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The publication of the Epigrammata Antiquae Urbis (Rome, Giacomo Mazzocchi, 1521) was a determining factor in the development of Roman studies in the 16th-century. As the first collection of classical inscriptions from the city of Rome,... more
Abstract - Roma Triumphans by Biondo Flavio represents the first treatise offering a systematic investigation of the religious, civic and political institutions of ancient Rome, evaluating data from a historical-comparative viewpoint.... more
Paper published in: M. van Egmond, B. Jaski & H. Mulder (eds.), Bijzonder onderzoek. Een ontdekkingsreis door de bijzondere collecties van de Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht (Utrecht: Universiteitsbibliotheek, 2009), 48-55
Im Städtischen Museum Kitzingen befindet sich ein auffallend qualitätsvolles Bild eines sogenannten Schmerzensmannes. Christus ist als Halbfigur sitzend wiedergegeben. Das Haupt ist von einem goldenen Strahlennimbus umgeben und nach der... more
Der „Kitzinger Tucherschrank“ befand sich ursprünglich wohl im zweiten Obergeschoss des Kitzinger Rathauses, im dortigen Sitzungssaal. Diese ehemalige Ratsstube ist mit einer Wandvertäfelung und einer schweren, mit perspektivischen... more
No full title for the historical-linguistic compendium of Sextus Pompeius Festus can be found in his manuscript tradition, because the first half of the Codex Farnesianus, the only organic witness of this work, has been missing since it... more
L’articolo tratta due disegni custoditi presso la Biblioteca Ambrosiana che inducono a riflettere sul considerevole fascino che le collezioni romane hanno esercitato sugli artisti, specie nel corso dei secoli XV–XVI; si fa riferimento, in... more
Les relations entre le texte et l’image ont été surtout étudiées sous l’angle de l’iconographie, de l’illustration et de la présence – occasionnelle et souvent paradoxale – de mots dans la peinture. C’était sans compter avec l’estampe qui... more
M. Sgarbi (ed.), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, Springer, 2020, pp- 1-11
This study is devoted to the emotional experience of the famous Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith, and writer, Benvenuto Cellini (1500–1571), as it is portrayed in his life writing, the Vita. Providing the variety of arguments on the... more
This collection offers a set of new readings on the history, meanings, and cultural innovations of the grotesque as defined by various current critical theories and practices. Since the grotesque frequently manifests itself as striking... more
This book examines the inter-relationships between language and architecture in early modern Italy, from the early 15th to the early 18th centuries. Focusing on the linguistic debates and architectural/artistic activities in Florence and... more
Humanist, antiquarian, collector, Orazio de’ Marii Tigrino is an elusive and in some ways enigmatic character, so far ignored by scholars. Close to the circles revolving around Alessandro Farnese and Cesare Baronio, he was among the... more
The ‘Oxford Codex’ of Pirro Ligorio is actually an album comprising 180 folios of diverse material, for the most part but by no means entirely by Ligorio. The Ligorian folios, dating between the 1540s and the 1580s, include drafts of... more
Download for free here: This Supplement builds on a burgeoning body of research that approaches the archive not merely as the object, but as the subject of enquiry. It explores the... more
Et si le paysage n'était pas seulement un genre pictural, mais aussi une construction culturelle et sociale... Des décors peints aux jardins, des parcs de chasse aux cartes géographiques, les formes changeantes du paysage révèlent les... more
The ‘De rebus antiquis memorabilibus’ by Maffeo Vegio (1407-1458) is the last de- scription of the basilica of St Peter before Nicolas V began its radical remodelling. The work is not simply a collection of inscriptions and antiquarian... more
The famous "Seal of Nero, a Roman intaglio depicting Apollo, Marsyas and Olympus, was once in the collection of Lorenzo il Magnifico and is now in the National Museum of Naples. Two gems related to that "Seal of Nero" are published here... more
Andrea Mantegna's much-admired nine-panel monumental cycle Triumphs of Caesar (1480s-1506?) celebrates imperial power by visualizing in meticulous detail a Roman triumph. Though their precise historical subject remains elusive, the... more
Nella Mantova gonzaghesca tra la metà del '400 e l'inizio del '500, l'interesse verso l'antico si esplica in varie forme (collezionismo, riproposizione di motivi classici). Al suo arrivo nella capitale dei Gonzaga, Mantegna trova un... more
This thesis analyses medals issued between 1560 and 1792 in Sweden and studies the practices and roles related to these objects. It aims to contribute to the understanding of the varying uses and functions of early modern medals by... more
Nicholas Copernicus' De revolutionibus (1543) is a frequent starting point for histories of the Scientific Revolution on account of his dramatic reversal of the cosmic order handed down from antiquity. Nevertheless, Copernicus also... more
Published in 1446, Biondo Flavio’s Roma instaurata is regarded as the first modern treatise on the topography of ancient Rome. In the context of the ongoing Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Biondo Flavio, a check-list of the 51... more
This thesis critically engaged with the narrative of the Hypnerotomachia and with Poliphilo as a character within this narrative. Using narratological analysis, it examines the journey of Poliphilo and the series of symbolic, allegorical,... more