood Meridian (1985) di Cormac McCarthy. Link al sito della rivista:... more
Hantologie – terme composé, formé par Jacques Derrida – signifie : « ontologie (c'est-à-dire, science de l'être) de ce qui “hante” : les spectres, les fantômes » (Charles Ramond, Le Vocabulaire de Jacques Derrida). Le néologisme derridien... more
"(For an abstract in English, covering both parts of this article, please scroll down). Questa è la prima parte di un articolo che individua una comune tematica metaletteraria nei primi tre romanzi di Alessandro Baricco. Questa prima... more
(For an abstract in English covering both parts of this article, see Part I above.) Questa è la seconda parte di un articolo che individua una comune tematica metaletteraria nei primi tre romanzi di Alessandro Baricco. Questa seconda... more
in Oxford readings in Ovid, ed. P.E. Knox, Oxford 2006, pp. 334-350 (già in Ovidian Transformations. Essays on Ovid’s Metamorphoses and its Reception, edd. Ph. Hardie, A. Barchiesi, S. Hinds, Cambridge 1999, pp. 240-253)
Der vorliegende Beitrag soll einerseits wichtige Aspekte hervorheben, die mit der Rolle der interkulturellen Literatur in der zeitgenössischen Kanondebatte zusammenhängen und andererseits die metaliterarischen Repräsentationen einiger... more
Après s’être nourri du « monde réel », Aragon puise son sujet, et plus encore son écriture, dans les théories linguistiques contemporaines. La trame diégétique s’entrelace au champ linguistique, le personnage romanesque incarnant la... more
The purpose of this paper is to analyze Propertius’ poem 1,2, where Cynthia is introduced to the readers. Following the hermeneutical guide of those scholars who interpret amor and puella as metaliterary tropes, and abandoning, thus, the... more
In his 2011 novel «Midnight Movie» (co-written with Alan Goldsher), director Tobe Hooper portrays a semi-fictional version of himself dealing with the retrieval of his likewise fictional juvenile film Destiny Express; after the movie is... more
It is always an irony to write about an admired friend after his demise. The only way this tribute can be dutifully paid is to write something this person would have enjoyed reading. We are thus making the labor of mourning more arduous... more
Explorando o conceito de tradução e a importância do domínio da língua de chegada e de partida, este ensaio explica o ponto de vista que leva António Feliciano de Castilho e alguns teorizadores portugueses coetâneos a acreditar que, se... more
The article, after a brief introduction in which the origin, development, ideology and main features of steampunk genre are reviewed, analyses the novel El mapa del tiempo by Félix J. Palma, primarily from two pieces of information:... more
In Apollonius Rhodius’ poem the Argonauts, on their return after stealing the Golden Fleece, faced the dangerous Sirens. Orpheus’ lyre made noise in order to trouble and to drown out their deadly melody, however the enchantment took place... more
Sono ormai parecchi anni che l’idea di crisi della critica letteraria si è trasformata in una sorta di topos, che rende ardua l’identificazione di una via d’uscita. Il mio intervento intende riflettere sul recupero della forma del saggio... more
Nação Crioula, de José Eduardo Agualusa, é, antes de mais, uma afirmação de cariz metaliterário sobre o valor da literatura enquanto forma de comunicação e enquanto ferramenta para uma resposta ética aos traumas da história. Uma... more
Empleando nociones de la teoría metaliteraria y poética, este ensayo afirma, a 65 años de la publicación del poemario Poemas y antipoemas (1954), de Nicanor Parra, que la antipoesía, en tanto proyecto de un solo autor, no... more
This study investigates Cristovão Tezza’s chronicles published in Gazeta do Povo newspaper between 2008 and 2014, analyzing themes, content, stylistic forms and relating this texts to the author ficctional and essayistic production. The... more
SPACE, OR A PARTHIAN GRAMMATOLOGY (AN INTRODUCTORY INTERPRETATION OF "SŁOWO I CIAŁO" BY TEODOR PARNICKI) The author comments on the writing stratefy of the fictional narrators of T. Parnicki's epistolary novel, Słowo i ciało (The Word... more
Reseña y dedicatoria que escribí para la presentación en La Central del Raval (Barcelona) de "Sucede en la voz de otros (apuntes mundanos de poesía)", que compartí junto al autor, Juan Manuel Macías, y el editor Sergio Gaspar. Puede... more
In two elegies of his Hecatelegium II (IV 6; X 7), Pacifico Massimi deploys a playful deception of his own readers, creating expectations bound to be betrayed: he introduces a narration with the sole purpose of abruptly interrupting it.
This paper discusses two recapitulatory speeches at the end of Heliodorus' Aethiopica. Parts One and Two explore the metaliterary significance of the speeches, arguing that they call the reader's attention to the novel's narratological... more
Compiling and publishing a folk narrative anthology is anything but a trivial, neutral undertaking, especially if this is set in a period of great literary and cultural fervour as was the late nineteenth century in Ireland. With his Fairy... more