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Personální bibliografie prací významného českého historika Jiřího Raka.Je součástí kolektivní monografie věnované k jeho životnímu jubileu. Personal bibliography of works of significant Czech historian Jiří Rak. It is part of the... more
In Dutch nationalist historiography the Revolt against the Spanish monarchy has traditionally been considered a war of independence, fought by a small, freedom loving people against a much stronger and oppressive enemy wanting to impose... more
Članek o odkritju Linhartovega portreta in o sprejemanju Linhartovih komedij v srednješolska berila.
The Habsburgs and their Courts in Europe, 1400–1700: Between Cosmopolitism and Regionalism, ur. Herbert Karner, Ingrid Ciulisová, Bernardo J. García García, Palatium, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, KU Leuven, 2014, 349 str.... more
Prusko-rakouská válka z roku 1866 se pod vlivem letošního 150. výročí zabydlela v mediálním prostoru jako válka, která změnila tvář Evropy. To je samozřejmě novinářská zkratka, byť poměrně trefná. Válka mezi Pruským královstvím a... more
Fiscal federalism mirrored the multi-tiered system of late Imperial Austria. Financial flows were directed to the Empire and both of its dualistic halves, Hungary and Austria, but also to Crownlands and municipalities in the Austrian half... more
Short biography of the Austrian general Adam Albrecht von Neipperg (1775-1829), second husband of Marie Louise of Habsburg . From: Parma 2016 Dal ministro Magawly alla duchessa Maria Luigia, Quaderni del Museo Glauco Lombardi n. 16,... more
"Criminal Law in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia This article deals with the material criminal law in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. In the branch of the criminal law during the period of the Nazi-Occupation, the most... more
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
Der Tod des letzten großen Staufers, Friedrich II., im Jahre 1250 hinterließ ein über zwei Jahrzehnte andauerndes Machtvakuum, das eine allgemeine Unsicherheit in Hinblick auf die Zentralgewalt des Mittelalters nach sich zog. Das... more
Učna veriga odlomkov z vprašanji za tesno branje in problemski pristop k poučevanju književnosti.

Learning chain of excerpts with the questions for close reading and for the problem solving approach to teaching literature.
On Sissi in Italian literature. Draft of the article published in Elisabetta d’Austria, Trieste e l’Italia, Monfalcone, Edizioni della Laguna, 2000 [ISBN 88-8345-043-4] (and later published in Elisabetta d’Austria e l’Italia, Monfalcone,... more
In the early twentieth century, three provinces of the Austrian half of the Habsburg Empire enacted national compromises in their legislation that had elements of non-territorial autonomy provisions. Czech and German politicians in... more
Tekst govori o povijesti izgradnje i opremanja župne crkve Imena Marijina u osječkom Donjem gradu u 18. stoljeću na temelju arhivskih, kartografskih, grafičkih i drugih izvora. Istraživanjima se pokazalo da je današnja građevina podignuta... more
in: exhibition catalogue Sabine Haag, Alfried Wieczorek, Matthias Pfaffenbichler und Hans-Jürgen Buderer (Hgg.), Kaiser Maximilian I. – Der letzte Ritter und das höfische Turnier, Mannheim (Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Zeughaus),... more
For the marriage of Francesco I de’ Medici and Johanna of Austria in 1565, Vasari and his assistants decorated the first courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio with frescos depicting cities in the Habsburg Empire. Subsequent uncertainty about the... more
This is the original manuscript version of my 2016 Szigetvar Conference paper. The published version in the Brill volume is somewhat shorter. From the mid-fifteenth century through the early eighteenth century the Ottomans were an... more
This article takes a fresh look on the status of Galicia within the Habsburg Monarchy between the late 18 th and the early 20 th century, presenting the obstacles and opportunities of economic growth faced by imperial policy-makers. At... more
Who has been Maria Carolina Habsburg-Lorraine and what has she embodied for the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily? Conceived after the Bicentennial of her death, this volume analyzes the complex personality and the many-sided figure of the... more
Gospostvo z gradom Hrastovec pri Lenartu je bilo v posesti izvorno štajerske plemiške rodbine Herberstein v dveh obdobjih, med letoma 1482 in 1802 ter med letoma 1909 in 1945. Prispevek natančneje obravnava njihovo prvo lastniško obdobje.... more
Previous research of the Marča-Union in Serbian and Croatian historiography has tried to resolve this issue within the framework of broader macro-Serbo-Croatian relations, often neglecting the local micro-level, ie. personal relations of... more
"Se queremos que tudo fique como está é preciso que tudo mude." O leitmotif da obra de Tomasi de Lampedusa, imortalizada no grande ecrã pela objectiva de Visconti, sintetiza a sua ideia central, acerca do declínio das antigas elites, em... more
This course is the first half of a two-semester comparative empires sequence intended for upper-level undergraduate and MA students. This first half of the sequence focuses roughly on the period between 1500 and 1800. What is this course... more
In der späten Habsburgermonarchie identifizierten sich bereits weite Bevölkerungsteile mit Nationalitätenkonzepten. Die Regierung hatte zuvor durch Sprachklassifikationen und -standardisierungen einen erheblichen Beitrag zur Herausbildung... more
The satirical writings of Lucian of Samosata had a tremendous influence on the literature of the Eastern European Haskalah, shaping its criticism of the burgeoning Hasidic movement in the nineteenth century as if there were no gap between... more
Hungary between Two Empires 1526–1711 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2021, 318 Pages, 7.00 x 10.00 in, 49 b&w illus., 15 maps, 3 b&w tables) can be ordered through the CAP site:... more
This work aims to provide an objective portrait of Emperor Karl I and an analysis of his early reign in order to help determine his responsibility in the collapse of AustriaHungary and to fill the gap in a historiography distorted by both... more
The main components of the Habsburgs’ dynastical piety—worship of the Crucified, of the Eucharist, of the Blessed Mary and her spouse St. Joseph—are already well-known. They were common to both branches of the House of Austria, the... more