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Two recent tendencies in digital-cultural theory have attempted to critique a representational view of computation through an attention to the language that itemizes computational processes. This paper argues that that each of the... more
Dans les pages qui suivent, nous voudrions revenir sur l’histoire éditoriale de ce projet inachevé entre Hjelmslev et Uldall, et qui n’a abouti qu’en 1957 sous la signature du seul Uldall, qui d’ailleurs mourait la même année, non sans... more
This is a conference paper for the 1996 Deleuze Symposium at the University of Western Australia. It describes the influence exerted on contemporary architecture by Deleuze and Guattari's concept of the diagram. It tracks Deleuze and... more
En el campo de la teoría lingüística, Hjelmslev establece que ésta debe no sólo explicar un texto dado sino cualquier otro texto de la naturaleza establecida como premisa, es decir, a) No sólo un texto de una lengua determinada sino, b)... more
توضیح: مطلب حاضر پیش‌درآمدی است بر معرفی و شرح گلوسم‌شناسی، نظریه‌ی زبانی لویی یلمزلف. این نوشتار بر انگیزه‌های پرداختن به این نظرگاه و ضرورت و امکان چنین کاری متمرکز است، و ورود به خود نظریه و توضیح و تفصیل آن به فرصت‌های بعدی موکول... more
The study of language has been historically proposed as a model for human sciences. For the structuralists, it is because languages, like society, and cultural habits , are man-made rule-based systems. For the Darwinists, it is because... more
Communicology dictionary with theory construction and methodology definitions as a human science.
Slides used for a presentation in the Todorov - Fanon  Seminar held in Gabirele d'Annunzio University (Chieti).
Traduzione italiana e cura di Irene Sottile e Francesco Di Maio di Algirdas Julien Greimas, Préface à la traduction française, in Louis Hjelmslev, Le Langage. Une introduction - augmenté de Degrés linguistiques, trad. di Michel Olsen e... more
This paper introduces a semantically and pragmatically oriented typological generalisation, which is named the orientation principle. It entails that the position of connectives, as defined as a single lexical category including... more
Opposition theory is one of the main outcomes of structural linguistics of the last century. While it is still valid and used in the field of phonology, it has not had the same fortune in other linguistic disciplines and has been replaced... more
L’idée de cet ouvrage est née au sein de l’équipe « Génétique et théories linguistiques » de l’Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes (ITEM), qui travaille sur des fonds de manuscrits de linguistes dans le but d’expliciter et/ou... more
Konsultasi KLIK 👉 Aborsi Dengan Proses penanganan cepat dan Biaya terjangkau PEMESANAN 👉 Jual Obat Aborsi Usia Janin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bulan Di jamin Tuntas 100% Obat cytotec merupakan obat... more
This article describes the influence exerted on contemporary architecture and architectural theories by Deleuze and Guattari's concept of the diagram. Deleuze and Guattari, well known for their A Thousand Plateaus, begin from the basis of... more
Bir gösterge ve/veya göstergeler bütünü olan yazınsal metinlerin anlam merkezi içeriğin tözüdür. Kültürün hemen her unsuruyla oluşturulan bu töz, yazınsal metinlerin anlamını taşır. Bu metinleri anlamlamak isteyen araştırmacılar,... more
"The arbitrariness of the sign" is described in the CLG as the first principle of the language. This term has become one of the major Saussurean legacies. Nevertheless, the arbitrariness of the sign has been received by the linguistic... more
This text inquires how Louis Hjelmslev’s idea of »an algebra immanent to language« can help us to characterize discretized probability densities as a kind of »symbolic alphabeticity«. It is my manuscript for the fifth Metalithicum... more
Hyper Plus Male Enhancement There are a number of male enhancement products that are on the market today. These often come with the promise of aiding a person as they attempt to make themselves a more complete man, lover, and more.... more
De uma disciplina científica, além de atingir dado conhecimento, espera-se que suas bases sejam de tal modo solidificadas que admitam o desenvolvimento futuro, em busca de um conhecimento que ainda sequer podia ter sido vislumbrado por... more