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George P. Nicholas, Amy Roberts, David M. Schaepe, Joe Watkins, Lyn Leader-Elliot and Susan Rowley Department of Anthropology, Simon Fraser University; Department of Archaeology, Flinders University; Stó:lō Research and Resource... more
Increased interaction between indigenous peoples and archaeologists has raised a number of issues, primary among which is the nature of appropriate theoretical structures. Many alternate perspectives may be useful. However. the issue is... more
Este libro plantea una síntesis de uno de los temas metodológicos que más desarrollo ha conocido en la Arqueología de los últimos treinta años. Desde que en la década de los 1960 la disciplina arqueológica superase definitivamente el... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 3, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers many approaches to looking for and finding sites, and archaeological remains within sites, such as historical and local reports,... more
The dynamic environmental history and relative sea level (RSL) changes experienced on the Northwest Coast of North America during the early post-glacial period and the early Holocene resulted in significant archaeological visibility... more
During the past few years, systematic field survey has revealed an important regional variation within Roman Italy. The settlement pattern that emerges in the Marche-region along the Central- Adriatic coast has many points of similarity... more
The article presents some of the preliminary results of the project Carta Archeologica del Comune di Nettuno, conducted by the Groningen Instituut of Archaeology (GIA). Surveys within the borders of the community of Nettuno show the... more
Los yacimientos olvidados: registro y musealización de campos de batalla is a project that aims to encompass all aspects of battlefield archaeology, in order to be a reference work in this study area. Therefore, a detailed... more
The Boreal Forest is a vast region. Therefore, the archaeological record like anywhere else in the globe is subject to revision as additional evidence is gathered. By conducting research in the same location over a long period of time,... more
This paper is focused on the virtual reconstruction of a portion of the naos of Temple G of Selinunte, as a case study for the definition of a method of virtual anastylosis and reconstruction of collapsed colonnades in archaeological... more
This report describes and summarises the results of a project undertaken on North and South Uist in 2012–13 by RCAHMS in partnership with the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council) archaeology service (CES). Brief accounts of... more
Il sesto capitolo entra nel merito dell'intero ciclo di gestione dei dati del progetto, illustrando le varie fasi e le rispettive problematiche nella gestione ed elaborazione delle informazioni. Nello specifico: metodi e criteri per la... more
This paper presents new developments on drone‐based automated survey for the detection of individual items or fragments of material culture visible on the ground surface. Since the publication of our original proof of concept, awarded... more
Before the previous century, the discovery of underwater archaeological sites was associated with spontaneous discoveries made by fishermen in the space of their activity, as long as the search for the location of a shipwreck in a part of... more
A brief report (67pp: 3 maps, table and SRFs) on a reconnaissance archaeological site survey of part of the Denize Farm Block, at the northern end of Whangapoua Beach on the east coast of the Coromandel Peninsula. The objectives were: to... more
The Applied Anthropology Laboratories at Ball State University conducted a data enhancement project for archaeological resources in Newton County, Indiana for a FY2015 Historic Preservation Fund Grant (Grant #18-15FFY-05). This grant... more
States vegvesen region midt har ansvaret for regionens kulturminner i forbindelse med vegnettet. Dette omfatter blant annet steinhvelvsbruer fra 1800-tallet og gamle vegfar som denne tilstandsanalysen tar for seg. Denne rapporten forsøker... more
In 1984, on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Missouri Archaeological Society (MAS), an article by Eric van Hartesveldt was published in MAS Quarterly 1(4). It was entitled “A Fifty-Year Perspective on the Archaeological... more
With the emergence of modern techniques of environmental analysis and widespread availability of accessible tools and quantitative data, the question of environmental determinism is once again on the agenda. This paper is theoretical in... more
The Small Cycladic Islands Project is a diachronic archaeological survey of several small, currently uninhabited islands located in the Cyclades, Greece. In 2019 and 2020, surface investigations focused on the multi-method, comparative... more
The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a data enhancement project for archaeological resources in Benton County, Indiana for a FY2016 Historic Preservation Fund Grant (Grant #18-16FFY-03). This... more
Despite a long history of research and conservation dating back to the late 19th century, when the current stage in the management of the three large Antequeran megalithic monuments started in 2004 there was an almost complete absence of... more
This paper will explore the relationship between the methodologies used in archaeology for recording buildings and landscapes and the development of computer visualisation technology, with specific reference to late antique and Byzantine... more
The Applied Archaeology Laboratories (AAL) of Ball State University conducted an archaeological reconnaissance project for archaeological materials in Hamilton County, Indiana, for an FY2012 Historic Preservation Fund Grant (Grant... more
Shortly after the release of Google Earth, its applications to archaeology was theorized and tested, but thus far there has been little research to evaluate its applicability to survey previously well researched and accessible areas. In... more
Since 2005 the Aswan-Kom Ombo Archaeological Project (AKAP), managed by Yale and Bologna Universities, has investigated a number of selected areas in the region between Aswan and Kom Ombo. Many of the rock art sites identified within the... more
CV. BAGJA NIAGA TEKNIK (BNT BANDUNG) Service & Supplier Surveying Instrument Kami merupakan Supplier alat teknik/alat survey/alat topografi maupun alat laboratorium, baik dalam kondisi bekas maupun kondisi baru berupa Total Station,... more
Methodology and Archaeometry is an annual scientific conference organized since 2013 by the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb and the Croatian Archaeological Society.... more
The term "isolated find" has frequently been taken as a disposable artifact category in cultural resource management (CRM). Efforts were made to empirically demonstrate the fallacy of this concept and its use, using modified field... more