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This paper uses evangelical reflections on the meaning of "rights" to explore the juridification of religion in contemporary England. Drawing on sixteen months of participatory fieldwork with evangelicals in London, I argue that English... more
For more than a decade, criticisms levied against Muslims and Islam in Western European countries such as France and the Netherlands have been shielded under the auspices of a call for increased security and a desire to protect liberal... more
Jürgen Habermas und Talal Asad zählen zu den bedeutendsten Protagonisten des Diskurses um die postsäkulare Gesellschaft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit unternehme ich eine vergleichende Lektüre zentraler Schriften beider Autoren. Dabei... more
The contribution of Ambedkar in building secular deemocratic India is matchless. Through his writings and struggles he oriented his work around the values of Liberty, Equality and fraternity. The movements and struggles led by him... more
Under Turkey’s neoconservative government, the Directorate of Religious Affairs deploys state-employed religious functionaries to provide Sunni Muslim citizens with advice and guidance on family life. By inculcating government-sanctioned... more
This research article will explain about the rise of secularism which was a by product of the oppression by the Roman empire during the ancient times. We have experience 4 different shifts because of the rise in rationalist beliefs. Allah... more
This article deals with one of the perennial questions of legal and political philosophy, i. e., how the state should relate to religion? It makes a distinction between five models: (i) the atheist state, (ii) the theocratic state, (iii)... more
A short essay on the intersection of affect theory and critical secularism studies.

Originally published as part of The Immanent Frame's "A Universe of Terms" project. (
One of the major challenges facing modern-day secular states is the issue of social integration. The issue discussed in this article is how it is possible to arrive at unifying values in a multicultural society that is characterised by... more
Este artículo hace las veces de presentación del número 51 de la "Revista de Estudios Sociales" (RES) de la Universidad de los Andes, dedicada al tema de "Religiones, post-secularidad y democracia en América Latina". Se busca llamar la... more
This article deals with one of the perennial questions of legal and political philosophy, i. e., how the state should relate to religion? It makes a distinction between five models: (i) the atheist state, (ii) the theocratic state, (iii)... more
This chapter explores a proposal that multicultural equality require some type of public multifaithism in a civic context where state–religion connections flourish. An establishment of religion, suitably pluralized, can offer one way... more
The disintegration of the Soviet empire and the decrease in ideological tension within the Security Council has allowed the United Nations to respond effectively to crisis and issues that threaten international security, safety and peace.... more
A response to commentators as part of the symposium on "Is Secularism a World Religion?" on the pedagogical value of teaching secularism in the world religions classroom.
In this essay, Talal Asad reflects on politics in contemporary Egypt and its relationship with Islamic tradition. Against the background of the Egyptian revolution of January 2011 and its following events, including hostility towards the... more
Arguably, the point of politics is not to transcend to a higher level where conflict no longer exists, but to manage conflict through a generally agreed upon mode of conflict resolution: a political system. The fact of pluralism in... more
in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, serie 5, 2018, 10/2, pp. 657-666.
This article suggests that the Gezi Park protests in general, and particularly the presence there of the Anti-Capitalist Muslims is a valuable example for studying the ambiguity and complexity of the secular/Islamic paradigm in Turkey.... more
"What is secularism? Can secularism be compatible with post-colonial democracies? In the last years, a wide literature emerged in post-colonial societies has been focused on the notion of secularism and its relation with democracy. In... more
It is Marathi version of HINDUTVA: SAVARKAR UNMASKED. Based on the documents of Hindu Mahasabha & RSS it shows the real face of 'Veer' Savarkar who betrayed the Freedom Struggle, formed coalition governments with the Muslim League in... more
Precies twee jaar na de mislukte coup tegen Erdoğan vaardigde het Turkse regime op 15 juli 2018 een decreet uit dat de autonomie van alle kunstenaars aan staatsinstellingen aan banden legt. Het is een zoveelste aanval tegen de vrije... more
As Derrida suggests in the opening pages of The Other Heading, the question of Europe is both “a question that will always be of current interest” and the product of the pressure exerted by a particular imminence. The question, and the... more
This paper explores the relationship of historical narratives to contemporary political theory by considering the merits of the rival theories of pluralism and democracy presented by John Rawls and Charles Taylor. While Rawls and Taylor... more
By 1996 the tacit application of selected terms of the new constitution of South Africa and an unreported case regarding the Bible had effectively displaced the belief in the Bible by 75% of the population with a new state religion based... more
In der Moderne verändert sich der Umgang mit heiligen Texten und damit auch die traditionelle Praxis des Kommentars. Einerseits werden solche Texte nun auch wissenschaftlich und kritisch kommentiert, andererseits leben religiöse... more
BAGIAN 1 PENDAHULUAN Singapura, seperti kita ketahui, merupakan Negara muda modern dengan basis ekonomi terbuka. Bersama dengan Hong Kong, Korea dan Taiwan, Singapura memulai perjalanannya dari Negara dunia ketiga di Asia menjadi Negara... more
This chapter in the e-book book Nations Under God (available at examines the competition between religious and secular... more
Bhagat Singh on Communal Riots and their Cure (Sampradayik dangen aur unka illaj) [First Published: in Punjabi monthly Kirti in June 1928]. This important article by great martyr BHagat Singh is relevant even today as religious... more
Contrary to many of the predictions of secularization theory, religion seems to be at the heart of political contests in avowedly secular nation-states. While religious identities seem to define many modern polities or political... more
Italian Marxist thinker, Antonio Gramsci, who is well known for his works stressing on the importance of creating hegemonic projects against prevailing social structures, had written widely about 'Common Sense' in his Prison notebooks.... more
An RTI application filed in Karnataka has brought to light alarming figures of enormous government funding sanctioned for construction and renovation of Churches in the State, which raises serious questions about State funding of... more
DULLO, Eduardo. Política secular e intolerância religiosa na disputa eleitoral. In: Paula Montero. (Org.). Religiões e Controvérsias Públicas: experiências, práticas sociais e discursos. 1ed.São Paulo/Campinas: Terceiro Nome/Unicamp,... more