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This concludes a two-part paper that discusses three major aspects of modern Western esotericism: esotericism as a form of thought, esotericism as gnosis, and esotericism as discourse. Freemasonry is seen as a significant and influential... more
The third degree or Master Mason's Degree of the freemason order is the culmination of the Blue Lodge system. The first degree concerning the governing of the passions, the second degree the adoring of the mind. The Master Mason's Degree... more
written for submission to Ohio Lodge of Research, submitted June 2014; read & discussed September 2014; voted on and accepted by OLR January 2015
A Quick Guide to Freemasonry was my fourth published book, and was commissioned by Lewis Masonic as part of a proposed quick guide series, aimed at mentors and new members to the fraternity. It was written in an easy-to-understand... more
Spis treści: - Wprowadzenie (N[orbert] W[ójtowicz]) - Elżbieta Jagielnicka, Symbol w wolnomularstwie. wczoraj i dziś - Arkadiusz Morajko, Rola i znaczenie rytu w wolnomularstwie - Norbert Wójtowicz, Różnorodność masońskich wizji... more
We all know what masons are. They are tradesmen involved in building in stone. We are not so certain, however, about Freemasons. To say they are Masons who are free is not much help. We need to ascertain what is free about them. That’s... more
Jimmy Page had a deep interest in the occult, especially the work of Aleister Crowley, and this interest, which can also be seen in other British rock acts at the time such as David Bowie, filtered into his work with Led Zeppelin,... more
A vossa primeira instrução como maçon foi a que mais define o que é a Maçonaria. Foi a instrução dos sinais que vos colocam em ordem, dos toques que vos permitem reconhecer irmãos, da palavra que é o vosso nome de aprendiz e a chave de... more
A estrela e a Luz No grau de companheiro, a estrela ocupa o lugar que o triângulo com o Tetragrama Sagrado ocupa no grau de aprendiz, o que deve, desde logo, fazer o companheiro reflectir sobre a relação entre os dois símbolos.
La Franc-Maçonnerie est née de la mutation au premier tiers du XVIIe siècle au Royaume Unie et en Irlande des loges opératives où les membres étaient des constructeurs d'églises, en loges spéculatives où les membres étaient des... more
The purpose of this article is to introduce the concepts of duality and unity to the earnest esoteric reader and the studious mason. It covers the general view of these concepts, however it leaves wanting the masonic student. So that he... more
This is the popular story: in the Middle Ages the artisans who constructed the great European cathedrals and castles were “operative” Masons who carried their credentials in the form of modes of recognition. They lodged on site and shared... more
In my book The Genesis of Freemasonry I proposed how natural philosopher and Freemason Dr Jean Theophilus Desaguliers was responsible for creating the third degree by the mid-1720s. Before this, there were two 'parts' being performed; the... more
Il Grande Oriente d’Italia, rifondato nel 1859, ebbe fra i suoi elementi identitari un viscerale anticlericalismo. Al centro del suo impegno nella società civile vi fu la costante mobilitazione per limitare l’influenza della Chiesa... more
This study investigates the transitional phases of English Freemasonry from the mid-seventeenth century into what can be described as a Masonic Enlightenment during the eighteenth century. This movement was part of a wider enterprising... more
La Belgique Maçonnique, 5de uitg., Brussel: Librairie Tillot, 1887, 191 p. Liste des personnes adoptées, présentées à l'admission, initiées ou affiliées dans les loges maçonniques de Belgique 1830-1886 / Lijst van aangenomen,... more
Nathan, iniziato alla massoneria nel 1887, fu gran maestro del Grande Oriente d’Italia dal 1896 al 1903 e dal 1917 al 1919. In questi anni contribuì al rafforzamento dell’istituzione massonica, che durante il suo mandato si trasferì nella... more
[The Second DAILY Invocation: To the Superior agents in Merai nicknamed Mercury; for the spiritual Monday, and not for the temporal Monday. SUNDAY is the true day Monday, given to Mercury.] O you M.10., O you M.93., O you M.21. I CALL you... more
Masons at the time were upset about the publication of this text, since some believed that it revealed hitherto unrevealed secrets of Freemasonry.
