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Review of Edward Slingerland's book -Mind and Body in Early China: Beyond Orientalism and the Myth of Holism-
Despite their relative semantic proximity, the fields of public understanding of science (PUS) and social studies of science (SSS) / science and technology studies or science, technology and society (both STS) 1 appear to acknowledge... more
""She is best known for her curve, the witch of Agnesi, which appears in almost all high school and undergraduate math books. She was a child prodigy who frequented the salon circuit, discussing mathematics, philosophy, history, and music... more
These slides begin with thoughts about what topics an epistemologically-informed sociology of science might explore, and then turn to one in particular: fraud in science. After looking at how to define fraud, and explaining why it's... more
CLICK HERE for a freely-available version of the article: This essay explores the relationships between food and health in Chinese history, from... more
Howard Gruber, a founder member of Psychologists for Social Action, reviewed the dissertation. His review, dated May 7, 1978, as Parkovnick (2015) points out, "... is worth quoting in full, as it captures the very essence of the... more
International Symposium

“Changing Fields. Hilde and Richard Thurnwald’s

Paris, 7-9 July 2021
This study presents a sociolinguistics of academic publishing in historical as well as in contemporary times. From the perspective of Swedish academia, it unites a wide range of scholarly knowledge, including perspectives from the... more
Beim Matthäus-Effekt handelt es sch um ein soziales Phänomen und zugleich um ein Erklärungsmodell der Entstehung und Perpetuierung sozialer Ungleichheit in der Wissenschaft. Der Matthäus-Effekt bezeichnet ein Verteilungsproblem in einem... more
ermany’s first homosexual rights activist and one of the first to proclaim his homosexuality«;2 »the pioneer of the gay movement«:3 these are just examples of titles often associated with Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825–1895). He was... more
Teško je shvatljivo kako to da uz silan razmah društvenih znanosti u nas sve do nedavno za nj nismo imali značajnijeg leksikografskog pomagala. Pra­ znina je tek djelomično popunjena pravnim i ekonomskim leksikonom i pre­ mda se radi o... more
This book sketches the history of higher education, in parallel with the development of science. Its goal is to draw attention to the historical tensions between the aims of higher education and those of science, in the hope of... more
What is the nature and extent of historical awareness in the development discourse? Does the development discourse learn from history, including its own? Set in the contexts of aging development institutions and a changing geopolitical... more
This is a book I did some years back as an output of the project on "Science in Thai Culture and Society" suported by the Thailand Research Fund. It's in Thai, but I have a plan to rewrite the whole thing again in English.
Thee slides introduce students to the work of Kuhn, Lakatos, and Feyerabend;  while none is defensible, Haack argues, each can teach us something important as we move forward.
This thesis explores the discourses on the evolution of species in the first three decades of Francoism (1939-1967). Starting from the study of these discourses in the public sphere, it reaches the debates on this subject in elitist... more
In "Sociologia Internationalis. Internationale Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Kommunikations- und Kulturforschung", 41. Band, Heft 1, 2003, S. 77-112.
Science textbooks influence the students’ understanding of science to some extent. Nature of Science drawing from philosophy, history and sociology has widened the understanding of science and the methods of science. Using the Nature of... more
The bibliography on watches and watchmakers is currently abundant, but the space of watchmaking has not yet been analyzed from a historical point of view that shows us its material evolution and the changes in the functions it provided to... more
The scientific discipline as the primary unit of internal differentiation of science is an invention of nineteenth century society. There exists a long semantic prehistory of disciplina as a term for the ordering of knowledge for purposes... more
Descripción y tipificación del contexto económico, política y cultural-ideológico imperante en Alemania en el periodo que va de 1890 a 1910. Contexto en el que surge la Teoría Psicológica de la Gestalt. El propósito principal es el... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
This article has a dual purpose. First, it looks at the transfer of the methodology of systems analysis from the RAND Corporation to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in the wake of an East–West... more
One consequence of the rising political, intellectual and religious self-confidence and self-assertion of contemporary India, especially its Hindu majority, is the Indian attempt to reclaim from the Western academy the right to... more
Several proposals for addressing the “replication crisis” in social psychology have been advanced in the recent literature. In this paper, we argue that the “crisis” be interpreted as a disciplinary social dilemma, with the problem facing... more
Il computer è diventato lo strumento che conosciamo non solo grazie allo sviluppo tecnologico. Per comprendere la diffusione di questa tecnologia, spiega Davide Bennato, è necessario comprenderne le metafore.
