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The article analyses a classic Latvian short story „The Battle near Knipska“ by Jānis Poruks. The storry has been included in the lists of compulsory (or recommended) readings for primary and secondary schools during most of the time... more
Latyshi and Chukhontsy: locals and strangers in Estonia and Latvia during the Livonian War (1558–1582) The medieval and early modern society in Estonia and Latvia was multilingual. The language of the people of higher social status was... more
Politicians and Political parties of Latgale in the Independent Latvia, biographies, here published only part of the book - biographies from 1918-1940.
This paper presents an analysis of the so-called Latvian national communists, which controlled Soviet Latvia in the 1950s. The traditional interpretation of national communism has profiled the group based on criteria such as youth, prior... more
The article examines in detail the process of setting up the security services of Latvia in the period prior to and after regaining full independence. The author emphasizes that a successful transition towards a consolidated democracy... more
Rezension zu: Unitas Fratrum 65/66 (2011) = Tagungsband „Lettische Kultur und Herrnhuter Brüdergemeinde“, hrsg. v. Rüdiger Kröger // Tagungsorganisatoren: Ieva Kalniņa und Verein Unitas Fratrum
Raksts sniedz ieskatu latviešu pretalkohola kustībā K. Ulmaņa autoritārā režīma laikā, aplūkojot konkrētas biedrības – bezalkohola biedrības “Ziemeļblāzma” – darbības piemēru. Bezalkohola biedrība “Ziemeļblāzma” 20. gadsimta sākumā Rīgas... more
Резюме Статья посвящена процессу разработки и принятия Конституции Латвии 1922 года. В статье предпринимается также попытка выявить влияние запад-ноевропейского опыта и политических событий, а именно Гражданской войны в России 1918-1922... more
По материалам IV международной конференции "Молодой Ученый". Ноябрь 2016 года. Страницы 23-36. В статье изучена деятельность международного движения "Сокол" в довоенной Латвии как одно из проявлений Русского Зарубежья. В создании... more
This article reevaluates the lifelong artistic patronage and collecting practices of Polish-Lithuanian Count Michał Jan Borch (1753-1810/11) against the historical background of Enlightenment Europe more broadly and specifically the Age... more
Im Jahre 1869 notiert der Journalist Julius Eckardt: " Man kann das russische Reich vom Peipus-See bis zum Ochozkischen Meerbusen, vom Tiflis bis an die eisigen Gefilde Achangels durchstreifen, in jeder Stadt von einiger Bedeutung wird... more
THE RULE OF THE POLISH-LITHUANIAN COMMONWEALTH IN THE TERRITORY OF THE PRESENT-DAY LATVIA (1561–1795): THE STATE OF LATVIAN HISTORIOGRAPHY The paper examines how the rule of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Rzecz Pospolita) has been... more
Forgotten Soldiers: Jews in the Latvian Army 1918-1940 "The body of knowledge about the contributions Jews made to the history of Latvia is growing. Eriks Jekabsons focuses on the role they played in Latvia’s War of Independence between... more
What happens to an imperial economy after empire? How do economics, security, and ideology interact at the new state frontiers? Does trade always break down ideological barriers? The eastern borders of Poland, Latvia, and Estonia... more
This is the second edition of this translation. Errors present in the 1st edition were corrected and the translation now follows strict chronological order. In addition to being on the Internet... more