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Although the existence of foreign fighters is nothing new in the inter- national arena, the phenomenon has not yet triggered a substantial reflection in International Relations (IR) theory. A relatively rare phenomenon before the 1980s,... more
Action-­sentences about states, such as 'North Korea conducted a nuclear test', are ubiquitous in discourse about international relations. Although there has been a great deal of debate in IR about whether states are agents or actors, the... more
The end of the Cold War led to intense debates about how change happens in international politics. In this article, we argue that practice theory has great potential for illuminating this question. Drawing on Vincent Pouliot’s empirical... more
Multiplicity claims to provide common ground for International Relations and, potentially, to appeal across the epistemological and theoretical spectra of the discipline. However, Multiplicity also challenges existing theories of the... more
هه‌ر له‌سه‌ره‌تاى دامه‌زراندنى ده‌وڵه‌تى توركیاى كۆمارى له‌ساڵى 1923 له‌سه‌ر ده‌ستى موسته‌فا كه‌مال ئه‌تاتورك تاوه‌كو ساڵى 1974، ده‌وڵه‌تى توركیا ڕێگربووه‌ له‌به‌رده‌م ماف و داخوازییه‌كانى كورد له‌و وڵاته‌. دواى نزیكه‌ى چوار ده‌یه‌ له‌... more
While IR’s Eurocentric limits are usually acknowledged, what those limits mean for theorizing about the international is seldom clarified. In The Global Transformation, Buzan and Lawson offer a ‘composite approach’ that goes some way... more
his book examines the changing dynamics of power in the international arena since the end of the Cold War. Brown engages in analysis of how the United States and the European Union have responded to the so-called rise of China through an... more
El presente trabajo académico se interesa por exponer la óptica con la que las comunidades académicas de China y Corea del Sur abordan y se interesan por aproximarse a la disciplina de Relaciones Internacionales. Ello a partir de una... more
"The aim of this paper is to establish a political framework to mitigate the crisis propensity of power transitions in the international system. One approach that focuses on this phenomenon is Power Transition Theory, which warns that... more
No phenomenon is arguably more central to the study of international relations (IR) than war. The history of armed conflict is deeply intertwined with the formation of virtually every nation-state and it was the very superiority of the... more
" We do acknowledge we are no longer the poorest of the poor. But we don't accept that we should be totally excluded. "-Former President of Botswana's Pestus Mogae
This book critically engages with NATO’s two main referent objects of security: civilisation and individuals. By rethinking the seemingly natural assumption of these two referent objects, it suggests the epistemological importance of an... more
For international relations (IR) scholars, the story behind the figure of Udjahorresnet might seem as an obscure phase in international history. Yet the pre-Roman period is educative for testing constitutive IR concepts such as the balance... more
This chapter of the Routledge Handbook of Latin American Security explores how the interaction between security dynamics and regional institutions has been studied so far in Latin America. The first section approaches the question from... more
يتناول هذا البحث مساهمة النظرية النسوية في العلاقات الدولية
Scholars and policymakers currently lack systematic criteria for determining the credibility of China's foreign policy signals, which has produced widely divergent conclusions about its likely intentions. "China optimists" view China's... more
This is the table of contents of my forthcoming book, Political Theology of International Order, Oxford University Press, 2020. It investigates presuppositions of international order that originate in medieval theology. The main argument... more
International relations must distance itself from its Eurocentric and masculine moorings if it is to address its increasing irrelevance in the modern world and become more "international" and truly inclusive. The theoretical position of... more
India’s rise has changed the nature of its relationships with other major players in the Asia-Pacific region. In response, regional states and great powers have moved to “engage” India. But what does “engagement” involve? And which... more
In recent years, scholars in the academic discipline of International Relations (IR) have become increasingly interested in practices and the everyday. As part of this trend, which is often referred to as IR's "practice turn," a broad... more
The internet has developed into the number one port for communication and information. With the millions of websites available, search engines play a vital role in filtering information online. Over time, both search engines and technical... more
In 2009, after US president Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize for, amongst others, his commitment to long-term nuclear disarmament (BBC,2009), Time Magazine published an article titled “Want Peace? Give the Nuke a Nobel”. This... more
ABSTRACT (does not appear in published version): Much has been written in the past two decades about the sociological and geographic dimensions of knowledge and power in the IR discipline — research funding patterns, social networks,... more
ABSTRACT Peripheral Realism postulates that the interstate system is not “anarchic” (in the Waltzian sense) but imperfectly hierarchic. States do not have the same functions. There are states that rule (the ones with rule-making... more
This book emphasizes on the comparative study of theoretical as well as hypothetical issues of structural realism of international relations theory vis-à-vis those of systemic geopolitical analysis. Are they scientific fields evolving in... more
E.H. Carr was one of Europe’s preeminent thinkers in the field of international affairs. Yet his contribution to International Relations theory is continually questioned. Realists depict Carr as a quintessential realist; revisionists draw... more
Una lectura que muestra la utilización de las teorías de RRII. El libro cubre diversas teorías de relaciones internacionales, desde racionalistas al constructivismo, con algunas aportaciones teóricas novedosas. Cada capítulo analiza el... more
Are rising authoritarian powers such as China and Russia converging towards or challenging the normative structures of the liberal international order? This article argues that scholarship on norm contestation provides a fruitful... more
The World War I marked dramatic changes in international political landscape as evidence by the catastrophic costs of the Great War and an increasing role of the U.S. in world stage. In the immediate aftermath of the war, the U.S and... more
The term "cable," as used in the context of diplomacy, is ambiguous. It denotes both a message and its technological messenger. Telegraph wires were used around the middle of the nineteenth century to connect the capitals of Europe. The... more
In the classical meaning, the international society consisting of sovereign states plays a role of an international environment in the international system. Taking into consideration the dynamic transformation in the world politics after... more
Hans Morgenthau’s Scientific Man vs. Power Politics appeared one year after he received tenure at the University of Chicago. Thus, the monograph demarcates the beginning of Morgenthau’s career in the United States, to which he had... more
This article argues that an engagement with the political philosophy of Leo Strauss is of considerable value in International Relations (IR), in relation to the study of both recent US foreign policy and contemporary IR theory. The... more
The origins of international conflict are often explained by security dilemmas, power-rivalries or profits for political or economic elites. Common to these approaches is the idea that human behaviour is mostly governed by material... more
This volume addresses the ethics of war in an era when non-state actors are playing an increasingly prominent role in armed conflict. Central to this concern is the issue of whether, or under what conditions, non-state actors can be said... more
Scheda analitica realizzata nell'ambito del corso di Relazioni Internazionali della prof.ssa Ruth Hanau Santini, che tratta dell'articolo di Alexander Wendt "L'anarchia è ciò che gli stati ne fanno" che ha aperto le porte al... more