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This article examines the relationship between disease, pollution and sin in the Priestly writings, focusing on the rites for the purification of ṣara‛at in Leviticus 14. In particular, it will evaluate the contested question of whether... more
Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) are embedded within complex socio-ecological systems. While research has traditionally focused on the direct effects of VBDs on human morbidity and mortality, it is increasingly clear that their impacts are... more
Why do racial and ethnic controversies become attached, as they often do, to discussions of modern genetics? How do theories about genetic difference become entangled with political debates about cultural and group differences in America?... more
The Great Hanoi Rat Hunt: Empire, Disease, and Modernity in French Colonial Vietnam tells the darkly humorous story of the French colonial state's failed efforts to impose its vision of modernity upon the colonial city of Hanoi,... more
Este trabajo parte de una revisión de fuentes hemerográficas y bibliográficas para tratar el tema de investigación sobre la fiebre aftosa y el rifle sanitario dentro de la ciudad de Guanajuato cuyo objetivo se aborda en la problemática... more
to cite: "We Share What We Exhale: A Short Cultural History of Mask-Wearing." Times Literary Supplement, May 1, 2020, pages 22-24.
This post, on the Arc-Medieval, Global Medieval Studies blog, recounts my experiences teaching my undergraduate course, "The Black Death: Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World." Over the course of the past decade and a half, there has... more
Between the years 1346 and 1353 CE, a terrible disease swept across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, bringing death and desolation in its wake. This widespread epidemic, now known as the “Black Death”, caused dramatic losses,... more
«Sida y temor es un gran aporte a la historia de las epidemias y de la salud en el Perú en la década de 1980. Su principal contribución es mostrar cómo existió un desfase entre el conocimiento médico sobre el VIH/sida de aquel entonces y... more
PhD defense slides, June 28 2017, presentation ca. 45 mn, slides in English
Diaporama de soutenance de thèse, 28 juin 2017, présentation d'environ 45 mn, diapos en anglais
In 1918-19, with Ireland in transition from British rule towards independence, the Local Government Board for Ireland, the body responsible for the supervision of Poor Law dispensary system and sanitation, faced what turned out to be the... more
Between 1793 and 1822, a series of successive yellow fever outbreaks ravaged the eastern seaboard of the United States. The outbreaks generated not only the biggest public health crisis in that period but also one of the most pressing and... more
This volume discusses diseases that affected human and non-human populations in areas stretching from the Red Sea and Egypt to Anatolia, the Balkans, and the Black Sea, in the early modern and modern eras.
Esta coletânea, composta por 26 contribuições e um prólogo de Pedro Paulo Funari, é um compêndio sobre epidemias na História, em linguagem acessível ao grande público, com textos do Antigo Oriente à contemporaneidade, da malária no Egito... more
Focusing on the natural, settlement and disease ecologies, I present the story of how typhoid fever came to be a major threat to health and life in Prahran between 1865-95. Typhoid was dubbed Melbourne’s ‘special shame’ because it was... more
In two articles in English I have used the material from the book Digerdöden (Black Death) published in 2003 – which is the standard work on Late Medieval plagues in Sweden. In this article I give an overview of epidemics in Sweden... more
"Colin Tatz, Peter Arnold, Sandra Tatz (eds)
Genocide Perspectives III: Essays on the Holocaust and Other Genocides
Brandl & Schlesinger with the Australian Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
pp. 17-53."
The Black Death had an unparalleled impact in the history of Europe, and of all Old World, generally. Consensus around this interpretation and a vast and consolidated historiography – enriched by the contributions of physical and life... more
To appear in ed. Patricia Lorcin and Todd Shepard, French Mediterraneans, (University of Nebraska Press, forthcoming). From Flaubert’s fascination with lesions in the anuses of Egyptian soldiers at Qasr al-Ayni Hospital to the... more
Grip, her yıl olağan bölgesel grip salgınları sırasında dünya genelinde yaklaşık 500.000 ölüme yol açmasına karşın, yaşlılar ve kronik hastalar gibi gruplar dışında genellikle hafif seyreden bir hastalık olduğundan, bugüne dek pek... more
The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine is an extensive, interdisciplinary guide to the nature of traditional medicine and healing in the Chinese cultural region, and its plural epistemologies. Established experts and the next... more
This article explores how plague—as an idea—became an ahistorical independent agent of historical change. It focuses on the case of the Justinianic Plague (ca. 541–750 c.e.), the first major recorded plague pandemic in Mediterranean... more
Between the world wars, diphtheria immunisation formed the vanguard of burgeoning federal responsibility for health across Australia. However, the iatrogenic ‘Bundaberg tragedy’ of 1928—in which 12 children died after receiving... more
O nosso estudo incide no hospital da misericórdia de Penafiel, desde 1600 até 1850. Nesta senda analisamos a sua evolução, quer no que respeita ao edifício onde se localizava, os profissionais contratados para prestarem a assistência aos... more
Bibliographic essay on disasters in Colonial or Early Modern Latin America and the Caribbean
During the first half of the 17th century, the Ottoman dynasty repeatedly faced serious threats of extinction in ways hitherto unseen since the beginning of their monarchical rule in the early 1300s. While the primary factor behind this... more
The first historically documented pandemic caused by Yersinia pestis started as the Justinianic Plague in 541 within the Roman Empire and continued as the so-called First Pandemic until 750. Although palaeogenomic studies have previously... more
This article attempts to explain the survival of tens of thousands of ring-forts in the Irish landscape. The sites probably owe their preservation to superstitious fear of leprechauns and fairies. But what gave rise to such fears? The... more
For many historians, sociologists, and anthropologists of medicine, “disease” and “illness” are not equivalent. Whereas “disease” denotes the physician’s ostensibly objective criteria, “illness” emphasizes the patient’s subjective... more
Short Description Significance: By the details of the symptom description, the treatment options, and the regionalisation the evil kernel descriptions may well be identified as suspected bubonic plague. BENEDICTOW (2004: 41)... more
«Ασθενείς από τη Νάξο στο Δημοτικό Νοσοκομείο Ερμούπολης «Ελπίς», 1834-1914», ΣΤ΄ Πανελλήνιο Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο Η Νάξος διά μέσου των αιώνων, Δήμος Νάξου και Μικρών Κυκλάδων (Δαμαριώνας Νάξου, 30.8-2.9.2018).
Book 《疾之成殇——秦宋之间的疾病名义与历史叙事中的存在》[When Diseases Become Trauma: Historical Ontology and the Illness Narratives in Chinese History], Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Press, March 2020.