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The panel we are proposing is designed to bring together scholars with a keen interest in studying the blindness in early modern age (15th-17th) and specifically in analysing the relationship between this particular disability - total or... more
Because the famine of World War I marked the cusp of the Ottoman and French eras of rule in Lebanon and Syria, the crisis has been regarded in the historiography as a pivotal event – but one which primarily derives its significance from... more
TIME OF DYING – BLACK DEATH IN DUBROVNIK 1348-1349 Summary Plague epidemic that embraced Europe in the mid-fourteenth century, commonly known as the Black Death, did not miss the eastern Adriatic coast. The extant sources witness about... more
The first historically documented pandemic caused by Yersinia pestis started as the Justinianic Plague in 541 within the Roman Empire and continued as the so-called First Pandemic until 750. Although palaeogenomic studies have previously... more
Two artificial mummies found in the hospital church of S. Maria della Scala in Siena (Tuscany, central Italy) and dated back to the end of the 15th century, were examined. The mummies, in good state of preservation and still wearing their... more
Towards the end of the 15 th century, syphilis emerged in Europe's west as a new disease that had not had any medical record until then. The disease quickly spread to the rest of the world; by 1505 it was already ravaging people's lives... more
This talk was presented on January 27, 2021 as part of the Grand Rounds series in the Department of Medicine at the UCSD School of Medicine. It examines four twentieth-century examples of attempts to manage or eradicate infectious disease... more
By the time of Carlo Borromeo’s 1566 arrival in Milan, transnational espionage networks of the Spanish governors had been identifying suspected foreign and peripatetic agents of heretical print for decades. The plague years of 1576-78 saw... more
Comme l'indique l'épidémie de variole à Montréal, en 1885, à notre époque le problème d'étanchement des contagions est rarement lié à l'état de nos connaissances scientifiques - c'est ce que nous choisissons d'en faire qui fait la... more
El enfermo venéreo, ¿víctima o criminal? El delito de contagio venéreo en México en la primera mitad del siglo xx María del Carmen Zavala Ramírez El Colegio de México La lucha antivenérea en México evidenció ambivalencias frente a los... more
Das ausgeschriebene Projekt hat den Fokus auf der Patientengeschichte. Erforscht wer-den sollen die „Erfahrungen von Patienten im sozialistischen Gesundheitswesen der Tschechoslowakei (ČSR) ODER Volksrepublik Polen (VRP) ODER... more
This paper outlines the study process and analysis of a unique historic site documented in Markham Township. It was anticipated that the Stage 4 excavation of the Riddle site (AlGt-486), which was visible in the ploughzone as a 40 x 40... more
Religion and medicine were in many ways intertwined in the Middle Ages, both in explaining deviance, illness and impairment as well as in the healing practices. They are not anymore seen as competing but rather as supporting, even... more
A paleopathological study was carried out on the she skeletal remains of Cardinal Carlo de' Medici (1595-1666), son of the Grand Duke Ferdinando I (1549-1609) and Cristina from Lorraine (1565-1636), to investigate the articular... more
Organiser: Joanna Phillips, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds Moderator: Alexandra Bamji, School of History, University of Leeds Speakers: Joanna Phillips, Sunny Harrison (Institute for Medieval Studies, University of... more
This essay offers a historical perspective on a common American anxiety: the introduction of disease from abroad by visitors and immigrants. Fear of contagion and disgust concerning the symptomatic manifestations of illness are important... more
A history of the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic in the Jesuit-run boys' boarding school,  Clongowes Wood College, Co Kildare. The Clongownian, 2013.
The article analyzes initiatives taken by physicians from both the private and public sectors who contributed to placing the fight against cancer on the federal government’s agenda of public health policies, which became embodied in the... more
В статье на основе нескольких примеров из истории г. Верхнеудинска в последней четверти XIX в. рассматривается процесс организации противоэпидемических мероприятий и санитарно-гигиенического контроля городской среды, в котором важная... more
The Seven Years’ War, often called the first global war, spanned North America, the West Indies, Europe, and India. In these locations diseases such as scurvy, smallpox, and yellow fever killed far more than combat did, stretching the... more
By the 1970s, a therapeutic revolution, decades in the making, had transformed hemophilia from an obscure hereditary malady into a manageable bleeding disorder. Yet the glory of this achievement was short lived. The same treatments that... more
... A dominant clinical mode of hospital‑based practice had emerged in Paris at the end of the eighteenth century and took concrete form across the West‑ ern world throughout the nineteenth century (Rosenberg 1979; Risse 1999). ...
A collection of essays on food and eating featuring three essays by me: a general introduction; an essay on consumerism; and an essay on materialism.
During the 18th century, St Marylebone parish grew to become one of the wealthiest in London. The church on Marylebone High Street, built 1742, was soon too small to serve this population and relocated in 1817. Archaeologists recorded... more
During archaeological investigation by Gifford of St Pancras Old Church burial ground, on the eastern edge of Somers Town, London, in advance of construction of the new London terminus for the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, a full porcelain... more