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Incredible technology changes are defining our current reality, impacting on our approach to society, to planning and to breaking new ground in terms of education. There is a rise of a new generation that is "location-aware" and speaks a... more
Purpose: In today's rapidly developing digital landscape, driven by the innovation of Industry 4.0, an increasingly powerful Generation Z (Gen Z) consumer has emerged. Gen Z has surpassed Millennials as the largest generational cohort... more
Employer-sponsored family-friendly events are designed to boost engagement and encourage retention by building family members’ identification with the organization. These events are usually targeted at employees with dependent children,... more
The purpose of this contribution is to study the importance of values and the intergenerational transmission from the point of view of the z generation. Through the Evs2018 data and a case study that involved 716 subjects between the... more
Non-racialism has been inscribed in the constitution since 1994, yet race remains an important aspect of identity amongst all South Africans, even those born after liberation. This research focused on South Africans aged 18-24, born... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly influenced the work world. One of the most visible impacts on employee lifecycles is the phenomenon called the great resignation, a massive wave of workers quitting across industries that began in... more
Con postfazione di Francesco Inzerillo -- ABSTRACT: L’autore propone, partendo da stimoli a sé coevi, una (inevitabilmente) incompleta visione “da nativo” - con accenni levistraussiani - di una realtà quotidiana dominata dagli... more
Amid the significant growth of the scooter market in Indonesia, investment considerations have encouraged manufacturers to market more global and regional scooter designs, which may not necessarily suit the preferences of Indonesian... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has led restaurants in Puebla City to reduce the flow of customers. This is why it is essential to implement the new hygiene and health provisions following the Protocol for the preventive measures against COVID-19... more
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel zeigt, dass deutsche Nachkriegskohorten sich kaum in ihren Einstellungen unterscheiden, weder in Bezug auf Lebensziele noch in Bezug auf Sorgen oder gesellschaftliches und politisches Engagement. Diese... more
This study examines the Cebuano Millennials' dominant values, including its three subgroups: Early Millennials, Recessionists, and Gen Edgers. A total of 450 Cebuano Millennial respondents ages 18 to 34 years old participated from Cebu... more
The low level of financial satisfaction of Generation Z will make them stressed about their future. This study aims to improve the financial satisfaction of Generation Z with Multiple Linear Regression and Regression Models with... more
Egymás tükrében-a generációs sztereotípiák nyomában Kivonat A középiskolások a Z generáció tagjai, míg a pedagógusok többnyire az X nemzedékhez tartoznak. A dotcom gyerekeknek a virtuális térben folytatott multitasking hatására átalakul... more
This special issue will devote particular attention to Post-Millennials’ cinematic experiences within different media, social, and national landscapes, by valorizing new methodological approaches and theoretical frameworks (deadline:... more
Smart banking services are supposed to be the endeavor of the progressive times. Generation Zis the Tech-Savvy generation while Generation X is the adaptable one, both being of ered the global platform of services at their fingertip. The... more
This dissertation seeks to provide a solution to the declining Evangelical influence in the United States, particularly among Generation Z. The rise in number of those who do not subscribe to a particular religion (“nones”) has doubled in... more
As far as an increasing number of scientists are warning us about the destructive potential of climate change, humanity is facing a tremendous technological revolution. Also, the potential of new technologies to decrease the carbon... more
The global epidemic called COVID-19 has affected every aspect of human life. This epidemic has not only affected developing countries but also largely disrupted economy of developed countries. Undoubtedly, they will have to strive... more
Along with globalization, the structure of markets has changed. In today's markets, it is necessary to analyse the consumers’ profile in order to appeal to consumers or compete with other companies and survive against them.... more
Due to technological evolution and digitalization education has encountered many changes in the last decade. Students as a part of educational system bring their own footprint on it through their learning styles. Therefore, the aim of... more
A mai fiatalok gyakran az interneten élik életüket, a Z generáció szociális interakciói virtuális környezetben zajlanak (Nestik, 2018a). A közösségi oldalakon való folyamatos jelenlét egy, a közösség által elvárt viselkedési forma,... more
