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This paper contains geophysical analysis of the largest town square in Sigtuna, Sweden. The studied area is approximately 736 m2. The purpose of the study was to search for early medieval house remnants and to possibly find structures... more
Groundwater potential mapping (GWPM) in the coastal zone is crucial for the planning and development of society and the environment. The current study is aimed to map the groundwater potential zones of Sindhudurg coastal stretch on the... more
Stift Göttweig is located approx. 4 km south of the city Krems an der Donau on the hill "Göttweiger Berg" in the foreland of the Dunkelsteinerwald on c. 420 m. The monastery has been founded by bishop Altmann von Passau in 1083... more
In 2003, the authors were shown a chart which contained an obscure reference to ‘hulks’ that were located along the entrance to the Yarra River at Melbourne, Australia. Local researchers had identified that the vessels on the map may have... more
Levees are civil engineering structures built to protect human lives, property, and agricultural lands during flood events. To keep these important structures in a safe condition, continuous monitoring must be performed regularly and... more
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a technique based on sending electromagnetic (EM) waves through the structure and then recording the reflected signals, which present at dielectric discontinuities into the structure. Peak detection of... more
In this contribution, a multidisciplinary investigation regarding the Roman Amphitheatre in Lecce, southern Italy, is be proposed. In particular, GPR prospecting combined to passive seismic measurements and with a virtual reconstruction... more
This paper presents the results of a preliminary survey in a central urban area of Rome, Italy. The results were obtained from both desktop and remote sensing surveys. The Aventinus Minor Project (AMP) is a community archaeological... more
The discovery of two deeply alluvially buried Paleoindian sites in Southern New England within the last decade, at the Brian D. Jones Site in central Connecticut, and the Sands of the Blackstone Site in southeastern Massachusetts,... more
With the Church Act in 1706, the General Assembly of South Carolina established the Church of England as the official church of the colony and defined ten parishes. Soon after, missionaries were dispatched from England and churches... more
— Obtaining high quality and easy to interpret horizontal slices of the shallow subsurface depends on how a 3D ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey is acquired and processed. A field site containing three basic target geometries of... more
The Caribbean island of Carriacou is notable for its recurrent drought, paucity of large, native land animals, and well-developed bank and barrier reef system. These environmental conditions presented challenges and opportunities to the... more
Colle Rotondo is a Latin nucleated village which lies on an 8-hectare plateau about 45 kilometres south of Rome and 7 km north of the Latin city of Antium. Since 2009 this area has been investigated by the joint research project of the... more
Abstract Borre in Norway is famous for its Late Nordic Iron and Viking Age (AD 400–1050) monumental burial mounds. Recently, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys have revealed three large structures close to the mound cemetery. Their... more
This tutorial provides a broad-based discussion of radar system, covering the following topics: -Introduction to Radars in Military and Commercial Applications -Radar System Block Diagram -Radar Antennas (slotted waveguide array, planar... more
Today in the twenty first century the Missile technology is rapidly developing with the advancement of the science. In today's world all types of missiles uses the principle of combustion for its movement. So, until the new technology... more
Since 2016 the Department of Culture and Civilization History at the University of Bologna has been conducting a study under the direction of Giuseppe Lepore and Enrico Giorgi, on the 3rd insula of the Roman Hellenistic Quarter of... more
Archaeologist Joel Klenck conducted an archaeological survey for prehistoric and historic properties covering approximately 60.12 acres (24.32 hectares) above the current village of Ofu, on the western coast of Ofu Island, Manu’a... more
The main aim of the study is to indicate the a predictive deconvolution and F-K filtering processing to the ground penetrating radar (GPR) data to remove clutter effects and multiple reflections in a stratified media such as a thin... more
In the spring of 2016, Ohio Valley Archaeology, Inc. was contracted by the City of New Albany to conduct several tasks in New Albany Cemetery, a nineteenth century cemetery now located behind the Village Hall and the Police Department... more
Drones are becoming essential in the field of heritage surveying, especially for large-scale archaeological site. The precision offered by the new survey tools (UAVs, sensors, processing software, etc.) should make it possible to obtain... more
The multi-segmented stronghold in Tarnawa Rzepińska is located approximately 2 km north of the village Tarnawa Rzepińska and approximately 5.5 km east of Rzepin. Using the physical and geographical division of Poland, it can be located in... more
Santa Elena, located on Parris Island along the coast of South Carolina, was the first capital, and northernmost permanent settlement, of Spanish La Florida. Over two decades of occupation (AD 1566-1587), five forts were successively... more
In this article, we present the most significant results of the Monte Albán Geophysical Archaeology Project. Using groundpenetrating radar, gradiometry, and electrical resistance, we carried out a systematic survey of the site's Main... more
The paper presents a brief research history of the Roman auxiliary fort of Călugăreni and the results of the recent GPR measurements made in the north-eastern corner area of the fort. During the measurements the exact location of the... more
This article will present for the first time some of the results of unique research in which Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) was used to produce scans and images of the stones of the Western Wall in the area of Robinson’s Arch. The imaging... more
Iraq is one of the countries that contain many important archaeological sites and manifestations of varied cultural heritage belonging to ancient civilizations. Several archaeological sites and cultural heritage are disappeared as a... more
Izrađeno uz fi nancijsku potporu Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske. Made with the fi nancial support of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.
Merupakan hasil persentasi saya terhadap metode GPR (RADAR)
Nell’ambito degli interventi di restauro e valorizzazione di cui è stata oggetto l’area archeologica di via Brisa in occasione dell’esposizione Expo Milano 2015, sono stati condotti rilievi geofi sici con metodologia Ground Penetrating... more
full citation: Ford, R.L., Gillman, S.J., Wilkins, D.E., Clement, W.P., and Nicoll, K. 2010. Geology and Geomorphology of Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park, Utah. In Anderson, P.B.; Chidsey, T.C. and Sprinkel, D.A. (Eds) Geology of Utah's... more
A pesar de la atención prestada por la historiografía al problema del sistema portuario antiguo gaditano persisten aún numerosas lagunas en su conocimiento. La génesis de este sistema se remonta a la colonización arcaica fenicia y su... more
The excavated architecture of the exceptional prehistoric site of Akrotiri on the Greek island of Thera/Santorini is endangered by gradual decay, damage due to accidents, and seismic shocks, being located on an active volcano in an... more
The Roman city of Balsa: new data and some problems of geophysical prospecting in very humanized environments. From May 2016 to May 2017, archaelogical work was carried out in the ancient Roman city of Balsa, a classified site located in... more
The time (vertical) resolution enhancement of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data by deconvolution is a long-standing problem due to the mixed-phase characteristics of the source wavelet. Several approaches have been proposed, which take... more