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Lisbon city was the common homeland of many nations in the Early Modern period. This paper studies the signs of the Flemish / Dutch presence in the Portuguese capital, between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries, a presence with... more
Pequeno resumo da história do escutismo aéreo em Portugal, publicado na Revista do Ar (órgão oficial do Aero Club de Portugal).
This paper presents the osteological analysis of a young adult exhumed from the cemetery associated to Igreja do Carmo, Lisbon, Portugal, during the second archaeological intervention in 2010/2011. Although the cemetery had been used... more
On the second half of the 19th century, Lisbon started to change at an accelerated pace, regarding population growth, urban area increase and industrialization. Although the intensity of these changes cannot be directly compared with the... more
Resumen: Este artículo analiza modelos de programación musical para audiencias infantiles y juveniles, y su enfoque educativo, a través del estudio de dos instituciones pioneras en el panorama cultural de los servicios educativos de... more
What impact did the cultural origins and religious backgrounds of the merchants in the early modern period have on their business activities? How did these people manage to integrate themselves into the foreign societies within which they... more
Seca, fome e peste. Esta era a situação pela qual passava Lisboa naquela Páscoa de 1506. O rei, como era costume em tais casos, havia saído da cidade, e atrás dele grande parte dos nobres e dos membros da alta burguesia. Enquanto isso,... more
Cet article propose une première analyse des enjeux épistémologiques et pratiques de l’inscription du fado sur la liste du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel de l’Humanité de l’UNESCO. Il aborde les façons complexes et contradictoires dont... more
Reflections on LUZBOA by Kai Becker. Obviously not my text, but certainly one where a few my ideas resonate with the author's experience of the city. Reflexões sobre a LUZBOA, por Kai Becker. Obviamente, o texto não é meu, mas certamente... more
Fado, Portugal's most celebrated genre of popular music, can be heard in Lisbon clubs, concert halls, tourist sites, and neighborhood bars. Fado sounds traverse the globe, on internationally marketed recordings, as the "soul" of Lisbon. A... more
“Celebrar Lisboa. Dejanirah Couto, História de Lisboa, Lisboa, ed. Gótica, 2003”, Revista Lusófona de Ciências das Religiões, nº5/6, Lisboa, Centro de Estudos em Ciência das Religiões da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias,... more
States have been, traditionally, the key analytical category to reason on International Relations (IR) with different renounced authors explicitly or implicitly acknowledging it. However, on par with states, cities are an organizing form... more
Isso mesmo, que ele se foda. O neoliberalismo é uma merda. Não precisamos dele.
Short Introduction to urban Planning in Portugal, and mainly in Lisbon
As usual since the first edition VICENTE, Mário Caeiro’s text establishes the bridge between the authors’ different perspectives, exploring the implicit insight in this year’s theme: ‘On the silence of the Crows, Animal Vicente’. Among... more
Partindo do conceito de «lieu de mémoire» (cristalizações do passado colectivo plasmadas em objectos, instrumentos ou instituições) desenvolvido por Pierre Nora no início dos anos 80 do século XX – e já brevemente aflorado, no que a... more
PORTELA, Miguel, O Tenente-coronel e Engenheiro Manuel do Couto. Contributo para a sua biografia., Universo Barroco Iberoamericano, Barroco vivo, Barroco continuo. Otras miradas sobre la creación ibero-americana, Editores: QUILES,... more
Urban security (or public safety), rather than a “social problem” tackled neutrally, is a issue of political contestation, owing to its threefold gist as right to not be victims of crime, policy goal and social demand. This article,... more
Urban gardening has seen resurgence in many cities across the globe. Whereas Central European cities have a long tradition of urban gardening and are facing new forms of community gardening, Southern European cities are implementing new... more
Blog post from Lorenz based on the UCLG report "Creating synergies between cultural policies and tourism for permanent and temporary citizens". Translation from the original German text (also available here:... more
A Regeneração foi a denominação dada ao período da história da Monarquia Constitucional Portuguesa compreendido entre 1851 e 1868, que teve origem no golpe militar orientado pelo Duque de Saldanha, João Carlos de Saldanha Oliveira e Daun... more
The photo book «Lisboa africana» (1993) reflects (1) the dilemma of the African Lisbon seen as a cluster of diasporas with different origins (Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique, ...) and (2) the tourists' demand for a Lisbon other than... more
The elaboration of this work is born, with the awareness of the need for an improvement, in the form of working together, of the various civil protection agents existing in the city of Lisbon. This need is all the more pressing since it... more
Ce livre met en évidence le rapport entre société, politique et urbanisme d'une capitale européenne en processus de transition démocratique. L'aménagement de Lisbonne fait de cette ville un produit et un modèle de l'urbanisme français,... more
título: Libro del desasosiego · autor: Fernando Pessoa · título original: Livro do Desassossego · edición crítica (2010, INCM; 2013, Tinta-da-china): Jerónimo Pizarro · traducción del texto principal: Ana Lucía De Bastos Herrera ·... more
Black Africans in Renaissance Europe Thomas Foster Earle, K. J. P. Lowe Cambridge University Press, 26 May 2005 Summary This book, first published in 2005, opens up the much neglected area of the black African presence in Western Europe... more
“A grade medieval da Sé de Lisboa”, Olisipo. Boletim dos Amigos de Lisboa, IIª série, nº17, Lisboa, Grupo “Amigos de Lisboa”, Jul. – Dez. 2002, pp.23-34
Chegamos ao Século XXI, com um valor médio de área de espaços verdes por cada lisboeta de 9,1 m2/habitante, se não incluirmos o Parque de Monsanto, e de 26,8 m2/habitante se o incluirmos. Este índice de área de espaço verde por habitante... more
From Pessoa to Pires: A Guided Tour Through Literary Lisbon for participants in the DISQUIET International Literary Program. A summary of movements and themes in Portuguese literature in the order in which a visitor might encounter them... more
It is known that the walkable friendliness and livability of space is a function of its physical characteristics, urban design qualities, and individual reactions, in an interrelated way. There is already some evidence regarding the... more
El Libro del desasosiego es una de las obras literarias más importantes del siglo xx. Obra maestra póstuma, retrato de la ciudad de Lisboa y de su retratista, se compone de cientos de fragmentos que oscilan entre el diario íntimo, la... more