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Dominant narratives in international relations and security treat sexual violence in conflict as an exceptional form of gender-based violence, perpetrated primarily against women and girls. Due to underreporting and a programmatic bias of... more
Rape and other forms of sexual violence have always been a consistent feature of war. Yet it is only fairly recently that researchers have identified rape as a deliberate tool of war-making rather than simply an inevitable side effect of... more
In the discipline of International Relations, migration is primarily handled as a matter of security. This perception of security is come into view as a result of politics determined at different levels in the manner of individual,... more
En un periodo de profundos cambios en el sistema internacional, es aún más necesario contar con los marcos de análisis e interpretación adecuados para la comprensión correcta de su alcance y significado. Esta obra pretende ofrecer una... more
This chapter brings the field of feminist ethics together with the growing body of critical scholarship in international relations devoted to examining the impact of private military and security companies (PMSCs) in order to assess the... more
While feminism and environmentalism have long and illustrious histories in the annals of social movements, together they are less well recognised or understood beyond the academic community. Far from being an eclectic intersection of... more
While this article offers a reading of the film 'Pearl Harbor' in relation to the events of September 11, 2001, it also provides my preliminary queer reading of how al Qaeda operates through what I have gone on to argue is a queer logic... more
Makale, I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Gelibolu Yarımadası’nda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile İtilaf Devletleri arasında yapılan deniz ve kara muharebelerinden oluşan, Çanakkale Savaşı’nı Feminist Uluslararası İlişkiler teorisinin temel tezleri... more
La teoría feminista de las Relaciones Internacionales es, quizás, el marco con mayor potencial crítico para reimaginar el mundo, la sociedad, el progreso humano, y construir utopías posibles y deseables. Es una teorización subversiva, en... more
In September 2014, the Social Democrats and the Green party secured enough votes in the Swedish general election to be invited to form a minority government. Later the same year, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announced that his government... more
While feminism and environmentalism have long and illustrious histories in the annals of social movements, together they are less well recognised or understood beyond the academic community. Far from being an eclectic intersection of... more
While self­reflexivity certainly is useful when aiming to reconsider our thinking about and acting in international politics, it can also function as a hegemonic practice of containing radical critique. The author introduces approaches... more
This article investigates the limits of the concept of militarization and proposes an alternative concept: martial politics. It argues that the concept of militarization falsely presumes a peaceful liberal order that is encroached on by... more
A disciplina de Relações Internacionais, que para muitos teve sua fundação há cerca de cem anos, avançou muito com o passar do tempo e o aprofundamento de seus debates. As teorias reflexivistas, que surgiram com o propósito de romper com... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı 1980’lerin sonlarından itibaren uluslararası ilişkiler disiplini içerisinde yer edinmeye başlayan feminist uluslararası ilişkiler yaklaşımının temel savunularını, alana yönelik eleştiri noktalarını ortaya koymak ve bu... more
With seismic changes in the geopolitical order underway at the end of the late 1980s and in the early 1990s, popular culture became one of the arenas in which these shifts were most conspicuously addressed, even though scholarship in the... more
Essa pesquisa analisa a criminalização da homotransexualidade em Uganda e a proteção internacional dos direitos humanos de LGBTI’s. Partindo do principio de que diversos discursos, produzidos pelos saberes hegemônicos, geraram uma... more
Die im hegemonialen Terrorismuswissen auffallende Bezugnahme auf die 72 Jungfrauen, die islam(ist)ische Selbstmordattentäter angeblich als Belohnung für ihre Tat erwarten, der mit der viel zitierten Assassinen-Legende immer wiederkehrende... more
While feminism and environmentalism have long and illustrious histories in the annals of social movements, together they are less well recognised or understood beyond the academic community. Far from being an eclectic intersection of... more
This piece is a 'conference report' about ISA 2018 (International Studies Association 59th Annual Convention, San Francisco). The review focuses on two panels on international ethics and decolonial critique organised by Louiza Odysseos... more
My response to The Onion video called 'Trump Supporter Feels Betrayed by President after Reading 800 Pages of Queer Feminist Theory'. free access on The Disorder of Things Blog at... more
Realism is the paradigm that provides norms of state behavior and structure of interstate relations in anarchic situations and considers power politics as a mechanism to resolve conflict, inherent in world order. Feminist perspective... more
In this paper, I will mainly discuss the radical view of feminism in international relations and I will examine two aspects of this set of perspective.First, the gendered power and the patriarchal oppressions in human societies. Second,... more
My reflections on two of my Queer IR publications - my 1999 book Faking It and my 2016 book Queer International Relations - as the concluding piece of a symposium on 'Faking It in 21th Century IR/Global Politics', to be published in... more
While feminism and environmentalism have long and illustrious histories in the annals of social movements, together they are less well recognised or understood beyond the academic community. Far from being an eclectic intersection of... more
In this blog post, I argue that the Trump regime's response to the apparently chemical warfare attack in Syria this March (2017) has little to do with humanitarian objectives--and everything to do with political posturing with respect to... more
Un análisis teminista del Derecho Internacional de los derechos humanos (DIDH) revela que, de maneras muy diversas, las mujeres han sido sistemáticamente marginadas y/o excluidas frente al pretendido estándar universal (masculino) que... more
En este breve artículo se presenta la teoría feminista de las RRII, analizando los principales postulados, las unidades de análisis y el por qué es necesaria para un enfoque genuinamente integral de la disciplina.
This chapter explores the free-trade vision of international feminist peace activists from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. Economic globalisation in the post-1945 era is commonly associated with free trade, marked by the... more
This paper aims to refute the “incompatibility thesis” that nationalism is incompatible with transnational feminist solidarity, as it fosters exclusionary practices, xenophobia, and racism among feminists with conflicting nationalist... more
Should we feminise a complex tactic of political violence, just because women have become visible in it, and generalise it as illegitimate in the first place? I suggest we speak of women suicide bombers and female suicide bombing instead... more
A surprisingly understudied topic in international relations is gender-based asylum. Gender-based asylum offers protection from deportation for migrants who have suffered gender violence and persecution in their home countries. Countries... more