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Manuel Cardoso de Macedo (1585–1652) is a man of multiple worlds, as his Azorean Catholic youth, his years living as a protestant in England, his encounter with crypto-Judaism and his eventual embrace of normative Judaism in Amsterdam’s... more
Despite their numerous similarities, Marranos in inquisitorial Spain and Recusants (and the so-called ‘Church Papists’), English Crypto-Catholics, in the wake of the English religious reforms, have rarely been studied concurrently. In... more
Seca, fome e peste. Esta era a situação pela qual passava Lisboa naquela Páscoa de 1506. O rei, como era costume em tais casos, havia saído da cidade, e atrás dele grande parte dos nobres e dos membros da alta burguesia. Enquanto isso,... more
Apresento neste artigo uma descrição analítica da autobiografia –Uma Vida Humana(Exemplar Humanae Vitae) de Uriel da Costa, um judeu marrano português nascido na cidade do Porto que se radicou em Amsterdã em... more
Apuntes para la historia de algunos linajes conversos en la Española de los siglos XVI y XVII
Un ejemplo de emigrante converso a Indias: la vida del mercader  Alonso de Paz
¿Cómo es leído Jacques Derrida por los hispanistas? Esa pregunta abre el libro y recorre las páginas de este gran trabajo editorial realizado por Erin Graff Zivin. ¿De qué manera el espectro, y especialmente la figura del marrano de... more
En estas páginas el lector encontrará un carnaval de anécdotas, una sucesión de pequeñas escenas históricas y textuales pertenecientes a los archivos de la Inquisición y la Cábala; pero reconocerá además los injertos del pensamiento... more
This article conducts a close reading of Derrida’s 1994 essay, “Faith and Knowledge”, devoted to the analysis of what Hegel called ‘the religion of modern times’. The reference to Hegel’s “Glauben und Wissen” is crucial here, since my... more
Desde finales de la Baja Edad Media se inicia en la localidad bajoextremeña de Fregenal de la Sierra un periodo de crecimiento que se prolonga hasta las últimas décadas del siglo XVI. En esa larga etapa destaca la presencia de un grupo de... more
The Stormy Life of Am Ha'arets, or How Jacob Won the Virgin. Jacob Frank's Words of the Lord as a Picaresque Novel The aim of this essay is to present Jacob Frank's Words of the Lord as the first (and perhaps the last) Polish picaresque... more
La presente edición de la relación del Auto de la fe celebrado en Lima a 23 de enero de 1639, que redactó el licenciado Fernando de Montesinos para dar cuenta de uno de los procesos más cruentos que llevara a cabo el Tribunal de la... more
As shown in this paper, analysis of surnames used by “Portuguese” (ex-Marrano) Jews allows us to shed some light on the controversial question about what knowledge members of these communities had about their Jewish ancestors who lived in... more
Usque examines the trials and misfortunes of the Jewish people in an effort to both comfort and encourage Anusim (i.e. forced or coerced converts to Christianity). For Usque, “history” serves a divine purpose. And in the context of his... more
Los conversos hispanos, en gran parte de origen lusitano en la España de los siglos XVI y XVII, carecen de apego al territorio. Tal es la imagen dominante en la sociedad hispana, marcada por los estatutos de limpieza de sangre y la... more
Wymagamy od intymistów, oprócz szczerości, by opowiadali historię swojego życia w sposób otwarty, klarowny i jawny. Ten warunek nie jest spełniony, jeśli autorzy z jakichś względów nie piszą o sobie wprost i zamiast tego prowadzą gry z... more
The 13th century Papal Inquisition was only one step in a process of continual stages of historic abhorrence against the Jewish people; a history which can be traced back to antiquity. In 1492 when the Jewish population in Spain was... more
How did Jews set the boundaries between orthodoxy and heresy? This article argues that they did so in constant contact and negotiation with the ambient majority religious groups. It compares three cases of Karaite-Rabbanite tension—in... more
