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One of the rarest afflictions to come across within twelfth century English hagiography is the double disability of being deaf and mute; in fact, of the eight hagiographic sources, and two-hundred and ninety-two accounts of individuals,... more
How can cultural works from the distant past-such as the Middle Ages-teach us ethical modes of behavior for today? One form of ecopoetics emerges through slow practice, making the reader collaborate in the measured process of co-creating... more
Capitel con aves de la Catedral de Módena
[Catedral de Módena]
Maestro de la Porta dei Principi
Piedra calcárea
20 ✕ 23 ✕ 22 cms
Museo Lapidario del Duomo di Modena,
Módena, Italia
Last year was the 30th anniversary of the Cultural Routes of Council of Europe. It is interesting to notice that some of these cultural itineraries refers to important medieval pilgrimage routes: for instance, it is the case of “St.... more
Le pèlerinage est-il un phénomène propre à l'homme sédentaire ? Comment s'est développé le pèlerinage de Compostelle au milieu des autres pèlerinages chrétiens et quelles ont été les clés de son succès jusqu'à aujourd'hui ? Comment... more
Migrating Art Historians brings an embodied perspective to the study of medieval pilgrimage. Embodied readings of medieval art are on the rise since the sensual turn in art history, privileging the body as the essential instrument of... more
The village of Pyrga lies in the vicinity of the famous monastery of Stavrovouni, that is the mountain of the Cross, between the cities of Nicosia, Larnaka and Limassol . The toponym of Pyrga/Pyrka (Greek: Πυργά/Πυρκά) probably originates... more
Alcuni anni fa da una trincea di scavo allagata di acqua fangosa sulle rive del fiume Stella è spuntata un’imbarcazione medievale dalle fattezze originali. Cosa si nasconde dietro il relitto di Precenicco? In questo libro il lettore è... more
Between Jerusalem and Europe: Essays in Honour of Bianca Kühnel analyses how Jerusalem is translated into the visual and material culture of medieval, early modern and contemporary Europe, and in what ways European encounters with the... more
Le voyage du pèlerin ne semble prendre véritablement fin que dans la mort. C'est du moins ce que racontent les vestiges lapidaires et épigraphiques dans les églises, dans les demeures ou encore à la croisée des chemins.
The survey location sits within the historic city of Chichester; the Cathedral was constructed as a part of the urbanisation of Diocesan seats following the Norman conquests and later became the site of pilgrimage to St Richard, a former... more
Although venerated throughout the Christian West, St Roch has nevertheless remained a mysterious personage. Beginning in the second half of the fifteenth century the cult of the holy pilgrim, protector against the plague, spread from... more
Is it possible to reconstruct the feeling of a medieval pilgrim walking towards the sacred? No, it is not. And yet, the experimental project Migrating Art Historians sought to delve into this impossibility. Journeying by foot over more... more
Das Passionspanorama in der Kirche Scherzligen am Thunersee aus dem Jahr 1469 wird traditionell vor dem Hintergrund spätmittelalterlicher Passionsspiele gedeutet. Es weist aber auch erstaunliche Übereinstimmungen mit der Sakraltopographie... more
The 'Kniga Palomnik', a pilgrim report from the early 13th century written by the Russian pilgrim Dobrynja Jadrejkovič (the future Archbishop Antony of Novgorod), is known as the most detailed and, at the same time, most confusing... more
Ad limina Sancti Jacobi è l'espressione che definisce il viaggio presso una delle principali mete di pellegrinaggio della cristianità. E poiché gli orizzonti geografici dell'epoca erano molto diversi dagli attuali, per giungere a Santiago... more
One of the great premises of medieval popular religion was the localization of the holy, the essential principle of the pilgrimage. At the same time, there was a widespread equation between excessive art and holiness. One result of... more
Focusing on the 'mahmal' as a key object in the religious visual culture of Egyptian Islam. Seeks to problematize the category of pilgrimage and the practice of the Hajj.
While it is common today to refer to Jesus’s disciple Μαρία[μ] ἡ Μαγδαληνή as Mary “of Magdala,” with Magdala identified as a Galilean city named Tarichaea, what do our earliest Christian sources actually indicate about the meaning of... more
Christian pilgrimage was one of the most striking phenomena characterising medieval societies. A physical encounter with the relics of saints often constituted the spiritual summit of the pilgrim’s journey. In order to understand the... more
As the settlement and pilgrimage of Santiago de Compostela grew, the city's central spaces gradually became sources of rupture between local residents and pilgrims. The important places of Compostela, such as religious community... more
According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Archbishop Sigeric of Canterbury went to Rome in 990, to fetch his pallium. Sigeric, formerly a monk of Glastonbury and then abbot of St Augustine's, Canterbury, had been consecrated bishop of... more
Votive objects or ex-votos are a broad category of material artifacts produced with the intention of being offered as acts of faith. Common across historical periods, religions, and cultures, they are presented as tokens of gratitude for... more
Wanneer we trachten ons een beeld te vormen van de middeleeuwse bedevaarten en pelgrimstochten in en vanuit een bepaalde regio, in dit geval dus in en vanuit het Zeeuwse deltagebied, staat betrekkelijk weinig en nogal uiteenlopend... more The article traces the history of the relationship between the Nordic and Mediterranean worlds, from the Viking age to the time of the Crusades (9th-12th century), reconstructing the... more
Saewulf’un anlatısı, Haçlı seferleriyle birlikte Avrupa’da sayısında kayda değer bir artış gözlemlenen hem seyahatname hem de hac rehberi hüviyetindeki eserlerin ilk örneklerinden birisidir. Yazarın İtalya’da yola çıkışıyla başlayıp geri... more
This chapter investigates Islamic pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the network of Islamic holy sites in the city during the Mamlūk period. Using the Faḍā’il al-Quds pilgrimage guides on Jerusalem dating from the Mamlūk period, the study will... more
Braj is the epicentre of the Krishna cult. The physical representation of the scriptural Braj Mandala as we see it today, however, is a medieval construct. During the 15th and 16th centuries, as a part of religious exercises or in the... more