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Reseña de la traducción de M.V. Galfione al español del texto de Karl Heinz Bohrer Die kritik der Romantik.
Tradução juvenil dos "Hinos para a noite" de Novalis, realizada a partir da versão inglesa de 1897 de George MacDonald.
This article departs from a hitherto overlooked connection between literature and philosophy in the Jena Romantic period. In Ludwig Tieck’s translation of Cervantes’ Don Quixote (1799) there is a direct interpolation of a major... more
This paper presents the broad lines of the Romantic philosophy of art as a perspective for the general understanding of self, being and history. This movement begins with the reception of Kant's philosophy of liberty as it is further... more
Resumo: A aproximação do Romantismo alemão ao âmbito místico provocou um revival do pensamento panteísta e pietista entre seus expoentes mais notáveis pertencentes ao Círculo de Jena. Houve um fervor romântico em conceber a Arte e a... more
PAPERS 1) Lucía Bodas Fernández (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). AUTONOMÍA Y EMANCIPACIÓN. SOBRE LA PROPUESTA ESTÉTICO-EDUCATIVA DE FRIEDRICH SCHILLER Y LA DIALÉCTICA DE LA ILUSTRACIÓN. Este artículo pretende realizar una... more
In the early 1800s, two figures foundational to modern intellectual life, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling and Friedrich Schleiermacher, engaged in what they called a "quiet war," stemming from Schelling's famous lectures on the method... more
"The Oriental Coin Cabinet Jena has the third largest collection of Oriental lead seals with Christian images and Arabic, Syriac, and Armenian inscriptions. Most of these seals came from the spoils of an excavation at the construction... more
Tässä artikkelissani valotan William Blaken ”anti-swedenborgilaisten” teosten eli The Marriage of Heaven and Hell-teoksen ja The Songs of Innocence and Experience-runokokoelman tematiikkaa ja jäljitän samalla sitä, millaisia... more
Die Literaturgeschichte der Philosophie 1 ist noch keineswegs ausreichend erforscht. Das Genre der Antrittsrede – durchaus bis heute bedeutsam 2-stellt eine besondere Gattung dar, deren Analyse daher manchen Aufschluß kultur-und... more
Das Ereignis Weimar-Jena, wie es gelegentlich genannt wird, stellt zweifel-los eine der produktivsten Perioden der deutschen Geistesgeschichte dar. 1 In der oft als Frühromantik bezeichneten Epoche wurde eine kulturge-schichtlich... more
One of Walter Benjamin’s most important critical interventions was his theorization—and, in various guises, demonstration—of the practice of reading “immanently.” Derived initially from Novalis, the practice became for Benjamin as much a... more
La figura de Fernando Fernández, como continuador de la obra de Vicente Rodríguez Casado (fundador de la Universidad de Verano de La Rábida, que actualmente pervive en la Fundación AEDOS), ha sido decisiva para la promoción de un foro... more