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Este artículo plantea que The Tombs of Atuan es una novela de formación femenina que se aparta de los códigos tradicionales de la variante realista y hegemónica del subgénero. Esto debido a que presenta dos elementos no miméticos: un... more
This paper seeks to study the relationship between the mother-daughter in two of her earliest novels; The Grass is Singing and Martha Quest, employing the ideas regarding this relationship discussed by Nancy Chodorow in her book The... more
El trabajo plantea la pregunta sobre la identidad y los procesos de concienciación en tres generaciones de mujeres que reciben el nombre de Mariana, durante buena parte del siglo XX en eje cafetero colombiano, generaciones de mujeres... more
"Ruth Hall" by Fanny Fern is different from other novels written by and addressed to women: its plot, protagonist, and style prove that Fern’s book is an unconventional female Bildungsroman. To prove this statement, this paper will... more
La critica letteraria ha codificato come Bildungsroman la forma narrativa con cui il romanzo di formazione delinea il percorso con cui un giovane uomo giunge alla maturità. Dove si collocano le donne e le scrittrici che le raccontano in... more
Cilj ovog rada je da ponudi čitanje romana Biljane Jovanović, Pada Avala (1978), kao jednog od prvih primera ženske proze u jugoslovenskoj/srpskoj književnosti. Uz to, ukazuje se i na mogućnosti tumačenja ovog romana kao ženskog... more
(A World of Euphemism: Representations of Macao in the Work of Austin Coates: City of Broken Promises as Historical Novel and Female Bildungsroman (Lisbon: FCT and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2009) Abstract Although the first depiction... more
Abstract This essay examines Irmgard Keun's novelDas kunstseidene Mädchen (1932) against the backdrop of Weimar-era discourses on the emancipatory potential of vision. While the narrative's thematization of vision has been productively... more
XVIII. yüzyılda Alman edebiyatında belirleyici özelliklerini kazanan Bildungsroman, bireyin çeşitli aşamalardan geçerek edindiği gelişimi, olgunlaşmayı konu edinen bir roman türüdür. Tür, zaman içerisinde bir takım değişikliklere... more
A paradox haunts the bildungsroman: few protagonists successfully complete the process of maturation and socialization that ostensibly defines the form. From the despondent endings of Dickens’s Great Expectations and Meredith’s The Ordeal... more
ROMANI NAĐE TESIĆ: AUTOFIKCIJA, ROD I FILM U radu nastojimo da predstavimo dela autorke Nađe Tešić (1939, Užice – 2014, Njujork) pozicionirajući ih u kontekst književnosti imigranata koju su autori srpskog porekla pisali na... more
This paper analyses Margaret Drabble’s A Summer Bird-Cage as a female Bildungsroman. Firstly, the role of education is addressed. A journey, in the physical and spiritual sense, is discussed in the third part. Marriage and motherhood are... more
O Bildungsroman surge na Alemanha, no final do século XVIII, tendo Goethe como um de seus principais expoentes. Pertencem a este gênero romances nos quais são retratados os processos de formação e amadurecimento do protagonista, diante de... more
J[oanne] K. Rowling's Harry Potter franchise set a powerful new distribution model for cross-marketing cultural content spanning a variety of age, race, and gender demographics. Hot across Potter's jugular, the coming-of-age novel series... more
The paper discusses the beginning of female bildungsroman in the Czech culture between the 1860s and 1870s and recognises the process of establishing its main hermeneutic codes concerning gender, nation, and class. Firstly, I investigate... more
Eine Buchbesprechung des Essayromans „Europas längster Sommer“ von Maxi Obexer, die unternommen aus der Perspektive eines Oberschlesiers aufzuweisen versucht, dass Literatur anderer Grenzgebiete, durch ein Potenzial von analogen... more
The Chicano Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s initiated a strong political consciousness amongst Mexican-Americans, turned the previously derogatory terms ‘Chicano’ and ‘Chicana’ into assertions of ethnic pride, and sparked the creation... more
BILGEN AKMAN: Female Lead Characters as examples of Bildungsroman heroines in L’Amour, la fantasia by Assia Djebar and Les Yeux baissés by Tahar Ben Jelloun (Under the direction of Dr. Hassan Melehy) This thesis presents two Maghrebian... more
El presente comentario crítico pretende exponer cómo la novela Colombina y el pez azul (2008) basa su narrativa en las características esenciales del Bildungsroman, en particular en su manifestación femenina y en su vinculación con la... more
Un’autopsia senza cadavere, questo è l’inusuale incarico che Arianna D., anatomopatologa alle soglie della pensione vede affidarsi da Giovanna Docra, antropologa di 47 anni, trasferitasi a Stoccolma, con marito e due figli gemelli, in... more
Šioje recenzijoje Viktorijos Daujotytės romaną "Juozapa ir jos seserys" aptariu moterų bildungsromanų kontekste. Lietuvių literatūros tradicijoje jis daugiausia sąsajų turi su Šatrijos Raganos apysaka "Viktutė", kurioje pirmą kartą mūsų... more
ResumenEste artículo plantea que The Tombs of Atuan es una novela de formación femenina que se aparta de los códigos tradicionales de la variante realista y hegemónica del subgénero. Esto debido a que presenta dos elementos no miméticos:... more
У раду се кроз анализу наративних иновација у два романа Милице Јанковић, Пре среће (1924) и Мутна и крвава (1932), указује на два књижевна поља из којих такви приповедачки поступци произилазе: (европска) авангардна књижевност и (српска)... more
La critica letteraria ha codificato come Bildungsroman la forma narrativa con cui il romanzo di formazione delinea il percorso con cui un giovane uomo giunge alla maturità. Dove si collocano le donne e le scrittrici che le raccontano in... more
Itinéraires d'un genre. Variations autour du Bildungsroman dans la littérature nigériane contemporaine.
Synopsis of the novel:
Autopsia di una felicità mancata [Autopsy of a missed happiness]
by Annalisa Marinelli, Iacobellieditore, 2021
(translated by Marco Federighi)
“Destinies of Bildung: Belatedness and the Modernist Novel.” In A History of the Modernist Novel. Ed. Gregory Castle. Cambridge University Press, 2015. 483-507.