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المقدس مكانة عظيمة حباها الله عز وجل إياها ، حيث جعلها المكان الذي تتمثل فيه البشرية حياتها وتاريخها ،وتختصره فيها بكل ما فيه من تناقضات .... > ومن هنا ...كانت دراسات بيت المقدس _باعتبارها مجالاً علمياً مستقلاً بذاته _لابد منها لفهم حياة... more
The consensus on Pope Honorius III (1216–27) is that he was a conciliatory politician who lacked the harder edge possessed by his immediate predecessor and successor. Yet, using overlooked evidence regarding the role of Honorius in... more
A special issue of eight original essays on the liturgy celebrated in the Latin East in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The papers as a whole demonstrate how the study of the liturgy can open up the religious and cultural history of... more
The Battle of Marj Ayyun was a military confrontation fought near the Litani River (modern-day Lebanon) in June 1179 CE between the Christian Crusaders under the leadership of the king of Jerusalem Baldwin IV (r. 1174-1185 CE) and the... more
Tracce di una presenza umana ininterrotta fin dalla preistoria e due millenni di devozione cristiana fanno dell’area del Santo Sepolcro un luogo unico al mondo: una stratificazione fittissima di memorie, segni , immagini e liturgie, nella... more
The major legal treatises of the Kingdom of Jerusalem all date from the thirteenth century, after the kingdom had largely been reconquered by its Muslim neighbours. There are no comparable sources for the first period of the kingdom in... more
The 'Holy Women' in the Liturgy and Art of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Twelfth Century Jerusalem. Forthcoming in: The Uses of the Bible in Crusader Sources, ed. E. Lapina and N. Morton (Brill, 2017) Examines the liturgical... more
Nel 1847, quando con la bolla Nulla celebrior papa Pio IX ripristinò a Gerusalemme la sede del Patriarcato Latino (declassato a patriarcato titolare dal 1295), venne a cessare una sorta di monopolio spirituale. Dalla prima metà del... more
The paper examines the development of European proto-colonialism during the Crusades (1096-1297), drawing parallels between the nature of Latin European settlement and the modern writings of Edward Said and Albert Memmi.
A trial excavation was conducted in a two-story Ottoman-period building in the Old City of ‘Akko, prior to the construction of a wine cellar and the renovation of the building as a Boutique Hotel. The building is located in the... more
This paper examines comparatively the naming patterns of the Normans of southern Italy and the Latins of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem—two regions that were targets of Western Latin conquest and migration. Based on the premise that... more
An insight in the Genealogy of the French and Normand Nobiliar Families of Outre- Mer who kept the famous Shroud of Turin, the way they conserved it and the transmission of the most famous of the Relic of the Christian World through the... more
The database is a breakthrough revision in a digitized format of Reinhold Röhricht’s original Regesta regni Hierosolymitani (1893-1904). The 2016 Revised Regesta offers an expanded and corrected calendar of all the charters, other legal... more
How can one explain the fact that the delay in the apparition of the Holy Fire at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre during the Easter celebration of 1101 had such an impact in western sources ? The account that three chroniclers – Fulcher... more
A salvage excavation at the old city of Jerusalem exposed two phases of the main north-south street of the city. The first dated to the Crusaders period (10th century CE) and blow it the remains of the Byzantine Cardo dated to the 6th... more
Ashkelon as a Landscape of Conflicts: Landscape Perspectives on Battles and Siege Operations from the Days of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem Rafael Y. Lewis The city of Ashkelon witnessed numerous conflicts throughout its long existence;... more
Les historiens se sont souvent questionnés sur l’identité de l’auteur des assises de la cour des bourgeois de Jérusalem et de Chypre, la date de leur composition et leurs sources. Cette communication examine les divers types de droit –... more
One of the topics of Alan Forey’s research (published in 1994) has been the subject of captivity and redemption of members of the military orders, their attitudes regarding this crucial issue, and its military, moral, and economic... more
Immediately entering the St Sepulcher in Jerusalem, visitors are facing a large slab that many people come to kiss. This is the Stone of Unction, also called Stone of Anointing.
Jerusalem is probably the most politically sensitive site in the world, so much so that even an archaeological excavation can become the focus of a discussion in the UN Security Council. This was not always the case. Jerusalem's began... more
Detailed report of the Crusader and Ayyubid period coin finds within the remains of a 12-13th c. burgus/town partly excavated below the thirteenth century Safed castle

31 January 2018–2 February 2018
Haifa University
The crusaders who invaded the Jerusalem in 1099 had established a Latin Patriarchate there. The Latin Patriarchate had made its presence more distinctive in Jerusalem and also implemented great pressure on the Eastern Christians. The most... more
Negli ultimi anni si è ampliato il campo delle conoscenze storiche sulle Crociate, mediante indagini innovative circa le dinamiche sociali, economiche ed artistiche dell’Oriente latino. L’ordinamento giuridico gerosolimitano non è stato... more
séminaire "Economie, société et culture" séance "Inventer la représentation d'un nouveau pouvoir" Hayet Amamou (Université de Tunis): La représentation du pouvoir omeyade : le premier calife omeyade Mu’âwiya Camille Rouxpetel... more
Excavation of medieval coins, from Cicilian Armenia and the Ayyubid principality of Damascus are important for the understanding of the medieval coin circulation and the urban history of Yafo (Jaffa)
La llegada de los cruzados en 1099 cambió, de manera significativa, el paisaje sonoro de la Jerusalén medieval. La temprana orden de Godofredo de Bouillon para que se fundiesen unas campanas para la iglesia del Santo Sepulcro fue uno de... more
Georgian and European Armies in Action 1 Georgia, an aspirant for NATO membership, actively contributes to NATO-led operations. Georgia's alliance with the West has its historical background. General chronology of the Crusades shows... more
Paper given at the 9th SSCLE Quadrennial conference in Odense, Denmark 26th June-1st July 2016. The paper explores the legacy of the battle of Hattin upon the military of the kingdom of Jerusalem into the early thirteenth century.... more
Despite the short Frankish occupation of Bānyās, in the Golan, we are well informed of the numerous local conflicts provoked by nomadic incursions in this area. It is rather not clear who were exactly the populations involved, since they... more
This source was recently discovered at the V&A Museum by the medievalist Kenneth Nicholls. The document is a seventeenth-century copy of Annals from a much earlier period. The content of Annals can vary from simple notes regarding... more
In the crusader kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus, a small number of western European Latin Christians formed a “social majority” over a far more numerous population of Muslims, eastern Christians, and Jews. The crusaders created a... more
The Bible played a role in the formation of the legal treatises of the crusader states. Both Old and New Testaments were used as a source of quotations on the philosophy of law and on moral questions. They were also occasionally used as a... more
The database is a breakthrough revision in a digitized format of Reinhold Röhricht’s original Regesta regni Hierosolymitani (1893-1904). The 2016 Revised Regesta offers an expanded and corrected calendar of all the charters, other legal... more