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Testing the advantages of ultra-dense GPR antenna arrays for the Archaeological Prospection Roland Linck 1,2* , Andreas Stele 1, Hans-M art in Schuler 3 1 Bavarian State Depart ment of M onument s and Sites, Archaeological Prospect ion, M unich, Germany 2 Ludw ig M aximilians Universit y, Depart ment for Eart h and Environmental Sciences, Sect ion for Geophysics, M unich, Germany 3 IGM Ingenieurgesellschaft für Geophysikalische M esstechnik mbH, Überlingen, Germany * Contact details: Introduction: During t he last few years, t he use of Ground-Penet rat ing-Radar (GPR) mult i-channel antenna arrays in t he Archaeological Prospect ion increased dramat ically. The main advantage of t his t ype of survey is a much faster data acquisit ion combined w it h a dense profile spacing. However, most of t he common mult i-channel arrays consist of antennas w it h a spacing of not smaller t han 8 cm. The aim of our test survey was to evaluate how an even denser spacing of 4 cm, t hat is provided by t he IDS St ream-C GPR device at a cent re frequency of 600 M Hz, can improve t he detect ion of faint archaeological feat ures. Test site: As a test site, t he Great Roman Bat h of Kempten-Cambodunum was chosen. Kempten is located in t he sout hwestern corner of Bavaria in a region called Allgäu, ca. 80 km sout hwest of Augsburg (Fig. 1). Fig. 1: Topographical map show ing t he locat ion of Kempten (© Geobasis data: Bayerische Vermessungsverw alt ung) From an archaeological point of view, Cambodunum was t he first capital of t he Roman province Rhaet ia. It was founded in t he first cent ury AD and soon, most of t he cit y was const ructed as stone buildings. One of t he most prominent ones had been t he Great Bat h t hat covered an area of 4000 m² and hence belonged to t he hugest complexes of t his kind nort h of t he Alps (Gott lieb & Weber, 1989; Weber, 2000). The reason for choosing t his building as a GPR test site, is t hat several rooms st ill have part ly preserved hypocaust pillars (Fig. 2), w hich are challenging to map Fig. 2: M ap (a) and photo (b) of t he excavated remains of t he Great w it h standard GPR Roman Bat h of Cambodunum show ing t he w alls and t he locat ion of t he hypocaust pillars. The excavat ion took place already in 1911 and devices. w as refilled afterw ards. w w Survey results: The test survey was executed on a 40 x 40 m grid covering t he main part of t he former Roman Bat h house. The same area was measured simultaneously wit h t he IDS St reamC mult ichannel array and a standard single channel IDS Duo to compare t he corresponding dept h slices (Fig. 5a). The St ream-C data shows a mult it ude of small hypocaust pillars w it h a lateral lengt h of 25 cm (Fig. 5b). In total, around 22% of t he former excavated pillars can be mapped in t he GPR data. The reason for t his, at a first glance, quite low value is t hat t he hypocaust s consisted of unstable layered bricks t hat collapsed during excavat ion or refill. Furt hermore, t he original excavat ion map also has some mistakes in t he locat ion of t he pillars, as not all of t hem were exact ly levelled and simply added in a regular raster. Such deviat ions of t he real posit ion of t he archaeological remains and t heir mapped ones are also documented several t imes during modern excavat ions in Cambodunum . Nevert heless, more t han 89% of t he potent ial hypocaust pillars ident ified in t he GPR data correspond to t he excavat ion map. The remaining error is condit ioned by t he fact t hat in some cases, t he GPR data simply shows bigger stones of t he infill. The effect of t he excavat ion’s refilling w it h t he digging can be Fig. 5: a) Comparison of t he GPR dept h slices of 10 cm t hickness in 65-75 cm dept h of t he IDS seen in t he shallower dept h slices up to 50 cm St ream-C (left ) and t he IDS Duo (right ). (b) A sample hypocaust picked in t he 65-75 cm dept h slice below modern surface t hat show an ext remely and t he corresponding inline and crossline profiles. dist urbed signat ure inside t he building. Looking at t he single channel dataset of t he IDS Duo, reveals t hat , for sure, t he well preserved walls of t he Roman Bat h are visible too (Fig. 5a right ). These feat ures are not t reated furt her, as t hey are already published comprehensively in Linck (2013). However, in t his case only 3% of t he hypocaust pillars can be ident ified in t he corresponding dept h slices. Hence, such small archaeological remains can only be mapped by ult ra-dense GPR antenna arrays and w ill be missed by standard single antenna systems. In case of expected small-scale subsurface st ruct ures, t he applicat ion of an antenna array is t hus advisable. w w Survey device IDS Stream-C: Fig. 3: Layout of t he IDS St ream-C antenna array. The IDS St ream-C mult ichannel array consist s of 23 antenna dipoles in VV configurat ion t hat are 4.4 cm spaced and 9 HH dipoles w it h 10 cm spacing (Fig. 3). The antenna frequency is 600 M Hz. Hence, t he VV dipoles have a distance below t he Nyquist interval and t he corresponding data is fully 3D. Wit hin one survey swat h, a coverage of 96 cm can be achieved (Fig. 4). As t he HH data does not show more informat ion t han t he VV one due to t he dense sample spacing, only t he latter is presented here. Fig. 4: The IDS St ream-C array mounted onto a self-built sled in act ion at t he t est site in Kempten. References: Gott lieb, G., & Weber, G. (1989). Die Frühgeschichte Kemptens. In V. Dotterweich, K. Filser, P. Fried, G. Gott lieb, W. Haberl, & G. Weber (Eds.), Geschichte der Stadt Kempten (pp. 1-68). Verlag Tobias Dannheimer. Linck, R. (2013). M et hodische Untersuchungen zur Weiterent w icklung der Boden- und Satellitenradarprospekt ion in der Archäologie. Shaker Verlag. Weber, G. (2000d). Bauboom in Stein - eine Stadt nach mediterranem Vorbild. In G. Weber (Ed.), Cambodunum - Kempten. Erste Haupt stadt der römischen Provinz Raet ien? (pp. 49-80). Verlag Philipp von Zabern. w w