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Det svenska sammandraget (1½ sida) och den svenska resumén (20 sidor) av min doktorsavhandling, som behandlar frågor kring de skandinaviska språkens ljudhistoria från 200-talet till 1200-talet e.Kr., belysta delvis av deras kontakter med... more
Brand psychology is a process of understanding the customer’s expectations of a brand name by studying their behavior towards the brand name. Studies have shown that consumers are more likely to interact with short, memorable, easily... more
Although the sound change w>y in Biblical Hebrew is well - known, it has not received significant attention until now. This paper provides a synchronic analysis to this phenomenon. The shift is partly morphologically, partly... more
* Based on a diverse and complementary set of theoretical and empirical findings, we describe an approach to phonology in which sound patterns are shaped by the trade-off between biases supporting message transmission accuracy and... more
In this paper, I present a new account of word stress in Hindi. I begin with the attempt to show that the apparently different patterns of Hindi stress described in the literature are in fact bound by one core pattern. The core pattern... more
The Pama-Nyungan language Yidiny has long held an important position in the typology of stress systems. Dixon’s (1977, 1990) original analysis of the system places alternating stress on odd-numbered syllables by default, as in (1a).... more
Nach Jakobson (1941) lassen sich in der frühen phonologischen Entwicklung zwei diskrete Phasen unterscheiden. Eine erste Phase, in der vorsprachliche Lalllaute produziert werden und keine phonologischen Kontraste gegeben sind, und eine... more
En aquest document trobareu una guia, acompanyada d’exercicis, que pretén ser un reforç per a les classes de Fonologia Catalana que s’imparteixen en el Grau de Filologia Catalana de la Universitat de Barcelona. La guia conté 16 temes,... more
Muchas variedades del mixteco, una lengua otomangue hablada en el sur de México, han sido descritas como lenguas con tres tonos: Bajo, Medio y Alto. En esta tesis presento evidencia basada en investigación original sobre los sustantivos... more
Terms: Segmental idealization & Universal categorization Brief History of IPA Rejection of Modern Phonology or Alternatives Empirical Examples: Mean VOT in 18 languages Tonal Languages- Chinese and Kera Barred-i [ɨ] vs schwa [ə]... more
The present module and the following introduce students to the sub-theory of generative phonology known as Metrical Phonology. Two versions of the theory- a tree-based original version and a grid-based later version- are presented. In... more
We ilustrate the complexity and interest of English phonology and morphology through two case studies: the phonological and morphological behavior of sibilant suffixes, and the aspiration of voiceless obstruents. We focus on documenting... more
This thesis investigates the role of emphatics within the Semitic sound system as the basis for a typology of Semitic emphatics. In seeking to define the term ‘emphatic’, since emphatics are realised in some Semitic languages as... more
This dissertation develops optimality-theoretic analyses of word-level stress assignment in two languages with lexical accent, Cupeño (Takic, Uto-Aztecan) and Hittite (Anatolian, Indo-European); it also assesses the implications of word... more
A steady increase in globalization in the world threatens the existence of a large number of smaller languages. Very often, locally dominant languages gain ground at the expense of the lesser-known, leading to language endangerment and... more
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer una teorización sobre la estructura interna de las consonantes complejas del mazateco de Ixcatlán. Esta lengua cuenta con más de 60 fonemas consonánticos contrastivos expresados en su... more
This paper is a contribution to a debate which has arisen concerning the necessity of readjustment, i.e. phonological processes sensitive to morphological information, as a device for implementing allomorphic alternations, the question... more
A very popular, yet barely researched, musical instrument is the Jew's Harp (aka Jaw Harp, JH). Its earliest archaeological occurrences date back to the early Bronze Age, but its simplest constructions, made of tree twigs and bark, along... more
Among the variety of intervention techniques for treating test anxiety that interferes with students' ability to demonstrate their real knowledge on examinations, cognitive-behavioral methods have been proposed to be effective. The... more
La organización jerárquica de los rasgos distintivos se basa parcialmente en comportamientos segmentales asimétricos. En este trabajo presentamos datos sobre la asimetría de las consonantes laringales en wayuunaiki en contraste con el... more
The module introduces students to the theory of Prosodic Phonology- its motivation, principles and methods of analysis and illustrates them by focusing on the Syllable and the Foot as prosodic categories.
The present module continues from the previous module (Metrical Phonology-Word-Stress-I), to familiarize students with the background to the main aspects of the metrical grid theory of stress and to present the theory in its basic... more
In this paper, it is argued that the expression of person can be captured in terms of a set of semantic features whose exponents follow a unique phonological path.
This paper first provides an evaluation of all Class III (Reduplicated) Present stems found in the Ṛgveda and the Śaunaka Recension of the Atharvaveda. The paper then proceeds to advance three arguments: 1) Cross-linguistically,... more
Semitic morphology is notorious for its use of ablaut (vowel alternations). This paper provides a synchronic analysis to the ablaut in the verbal system of Biblical Hebrew. The classical literature on the subject assumes that vocalic... more
In “Where’s phonology in typology?” Larry Hyman (2007) observed that phonology, a discipline with an abiding interest in typology and much to offer it, had only a slender profile in publications representing the discipline of typology... more
This paper examines the written productions of first and second grade Catalan children in an attempt to tap into their understanding of the underlying forms of Catalan unstressed vowels for which alternations are not present (and for... more
With the application of the Contrastive Hierarchy Theory, the contrastive features of preliterary Scandinavian vowels are here inferred from the interaction between targets and triggers for metaphonic fronting, rounding and breaking. One... more
The goal of this talk is to show how the tools of Information Theory enable us to resolve some key problems with the concept of markedness. While this paper focuses largely on markedness as it relates to sound patterns, the core ideas can... more
In this paper we investigate two typical Cushitic reduplication patterns, CVC-initial and-C final. They were chosen, as they would appear to be especially problematic for the generalized template theory of reduplication developed within... more
The feature-economy principle is one of the key theoretical notions which have been postulated to account for the structure of phoneme inventories in the world's languages. In this paper, we test the explanatory power of this... more
The typology of word prosody is still a subject of debate. Tone and stress remain the central units of classification; however, there is not an established consensus about their definitions. In this chapter, I focus on two specific... more