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Compte-rendu de l’exposition présentée au Musée des Augustins de Toulouse. -- POUR CITER CE COMPTE-RENDU : G. de Wallens, Visages du Grand Siècle. Le portrait français sous le règne de Louis XIV. 1660-1715, ouvrage collectif sous la... more
Charles de La Traverse hizo una carrera atípica; después de unos principios prometedores como pintor de historia se convirtió en «gentilhomme de compag-nie» del marqués de Ossun, embajador de Francia en Nápoles; siguió a su señor a Madrid... more
What can be gained from considering a painting not only as an image but also a material object? How does the painter’s own experience of the process of making matter for our understanding of both the painting and its maker? The Painter’s... more
Cette étude se propose de réexaminer la peinture religieuse de Charles de La Fosse à la lumière de la notion de grâce, comprise dans sa double signification de secours surnaturel de Dieu et de charme indéfinissable. Les grâces divine et... more
lThe study shows that the images of the people of Rome produced by French artists in the 18th century were more of a picturesque motif than a representation of the popular.
Jean­ Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d´Argens hatte das Privileg zusammen mit seiner Gemahlin, der ehemaligen Schauspielerin Babette Cochois, im Gästeschloss Friedrichs II. eine eigene Wohnung zugewiesen zu bekommen. Diese Wohnung ließ der... more
Through a close study of artists’ portraits, this essay explores intimate relationships that developed at the Académie Royale in eighteenth-century Paris. Written as three stories about six artists, the essay examines three different... more
This paper examines the depiction of the guitar and musette in the fêtes galantes of Watteau by considering the theoretical, musical and literary evidence for the reception of these instruments in Watteau’s culture. Documentary evidence... more
Cette thèse est la première thèse consacrée à l'éventail en France. Elle porte sur l’étude du décor de la feuille d’éventail produite dans les ateliers parisiens depuis la fin du XVIIe siècle jusqu’au début de la Révolution. La... more
Author: Luigi Gallo Year: 2017 Publisher: L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER Series: L'ErmArte, 19 ISBN: 978-88-913-1241-9 ISBN: 978-88-913-1243-7 (e-book) Binding: Paperback Pages: 356, 20 ill. B/N, 54 ill. Col., 35 tav. f.t Size: 17 x 24 cm... more
Będąca owocem benedyktyńskiej pracy i umiejętności pokonywania niebagatelnych trudności organizacyjnych, źródłowa monografia Barbary Hryszko wprowadza do obiegu naukowego sylwetkę znaczącego artysty, dotąd niemal zupełnie zapomnianego,... more
BARBARA HRYSZKO Alexandre Ubeleski (Ubelesqui): The Œuvre of the Painter and the Definition of his Style (pp. 226-280) Summary The purpose of this article is to identify the undisputed works of Alexandre Ubeleski (1649/1651–21 April... more
Accompanying the exhibition at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (Legion of Honor, 2021-22), this essay offers a fresh understanding of the history and art of pastel. With the appearance of a painting, the immediacy of a drawing, and... more
Watteau's fêtes galantes break with key aspects of academic art theory in early eighteenth-century France, particularly as put forward by Roger de Piles, to elicit an experience of reverie in the spectator. Watteau's formal innovations... more
This M.A. thesis was written in 1948-49, at which time it was an original study of the iconography of carnival characters--Pierrot, Harlequin, et al., from the early 18th century to the mid-20th. Beginning with the history and sociology... more
Celem pracy jest wskazanie wpływów idei wolnomularskiej na skodyfikowanie wytworu prawnego Rewolucji Francuskiej jakim była "Deklaracja Praw Człowieka i Obywatela" poprzez porównanie jej z częścią wolnomularskiej konstytucji Andersona... more
François Boucher painted "La Toilette" in 1742 for Comte Carl Gustaf Tessin, the Swedish ambassador to Paris at the court of Louis XV and a great connoisseur of art. The cabinet painting offers the viewer a voyeuristic glimpse into a... more
Based on guides, biographies and academic writings, study of the relations between the two cities and the phenomena of artistic identity.
Atti del convegno internazionale di studi "Écrire et peindre le paysage (1750-1825)" a cura di E. Beck, L. Chatel e E. Martichou, Cerisy-la-Salle, 15-17 giugno 2016, Presse Universitaire de Rennes, PUR, 2021, pp. 151-162
ERRATA: In notes 26 and 27 I follow Janusz Michałowski 's opinion that Norblin received 400 livres as a compensation for the trip to Rome which did not take place. However, it seems that this sum of money was rather compensation for... more
A) PAPERS 1. Adrián Ratto Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas/Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas y Universidad de Buenos Aires La poética de las ruinas. Diderot y las pinturas de Robert en el Salón de 1767... more
Il corso intende esplorare il costante rapporto e le reciproche influenze tra testo letterario e immagine artistica, che sta tra i fondamenti della civiltà figurativa europea, attraverso l’analisi di alcune opere e alcuni temi capitali... more
Life and works (Fête Galante) of the french painter Pierre Antoine Quillard, text presented at the Exhibition "Jean Pillement (1728-1808) and Landscape Painting in 18th century Portugal. Lisboa: Fundação Ricardo do Espírito Santo Silva
Despite the extensive literature on the beautiful signboard that Antoine Watteau painted for his friend Edme Gersaint, there still is much to learn. Watteau was more responsive than we had realized to the tradition of signboards showing... more