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Audiences are among the dominant elements of courtly life and may be referred to as a central aspect of representation of power in many societies. Audiences also served as a stage for negotiation and political decision-making. Beyond... more
An examination of various aspects of the history of the port-city of Surat from the mid sixteenth to the mid eighteenth century.
The Mughal era in India is an important part of the history of India. The period between 1526 A.D to 1857 A.D is well remembered and many works of art and architecture along with miniature paintings, found across the world, bear testimony... more
Intendiamo aprire, con questo studio, una discussione sulla poetica e sulla filosofia della natura nell’opera di Mīrzā ‘Abd al-Qādir Bīdil (1644- 1720), il maggiore poeta di lingua persiana dell’India mughal, e nella sua scuola.... more
THE FALLING POLITIES: Crisis and Decline of States in
North-East India in the Eighteenth Century
Edited by, Professor Tejimala Gurung
Guwahati  New Delhi
Several studies are available to study famines and epidemics in India, but there is a research gap on the co-occurrence of these natural catastrophes in the medieval era and the role of human factors behind them. This article is an... more
This article presents an annotated translation of "The Equivalence between Giving and Receiving" (al-Taswiya bayna al-ifāda wa-l-qabūl), a short Arabic treatise on essence (dhāt) and existence (wujūd) composed by the South Asian... more
Paintings titles: Folio 1 recto Shamsa, the opening folio of the manuscript includes a shamsa (sunburst), the symbol of the divine and the emperor signifying the kingly sovereignty and the divine mandate of heaven to rule. The shamsa... more
The paper argues that the legal order in the Mughal period was neither constituted nor exhausted by the state; and law was never a unilateral instrument for the imposition of the will of the state. There was a wide variety of legal orders... more
This short paper puts forward theories that have been provided by historians to explain the decline of the Mughal Empire.
Mughal chancellery issued many documents for smooth conduct of administration. Farman is one of the most significant among these in terms of its diplomatic, legislative and public content. There appears considerable consonance in the... more
About a half kilometer northeast of the village of Kotli Maqbara, the Abdul Nabi Khan Mausoleum rises elegantly from the fields. It was likely constructed in the era of Shah Jehan, but no definitive historical evidence links it to any... more
Master of Arts Thesis,
Agra circle, India
The Archaeological Survey of India
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Serbia
University of Vienna, Institute for Art History, Austria
Hiran Minar is yet another masterpiece of mughal architecture. Unique in design, pattern and setting, the monument adds a glorious chapter to the mughals, their love for building edifices of great strength and grandeur of noble simplicity... more
Данная монография – первое в отечественной и зарубежной исторической науке системное исследование комплекса властных отношений, которые обусловили двойственную, политико-экономическую, природу английской / британской Ост-Индской компании... more
ये हरबंस मुखिया की पुस्तक _भारत के मुग़ल_ की समीक्षा है |

This is a review of Harban's Mukhia's book _The Mughals of India_.
Hint kıtasında yaklaşık sekiz asır süren Müslüman Türk hâkimiyeti döneminde, Hindu toplumuna yön veren düşünürler, kendi perspektiflerinden İslâm’ı ve müntesiplerini tahlil edip konumlandırmaya çalışmışlardır. Kimisi ötekileştirici bir... more
Recent biographies of Jahangir and Nur Jahan may have made the royal couple more accessible, but they often slip into the realm of conjecture. A Review of Parvati Sharma's Jahangir : An Intimate Portrait of a Great Mughal and Ruby Lal's... more
The garden concept is a common concept amongst the garden designer, briefly in this article refers as gardener , and miniature artists which has been affected by worldviews of different land during the history which implies a variety of... more
Analyse the establishment of Naqshbandi Silsilah in Mughal India. Explain the role of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi under the Naqshbandi Order in India. Examine the conflicting trends of ‘orthodoxy’ and ‘syncretism’ in the 17th century.
The Mughal Empire was one of the great dynastic powers of the medieval Islamic world. Its decline in the eighteenth century has always been of captivating interest to historians and Muslim thinkers alike.
Kemunculan tiga kerajaan islam yaitu Kerajaan Turki Usmani, Kerajaan Safawi di Persia dan Kerajaan Mughal di India telah banyak memberikan kontribusi bagi perkembangan peradaban islam. Kerajaan Usmani meraih puncak kejayaan di bawah... more
A characteristic Indo-Islamic-Persian style that flourished on the Indian subcontinent during the Mughal Empire (1526–1857). This new style combined elements of Islamic art and architecture, which had been introduced to India during the... more
Akbar has been seen as one of the greatest rulers of the Mughal dynasty in India. He came to the throne in 1556 upon the death of his father Humayun. The time at which he ascended the throne was a particularly unstable period, when the... more
This paper traces the origin of the word Nazarana and explains which coins qualifies to be classified as Nazaranas. The coin gallery showcases the best of such Gold & Silver Nazarana coins carefully selected by the author from public and... more