Purpose – This paper presents how contemporary students are self-organizing using smart technologies (ST) and the future social implications of ST. The research model is based on the concepts of the soft system methodology, social systems... more
This work wants to analyze the impact of communication on Brand Equity, by comparing a gendered and an ungendered type of advertising relative to a brand of children apparel. The idea of this work comes from the acknowledgement that, to... more
The beauty of the strategic decision making is not only critically scan the current business environment but also consider the major foreseen shifts in business dynamics to remain competitive. Responding too slowly or too earlier to such... more
Mobile phones is one of the most preferred digital devices in constituting a large part of our daily lives in particular. Using of the mobile phones with technical innovations has become more common for this group named as generation Z.... more
The exploration of social media among Gen Z has promoted the development of influencer marketing in emerging markets. This study aims to determine how influencer marketing would impact Vietnamese Gen Z consumer's purchase intention. This... more
Our spoken and written language is changing – and it is our younger people, the “digital natives”, who are leading the way. Many Australians knock young people for the unorthodox ways in which they use language and communicate.... more
A screenshot is a digital image of content appearing on a device’s screen that can be cropped, filtered, retouched, edited, posted, and/or sent to someone else. Anecdotal evidence tells us that screenshots are integrated into our lives,... more
This introductory chapter presents an overview of the state of Filipino millennials. It adopts a critical perspective that challenges the general discourse about them. That the discourse is imported from Western writings and reinforced by... more
Over the last couple of years the realities of massive generational change have dawned on many business leaders. While the issues of an ageing population and a new attitude to work have literally been emerging for a generation, it has... more
Business world began to realize that humans have such a place above other production factors; even more the most important value. In such an environment where changes occur so fast and competition increase, companies having broader... more
In Indonesia, the majority of internet users in 2014 aged 18-25 years which is 49% are digital natives or native speakers of digital technology. The generation of digital generation Z (1996-2009) was born when the internet is already... more
The unique social position of Generation Z and their individual and collective experiences and characteristics may pose a challenge to educators worldwide. Understanding the characteristics or behaviors of this cohort and how to support... more
Purpose: The public relations industry is in the midst of a changing media landscape as a new group of high street consumers are emerging; Generation Z. Research shows that this growing consumer base is less responsive to traditional... more
ABSTRAK Salah satu fungsi dalam lakuan tutur dalam komunikasi ialah kritikan. Lakuan tutur kritikan ialah lakuan yang digunakan oleh penutur untuk menilai secara negatif apa yang diperkata atau apa yang dilakukan oleh pendengar dengan... more
In recent years, digitalization has detached television content from the television screen, and so the television is no longer the only choice for personal audiovisual consumption. The audio-visual market is facing increased fragmentation... more
The paper presents, in a comparative manner, four generations of individuals active on the labour market, focusing on their own subcultures. Briefly exposing the main characteristics of each generation, namely Baby Boomers, Generation X,... more
A reconstruction of Astin (1984)'s theory of student involvement from Fall 2017's Student Development Theories for College Student Personnel Work course.
In retailing, it is recognized that prominent differences exist between generational cohorts. As such, analysis of varying patterns of personality traits and their effects between generations is essential for understanding consumer... more
Generations Y and Z are often compared in the media and academically, since their members are considered digital natives, face similar social issues and have aligned moral concerns. Using Video Apps ("Vine", "Tiktok" and "YouTube") as a... more
Az egyik alapvető emberi hajtóerő, hogy mind szeretnénk tartozni valahová: egy közösséghez, csoporthoz, vagy akár egy másik emberhez. Elég csak ötven évre visszatekintenünk ahhoz, hogy hatalmas változást vegyünk észre abban, hogyan... more
Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of environmental concern, perceived value, personal norms, and willingness to pay on generation Z’s purchase intention for recycled clothing. Design/methodology/approach... more
A digitalizáció eredményeként az emberi kapcsolataink is átalakulóban vannak. A kommunikáció jelentős mértékben az online világ felé tolódott, ami egyrészt könnyebbé teszi a kapcsolattartást a távoli ismerőseinkkel, de tanulmányok... more