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The paper seeks first to provide an overview of the New Christian and Jewish colonizers and their networks on each of the three islands before the consolidation process began around 1650. After this introduction, I will discuss some of... more
Discussing the Jewish space requires a comprehensive approach on its traditional typologies: religious space and for purification, space dedicated to study, and space for community gatherings. Simultaneously reflecting these coordinates... more
» Palabras clave: traducción, Biblia, diáspora sefardí, exégesis. › Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar dos distintos paradigmas de traducción de textos sagrados: la traducción "literal" directa del hebreo de la Biblia de... more
The Jewish Diaspora applies to all communities of Jews who throughout history, by reasons of exile or escape, evictions or migrations, reside in any part of the world outside their homeland of Israel. The results of these displacements... more
Looking over the historical emergence of the concept of “race,” critical race theorists remind us that this concept arose concurrently with the advent of European exploration as a justification and rationale for conquest and domination of... more
Recently, communities of Israeli immigrants have been formed in Australia. Although Israeli immigrants in Australia now number over 10,000, their Israeli communities have been little studied. The diasporic identity of Israeli emigrants... more
Presentation for the Jüd. Institut f. Erwachsenenbildung, Praterstern 1 , 1020 Wien , 21.01.2020, 18:30: Mit Eroberung des Reiches Israel durch die Assyrer im Jahr 722 v. Chr. und der Deportation der... more
In the influential 1930 proletarian novel by Mike Gold, Jews without Money, a young narrator travels with his parents to the then suburbs of Brooklyn with a “Zionist leader” to consider the real estate speculator’s offer to buy into... more
Walking Walking Out and Walking Through_Transitional Space and Traumatic Time, In: Y. Ataria et al. (eds.), Interdisciplinary Handbook of Trauma and Culture, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 In the following pages I... more
The phenomenon of the medieval Jewish state of Khazsaria (650-969) poses many puzzles to historians. The biggest and most important one is the question of the ethnicity of the Khazars: Were they really Jews or "only" Turks who converted... more
In a book published in 2012, Le judaïsme ancien du VIe siècle avant notre ère au IIIe siècle de notre ère. Des prêtres aux rabbins, Simon Claude Mimouni suggested a new model on Palestinian Judaism after 70, defining three Judaisms:... more
Documentaries have increasingly used the first person, with a number of prominent filmmakers finding critical and commercial success with this intimate approach. Jewish filmmakers have particularly thrived in this genre, using it to... more
Issue 21 (January 2016) of the online magazine CAFE DISSENSUS guest edited by Dr Navras Jaat Aafreedi, Assistant Professor, Department of History & Civilization, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Gautam Buddha University, Greater... more
The idea of a society in exile, such as that described by Marc Raeff in Russia Abroad, his study of the interwar Russian diaspora, is a useful framework for gathering together the experiences and contributions of a small group of exiles... more
Everyone has a theory about the Voynich Manuscript… so here is mine. The Voynich Manuscript was written in the 15th century, and so far to date, no other example, in this form of writing exists in the world. My theory is that it is... more
From the end of the 19th century until after the Second World War, landsmanshaftn, or mutual aid societies formed by Jewish immigrants from the same hometowns, actively participated in the cultural and economic integration of Polish Jews... more
This article will challenge the assumption that the challah bread is not of Ashkenazi origin but instead of Sephardic origin. It claims to uncover the place of challah bread in history through a historiographical analysis, followed by a... more
“The Golden Age” of the Kabbalah among émigrés from Iberia began in the last decades of the sixteenth century. This was the culmination of a complex, lengthy, and gradual process in which the Kabbalah developed, took shape, and moved from... more
The relocation of Jews after the Holocaust depended on many factors, and as time passed many survivors did not return to their previous homes, or decided to relocate shortly after returning. This paper examines the Jews of Cluj... more
This is a short intellectual biography of my father, Hans J. Epstein, focusing on his interest in falconry, via medieval history, and later his interests in naturalism (mostly lepidopterology). It is also of interest in terms of some of... more
Many commentators agree on two basic conclusions about the development of 2 Maccabees: (1) the letters in 2 Macc 1:1-2:18 were not written by the author of the rest of the history and (2) the account of the rededication of the temple in 2... more
This paper attempts to assess the complex relationship between the Left and the State of Israel in the aftermath of the 1967 war. It does so by analysing the complex relationship between the Soviet Union, Israel and the biggest Communist... more
The kingdom of Naples hosted ancient, conspicuous, and prosperous Jewish communities. The Apulian “Giudecche” were particularly rich and developed because of their commercial role. In Puglia, the Jews played a central role in... more
In an era when identity politics is being co-opted into wider nationalist agendas and diversity increasingly embroiled in ethnic division and separatism, how have artists engaged with cultural translation to open up the act of... more
Vittorio Dan Segre, emigrato in Palestina nel 1939, ha intitolato il suo memoir «Storia di un ebreo fortunato». Un titolo che ben si adatta alla vicenda di un altro ebreo italiano, Dario Soria (1912-1980) che scelse, nel 1939, come terra... more
Neturei Karta is a Jewish group that usually considered belongs to larger ‘ultra-Orthodox’ Judaism. This group established its community in Jerusalem since early 19th century, but never acknowledges the modern state of Israel and its... more
Seit geraumer Zeit lässt sich eine Neuorientierung in den kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Debatten um Migration, Kulturkontakt, Imperialismus und Globalisierung feststellen, in denen der Begriff der Diaspora eine zentrale Rolle... more
Jews have for centuries contributed much to Polish culture and society. Jews were an integral part of what it meant to be Polish. Unfortunately, from a height of over 3 million before the Holocaust, only an estimated 10-20 thousand Jews... more
The war between the Mongols and the Korean state Goryeo lasted a total of 52 years (from 1218 to 1270). We are still puzzled: 1. Why did this war last so long? 2. Why didn't the Mongols destroy the Goryeo state? 3. Why did the Mongols... more
This essay has two parts. In the first, I focus on the dangers of what Zygmunt Bauman called allosemitism. I draw on recent Polish history and paint a dynamic portrait of diasporic life in contemporary Poland, which has become divided... more
Israeli playwright Yehushua Sobol is a well-recognized contributor to Holocaust drama. His plays are not only an important contribution to the animated discussion about the holocaust in Israeli society but have also legitimated and... more