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What is the relationship between cyber activities conducted by Russia at home and abroad? What role do cyber operations play as an instrument of Russia’s coercive diplomacy? How different is Russia from other cyber powers, and how do we... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Minderheitenpolitik in Estland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kultur. Dabei wird der Nationale Aktionsplan ausgewertet und der Einfluss der Kulturpolitik auf die Inklusion ethnischer... more
To find the incidence of juvenile arthritis according to the ILAR and EULAR criteria within defined areas in the Nordic countries, and to study the validity of the ILAR and EULAR criteria from this perspective. A longitudinal,... more
The big and increasingly complex problems faced by governments around the world do not fit neatly into the internal structures by which governments have divided and organized themselves. As a result, many governments are struggling to... more
Дослідження форм та методів, що використовуються в Естонії організації для захисту прав дитини та формування безпечної поведінки дітей в Інтернеті.
The requirement for a collaborative effort to achieve a common set of security standards for use by entities that process, store or transport voter data. -More than 350,000 voting machines are used in the Unites States today in over 42... more
The EU is divided between member states that have adopted the euro and those that have not. This article looks at the issue of differentiated integration with particular reference to eurozone integration and the euro-outsiders. I explore... more
The article analyses a classic Latvian short story „The Battle near Knipska“ by Jānis Poruks. The storry has been included in the lists of compulsory (or recommended) readings for primary and secondary schools during most of the time... more
This article is based on the diary of a young Estonian provincial female party activist Luise Vaher (née Kapstas), in which she describes her evacuation to the Soviet rear following the German invasion of the USSR in the summer and fall... more
Статья посвящена реализации одного из основных инфраструктурных проектов в регионе Восточной Балтики – создания высокоскоростной железнодорожной магистрали Rail Baltica/Rail Baltica II по маршруту Хельсинки – Таллин – Рига – Вильнюс –... more
ABSTRACT. The concept of the Other is increasingly popular in nationalism and ethnicity literature, which usually proposes the existence of one significant Other for any national Self, and that this Other is usually threatening and... more
Mit der Untersuchung der beim EU-Beitritt Estlands veröffentlichten Presseartikel soll versucht werden, das Bild des Landes ans Licht zu bringen. Dem kleinen Land im Osten Europas wird in den deutschen Medien gewöhnlich nur wenig Platz... more
Celem artykułu jest analiza statusu prawnego, organizacji i uprawnień służb specjalnych Republiki Estonii. Autor prezentuje misję i zakres zadań Estońskiej Służby Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego (Kaitsepolitsei), Estońskiej Służby... more
Ethnobotany can be defined as a discipline that studies use of plants by ordinary people and the accompanying practical applications, religious beliefs, naming of plants and stories about them. In the article, we study the role of... more
В публикации содержится подборка текстов, связанных с легендами о священных камнях, но, нужно отметить, что это лишь малая часть материалов «русской» коллекции. В архиве можно найти также, например, рассказы об огненных змеях, о... more
Észtország a rendszerváltást követően a fejlesztések számos területén olyan sikereket ért el, melyek vizsgálata támpontokat adhat hazánkban is a változásokat menedzselő szakemberek számára. A tanulmány elsősorban szakértőkkel készített... more
Estonia is widely credited to be a pioneer in e-governance and especially e-democracy. It has frequently been expected, too, that Estonia will be the leading country for e-voting, introducing it already for the national elections of 2003.... more
This chapter analyses inter-generational differences and their dynamics in Estonia in 2002-2014, focussing on generational identity, social and cultural space, media use, civic and political activity and social positioning. The chapter is... more
Survey of small fieldwork on 6th - early 7th c. Age hill fort of Värtemäe in SE Estonia
In this monograph the processes of European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the three Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) are analyzed - since the very restoration of their independence in 1991 up to the end of the first decade... more
Artikkel annab ülevaate narratiivteraapia teoreetilistest alustest ja selle meetodi kasutamisest seoses kehakuvandi kujunemisega teisme- ja noorukieas. See on kirjutatud sooviga aidata kaasa teooria ja praktika lõimimisele kliinilises... more
Being a poster child of digital state, Estonia is a truly right place to find answers to the question on how it should be done first when it comes to achieving a real progress in modernizing governance through the use of information and... more
Monografia prezentuje wyniki badań naukowych na temat estońskiego systemu obrony narodowej. Autor ukazuje jakie uwarunkowania historyczne, polityczne, społeczne i kulturowe wpłynęły na koncepcję obrony narodowej Republiki Estonii oraz... more
Кочующие границы. Сб. статей по материалам международного семинара (Нарва, 12-16 ноября 1998) / Под ред. О. Бредниковой, В. Воронкова. СПб.: ЦНСИ, 1999. Труды. Вып. 7. 172 с.
This chapter focuses on the development of political communication and campaigning in Estonia. It starts with a brief overview of the basic characteristics of the political and party system. Then, it introduces the main laws and rules the... more
There has been recent interest in developing a health technology assessment (HTA) function in Estonia. A group of individuals knowledgeable about HTA in Canada, Germany, Romania and Spain, along with representatives of the University of... more
This paper lays the groundwork for a comprehensive typology in uncovering the factors influencing the degree of shift towards e-democracy. The paper proposes an interaction model of factors in the analysis of e-democracy by examining the... more
The Vienna Convention has been long enshrined as the cornerstone of modern diplomacy. However, recent technological advances may have shifted this landscape, with international law requiring to adapt in the face of novel and unique... more