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[SLO] Zaključna seminarska naloga se ukvarja z motivom Poslednje sodbe v staronizozemskem slikarstvu, osredotoča pa se na naročnike in najrazličnejše povode, ki so botrovali njihovi izbiri umetnikov in ikonografskega programa. Motiv... more
[English version below] Der Ausstellungskatalog in der Reihe "Korrespondenzen" der Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien zeigt Bezüge zwischen Hieronymus Boschs Jüngstem Gerichtstriptychon, dem Herzstück der Sammlung, und... more
A Critique of the Thesis of Alexander Kalomiros on the River of Fire at the Last Judgement
Pornind mai ales de la date culese pe teren, care au fost puse în paralel cu informaţii extrase dintr-o vastă bibliografie, cercetarea de faţă, desfăşurată de-a lungul multor ani, şi-a propus o investigare a iconografiei vrăjitoriei în... more
A diplomatic edition, and translation, with introduction and brief analysis, of the only previously-unpublished copy of "The Apocalypse of Thomas," an influential apocryphon outlining the signs which will precede the Last Judgment, and... more
Accompanying the exhibition at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, this catalog, edited by Nathaniel Silver, explores one of the most important artists of the Renaissance. Fra Angelico (c. 1395–1455) transformed painting in... more
The article is investigating the history of appearance of purgatory in the iconographic model of the Last Judgment. Until the 18th century, representations of the afterlife exclusively included hell and heaven, and there was no purgatory.... more
The text concerns early modern sacral art in the space of St. Mary's Church in Gdansk. It discusses Protestant, mainly Lutheran, painted epitaphs founded in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, but also such works as the Alms Table of... more
This book provides a fresh reading of the sculptural programs of the Last Judgment at the Cathedrals of Chartres, Paris, Reims, and Amiens, demonstrating how their increasingly elaborate iconographies were informed by tenets of moral... more
This digital resource provides interactive diagrams, images, and descriptions of hundreds of sculptures from the 13th-century Last Judgment portals of the Cathedrals of Chartres, Reims, Amiens, and Notre-Dame, Paris. Click the link to... more
The Mystic Ark is a forty-two page description of the most complex work of art from the entire Middle Ages: a painting also known as The Mystic Ark. The purpose of the painting was to serve as the basis of a series of brilliant... more
The Last Judgment. Studies on the Expectation of a Last Judgment from the Classical Prophets to Jesus. Christian Stettler shows how the expectation of the last judgment developed from the classical prophets to Jesus. Deeply rooted in... more
This is going be a concise explanation of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life being a slanted perspective to Ezekiel's Merkabah (Chariot); however, the diagrams that I provide in this paper will say more about my thesis than my comments.
This paper shall discuss the development of the iconography of Heaven and Hell in association to depictions of the Last Judgement, relating this development especially to religious changes during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.... more
Résumé Une grande partie des objets produits par les orfèvres mosans étaient destinés à orner les autels et à magnifier ses différentes fonctions, à commencer par la célébration de l'eucharistie et le culte des reliques. Cet article tente... more
Sommario Nella prima metà del XIV secolo, i benedettini della badia di San Leone Magno a Bitonto decidono di affrescare il coro della chiesa con un complesso programma iconografico, dispiegato su tre pareti, che prevedeva un monumentale... more
in After 1564:Death and Rebirth of Michelangelo in Late Sixteenth-Century Rome, ed. Marco Simone Bolzoni, Furio Rinaldi, and Patrizia Tosini (Rome: 2016).
Hieronymus Boschs Weltgerichts-Triptychon in seiner Zeit. Publikation zur gleichnamigen inter-nationalen Konferenz vom 21. bis 23. November 2019 in der Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien / Hieronymus Bosch’s Last... more
The depictions of the Erythraean Sibyl at Sant’Angelo in Formis and in the pulpit at Sessa Aurunca have been connected to the performance of her chant during the Christmas liturgy. A new approach makes it possible to expand our view of... more
В научном периодическом издании Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии публикуются материалы и исследования по различным вопросам богословия, церковной истории и смежных дисциплин, извлечения из протоколов заседаний ученого совета ЕДC,... more
Già da qualche tempo si è ritenuto opportuno proporre per la scul-tura ad incrostazione di mastice, tecnica di decorazione basata su un consapevole e schietto approccio coloristico e polimaterico, l'adozione di un vocabolario che non... more
Works reviewed: Demetrios Bathrellos, “Love, Purification, and Forgiveness versus Justice, Punishment, and Satisfaction: The Debates on Purgatory and the Forgiveness of Sins at the Council of Ferrara-Florence,” Journal of Theological... more
The Book of Daniel is one of the most significant Old Testament texts, on which were built the main eschatological views of Christian theology. Certain parts of its content were inspirations for some of the most popular iconographical... more
Memling Research Center at the University of Gdańsk, National Museum in Gdańsk International Conference on the 550th anniversary of the seizure of the Last Judgment by Paul Beneke. Artists, Bankers, and Sailors. Contexts of the times of... more
Le déploiement désordonné de la cruauté infernale semble rétif à toute mesure et à toute chronologie. Il s'agit pourtant, dans cet ouvrage, d'historiciser les conceptions et les représentations de l'enfer. A l'opposé des hypothèses d'un... more
Avaliable on Kindle from Amazon. Anthony MacPherson. “Theodicy and Contrasting Eschatological Visions: The Investigative Judgment and the Problem of Evil.” In Eschatology from an Adventist Perspective:... more
Τhe theme of the Last Judgement has played a significant role in the Renaissance art. Examining the early renaissance frescoes by Giotto in the Scrovegni Chapel (1304-13), by Pietro Cavallini in Santa Cecilia in Rome (1294), the two... more
The essay, contained in a publication edited by the author, wants to investigate the iconography of the Particular Judgment of the souls in the lower register of the late Romanesque counter-façade of the church of San Vittore in Tonadico... more
Come ben sapevano i predicatori medievali, delle due grandi leve del comportamento umano - la paura del castigo e la speranza del premio - la più efficace era la prima. Di qui, allora, lo sviluppo di immagini dell'Inferno che fra Tre e... more
This article seeks to shed new light on Paul's teaching on the Torah. It does so by analyzing Paul's different statements about the criteria of judgement by works. The result of this study is that it is the same criterion that applies to... more
The first part of this paper is an iconographic analysis of the central panel of the triptych by Fra Angelico in Palazzo Corsini, Rome. It represents the Last Judgement and is a somewhat reduced version of a composition... more
In the 1260s, a Last Judgement program was sculpted for the south porch of Lincoln Cathedral. Located to the east of the cathedral’s double-transept, the Judgement Porch was designed as an entry to the new Angel Choir (c.1256-1280),... more
Icons and murals depicting the biblical scene of the Last Judgment adorned many Eastern-rite churches in medieval and early modern Ukraine. Dating from the twelfth to the eighteenth centuries, these images were extraordinarily elaborate,... more
The Last Judgement in the narthex of the Church of St George in Banjani,near Skopje, was painted in 1846 by the famous painter Dičo Zograf. He created an impressive and complex composition enriched with numerous scenes, episodes and... more