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Videoconferenza disponibile su YouTube al link allegato. Si propone un itinerario tra le sete ispirate alla vita romanzata del re persiano Bahràm V (421-439 d.C.). Grazie a questi preziosi manufatti, l'eco di un racconto orientale si è... more
n the period of the Middle Ages the special role in the religious life both of eastern and western Christians played the relics. Their cult was one of the characteristic attributes of the cult of saints. The relics were strictly connected... more
En el presente artículo analizaremos la importancia socio-cultural que poseían las reliquias en el período moderno. A su vez, como ejemplo, se tratará el relicario de El Escorial, sobre el cual, se asentaba el Imperio Hispánico.
A cura di Luigi Canetti. Gli studi compresi nel volume prendono in esame la statuaria devozionale e funeraria, civica e monumentale, al crocevia tra storia delle tecniche, storia dell’immaginario e storia del corpo, senza rinunciare a... more
This book investigates the origins and transformations of medieval image culture and its reflections in theology, hagiography, historiography and art. It deals with a remarkable phenomenon: the fact that, after a period of 500 years of... more
Review, Saints and Sacred Matter: The Cult of Relics in Byzantium and Beyond ed. by Cynthia Hahn and Holger A. Klein. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection, 2015, 376 pp. ISBN: 978-0-88402-406-4, Hardback, £71.95, in: Journal of... more
Cet ouvrage rassemble quinze articles explorant les deux aspects, distincts mais imbriqués, de la fabrication et de la réception des œuvres d’orfèvrerie à l’époque gothique. Embrassant la période qui va du début du XIIIe au début du XVIe... more
Inwieweit die Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird der Versuch unternommen, in der typologischen Ähnlichkeit beider Porträtgattungen einen Ansatzpunkt zu finden. Darüber hinaus weisen die Beispiele aus der Porträtpraxis darauf hin, dass dem... more
This article discusses aspects of interactions between image and frame in the context of medieval devotional images. In the later Middle Ages the mimetic strategies to convey the figure’s presence in the image were complemented by pieces... more
Un affascinante viaggio nel mondo (Italia, Spagna, Francia, Corsica, Germania, Stati Uniti d’America, Inghilterra, Filippine, Croazia e Slovacchia) alla ricerca delle mille reliquie di San Cesario, o Cesario, di Terracina; un giovane... more
This dissertation re-contextualizes the types, uses, and meanings of reliquaries in the Middle Byzantine period (843–1204). Relics are the remains of—or the materials associated with—Christ, the Mother of God, apostles, martyrs, and... more
The 30 miscellaneous liturgical objects are described with their inscriptions dating from after 1136 to the 20th century. The 140-page “Catalogue of the Liturgical Metalwork,” describes, illustrates, and presents all inscriptions on each... more
Throughout the Middle Ages, in both Constantinople and the West, the installation of relics connected to Christ, martyrs, saints, and the Holy Land was used to augment the status and power of churches and chapels. This essay explores the... more
En este texto se presenta un estudio del culto a los zapatos de la Virgen María, reliquia de carácter singular que fue muy popular tanto en la Edad Media como en época Moderna. Focalizamos nuestra atención en las diferentes obras... more
My dissertation examines the Cámara Santa of the Cathedral of Oviedo as both a medieval and modern monument, shaped by twelfth-century bishops and twentieth-century restorers. I consider the space as a multi-media ensemble, containing... more
Summary/Zusammenfassung: The medieval rock crystal vessels produced in the empires of the Abbasid and Fatimid Caliphs are outstanding masterpieces of their age, comparable only to the hardstone carvings of imperial Rome. In the last 100... more
Count Pere II d’Urgell (ca. 1339/1343-1408) is one of the most outstanding artistic promoters of the gothic centuries. He, along with his wife, Margarida de Monferrato (1364-1420), set in motion an artistic policy that was developed in... more
Résumé Une grande partie des objets produits par les orfèvres mosans étaient destinés à orner les autels et à magnifier ses différentes fonctions, à commencer par la célébration de l'eucharistie et le culte des reliques. Cet article tente... more
In this paper the first sacred art exhibitions organized on the Italian soil are illustrated, from the 1870 Roman Exposition to the 1900 Bologna Exhibition of ancient diocesan art. During the last three decades of the 19th century,... more
Colección de estudios sobre la villa y tierra de Yanguas (Soria, España). Studies about the villa y tierra de Yanguas (Soria, Spain). Incluye los siguientes estudios: - Materiales para un estudio histórico y arqueológico de Yanguas y... more
The Vatican pilgrim casket (sometimes referred to as the Sancta Sanctorum pilgrim box), containing relics from the Holy Land, reveals important changes in the history of devotional art. In revisiting the increasing use since late... more