Este libro toma el desafío de mostrar algunas cuestiones importantes sobre el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología en las sociedades de América Latina mirados a través de los investigadores del campo de los estudios de ciencia,... more
The Analysis Of Ez Xelef im Song
In The Footsteps Of Ninetenth Century
Of Kurdish History
The commonplace, quantitative assertion that ‘invasions’ of exotic (introduced) organisms constitute the ‘second greatest threat’ of species extinction debuted in Edward O. Wilson’s 1992 book, The Diversity of Life. Based only on three... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
Increasingly, a range of 'things' (e.g. infrastructure, data, knowledge, bodies, etc.) are configured and/or reconfigured as assets, or capitalized property. Accumulation strategies have changed as a result of this assetization process,... more
BODART, Cristiano das Neves; CIGALES, Marcelo. (Orgs). História do Ensino de Sociologia. Revista Café com Sociologia. Piúma. v. 4, n. 2. 2015, 169 p.
This article identifies a seminal instance of Indigenous influence on Western thought. It does so by revealing a form of idea power exercised by Indigenous Americans: the power to transmit messages through the medium of people who came to... more
This is chapter 1 of "Nine Lives of Neoliberalism" edited by Dieter Plehwe, Quinn Slobodian, Philip Mirowski, published by Verso in May 2020. Neoliberalism was born out of a collision between the controversial importation of the methods... more
This paper analyzes creation museums that explain the biblical creation story as an authoritative “scientific fact,” a certain type of museum that has become popular since the 1980s in the United States. Based on the perspectives gained... more
This article situates the collecting practices of museums of natural history in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in dialogue with similar practices amongst societies in the Pacific by focusing on how European curators, dealers... more
“Robert Park’s Marginal Man: The Career of a Concept in American Sociology,” in The Anthem Companion to Robert Park, ed. Peter Kivisto (New York: Anthem Press, 2017), 159–180. An earlier version of this chapter appeared in Laboratorium,... more
H. G. Wells was one of the most celebrated writers in the world during the first half of the twentieth century. Famed for his innovative fiction, he was also an influential advocate of socialism and the world state. What is much less... more
This open access book traces the development of sociology in Germany from the late 19th century to the present day, providing a concise overview of the main actors, institutional processes, theories, methods, topics and controversies.... more
Science was originally born from a disinterested desire to know, but since the first industrial revolution up to our time its technological dimension and its link with economy and society became increasingly enlarged, to the point of... more
For decades, social scientists have explained the emergence of flying saucers in 1947 as a by-product of the cold war context. They claimed that people were influenced by cold war and "saw" Russian flying disks while the rest of the... more
Bilimsel bir alanda var olabilmek için gerekli şartları taşımanın tartışmalı yapısı bir yandan ontolojik sorunları diğer yandan ise epistemolojik ve metodolojik sorunları aynı anda çözmeyi gerektirmektedir. Bu sorunlar, her ne kadar... more
The SAGE Handbook of the History, Philosophy and Sociology of International Relations offers a panoramic overview of the broad field of International Relations by integrating three distinct but interrelated foci. It retraces the... more
An updated version, with small modifications and an epilogue (2022), of the same paper from 2016. The article traces the sociopolitical and rhetorical aspects of the discourse in biblical archaeology in contemporary Israel. Through the... more
For each of us, there are certain things worthy of preservation. This paper – written more than forty years ago – was one of them for me. Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn. Important voices in the Sociology of Science. Popper tends to focus on... more
Textes réunis par Danielle Jacquart et Agostino Paravicini Bagliani 🔗 A. Paravicini Bagliani, «Micrologus» et les sciences au Moyen Âge - B. Obrist, La périphérie de... more