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Review of Ludwig Volkmann (trans.) and Robin Raybould (ed.), Hieroglyph, Emblem, and Renaissance Pictography
This paper argues that the multisensory and synesthetic dream experiences depicted in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1595) and Francesco Colonna’s Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499) transcend the commonplace concern with... more
This essay focuses on the interplay between the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili and Italian art of the early sixteenth century. While the Hypnerotomachia exerted some influence on artists of the subsequent generation, the nature of that... more
Horapollon is known to be the author of a treaty on hieroglyphics (Hieroglyphica), the only one in the Greco-Latin literature which was transmitted until the modern time. Identified with the famous grammarian and philosopher of the fifth... more
Ruins were everywhere in the Renaissance. The scattered remains of the ancient past inspired humanists to think about the vast distance between themselves and antiquity. This study argues that the meditation on ruins was central to two... more
Seconda edizione:
"Il Rinascimento italiano", fa parte di "La grande storia dell'arte", Milano 2015, vol. 1, cap. 8, pp. 208-223
Σο βασικό ερώτημα της εργασίας είναι η σχέση αφήγησης και αρχιτεκτονικής, ιδωμένη μέσα από τη σωματική μετακίνηση του υποκειμένου σε διαδοχικούς τόπους. Σκοπός είναι η διερεύνηση της υπόθεσης ότι η αφηγηματική πρόσληψη του τόπου εξαρτάται... more
Introduzione, Roberto Nicolai - Presentazione, Alessandro Zuccari - Arte e committenza a Roma e nel Lazio tra Umanesimo e Rinascimento maturo, Stefano Colonna - Palestrina nel Quattrocento. Riflessi dell’articolata cultura di un’epoca,... more
The juxtaposition of emblematic and allegorical persons with detailed architectural spaces in Francesco Colonna’s 1499 Hypnerotomachia represents an independent Renaissance development of medieval mnemotechnical literature, in a book... more
This essay discusses Hans Belting’s and Bernard Aikema’s recent studies on Giorgione’s Tempesta. The authors connect this enigmatic masterpiece with Jacopo Sannazaro’s Arcadia, the Renaissance notion of a Golden Age and the debate on the... more
Masters Thesis, McGill University, History and Theory Program in Architecture, with Alberto Pérez-Gómez as Supervisor. George Hersey (Yale University) as External Reader. A preliminary look at the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Venice 1499).... more
Abstract. In the crucible of the Renaissance aesthetic, one of the main elements of the alloy was hieroglyphic image, which defined both its formality and the theoretical substratum that shapes it. That kind of image influenced some of... more
Icoxilòpoli 2. Iconografia delle xilografie del Polifilo, Roma, Bulzoni Editore (Collana Biblioteca di Cultura, 755), 2020, a cura di Alessandra Bertuzzi, Elisabetta Caputo, Stefano Colonna, Flavia De Nicola, Francesco De Santis, Alessia... more
Una nuova tesi sul'autore dell'Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, il testo più celebre ed enigmatico del Rinascimento: Giovanni Pico della MIrandola, uomo di proverbiale sapienza, viene messo in connessione con le oscure pagine del volume,... more
The famous incunabulum Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, published by Aldus Manutius in Venice in 1499, contains a lengthy and enigmatic romance, illustrated with 172 woodcuts. Poliphilo, the lover and dreamer, is the main character and... more
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili is a dream romance published in 1499 in Venice. Though complex both in terms of language and of content, it attracted the interest of many learned individuals throughout the ages, who interpreted and used it in... more
Sono state prese in esame le xilografie 49 e 50 dell’Hypnerotomachia Poliphili di Francesco Colonna, raffiguranti l’una il parto di Leda e la presentazione al padre delle due uova e l’altra l’oracolo di Apollo. Attraverso lo studio della... more
L'uso delle tavole dell'HP in diverse pubblicazioni si basa sull'idea, ampiamente accettata, che il suo autore avrebbe potuto partecipare in un modo o nell'altro alla loro incisione. Nessuno studio lo dimostra, ma sembra che un certo... more
Announcement of the Menil Collection Library's digitization of an original 1499 edition of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili and other digital projects carried out by the library.
Il contributo prende in esame tre delle xilografie contenute nel celebre incunabolo manuziano, l'Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Si analizzano le immagini numero 72, 74 e 75, inerenti la lampada e il pinnacolo nel tempio di Venere Physizoa.... more
L'Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, pubblicato nel 1499, è considerato il primo libro illustrato. Il contributo critico è focalizzato sull'esegesi del testo narrativo, in particolare sullo stile espositivo e linguistico.E' integrato da analisi... more
Saggio a cura di Esteban Alejandro Cruz di "Formas Imaginisque Poliphili", con articoli di Marco Nicoletti, Andrea Ceccomori, Daniele Roccato ed Eseban Alejandro Cruz. Il saggio presenta alcuni articoli che approfondiscano sul tema... more
Lo spettacolare ciclo cinquecentesco di Palazzo Vavassori a bergamo, dove gli emblemi di Andrea Alciato dialogano con figure allegoriche e immagini mitologiche e simboliche, innesta con le illustrazioni a stampa un interessante dialogo,... more
The essay argues that a revival of the topos of the personified representation of the four seasons took place in Italy at the end of the 15th century. It investigates the revival's preconditions and its main aspects, by analyzing... more
This paper asserts that the 1499 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili deserves to be classed among the texts of Renaissance Hermeticism. In particular, it examines evidence that the anonymous author of the Hypnerotomachia drew on the Hermetic... more
Demetra Vogiatzaki, Quō, in "Vesper. Rivista di architettura, arti e teoria | Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory", n. 6, Magic, 2022, pp. 206-207 In 1499, the editio princeps of Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, or, Poliphilo’s Strife for... more
[english] This contribution examines the highly important yet little studied personality of Giovanni Albino, secretary and librarian at the Aragon court, second to none except to the more famous Giovanni Gioviano Pontano. The analysis... more
The peculiar iconography of the winged horse surmounted by several puttos, as appears in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili sixth woodcut, turns out to be unprecedented and enigmatic at a glance and it’s the result of the depth and complexity... more
Al tema di Nevia già discusso nel 2017 viene aggiunto un nuovo elemento: l’epigrafe di NEVIA CAPITOLINA il cui “cognome-appellativo” viene qui considerato come un «cognomen ex virtute» secondo l’esempio di Manlio Capitolino che difese... more