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Global Histories of Premodern Health and Healing provides a much-needed platform for global and comparative approaches to the history of medicine in premodern societies across Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. As well as welcoming... more
This article presents a brief analysis of the ways in which women’s health care was understood by medieval Jews, as well as how this sphere of medical activity was learned, practised and disseminated among western Jewish communities... more
This volume which completes the edition of the Arabic text of the Medical Aphorisms covers the following central subjects: the specific properties of medicines (treatise 22), the differences between well-known diseases and the elucidation... more
This paper was read on June 6th 2018 at the Museo delle Religioni 'Raffaele Pettazzoni" during the Congress “Religioni e Medicina. Dall’Antichità all’Età Contemporanea” ( 5 - 9 giugno. 2018). The paper discusses several medical items in... more
The Voynich Manuscript was written in the 15th century, and so far to date, no other example, in this form of writing exists in the world. My theory is that it is written in the language of the Khazars, who were believed to be Turkic... more
On Hemorrhoids was written for a young man of noble family who was seeking a regimen to deal with this problem. While it is not the first monograph on the subject. Maimonides’ work bears his personal stamp with its emphasis on dietetics,... more
a B s t r ac t The twelfth century witnessed a new Jewish interest in the fixed stars, which finds its major expression in the first-ever Hebrew lists of constellations and fixed stars. These are in fact translations into Hebrew of Arabic... more
On Poisons and the Protection against Lethal Drugs was written in the year 1199 at the request of al-Qadi al-Fadil, the famous counselor and secretary to Saladin. While the subject of poisons and antidotes was often addressed in medieval... more
The medical compendium entitled Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir (Provisions for the Traveller and Nourishment for the Sedentary) and compiled by Ibn al-Jazzār from Qayrawān in the tenth century is one of the most influential handbooks in... more
Nelle enciclopedie di alcuni medici arabi di Baghdad si trova il prototipo dei ravioli, tradotto nel Duecento a Venezia da Giambonino da Cremona nel suo "Liber de ferculis et condimentis". E’ il "sambusuch", sfoglia di pasta riempita con... more
The subject of this article is an eight-page manuscript preserved in the Cairo Genizah (Ms. Cambridge T-S K14.14), which we identified as a fragment of a mid-15th century copy of Abraham Avigdor's Hebrew translation of Gerard de Solo's... more
Everyone has a theory about the Voynich Manuscript… so here is mine. The Voynich Manuscript was written in the 15th century, and so far to date, no other example, in this form of writing exists in the world. My theory is that it is... more
The main subjects covered by Maimonides in this volume are: women’s diseases, general regimen of health, physical exercise, bathing, foods, beverages and their consumption (treatises 16-20). Treatise 21 gives a detailed account of... more
Preface It is my pleasure to offer to the reader this edition of the Hebrew translation of Maimonides’ Medical Aphorisms by Nathan Ben Eliezer ha-Meʾati, who was active as a translator of scientific, mainly medical works from Arabic into... more
FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco; CABELLO GARCÍA, María Sol. Muḥammad Aš-Šafra: el médico y su época. Alicante : Universidad de Alicante, 1990. ISBN 84-86809-95-9, 170 p. | Resumen: La figura del médico Muḥammad Aš-Šafra Al-Qirbilyanī... more
Preface I am happy to offer to the reader this edition of the Hebrew translation of Maimonides’ Medical Aphorisms by Zeraḥyah ben Isaac ben Sheʾaltiel Ḥen, also known as Zeraḥyah Gracian. Born in Barcelona, he emigrated at a later date... more
The terminology in medieval Hebrew medical literature (original works and translations) has been sorely neglected by modern research. Medical terminology is virtually missing from the standard dictionaries of the Hebrew language,... more
The Sefer Almansur contains a pharmacopeia of about 250 medicinal ingredients with their Arabic names (in Hebrew characters), their Romance (Old Occitan) and occasionally Hebrew equivalents. The pharmacopeia, which describes the... more
Arabic Pharmacognostic Literature and Its Jewish Antecedents: Marwān ibn Ǧanāḥ (Rabbi Jonah), Kitāb al-Talḫīṣ Marwān ibn Ǧanāḥ, known in the Jewish tradition as Rabbi Jonah, is renowned for his works on Hebrew grammar and lexicography,... more
Some late medieval bilingual and multilingual medico-botanical glossaries in Hebrew characters, preserved in the Vatican Library (in particular MSS ebr 356, 361, 365, and 417) are discussed. These lists contain Arabic and (sometimes)... more
This consilium was, like the first one, entitled On the Regimen of Health, composed by Maimonides at the request of al-Malik al-Afḍal, Saladin’s eldest son. Possibly because al-Afḍal had not adopted the lifestyle and diet recommended by... more
This presentation has been read on June 6 at the Convegno "“Religioni e Medicina. Dall’Antichità all’Età Contemporanea” (Velletri dal 5 al 9 giugno 2018) at the Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni”. I have discussed against the... more
This article concerns medico-botanical synonym lists compiled by Jews in the period from the 13th to the 15th centuries. More particularly, the article presents, for the first time, an overview of such lists containing... more “Health and Disease in the Middle Ages” was a five-week Seminar for College and University Teachers held June 24-July 28, 2012, in London, England. Based at the Wellcome... more
The present book reveals the riches of the earliest known astrological autobiography, authored by Henry Bate of Mechelen (1246–after 1310). Exploiting all resources of contemporary astrological science, Bate conducts in his Nativitas a... more