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In April 2013 we conducted a survey on Islamic veiling at the Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) in Kuwait. The purpose of the survey was to establish reasons for veiling within the complex society of Kuwait and, in... more
The documentary depicts the journey of a teenage girl and her mother who move to California in 2012 because of the Syrian civil war. Together they learn to live in a different culture and face challenges to their traditions - ­all while... more
This articles is about explaining the Hadiths of Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.W) about camel hump hair and hijab styles
No campo religioso lusófono das primeiras décadas do século XXI, o Islã se faz presente com um número crescente de pessoas convertidas. Mulheres que tornam-se muçulmanas e que, por iniciativa própria, decidem fazer uso do hijab em seu... more
Muslim societies, and especially Muslim women, have often received fetishized attention in (neo-)Orientalist literature. However, opening up spaces for the voices of Muslim women especially those wearing the hijab is long overdue.... more
Since the early years of European contact with the Muslim East, hijab, in general, and the veil, in particular, have been seen by Westerners as symbols of the Islamic degradation and oppression of women. Interestingly, this perception has... more
This paper discusses the benefits of the Islamic hijab, which is beneficial to the individual, the family, and the wider society. This paper suggests that the hijab should not only be enforced under Islamic rule but also under secular rule.
ABSTRAK Agama Islam adalah agama yang mentauhidkan Allah SWT dan diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad saw melalui kitab al-Quran namun terdapat stereotaip negatif terhadap agama ini yang menggambarkan bahawa Islam adalah agama mundur dan tidak... more
This article explores how young displaced Iraqi Sunni Muslim women negotiate religious identity in diaspora, and how veiling becomes an expression of a new politicised Islamic feminism. Veiling continues to be the focus of ideological... more
This study intended to explore the attitude differences in university students wearing veil vs. those not wearing it and their cause of inspiration for veiling/not veiling in universities. Interviews were conducted in three universities... more
This study intended to explore the attitude differences in university students wearing veil vs. those not wearing it and their cause of inspiration for veiling/not veiling in universities. Interviews were conducted in three universities... more
Resumen Muchas han sido las discusiones que se han levantado sobre el uso del hijab (velo islámico), por ser considerado un símbolo de opresión a la mujer, instituido por los hombres con una conciencia netamente patriarcal sostenida en... more
In April 2013 we conducted a survey on Islamic veiling at the Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) in Kuwait. The purpose of the survey was to view the veil through the prism of recent international developments that have... more
This book reexamines Islamic Thoughts and thus reinterprets them by using original sources. Such as it is well established in the Islamic sphere that Sculpture is prohibited in Islam but this book denied the above thought and therefore... more
Elora Beauty Organic Cream SahabatBeauty.Com - Wajah yang kusam dan tidak halus sangat mengganggu penampilan kita setiap saat dan dimana saja, membuat kita juga menjadi kurang pede bila bertemu banyak orang. Agar wajah kita selalu tampil... more
“A staff member told me she wanted to burn my scarf when I was changing so I would have no choice but to come outside the changing room without one.” This was the harrowing account of a British Muslim woman who participated in the world’s... more
Islam is one of the dominant religions in the Middle East. Therefore, it is not surprising that this region had experienced many Islamic movements that had special consequences on the appearance of Islam in the world. Iran was among the... more
Everyone knows about the extent of difficult challenges faced by Muslims in the world, due to cultural, intellectual, social and religious intrusions by the West. In fact, this cultural imperialism affects the Muslims negatively including... more
My paper is focused on some comparative analysis of Western and Islamic feminist interpretations of hijab and their application to post-Soviet discourse on the hijab in present-days Kazakhstan. During recent years there are diverse forms... more
In its verdict of March 15, 2022, the Karnataka High Court upheld the state government's order of February 5 banning wearing of hijab in the state's schools and junior colleges. In the verdict, the judges based their opinion that hijab is... more
In the last ten years, France has increasingly limited religious expression by banning ostentatious religious symbols in public schools in 2004 and face coverings in public spaces in 2011. Both of these laws were drafted and enacted after... more
This paper looks at the articulation of sexual arguments in political discussions about hijab in modern Iranian history. My main question is that how a seemingly nonsexual topic such as women’s Hijab could be connected to sexual... more
The rising influence of Saudi Arabia’s puritanical Wahabi version of Islam is an important reason for a growing number of South Asian Muslim women wearing the headscarf.
Muslim women attire is the most visible markers of the Muslim identity in the modern world. In west, people see the veil as a sign that Islam is not compatible with the European values. The aim of the paper is to investigate the accurate... more
jilbab segi empat, hijab terbaru, hijab terbaru 2016, jilbab modern terbaru, jilbab modern, kerudung terbaru, hijab instan terbaru, hijab khimar terbaru, hijab 2016 terbaru, hijab terbaru 2017, hijab segi empat, jilbab terbaru, model... more
This article analyzes the representation of hijab and of hijab-wearing women in two post-9/11 British literary texts, Leila Aboulela’s Minaret (2005) and Shelina Janmohamed’s Love in a Headscarf (2009). It discusses the strong resolve of... more
ارائه کلاسی قدیمی!
This study intended to explore the attitude differences in university students wearing veil vs. those not wearing it and their cause of inspiration for veiling/not veiling in universities. Interviews were conducted in three universities... more
The discussions on Muslim women’s oppression in the context of Muslim and non-Muslim countries are heavily focused on their position in Islamic society, their interpretation within feminism, and broader debates on donning the hijab.... more
Oleh @sorayawahaha Aku mulai lebih sering memakai kerudung sejak memasuki bangku sekolah menengah pertama. Itupun karena aku masuk sekolah Tsanawiyah, jadi mau bagaimana pun ya memang harus memakai kerudung. Aku berpikir perempuan memang... more
Pernahkah terpikir untuk bergaya dengan jaket ? duh… apa gak panas ya ? secara kan kita di Indonesia yang udah gerah banget. Masa iya mau pake jaket lagi. Menjawab keraguan itu, berikut ini ada 5 gaya fashion hijab dengan jaket. Selain... more
My paper is focused on some comparative analysis of Western and Islamic feminist interpretations of hijab and their application to post-Soviet discourse on the hijab in present-days Kazakhstan. During recent years there are diverse forms... more
This article explores the motivations of Arab Muslim women managers in Israel who adopt the veil just before or soon after their nomination to management positions. We used narrative research in order to understand this growing phenomenon... more
Le présent article présente deux perspectives fort différentes sur la loi 21. La première, qui a caractérisé le débat public à ce jour, consiste à analyser la loi comme véhicule et catalyseur de changement social, alors que la seconde... more
buku karya ibu neng dara affifah yang berjudul ISLAM, KEPEMIMPINAN PEREMPUAN, DAN SEKSUALITAS  ini dapat membuka pikiran kita betapa pentingnya seorang perempuan menjaga dirinya dan pentingnya wanita menyuarakan hak-haknya