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I am in the beginning stages of establishing the Southeast Asian Numismatics Digital Archive (NOTE: An early proof-of-concept site can be found at A proposal currently under consideration would adopt the numisdata... more
The relation between currency management and mint towns is closely related. One of the most interesting features of the Bengal Sultanate is the presence of various mint towns within its boundaries in time and space. Recent research has... more
During more than four hundred years of Pala rule (8th-12th century AD), many centres of sculptural art flourished simultaneously in different regions of the extensive empire of Bengal and Bihar. The products of these centres were not only... more
বাংলা একাডেমি আয়োজিত একুশে বক্তৃতামালায় আজ ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ বিকাল ৪টায় "বাংলাদেশের হাজার বছরের ইতিহাস: বহুত্ববাদ এবং স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশের চার রাষ্ট্রনীতি" বিষয়ে প্রবন্ধ উপস্থাপন করেছি। আলোচক হিসেবে উপস্থিত ছিলেন আমার শিক্ষক অধ্যাপক সৈয়দ... more
This paper focuses on the geographical factors in cultural aspects of early Bengal from the 5th to the 13th centuries CE. In South Asian history, this period has been considered as the time when significant socio-cultural transformations... more
Analyzing the economic history of Indian subcontinent, it can be perceived that crafting always came second to cultivation in agronomy. Following this sequence, handicrafts thrived due to the invention and utilization of local technology... more
Mirza Nathan’s Bahristan-i-Ghaibi was for long lost to the historians. J N Sarkar discovered the manuscript of the book from the Bibliotheca Nationale of Paris and published few articles on it in Prabasi and Journal of the Bihar and... more
'Bengal' is more of a historical entity than a clearly defined territorial or regional entity. This paper is an attempt to indicate a separate 'unit' within Bengal in geographical terms and identify the factors that create the... more
বাংলাদেশের পাহাড়পুরে অবস্থিত সোমপুর মহাবিহার ও সংলগ্ন এলাকার প্রত্নতত্ত্ব প্রসঙ্গে এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি অব বাংলাদেশ প্রকাশিত হিস্টোরি অব বাংলাদেশে প্রকাশিত প্রবন্ধের বাংলা রূপ এই প্রবন্ধটি। মো. শফিকুল আলম প্রবন্ধটির সহলেখক।
The present paper intends to throw light on the cannons of Pre-Mughal Bengal and her neighborhoods, from introduction of cannons from the Husain Shahi dynasty to the physical appearance of cannons of the Mughal period. The details of the... more
The rural settlement is always in a state of flux for its centuries of transformation and variation. It is also the critical indicator of the social process which is why we must look at a settlement as a 'small communitiesʹ rather than as... more
[Abstract: Bell and Chain decoration has been used widely in stone and terra cotta media in Sultanate Architecture of Bengal. It has been found profusely in re-used pre-Islamic stone pillars of Sultanate mosques and an evolution of this... more
in: Esoteric Buddhism in mediaeval maritime Asia, Networks of Masters, Texts, Icons, ed. Andrea Acri, Singapore: ISEAS Press. pp. 163-91.
Bengal is the largest delta of the world where villages occupy an important position as human settlement. Historians and social scientists have explored different aspects of urban life in the history of Bengal. But villages remain almost... more
The Bengal Delta is a place of many migrations, cultural transformations, invasions and religious revolutions since prehistoric time. With the help of archaeological and historical records, this essay present the hypothesis that, albeit... more
সান্যাল, মৈত্র, ভাদুড়ী, বাগচী ও লাহিড়ীরা বরেন্দ্রী ব্রাহ্মণ নামে পরিচিত। এই প্রত্যেকটা পদবীই আসলে গাঁয়ী পদবী। আর বরেন্দ্র শব্দটা সম্ভবত – বারোজন ইন্দ্র (রাজা) কিম্বা বারিন্দ (প্রাচীন পলি ও লাল মাটি গঠিত অঞ্চল যা পার্শ্ববর্তী অঞ্চলের থেকে... more
This research focuses on the challenges, changes, and continuities of the economic and commercial journey of 'Bengal' through ages from regional perspectives. Bengal is one of the most distinctive regions/ territories of the globe: its... more
The paper thus aims to fill in this gap of our knowledge and focuses on Atiśa’s place of birth and his family affiliation. It challenges the unanswered question of Atiśa Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna’s actual origin. It has been said in various... more
This article published in souvenir of Kolkata Numismatic Society Exhibition in December 2019 outlines the copper coins found in the province of erstwhile Bengal during Aurangzeb reign. Coppers from eastern India are rare and hence all... more
The focus of the volume is on conducting epigraphic study of the sultānate period coins of Bengal, analyzing the calligraphic styles used on these coins and documenting a few new numismatic findings of the period. Coins issued from Bengal... more
Archaeometallurgy has become a significant brunch of Archaeology. Coins are the most important and frequently found artifacts of the sultani period of Bengal. The political history, chronology and geographical area of the kingdom of... more
Call it Bengalee Islam, Sufi Islam, Ma’arefoti Islam or whatever, the overarching truth behind the phenomenon’s finds roots in several coordinates that endeared them to the genetically secular Bengalees. For one, the idea of peace,... more
This paper focuses on one of the least studied areas – the geographical factors in the 'syncretistic tradition' of early Bengal. A comprehensive study on this issue is yet to be conducted. The proposed study is a preliminary attempt to do... more
The Bengal Delta is a place of many migrations, cultural transformations, invasions and religious revolutions since prehistoric time. With the help of archaeological and historical records, this essay present the hypothesis that, albeit... more
There are two different schools of thought regarding the identification of Danujamarddana Deva. According to the first, which was introduced by Bhattashali and later accepted by some other historians, Danujamarddana and Raja Ganesh were... more
The work distinguishes the governing strategies of the Nawab of Bengal ( Siraj) to that of the Mysore Sultans by tracing their patterns of handling and reacting to issues of British encroachment and... more
A new year 832 AH of Nasir al Din Mahmud Shah has been published in this paper. 832 AH is considered as a year of reign of Jalal al Din Muhammad. This finding indicates a political unrest in that year in medieval history of Bengal.
The northwestern part of Bangladesh and northern part of West Bengal, India are included into Varendri or Gauda subregion during Early Medieval period. Archaeological research in Dinajpur-Joypurhat-Thakurgaon Districts of Bangladesh have... more
This collection of articles on varied facets of early modern Bengal showcases state of the art in the field and hopes to encourage new research. The essays explore the trading networks, religious traditions, artistic and literary... more
This is a personal reflection on the past and future on the occasion of Diamond Jubilee celebration of foundation of Vidyasagar College at Nabadwip, India.