[Attention: The attachments contain correct download links to the accompanying presentation in both pptx and ppsx (presentation & show)] in English and Greek [Ελληνικά] ___________________________________ Jewish Thessaloniki is unique... more
By drawing on documents from European archives, this article addresses everyday aspects of diplomacy in sixteenth-century Constantinople. It focuses on how various go-betweens mediated political, cultural, religious and linguistic... more
Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2018. O objetivo central deste trabalho é discutir a memória religiosa criptojudaica no século XVIII no espaço da Bahia de Todos os Santos, lugar importante do Atlântico Português em função da projeção... more
Para contar la historia de la fundación de Trinidad, Santa Bárbara y conocer los orígenes de sus fundadores, hay que remontarse a la historia de la conquista y colonización de Guatemala y Honduras, abarcaremos este tema en la primera... more
This essay is chapter 3 of my book "Jewish Cryptotheologies of Late Modernity: Philosophical Marranos" (Routledge, 2014), pp. 84-122
ENGLISH Cecil Roth, one of the most prominent Jewish historians, and the debate arisen about his works on the history of the Jews; Roth’s works within the “official” Israeli historiography. ITALIAN Cecil Roth, uno dei più noti... more
Spinoza e nós, volume 1 [recurso eletrônico]: Spinoza, a guerra e a paz / organizadores: Rafael Cataneo Becker ... [et al.]. – Rio de Janeiro : Ed. PUC-Rio, 2017. 165-176
Marranos. El otro del otro es el cuarto libro de la filósofa italiana Donatella Di Cesare, Catedrática de la Sapienza-Università di Roma, publicado en la colección «Clásicos del mañana» de la Editorial Gedisa, después de la aparición de... more
Castroreale is a Sicilian centre in Valdemone. It was one of the most populated communities of this large area. In the 15th century, it hosted a Jewish community formed, in particular, by physicians, artisans and merchants of cloth. All... more
JUDAIZERS AND MALSINES: CRYPTO -JEWISH NETWORKS DURING THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Abstract: The Seventeenth Century involved the beginning of a new enemy for the Inquisition, the Portuguese crypto-jew, who was unfairly known as “marrano” in... more
Hunted by the inquisition ever since the 1550s, the Greek-Italian Antitrinitarian theologian, Jacobus Palaeologus, was executed in Rome in 1585. The prolific author, most of whose works remained unprinted, spent an adventurous life... more
R. Joseph Albo (1380–1444) lived at the beginning of the 15th century, at a time when the Jewish community in Spain was under extraordinary pressure from Christianity and suffered from internal religious controversies and widespread... more
Il volume ricostruisce in maniera puntuale la presenza e le attività svolte dall'operosa comunità ebraica messinese fra Quattro e Cinquecento, seguendone le vicende ben dopo l'editto di espulsione. Se ne evidenziano, in particolare, non... more
Aussi paradoxal que cela puisse paraître, les prisons ont été des espaces d’autonomie, voire de liberté, pour les minorités religieuses clandestines des XVIe-XVIIIe siècles. Récusants catholiques dans l’Angleterre protestante,... more
One of the most difficult topics to study regarding the history of the Portuguese New Christians is the decline in the number of Judaism cases tried by the Inquisition. Related to that issue, the alleged end of crypto-Judaism in Portugal... more
The article discusses the idea of Europe within a section of European Jewry. My aim is to investigate the relationship between the Jewish identity and the perception of Europe through two interpretative guideline: Edgar Morin’s cultural... more
This essay has two parts. In the first, I focus on the dangers of what Zygmunt Bauman called allosemitism. I draw on recent Polish history and paint a dynamic portrait of diasporic life in contemporary Poland, which has become divided... more
Main concern of this article is to grasp the interpretative matrix of Hannah Arendt’s doctorate, which, I claim, is the central organising net for her other writings. I call this matrix “cryptotheological defence of the secular world”. In... more