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The discourse of untouchability has received much academic attention in post-colonial India from sociologists like M.N. Srinivas to Gopal Guru in the recent past. Guru, unlike his predecessors, has tried to develop a space for... more
Today we tend to see India as the largest democracy on the subcontinent of Asia and our natural ally along with our other democratic ally, Great Britain. India and the independent countries that were created out of the British Raj,... more
A review of Kalighat painting. An excursus of the main factors which characterized the Kalighat painting, its history and its style.
Considerations of the past and possible futures for City Symphony films.
Now a day number of patients of Hemorrhagic Stroke, diseases causing physical damage and even death, are increasing very rapidly. Considering growth rate of the patients of Hemorrhagic Stroke it has been considered as one of the thrust... more
ABSTRACT This article takes a deep look into the heart and soul of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and sheds light on her mystical communion with God. It discusses the Saint's impressive private vow of 1942, her momentous inspiration or 'call... more
Deep in the heart of a city lies its guarded secrets—amidst winding alleys, behind curtained and shuttered windows, underneath the thick cobwebs of time, like a forgotten jewel, ready to be rediscovered, reemerging from the folds of time,... more
A paper about the beginnings of Tibetan studies, including scholars, con artists and Sir E. Denison Ross' ascendance to celebrity status in Hungary in 1910.
Even the unpredictable, renegade entrepreneur needs to keep these fundamentals in mind in his or her journey for success.
The paper wishes to address one of the key themes of the volume—the representation of the self and the other. The theme will be studied in the backdrop of the forced migration from East Bengal (present Bangladesh) to West Bengal (in... more
The article is devoted to the practical of preparation the unknown story of the Russian Muslims to Islamic Congress, which was held in the fall of 1923 in Calcutta, India. Based on previously unpublished archival material, the author... more
Page 1. Appendix Historical Statistics of Coffee Production and Trade from 1700 to 1960 Mario Samper and Radin Fernando Introduction The goal of this statistical chapter is to summarily present reliable time series on production ...