A recent visit to Kosovo in the Balkans gave me a glimpse into three Islamic Sufi Orders; the Bektashi, Saadi and Halveti. It was interesting to talk to the Masters of these Orders, and to learn how they use initiation and a culture of... more
This book will examine the deeply esoteric eighteenth century Rite of Seven Degrees, a Masonic rite that was based in London, but was led by French engraver Pierre Lambert de Lintot. The work will not only present the story of de Lintot... more
Предисловие к изданию: Калиостро "Сочинения", М.: Ганга, 2017
In 1728, a year after the death of Sir Isaac Newton, his protégé and ardent supporter, Dr. John Theophilus Desaguliers (1683–1744), published a poem in celebration of Newton’s mechanical Universe, titled The Newtonian System of the World,... more
'In the Beginning' is a document written in 1966 explaining the formative years of the American Canadian Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. (ACGL), a regular Grand Lodge today being one of the five constitutive Grand Lodges within the United Grand... more
The "OMS – Threshold of Initiation" PDF contains all the relevant information on the Ordre Martinistes Souverains (OMS), its means, purposes, and how to apply. Included is the: -OMS Public Manifesto, -Pre-Associate Operation, -Rule of... more
ABSTRACT Similar to some other so called sensitive issues, Freemasonry as well is avoided due to it has been accepted objectionable spoken and written. However, ''who do not know history can not shape the future''. In fact, there are how... more
Thomas De Quincey is best remembered for his work The Confessions of an Opium Eater, a nineteenth century exploration into an aspect of the Romantic movement. However, De Quincey also explored Freemasonry for one particular work, his... more
Доклад на X конференции АИЭМ, 23–25 апреля 2019, г. Ставрополь. Масонский Храм вне всякого сомнения является центральным объектом масонского символического метода. Сам этот метод подразумевает совершенно особый подход к символам,... more
Within Freemasonry, there have been a range of views about the extent to which Masonic teachings and practices are esoteric. By contrast, a review of writings by scholars of Western Esotericism finds that many of them see Freemasonry as a... more
One of Freemasonry's most overlooked traditions is also among its oldest: the fundamental responsibility of the Master of the Lodge to educate his fellows. This article traces that role and shows how Masonic legend and tradition... more
The first Australian masonic activity was in the form of “travelling lodges” attached to the early regiments. There were also some freemasons amongst the convicts. Neither group of masons, however seems to have included any Jews. No known... more
The background of this research has emerged from a lack of studies on Freemasonry in small towns or district areas in the Dutch East Indies, because research on Freemasonry in Indonesia is limited to its development in large cities or... more
This paper will be the first to comprehensively cover the little known Liverpool Masonic Rebellion of 1823, a rebellion which went on to become the Wigan Grand Lodge. This was the last Masonic rebellion - taking place after the union of... more
In the third degree ritual the central feature is the death and upraising of Hiram Abiff. It brings solemnity and drama into the occasion, though our version lacks the theatricality of some other rites which use costumes and elaborate... more
If one wants to summarize in one brief sentence three centuries of Egyptian radiation throughout the Middle East and Northeastern Africa, the following is quite sufficient: A permanent strife between two priesthoods for prevalence and... more
This paper examines the Grand Lodge of All England held at York, otherwise referred to as the York Grand Lodge, which was an independent body of Freemasons that existed during the eighteenth century. The paper explores the origins of this... more
In several previous articles, I examined the parallel characteristics of the fake colonial states of Sudan (real Ethiopia) and Abyssinia (fake Ethiopia) that have been the end result of the Freemasonic Orientalist fallacies of Pan-Arabism... more