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In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten wurde Meditation weltweit zu einem Kernbereich moderner Spiritualität. "Meditation und Moderne" enthält die bisher ausführlichsten Analysen zur Geschichte dieses Phänomens. Als Hintergrund wird der Wandel... more
The aim of this writing is to enable you to approach “Animal Magnetism”. The key to this technique is to achieve wholesomeness in clinging to simplicity and immediacy, and in recovering your own essential inward beings and your... more
The unthinkable discoveries of technologies and the success of medical science are always impatient to prove each other. In a few moments, the incurable disease is leaving the body forever, and in a few seconds, an injection is... more
L’objectif de cet article est de réfléchir à la relation entre illuminisme, mesmérisme et mysticisme à travers le cercle de la duchesse de Bourbon dans le dernier tiers du XVIIIe siècle. L’analyse du cercle de Petit Bourg nous montre les... more
An introduction to one of my major fields of research. The article provides a survey of Mesmer's biography and the development of mesmerism until the heyday of the era of romanticism. I focus on three major proponents of mesmerism within... more
Dr John Cussans (21st June, 2011) - Telemaque in marmelade: How mesmerism met Vodou in pre-revolutionary Haiti. The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness Salon, The Institute of Ecotechnics, October Gallery, Bloomsbury, London. (Host and... more
The essay introduces the Enlightenment journal "Archiv der Schwärmerey und Aufklärung" (1787-91) and its position in two debates about phenomena which challenged orthodox beliefs of the Enlightenment: "Animal Magnetism/Mesmerism" and the... more
Une panoramique générale del la matière, à paraitre en version réduite dans le « Vocabulaire de l'identification dans les arts du spectacle » du Projet Idem (Identification, empathie, projection dans les arts du spectacle)... more
Spontaneous combustion occurs when an object self-ignites. The cause may be chemical, as when lithium oxidises explosively in water, or biological, as when a haystack catches fire due to heat generated from bacterial fermentation. There... more
A critique of the 2014 APA Division 30 Definition of Hypnosis
Guillaume Kornmann. Ses affaires financières et sa faillite (1779-1782) Guillaume Kornmann (1741-1811) est surtout connu pour son rôle dans le mouvement mesmérien et la création de la Société de l'harmonie universelle dont il a été le... more
From the publisher's website: The perfect introduction to the world of all things eerie, inexplicable and otherworldly. From Most Haunted to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, from Underworld to Twilight, from Doom to Resident Evil, The Brief... more
In "Quite as Powerful. The Mediumistic Controversy in the 19th Century", Erhard Schüttpelz and I amplify on Schüttpelz’s aforementioned article in which he outlined the concept of the great mediumistic debate of the 19th century. Using... more
Jonatan Meir (Ben Gurion University): "Haskalah and Western Esotericism" Monday 15th December The lecture will focus on the physician and poet Justinus Andreas Christian Kerner (18 September 1786 – 21 February 1862) as well as on... more
Ovaj rad sadrži teološko-filozofsko razmatranje fenomena nove misli. Naime, nova misao je fenomen koji je u Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i u zemljama naše bliže regije, poprilično nepoznat, a samim time i nedovoljno istražen. Autor je ponudio... more
De la contratapa del libro: "A fines del siglo XIX, la ciencia no era todavía como la conocemos hoy. Lejos de ser sólo un saber de especialistas, formaba parte también del universo cotidiano de las personas. Presente en todas las formas... more
Blog post for the British Association for Victorian Studies, published in 2015. The paper looks at the epistolary novel 'The Notting Hill Mystery' published in 1862, and relates the depictions of female characters in the novel to the... more
downloadable.pdf contains Introduction, Chapter 1, and the Table of Contents. [full book available at Amazon link]
Call for papers

Animal Magnetism in Motion: Reconfigurations and Circulations, 1776-1848
International conference, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), 20-21.10.2022
Se presentan elementos para avanzar en la investigación de la historia del magnetismo animal, el interés del trabajo se centra en los procesos comunicativos de estas ideas, específicamente en la prensa. Se abordan con mayor detalle los... more
This course will focus on the conceptions of Judaism and the limits of Religion in the works of various Maskilim in the nineteenth century and their attitudes toward various contemporary phenomena of esotericism. One of the topics... more
The lecture will focus on the physician and poet Justinus Andreas Christian Kerner (18 September 1786 – 21 February 1862) as well as on some still underestimated phenomena within the broader context of the European Enlightenment. A fresh... more
Рассматривается становление в визуальной культуре образа сценического гипноза как мистерии, комедии и своеобразного «доказательства» существования сверхчеловеческой силы, исходящей из рук гипнотизера. Впервые анализируя... more
November 16th, 2012 at the conference „Von der Dämonologie zum Unbewussten. Die Transformation der Anthropologie um 1800“, University of Fribourg
Novel as Poem in Prose inspired by the film of Peter Weir "Picnic at Hanging Rock". It is not translated yet... My Serbo-Croatian original text.